Рыбаченко Олег Павлович : другие произведения.

Armageddon Of The Lucifer

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    Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!

  Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
  ? 2015 - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
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  Published in Canada by Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc.
  О книге.
   Near future...
   Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Stelzana have a uniform origin with people left considerably further them scientific and technical development, by means of gains having created the empire which sizes it is difficult to present. They have special troops from the fighters having supernatural force too. There is a great number of others, not less blood-thirsty of empires inomiryan, physiologically alien to people. Large-scale space war begins, in Stelzanat the fifth raises the head of colon. The whimsical Pallada provides to mankind chance, and to Eraskander and his friends an opportunity to get access practically to Omnipotence. But to take a prize it is necessary to pass: thousands of galaxies to visit the parallel Universes, to solve hundreds of the most difficult problems. Film!
   This work a new series of works opens: under the general name "Blossoming and Crash of Empires". The latest fantastic novel, is written in a genre of a superfilm opening subject, future relations of people with representatives of other civilizations. What waits from a meeting with newcomers: world, friendship, star brotherhood or ruthless space wars.
   Near future...
   Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Stelzana have a uniform origin with people left considerably further them scientific and technical development, by means of gains having created the empire which sizes it is difficult to present. They have special troops from the fighters having supernatural force too. There is a great number of others, not less blood-thirsty of empires inomiryan, physiologically alien to people. Large-scale space war begins, in Stelzanat the fifth raises the head of colon. The whimsical Pallada provides to mankind chance, and to Eraskander and his friends an opportunity to get access practically to Omnipotence. But to take a prize it is necessary to pass: thousands of galaxies to visit the parallel Universes, to solve hundreds of the most difficult problems.
   When so incalculable armada approaches, it is terrible, from a distance it seemed, the multi-color, scintillating fog creeps. And each sparkle is the demon called by magic of the sorcerer necromancer. Over twelve and a half million military space vessels of the main classes, and infinite small "komarilnya", taking into account continually the arriving reinforcements its number approached two-lips to millions. The front stretched for couple of parsecs, in such scales even flagman ultra-battle ships look as a grain of sand in the Sahara.
   Decisive battle approaches: Stelzanat against the many-sided "Coalition of rescue" which solved to strike blow to fleet of a cruel aggressor instead of continuous tactics of eternally late defense most. So much here is the ships, tremendous though in most cases only the variety preventing to battle effectively. Well, here for example a starprobe vehicle in the form of a harpsichord or with long barrels instead of strings a harp, and even a contrabass with a tower of the tank of times of World War II. It can and makes impression on nervous, but is rather capable to cause laughter, than fear.
   Their opponents the empire applying for a role of the universal power. Great Stelzanat, where everything is placed at service to war, the main slogan - efficiency and expediency. Unlike the coalition starprobe vehicles of stelzan differ with only sizes. And a form almost same - very predatory by sight, deep-water fishes. Can with the only exception: the thick, distinguishing steel daggers looking like - grabs.
   Stars in this part of space are not too densely scattered on the sky, but picturesque, peculiar in the light scale. For some reason looking at these stars, there is a sad feeling as if you look angels in the face that living beings of the universe for their mean, truly savage behavior condemn.
   Stelzanat's army, did not hurry to come to a meeting, only separate mobile groups, promptly, using superiority in speed, attacked the opponent, caused a loss and left back. In reply to them tried to meet by protecting fire, but more bright and perfect protection of a stelzana, acted much more effectively. Were torn as at a mine detonation, seeming in space scales melkoty - the cruiser and destroyers. But here it was succeeded to dump also big game. One of enormous battle ships of the coalition was padded, it densely filled with smoke, warped also onboard a giant starprobe vehicle as if the fire in the dry wood panic blazed.
   To Inomiryana similar to jerboas only with claws instead of a tail, in fear run up, at the same time heart-rendingly squealing and jumping up. Between them the types more small which are looking like hybrids of bears and ducks move. Beaks for wild horror are bent, distributed kryak, scatter, here lighting up, feathers. Here one of bear ducks turned over head over heels, zavorotiv the head in a fire-prevention tube. There to it directly in a throat also lashed foam, a stomach instantly undressed and, the bird's carcass burst, having sprayed krovishche from the remains of the flesh proceeding the child.
   Jerboas grow roots, aspire to saving modules, but, seemingly, that the system giving illusive hope for a survival is hopelessly damaged. Their general Ta-ka-ta lets out hysterical peep:
   - About gods of a quadrature of a universal circle, on....
   It was not succeeded to finish speaking, the superflame covered its unlucky excellency. Flesh of a reasonable rodent was scattered on elementary particles.
   The battle ship burned down, extorting the transferred bubbles in vacuum, and then jerked, having scattered on a set of splinters.
   Stelzanat's hyper marshal the Big Cudgel ordered:
   - To push forward eight hundred fifty thousand super frigates, and also abrupt grabs. Let's sweep on enemy backs.
   Frigates tried to hold a system, having been built separate lines. Rocket the cruiser and grabs together with fighters formed similarity of a close-meshed network. Originally they tried to fire at the opponent at a big distance, using not new to the Universe, but extremely destructive weapon: termokvarkovy rockets. As if boxing tactics of a large pancher, punch long left Jeb and hold the partner at a distance. The ships of the coalition moved back, the aryergardny part of starprobe vehicles was torn forward, trying to break to a battlefield in time. Stelzana using the advantage in organization and maneuverability as if a dagger cut more friable creation of forces resisting to them. Among trying to come inomiryan everything losses increased.
   Two-star the beauty general Lira Velimara on the high-speed grab. It is such kind of a fighting starprobe vehicle that unlike ordinary cruisers in it instead of guns there are antenna radiators, at fighting application - corroding armor of the ships of the opponent. There are gravioplazmenny waves, on vacuum. Black space from their movements which are filling in space is painted as if water from the spilled gasoline. Action is very destructive. Tools unsuccessfully trying to oppose them inomiryan bend, cause hindrances in computer targeting, or even at big intensity cause a detonation in annihilation fuses of termokvarkovy rockets. The opponent's starprobe vehicles as fishes under a film of lubricating oil, some of them not from metal or ceramics, and a biological origin and quite really writhe in the most terrible convulsions.
   Here one more of battle ships begins, flaring to be scattered as if enormous Lamansh the ship is put by diameter in passage width from the bones of dominoes poured by gasoline. About losses from among starprobe vehicles more small needless to say. The coalition inomiryan obviously gives in, probably the newest weapon of stelzan - the let-out gravioplazma, literally shocked space troops of several hundred empires.
   Gengir Volk operates fire, moving in a certain order to palm fingers in front of the scanner. Externally stelzan the general of one star is similar on mighty powerful addition of the person about a face of the young man most of all suitable for the nazi poster - "the true Aryan". The aggressive and nice guy, but is evil beauty - the Lucifer. Stelzan is spitefully shown, striking blows. He feels confusion of the variegated crowd which gathered from several galaxies. Well, let they will bunch even stronger, will strengthen panic. When the main forces of Purple Constellation engage, there will be victorious, joyful for one also the most sad for others the end.
   The coalition works a little chaotically, instead of organized repulse, obscure maneuvers, here even two gross battle ship despite space distances, having gone blind, floated towards each other, later with a roar, by means of gravitational waves, painfully giving in ears of close being fighters, faced.
   In them partitions broke, fighting offices, barracks cabins, training and entertaining halls were rumpled. There was all this to inflow speed, quickly enough, to deprive of chances of rescue, but nevertheless painfully slowly, giving chance to millions of living beings who got to a trap to feel dreadful fear of relentless death.
   Here the countess of race Fae, very similar to a violet bouquet with pink in golden curls frog to pads, accepts painful death, confessing... To the fighting radiator. The hologram of the computer says prayers and in accelerated tempo absolves sins. Such is religion it the glamourous nation, your high-tech weapon plays a role of the priest, only the cybernetic intelligence so is considered, has sufficient sanctity and purity to serve as the intermediary between a live organism and God Bog. The last words of the priest radiator became:
   - The world is not deprived of a charm, but do not sacrifice to God nasty thing!
   Lira Velimara harmonous and athletic a team dump in a particular treatment, the squeezed speech code playing a double role. The board ciphering from possible wiretaps of team, and accelerating transfer of orders, a magotelepatichesky impulse.
   Cruisers, destroyers, brigantines, and even one kosmomatka, is damaged or is total the vessels destroyed by her starprobe vehicle. The lira logically notes:
   - Courage can compensate insufficient training, but never training compensates courage!
   Their grab already almost to a limit lowered termokvarkovy energy (for the present its application so not perfectly) the reactor and with alarm expects team. Already many hundreds of thousands of enemy ships of the main classes are destroyed, battle happens on the widest front.
   The order is given, they hurried, is organized to recede again to be loaded at cargo stations - special containers starprobe vehicles.
   And the Hyper marshal the Big cudgel threw new forces into battle:
   In particular its personal leader ultra-battle ship "Mace"
   Further two other giants "the Supreme Ace" and "A red right hand" moved forward. They were developed by tens of thousands big and small tools and radiators. Over them flickered a little protective layers: a graviomatritsa, the magoprostranstvenny fields (passing matter only in one direction), a power reflector. All cybernetic devices worked at sub-level hyper plasma that gave resistance to hindrances. At the same time an enormous radar which created to the opponent's electronics Jesuit hitches were used.
   Eruptions lethal fell down... Three vast objects sought to disperse more widely that it is the most effective to exterminate the opponent. They are almost impregnable as if the fireball, flying by, burns the poplar down flitting in space, it and their killing impact on starprobe vehicles inomiryan. Forcing them to recede in panic. On vacuum the uncountable saving modules which are looking like children's color pilyulk dissipate. Stelzana yet not them is not paid attention, then it will be possible to finish. They bear too is, however, insignificant losses, small in comparison with the opponent.
   But at the same time on the flaring starprobe vehicles, there are no crush and panic. Evacuation takes place is very coped as if it is not live organisms, but biorobots. Besides still as if derisively over death is followed by gallant songs.
   Here Lira Velimara's grab: such special carrier of gravitational plasma which was unexpected on annihilation power. Charging passed instantly and again in fight.
   The starprobe vehicle gathers, the maximum dispersal, Lira even adheres for the stabilizer not to fall on a back. Still very bright, long and thick hair flutters from streams of counter air.
   It is difficult to believe that to this little girl-bogatyrke two hundred cycles already knocked. As far as at it a fresh and clean face, mobile with furious expression, on the contrary angelic or playful. It is a lot of at it behind shoulders of battles, but never it seemed, she will not be tired of them. Each new fight it something special, with the drawing, inexpressible on beauty and a saturation.
   Here and now at them the latest by the principle of action the weapon against which the enemy will hardly manage to find effective protection, in any case, to a final victory of Stelzanat.
   As the dreadnought of race of Tizt is helpless. The gone blind, losing reference points. To turn the disk which is started up by the athlete that later couple of moments its components were sprayed on galaxy open spaces. Or the next unfortunate victim, at once three gravioplazma of torpedo boats perishing in embraces, tremble the ships which are looking like small fishes as boys.
   The general Vladimir Kramar, correcting aiming of radiators (and not without success, from the new incinerated cruiser there were only monoblock sticks), with regret noted:
   - It is easy to kill, it is difficult to revive, and without violence it is impossible to live in general!
   Lira, operating the star racer, discharging the next stream of destruction, and looking as the ship remade from cargo transport, is also entangled by a plasma network, designated:
   - The death as the faithful companion, will surely come, but if you want to take a walk longer with whimsical life, prove the devotion to mind and courage!
   Gengir Volk hoarsely bellowed, continuing witty verbal turn:
   - To fools they receive laws not of a pisana, but the sanction for their violation also for that clever who wrote these laws!
   Organized resistance of polytypic armada is broken. Flight in space open spaces is similar even to a mountain collapse, it a tornado at once the covered midges jamb brought down and picked up all at once... Prosecution began. As if the pack of wolves drives herd of sheep. Only stelzana where the evil, are more ruthless than wolves. For them it even a question not of a survival, and demonstration of an unbending will and ruthless rage. Pursue, torment, do not allow to leave. And though many children will not wait for the parents (and here beings from floors, same-sex to dozen gathered), and mothers, fathers, neutrals, the sons, daughters and still not particularly whom... What valor in similar murder when even firing in partridges demands more ability and a pressure. Fragments flooded space and fall on stars, causing coronary indignations, prominences, plasma whirlwinds on a surface. Separate stars even change colors, from a set of foreign objects, especially terribly if the being having the personality burns down alive, and the personality is the whole world.
   Even the vacuum can begin to cry, from such defeat...
   Everything stopped suddenly as if did not begin at all. The armada of fleet of Purple Constellation stiffened, and her opponents at once disappeared. It seemed wings, and paws of space Egyptian vultures pasted to space and could not move. And in too time nobody felt the slightest concussion or a push. All events were beyond usual physics.
   The lira furiously roared:
   - It who such, abrupt what managed to stop us?
   Gengir Volk looked with undisguised hatred:
   - I do not know... It in principle is impossible though...-General-stelzan having lowered a voice, before whisper having obviously been frightened, it was given by nervous running by ice eyes on the parties, added. - But here so can stop at once millions of spaceships only Zorgi.
   The lira quietly, even scornfully answered:
   - It, of course, annoyingly, but nobody not in forces to forbid to be at war to live individuals, and to us to stelzana to win!
   Kramar Razorvirov, having defiantly yawned and having thrown itself into a mouth, similarity of abruptly filled sandwich, vigorously chewing, but at the same time by quite distinct voice, summed up the result:
   - The remaining enemy as not finished the cure illness - wait for complications!
   Chapter 1
   Again here blood flows like water,
   Your opponent by sight abrupt.
   But you will not give in to it -
   And you will return the monster in darkness.
   On a black velvet, a bottomless heavenly carpet the sparkling splinters of stars are scattered. The stars which are poured in all flowers of a rainbow so densely cover the heavenly sphere that it seems as if several huge sun faced together, blew up, having scattered is dazzling the shining dew.
   The planet which hanged between uncountable star garlands looks a small, imperceptible point. It looks like a hematite particle among diamond scatterings.
   On the place of the huge crater formed as a result of falling of the annihilation rocket the Galactic Colosseum is located. Highly over it so huge bright projections holograms of the carried-out duels sparkle that it is possible to watch the course of single combat with the naked eye from far space.
   In the center of the grandiose, richly decorated stadium, just also there took place the riveted on itself attention of billions of individuals, ruthless and fascinating fight of gladiators.
   The prostrate, splashed by blood body of one of them, powerlessly shudders...
   In the head - a cannonade, as if covered you with a blast wave which split flesh on the molecules continuing to be torn, burning as if tiny atomic bombs flashes. The effort of will, desperate attempt to gather - and here a crimson veil seemingly slowly settles, but does not cease to be turned before eyes. The haze as if feelers clings to surrounding space... Painfully, flour in each section of the torn to pieces body.
   - Seven... Eight...
   It is heard, hushfully, as through a dense veil, a voice of the passionless computer.
   - Nine... Ten...
   It is necessary to rise quickly, to rise sharply, otherwise there will come the end. But the body is paralyzed. Through a dense red and smoky haze the opponent is vaguely visible. This huge three-legged monster - diploroid. It already lifted the thick and long crest, being going to bring down an edge of a live guillotine with an enormous force. Two enormous claws on each side rapaciously revealed, the third extremity long, prickly brushing away a tail of a scorpion, being behind, impatiently scratched an arena covering. With opposite, hilly, in green warts of a muzzle, yellow, smelly saliva - hissing and smoking in air dripped. The disgusting freak hung over the brawny, blood-stained human body.
   - Eleven... Twelve...
   Now words become painfully deafening as blows of a hammer in eardrums. The computer considers slightly more slowly than standard terrestrial measures of time. Thirteen are already a knockout.
   The decision was born in fractions of a second. Suddenly, sharply straightening the right leg, and using left as a spring, in frenzied rage having dodged as a leopard, the person put the strongest loukik directly on the nervous center of the alien monster - silicon magnesium to a hybrid of a crab and toad. The blow was strong, sharp and exact, besides coincided with oncoming traffic of a beast. The monster of sub-space (intermediate habitat, capable to travel between stars being replenished with energy of electromagnetic waves, but in the manned worlds a predator; not disdaining a consuming of organic chemistry of all types) slightly settled, but did not fall. This kind of diploroid has several nervous centers that strongly distinguishes them from other creatures. The blow to the largest of them caused only partial paralysis.
   The opponent of the monster, despite big shoulders and relief muscles, was very young, almost the boy. Lines of a ruddy face thin, but expressive. If they are not distorted by pain and rage, then seem naive and gentle. When it appeared on the arena, on stands even there passed the disappointment rumble how peace and harmless teenager, the person gladiator looked. Though now, it is not the boy any more, and the enraged young of wild animal, eyes throw up such frenzied hatred that it seemed, will incinerate not worse than the ultralaser. From the struck blow the guy nearly broke a leg, but continued to move with speed of a cat, though limped a little.
   Pain cannot break a cheetah, it will only mobilize, all hidden reserves of a young organism, entering into similarity of a trance!
   In the boy's head as if thousands of drums beat, on veins and sinews streams, unrestrained energy. A series of the powerful accented blows to the mastodon case followed. In reply the monster swung sharp in half-centner weight claws. Usually at these animals reaction of jugglers, but the direct shot on a nerve ganglion slowed down it. The young fighter, having made a somersault, left from a terrible crest and it appeared behind the back of the monster. Having held up a knee and having passed a hand from claws, the young man struck blow to it with an elbow, having enclosed all the weight, and made sharp turn of the case. The crunch of the broken extremity was heard. Having appeared under the wrong corner, the claw was distressed, blood scattered small fountainlet, stinking, zhaby color. Though the touch of the liquid which is throwing up from a creature, lasted all a moment, the young gladiator felt a severe burn, on a breast and the right hand pale crimson blisters were instantly blown up. It was necessary to jump aside and break off a distance. The animal cast out a painful cry - mix of a roar of a lion, croaking of a frog and hissing of a viper. In mad rage the monster rushed forward - the young man covered with mix of blood and sweat, having made the somersault cascade, flew away to an armor grid. With running start, having enclosed all the weight, the monster struck with a crest, seeking to punch the opponent's breast. The young man left from blow, and the thick crest stitched through the metal gauze. Continuing to move by inertia, generation of a space underworld thrust the extremity in the following network with the most powerful charge of current. From a fencing sparks departed, categories walked on a mastodon body, began to smell the flaring metal, and unimaginably vile burning organic chemistry. Any terrestrial animal would be dead, but this representative of fauna it is visible at once that absolutely other corporal structure. The monster could not pull out the trunk at once - and a series prompt as rotation of blades of the propeller, blows followed. However an electrostatic charge, with small lateness having overcome resistance of alien flesh, prebolno sadanut the young fighter. Having jumped aside, having constrained shout, from tearing the piercing each vein and a stone of pain, the gladiator stood and, having crossed on the scratched hand breast, began to meditate standing. Its immovability against nadsazhivayushchegosya an animal and storming as a storm of public seemed unusual as if at the little god who appeared in a scorching heat.
   The boy was quiet as a surface of the stood ocean, he knew... Only one reception is capable to cut down such monster. Very powerful blow.
   Having broken off a crest to pieces of bloody meat, diploroid jumped all the weight on the become impudent hairless monkey. Unless it is possible to allow some small primacy to win a victory over himself. Having collected will, having concentrated all charkas and energy in a uniform bunch, the young man struck the strongest blow in a jump. This most ancient reception of Haar-Marada available to the little is capable to kill also the one who puts it. The blow had in already prostrate nervous main center of the huge fighter. Its body weight and speed increased force of kinetic energy, and, this time, the nerve ganglion was not simply injured - from concussion several main nervous stalks became torn. The Kristallo-metallichesky giant was finally paralyzed.
   Hulk flew away in one party, the young man - in another.
   The cybernetic judge a deep voice counted:
   - Time... Two... Rub...
   He considered in language of stelzan.
   Both fighters lay not movably, in the last blow the young man broke the monster, but itself broke a leg. However the consciousness did not manage to hang up to the end the gladiator, and the boy athletically put, overcoming pain, rose, having raised the crossed hands squeezed in fists (a victory sign in a sign language of the Empire of stelzan).
   - Twelve!. Thirteen!. The fighter, the native of the planet Earth - Lev Eraskander won. Its age 20 native years or 15 standard. This is the debutant on the combative arena. The champion of galactic sector of Ikhend-16 according to SSK of fights without rules, the participant with a rating 99:1:2 - to Asceses verd lost it Asonet whose age of 77 standard years.
   Somewhere from above the multi-colored play of light flashed, being dissolved in the improbable, incorporated all infinite scale of space, kaleidoscopical shades of a rainbow.
   The hologram on which fight was shown grew to seven thousand kilometers over a dome of the former ancient theater. The young man represented an entertaining show. The person in blood. The broken jaw swelled, the nose is flattened out. The torso in bruises, burns and scratches, crimson blood flows down together with then. The breast waves from tension, each sigh gives severe pain of the broken ribs. Bones of hands are broken and swelled up, one leg is broken, the thumb is beaten out from another. A look - as if you were passed via the meat grinder. Not on age convex muscles play as mercury balls. They lack weight yet, but the magnificent relief and a deep portrayal are evident. The handsome - you will tell nothing. Apollo after fight of titans!
   The deafening roar of hundreds of millions of throats sounds, generally it is humanoid beings with wings, trunks and others. They make an uncountable set of sounds - from low-frequency to ultrasonic ranges. Infernal cacophony suddenly is interrupted by measured thunderous sounds. The anthem of the greatest Empire of stelzan sounds. Music is deep, expressive, terrible. Though Lev also did not love the occupational anthem, the music simulated by the hyper plasma computer and executed on thousands musical instruments shook imagination.
   From a reasonable animal prostrate restrictedly the whole pool of fetid, poisonous-green blood flowed out. The mobile path (colors khaki) was smoothly come off by arachnoid robots dustmen, scraping off the broken protoplasm. Probably, now the monster was fit only for secondary processing.
   Four enormous soldiers in fighting suits ran up to the exhausted young man. They reminded huge hedgehogs with rockets and barrels instead of needles (impressive the arsenal was such at them).
   The governor Kross coward hid for their very broad backs. It, obviously, was confused, he did not expect that the "invincible" local champion will be beaten by some terrestrial person. His thick hands shivered with nervousness when it handed a chain with a medal in the form of the monster reminding a fantastic three-headed dragon. The governor even not to touch the representative of insignificant race of primacies, at delivery of an award used gloves with thin sliding feelers, without having left cover of immense hulks of security guards. And then Kross fast retired, having jumped into the winged tank, having flown up with precipitancy of the artillery shell which is thrown out from a long-range gun.
   Having directed laser automatic machines, terrible soldiers-stelzany demanded to leave the arena of the star Colosseum. Reeling, the young man left a battlefield. The crippled bare feet left trails of blood on a hyper plastic covering of a ring. Each step as on the heated coals, blows up pain, sheaves are stretched, all stones and veins painfully ache. The lion quietly whispered:
   - Life - concentration of sufferings, death disposal of them, but will find pleasure in torment of fight - immortality will deserve!
   Trying to stand up straight, it passed along the long corridor which is laid out from cockleshells, and the numerous females similar to terrestrial girls threw color balls and multi-colored luminescent flowers to it under legs. Women of race of stelzan, as a rule, very beautiful, high, figuristy, with the fashionable hairdresses which are tidied up by hairpins in the form of various alien creatures covered with jewels. Some of them released playful compliments, vulgarly joked and even broke from themselves clothes, impudently making advances and showing seductive parts of the body. Without any constraint, executing frankly calling gestures or, let out frightening holograms from a computer bracelets or the supplied electronics of ear rings. The shameless tigresses who are absolutely deprived of the moral principles, children of extremely corrupted civilization. Eraskander to frown, he as if in a menagerie, any human look. He did not even shudder when on it virtual creatures snatched, and canines, pseudo-real in several rows, were closed on a trunk or a neck. From holograms gives ozone and only slightly beats with a weak electric discharge. To males and Stelzanat's females annoyingly that the person does not pay attention to terrible projections, and they used threats and insults. Snatching on the proud young man, they were held only strong by the barrier ensuring safety to public. Only one blond girl just smiled, having friendly waved with a hand. The lion was surprised, having seen something human in a look of the alien child, at heart it became warmer.
   Yes there were days when parents gave pleasure to children, and they in reply laughed, showing teeth, until, when stelzana (still as they call themselves the empire of Purple constellation - Stelzanat) impudently and in a Jesuit way occupied Earth. However, strong it is free also in prison; the weak slave on a throne!
   At Lev's the exit Dzhover Hermes, one of assistants to the governor of the Solar system called as a star of Laker-iv-10001133 of PS-3 met (PS-3 designates the oxygen and nitrogenous atmosphere, the most widespread and suitable, both for people, and for stelzan). He smiles, his slave surpassed all expectations. And here - Figo Urlic - literally shakes other little man for rage. He squandered a lot of money as the last idiot. In rage he ordered:
   - Finish immediately this vakuumnogolovy rat bastard.
   His grown fat physiognomy began to shake, despite all achievements of medicine, after weight loss Urlik again terribly grew fat, because of the pathological thirst for greasy and sweet food. Though Dzhover Hermes also did not risk to put money for the slave, but he, of course, will not give the young man to this hog:
   - You forgot, Urlik that now it is my property, and me to solve - to live to him or to leave annihilation!
   Urlik began to wheeze, four fat chins, shivered as jellies to which the brisk fly got:
   - It is dangerous as the hyper laser with termopreonnovy (superthermonuclear reaction on the basis of merge of preon) a rating. Where this terrestrial bug could so well learn to fight? For certain it from among members of a guerrilla underground. - Borov-stelzan spread wide slippery from oil (from and during fight continuously guzzled), increased tone. - And you will carry it on the Universe?
   Hermes resolutely nodded, his shortly short-haired hair, slightly changed the color:
   - Yes, this my right. It has excellent inclinations of the great fighter, it is possible to earn a chasm of money from it. Single combats it is such business where gold eggs are laid by roosters! - Stelzan-hozyain cunning winked and right there ordered to protection. - And now let it will be immobilized!
   One of hilly from terribly developed muscles of spindle-legs, shot a foam cloudlet. The young man was instantly entangled, biofoam pressed and smothered as if a squid. The boy, choking, fell, but it was right there picked roughly up by robots.
   - Bring it to the medical center and put on legs, without raising from knees! - Meanly Hermes giggled to the joke.
   The boy roughly as if the log in the furnace was thrown in a capsule. Cybernetic creatures peeped:
   - The animal of a certain value is shipped!
   Urlik, pritopyvy boots, hoarsely roared:
   - Clean up from here, the primacy stinks! The person creation on whom it is even a pity for an annihilation impulse!
   Robots hospital attendants together with a medical box silently were removed.
   Hermes grinned, on his eagle person the predatory smile stiffened:
   - I always thought that people are useless fighters, and now is simply struck. Even our boys born on natural process without hormonal stimulation at its age are not so strong. Perhaps it and not the person at all?
   Urlik grinned, he quietly whistled and with pleasure grunted, having felt suddenly transformed weapon in a palm. The friable boar to a paste became an abrupt wild boar; holding in hand five-barreled luchemt:
   - You know, there is a law on purity of race. The half-blooded should be killed that did not profane our look. It is easy to shed blood, even easier to spoil, but it is almost impossible to stop bloodshed when honor of the nation is mentioned!
   Hermes clicked fingers, in them there was a cigar which is looking like spotty, a cobra. When at a brilliant cigarette snake the mouth revealed, from it ringlets or even the eights of a gray smoke took off:
   - Fagiram Sham knows that he does. It is possible to check, of course, its genetic code, but it to us to anything. Give so, we halve profit. He is a simple person: slave gladiator. And we will declare, earning big money. And to anybody information quantum.
   - Contact to contact! - Urlik hurried to agree here, the steepness was blown off as if a ball under a wheel. And it was already developed to play a retirada, and suddenly stood having involuntarily bent down from a wind stream.
   Directly over the heads the flaneur of colonial police shining with luchemeta flew by executed in the form of a hexagonal pyramid with slightly extended front part. Behind it three more kinetic graviotsikl in the form of piranhas with four radiators wheels instead of fins. They rushed so low that nearly hooked on businessmen of the Empire of Purple constellation. Hermes, however, only roared. - Pulsarny flora. Then it was inclined closer to sticking out as a locator, to Urlik's ear:
   - Yes, a billeting the guy to wind collapses on heels! Of course, still there is information. From the planet Earth has to arrive new party of cultural values so it is time to look for clients.
   - Let's find. At Hymenoptera art of hairless primacies is in great demand. Arts of animals, only animals appreciate!
   And two villains began to neigh idiotic laughter. Hermes cut to the-legged lemon jellyfish hurrying on the affairs (a hybrid organism of fruit of a lemon and an overland jellyfish!), and having watched her flight satisfied leave, provyl:
   - Of defective individuals it is full, they are capable to drink wine only! And which of them is capable not success? Such deal only causes laughter!
   The workmate threw and passed the cake which jumped out in a mouth, from a street synthesizer - automatic equipment worked on a telepathic request.
   Then the computer bracelet on a hand at Urlik issued the three-dimensional hologram - the sharp-toothed winged monster showed something expressive gesture. The fat person of a stelzan was suddenly extended and, having developed, richly dressed fat man silently left.
   Hermes gesture called up the half-naked brawny maiden, judging by a headdress (to the heart pierced with a sword with long number on a naked shoulder), it served in anti-troops - something like a shtrafbat in Stelzanat's army. The maiden flew up before it, having exposed, a naked magnificent breast, with scarlet, brilliant as luster nipples. With a foot of her bare feet blisters, from traditional painful influence, run on the metal path made white-hot did not manage to descend yet that is accepted in anti-troops of Purple constellation. Humility was hammered capitally and, externally young little girl (though tired poisonous-green eyes gave much more solid age) looked about devotion of an old dog.
   - I will execute everything that you will tell the master. Half an hour ten kulaman. - Her long, pink uvula, invitingly licked on full, satin lips.
   - If you want that to you mowed, observe term this. - Hermes transferred about a computer bracelet (the plasma computer with numerous functions: including capable to kill with the mini-laser and keeping in contact between star systems) a short impulse the message. To a hyper plasma clot form, it went, to similarity of a manual watch that the put warrior whore carried athletically.
   - Here time of night of love you will carry it to pentagony Begder race of a hoffa! - On the sparkled hologram mix of a bear and rhinoceros with ears of an elephant flashed. - It is its ugly face!
   - It will be executed! - The maiden shook massive hips and flew up in air, operating flight, delaying socks and placing fingers of hands.
   At this time the paralyzed young man was brought to the medical center. Despite all damages, it was in full consciousness. Thoughts of the izmochalenny boy were turned to native Earth...
   ... Its enslaved planet groaned under kverlilovy (of which main metal is done by starprobe vehicles of aggressors one hundred times stronger than the titan) a heel. Shortly before the flying away to boundless distances of space, he witnessed barbarous cleaning as a result of which tens of thousands of people including his girlfriend Elena died. At government of the governor Fagiram Sham of people of Earth began to pursue unprecedentedly rigidly, more than ever earlier. Any of natives who tried to approach without admission at least on five miles to highways, was ruthlessly killed. And it is good if quickly: the majority crucified on crosses in the form of a swastika, six-pointed stars or put on a stake. Irrespective of age and a floor ripped skin off living slaves, or hung up for hair, dissolved in acid, put at the mercy to ants mutants. There were also more sophisticated tortures by means of nanotechnologies and various a virtualok. People were settled on barracks, operating as stupid animals. Practically all large cities and industrial centers were destroyed at a planet gain. After processing no uniform military facility and any plant remained "pure" annihilation charges on Earth. Under the pretext of the fact that all representatives of mankind have to have work them completely deprived of mechanization, forcing almost everything to do manually. The part of slaves was used for construction of enormous decorative constructions. Rare educational institutions of people taught only elementary knowledge, at the level of elementary school. Dullness is closer to humility, and lively wit as a free bird, is torn to freedom. Not without reason reaction always was against that to educate the simple people. Cultural treasures of people of Earth unscrupulously plundered, masterpieces dissipated on other star systems. Talented masters at the same time remained in the provision of the concluded concentration camps, and to them it was even worse, than that whom the nature did not allocate with talent. Why? Because the work at full stretch became a damnation, other not so capable could sometimes and shirk as superfluous. Therefore representatives of mankind preferred to hide the talents. But they were all the same found by means of intelligent scanners and detectors. The planet turned into one continuous barracks, into a colony of the extensive space empire. With mankind did everything that wanted. Factories of death where flesh of the killed or that even more terribly than living people went for secondary processing were the most awful.
   Dreadful reminiscence; painted with a physiognomy as to forty, in a black suit with yellow stupid thorns a stelzanka, from all scope beats him then still absolutely little boy with gloves the person. Rassechenny air whistles, burns cheeks, hollow from malnutrition, with fire, there is a wish to answer, but the body is held down by the invisible, pressing a vice field. Only not to begin to cry, not to cry, not to show that to you it is terrible... The most terrible here not pain to which you get used about infancy, even not humiliation because what pride the slave can have, and the fact that gloves are made of genuine human leather. That skin that was torn off alive from your companions!
   ... The lion regained consciousness and moaned, hardly turned, robots tried to calm him, holding with the prickly, mnogosustavochny extremities. At the same time as though derisively to the covered with wounds gladiator as if to the little boy, started singing wafer-thin, mechanical voices a lullaby. The boy felt offense, he already managed to visit for the short life such scrapes that he psychologically felt as the aksakal. Eraskander whispered the napukhshy, injured lips:
   - Tests are chains that do not allow to disappear to too easy thoughts. Freight of responsibility is heavy, but levity leads to heavier consequences!
   This minute the door by itself opened - the plant, predatory with thorny feelers, crept to the room. Medical cyborgs as if having received team, parted. Terrible generation of inogalaktichesky flora hung an ominous cloud, from its half-meter needles dug burning poison.
   Overcoming pain, Eraskander jumped in time: the lilac paw of a huge cactus with unexpected quickness tried to stitch the crippled young man. Despite wounds, Lev became angry; for it was obvious that the plant killer carries out the put program. The surgical tool was started turning the ominous propeller in a robot hand. The car rushed to attack, expecting to finish the hated person. Eraskander fell on a back and, using as the lever not broken leg, and shuddering from intolerable pain, threw through himself a medical cyborg. The mobile cactus got to the rotating blades of the ruthless car. The scattered pieces of a carnivorous plant writhed, expiring yellowish liquid. The best way to neutralize a cyborg - to throw in it other robot. Let stupid cars will break each other.
   Words of the Guru were remembered: "Use kinetic energy of the opponent. Pain does not disturb. Let the suffering will give you new forces!"
   The metal gnash was heard, not fighting robots crashed, slightly rumpled the case and stood, trying to orient. The shot from a luchemet nearly demolished the head. Rescued only superhuman intuition which forced to fail on a covering.
   The medical cyborg was lucky much less - just carried him, the heated splinters added to the young man of scratches in the face and a breast, but it was not essential any more. Beams burned metal and plastic, having punched a solid hole. Having pulled out the cutting scalpel from the flown-away metal extremity and having picked up one more surgical tool from a table, Lev started them in the shooting bandit. Though the throw was intuitive and blindly, but, probably, hit took place as wild squeal followed, and then thick hulk flashed.
   It was Urlik. Eraskander however, expected something similar. The fat primacy forgave nothing to it. Having grabbed a spray, cybernetic in the form of a disk, Lev with a force started it after. The blow had precisely on the pork back, having strongly unstitched fat meat. Urlik roared and a bullet flew at an open door of an armor aero glider.
   The car, similar to mix of "Mercedes" and "MiG", abruptly rose in the pink and emerald sky, nearly taraniv diamond-shaped, on four legs, a three-colored skyscraper with dozen of dragons on a dome-shaped roof. The roof came to the accelerated movement, the colourful cavalcade of exotic monsters rotated and poured in magic light of four stars.
   Eraskander was developed, the broken bones burned, from fresh wounds blood, the remains of the cut predatory cactus dripped continued to potter about, scratching prickles strong plastic, orange with a blue ornament.
   - It is a pity that got to the back, but not to a nape. Then the svinyachy gibbon would not be helped even by reconstruction.
   To the scene already there arrived police flaneurs, fighting cyborgs and mucous natives security guards. Without thinking twice, pushed the person to the floor, having vigorously caressed shock bludgeons. From defeat of ultracurrent elastic skin of the gladiator smoked, and pain was just intolerable - this kind of electricity with a hyper light speed to rush on the nervous terminations, affecting a brain, immersing consciousness in an infernal nightmare.
   Eraskander endured, without having published the slightest groan. Only a sweat drop rolled down from a high forehead, and the inhuman tension which blazed in young eyes showed what it costed it.
   Nothing they will pay yet, and to shout and cover with a mat, only to humiliate themselves. Once is better to kill, than to damn one thousand times! While you are weak corporally, become stronger spirit not to fail on a humility bottom. The most terrible is not that pain that turned you inside out, and that that found under the coward's wrong side.
   Medicine in the empire advanced: the broken bones will grow together, scars after regeneration will disappear completely. But who will be able to erase invisible and from it even more painful hems from human soul?
   . Head? 2
   You, the person, always dreamed,
   To find the fellow in depths of space,
   You thought that the newcomer "ideal"...
   And it - a monster from hell!.
   The situation on the planet Earth was strongly heated...
   With coming to power of the new mode in Russia rough revival began. The country quickly returned the, earlier lost influence zones. As opposed to the SATO block powerful east block at the head of which there was Great Russia was created, Sitay, Andiya and other countries acted as its younger partner satellites. Danger of direct armed conflict between two military educations increased. Only threat of use of the nuclear weapon constrained the armadas which bristled up steel, from a fatal step. New third world war could lead to a total disappearance of mankind as species. It as if duel with such killing rocket guns that when firing will carry and shooting, and the victim with seconds.
   The first mass test of the nuclear weapon on the Moon became the culmination of opposition. The situation reminded hardly squeezed spring.
   Externally the capital of Great Russia Moscow looked grandiosely, and at the same time rather peacefully. Air differed in freshness, unusual for the megalopolis, electric cars succeeded internal combustion engines and made much less noise. It is a lot of greens, trees from all continents, there are even African palm trees imparted to a temperate climate. First-throned expanded, a set of skyscrapers and magnificent buildings of the diverse compositions, beds with exotic flowers, fountains, autobahns. Pure, well-groomed city; an uymishcha of the elegant laughing children, even unaware that universal already brought over them the sword which struck uncountable quantity of mightier civilizations.
   The Russian astronomer Valery Krivenko was the first person who noticed the movement of the unusual flying objects. Usually reserved professor several times exclaimed:
   - Came true! Came true!
   Because of excessive pleasure when already except the opening you do not think of anything, hurrying to report a sensational thing, instead of an exit flew in a case with women's clothing. As females of a different dress can gather much that nearly crushed the bungler astronomer bellows, samples of various fabrics. Here even couple of large bottles with a French perfume broke against the growing bald head of the man of science, having nearly become sophisticated modification of the binary weapon.
   Fortunately for himself Krivenko managed to dump information from the mobile phone in the Internet before the wife whacked it a plastic rolling pin on a head (having beaten out other painful and bright kind of stars from eyes). Information spread instantly and here soon UFOs recorded all stations of tracking of the world.
   Several delfinoobrazny objects suddenly appeared from behind an orbit of Pluto. Judging by a trajectory, they moved from the center of the Galaxy. Speed of their movement came nearer to light, and that is interesting, they had geometrically correct forms. Like deep-water fishes with symmetric fins that is clearly visible modern devices of supervision. It is extremely unusual to ordinary meteorites or asteroids. The assumption that these objects have an artificial origin was the most logical.
   Sensational news soon flew about all planet. Data on fast approach of the unknown flying devices shortly were confirmed practically with all observatories of the planet Earth.
   Gradually slowing down speed, objects reached an orbit of Mars and continued rapprochement. Around the world it caused rough reaction...
   The extraordinary Security council urgently gathered in Moscow. In the field of space exploration Russia already considerably advanced the United States Armetiki. Though in general the mankind dug in a sandbox, without having mastered even Solar system. And emergence brothers on reason caused a mixed feeling.
   The security council opened after midnight and proceeded very emotionally. More hotly coffee with chocolate with which fair-haired servants treated seemed almost ice against the boiling passions. The first the floor was taken by the vice-president, the marshal Gennady Polikanov.
   - The fighting ships of the opponent approached our territory. We have to attack immediately them by means of the nuclear weapon. If we delay, they the first will strike blow - consequences will be catastrophic. Modern war opposition of two superpancher, second of delay: a deep knockout from which never to rise! I vote: not to hesitate and cut all cash thermonuclear bombs and experimental an annihilation charge.
   Several present generals amicably applauded as a sign of approval. But the President of Russia Alexander Medvedev smoothly waved a palm, all abated. The leader of the country huge, perhaps, even frightening, making tremble the whole world, started talking the well-known extraordinary low bass:
   - I am respectful to opinion of the marshal, but from what he took that it is military starprobe vehicles? We did not even try to come to them into contact, and here at once such extremist assumptions. No, we have to be constrained and accurate as the surgeon at operation. I offer: to enter with them peace talks and to find out who are they and that from us it is necessary for them.
   - Mister president, if we lose the suddenness moment, then will already be late. It is necessary to hit into full power while the enemy is not ready! - Marshall Polikanov almost shouted, pronouncing these words and, shook fists, large with sharp bones.
   Medvedev whose wide person remained impenetrable as a mask of the Egyptian Pharaoh, without increasing tone, objected:
   - It is better for me to know where and when to beat. Under my management Russia became the strongest state on the earth, having pressed the USA. Also there was it also because I not just strong, competent, but also patient head. And we do not know the real strength of newcomers. If they could reach us, then their technological level is much higher than ours. Only four years ago our Russian guy Ivan Chernoslivov entered on a surface of Mars. Who knows the Stone Age and cave morals can in comparison with aliens at us. Send them a radio signal that we are ready to contact with them.
   The Minister of Communications the sickly person in earphones (he listened to the head of state, at the same time accepting the current messages from all points of the planet), with the small cunning eyes covered with mirror points, nodded:
   - Yes, mister president. You wisdom embodiment!
   Only aggressive Polikanov dared to argue with the leader. Though sung small a little, but all the same in it badly hidden rage was felt:
   - I consider it not reasonable. These aliens not just like that arrived, having plowed a distance in thousands of light years. When you see them, I think, the horror will pierce you. It is time to declare martial law.
   - This is correct. The martial law will never prevent. - Medvedev, made a turn floor the massive case of the titan and addressed the head of administration. - To Pisulk with beautiful words you to me I hope, made.
   The head of administration, fiery red with small very cunning eyes, confirmed:
   - Yes mister president at us templates are ready. You want aggressive, conciliatory or neutral option?
   The leader of the nation after a second pause during which he slightly crumpled wide as a shovel a palm the edge of a silver cup (a strong indication of nervousness), answered:
   - Neutral.
   - All right the wisest! - The red-haired dignitary included that once again will bow to the head of state. Then, without falling to a chair, having bent and having given long hands, hammered with bright fingers on the keyboard. The address went, via the enormous monitor on which at once ran herd of the horses let in gallop, the lines executed by large printing letters.
   And the president of the country, two-meter with the weight-lifter's shoulders, began, to read the text of the address to the nation. Several times Medvedev stopped and demanded to make this or that change...
   - The leader of the nation should not be honey that it was not razlizat, but by a wormwood from which are spat, to become not to the person!
   Almost all Galaxy was cleared of enemy starprobe vehicles, and strong points of planets fortresses were destroyed. Nevertheless, separate groups from the star ships of the opponent continued single sorties. The semi-broken Givoram's empire still furiously resisted space fleet of the mighty empire of stelzan. Already several thousands of galaxies in whole or in part laid down under a magnetic boot of this greatest empire. Givorama needed to share sad lot of the subdued and humiliated races.
   Here and now the group of five starprobe vehicles chased the small ship which went to a hyper jump. Because of the small sizes it could just hide on one of the remote planets or even to land on one of secret bases of the opponent. This galaxy was one of the wildest and not investigated as if a black tear in this part of infinite space. Therefore such trifle as mother Earth, was not even designated on the celestial map.
   However the supersensitive search equipment recorded intensive radio waves, residual quanta of nuclear tests, including streams of neutrons of an artificial origin. And starprobe vehicles, naturally, went for rapprochement. Bright flash on the Moon surface still more drew attention of fighting group, and spaceships finally changed a course. It became soon clear that before them other, earlier unknown civilization.
   The commander of a starprobe vehicle general Lira Velimara gave the order according to which it was necessary to disconnect the anti-radar field and to move in the direction of Earth. High, very beautiful woman with interest considered life pictures on the blue planet. Couple of her deputies, too generals, attentively, even looked on new celestial, just open world with great concern. The computer gave an iridescent three-dimensional picture, then the cybernetic device deciphered numerous human languages. Most of all extraordinary similarity of people on stelzan struck worldly-wise generals. It caused confusion how to treat them.
   Starprobe vehicles already orbited the Moon, and the radiogramm with the polite invitation was received from people of Earth: to enter negotiations. Star soldiers still hesitated. Of course, the encoded gravitational telegram is already sent to the center, but so far it will reach...
   The lira decided to interrupt expectation, squeezed long fingers of the right hand in a fist having sparkled a ring with the minicomputer inside. Its voice sounded melodiously as turn of the automatic machine Shmeyster:
   - I will enter with our brothers smaller negotiations. Let us be seen by all planet and on all channels. Gengir Volk!
   The enormous general with the person of an evil angel sparkled eyes.
   - Disarm human rocket stations on the Moon! - The fury roared.
   - The commander, they can show resistance, having provoked the conflict. - Gengir showed the holographic image of the included plazmo-computer, appear, in it flight of each photon how accurate was a portrayal is visible. The general caustically continue. - The nuclear weapon-word the little mouse guarding a tiger in an ambush!
   Velimara thinly giggled, in her young face there was so much debauchery and defect, as the Saint lost, looking at her the head. The star general said a tongue twister:
   - The little mouse, of course, can watch the tank cat, but only that Murka played with it longer. The mighty warrior is such musician that after him all cry, even who did not want to applaud! Use the plan "Opening of an ampoule", standard operation.
   - Kvazarno (Perfectly)! - Gengir rose in air and as if the kite (only without waves of wings) jerked to a belly where landing cars up in arm "dozed".
   Several fighters of the class "Neutrino" left a starprobe vehicle and, having covered with the camouflage field, directed to the Moon surface.
   The prime minister appeared on the Channel Russian One. The fat little man in hairy warts, like a sailor, abused star newcomers. It was the odious personality, even Russians did not love the thievish chief financier and the economist of the country. In the USA, on the contrary, newcomers were in every possible way praised, the main motive - of course, more developed reason has to be also Bol humane. Even theories expressed meaning that, at last, newcomers will finish with totalitarian dictatorships, first of all in Russia.
   The prime minister Lysomordov knew that Medvedev and Polikanov are afraid of brothers on reason, and to please him went to bat in all holuysky speed, at the same time strenuously puffing at each word:
   - These wood lice, disgusting slugs flied here on purpose - to enslave Russia. We will destroy them, we will dispel on atoms. They, even externally, such nasty hairy mollusks that from them directly feels sick. Such freaks are not worthy to exist...
   Unexpectedly the speech of really real freak was interrupted...
   On all TV screens the image of the beautiful woman appeared. Her ideally correct person was lit up by a pearl smile, eyes shone kindness and advantage. It differed from terrestrial female models only in a three-colored iris of the eye of eyes and is dazzling the shining multi-color hairdress. By a soft silver voice the star siren told:
   - I am glad to welcome you, our kind brothers on reason, inhabitants of the planet Earth. I hope that contact between us will inure to benefit to both races. And now we ask for permission to land on your precious planet.
   Cybernetic devices translated everything in the automatic mode. The U.S. President right there agreed, having slightly bowed and having raised the cylinder:
   - Yes, land at us. We will be very glad to you. America the free country, and you will be met by sincere triumph!
   Medvedev, having friendly smiled, shook the head. Having extremely softened the juicy bass, the leader of the country said:
   - We, in principle, not against, but you, star pioneers, arrived from far depths of Space. Perhaps the environment of our planet is poisonous for you or there is theoretical opportunity already to us from your worthy race to catch fatal viruses?
   Imposing Lira loudly burst out laughing, the small hairpin of her strange hair, in the form of two with the dispersing edges of lightnings burningly sparkled:
   - Be not afraid, the person. We already checked everything, your earth is quite suitable for us. We will divide group of fighting starprobe vehicles and we will land in the territory of two strongest powers of the planet. Prepare grand welcome!
   On the Moon two fighting stations of the USA and Russia were located. On each of them - on thirty thermonuclear rockets and fifty employees. It seems there is not a lot of, but four hundred fifty megaton charges established on rockets of the latest generation reminded the gun which froze up at a temple with cocked.
   Having blocked any communication with planetary command, Gengir contacted. By a steel voice mighty, shiroplechy stelzan said:
   - Soldiers of the planet Earth, in order to avoid the useless victims of you, lay down arms and give codes, otherwise, for the sake of your benefit, in glory of our reason, we will apply violence.
   - We will not obey to alien dictatorship! - amicably commanders generals Labutin and Rockefeller several minutes ago looking at each other as Lenin at the bourgeoisie answered.
   The wolf carnivorously sparkled the murderer's eyes, began to give vote metal even stronger:
   - You do not make laugh me, monkeys, your equipment is primitive. Progress is as hail granules, the speed is higher, the it is more than destructions, and only wind of prudence is capable to drive away the hatred clouds bearing annihilation!
   The general turned on the quantum generators destabilizing operation of all cybernetic and electric units. The fighters disguised in invisible to eyes and the most perfect radar a covering landed practically all team "Laser Beam".
   Fighters flew as if pack of the wild bees mutants, almost invisible, but from it even more terrible. Having overtaken the purpose, they stuck the sticking-out trunks of radiators into fat armor. Threateningly growling, (feeling as if in the lunar desert devilish spirits wakened), fighters of intergalactic special troops, having cut luchemetam a covering of fighting stations, promptly got inside. Several small besekipazhny tanks, a flat akuloobrazny form took part in attack. They silently slid over a sandy surface, having bristled up in dozen of short trunks. Such cars easily could pass epicenter of nuclear explosion and fly on short interstellar distances. From a wide barrel there was an ultragravitational wave bending space and causing panic horror in beings of a proteinaceous vital form. Gengir rigidly ordered:
   - To Vakkumirovat sterilely (without shedding of blood)!
   Stelzanam was succeeded with the help of large-format paralyzers to disconnect without loss practically all defenders of both lunar bases. Only one armetikansky general as if evaporated though gamma scanners illuminated all station. Gromila-stelzan grinned.
   - It seems that the irradiated chimpanzee in shoulder straps left in giperpolzok. Scan a surface.
   In five miles from base found the thrown moon rover, and in mile - desperately running away general of armetikansky army. Gengir wanted to show the daring and it is easy as if the kite of a chicken overtook Jan Rockefeller. That the general understood with whom he deals, the star Wolf switched off a cybercamouflage - on a silvery lunar surface the terrible contour of the furious giant appeared. Rockefeller in despair to a limit squeezed a doggie of an experimental luchemet, even reduced a brush from terrible tension. However its human laser automatic machine was, is too weak and could not even scratch a landing armored suit of the newcomer. The giant easily beat out the weapon and, having broken out hands, neutralized desperately fluttering armetikanets. The big mouth grinned in a poisonous smile, the varnished teeth of a stelzan got a cyanotic shade:
   - Badly you run, an animal. With such data to you, the fainthearted slave not to earn on a lokhanka with a protein.
   Choking with mix of fear and gnnbsp; Hermes grinned, on his eagle person the predatory smile stiffened:
  &ева, the general murmured:
   - Early you rejoice, the star demon. Your starprobe vehicle will scatter right now on photons and when God Jesus comes, space demons will overthrow all of you in Gehenna of tortures!
   - Sick nonsense of a backward primacy. Your rockets are paralyzed! - Gengir it is poisonous grinned.
   - I ordered to strike blow still before you, the Satan, delivered the ultimatum. - Rockefeller unsuccessfully tried to unclench death grip of the giant.
   General-stelzan having shown to fingers a circle, having given a whistle:
   - You? You drive vacuum! Without sanction of the government? I do not trust. You are chernodyrka as foam - are very fainthearted.
   - I as soon as saw on a belly of your ship of a seven-domed dragon, understood at once that you are servants of a devil, and took all responsibility. - The general nervously clanked with a jaw, he could not hold the shiver.
   - The geek irradiated!
   In powerful blow of a fist Gengir carried helmet bulletproof glass with a star-spangled emblem. The face of the general turned blue, eyes fell out of orbits. The vacuum immediately exhausted vital forces and soul. For the first time in terrestrial history of people it was killed with an alien monster. The giant furiously threw up abuse streams:
   - He died too easily! A feeble-minded tailless monkey, with a vacuum brain, with a collapse instead of heart! Yes will carry it on photons, and then will collect, and again will spray on the Universe! To torture the others with application of nanotechnologies, let die slowly, beg about death as to the deliverer, nobody will dare to raise against us the extremity!.
   The message on unsuccessful armetikansky attack from lunar base only pleased Velimara. Her smile became even wider (natives are undeveloped weaklings). The voice sounded is sure as at the born sovereign:
   - People of Earth! Before we land, you have to hand over all nuclear weapons and is total to disarm. Do not want voluntarily, we will demilitarize you violently as it was already made on the Moon. So give us the weapon, lop-eared and fat primacies!
   Medvedev it is a little rather heavy raised a thick fist:
   - No, only through my fico.
   The lira continued to smile, but her smile reminded a panther grin now:
   - Why you, a corpse, against our landing?
   For many years stays in power the president lost sense of humour. He too got used to backscratching, delightful arias of the press therefore he literally roared:
   - I will show you a corpse! You that forgot about the nuclear weapon!? It is our Earth. You, the star fury, and your souteneurs clean up from here!
   One of generals sharply interfered, fighting (looking like Betman's tool from the space comic book) a radiator, submitting to mental team, automatically arose in his right hand. In a voice of a stelzan the genuine offense sounded:
   - We did not exploit her sexually, and just gave each other pleasure, and to send us is fraught with hyper considerable consequences. Not one trillion such as you, microorganisms we already split on quarks!
   The marshal Polikanov, thin with aquiline nose, exploded, words poured down the cascade:
   - I said to you that it is a criminal gang! Star parasites whom it is necessary to burn out immediately the nuclear weapon. You see, these greenhorns threaten to sweep us on quarks. They already attacked us on the Moon. At them still milk on lips did not dry. I urge to attack them the Hawk-70 rockets!
   High and heavy as a bear, the president put a hand on a shoulder strap immoderately of the raged assistant, it with big effort of will managed to give to the voice tranquility:
   - I am a president still so far and it is my prerogative - to use the nuclear weapon or not. The power of the Supreme Commander I promise to forgive newcomers who got excited owing to the youth.
   - And here you are mistaken, the person. Appearances are deceptive, we on life cycles are much more senior than you, the sucker! - The lira coquettishly winked and, without changing tone, continued - to conduct With you negotiations is useless. We will let out across Moscow a charge of the minimum power that you understood whom you contacted. And what to your rockets crackers, you can try once again.
   Samka-stelzan moved as a cobra under music of the fakir a waist and laughed ice as a ringing of icicles, laughter, and head hair reddened, the emotional indicator worked. Miracles of inogalaktichesky cosmetics: paint changes color depending on mood. And the mood demanded blood from a star tigress.
   If Medvedev started begging and apologizing, then, maybe, he also managed to soften ice heart of space Kali, but pride above mind. Though all the same, the goddess of the evil of Cali does not know pity. Perhaps, it is better to die with it is proud of the raised head, than to bite the dust and to be all the same the killed ruthless opponent.
   Aloud Medvedev told:
   - Let's talk properly. We are ready to compromises.
   - Svinyachy primacy! I do not cancel the decisions! The last seconds of your world expired blue Vinipukh! - The last curse of Velimare was prompted by the computer in the form of a bracelet. It stylishly looked on strong sinewy, but at the same time to a graceful hand of the space amazon.
   The president literally roared, giving the order on nuclear attack. It is clearly visible on all monitors and screens: thermonuclear rockets a dense swarm fly to mighty intergalactic starprobe vehicles. They are thousands. They leave long fiery tails, additional containers give dispersal to the third cosmic speed!. Will be enough for any armada. It seemed, they can sweep away all obstacles in the way. Flew up, the terrible show - seems, even from the throwing-up jet streams, the vacuum flares. Rushed predatory pack to the fighting ships of the opponent. What disappointment... The part of rockets is brought down by gravio-lasers, the part got stuck in a force field.
   And here the reciprocal shot is not even visible to a radar - ultraboundary more promptly than the flight of a photon which is let out stars speed!
   Medvedev did not manage to learn about attack. Sometimes ignorance last act of mercy of God.
   Hyper plasma Gehenna absorbed the Supreme Commander of the strongest army of the planet Earth. Millions of people evaporated, having addressed in plasma before could realize the happened accident.
   The huge brown fungus rose by height more than 500 kilometers, and a blast wave, having flown several times about the globe, beat out all glasses even in the territory of the USA. From concussion giant waves of a tsunami rose. More than hundred-meter water shaft covered all continents, heating tens of thousands of vessels. Power lines were put out of action, the cities plunged into the darkness only here and there interrupted by fiery spots of the fires.
   From now on on the planet Earth came a new era. Hour of the Dragon set in.
   . Chapter 3
   The world is broken by the rage embodiment,
   Also the sky plunged into a gloom!
   Hell of an underworld came to people that
   The Armageddon triumphed.
   The terrible blow has opposite effect.
   Instead of capitulation people of Earth rallied in a uniform generous impulse; to fight back star enslavers. Even the USA which is originally staying in sweet illusions declared total war with alien intervention.
   In response to a flagman starprobe vehicle the decision to crush, break resistance of the rebellious planet was made. Lira Velimara rapaciously sparkled, the luminescent, blinding eyes grin.
   - These pathetic primacies will be seated on trees, in cages from prickly plastic again. We will suppress and we will erase all rat holes of terrestrial bugs from this pathetic block of a stone.
   - Yes will be so! Pity is weakness! - officers confirmed with chorus.
   The goddess of death threw out a palm up:
   - Kvazarno! Annihilation tornado!
   Meanwhile in the USA it was succeeded to restore telecommunications partially. The president of still great power (after Russia) Michael Curie read the address to the nation. However, his released look, was turned to the sky, but not a leaflet of paper. The person of armekitansky grew thin, on the failed cheeks the unhealthy flush burned. Nevertheless, in a voice enthusiasm was felt:
   - We, people of the planet Earth, too long were at enmity among themselves, killed, deceived, harmed each other. But here hour when the mankind has to forget the conflicts came and rally in a whole in sacred fight with the Universes the evil. Forces of hell wakened, time predicted in the Apocalypse about the fiery tuft overthrown by a Satan from the sky came. And this heavy time, time of severe court and cruel test already came. The almighty Lord will help us to stand in difficult hour, he will support us in aspiration to crush the death legions sent by a devil to the guilty earth!.
   The image was interrupted by plasma flash...
   When the blinding glow went out, there was an angered star fury. She threw thunders and lightnings. Her long hair rose upright, changing the color a mad kaleidoscope:
   - Yes as you dare, the pathetic native to compare us, great stelzan, to spirits and servants of your epos. We - the highest race in all hyper Universe. We - a look, the electee Bogom for conquest and a gain of all Universes!!!
   The space harpy gave a hand with the long nails giving otherworldly light forward, having created the menacing gesture:
   - On knees! Or in a minute from your cover there will be only photons, and your soul our drakonist will eternally torture! Know, a monkey in a tuxedo that even the death for you will be infinite slavery.
   The U.S. President, unlike many predecessors as the true Baptist, seriously treated Christian belief:
   - If God decides that I should die, then not to pass it, but before demons I will never kneel.
   In Lear's anger from everything to scope punched the general standing nearby. The spindle-legs in shoulder straps reeled. The shrew of hell, as if the cobra with the pressed-down tail hissed:
   - Turn a pathetic community of this native kinglet into the nuclear ashes. These biped reptiles have to die in terrible torments. I order to apply the plan "With" - an aggressive gain.
   One of generals it is a little embarrassed objected:
   - Without order from the center it is impossible to exterminate live types of reasonable organisms completely.
   - And we will also not exterminate them. - Roared more and more loudly space Kali's embodiment. - To kill all of them it is too humane, let under our glyukonny capture billions of years work. We will leave couple, the three of billions for a slave labor. And now I order - hyper plasma!!!
   The high breast of Velimara was reared, the seven-domed dragon represented on overalls, appear, recovered. From the opened mouths pink and green sparks fell down: the cybernetic indicator worked.
   The U.S. President crossed on a hand breast:
   - Here it, sign of Antichrist. The Lord, give me strength to die adequately. I transfer my soul to your hands...
   Rockets of tactical level flew with a speed close to a light beam. The leader Armetiki evaporated, having hardly managed to finish the phrase.
   On the place of Gashington bright violent glow of light flashed, then there was an enormous violet-brown flower. Seven hyper plasma petals separated from a dazzling bud, having flown up in clouds. They within ten seconds shone in all flowers of a rainbow, and then, having instantly grown dull, fell down, having left only the giant purple-red sparks floating in a stratosphere.
   In a flash tens of millions of people burned down, scattering elementary particles. Those who were far away grew blind and flared as live torches. Fire painfully devoured human flesh. At people skin grew bare, hair addressed in dust, skulls charred. The blast wave, as if an accordion, put skyscrapers, alive burying many, such living and carefree individuals in the heated concrete graves until recently. The team of fair-haired half-naked school students of Texas, drove a ball, on them there passed the graviovolna, having left only ashy silhouettes on the burned grass. Poor boys, what they thought at the last minute of: can, called mother, or someone from heroes of cinema, incalculable computer games. The girl returning from shop with a basket left on a next world, smiling, not having managed even to scream. The child just scattered on photons and only by miracle the escaped ribbon of a bow was turned an atmospheric tuft. The people who hid in the subway, white and color pressed as flies under a press, tornadoes of Gehenna threw those who flew on the plane at this time out of stratosphere limits, and it is still the worst and slower death... When in freezing devouring with a predatory piranha the air remains vacuum, people fight the head about dural walls, and eyes fall out of orbits. The death balanced the poor and the billionaire, senator and the prisoner, the movie star and the dustman. It seemed that millions of souls with we howl, are carried away in the sky, heaven and earth was moved and perhaps for the first time people felt that as the vital thread is thin and as far as they need in each other. Mother and the child choked under a blockage, with such force having nestled the friend on the friend that to tear off them, could not do all forces of an underworld.
   Blows followed also in other places of the planet Earth. The main goal was to destroy all large industrial centers, the cities, to deprive mankind of knowledge, advantages, to reject in a primitive state, to turn people into the shivering herd. The human equipment was powerless, the most modern anti-aircraft weapons could not even react to charges, lethal to all live. Fight turned into ruthless, total beating, annihilation and termokvarkovy gifts were "generously" distributed to all continents.
   By means of electronics of a stelzana chose the most inhabited regions of a terrestrial surface, realizing the tested tactics of nested bombing for a long time. Mercy is in the war pertinent no more, than a white dressing gown in mine! The biggest favor to the enemy, ruthlessness to when training in war art!
   Meanwhile thousands of easy tactical and planetary fighters were already sprayed on a surface, finishing the escaped troops, and, whenever possible, tried to keep civilians for the subsequent operation.
   As soon as Alexander Medvedev gave the order on the beginning of war, his vice-president Gennady Polikanov left the Kremlin. According to the instruction of MO in case of the beginning of nuclear war the president and his deputy should not be in one building and are closer than hundred kilometers from each other. The marshal was in time, through the underground superfast vacuum tunnel to leave Moscow and to escape after drawing annihilation and termokvarkovy blow. Now he should head resistance of space aggression, having become the President and the Supreme Commander. Honourable, but dreadfully heavy burden. To soul depth Polikanov always wanted to replace too soft and slow president, but at present felt like the titan Atlant whom charged with all weight of the heavenly arch. Even in the military circle of the marshal carried to hawks for his ruthlessness and uncompromising stand, but in this situation all his will and determination were useless. Absolutely impregnable starprobe vehicles of the alien empire ruthlessly exterminated troops of the strongest and valorous army on the earth, without giving the slightest chance of worthy resistance. Their rockets, small, even tiny by the sizes, imperceptible on speed and grandiose on destructive power, incinerated everything that the mankind created within many centuries. Therefore the message on emergence of thousands of insignificant, but very fast planes pleased the "new" president.
   - I order. To counterattack the opponent, to knock out a steel camarilla from air space of Russia! - Trying to hide a hoarseness in the strained voice, he ordered.
   - Is, companion president!
   The marshal of aircraft Vadim Valuyev got into one of the experimental shock devices "Ram" with six nuclear warheads onboard. The car animal forcing to tremble continents. At last they will be able to put to the opponent though some loss. The order followed:
   - Without reckoning with the victims, to force down all fighters of newcomers!
   Low, but strong Valuyev with boyish passion looked at the enemy. Of course, the opponent uzhasayushch on force, even throws the supersteady fighter "Ram-3" as a plumelet, from rushes of deadly whirlwinds of the atmosphere excited by hyper nuclear attacks. But the world has to respect us to be afraid, to feats of soldiers not to consider number! Russians were always able to fight - the Satan will be destroyed!
   - We sshibt enemy arrogance! - Shouts, having remembered youth the marshal.
   - There is no mercy to executioners, - the pilot sitting on the right answered. - We sweep out star evil spirits!
   Pilots were sincere in the hatred. Still, the landscape which was under them was so terrible that pressed heart. Any horror film, any blockbuster could not transfer in War of the Worlds style also the 100-th share of pain, tears and sufferings occurring on a prostrate terrestrial surface. It was not so terrible anywhere, even in Mechna when over the head bullets whistled, and boots squelched from sticky crimson liquid. The it is more in later battles in Arfike and the Fersitsky gulf where he also deserved general, and then and marshall epaulets.
   Of course, silly to shoot megaton charges at so small purposes, but you will not punch an elephant in pigeon fraction.
   Worldly-wise Valuyev was struck monstrosity with the speed of enemy aircraft. Only having appeared on the horizon, they later came up a mini-second closely, nearly ramming in a forehead. Fingers slightly managed to press the buttons. The marshal let out all six nuclear charges, being afraid that he will have no chances of a repeated shot any more. Without waiting for team, also other pilots similarly arrived, having let out thousands of usual and nuclear gifts of death. However graviolazerny beams which poured out enemy tactical fighters easily forced down the few escaped rockets.
   Attempt to strike the opponent by means of own luchemet was also doomed to a failure. Intensity of laser fire was insufficient to punch the small force fields closing fighters, and aviation guns and rockets with computer targeting did not pull even on children's toys crackers. Only the direct hit of the strategic thermonuclear rocket could destroy the similar car, but light beams induced by the computer did not admit objects which were larger than a nut bolt to fighters.
   - Dogs, vicious dogs! I still will deal with you! - in despair Valuyev shouted.
   From shout stuffed up own ears. But, probably, the enemy pilot heard this cry. About negligence of the baby shaking a rattle he brought down several Russian cars, and stelzana, obviously, scoffed, sadistically prolonging pleasure. Their lasers as if derisively, carried out medieval "quartering" - at first cut a nose, then a tail and wings. Those who managed to catapult were caught power "net", probably, for further experiments. And some pilots were thrown and thrown as if it were tennis balls. Stelzana as angry children, like to play the fool, enjoying torments. Gengir Volk issued the hologram with the cute ugly face and with a poisonous smile said:
   - What razlayalsya? You hope for fast death?!
   Vadim shook the hair which stuck from sweat and with such rage pressed on the control panel jet fire that plastic burst, and the titanic keyboard caved in. The marshal exhaled:
   - Jackal!
   - Perfectly! The monkey learns to play the piano. I, Gengir Volk, will show how correctly it is necessary to play! - The stelzan was not in good voice rage, it is rather a pleasure of the school student who broke a well-aimed shot from a slingshot, a window in a director's office.
   The terrifying design dived under the right wing and with almost imperceptible speed was started turning around the marshall plane. Never before Vadim saw such precipitancy, there was no wish to fight any more - hands not to hold a tornado. It was necessary to throw everything both to run, become a molecule and to be dissolved in hot air. Having cut speed limit, is fifteen times higher than a sound, the glorified marshal nicknamed Lis of the atmosphere jerked... Where? Far away from these...
   Fighters with a seven-color emblem (a flag of the Empire of stelzan) furiously snatched on everything that moved and breathed. Even superheavy nuclear tanks and planes, like butterflies, burned down in laser cascade beams which let out rather small single or two-place cars. The frightening form of these winged monsters had no analogs among terrestrial predators. It was the center of horror, a nightmare and schizoid hyper phobia. To strengthen effect, stelzana included huge three-dimensional holograms, is thousandfold the increasing sizes of fighters, strengthening fear, and suppressing mentality, defenders of the planet Earth. It seemed that on the sky such creatures creep that to think up similar nasty thing not in forces, any director of the horror film. Some color projections were kvazimaterialna and literally scattered clouds.
   The marshal choked with an overload. Not having, itself equal the wonderful fighter was shaken from tension. The car smoked, squeezing out speed limit. Gengir not easy did not lag behind, he continued to cut circles, the eights and polygons around the Russian plane, with a subsvetny speed cutting the atmosphere and showing fantastic technogenic superiority. From the strongest friction around the fighter of Purple Constellation there was a light crown. Vadim blinked: the fiery ring ate away eyes.
   - Kill me better, the swine. Stop scoffing!
   The wolf laughed loudly. It it was so clearly heard as if stelzan spoke through a loud-hailer directly in an ear.
   - The death for you is an act of mercy. And mercy as tells the greatest of the greatest, should not exceed borders of an economic benefit!
   The burning perelivisty bubble separated from the fighter. In spite of the fact that the marshal went on the first cosmic speed, his machine flew in the fiery center at once, having tightly frozen up in an invisible web.
   Gengir Volk burst out laughing again, his contented face an infernal projection blurred on a windshield. Valuyev wanted to close eyes, but paralyzed eyelids, wanted to spit, but saliva stiffened in a throat. Now he the stiffened eyes saw a blissful muzzle of externally young happy stelzan and a terrible picture of total destruction at once (it was visible in all details: three-dimensional holograms showed it close up in the smallest details). The transparent cocoon tormented to a shower, and the electroshock and a hellfire burned down interiors. However at this moment became the marshal Valuyev not to the pain because there was no bigger suffering, than to look at the terrifying excesses created by aggressors on the native planet.
   Before eyes - the first baptism of fire, dreadful New Year's storm of the mechensky capital. Desperate attack to fault of selling generals turned into hell for the strongest and valorous army of the world. Incomprehensible humiliation of the Great nation winning incalculable hordes, covering with a breast the people of all planet. It, then still young leytenantik, hid under the padded tank. From above the burning diesel fuel drops dripped, punched overalls in many places, the left leg affected with splinters turned in crimson jelly. Ears became deaf and do not perceive gaps from heavy mines any more, blood was baked, on lips lead taste stiffened, the dull aching ache give the remains of the injured teeth in a mouth. You want to roar from intolerable pain, but it is necessary to get out from under a steel coffin. And there, outside, the death fills a devilish ball, but dirty bardovy snow refreshes the face which is densely covered with blisters, and the flaw calms the singed lungs. Then already through a continuous veil of sufferings the thought that there, under the tank, there is your seriously wounded the companion who painfully perishes, fried in a walking pan flashes. And you dive into this fiery Gehenna again, crawling the meters which became infinite, persisting in under furious lead heavy rain, being enough with the mutilated fingers for a poor excuse for the broken bullet-proof vest, and extend the body which became hundred-ton. What remained from Sergey managed to be taken, but his friend any more will never recover, forever having remained the silent cripple...
   The river of memory breaks, only separate fragments of heavy military career are remembered. But all this grows dim as a candle at atomic explosion...
   What terrible this war!.
   Terrible cars uncontrollably raged, cutting to pieces, evaporating live young and old on the destructive way. The small flock of killers planes attacked the confidential Russian base in Antarctica which is under command of the general Nikolay Valuyev - the brother Vadim. Nikolay hardly managed to make the last orders. The born sadist Gengir Volk specially brought the image of underground Russian communications to a projection. The general Valuyev suddenly saw on the screen the image alive of Vadim flaring in a seven-color torch. The burning pieces fall off the scattering body, the blackened bones appear. Picture more abruptly than Dante's Hell. Eyes of brothers for a moment met, the image hanged almost closely.
   - Do not give up... - it is slightly heard the Russian marshal whispered. - The Lord will rescue...
   The continuous sea of fire filled in the image.
   Mini-termokvarkovye the shells (based on process of merge of quarks - in more than one million times with a similar weight are stronger than a hydrogen bomb) at hit at hit in a multikilometer ice armor caused an earthquake of enormous force so all continent dispersed a dense web of deep cracks. From under breaks in crust streams of the heated lava poured down, the remains of the split ice evaporated, having caused the strongest hurricanes and a tornado. Approaching from the southern belt, streams of the heated steam heated by miracle the escaped ships as matches, broke trees, leveled, erased high mountains in sand, and the people who got to annihilation whirlwinds disappeared.
   In northern regions tactical galactic fighters continued methodical cleaning, without doing special distinctions between the military and civil purposes. The most powerful cyber-loudspeakers installed on them threw up the streams of the terrifying music which are breaking off eardrums. Technogenic cacophony broke even the steadiest mental design. Gengir showed tigerish teeth, is deafening murlykav.
   - What a pity that people of Earth die so promptly.
   His workmate the ten-star officer of Eph Kovalet added:
   - I even am not in time, to move with a finger as there are mountains of the disfigured corpses. It is a pity for them children, they do not manage to realize what is death. It is necessary to cut off at first to them the laser fingers on hands, and legs!
   The general cannibal ran a finger with the pointed nail over a throat:
   - Nothing we will let those who will escape on footwear and raincoats. Look what glossy skin at them, especially at young women.
   - Here it is possible to arrange decent sanatorium, from a hyper safari on hairless primacies. - Loudly whined, emotionally sparking Eph's teeth.
   - I will buy to myself a site! I will rarefy to local females stomachs, I will put on them the children, let will drive on guts! - Two cannibals with plazmo-computers and the superweapon burst out laughing.
   The "iron" marshal Gennady Polikanov was literally killed in a hysterics, the powerless rage smothered the "new" Russian president.
   - Proklyatye! Really we are so hopelessly weak? They simply blurt out our brains. Probably, if I believed in God, then by all means began to ask about the help. But I do not trust in fairy tales of this sort as I this transatlantic clown Michael, and will not pray! Capitulations from me you, star monsters, all the same will not wait!
   Suddenly light in the deep bunker for a moment went out, and then in earphones the familiar voice was heard to loathing;
   - Russians, give up! We will spare your lives to all who will voluntarily put your scanty similarity of the weapon! I guarantee to obedient individuals life and three meals a day in a labor dispensary!
   The Russian marshal made the expressive gesture sending where far away.
   - Russians never give up! We will fight to the bitter end or we will die, standing with is proud of the raised head!!!
   The marshal is already slightly quieter, gave the order.
   - If to die, then with music! Include that anthem under which melody went to attack and our ancestors perished!
   Meanwhile star Amazon could not stop pleasure. Pictures of massacre and destructions caused rough delight and indescribable pleasure. Especially excited and the fact that people, like two peas in the pod similar on stelzan perished caused a mad high.
   - Who else in the Universe can brag of such happiness - to kill similar?!
   Obviously, it had problems with mentality. Because the type of enormous destructions and archipelagoes from the burned corpses did not please many sane aggressors any more. People of Earth are similar on stelzan as if brothers smaller. It, as though, early youth of their own race. And to object it is scared: the cranky harpy can thrust also a charge from a plasma luchemet.
   Lira, without feeling brakes any more, tumbled down young enormous an ofitserishka, having published a cry.
   - I order all - to join us! Also cut large-scale, on all conquered planet of the hologram. Start up everything the survived primacies will see how to us kvazarno!. There will be Gipertrakh!
   However one of star generals Kramar Razorvirov sharply tore off her words.
   - War is not a brothel. Get up, shake off and put on!
   Star Kali rushed to the laser automatic machine. But Kramar appeared quicker: the seven-barreled weapon rested against a forehead, and two barrels, having extended, pricked a magnificent breast.
   The lira furiously, could not cast out so much poison from itself any cobra, hissed:
   - To you all the same there will come the end. You will be useless is annihilated!
   The naked breast rose as icebergs during a storm. Possess Velimara similar ability, she would wither one with a look impudent "moralist". Officers stood. Very seldom there are collisions between generals.
   Eph Kovalet, having winked at the right eye, whispered:
   - What kvazarny fighter, is afraid of nothing!
   The duel deadly without chances of indulgence was about to happen. Situation was saved by the message made the computer.
   - In mountains which people of Earth call Ural the underground nuclear power plant, and also the whole network of underground communications is found. Results of scanning demonstrate that there is a command post of the opponent.
   The multidimensional holographic image flashed. The network of underground communications with an exact portrayal of the smallest details was visible distinctly, without giving even the slightest chances to disappear.
   Generals and officers right there quickened.
   - There it is also necessary to strike blow. Our rockets are ready.
   - No, there will be no blow. There the leader of monkey pack - Polkan. It should be taken live. We on it will make experiments, testing painful isotopes, and then we will send its effigy to the museum. Hey, you what stared? Prepare disembarkation to a surface. This planet already under us!
   Kramar took away the terrible weapon and though in the opinion of the gone mad Lira the promise of fast death distinctly sparkled, safely said;
   - Also do not count! War not - Gipertrakh!
   - After fight we will orient! - Velimara's voice was slightly softened. - Show itself what it is fit for!
   The titanic, terrifying in a form starprobe vehicle, filling in all with total hyper plasma fire, directed a predatory hawk to the torn to pieces planet surface.
   The first contact of two interstellar civilizations took place.
   Chapter 4
   It is better to die with a sword adequately,
   Battling furiously for valor and for honor,
   Than to live as the cattle driven by a lash to a stall...
   In Russia the great number of heroes nice are!
   On each person as if a wave of a surf problems are rolled, big and small, seeming trifling, and others on the contrary the weight ready to flatten out consciousness and to crush soul. At teenage youth, as we know, the mentality is arranged so that they in much bigger degree are inclined to dramatize the personal experiences, forgetting about problems global. Even the trifle sometimes as if a cancer tumor, promptly expanding, threatens to fill all thoughts. Here and fourteen-year-old Vladimir Tigrov at the moment when over the planet the axe of the universal executioner froze up, is shipped in himself; it is strongly upset with the latest events at school. His father is a professional military and quite recently moved to the Urals to Sverdlovsk region, having taken away the family with himself. And beginners moreover from Moscow, not really here are loved. Here in school it was also registered: properly, having beaten, having broken off clothes and having trampled a portfolio. No, Tigrov not the weakling or the schnook, he was able to fight not bad for the age. But what you one can make when against you a crowd in twenty people. Yekaterinburg - the city which had a reputation traditionally criminal, despite severe conditions of dictatorship of Medvedev. Even at schools existed and actively the gangs parasitized. All area led the person, life, other than other Russia, too. At schools almost openly they drank vodka and smoked, in cellars and toilets were pricked, supervision video cameras never worked, and police... Were afraid of it all but bandits. Vladimir, was too correct youth activist, the athlete for criminal subculture, perfectly studied, and it was enough for wild frenzied hatred. When you are beaten every day, poisoned, somehow not really there is a wish peacefully there is a wish to live, on the contrary, all to punish. There is a terrible wish...
   As any strong character the boy Vladimir dreamed of revenge against the surpassing and evil force. The plan - to steal the automatic machine from the father (it is visible not without reason in it blood of hereditary military flew) was born that shortly he also managed to carry out. Managed to crack, having shown abilities of the hacker, a cybernetic code of the home safe where the weapon was stored. Here to remember the main thing, specifics of the artificial intelligence subordinated to certain programs, and completely deprived of critical perception of reality. Having taken with itself the automatic machine of the folding Fox-3 system and several holders, Vladimir a decisive step went to school. Among the started park the building, big in four floors, calculated on three thousand people was stretched. Several seniors smoked "kosyachok", near them also his main offender, the informal leader of a class Sergey in a sobriquet Pontovy dragged on. Vladimir surely moved to the enemy. As well as assumed Tigers, the leader with shout "Jiggers! Ours are beaten!" rushed nautek. The fist at Volod'ka thanks to trainings, is not childly strong so Sergey for certain will get couple of bruises with a guarantee. However, at Tigrov all physiognomy is plentifully decorated with fresh bruises and grazes - it is possible to fill up with crowd a mammoth also. Seniors grinned and parted, wishing to enjoy an amusing show.
   Here from a school entrance the whole flock of boys poured out. Vladimir did not begin to hesitate. Having snatched out the small rapid-fire submachine gun hidden under a jacket, Tigers opened fire at the offenders running to it. Those rushed in different directions. Perhaps, all was also limited to noise, but nearby there were many cars with adult most real bandits. Probably, local mafiosi did not find the best place for a shootout, than school? 13. Gangsters opened reciprocal fire. Automatic bullets of a vzryla asphalt. Having made a somersault, Vladimir managed to hide for a marble obelisk. Bandits, drunk with drugs, with a roar directed on storm, without taking the little fighter seriously that, of course, was in vain. Feverishly changing holders, young terminator killed half-gangs and wounded about twenty more flown into a rage fighters. The escaped robbers tried to develop a portable mortar - one shot from it could demolish half-houses. Though before shot Tigers only in the shooting range and in computer games, the wild stress and mad rage gave to its shots superhuman accuracy. The mortar blew up, having cut to pieces the closest bandits. All this suppressed resistance of remained. In frenzy Vladimir discharged all holders brought in a satchel and only after it stopped firing. Almost all shots were deadly and productive, thirty nine people (it were, generally local mafiosi) turned into corpses. Several fooled school students also became the victims of dismantling. They pottered about and roared, having got various degree wounds. The killed among boys did not appear, only adult bandits found deserved death. And here from considerable criminal leaders one large drug dealer known as the Viper was destroyed.
   Having looked at the killed, wounded and at blood, Vladimir came round. Violently pulled out it and so that from a nose red, sticky liquid poured down. But the type of own blood led to emission of a large dose of adrenaline, the boy threw the automatic machine and started running, with such speed that it seemed that not frightened boy, and the whirlwind driving dust spirals. Shock from similar execution was so big that the young man was tried to be caught not at once. When came round, transferred the signs which are too exaggerating its growth and age.
   Vladimir Tigrov managed to disappear in the woody district. Because of global warming of climate the fall was generous and tender, was full of mushrooms and berries. Of course, sooner or later the most green of number or more precisely than national avengers, undoubtedly, police officers would catch. But after the beginning of the first for all history of mankind of interstellar war became not to such trifles.
   And here bitten by mosquitoes, hungry, in a night the frozen boy slowly trudged on the morning wood. It had an awful look. The school uniform tore in several places, one boot was not (lost, escaping). Besides from scratches about branches of trees, numerous roots and cones the leg strongly hurt. And here still mosquitoes are jammed. Places of stings insufferably itch." And can be given? - the thought flew in the head. - I, probably, then will be sent to Moscow in a mental hospital, and then - in a special colony. About mental hospitals a lot of things are told, even unimaginable horrors tell, but I will be living. No, I will become, is similar to a rotten plant. And how to me then to live? I will just exist... No... Can in a colony at once, in an environment of shaven-headed teenage criminals where it will be inevitably overtaken by the punishing paw of mafia. Will not forgive it bloody infighting and murder of bandits. And in this case will carry if just kill, and sadists can on - lower, killing each hour, slowly and painfully. Without hope, under the new law introduced by the president since twelve years teenagers bear all completeness of criminal liability up to life imprisonment and in exceptional cases the death penalty. The last is not so terrible, (a bullet in a temple and you in the next world). The boy hooked a bare foot on a sharp snag, between children's fingers blood acted. Upset Tigers whose life already, in fact, came to an end, did not pay attention. What waits for it in the next world? His father did not love priests, including them grabbers and grabbers though he was occasionally christened and went to church, putting candles. Vladimir respected the father of the soldier and the soldier. Itself experience of virtual wars, the computer equipment in special, an electron a helmet had, created almost absolute illusion of fight - is unforgettable impressions for the boy. But there cannot kill, here here in the wood where it is heard howl wolves the death is quite real.
   Court it is always worse than the tsar! - the father spoke. Vladimir somehow attentively read the Bible and asked the father: why Orthodox Christians contrary to a ban of God worship relics and icons? Why God in the Bible only the Saint, and the patriarch the holy! What the simple person let and allocated with a dignity, above God Tvorts of the Universe? In reply the priest bellowed: it is necessary to believe how zapovedovano ancestors, but not to look for contradictions. Or you want that you were anathematized!
   The unpleasant deposit remained as a crack in armor of belief. And the conclusion received by logical reasonings is elementary: most likely, there is no God at all, there is too much evil on Earth. Here, for example, God would begin to create similar nasty thing as mosquitoes, and such large Siberian are twice more than the European. Why it should torment people so. To especially spoil women - turning them into such old women, as it is opposite to look. And diseases, and pain, fatigue which is felt even by young and healthy people? The person will stand till the end the best: he created computers and almost in any game you though small, but the god. The school and life, games and movies learn that in the world force governs. Perhaps Buddhists from ideas of evolution of spirit are right. The movement on self-improvement steps by resettlement of souls from the lowest worlds in the highest? Anyway the death is better than, forever to appear among animals with a human appearance. And if to find an entrance to some bunker and there to hide? The father told something to me about these places... It seems, somewhere there have to be confidential entrances. It is necessary to try!"
   At heart at Vladimir it became a little warmer.
   The general of star fleet Lira Velimara dressed in strengthened commander boyekostyum. She could not wait to head personally operation on occupation of command structure of the opponent. And, above all, the warrior of hell wanted to kill, kill here so, face to face, without knowing confusion, directly looking in the face to the victim.
   Truly: the victory as the woman - attracts with gloss, but frightens off at the price of!
   Here and the million-strong city of Yekaterinburg though, by the standards of the terrible empire of stelzan, it is the simple village. Any whole house... In the downtown the 20-kilometer crater in which the melted breed still bubbles and bubbles gapes. Even underground communications do not rescue from so crushing blows of termokvarkovy bombs and nitrozaryal (The charges based on process of a gap glyukonny mezhpreonny (quarks consist of preonn) communications, reactions are million times stronger on destructive force thermonuclear, but in difference of termokvarkovy merge not exceeding power in one megaton from instability of process with a big weight.). Suburbs of the city and the neighboring settlements are also destroyed, the remains of buildings are visible only here and there. Between them the crippled burned people writhe in an intolerable agony. Those who survived look even more sad and unfortunate, than the dead because their sufferings cannot be described.
   The stelzana chained in the enormous boyekostyuma look is more frightening. Everyone boyekostyum is supplied antigravy, the photon engine giving the chance to fly with the whole arsenal of the beam and printseps-plasma weapon. The armor of a fighting space suit is capable to hold anti-tank shells, and powerful generators create such force fields that, being under their cover, it is possible to be afraid of nothing, even hundred megaton thermonuclear blows. The principle of work of this mighty protection - the particles bearing destruction, with a light speed having got a background with two-dimensional space, as if stop the movement, losing the mass of rest. Then they are easily rejected by the reflecting radiation exceeding photon speed, counter in one thousand. However, itself boyekostyum the force field does not generate (the equipment still too bulky) and if to come off a phalanx, then it is possible and to die.
   Nevertheless, stelzana are very self-confident, and the beams which are started up from a starprobe vehicle disconnected all primitive cybernetics of the opponent therefore now the helpless enemy can be taken barehanded.
   Powerful antiaircraft guns suddenly jump out of the disguised niches on a surface, trying to thrust 150-milemetrovy shells in alien aggressors. It is not electronics, and simple mechanics any more.
   Stelzana react much quicker: hyper plasma impulses carry artillery and tracer fragmental and demolition gifts which were hardly in time to escape from trunks. The lira floutingly threatened with a finger:
   - Silly monkeys! You are expected by a lunch from chops in own juice with hyper nuclear heating!
   Gennady Polikanov prepared for the last fight. He already and itself understood that the end is close. From the very beginning it was unequal fight of incomparable resources and technologies. Mother Earth was powerless as if an ant hill under tank caterpillars. What in such situation needed to be made to the marshal? Only to die, but to die so that descendants with pride remembered death of the last president of Russia. Though, perhaps, will not remember them and to whom.
   The thick titanic door failed, cut by beams of blasters. To the extensive hall of strategic command the pinkish ball flew. Bodyguards and generals hastily jumped for armor boards. Only the president Polikanov remained, is proud to stand, ready to accept death. Death which seemed medicine for all problems now, way to suppress intolerable mental anguish, the tormenting each particle of an emaciated body. The angry old woman with a braid got outlines of the fantastic fairy, and her ice breath reminded a tender breeze. But the iridescent poured ball continued to lie quietly, and then the melody which is bearing a faint resemblance to a children's lullaby was heard. Under melodic sounds of quiet and pure music the last act of the space tragedy was made. Aliens, ugly, in bulky boyekostyuma smoothly entered the hall. The star aggressors covered by the polytypic weapon cast ominous shadows, precisely fierce demons in the light of portable searchlights. In the brightest fiery orange furniture there was an ataman of space terrorists.
   The familiar humiliating laughter broke off ominous silence:
   - Here they, gallant, but pathetic fighters of the backward planet of naked primacies! And this scanty army still something tries to object our indestructible power! For you the cage in an apery is prepared.
   The turned pale Polikanov began to shake for anger.
   - You it is simple...
   But he could not finish speaking - there were not enough words to express all the attitude towards these vile star monsters. The security officer the lieutenant general reacted quicker.
   - Kill them! Dagger fire from all types of tools!
   And desperate hysterical fire was opened at newcomers. Each of the shooting people was sincere in the hatred to the monsters killing all live. Shot with the submachine guns, grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns and even with experimental laser automatic machines. But all this was useless as a children's cracker against the Gladiator tank. The force field easily beat off fighting human charges. Backfire a negligent wave incinerated fighters from whom there were only burning skeletons. The favourite dog of the president Energiya (mix of a German shepherd and mastiff) jumped towards armor silhouettes. The greenish beam dispersing a wide wave charred a dog, on the reinforced concrete floor covered with plastic the turned black bone framework of once beautiful animal failed. Polikanov shot along with both hands, discharging 30-zryadny electromagnetic guns with uranium cores and a plasma rating. When cartridges ended, he rejected useless toys and crossed on a hand breast.
   The lira came nearer, continuing to laugh.
   - Well that, Polkan, otlayalsya? Now you, the last from the Russian generals, will go with us. The lead and a bowl with soup wait for you.
   Marshall president answered with a firm voice (though this hardness also cost to it titanic efforts):
   - Yes, you are strong the infernal equipment therefore you are able to afford to scoff at the one who all life served Russia, having passed hot spots from Avhan, to the Arabian deserts. Interestingly what you cost in honest fight as equals with the equal weapon?.
   - It is much more, than you, a primacy, you think! Our child barehanded will strangle your general! - Velimara made by fingers "goat". - Sucker...
   - If you were a man, I would force you to be responsible for the words. - The marshal clenched fists with such force that bones turned blue.
   - And it does not matter. I am the space general, the commander of a star striking force. Means, I am a soldier. Well that, a primacy, you are not afraid to battle against me?
   Samka-stelzan a lightning slipped out a boyekostyum. It was absolutely naked. High (growth more than two meters), the broad-shouldered and brawny figure towered over the Russian marshal. Thin and lower on growth, than a stelzanka Polikanov seemed almost a puny creature. Though on a naked relief camp Lira Velimara was not fat at all, she weighed hundred twenty seven kilograms and on force could replace not one large collective-farm horse quite. Having contemptuously nodded the head back and having stuck out a magnificent breast, Lira moved on the marshal. Polikanov passed fine school of martial arts in army special troops and on various special courses. It had a black belt - the fourth is given on karate, and hatred increased forces. The marshal, having enclosed all rage, struck blow in a solar plexus. Lira was slightly displaced. The blow had in firm tiles not in a feminine way of a powerful press of the space fury. Polikanov managed to leave from a swing right, but fast as a lightning, and heavy as a hammer, the blow a knee rejected it to spotty armor tables. The hand only slightly softened a terrible push of a bronze extremity. The star lady jumped, having wildly screamed, thrust a heavy leg in the fighter's breast. The marshal did not manage to evade therefore pair of edges broke, and the blocking hand was bent by an arch. The terrible blow from above broke to it a clavicle. All movements of a space tigress were so fast that the owner of a black belt did not manage to react in time. Besides force of blows of Velimara was as if at a mad mastodon. It is easy as child, it lifted arm-distance the 90-kilogram, immobilized Polikanov and again roared with uncontrollable laughter.
   - Well, a valorous animal how to you battled against the lady? If you want to exist, lick to me a tigress. Then I guarantee you good food in a zoo.
   Magnificent hips shook in the lewd movement, the coral mouth revealed, the pink uvula moved as if pinching ice cream.
   The boyish, but firm voice interrupted the star hetera.
   - Shut up, a beast, and release the marshal!
   The mad fury was developed. The fair-haired torn-off young man directed to it the heavy assault Bear-9 submachine gun. This powerful tool of defeat thrust nine and a half thousand explosive bullets a minute, disseminating them in chessboard order. The lira studied all main types of the terrestrial weapon, and it was clear if open fire, then at it and open chances of rescue will not be nude, at all survivability of genetically improved stelzan. Having put on an angelic look, it turned to the boy, in turn, without letting out the president from not in a feminine way brawny hand.
   - My dear boy, you such clear head. It is laudable that you want to rescue the president. But think why it to you, all the same its time came to an end. Join better us.
   The lira as much as possible expanded a smile. Her teeth sparkled as a number of small bulbs. Even to it, the steel lady, it was heavy to hold nearly a centner of the trained muscles and beaten bones of the president on an outstretched arm therefore it pressed it to the body. The large high breast with scarlet nipples nestled on Polikanov's face. The marshal suddenly felt in himself lewd desire, such magnificent warrior, the strong body breathes passion of the reasonable predator. It was necessary to suppress treacherous call of flesh by effort of will, habitual for the professional soldier.
   Vladimir Tigrov hardly held the assault automatic machine machine gun. His face was streamed down by sweat streams. Only fear to kill the marshal constrained the young man from temptation immediately to open fire.
   - Release the president, rubbish!
   Velimara laughed, but it is this time louder and more terrible.
   - No, I am not a silly woman to release the board. And if you are so clever, then itself will lay down arms. The brave boy, you were not afraid one to get into this underground bunker. Such soldiers are necessary to us. At people you have the same the same nothing to do, you killed several people, let insignificant, but belonging to your look. That rounded eyes, I saw it in news. - Told, being shown by Velimar even more oppositely, having noticed surprise of the boy. - You became an enemy for the people of Earth on it to the planet. You are their enemy! And we appreciate such resolute fighters as you. We will include you in structure of native police.
   - No, I will not betray the Homeland even if then I will be shot! Who does not lose the Homeland, that will never lose life!
   Tigers this in other not so tragic situation, probably, to the seemed other vulgar persons ridiculous literally cried out pathos. Hands hesitated, he felt that he will drop the weapon soon. Polikanov noticed it and decided to come to the rescue.
   - Be not afraid, nobody will shoot you. I, the President of Russia, will declare that it was self-defense. You correctly made everything, long ago it was necessary to deal with school bandits and local mafia clans. And for the fact that you destroyed the drug baron Gadyuku-Kitaychika I award the order to you "Courage".
   The boy hard began to breathe, his hands and legs shivered from tension. Still slightly - and the terrible car of destruction will slip out the shivering sweaty fingers.
   The lira understood it and took a step on a meeting.
   - Well, give, the kid, accurately lower the weapon.
   The young man did not begin to wait until "Bear" slips out hands, and, having nearly fallen, pressed the start-up button. Turns struck from the rotating trunk. Tracer bullets cut air, but were rejected, having come across a transparent wall.
   - You were late! Good fellows, children, managed to close me the field.
   The boy was seized right there.
   - Do not kill him. Deliver to our starprobe vehicle! - The female general ordered. Pupils of the star witch became bezdonna as a black hole.
   The fellow, having broken from him the clothes remains, and having broken blow of an edge so because of a mouth the blood clot took off, pushed in the armor box which is specially made for especially dangerous prisoners of war.
   The person of Lira began to shine. It, having shown, stared hard burning at the beaten face of the Russian marshal.
   - I just would eat you. You lost, you have to recognize it. You will die long and hard in a cage of our zoo, watching how the remains of your look will become less animals, is more insignificant than cattle. I will become the queen of your pathetic galaxy, and all of you will be overthrown in an anti-space underworld!!!
   - No, to it not to happen! It you, the space fury, lost and in several seconds will die. - Polikanov hiccupped on the last word, from his broken bones blood dripped.
   - You bluff, a primacy! - The lira stretched lips in unnaturally wide as if at Buratino to a smile and slightly stirred up the marshal why the broken bones stuck into fragmentary meat even stronger. - I will cure you, having made the personal slave, will caress us. - The look of the fury became even more languid, the male slave a toy in hands whom they will force to carry out all the perverted sexual imaginations as it is healthy...
   - No! We have an annihilation charge! - The marshal nearly fainted from pain.
   - All your cybernetics is dead shchenochek! - Velimara darted an indulgent fleer at Polikanov.
   - Yes, it is dead, but it is possible to blow up, having started the program manually!
   The Russian soldier of death is not afraid!
   The ill fate on the battlefield does not frighten!
   For Russia sacred will fight with the enemy.
   And even, dying, will win!
   Very bright flash interrupted words of the President of Russia Gennady Polikanov. The most powerful and destructive weapon from ever made mankind worked. Gigatons of devilish energy broke loose, having absorbed also people and the intruded alien aggressors. The blast wave struck in a belly of the landed opponent's the starprobe vehicle. This time, the starprobe vehicle was not covered with a powerful force field (because of aspiration to economy of energy only the protective radiation, minimum on force was included). The escaped anti-matter waves easily stitched weak protection and swept a starprobe vehicle on the melted-off splinters. The part of the annihilation bombs which were in a belly managed to detonate - and some more brightest flashes broke out. However, at a detonation charges work in the weakened option that reduced already huge number of the victims a little. And the termokvarkovy weapon by the principle of action such is that is extremely steady against any external influences. Such rocket will not explode, even in the flaring thermonuclear Gehenna of a solar belly.
   The general Gengir Volk saw action of a charge during performance of cleaning of the arfikansky continent. The lira ordered to erase negroid race from a face of the planet as the most defective. (The flattened nose and black skin, caused an ozvereniye in the fury). Against arfikanets applied Doleroma-99 supergas. Promptly seven times quicker than sound speed, this toxin, creeping away on a surface, quickly finished cleaning of the district that then completely to disappear, having decayed on safe elements.
   News of Lira Velimara's death caused complex feelings. On the one hand, this whimsical star harpy bothered all, tortured the whims. On the other hand, loss of the whole starprobe vehicle of a class the cruiser leader could be recognized excessive at a gain of rather underdeveloped planet moreover without order from the center.
   Kramar Razorvirov, being mischievously shown, hissed.
   - Possibly, in the parallel Universe to Lear does not wait for increase in a rank. It is unlikely the great emperor will be happy! It is necessary to undertake something urgently. First of all, to finish the remains of mankind and to hide traces of crime.
   Gengir Volk with disappointment hissed, eyes squinted, a wry mouth was made:
   - I so wanted to test for them the new program of cybernetic tortures, speak, it yields tremendous results. In it nine million points on bodies of inogalakt are used.
   Suddenly on the monitor the inscription was lit: "Due to the sharp aggravation of a situation and need of concentration of forces for decisive fight with Dean's power, the order - to stop all minor operations and to follow in sector of Amor-976 point the Dale-45-32-87 most promptly!"
   The general Kramar with inspiration uttered:
   - War the eternal virgin - cannot terminate without blood! War with a greedy grasp the loose woman - never gives a victory for nothing!
   Gengir hoarsely (strained a voice) roared:
   - Well otpulsary (we will tear claws!) from this foul place!
   Stelzana born soldiers: not to discuss, and to carry out their credo, especially and so at heart even of these aggressors extremely disgustingly. Having left the half-dead, bleeding ulcers planet, starprobe vehicles went to a hyper jump.
   From the population of the planet Earth in nearly twelve billion remained less than one and a half billion, including wounded and crippled. The human look was rejected for centuries ago.
   So the first acquaintance between the "reasonable" worlds took place.
   Chapter 5
   The heavenly smooth surface sparkles over us,
   The attracting heights attract us with a magnet.
   We want to live and to planets to fly...
   But what it is possible to make when we are broken?
   After defeat of the empire of Dean and occurrence of temporary calm of a stelzana returned to Earth again. Though in that part of a galaxy where there is a planet of people, there were many planets suitable for life, all civilized worlds could be counted on fingers of one hand. Not without reason this galaxy was called a primitive zone, considered by minor object of expansion and development though suitable for life and operation of planets was not less here, than in any other sector. Therefore news about existence concerning the developed civilization moreover inhabited by beings so similar on stelzan drew a close attention of the top management of the empire. The fact that during military operations one of large starprobe vehicles was lost increased interest in this planet even more. The decision on soft option of colonization of mankind, on refusal of strategy of total destruction was made.
   When from space depths even more numerous starprobe vehicles of the mightiest Universe of the star empire in this part appeared again, the mankind had any more neither forces, nor desire to show resistance. The furious blows struck during the last attack paralyzed will of people of Earth to resistance. Many wanted only one - to survive.
   This time stelzana behaved more in a civilized way. Having absolutely similar origin, in too time, being much more perfect, technically more developed, than people, these sverkhantichelovek could show flexibility and cunning.
   Soon on Earth the uniform puppet government was established, and gangs of local separatists of army of stelzan effortlessly sprayed on photons. Also it became already allegedly at the request of native "politsayev". Between the huge star empire and tiny Solar system trade contracts were signed. Billions and billions of kulaman were invested in the destroyed terrestrial economy.
   Stelzana mastered Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and other planets of Solar system. Roads, new plants were almost immediately constructed, new cultures, types of fauna are imported, it is finished once and for all hunger and diseases. Selling politicians and newsdealers in every possible way eulogized stelzan and their concept about kindness, a debt, love and justice. Catastrophic destructions from the first contact were written off for the madwoman, sexually anxious psychopath - Lira Velimara who was posthumously degraded in ordinary by soldiers. However, with preservation of awards (that on beliefs of the empire of Purple Constellation left quite good chances of continuation of career in other Universe where dead men go!) . When finally it became clear that from all people subdued by stelzana, people of Earth have an origin, identical with aggressors, the strongest wave of love between representatives of two worlds flashed. Marriages began to consist, to be born children. It seemed that former hostility will be forgotten and before people of Earth the new world will open.
   "Honeymoon" of the interstellar relations terminated suddenly. The Supreme Council of the highest wisdom (the central ruling body of Stelzanat so was called) changed the law. The order of the emperor entered military board, and the governor general was appointed for guardianship of development and saving. The flow of tourists to Earth was reduced to a minimum, and then the superrigid visa regime was introduced. All benefits from cooperation with the great star empire were unilateral.
   Resources of solar system enriched only imperial treasury, and then and the oligarchs who multiplied in Stelzanat. However, the same was also on all other planets enslaved by the nation of the aggressors considering themselves as the Only Own Children of God Boga who have to subdue an infinite number of various mirozdaniye. Stelzana won in total over three thousand galaxies, having crushed and having enslaved, nearly five billion large and small civilizations. Stelzana kontrolironbsp; - War the eternal virgin - cannot terminate without blood! War with a greedy grasp the loose woman - never gives a victory for nothing!
  bring down trillions of star systems and planets - people of Earth from the very beginning had no chances to resist against such armada. And after war which was by the standards of purple imperets small tactical skirmish, it was necessary to hope only for favor of the winner. The only force in this part of the Universe which are afraid and with which proud stelzana are forced to reckon is a Universal council of justice and morals. It something on huge Superoon's similarity in which dominate and play the main violin of a zorga. Three-hollow beings, the most ancient civilization with milliardoletny history. These advanced brothers on reason do not wage wars, do not seek to subdue someone, and keep order in the Universe, and only in urgent cases can use force. Their weapon and superequipment so surpass arms of stelzan that even they: impudent and resolute do not risk to begin war against zorg. Long zorg were silent, did not interfere, perhaps, too long. But when stelzana overstepped the last bounds of a lawlessness, these basic pacifists interfered with the conflict and parted the conflicting parties. The territory occupied by this time by mighty Stelzanat was so enormous that him not one generation was necessary for assimilation for development, full conquest of the worlds. Therefore they after several unsuccessful skirmishes without special resistance accepted new rules of interstellar communication. Zorg did not prevent to operate other races, the people, but forced to observe the declaration of the rights of all reasonable beings. They tried to obtain the humane relation to any reasonable life form, independently a mollusk it, a pangolin, arthropods or even silicon, magnesian and other formations of reasonable matter. Not all beings in the Universe have proteinaceous structure, including and zorg, the variety of life forms is infinitely high, so, that nobody even knows approximate number of all types of live matter. They introduced a number of rigid restrictions in service regulations of the conquered worlds which even proud stelzana and other colonial empires were afraid to break. Among zorg there were heroes and missionaries, the priests who sought to inform of kindness, the truth, sacrifice representatives of other civilizations. Among them more than others the imer Konoradson - the most notable of elite of zorg became famous the Misinformation. It was rich and decent as the knight in medieval novels, is very skilled and extremely clever. It were afraid of Stelzana (during recent inspection in system Sirmus it opened the whole bouquet of the abuses allowed by local government and achieved resignation of the former governor and his accomplices). Therefore there was a chance that he will manage to facilitate a fate of people. Though what will give removal of one governor? Already there passed one thousand years as after occupation of the planet 29 governors were replaced, and this was, perhaps, the most dissolute and cruel, but also others were not good children too - soft stelzan do not happen! Therefore the Privy Council of a resistance movement made the decision to send to the senior senator the complaint to overexploitation of the population of the planet Earth. The young fighter of a resistance movement Lev Eraskander had to cable transfer. From a surface of the planet Earth it could not almost be made.
   The majestic panorama of space and the huge three-dimensional map hologram of a galaxy decorated a throne office of the palace, enormous by the sizes. In this enormous construction the marshal-governor of solar system Fagiram Sham also stayed. Quite recently the status of the governor on this planet was considerably raised. The residence of the governor was in Tibet, and the palace was closed from all directions by huge mountains. Galactic fortress palace was walled in a mountain plateau and could be easily disguised, having become indiscernible for visual supervision, both from the Earth's surface, and from Space. Stelzany-oligarkhi loved luxury and splendor. Halls of the palace were decorated with statues of various heroes of Stelzanat. There were a lot of pictures painted by robots and images of any plants, generally unearthly origin, and also depictions of real and mythical beings of other planets.
   As a rule, it is represented very colourfully in operation, separate pictures consisted of microchips and moved as to cinema. Many halls reminded the museums. There was a set of objects of the planet Earth and different types of the weapon of other worlds. Nearby there were swords and laser automatic machines, stone axes and blasters, plasma tanks and prashch, small starprobe vehicles and pies of savages. Already traditionally it was accepted to mix styles to emphasize power and an inclusiveness of the great empire Stelzanov. The governor liked to change the worlds and planets, jumping the enraged viper, the fat gibbon replaced fifty planets (on average, one in two years). This clodhopper did not suffer from presence of complexes or prejudices. He forbade inhabitants of Earth to work as the first decree at any plants and factories which are not belonging to stelzana for disobedience - death, to both workers and members of their family. That who without admission on several kilometers approached highways or military bases opened fire on defeat, and on the place of the violator there was a funnel hundred meters in the diameter. Did not pay at all slaves who work at Venus, and threw those who objected into garbage containers, spraying on separate atoms. Sometimes laughter for the sake of people with a small reserve of oxygen dumped in transparent bags on the Sun. Taya death was very slow and painful, the first eyes followed, then skin and hair charred. From the moment of emission to death sometimes there passed week or even more. As approaching the Sun heat gradually amplified, but not so quickly that the person fainted, without having tested all scale of negative experiences. For a change sometimes arrived on the contrary gradually freezing the victims. Also more sophisticated tortures prompted by the sick imagination were applied. Most of people sold for debts in slavery or in working off. System of operation rigid and aggressive, the person is humiliated to the level of a pack animal.
   The commander of occupational land forces two-star general Gerlok reported on the last incidents on the sponsored planet. There were small skirmishes with guerrillas though on other planets guerrilla war was not and could not be in principle. The power of stelzan became stronger, and the open form of fight practically everywhere was suppressed. The governor, having inflated, sat, his massive figure almost completely merged with a black enormous chair. The chair was decorated with jewels and towered over the hall as a royal throne.
   Gerlok Shen reported ordinary tone. Even welcome lazy tone:
   - They made attempt to fire at security division of robots woodcutters. Their fire slightly damaged one robot. From guerrillas five it is killed, two it is wounded and two are captured. We did not begin to pursue the others, carrying out your instruction. All attackers were in the camouflage suits protecting from an infrared clamp and on air self-made motorcycles. Firing from blasters, apparently illicit designs. In total nothing, but one shot blew up the car with penovirovay oil. It was sprayed and burned the whole echelon with svezhesrublenny trees, including, and the supervaluable wood not capable grow quickly. Losses exceeded 30 million kulaman. It beats out us from the schedule. And in other sectors everything is quiet.
   Fagiram hysterically shaking a massive jaw, growled:
   - Well, you allow essential damage, it vakuumno to a chernodyrnost again! In general, if we by means of equipment trace the slightest short steps of insignificant insurgents, then to silly incur such losses. Who was responsible for L-23 sector?
   - Hakes Vane! - Briefly Gerlok answered.
   Marshall governor already quieter, perhaps, even lazy tone added:
   - To annihilate all guerrillas that participated in attack. And one thousand more from that did not participate and also to crucify on trees thirty thousand civilians, since five-year age.
   - On one for one thousand kulaman? - Asked, having slightly quailed Gerlok.
   Fagiram Sham will increase tone again, one of its canines even grew in sizes and sparkled a crown in the form of the spark head:
   - On one for one thousand it is not enough! To beat alive to trees and to leave to die sixty thousand hostages. People of Earth as dogs, love a stick and a chain! It is the best of all to execute males, they are more aggressive, than local females.
   Gerlok began to babble the most kind tone, and his forefinger automatically reaped on plazmo-computer buttons:
   - Remarkable thought. Can test a new stamp of a meta-virus which will exterminate a masculine gender on the earth, and we will impregnate females of slaves by means of robots and by cards?
   The canine of the governor returned to the former sizes, and a voice to sluggish tone:
   - It is not necessary! Males are still necessary to us too, they are not so fat and elastic a body. Bring better several native boys more nicely to me in apartments! To them all the same not to survive!
   - And if someone from slaves risks and will remove the crucified compatriot? - Gerlok bryaknut similar banality already perfectly feeling what will be the answer.
   Gorilloobrazny Fagiram trukhnut the kulachishcha, the sizes about water-melons and covered with the horny, dark gray skin:
   - Then we for one removed slave will crucify one thousand more, ten thousand are absent. Besides, to put twenty thousand hairless primacies on a stake. That all saw our power and ruthlessness. Let people of Earth shiver in horror.
   - In your lips the ocean of wisdom, the sizes in the Universe! - Flatteringly the general bootlicker said.
   Fagiram looked in the very tall carved window covered with mix of emeralds and rubies in a gold frame. Its glasses if allowed to watch under different corners repeated increase in the regal yard. On it as the execution was made: dozen of boys from twelve, till fourteen years were exposed to flogging. They were beaten with the whips soaked in acid, fluoric with impurity of a tsiamidin. It allowed to heal quicker than the torn to pieces flesh. Boys when flogging had to consider quantity of blows if tortured got off, then it began to be flogged at first.
   - These are cadets of native police. Probably were guilty on trifles, so process them, without mutilations. - Explained, squinting Gerlok.
   Fagiram was very pleasant to look at brown well-muscled bodies, the boys beaten by a whip. From nude bodies blood drips, here one of boys did not sustain, screamed: means, now it will be marked to death.
   - It is very good, I love when hurt, to especially human children. The fact that they are similar on stelzan does process of torture much more pleasant. With what pleasure I would torture the son, but he is a madcap, got away from me in the remote garrison, on the suburb of the boundless empire. - The sadist allocated with the absolute power over mankind growled.
   - Children they are so not grateful! Any respect for parents. - Willingly confirmed, Gerlok who also had negative experience. Having stupidly stared, the general added. - It is good that functions of education of posterity were undertaken by barracks, and archaic family values remained in the Stone Age!
   The enormous butterfly flew up to the mutilated fainted boy, took seat on a back. Began to bite. The round face and a relief figure were pleasant to the governor
   Fagiram gave the order at stelzanov-executioners holograms on a computer bracelets were lit:
   - Lock, and fish soup a radar!
   The strapper in masks and shoulders on which there will be enough place to hang out linen of a big family bellowed:
   - Ears on the top mister!
   - How many at us cadets of native police? - Hoarse tone the marshal-governor inquired.
   - Only in the capital, five hundred thousand. - Executioners answered with chorus.
   - Then listen to my order, to banish all of them through a system. Let boys flog boys! And I will look. - Fagiram stuck fingers towards the young, covered with wounds body. - And as for this boy, bring him into yourself. It will be subjected to special cybernetic torture. The computer, and micro robots, will fill with suffering each cage. I will personally regulate a pain threshold.
   The boy was lifted, stuck a stimulator, it opened eyes, shook a short hedgehog of a fair hair. Childly desperately began to yell:
   - Spare! I will not be any more!
   - Be silent, still we will add, the governor will be engaged in you now. - Threatened, in an animal way being shown and sparkling scarlet cockardes executioners.
   Fagiram was happy, stroked the huge belly:
   - I have a reason into the account of painful influence, especially if micro robots torment aortas and to influence directly the nervous terminations. Though on the other hand there is nothing better, than to beat such pettiness as the person with own hand.
   - I agree with it! - Gerlok inflated cheeks, and took a form of comical greatness. - If you want, we can arrange big hunting, with the shelter of people.
   Snout Fagirama stretched in the strongest expression of pleasure:
   - Let's surely make. To other boys cut still in addition two hundred blows a prickly chain on barefoot heels and hint that I want to hear their shouts. For me groan and crying the best music.
   - It will be executed and what to do with Hakes? - Gerlok gave a hand and half-naked, black from suntan, but at the same time the fair-haired servant gave it a glass of svezhesvareny local beer.
   - Vane's hakes to lower in a rank and to deprive of an award in a year. I not against game in war, but I do not intend to overpay for pleasure. - Marshall governor made a pause, and already without any expression said. - It I hope the only bad news?
   - So far and. But are big... - Gerlok hesitated and choked on beer, brown splashes got into a nose causing an unpleasant shchekotaniye.
   - Again, but? - Fagimar at once pricked up the ears, even took several steps on a multi-colored, marble tile of a floor.
   - It is rumored that the ministry of love and the truth prepares inspection. Well, and this department has not important relations with your relative, the head of Department of protection of a throne, Geller of Velimar. They will dig out on you a compromising evidence. - Gerlok obviously worried, worrying about own skin more. Stelzanat's laws are severe, and anti-troops in fact the militarized underworld.
   - It is a trifle. When business concerns people of Earth, here put, especially recently, it is worse than the governor. The more than violations and abuses of the power, the probability of shift is less. Let's steal even more! You give in excess of the plan - kickback!
   Fagiram stopped, rested fists against fat sides, made a theatrical pause then as if thunderously went off with a bang:
   - It is the order!!! Superorgasm!
   The deputy of the planet laughed loudly as the madman. The general frowned, ears were unpleasantly offended by laughter which on Earth happens only at violently mad. Having laughed before piggy squeal, the governor calmed down and started talking more seriously.
   - Technically extermination of insurgents - business of several seconds. We, soldiers of invincible Purple Constellation, can elementary peredavit all "mosquitoes", but we will not make it. First, this planet - the real hole, and war with guerrillas - the only entertainment. Secondly, it is an opportunity everything to write off for insurgents, both losses, and shortages. Main thing, process. The fear of death long torments rats, exciting passion and attention at those who play with them. And people are similar to us that strengthens a high. - Gromila-stelzan parted more widely than a hand and began to do by movement fingers as if at distribution of a card pack. - We begin game, so we go from three aces. Peaks are Blacks, tambourines - Russians, worms - sitayets. Who clubs? Someone from the mixed races. It is time to beat out trumps! Two aces krapleny to sideline them business of several minutes.
   Fagiram made a pause - the similar to a hawk flying robot gave him by means of the extended paws sticky kogotochka a glass with tincture of a poisonous-green dope, propilikav:
   - Yours we love Sekeke! Who drinks much - that cheerfully lives!
   The marshal the governor, holding a glass in hand, again bellowed and so sprinkled to itself a nonsense an asymmetric snout:
   - Where Russians and leader Gornostayev sat down?
   Gerlok it is lost began to babble:
   - Calculations on the computer... So to find - it is a duck soup! It is a pity that else there are planets which are not conducted and not fixed. Therefore agents of insurgents could crack even bank last time and take away cash. At our technical superiority - it is not possible. Means, someone betrays us...
   Fagiram with a roar interrupted:
   - Therefore the order to calculate it as soon as possible! Forward march! Time, two left! With fever white!
   The general externally similar to strongly rolled enormous inhabitant of the planet Earth, the reddish jockstrap; turned, having thrown up a hand in farewell. "Nevertheless this marshal-governor with strong shift, as well as his grandma, Lira Velimara (Though that was externally far more nice)! Perhaps therefore it was also translated with increase here?."
   Deafening as a bison roar, shout tore off thoughts:
   - To stand! I instruct to carry out test of the new weapon of a vacuum dengreziya. Vacuumize insurgents, certainly, act accurately. I appoint an award for the head of one million kulaman in size of Ivan Gornostayev. Will hand over it, and we will sponsor him. And still, the general, a cubism is fashionable now, especially among stelzan. Look for pictures of cubists it a space hole. They cost hundreds of millions. Pictures from this planet were always highly appreciated. In the central galaxy the mass of clients.
   Gerlok perplexed exhaled:
   - Yes, your above-standing! But too a lot of things were plundered to us.
   Fagiram in reply, trukhnut a fist near the nose of the podchennety:
   - Let slaves will draw new cloths. That who is not capable we will cut off the laser fingers, at first standing, then skalpiruy. Well, and after sophisticated mockeries, we will shatter also hands! Go!
   The general left.
   Sliding doors were silently closed. On them the emblem of seven-domed dlinnozubny similarity of a dragon shone. The superdragon was the real and awfully dangerous animal living in swarms of asteroids. According to the legend of this rare hyper plasma animal in decisive fight for the power the first minister of uniform Stelzanat who based the dynasty ruling nowadays killed. In a door the computer system was hidden, the small trunk of a plazmolazer ready to strike any attempting upon the governor stuck out of each mouth. Two fighting robots in the form of become on racks utykanny rockets of griffins monitored all movements near a governor's throne.
   Fagiram poured to himself alcohol mix with local hashish and, having leaned back with pleasure, listened as brutally cripple boys. He started over again hysterical laughing, then pressed the button, the room was entered by several tall slaves. Unfortunate girls had to satisfy dirty lust of the maniac!
   Chapter 6
   Not only cruelty reigns in the sky,
   There are a kindness and justice!
   Means that the way is open for love,
   Nobility lives in it, but not favor!
   Zorg - one of the greatest civilizations of the Universe. The huge mighty power forming universal council and community of independent galaxies arose long ago, even before existence of the planet Earth. When the Sun was a protostar and a star in the ultra-violet range, and present black holes were the bright stars which were generously giving light. Already then zorg mastered a space, traded, waged wars with neighbors, gradually expanding the space. However together with scientific and technical progress the morality and morals developed. Propaganda for war and war began to be considered as dirty, immoral business, murder - a sin, infliction of harm to reasonable beings - a heinous crime against reason.
   The new galactic community which entered only on a voluntary basis was gradually created. Other civilizations could remain independent. They waged still from time to time among themselves star wars. Even if in the look and there is a ruthless competitive fight, what to speak about the races which do not have even the general cellular structure. But now, as a rule, the conflicts had local character, and business reached serious space war seldom though certain space empires continued to extend gradually.
   The sudden exit to a universal orbit of a new civilization of stelzan changed the habitual course of things. Applying the newest types of arms, bringing together allies in the coalition, and then betraying them. Working where cunning where insidiousness, stelzana promptly increased the influence, inflating, like a snowball. Crushing under itself all new and new worlds, the empire became more and more huge and greedy. During star battles humanoids perished at first in billions, and in process of growth of scales and gains - trillions, quadrillions. Many millions of space rockets, star planes, intergalactic starprobe vehicles were at war with each other. The whole planets blew up and dissipated in space, galaxies were literally devastated by an uncontrollable stream of annihilation expansion. By means of intrigues, spies, traitors of a stelzana the conflicts and wars in other regions of the Universe sowed. Employed mercenaries, formed the coalitions and continued to extend, incorporating all new worlds. Especially cruelly and furiously stelzana in relation to the star republic of Dean behaved. Dynes, as well as zorg, were three-hollow beings, and in the metabolism did not use oxygen. Though oxygen and nitrogenous and oxygen and gel atmosphere was the most widespread in the Universe. Such atmosphere for zorg and din was too active, and without space suits they just were oxidized, dying in Wednesday, poisonous for them, hard. Stelzana waged destructive total war on elimination of din, without sparing even children and germs. Dinov almost completely destroyed as a look. And here zorg interfered. Overwhelming technical superiority and couple of strong lessons of war returned stelzan to reality, having stopped destruction of a civilization. Zorg wakened from hibernation and began to interfere more actively with wars, with bloody and photonew dismantling between civilizations. Dinov about eighty five quadrillion (Wild figure, it is difficult to imagine such quantity), it disregarding the multitrillionth population under control the worlds were destroyed. Certainly, gains of Purple Constellation - the most cruel of all intergalactic star wars in the history of the Universe. Fights gradually abated, though expansion continued after that. Stelzana occupied over three and a half thousand galaxies, having become the mightiest of star empires, having conquered about twenty million huge star states, nearly five billion civilizations, having taken more than fourteen trillion suitable for life of the worlds, and a bigger number of planets, not suitable for life, but suitable for operation. How many at the same time died reasonable beings, does not give in to calculation. The empire of stelzan - Great Stelzanat - became the most extensive of all intergalactic empires. Because of active intervention of Universal council of justice of war there were practically only small boundary strikes. The main center of intergalactic fight was displaced to the sphere of economy, an intense competition and aggressive industrial and commercial espionage. Not the hyper laser, and kulaman began to submit new star systems (monetary currency). Again won colonies ruthlessly were operated, the main goal - to squeeze out more than money and resources. However Universal council of justice as a lump in a throat, established tough service regulations of the conquered planets, restriction in use of force, harmony of the right of humanoids. Because of enormous technical superiority of a stelzana and other star empires did not decide to enter war with community of independent galaxies and, having gritted teeth, were forced to play by rules. Here therefore audits of Universal council they were afraid much more, than inspections of the authorities. The relations between Universal council of justice and other worlds were regulated by various contracts that allowed relative stability in this part of the Universe. A misinformation an imer Konoradson - the senior senator and the highest inspector of the general congress was famous for the analytical mind, the phenomenal intuition and tenacity, incomprehensible decency and giant erudition. Age the Misinformation Konoradson's imer made nearly one million terrestrial years. Experience of many millennia in one reason. For so long term it is possible to learn to distinguish traps, to see cunning lie, to open sophisticated deception. Naturally, it created mighty aura of trust around Konoradson. Believed in him how in the Messiah, and prayed on it, as on God.
   After heavy fight and attempt, Lev Eraskander was surprisingly quickly restored. Of course, the newest technologies of regeneration have the effect, but nevertheless even for skilled doctors it was a surprise. The boy rose and with surprising ease went on spacious chamber. A floor under naked soles was warm very elastic, and on it it is possible to jump up as if on a trampoline. Walls of the chamber were painted as if a lawn where cubs of race of Liffi, the amusing heads of deer, a trunk of leopards, paws and to a tail of jerboas, only with more magnificent brush on the end froliced.
   The office is here not prison, a graviovizor with the three-dimensional hologram in a corner, fresh air with a smell of herbs, a hydrobed and the nurse robot in the form of orange with spidery legs. His first thought was: "And what if to run away?" To leave chamber not a feat of Heracles to make, as well as to disconnect the cybernetic nurse, but how to get rid of a slave collar, and what is even more difficult, of the watching device tightly implanted in a backbone. If to try to escape, it will be caught right there and probably liquidated. Dealt with attempt, do not accuse it, but also did not touch Urlik, testimonies of the slave in this case have no validity. And he did not perform a task of the guerrilla group yet, did not manage to send a graviogramma to Great Zorgu. Thereby it brings companions, undermining already fragile confidence. But as he will make it if all transmitters under control, and each its step is traced by the tireless computer. The boy in disappointment jumped up, touched by a ceiling hand with the drawn sea monster it is rather however, amusing, than terrible. Then uttered:
   - Stalemates do not happen, for this purpose at whom thoughts do not leave, through the back place! The joke for a while amused Lev, but then the mood fell again. Was from what to come to despair, but Fortuna is the goddess whimsical and not always is favorable. However, it is the great goddess loves young and strong which do not lose courage!
   The armor door of chamber was moved apart also in cozy, become suddenly is dazzling white from streams of disinfecting radiation, the room the woman of marvelous beauty entered. She seemed to the young man the fantastic fairy. High, sports (two meters - the standard size for stelzan of females) it is also dazzling beautiful with surprisingly nice and tender face. And it was quite unusual as from stelzan always flies aggression and impudence. She put the soft gentle hand on a shoulder to the guy, having softly scratched skin is luminescent bright nails.
   - My dear friend, you already got on feet! And I was afraid that this monster will leave you forever the cripple.
   Her seven-color poured hair touched brawny as the put guards of a breast of the young man, and the smell of the thinnest spirits was stupefying, inspiring with passion. The lion was not a fool and at once understood that tender Tsirtsy from him it is necessary for this, but, nevertheless, asked:
   - Sorry, who you are such?
   She drew near closer, licked a pink uvula the boy in a smooth forehead, and softly said a ringing golosochok:
   - I am Vener Allamara, the daughter of the local governor, the officer of 9 stars, department of commercial investigation. Be not afraid, I will not do you harm. Just I suggest to distract and be passed to my personal palace. Believe, he is magnificent and beautiful. I will show you much it that you never saw on the Earth forgotten by all. I call it the planet of grief.
   - Why? - The lion asked mechanically, at the same time involuntarily reddening from feeling of passion of the delightful star from title race of the Great star empire.
   - The Lord cries, seeing as the person fell, the blaster burned to people flesh - the century is full of suffering! - With aspiration and in a rhyme said Vener and, carefully held, the moving-back young man with a hand. - And you are so similar to us. There was a wish to check only a brute force or something else!
   In Lev the teenage confusion and natural vigilance in relation to all hated to mankind to stelzana and natural call of a young, sound body fought. The voice of the boy gave confusion and strong confusion:
   - It is very interesting, but on me a collar of the slave and the watching Death grip device.
   Vener said contemptuous tone as if it was talked of a real trifle:
   - It is not a problem. It is easy to disconnect and remove a collar when you know all its principles of work. And as for your watching device, your nominal owner Dzhover Hermes will not disturb me. - Stelzanka for greater expressiveness carried out by a palm edge on air. - My magnate father can cause it the mountain of abrupt problems.
   Having made imperative gesture, she invited to follow her. That to miss such chance it would be guilty... And not only for itself that calmed conscience...
   Armor avtoletoplan smoothly came off a basalt covering and directed up. On Earth where from old houses there were, at best, ruins, and from new structures there were only barracks, military bases and the residence of the governor. The lion never before saw such cities. The huge skyscrapers going on kilometers to height. They it seemed the tops, tear lilac and pink clouds of this world. In height flying cars, from diskolet and tear-shaped forms of stelzan and races of humanoid type, to extremely elaborate design of those types of life rush that it and close analogy cannot be found on Earth. Kilometer billboards, giant temples to various gods and individuals. The trailing and moving around buildings gardens with the most improbable and wild plants, flowers and live minerals in a form. Practically all houses were different in color and composition. Stelzana very much loved bright colors, a complex iridescent combination of paints, game of diverse motley radiations. Even the numerous buildings built by local population to a gain of this planet were painted and decked under tastes of aggressors. Eraskander also loved sated tone and a difficult marvelous play of light, this city seemed to him fantastically beautiful. Especially, if to remember the mutilated and humiliated Earth. Meanwhile Vener Allamara nestled on him more and more closely, massing hands a naked body. The boy was almost naked, and without volition was more and stronger excited, he literally wanted to snatch on the sitting next hetera. Vener was also more and more excited, radiating desire.
   Though to Lev there were even no 19 cycles (the commentator slightly overestimated his age), it not on age was high and strong. Height is nearly a meter ninety, and weight is under ninety kilograms without the slightest hint on fat. The dark bronze tan shades very relief and deep muscles, doing a figure even more attractive. It terribly strong for the age that gives it special originality in man's beauty. In what there is nothing surprising, on Earth of the girl went crazy on the mighty guy with Apollo's build, but with the young face keeping teenage rotundity and skin, gladenky without uniform volosik. Head hair at the same time dense, golden светлыnbsp; e, slightly wavy that however, because of a hairstyle, short, fashionable at stelzan, not so considerably. And what is loved by women? Beauty, force, youth and if carries also mind. It is necessary to consider that at stelzan the woman who is actively removing the man - in the nature of things then there is nothing unusual. Equality in military business extremely pulled together also mentality in the sexual relations when both the male and a female is races aggressors equally, without knowing shame, brag of the victories on the love front. The lion crookedly smiled, having seen in the form of a female, massive and athletic figure a skyscraper which dozen of enormous windows reminded full maiden breasts, shining as if asterisks in the sky nipples. Amusing designs at the nation of an aggressor. The boundless empire with a matriarchy element. It is rather surprising that the whole turn of lewd females was not built.
   Ahead the highest building in the province - the Temple of the emperor towered. It was a very tall multidome construction. Domes were the most various forms and flowers which sparkled is dazzling brightly. In a sanctuary there was a hyper plasma reactor therefore when it became dark, the enormous hologram with a view of the temple or the speaker space "supertsezarya" was highlighted. Having passed the central Temple of the great emperor. They took off on Vadkoroz Street. Here and its palace - magnificent, huge, just tremendous imagination, honor with height in kilometer. The manner of a structure is very similar to drevnevostochny style, only a coloring too motley, multi-color, with the light garlands and fountains beating from domes. And from above the hologram in the form of the sparkling glow in which it is possible to distinguish contours of the breaking-up starprobe vehicle. At an entrance it is several robots security guards, dozen of police natives (mix of orthograde cats with magnificent minks). The security officer of the palace stelzan-officer friendly smiled, having stretched a wide palm.
   - And you, sonny, well done! Real soldier of Great Stelzanat. Ask our madam, she will achieve, and you will become a soldier and if you cause a stir, then you will obtain citizenship and together with us will operate the Universe...
   Vener interrupted with unexpectedly severe voice the officer.
   - Do not climb in others affairs! You, soldiers, frankly speaking, in serene time for nothing absorb a protein while we, ecoinvestigation, always work home. Perhaps peaceful existence between the worlds, but never between economies.
   And again friendly having smiled, stroked Lev on a brawny suntanned back, rumpled strong fingers, with sharp nails, an elastic breast. Tight muscles, heart fights exactly.
   - What smooth skin at you, as if Samadorova cockleshell.
   When they entered in magnificent krapleny precious kamenye the hall, Vener could not master itself any more. Having dumped clothes, it snatched on the guy. Its magnificent as buds of scarlet roses, breasts bulked up and seductively attracted. Harmonous golden and bronze legs were crossed in the tempting movement. It was thinner also to the land, than most of women of the great empire, and at the same time is hotter in a bed. Eraskander was beyond the years strong too. To it also if to admit, there was a terrible wish to copulate...
   The lion felt the sailing yacht which is torn a full speed forward, and got into a storm. Wind grows stronger, passing into a violent hurricane, and on all mighty young body as if a tsunami, waves of violent passion rush. And each new push generates even more powerful earthquake, the shaft accrues, and in each cell of a body as if drenches with precious splashes of happiness a surf of fantastic pleasure. Several hours the young man and the woman made love, having endured the whole cascade of feelings. When they sated and weakened, lay on a magnificent carpet, it was splendidly pleasant to them. Numerous multi-colored mirrors under different corners lit spacious as good stadium, the hall. When lovers furiously were blissfully happy, weaving the bodies shining the polished bronze, mirrors from all points and ranges reflected the wavy movements. Star Aphrodite with voluptuous groan turned, her face radiated happiness, calloused hands of the gladiator boy massed her fine-molded leg, ironed between long graceful fingers, tickled pink to the patch, then rose to magnificent hips. Vener flitting in pleasure clouds, with enthusiasm said:
   - Incomparably! You are just a wizard! To me never and with anybody it was not so good. You such strong and gentle, and our men not such as person...
   The lion too quite sincerely answered. After the next passionate kiss Vener in a breast from what young, strong heart was clogged stronger, the passion in the tempered flesh wakened with a new force. In reply the fellow attracted it for shoulders to himself, language having licked a ruby butonchik of a nipple, by the voice which is broken for nervousness quietly said:
   - Also you know not such as Great Stelzanat's women, in you there is so much tenderness and kindness, remind the fantastic princess, and you want to be rescued. Excuse for a request, but I wish to give a graviogramma that my parents did not worry to Earth. After all we in other galaxy, at a distance in hundreds of thousands of light cycles years.
   The warrior of commercial investigation very much wanted to thank the wonderful boy of unfairly oppressed race therefore she joyfully exclaimed:
   - Perfectly! I have a strong radio station with an individual code, the privilege of governors. Tell that you want, and I will help you. Only for it tomorrow we will make love again...
   The lion literally blossomed in a smile.
   - In that case I agree. You are just goddess Venus.
   - Who?! - Stelzana represented surprise on a face though comparison with a deity was pleasant to her.
   - This is the goddess of love and happiness on our planet. - Simply and simply Eraskander answered and involuntarily looked down.
   - Kvazarny expression! I will sometime arrive on your planet. And you hurry, too long absence is dangerous to you. - Vener unexpectedly cooled down, itself quite roughly raised the young man for a shoulder, having even a little torn off it from a floor.
   - Kvazarnoye? It from the word "quasar"? Probably, it is the biggest star in the Universe, and I still such small, - it is playful as if without noticing roughness, Eraskander said.
   - It is not necessary, Lev! I accept all your sizes! - Stelzanka began to smile stronger, once again greedy kissed the honey lips on a velvet mouth of the beloved, and having let out a sigh of a regret released, the guy.
   To Eraskander it was a little awkward, he did not know who his real parents, and to tell lies already, it seems, to the beloved, somehow podlovato. Even if it and the soldier of Purple constellation, the empire in the cruelty and unscrupulousness which eclipsed all the predecessors in the Universe. Without spending time for further disputes are empty, the young man surely and quickly sent a graviagramma. It was quite simply, a simple set keys. Then accompanied by the new companion returned to the aircraft. On the way back all it seemed majestic and air. Numerous assemblies of exotic buildings were poured by joyful light, occupations by love gave brightness to paints and freshness to impressions.
   In chamber it was waited by the whole enormous bush of magnificent flowers with the stupefying smell and the live trembling petals. And also marvelously smart table with exotic, even by the standards of the star empire, viands. The native hospital attendant so low bowed now that touched by the ears, long with brilliant wool, a plastic floor. And the severe doctor somehow badly winked:
   - You were lucky, the guy! You have a cool girlfriend. You will become free soon!
   "God grant! - Lev thought with grief. - But something is not believed in so easy and pleasant happiness!"
   Then he suddenly felt any good waves of thoughts: "For them I am only a slave, an exotic animal".
   The young man felt humiliated. Damned stelzana! When he breaks loose, he will show them, will spray how many they would not be kvintillion on photons all this nation of ghouls sadists! Here words of the Sensei were remembered: "When it is strong, seem weak. When it is weak, seem strong. When you hate, smile. When you are overflowed by anger - sing small! Let the blow will be as a lightning! Let it will see when he already managed to strike to death!"
   And again cybernetic transmitters included Stelzanat's anthem. However, a little changed. But all the same, it is related pathos and aggressive option. For some reason it was this time not so opposite from the grown hateful music of ruthless invaders.
   Chapter 7
   If you want to achieve a victory,
   You on the kind uncle do not put!
   You will be able to overcome itself the troubles!
   And yourself force to respect all!
   Here it is the native planet of zorg. The enormous sphere, by the sizes in more than half a million kilometers in the diameter. Because of extremely low density of a kernel gravity makes only 1,2 units from terrestrial. In the planet metal hydrogen. On a surface most of all lithium, magnesium, potassium, aluminum and other metals. Except known on Earth, there is a mysterious element esentsum-4, esentsum-8 and some other the easy metal components unknown on a terrestrial surface and in the next galaxies too. Zorg have not proteinaceous structure, but difficult, metal. They consist of various lungs and very active metals, partially liquid, partially firm. Density of their bodies approximately, as H2O. The panorama of buildings is perfect in the magnificence and is peculiar. They are not similar neither on terrestrial, nor to stelzanovsky structures. Spheres, domes, cylinders, ovals are colourfully connected in huge color garlands. Spherical and cylindrical skyscrapers go to height on tens and hundreds of kilometers. Some buildings are executed in the form of exotic animals with a set of extremities, claws, feelers and still not particularly what objects. For example, the house in the form of a hybrid of four turtles and pineapples with the heads of a jaguar at the same time put, in reducing to top an order at each other. The constructions constructed allied to inogalaktama zorga are especially various, they sometimes so elaborate that modern artists avant-gardists went crazy, trying to betray improbable composition. There is a building in the form of which feelers of excavators squids, a number of eyes of mermaids with long eyelashes, drills of the flowers terminating in buds, details of an arm and the heads of pyatirogy rhinoceroses, with fish scales are mixed. It is difficult even to imagine it, and there are even more elaborate, magnificent and for other inomiryan mad. Aircraft, generally round form though some remind buds of flowers, promptly dissect uglevodorodisty, metano - hydrosulphuric hlornoidriyevuyu the atmosphere. Some most perfect cars, instantly slip through space, remaining invisible. Others neutralize friction special radiation on the nanosecond share decomposing atoms to novels (approximately the seventh degree of hyper-minipart after quarks!), and then matter automatically gathers again.
   Usually by so perfect designs there go the zorg which seized secret zero transition and the kinezprostranstvo nature (what the fact that there is no matter in fact consists of!) and its versions. The atmosphere would seem to the earthling slightly rather turbid as if through kilometer of dense fog, in height colourful inflorescences of lightnings flash - there is a safe category of energy. The strange world bright and gloomy at the same time, but eyes of zorg see both in the gamma range, and in radio wave, ultra-violet and in infrared ranges of flowers. Well, and special tiny cyber-lenses give a similar opportunity to inhabitants of other worlds.
   In the big dome-shaped hall with a transparent roof the senior senator Dez an imer Konoradson looked through the graviagramma sent by Lev Eraskander. From above the majestic type of space constructions, various stations and satellites of the mighty empire of Diamond Constellation opened. For example, there was the giant, ornated by an ornament hairbrush. Around its teeths which are looking like icicles, starprobe vehicles flew, at approach their form instantly changed. There was for example a spaceship a hybrid of a samovar and a bud of a gladiolus, there was a mix of a hedgehog and a camomile or transformation of a saucer with the head of a parrot and three crocodile tails, and the dump truck with wings of a swan and the head of a giraffe. Here also various entertainment centers, restaurants, a casino, houses of happiness, attractions and many other things that cannot pick up analogy were located. Here syncretism of cultures of millions of civilizations was some kind of that did a picture of the star sky, extremely motley, filled exotic of miracles when the desire to make esthetic impression surpassed rational calculation.
   That is why many starprobe vehicles were not a standard streamline shape, and their designers tried to express rather a spirit of the look, than to achieve the maximum road performance.
   For zorg it however, already ordinary. Near the Senior parliamentarian there was his assistant senator Bernard Pangon. This zorg terribly towered the three-meter hulk, almost square body with six extremities. Senator, the deep metal voice similar to game of a contrabass spoke.
   - I think that, despite externally credibility, the probability of a support cannot be excluded completely. This governor replaced 56 planets and he has an unimportant reputation. However the suspicious anonymous author did not call himself that is always doubtful. And the fact that the message was sent from other galaxy is very similar to the strange course deprived of logic. It can be collision of commercial interests, personal revenge, some long offense. It is better to send commission of professional experts there, than to fly there most, and then to become a parable on all ranges of the Metagalaxy. To you, the senior senator, did not stick to rush almost through all empire on a false call. Professionals will make better and more reliable, than we.
   Misinformation an imer Konoradson carrying and the duke's title, answered with a quiet juicy voice. At this his face which is actually going to shoulders was motionless as a mask:
   - In a basis I agree with you. But... First, the telegram was addressed personally to me, but not space patrol. Secondly, I wanted to look at this mysterious planet Earth long ago.
   In Bernard Pangon's voice sounded the boredom mixed with contempt. But at the same time in it there was convincing force. It seemed even covered with the stones sparkling a hundred times more brightly than the diamonds flying by air small fishes vigorously wave the long fins weaved from stars as a sign of approval.
   - It is the usual standard planet with oxygen, poisonous for us. Such worlds millions and billions. On Sirius there live almost the same, only more backward bisexual beings. As well as on Earth, similar vegetation. Perhaps, natives of this system were more backward technically, but more developed morally. All this one species of hairless primacies, both people, and stelzana.
   The senior senator said tender tone, gradually burning in an oratorical rush:
   - That's it, my friend as stelzana. The same origin, the same group, in many respects similar history, including wars in the planet. And inhabitants of Sirius not so aggressive, they from a herbivorous species of a chimpanzee developed. Unless it is not interesting to look at rare analog - stelzana in the past. We lived is too closed, being happy in the physical, mental and intellectual perfection. Forgot about what becomes around us, thinking that the reason and intelligence go quantum to quantum with high morals. That the psychology of the savage with the stone axe is not compatible to star empires, intergalactic flights, and aggressive instincts are only the atavism cast by memories of first-born hunger. Oh, is not present, not for nothing our ancient philosophers said that there is nothing more terribly than the perfect logic placed at service by low passions and the high intelligence conducted by an instinct of total destruction. When stelzana exterminated, pressing our brothers of din and other reasonable beings as if insects, and processing their corpses at factories of death. It were already not animal instincts, it was logical destruction of the types, not necessary and potentially dangerous to these bloody conquerors. The paranoia of eternal fear and psychosis connected to a cold sadism and moral marasmus. And all this was created by beings with high I.Q., the nation which became a supercivilization. It to us a double lesson on the future. Perhaps sometime and people of Earth will reach independence, having thrown off handcuffs of the elder brothers. And I would not like that they went mean and, finally, in the disastrous way. They need this trip, first of all, unripe, spiritually weak, absorbing poison of disgusting outlook of stelzan. Essence of their ideology:" you - anything, and your nation - all; before other nations you - everything, because they - anything". Everyone stelzan - an elementary particle before the emperor, each representative of other race - a smaller particle before stelzany. No, people of Earth have to understand that to what. I resolved. I go! Though it is equivalent to a convergence in an underworld! But unless the envoy of Supreme justice, is afraid to step into the land operated by the Satan!
   The last words of a great zorg, dreadfully terribly rattled heavy metal. It seemed, one hundred enormous copper pipes sound. Huge, almost round, zorg exposed six extremities with nine soft mobile fingers. Three massive legs supported in appearance clumsy, but very elastic and capable to change a form a body. Konoradson continued far more quietly. The domestic flying small fishes who from energy of the zhidkometallichesky speaker already was were swept up as molecules in boiled water also slowed down the movement, having turned into smooth dance. One more friendly animal in the form of ten strung balls cheesecakes with the head of a hamster, it was stuck to a notable zorg into a leg and began to caress catlike. Even it was possible to distinguish words: "I obedient the Sylph" And a voice of the senior senator continued to sound:
   - For us it is much opened and much given. And our debt to share with those who grew blind and is deprived of evil destiny. Though we do not kill without emergency reasonable beings, even such furious and cruel types as stelzana. But ideology of the pithecanthropus in whose hands thermo-kvarkovaya, and on the way and a preonovy bomb, we have to condemn morally. Stelzana have to understand that there are still other concepts, except such as aspiration to universal domination, capture all of new territories even if by not direct, but more hidden economic wars. An essence same and they did not wage continuous wars if not our control. I will take with myself eight reasonable individuals and how many friends will depart with you?
   Bernand Pangon took on hands took on hands of a hamster with a body of their ten cheesecakes. The last when stroking changed colors and took from themselves silent, but very gentle melody. One of flying small fishes took seat on a palm of the senior senator, between Konoradson's fingers there was a candy. The being with a precious scale chirped and began to pinch sweet.
   Pan-rutting with sure slackness said:
   - I am one step lower than you on a rank and am a hundred times younger. I will have enough two. And still I will take Tsemekel from din. He is a big specialist in Stelzanam. However after defeat from a termokvarkovy bomb it was necessary to replace his brain in a body of a cyborg. Externally it does not differ from robots, even the artificial intelligence (quantum level), also the personality is held only in remembrance. It can fine be useful to us.
   The senior senator raised a palm up, and the precious small fish soared up to a chandelier in the form of planetary system. Balls of the giving planets changed the form as inviting the flyer to make landing. With badly hidden regret in a voice Konoradson thundered:
   - Stelzanov, according to the contract, it is necessary to notify. It is clear, that they under any pretexts will try to detain the movement of a starprobe vehicle that will give them time for preparation for visit and concealment of traces. So the heavy exchange of beam volleys is necessary. I hope that will win not against the strongest, but the most honest. The one who governs a right cause!
   Rather small space liner, later less than a day on human measurement, started with an orbit of the central planet of a great zorg. The usual starprobe vehicle without any elaborate forms, tear-shaped giving silvery outflow, seemed imperceptible against the vast objects showing design and art excesses. The huge crimson and ruby star of zorg Daramarakhadara sent a farewell beam. Near this star another burned, already artificial, the cornflower-blue and emerald star supporting due balance on the planets inhabited by zorga. Seven plentifully inhabited planets smoothly were turned around stars. Around them dense star clusters of incredibly colourful spirals of the star world with millions of high-organized planets slid. Several million stars were artificially ordered in fancy and beautiful figures. And at an entrance to a galaxy of great zorg on a black velvet canvas of boundless space large stars radiantly highlighted "Welcome to paradise!" Letters in the alphabet of zorg reminded silhouettes of kind fantastic small animals and were visible with the naked eye for hundreds of light years. It, really, struck. In different spheres of the Universe depending on radiation and structure of the atmosphere billions of flowers and a kvintilliona of shades turned out. It is impossible to describe magnificence poor human language, but having seen once, you any more will never forget a surprising picture of the world of good and light.
   In the commonwealth of free and independent galaxies such concepts as pain, a grief, an illness, death, hunger, injustice disappeared. It is a natural stage of civilized development.
   Space fight was in the heat.
   Hundred twenty seven planes of star fleet of stelzan against hundred thirty, approximately equal on arms, the opponent's starprobe vehicles. Streamline predatory shapes of the ships of Stelzanat looked more killing, than huge and indistinct submarines of sinkh, inhabitants of Gold constellation. At first it was necessary to choose the place in space for more successful beginning of fight. Nearby there was huge on luminosity and weight in twenty five sun a star of Kishting. To win fight it is the best of all to try to press to it starprobe vehicles of the enemy.
   Both fleet maneuver as careful boxers on a ring not hurrying with exchanges of blows, and try to probe protection. The opponent's ships, heavy and massive, try to press force fields to a bright star. In reflections of a giant star are reflected in several levels of composition of shadows from the space submarines which are occasionally dumping annihilation clots. It is clear, that sinkh, want to use advantage in massiveness as if to whip with winged Tiger tanks the mobile rival. Soldiers of Purple constellation perfectly understand it. Therefore starprobe vehicles of stelzan go up if to apply such concept of space. The commander Vil Dezumer coolly directs battle. He nods the to the deputy to Selena Belka:
   - The shortest way to a victory, twisting maneuver the confusing calculation of the enemy!
   The beauty Selena sparkling a five-color, wavy hairdress with shoulder straps of the four-star general, a ringing voice of typical Amazon answered:
   - To confuse the opponent, only the ball winded by chaotic threads on exact calculation can!
   Foes of Sinkhi too, even with some hysteria accelerate, their starprobe vehicles, apparently, even dance from tension. As if fat women dance by the light of a giant fire, so looks the movement of spaceships of Gold constellation. Here the 5-star general of space fleet gives the order to interrupt acceleration and to go up inertia. Selenium moving with long eyelashes - they coil as thin snakes, whispers:
   - Speed is good everywhere, except haste and aging!
   The enemy is even more accelerated and gets advantage, all terribly hanging from above. Advantage everything accrues. The enemy is ready to fall, like a kite upon a hare. In a gravioefira the very unpleasant peep sounds:
   - Primacies got!
   The squirrel and Dezumer amicably raise a middle finger up... Suddenly sharp turn - and almost deprived inertia (compensation by means of geomagnetic radiations) star planes of stelzan rush in the opposite direction, down, with running start on a circular orbit approaching a star. The opponent is developed, beginning to pursue. Starprobe vehicles of stelzan nearly concern a prominence, then fly over the photosphere of a star. Despite protective fields, in starprobe vehicles becomes hot, drops of sweat flow down on intense bronze dark faces. The opponent's ships went too for rapprochement with brightly flaring star therefore in passion of prosecution did not notice that pilots of purple constellation managed to come them into the back. The part of the fastest starprobe vehicles arrived before the others, using force of an attraction of huge Kishting that it was much prompter, than the opponent expected. The concentrated blows of lasers to a rear guard, explosions of the damaged starprobe vehicles which got under the concentrated blow followed. The opponent tried to be developed, but force of an attraction plays against it. And while it did it, other starprobe vehicles of constellation managed to fly up, synchronously bringing down all the striking power on the enemy. Now starprobe vehicles of the opponent are forced to accept battle in unequal conditions, being pressed by gravitation of a big star, losing both the speed, and maneuverability. Besides, the force fields of the enemy connected to gravitation installations also press the adversary, forcing to give a lot of energy of power boards on protection against radiations of huge killingly burning star. Having included force fields to a limit, starprobe vehicles of space fleet of Purple constellation pressed the enemy, trying to push off it on a plasma surface. There was a furious exchange of blows gravio and mega laser beams. Because of a short distance and coupling of fields it was impossible to use rockets and bombs therefore various arms of laser and pulse type were put to use. In these conditions battle computers on flagman starprobe vehicles direct. In the first violin of the funeral symphony began to play ecolasers, vibrobeams, blasters, mazer and other types of luchemet. They splashed out energy and streams of light, generating unimaginably difficult multi-colored fireworks. The weapon literally threw out beams in the form of fiery spheres, scissors, triangles, polygons, polosuya space, destroying matter. Only the fotono-plasma computer could understand such cacophony of destructive light. Radiations and hyper plasma were flown to embraces, trying, to strangle each other is similar to the mad, dancing in vacuum boas. But unlike this species of reptiles, blows flaring the substance heated in quintillions by degree, destroyed designs in thousands of times surpassing in durability the Titan! Unexpectedly the system of stelzan changed degree, and they brought down all force of a plasma whirlwind on the command ship of the opponent. Two stelzanovsky starprobe vehicles blew up, but the giant leader of the enemy detonated in a radiant lump, similar to a minisupernew star too, and blazed a hot flame and right there went out. The starprobe vehicles of an arthropod of the enemy deprived of the commander-in-chief turned into the coward herd of sheep which lost the shepherd. Further fight turned into banal beating. The remains of space fleet of sinkh were simply dumped by force fields on a blue-violet star where they and as scraps of a blotter burned down in plasma radiation, having sprayed on photons and quarks.
   The telecast was interrupted by a storm of applause of the fighters-stelzanov watching the latest news from star border.
   The triumphing exclamations were heard.
   - Yes are well, great soldiers! Nobody can oppose to will grandiose of grandiozdneyshy God emperor!
   On the image created by the enormous sparkling three-dimensional projection joyful faces of members of crews of the fighting ships are clearly visible. The anthem of star fleet is executed, triumph exclamations are heard. Solemnly congratulations from various members of command and personally from the emperor sound.
   Lev Eraskander to this day sitting on inertly sparking lead in a slave collar also stood up, violently applauding winners of this quite large boundary battle. The enormous 6-star officer did not pass a case to pin up.
   - Look, Dzhover, your doggie to us podlaivat!
   The boy outright took offense. He for a minute, really, forgot that fight was won by stelzana, fierce invaders of Earth. But as they were similar to people, these cheerful guys in boyekostyuma! And genetically stelzana are much closer to people, than opposite ant and mosquito quasihumanoid sinkh.
   - I applauded not as a doggie, and as the person! And it sounds is proud! Your guys fought safely and quite adequately, but did not sit in the back as some. - Eraskander shook, a sinewy, strong fist.
   - Who sat, a macaque? - Stelzan grinned.
   - You! - Fearlessly the young man exclaimed.
   The officer roared, having grabbed thick hands the fighting blaster.
   - Give, I will kill him!
   Dzhover Hermes considered it necessary to interfere.
   - This is not your slave, you have no right to touch him.
   - And you that, you allow that I was oblaivat by a virkunsky maradoga! For impudence it should be flogged a neutron switch, having torn off meat from edges! - Enormous stelzan cried out as the scalded hippopotamus.
   - This my business as to punish it. - In Hermes's voice uncertainty was felt.
   The lion felt how the rage and therefore made up the mind to a desperate step boils.
   - If you are a man, but not the coward, then battle against me honestly, barehanded!
   All officers amicably clapped the hands and whistled. The idea was pleasant to them. Many saw the previous fight with the monster, and it was interesting to them whether it will resist against well trained officer of army of stelzan. The officer wanted, was to tell that to fight with a pet below his advantage, but views of his colleagues said that if he refuses, then will lose all respect. Of course, terrestrial macaque to it not the rival.
   - I will fight with this animal, but if I kill him, you Hermes will not receive compensation.
   - And if it evaporates you? - The haughty owner-stelzan giggled.
   - Then I will give you one thousand kulaman! - The strapper growled lupanuv by air a fist.
   - You drive vacuum unless your spirit will send me them from the parallel world! - Hermes showed an ugly face in a grin, and other soldiers laughed loudly. Cottons of a palm and exclamations were heard:
   - We for it will be charged!
   The two-star general with a nose of a kite and an angular face of the SS-man, bellowed:
   - Stake, dragons!
   Officers right there began to conclude a bet. Some at the same time even threw off uniforms, poigryvy massive bicepses.
   Ktar Samaza, so called the 6-star officer of space special troops, became in a fighting rack. Most of soldiers of Stelzanat were grown up according to the uniform standard. Males growth in 210 centimeters, a plus-minus weighing 150 kilograms two units, females were 200 centimeters in height, and a plus-minus weighing 120 kilograms two units. However among high command structure the break off could be more. This fighter was above, and heavier than the average standard. Having thrown off a uniform, it bared terrible muscles. They were rolled by enormous spheres under skin.
   - You are already a corpse! I will break off as nadlazer paper!
   The young man facing it was easier, and it is less than growth though for the years too not really small, about 185 centimeters and 80 kilograms.
   Samaza furiously attacked, using a difficult combination of blows, both hands, and legs. For the weight it was surprisingly fast. A lion, having hardly evaded, managed to leave and, having made a somersault, cut to the opponent up to fish soup. The blow only enraged the giant, and he managed retaliation to get to the boy into a breast. On a swarty bronze breast bruise developed. To a limit the officer of army Stelzanata who is pumped up by hormones was the real machine of death. But also the human fighter did not concede to it. Smaller weight provided big maneuverability. And Eraskander relied on ukhoda and sudden counterstrokes. As his opponent did not swing the arm to slam "mosquito" having put all the power, and beat shortly and sharply, without forgetting to put blocks, it was not possible to strike a direct shot to it in any way. The lion remembered words of the Sensei again:" Accustom the opponent to one series of movements, pretend that you are not capable of bigger. When he relaxes, will begin to neglect protection, strike a series of non-standard blows, strike painful points". Council was wise, and the young man tried to follow it. Ktar flew into a rage directly in the eyes, he, really, neglected protection, nevertheless few times he managed to touch the terrestrial fighter on a tangent. By habitual effort of will Lev suppressed pain and when the enemy once again revealed, he struck unexpected sharp counter blow. Then still the whole series of the accented blows, prompt as lawn-mower cutting torch blades. The opponent was shocked and literally broken in organic crushed stone.
   One of officers thrust in the guy a charge from a paralyzer, and that it to such an extent would destroy living tissues of the opponent that any more even the perfect technology of regeneration would not help. Paralyzed the young man, and the half-dead officer was taken away right there by the robot hospital attendant. Everything it became terrible, if Ktar dies, then to all of them will fly for such violation of army regulations. They gave amicable good on the actual duel of the officer with the insignificant slave gladiator. Having hastily paid off at the rates elite humanoids, they left the hall and were hasty dissolved in the boundless palace of entertainments.
   Dzhover Hermes took away the fighter, having shouldered an insensible body, and too left from the room. Of course, business will be hushed up, but how many will shake out "money" on bribes. Having seen that Eraskander already recovered, the boss the sharp movement, dumped it on a floor.
   - At you broke a head? You do not dare, so to beat the officer of the empire!
   The lion fearlessly answered:
   - If he is a real man, then and blows has to receive the presents, man's.
   The courageous answer was pleasant thinking himself abrupt to a stelzan.
   - You are, of course, a good fellow, filled up such mighty fighter. Be you my son or at least from our race, you would be waited by bright future. But you are a slave from the birth. Understand it! Also do not try to get of us the best. If you are, it is obedient, your status will be raised.
   - What difference! It will only change lead length! - Having twisted a face, the young man represented the highest extent of contempt.
   - No, there is a difference! If you want to live, you will understand me. We will depart to black sector soon. I ask, behave as the obedient slave. There it is too dangerous! - Hermes shook finger at Lev as if it was not the terrible soldier, but the little boy.
   Chapter 8
   We do not know the mission,
   To battle against the enemy, or to live in bondage!
   So really our generation
   Will not be able to break a yoke of slavery?
   Having taken seat in the enormous magnificent car which is looking like a shark Barracuda, Hermes and his slave rushed according to the widest prospectus, flying with a speed of the good jet fighter. Very tall buildings flashed a kaleidoscope.
   The lion with interest peered again at the imperial city. Convex the area of square mile billboards, it is dazzling the sparkling most difficult scale of the most unimaginable flowers as if beat with information on brains dumped through them. Many advertizing constructions radiated also in other ranges which are far behind visibility limits of the person via the special cyberscreen of an aero mobile capable to transfer even gamma and gera-waves, etc. The impression shook and considerably was beyond adequate perception. They love animals with volsheblaster of to advertize!
   Stylistics of buildings and enormous skyscrapers are typical for stelzan, various, sometimes fancy, but geometrically correct forms, a set of the diverse flowers and corners. Surprising multifigurativeness of multikilometer palaces, skyscrapers and, at the same time, harmony. Everyone, even the poorest, the representative of a type of stelzan had slaves and servants robots.
   Recently enormous clans of industrialists and oligarchs bred. The former barracks system was infected with fat luscious spirit of capitalism and a private property. There were brothels, heteras, a casino, the exchanges and many other things. Despite cruel repressions, practically all bureaucrats and relatives to feeding troughs took bribes, practiced kickbacks, those who were an exception became derelicts. And it is a sign that the great empire just about can get to deep crisis. The capital of a galaxy Greyzinar of course was more and more magnificently, but also this megalopolis blew the mind of the person.
   The lion admired a marvelous view, having forgotten about traumatized. An unexpected list, and it was prebolno knocked by the big broken finger. He slightly was mistaken in the last fight, having not precisely struck, and broke a finger on the right leg. Having gritted teeth, hardly it constrained pain.
   Unexpectedly the landscape changed. The aero mobile parked, having as if flattened about a wall and, they instantly it appeared in a spacious hotel room. It is moderated magnificent, and the excellent review. The young man with genuine surprise, threw up the hands and exclaimed:
   - Wow! Well and prompt change of scenery, as if installation at cinema!
   Dzhover did not keep from malicious smiling:
   - Yes, the fighter, you just began to learn technical achievements of the Greatest empire really. Was also not a black hole in a fight, only now you should work much more seriously, than earlier.
   Despite playful tone of the owner, in his tone it was felt ominous, and obviously unpleasant.
   - It why? - Eraskander mechanically absorbed the head in shoulders.
   Hermes said weakened by tone, touching fingers of the right hand a charm with the tiny computer:
   - Our ladies got wind what you are a giant of big sex, and want to have fun with you. And it is serious! Our women extremely love sex. I think, you want to take a fun too.
   - With all at once!? - Lev's voice did not express enthusiasm, from bed work.
   - In turn. At once several females, and only at will. You well loved Vener? - Dzhover rubbed a finger a charm, and the big holographic image flashed. It was the octahedral fortress stormed by barefoot warriors in short skirts and hooked swords. Defenders was by the form as soap bubbles about ten thin legs.
   - I was not prostitute male, and wanted it! - Angrily Lev said and witty added. - The love is such game where the third will not be called!
   - And these should be wanted. - Hermes threateningly shifted eyebrows, the volsheblaster itself guided ten barrels on young, the slave. The owner rigidly, but logically added. - The woman the most desired of all dobych, and the most hateful when production devours the hunter!
   - And they will pay you how to the owner of the slave? - Ironically the young man grinned.
   - Well, present that it just entertainment for personal pleasure. - Hermes blinked eyes, the hologram movie theater was replaced, and now in a big hotel room as if lapped emerald, with pearl foam of a wave of the ocean, three sailing ships entered boarding fight. The slaveholder Stelzan added. - You do not understand the happiness - human boys especially such young as you, can dream of so stunning adventure only.
   - For money? It not entertainment, but prostitution. Without shameful financing I, maybe, also wanted the whole harem, and for money be put! - To a lion was and offensively and it is a shame, he understood that the similar offer is rather humiliating, than flatterly.
   Dzhover began to roar, and from barrels of a volsheblaster dense sheaves of sparks fell down. Stelzan nadsazhivatsya by a flow of words:
   - Well, a human spawn, I will hand over you in the Ministry of love and life, then will understand what penalty for non-obedience! Yes, for one Urlik you have to sort on the spare part! Mercy to slaves, is also inappropriate as a white dressing gown in mine! The tree of imperial prosperity, demands watering then, fertilizer corpses and pesticides from blood and tears!
   Lev Eraskander twisted a finger at a temple, but having seen a pleased smile of Hermes, understood that he stelzan apprehended similar gesture as a vainglory to the wit and intelligence. The young man quietly noticed:
   - Pain is not so terrible, it the natural satellite of everything living. - The boy unsuccessfully tried to grab with a palm of one boarding boats departing from a piracy brigantine. The projection - the hologram gave the image transparent that Hermes and the situation surrounding it were perfectly visible, but at the same time thanks to spectral stratification realistic when each detail of fight is visible. In particular as delightful naked females freebooters (probably stelzanka) and the erdifik fighting with them are attractive: beings with the crocodile heads, paws, tails of a lion, and figures of gorillas with a gold curly hair. But of course the attention was riveted by girls-stelzanki. During a fight, their well-muscled bodies, shone from sweat, and a charm in the movement, were so seductive that physically strong young man felt desire, natural flesh call. The lion quickly added. - I firmly told that I will not be a gigolo, but if you want, I will talk to your ladies. It is even interesting, especially, on Earth it is rumored that stelzana do not grow old at all. - Eraskander darted a glance on drinking up honey in a corner, a cockroach in a turtle armor and the goose head. Hungrily took a sip. - Not bad or as in your opinion kvazarno, but now I have to be at the daughter of the local governor.
   - Yes, I know, she already paid me therefore now I will give a ride to you to it. - Hermes very in a disgusting way sniffed, and with a type of the real pusher winked. - And you are a nice toy!
   The lion with hatred looked at Dzhover.
   - We love each other!
   Stelzan-hozyain made gesture, to the room flew, the cybernetic servant. Hermes roared:
   - Properly feed the slave! To be necessary for it many forces!
   Executed in the form of a dolphin with the flexible fins flying separately (probably carrying out in this case a role of hands), the robot let out a wide, greenish stream of light on Eraskander and with surprise said:
   - Young stelzan will receive a full set of food for vital forces... - The food automatic machine became puzzled. - It at you such game in slavery?
   Hermes angrily bellowed:
   - Yes, and that is not visible! Stop up pulsars in printseps-plasma and execute the order of the one-star general of trade and commercial troops!
   From a belly of the robot there was the little girl's patronage on tank caterpillars instead of a lower body. The hologram, having addressed Lev a sweet voice, said:
   - What you will desire the nice soldier of the Invincible empire. What I go!
   Dzhover shook the fist at the hologram weighty:
   - He is a penalized person and has no right, to choose. Give it a maximum of an active protein, vitamins, and all that allows to pass adequately hour the Claim! Feed quicker!
   - I will obey mister! - From fins of the robot columns of lilac light took off, and they violently moved apart a jaw. In a throat together with a stream of radiation something poured down, with a smell, pleasant like condensed milk.
   But Lev did not feel taste as language and a mouth, was pressed by an elastic force field, and the young slave had to swallow convulsively, this similarity of kissel. To a throat was shchekotno, but in a stomach pleasant heat spread, and hungry spasms were replaced by blissful feeling of satiety. Only one is bad, it is not meal, and actually gas station of the ancient car with primitive internal combustion engines.
   In the head of the young man not quite pertinent thought, but why the body of the person, still fills energy with such trivial and inefficient process as oxidation of hydrocarbons flashed...
   "Filling" took place quickly, and in a mouth there was an unpleasant metal smack, the stomach slightly became heavy, but on all body energy zastruitsya... The thin strip of fabric on hips could not hide, excitement and the power overflowing the young man Eraskander.
   Hermes noticed it and in his hands too as if from air there was a neutron switch:
   - You the boy stallion already I see it is ready! Give went!
   Floor in gostiny number floated by itself and, again pushed out them in Aeromobil. Hermes ordered the autopilot:
   - To the palace number 39-12-4!
   The car jerked on streets of the giant city the empire. One of buildings executed in a look by old times of SAU with three thick barrels suddenly shrank and almost instantly left under the earth. Eraskander suddenly bryaknut:
   - And whether Vener waits for me?
   - Now we will check! - Hermes, made auto-inquiry, having pressed the confirmation button, in reply peeped by an indifferent voice of the robot:
   - The hostess Allamara was called with the confidential purpose, in the next days do not expect!
   Stelzan-hozyain roughly slapped the boy on a rigid muscle of a shoulder:
   - It is better for those! Drive to the Planet-wide House of Pleasure and Pleasure at once!
   The flying car instantly changed the direction, pictures of the marvelous city continued to flash behind transparent plastic. Ahead the two-kilometer bright orange spider with twenty four feelers ornamented by a flower ornament loomed, at top seven-color similarity of a tulip with the pestle which is scurrying about up-down sparkled. Giant drakonye the mouth of a mechanical arthropod smoothly revealed, passing the air car.
   - Here we also arrived!
   Dzhover Hermes again idiotically grinned and appeared in a magnificent space suit. In the building three-dimensional holograms where various individuals from stelzan to magnificently diverse beings in the wildest and perverted according to the person ways various sometimes carried out ritual of a coition flickered. Three-dimensional projections moved, seemed live and bright. There were similarity of a female centaur and radioactive jellyfishes. Interiors of their body when pairing flashed tiny nuclear explosions. Some individuals, similar to narcotic hallucinations of the artist avant-gardist, represented in the form of enormous holograms a coition with eruption of cascades of lightnings or splashes of a hyper plasma lava of the form changing to a raid and radiations of a boundless range in a variety. Hyper plasma splashes in the form of three-headed eagles, then it is instant as plasticine figures will be transformed to butterflies with a set of wings, it is already mix of the small fishes and flower buds swinging petals. . And it is absolutely improbable, creatures, indescribable in a form, making the act of reproduction, devoured energy from environment, forced to be condensed the atmosphere and it merged streams of heavy rain which having fallen a surface right there down began to hiss and smoke.
   Lion it is dumbfounded looked and it is lost blinked... It was beyond its representations, as the sane person cannot imagine in principle. From lips of the young man saying broke:
   - The person can mentally imagine everything - except a boundary behind which boundless human nonsense comes to an end!
   Hermes did not react to it, he greedy peered at projections, breath of a stelzan became frequent and it became heavier.
   The naked very tall star with a seven-color hairdress and a dvenadtsatikhvosty neutron switch came up because of the hologram. First the stelzanka seemed huge, but with each step, decreased, there were no almost standard slightly higher than two meters of the size yet. She walked, vigorously rotating smart hips with hanging on them thin is dazzling the thread sparkling radiokamenye. Shoes on high gilded heels in pebbles loudly knocked on a semiprecious covering.
   Behind it the being consisting of seven facetted balls with pads in a form frog, but on soft small pillows moved. Balls were poured as if precious stones under streams of several stars, and an attractive face... Well directly Mickey Mouse in the ancient time cult children's toon. Stelzanka stopped, showed a predatory panther large, three-colored teeth. Its smart eyes with the image of a seven-final star on an iris of the eye, stood on the handsome Lev Eraskander.
   - What kvazarny yuling! From what quark you took it?
   Hermes cunning blinked the eyes, having winked (here bad habit of the pusher!) the right, poisonous-violet eye:
   - Trade secret! I will tell at additional expense!
   The enormous woman a brawny hand attracted the tall, weaved from cast muscles guy to herself. Her long nails sparkled mix of the sprayed sapphires, emeralds and ultra-plutonium.
   - I will pay you percent, as well as agreed. I believe, it is absolutely logical to lift a payment for the young man. Already more than one thousand three hundred females scanned an image of this young lion. They will just tear to pieces it!
   Hermes carnivorously licked to himself language full lips:
   - It is stronger, than you think! Will sustain! And for me there is something that I did not miss here?
   The hostess of a brothel beat out also fingers a sheaf of an orange spark and asked, involving a nose, graceful with a small small hump, flame dope languages:
   - To you females of privates, officers or from among inogalakt? But sex with nonprotein representatives of other worlds is illegal (and it can be dangerous!), it is possible only for an additional fee. At choice from hermaphrodites, to forty-hollow...
   Hermes carelessly waved away:
   - Better with females of other galaxies and corporal structures, eternal a sparring partner already bothered.
   The animation muzzle similar to a scrap of a beads from a dress of the queen of a small animal, buried to the young man in a shin. The nose was extended with a shovel, and rubbed gracefully acting, under dark and chocolate skin of the little boy of a vein. Eraskander murlyknut, from a pleasant tickling, and the rough rake passed to the pink, covered with the fragrant ointment which is pushing away dust and dirt patches. Color of the sparkling balls, a strange being, began to change towards emerald-blue part of a range.
   - Desire of the client - the law. - The head of the house of passion shouted to the amusing favourite. - There is Alavaleta back, you in vain think that this boy the kindest soul. Before you, actually, terrible young of wild animal capable to become in the future one of the best soldiers of the Boundless empire. - Then tone of the star from pathos and sublime was replaced with the most ordinary and even missing. - And you, the Young lion, follow me!
   - If everything is as it should be, I will show you the imperial palace in the galactic capital of Greyzinar, - is hardly heard Hermes whispered.
   Having joined hands, Eraskander and the owner of a brothel came for a mosaic wall. From there the female laughter was distributed, and the thrown-off clothes rustled. Appearance of the young man caused a roar. Several naked maidens rushed it, having stuck with greed of hungry bloodsuckers. Bodies; bronzo-brown the person and lighter a stelzanok were weaved into a ball, he felt how in a rush of passion it is strongly bitten for a shoulder, and at once by three juicy fragrant maiden lips, try to catch a mouth of the slave. Hands seized a fair hair of the boy, saddled him, hurting, long nails stuck into shovels. The lion violently worked, like the live car, but his reason was far...
   The young man remembered caught a glimpse in the house Vener Allamary - a projection of the imperial residence located in the galactic capital. The enormous sizes the building of the palace of the emperor was decked by multi-colored fires of the most difficult forms and colourings, being allocated with the enormous rock on the general background. Remotely the construction looked like repeatedly increased Cologne cathedral, only spikes were the spherical, and sparkling domes something had from palaces of the Chinese bogdykhan, only much more majestic. The luminescent covering, jewels, numerous statues and forms made amazing impression. As people of Earth were not let on other planets, it was difficult for them to present incredibly huge buildings of imperial palaces incomparably higher, than the Himalayas, and with the fantastic coloring consisting of multi-color plants and fantastic animals.
   The capital of a galaxy is so huge that the continuous megalopolis occupies almost all land of a major planet. Around it in the atmosphere there is an incomprehensible set of polytypic starprobe vehicles. Everywhere not weakening movement of millions of motley, sparkling figures. It seems that it is difficult to find a haunt of vice in the capital of a galaxy of Greyzinare. However, the center of a galaxy is close. And to other planet of Barado only fifty million kilometers, but even are a dirty gangster compartment there. In principle, brothels and points of trade in a dope are present also at the capital, but the security service strongly pressed down all this, keeping in a decent framework. And here almost free criminal zone. Why there Hermes, so far a riddle so hurried. But Lev, the king of beasts, knew that his task to get to the core of the enemy anti-humanoid's plan. It is interesting whether remember it on Earth, whether remember the person wearing such famous name - the Lion?
   The governor nervously measured by wide steps an office that, however, reminded walk as the size of the room was similar to a good Olympic complex. The general Gerlok an obedient doggie followed him. On the run he read the paper in which there was nothing new. Commanders of sectors, and all sectors ten, were extremely combat readiness. Many sectors specialized in something one: Mercury sector - on extraction of valuable metals (the planet was rich with these resources, and the proximity of the Sun facilitated processing of this type of raw materials), sector of Venus - on wood supply (the continuous woods, the dense jungle there), and also on delivery of hydrocarbonic raw materials, sector of Jupiter - on delivery of hydrocarbonic elements. Other planets less favorable.
   The moon has garrison of cover and the spaceport. Mars - poorer planet - is a part of lunar sector. An external ring (Pluto and Trans-Pluto) - the biggest sector on fighting force. He submits directly to Department "Honor and the Homeland". There is also an additional group subordinated to the Ministry "Wars and Victories". The external sector has excess protection at the level of the capital of a galaxy, the special status of this planet, unprecedented for all boundless empire is the reason of what. The ultramarshal Eroros orders protection. It. However, still supervises protection of the next planets, but big forces of the empire are concentrated here. The emperor approved the plan of excess protection of this planet.
   Fagiram stopped and quickly started talking, alternating words and grunting:
   - From zorg to us the general inspector Dez an imer Konoradson flies. It is known to all. To it one million years. Three-hollow "metalworker", obviously, received a denunciation. However, to peret an emergency, to it to us almost through all empire. Means, it will be possible to detain him in flight to the maximum. But, if it arrives, then it can cost much to us, and the problem is very simple whether it will find genocide of these primacies? It has a right to convict us of operation violation of the rules.
   Marshall governor made a pause, having haughty crossed hands on a breast. The three-headed hawk let out a spark from a beak, and kukureknut... Gesture of "gorilla" followed and very quickly began to mince, feverishly touching words the general Gerlok:
   - But they want awfully much, on Earth, speak, it is impossible to keep more than one thousand soldiers, on others resolve up to ten thousand. We did not exterminate people of Earth is universal, otherwise everything would be much simpler, as in other places where we completely dematerializovat humanoids and reasonable beings in kvadrillionny quantities. As air vakuumno of sterile planets is pleasant. However, alas, the most insignificant and chernodyrny zorg can punish us. It is visible, it is necessary to throw troops to Trans-Pluto. And to remake the planet to ostentatious paradise. Let's find better than guerrillas and we will show people of Earth as cattle, not worthy to pity, causing loathing. I count on you, the most difficult is to be here, on Earth.
   The floor was taken by the ultramarshal Eroros who arrived in connection with such extraordinary business. It is higher on a rank, than Fagiram Sham. Eroros was powerful, with is proud of a snub nose, the jockstrap athletically put, as well as practically all other representatives of this aggressive race seemed almost the young man:
   - The main problem is our mines on Mercury though the planet and was not developed by people of Earth, but it is in their star system. If the limit emerges that gratuitous export is exceeded it is tenfold and exceeds fifty percent, then there will be a problem. The main thing to minimize communication with natives. It is the planet of red level of protection, nobody has to know history of people of Earth. Both on Mars, and on the moon it is necessary to bring order, there are traces of stay of people, and it is impossible to erase them without sanction of the Supreme Council of the highest wisdom. This system is protected by the special decree of the Most Saint emperor. And the Infinite governor does not love when he is disturbed on such trifles. In Universe scales similar developments a trifle. So traces should be hidden in an external ring of protection. Total cleaning is necessary. Know that though zorg - an advanced civilization, they are inclined to stereotypic thinking, they can be deceived, behaving contrary to formal logic. For example, if roundabout maneuver is most logical, then the opponent also prepares for it, and the blow in a straight line can be unexpected and effective. The irrational courses are capable to shake the opponent. It is necessary to reduce as much as possible traces of genocide and to provoke mutiny of people of Earth. It will confuse.
   The governor roughly interrupted, and began to yell, nervously rubbing heels on a covering velvety mega-plastic. The voice was and really as at cranky:
   - I understand logic of zorg, but me to hide traces, concrete money and resources are necessary. The main weakness of zorg is their decency. Let Council of love and the truth will help me to bypass the law, without breaking contracts on control over development of the planet. Starprobe vehicles of an external ring have to take part in the operation "Regeneration", and an expense at the expense of Department "Honor and the Homeland". And gave...
   - No, expenses will be incurred by the Ministry "Wars and Victories", and also the Department of mercy and justice, - interrupted Fagiram Eroros, having said the phrase, the ultramarshal included the special field which reduced the audibility of exclamations of wildly nadsazhivayushchy governor through a ring signet.
   - Let's act by spare option. All material tracks will be covered up, skillfully hidden. The main thing to minimize acquaintances of zorg to natives. It is very possible that here the aims of prospecting sense are pursued. Having known weaknesses of people of Earth, they will know better both our weak and strengths. Therefore the power over the general coordination and guardianship of the resident-zorga temporarily passes to the ultramarshal Urlik, that is, to me. The best specialists in a camouflage will arrive from the galactic center. A misinformation an imer Konoradson will take off, is decontaminated having got drunk, having caught a mouth a vacuum collapse!
   The ultramarshal issued the hologram two bare-legged warriors who are catching up a banana goat promptly flew on the hall, and having overtaken began to chop this fruit for appetizingly looking pieces. Stelzana roughly started giggling, guarding threateningly athletic maidens-palachikhi in red bikini especially loudly laughed loudly. Their olive breasts, were big as water-melons, waists are rather narrow, and hips magnificent, under skin of warriors muscles, and persons classical correct, very smooth, but angry were rolled, hair are weaved into braids. Amazons from space! Eroros simply added:
   - I will be engaged, for a start, in processing of the natives first of all working in the central city.
   Fagiram finally found composure, stopped and turned around an axis. Its bull voice, suddenly lowered an octave that thin whisper. The black strapper was even bent and applied a palm to a mouth:
   - Let's discuss counteroperation details.
   Later an hour and a half transspatial communicator began to radiate feverishly quanta, making orders.
   The last that was remembered by Vladimir Tigrov, is bright flash mad everything the piercing light. Wild circulations of annihilation plasma through burned the young man's body. It seemed that each cage flared in multimillion Gehenna. Even it was impossible to call it dazzle. The fiery whirlwind filled everything, having flooded thoughts and consciousness. All body devoured a flame. In the head the thought Why he so long feels pain flashed, plasma burns and evaporates body particles quicker, than the painful signal will reach a brain. "Really I ended up in hell?" For indescribable fear the body began to twitch in a mad rhythm., It seems, it became easier, burned down already not so strongly. Eyes opened, and he felt the cutting pain from bright patches of light of dazzling shine. Vladimir closed eyes again. As it seemed to it, he laid down, having relaxed all body. Pain from burns indeed ceased, having turned soon into an unpleasant itch.
   When Tigers opened eyes again, fiery glow grew dim, and through an indistinct haze the unfamiliar landscape began to appear. Sight quickly came back to norm, eyes distinguished details of a surrounding situation more and more accurately. What opened to a look calmed. The huge trees which are bearing a faint resemblance thick with very magnificent palm tree tops, growing at a row smaller, but more colourful breeds with flowers and some exotic fruit. Plants were the most bizzare shapes absolutely not similar to representatives of terrestrial flora.
   From surprise the boy took a step forward, to trees. Bare feet touched a low soft grass. The tender grass was, generally bright green color, but bunches of violet, red, yellow and bright orange plants met. Here marvelous flowers, small, but multi-color grew. Some reminded terrestrial bouquets, others struck with the originality. The world looked quiet and magically colourful. Multi-colored butterflies and silver dragonflies, gold bugs with ruby specks, and any importunate bloodsucker.
   - Probably, paradise so looks! - The boy extorted from himself a surprise cry.
   Air was filled with the whole ocean of the bewitching smells exhaled in the flowers. From this aroma it became cheerful and there was a wish to laugh. Having vigorously risen, Tigers started wandering on a grass. Means, it is paradise, and time so, it will be able to find other people soon.
   It was very warm, the star in the sky seemed huge and filled in space with the beams. However, as external impressions became more and more habitual, and the marvelous landscape already not so occupied thoughts, physical feelings began to be shown more and more distinctly. First, strongly a zanyla the jaw which is beaten out by powerful blow of the gallant stelzana-officer. Secondly, the feeling of hunger appeared. The last time it was supported with dry rations on the Ural base, before three days it had also no crumb in a mouth, apart from nuts from pine cones at all.
   As far as time a naked sole of the boy rigidly bit by sight very beautiful, multi-colored, but actually burning down as if a nettle a grass. A foot from an ego itched, as from osiny stings.
   Strange paradise if he still feels pain. However, he is not an expert in divinity, but in paradise there is no pain. And as he heard, all injuries received during lifetime disappear. And here on a body bruises are visible, mosquito stings itch, the hungry stomach mutters. The boy approached a streamlet, is put the scratched legs there, looked at the izobrazhennbsp; iye.
   In surprisingly transparent water, the silhouette fair-haired, beautiful despite bruises on a face of the boy was visible. Only one strangeness, it it seems steel is slightly less and the face was rounded, having become more naive and children's. Severity maturing the devil considerably was softened. It as if became two-three years younger.
   - Miracles! - Said, having slapped on the water of Tigers which is slightly giving iodine and by the sea. On a face prick crystal droplets of water. - I did not think that it is possible to return to the childhood.
   Vladimir was not on age a clever young man and understood that after such explosion it is impossible to escape. But if it is other life, so here both not hell, and not the Eden, and other world or other planet.
   It is good, frankly speaking, even paradise did not suit it. Boringly and too quietly there, in a dwelling without sin, and times it in other world, it are waited by new adventures and feats. He can become a hero and rescue this planet, it is still unknown from whom, but in space there are also angry dragons, the throwing-up plasma streams, bloody goblins with laser luchemeta instead of nostrils and propellers instead of ears. Fantastic elves with blasters, evil defa with a giperkvarkovy bomb, terminators with a vakuumanizator and, of course, the embodiment of the universal evil - Koshchey-Skeleton with one hundred hands, in each of which a light sword and the ten-barreled blaster, the annihilation rocket with computer targeting. Therefore, a task - to find in reply the new superweapon. As in a quest move, look for keys and hints. The most important to find people or elves with kind gnomes, capable to shape a magic photonew sword, to conjure a belt of interspatial movement with anti-gravitational protection. It is solved, it is necessary to find reasonable humanoids. The star over the head was strongly similar to the habitual Sun, but it was more and the star is much brighter. Though its beams were softer, than in a usual familiar terrestrial star, the fresh solar bathtub was excessive, poorly suntanned skin quickly reddened. And not decently to it to walk up and down to naked. It is possible to try to build a certain similarity of clothes from big leaves, and here it is account food better to refrain so far, it is other world. To get on a big palm tree was business not easy, Tigers few times broke, being scratched about a rough surface of a trunk. Then to it, using fingers of hands, and barefoot, dexterous legs, nevertheless it was succeeded to scramble on tree top. Literally filled in eyes then, and the throat already painfully tickled from thirst. Leaves of a palm tree were extremely strong and to tear off them was not easy business. Though Tigers and not the weakling, for the age, but also not the superman especially as muscles after "rejuvenation" became more small. . It with great difficulty tore off several leaves and already wanted to begin descent as a strange rumble drew its attention.
   Several figures on jet with rapaciously oskalenny muzzles, motorcycles at lightning speed flew between trees. Vladimir managed to notice their terrible boyekostyuma. They were not pleasant to it, somewhere he saw similar. Precisely! Contemplated quite recently, before explosion in the underground bunker. Means, in this world these star parasites govern. And he felt fear, the painful, persuasive, freezing from iskoloty heels to tips hair. Goblins with propellers did not frighten, it was the fantastic abstraction, and stelzana - people outside and demons inside - caused subconscious animal horror. Tigers tightly grew to a palm tree top, somehow there were no forces to force themselves to go down on a magnificent grass. He reminded the cat who is strongly frayed by dogs and saw a tiger. It is very difficult to cope with fear.
   Chapter 9
   Around treachery reigns,
   That just shame and shame!
   Such circumstance,
   That deception became a norm!
   Any planet of a star superimperiya has the control system. With common features of operation regardless of that, a colony it or the mother country. In everyone space systems there is the category of traitors, the morons who are obediently serving invaders. Certainly, there are such and on Earth native collaborators-politsai who are actively cooperating with the occupational mode. What remained from the states was liquidated at the very beginning of board of the greatest empire. Armies were completely disarmed, nuclear and any weapons of mass destruction are withdrawn. The system of the power was cleared and taken under total control. Despite this, public administration, though in strongly crippled look, partially remained. Over people of Earth still there were local officials, ministers, generals, clowns presidents, municipal police. In a type of intergalactic colonial restrictions, and also the special status of the planet Earth a role of self-government was notable, and control was partially exercised by means of general traitors.
   The largest cone from them, the head of planetary municipal police and the president of Atlantic Ronald Daklinton. This semi-Indian semi-Black (Or still term of Sambo!) Fagirama Shama enjoyed a special favor, he had to play a key role the operations "Misinformation-3".
   The thickish general in ceremonial an operetta look a uniform was extended to the front, trembling before the general of a Purple eye (so called occupational divisions) Gerlok. The severe look of its excellency from Stelzanat got expression of a cobra ready to a jump. Generalishko-kollaboratsionist coward shrank under the heavy drilling look.
   Gerlok growled as a tiger moreover swung fists before a nose of the subordinated native:
   - To you it is entrusted, urgently to bring together municipal police and to mobilize all people faithful us. It is necessary to show the planet cheerful and happy idyll. Our main enemies are insurgents, mean murderers who are hated by all conceiving population of the planet Earth. These are the killing bacilli infecting and harming happy life on your planet. - General-stelzan theatrically lowered a voice, having covered a mouth with a palm. Pure demonstration though the special anti-sound field surrounding an office of the satrap did, is absolutely not necessary.
   - For the slightest information leakage punishment by death by means of extraordinary tortures follows. Your police officers became too choosy, all of them will report to the computer of colonial management. Though not all people are banded and are kept under control of the colonial computer, it is time to fasten urgently collars to one and all people of Earth, at least, in the main areas. For you total shadowing will be established.
   The general Ronald slightly bowed, stirred disproportionately large stomach, besides he was afraid that it will be touched with a weighty poke.
   - It will be executed, the great marshal, - the flatterer purposely overestimated the general's title. And shaking with fear, the puppet added.
   - We will try to make everything as it is necessary to you and your nice empire, but people are people, they should pay by all means colonial dollars, people of Earth are forbidden to have your sacred kulamana.
   - You receive everything that we will consider it necessary to give you. And you will be responsible for a failure at full scale. Nobody for any back will not hide, the instructions given you have to be immediately studied. Start performance of this task. All others will receive instructions of general purpose! - With the deafening roar the general Stelzanata cut off.
   When the sliding door opened, "politsay" shy began to mince to an exit. His black, typically Papuan face involuntarily shivered. The fat threefold chin went a black oil wave. Without having kept. The general Gerlok from all scope cut a leg on the fat back of the head of planetary police. The blow was good that the black hog with wild squeal took off for a corridor, having flown by kind twenty meters. On the way huge hulk crashed into a gold statue of the soldier of Purple constellation. The statue was cast in traditional style: and ultramodern plazmamt medieval knightly armor, thrown up on a shoulder. Just holds apart from laughter! Doors automatically moved, having left the prostrate and whining Daklinton in brightly lit corridor where he was picked up by protection.
   The soldier of Purple constellation constrained laughter and well smiled. He, as well as the majority of stelzan, did not love black and narrow-eyed. Of course, this toady will complain to Fagiram, and the governor, on the contrary, most of all trusts these creatures. At first sight, it is not logical, black and yellow-skinned people suffered the greatest loss from aggression of stelzan. Movable by animal hatred, Lira Velimara managed to dump the gene ZILKUL viruses especially dangerous to the southern people to Earth. Unlike bombs and gases, these viruses infected the planet for long centuries. Owing to their application two most prolific human races decreased to the sizes of the average European country. Stelzana did not struggle with viruses. First, the racial theory about superiority of white dominated also at them though, in general, because of bioengineering technologies all blood completely mixed up. And researches of genes showed absurdity and a bredovost of any theories about racial genetic superiority. Other idea was the fact that the European people have a bad reproduktivnost, and people of Earth will not be able to restore the number. But here gave miss - destruction of economy and a padaniye of cultural level led to birth rate growth. Especially prolific were most rebellious Slavic people. And Blacks were much more obediently and behaved more predictably. On the other hand, excessive obedience does operation of the planet by business excessively boring and routine. And small guerrilla sorties entertain fighters, brightening up monotony of occupational service.
   - Fagiram will only laugh at this terrestrial primacy, - it is very amusing to beat him! - the gibbon in a uniform squealed, rattling the meta-blaster, the saber capable to burn out half of Europe. - Especially when received a leg under the back. What it grease if properly to evaporate it, then from fat it is possible to weld considerable amount of excellent soap, and it is possible to make magnificent gloves or bags of skin. Genuine human leather is very much highly appreciated in the black market of the empire of Purple constellation. Especially it is adored by women. If this pithecanthropus sdurit, he will be very glad to pull his skin on the lamp shade...
   The general ran out on the platform. The couple of almost nude girls of servants was hit a neutron scourge on golenky, harmonous legs. Suntanned maiden skin was unstitched by a stream of microparticles, scarlet blood dripped, began to smell fake, unfortunate natives began to squeal and but instead of escaping, fell on knees and exclaimed:
   - We at your service master!
   In Gerlok's laughter there were the whole falls to poison, humiliating followed:
   - And you take and hang... - And right there a roar of a wounded boar - I do not joke! Pulsarney of the whore, pulsarny!
   The next humiliating torture, itself you put on to yourself a neck the wire, but operated by cybernetic elements loop. And a wire in this case not simple, but capable to think "creatively".
   Brings up poor natives for a neck, forcing them to sag, jerking golenky legs. This lasso works sophisticated, will a little extinguish, and then when eyes jump out of orbits, and at girls languages fall out, slightly releases. And at the same time the loop sings:
   - The moon, the moon, blossom flowers! There is not enough loop on a neck, for the dream embodiment!
   The general Gerlok zealously claps, his anti-gravitational boots allow the satrap an inomiryanina at each step highly to come off a terrestrial surface. Stelzan strikes with the most ordinary elastic bludgeon biting blows in maiden heels. In the head the reminiscence of sale of a large party, svezhesodranny human skin, to the merchant from a type of sinkh rushes.
   Usually similar affairs turned with mediation of space is criminal Perigey cartel. But in this case sinkh wanted to catch, a solid jackpot, having bought up at once big party of hair, bones and skin. Of course and it is more favorable to Gerlok, does not share with star mafia.
   The transport destroyer covered with the strong camouflage field left the terrestrial atmosphere and moved to the broken shadow field of the asteroids drifting near constellation of the Alpha Centaur.
   It was not pleasant to bandits... And here four brigantines led by a frigate go because of a black stream.
   The criminal group, wants to settle scores. Starprobe vehicles as if the predatory fishes living at big depths the stellar light at the same time in this part space is almost not visible that increases similarity to underwater battle. The short barrels of radiators located practically from all directions - the notorious Hedgehog system.
   The ten-star officer Vira Skolopendra, Gerloka flitting a wingless butterfly on the right, it was expressed:
   - We dismissed mafia inomiryan the kindness! When heart fills mercy - the purse for some reason becomes empty!
   The general was quiet, giperplazmomt povinuyas to the telepathic order of the owner, showed an iridescent picture of a fighting quest on the hologram. Generally the general assumed a similar quirk of space mafia.
   The five of the ships is closer and closer... They are confident in forces and do not disappear any more, the frigate even throws out the rocket dispersing ultraplasma blots, then another.
   Vira turning over in air, sparkling zhidkometallichesky boots, maliciously, but without sign of fear Gerloka asks:
   - At once we will give up or let we will be brought down at first?
   The general strictly it is also very sure ordered:
   - To follow in advance defined course, to ignore the opponent as the nullified vacuum!
   Stelzanka nervously giggled, stroked gently as if a favourite doggie, hanged in air giperplazmomt. The weapon moved with antennas and provereshchat:
   - My fighting power makes the 30th megacurrent, a total charge! - And the technical monster, similar to a ten-barreled hybrid of abruptly fancy gun and Grad launcher, sang:
   - There is a lot of enemies, but our chance - to finish abrupt! Main road to mow that is poor - the supermighty hand!
   Gerlok moved with a finger and giperplazmomt itself dropped in to it in a hand. The general fired a bunch of harmless light in not the fighting mode. There was an image of naked females of several races executing erotic dance. Having once again fired having forced to fight among themselves diverse girls and declared with a type of the winner:
   - And what they think that at me and really the anti-photon head?
   Stelzan ran a hand over the scanner, peep was heard - the black vacuum within several million miles was suddenly painted in violet as shiner under an eye a shade. Starprobe vehicles of the enemy stiffened, were extended and a moment later all five ships at once disappeared. As if erased a shot in the movie. And violet color of vacuum turned pale, then was dissolved as if absorbed by the crude soil blackened. The scolopendra stridently gave a whistle, and puzzly began to blink:
   - It as at you so turned out? - As it is masterly purely annihilated!
   Gerlok from the ulybochky American businessman sealing to suckers unusable goods answered:
   - A zone of a kollapsichesky ravine in space. They, chernodyrny mafiosi now in other point of the universe.
   The ten-star officer still did not understand, twisted the head and squinted as if thus it is possible to expand the review. The voice of the brawny little girl shivered:
   - How so? Why it is not on the celestial map?
   Gerlok having lowered a voice before whisper, said:
   - It is possible to close it, to open. When it is closed is invisible. - Having caught the subordinate's eye, the general hastily added. - Is not present to use as the weapon it is possible only in this place. Otherwise we would receive a way to neutralize, even zorg...
   Memoirs were interrupted. Gerloka caused the grown hateful governor Fagiram again.
   The powerful empire of stelzan has billions of space starprobe vehicles of the diverse types. From tiny, the sizes about a swallow, but capable to fly between stars, short-range pilotless intelligence agents to huge leaders superbattle ships, dimensions about a good asteroid. The type of arms is also extremely numerous. These are luchemeta of all models and the rocket of various designs, vakuanalizator, paralyzers, vikhrpolya, plazmoizluchatel, volsheblaster and many other things. As sometimes there can be sophisticated destructive an imagination inomiryan, the star give to number of killing opening. Incalculable types of arms are borrowed the conquered worlds, but it is a lot of also own opening. The army which conquered billions of planets shakes by a variety of the arsenal, but, nevertheless, it is absolutely powerless against the only starprobe vehicle of the Commonwealth of free galaxies.
   However, logician of soldiers Stelzanat: There would be an occasion to kill, and a trunk always to be put on!
   To star fleet of Purple constellation, incalculable numbering more than the ships, than grains of sand in the Sahara Desert it is necessary to reconcile to this sad fact. To cross boundless open spaces of boundless space, to fly from the end in the end over the giant empire, the ships of fleet of stelzan needed considerable time. For zorg this period was rather short - one hyper jump that makes less than a day, and hi to you, younger terrestrial brothers on reason. However, it was not difficult to be expected, stelzana tightened time to the maximum. Numerous checks and inquiries, dense bureaucracy, obviously far-fetched red tape and constant delays practically in each sector of the mega-empire. Everything with obvious intention to humiliate the empire of zorg.
   Misinformation an imer Konoradson transferred all provocations and attempts of humiliation, stoically showing tranquility of the Spartan (In Ancient Sparta it was accepted to smile during flogging!). When strangers, absolutely still wild children play pranks, not to the person to the aksakal to fly into a rage. Bernard Pangor strongly was nervous and openly showed discontent with imperial bureaucracy. The thunderous voice similar to jingle of metalcutting, young zorg reprimanded, seeking to dump the emotions.
   - This impudent mockery at clever persons and common sense. What they want to show themselves. The nation which ten thousand more cycles loosened the earth with mattocks back, thinks itself masters of the Universe!
   The senior senator behaved always expressly quietly. Its deep voice was as an ocean surf:
   - It is quite clear, my young friend. Someone wants to tower, humiliating others, and also showing that it detained the general inspector. The small dog of bark on a dinosaur feels as a tiger. A problem of others, I believe, to hold us as long as possible to hide all traces of the mean crimes against reason. Logic quite characteristic of bisexual beings.
   Already familiar strawberry hamster tonenko peeped: "Does not love a sylph, the Sylph wants peace".
   Having extended an extremity and, having carefully stroked the reasonable pet is limited, Bernard already slightly asked more quietly:
   - It is strange why marasmus and a cult of a brute force is so strongly widespread in their environment? Not only to stelzana, but also the aspiration to aggression, to capture and wars is peculiar to other bipolar beings. The same arthropods of a sinkha, it is not much better than the chordate colleagues. We, three-hollow, have no such cruelty.
   Konoradson looked at thirty two measured projection of a hypervisor. There was a broadcast of news of two and a half thousand places at once. Despite imposing of information streams, thanks to fractional measurements of the image did not mix up and, they could be perceived as separately, and all at once. The senior senator, having thrown the beautiful candy which is looking like a Christmas-tree decoration to a small animal, answered:
   - At them other structure and absolutely nonidentical course of evolution which differs from our development more, than vacuum from printseps-plasma. The two-cavity left a mark on behavior and on natural selection. To take, for example, the relations of a male and a female. Initially the male could rape easily a female, and the this animal was stronger and more aggressive, the more chances at him were to reproduce similar. It conducted to the fact that in posterity the most aggressive and cruel genes got the best, so evolution went a militaristic way. Force, impudence, aggression increased from generation to generation. Stelzana by means of council, and then and the superministries of eugenics put this process on a scientific and industrial basis. And bisexual primacies too quickly propagate, at rather short life. It also reduces the value of life of each certain individual.
   While an animal of a fantastic life form battled against the inflating, porous, luscious candy, Bernard having reclicked the program of a hypervisor, probably he was busy with search.
   - But unless stelzana did not manage to achieve success in extension of life? They are not so zheltorota. - Spoke in a bass a contrabass zorg.
   Konoradson shot from similarity magnificent, a fountain pen at a butterfly, sparkling color crystals shestikryly with the little crocodile head. From the six-sided golden, covered with pebbles edge, the droplet which on the fly changed forms and was poured by iridescent shades took off. The figure as if Kapitoshka from the children's animated film, sang: "eat me, a dish I for you!". The crocodile butterfly murlyknut in reply: "firm relish hi". The voice of the senior zorg became, is sharper:
   - It seems primacies was successful dream, they could decipher the aging mechanism, also at them it turned out to reprogram genetic structure. But at the same time they sharply accelerated growth of the fighting soldiers who are grown up in incubators. Stamping of the population goes more and more in high gear and a large number of live machines of death appears. These soldiers because of accelerators grow so quickly that they have no childhood. Actually it is not reasonable individuals. Stelzana went by the anti-evolution directed by mad reason. Progress does them even worse, force increases rage, generating additional sufferings.
   Bernard looked narrowly at an exhibition of military equipment of Gold constellation - the empire Sinkhov. The tank walking in the form of a scorpion with three barrels stings and a triangular attack plane, showed, the maneuverability... Not that! There are some caterpillars, swinging bludgeons, storm fortress. They are met by robots by dense volleys from radiators. Mokhnatenky beings blow up, bursting as ripe tomatoes. Here exact hit carries also a dinosaur. Bernard boomingly growls from indignation, again switches and razrazheno says:
   - And why we managed to avoid a similar lawlessness?
   Crocodile to a butterfly bites off pieces from multi-color "Kapitoshka". That after each sting takes other form and peeps: "even if teeth drop out, let appetite, but to bank of honey with chocolate will disappear, nobody to us will forbid to eat". The senior Zorg answers:
   - We had everything in a different way. First, all three floors were approximately equal on force. And one individual could not force others to sexual intercourse, even exclusively brute force. Yes, even if two agreed to rape the third, and in this case it was impossible to conceive the child without intelligent harmony. There cannot be at us children, contrary to our volition, or desire at least of one of a Trinity. It was necessary to agree, think, think logically. To prove advantages of this union at the genetic level, for the sake of the benefit of future generations. - While Konoradson told one more being, a small lizard with a trunk of banana and decorated with three rows of petals of a scarlet tulip, was stuck into a magnificent sapozhek of a zorg. The footwear left three zhidkometallichesky extremities, they tenderly stroked an animal, on a mordasha and petals. The senior senator continued to utter. - We always lived very long, and children at us appeared and grew extremely slowly. Considerable life expectancy allowed to accumulate more knowledge, experience and logic. Small birth rate gave less reason for wars or an unnatural cannibalism. We learned to respect and understand life, recognizing its infinite value for each conceiving individual. On this strong base: kindness and justice was based, and our morals will be eternally based on it. Force without good, lifts a civilization as hung up a loop!
   Chapter 10
   Space everything shivers and flares -
   In battles wild there is no respite!
   The assembly of monsters attacks and shoots,
   You without restraint scorch to enemies in reply!
   Two hyper marshals Gengir Volk and Kramar Razorvirov were furiously cut, using heptahedral ultrastable hyper plasma poles - the educational weapon, in a fraction of a second can become fighting. The movements both one thousand bicentennial "grandfathers" were prompt, sparks poured rough falls. Mirror walls a sparring hall repeatedly reflected movements of hyper marshals. The giants bared on a belt poigryvat the large muscles rolling as tsunami waves, under light-chocolate skin. They were titans from whom aggression waves, and lightnings of categories as if from tridents of furious God of the seas Poseidon proceeded.
   - You lost, Gengir, you passed nine blows, and itself put only six! - Poe-boyish hazardously and loudly exclaimed Kramar.
   Enormous tow-haired Gengir with laughter answered:
   - Not, I you desintegrated it, my laser concerned you the first. In real fight you would be already dead.
   Kramar indulgently grinned:
   - It would be only the burn. - Stelzan jumped, having several times overwound in a somersault back to front, having on the fly spoken in a bass. - The best way of a stop of an old age continuous movement of a body and boiling of thought! Perhaps still we will warm up, I suggest to arrange a sparring with holograms.
   - No! - Gengir resolutely waved the head. Also struck a leg a piece of ice. Crystal splinters, were scattered by crystal - I prefer live targets!
   - And I too! - The hyper marshal exclaimed (several million fighting starprobe vehicles with billions of soldiers in submission!) Razorvirov.
   Gengir roaring as pack of tigers a voice, read an impromptu:
   Anything there is no world more boringly;
   Where rest and grace reigns!
   To what tranquility postylo,
   Better to give the life in fights!
   Kramar Razorvirov having got an eight-barreled volsheblaster, having thrown it the left hand, added:
   - On pieces of reptiles to break off!
   - Yet war, the best impressions did not begin we will be able to receive only in dirty sector. - Noticed, having slightly moderated a dance Gengir Volk.
   Weapon: in the blaster the special chip giving the chance to talk is built in, sang in confirmation of his words.
   - Only the fear grants us friends! Only pain induces to work. Therefore I want more and stronger, to be discharged by hyper plasma in crowd!
   Kramar stroked the blaster:
   - Thoughts, remarkable at you. Without otbitiya of others ugly face, you do not otjt own!
   Gengir Volk, showing canines, confirmed:
   - If I only could, I all inogalakt would destroy. Rendered to the Universe service!
   - Also left us without slaves and entertainments! - Kramar negatively shook the head. - The donkey is beaten always, but killed only when he ceases to bring benefit! Courageous kills the enemy, the coward - the slave!
   - The Universe is big also process of annihilation of defective is eternal! Just about big war will begin. - Gengir pensively rolled up chilling eyes.
   - Let's gambol better now! - Kramar sparkled the natural, but casting metal teeth.
   Two bosom friends ran out from the hall and sat down in the strengthened aero glider. Executed in the form of the cyclic tank, the car could make intra galactic flights. The giant starprobe vehicle remained behind. From a distance the multimillion squadron of Purple constellation reminded a scattering of polysyllabic geometrically correct mosaic. Separate starprobe vehicles were allocated, extremely terrible look, and the asteroid sizes.
   Here dirty sector between two planets Gyurz and Fortka. Everywhere fancy garlands numerous lush institutions hanged. They soared directly in vacuum, one of them strongly similar to a huge squid, from time to time threw up from itself holograms - in them representatives of inogalaktichesky races and life forms made blameworthy gestures.
   - A brothel, a casino, a disco - everything that is necessary for two old veterans! - with youthful passion Gengir Volk said.
   - Let's have fun, we will twist space in a horn! - Kramar Razorvirov added, swinging luchemety.
   Stelzana put an aero glider on the protected army parking and, having included antigrava, rushed on an air passage. Their latest boyekostyuma which just arrived on arms could gather sublight speed, and at hit easily maintained an atomic bomb, annihilation bullets, the majority of types of the laser. In flight Gengir Volk wrote out the most difficult pirouettes. Passion seized it, in this place often there were unauthorized murders. Directly towards to it the hippopotamus with eight ears and a crocodile tail flew. Gengir rammed it, having impudently brought down a force field. From a powerful poke the alien fell head over heels, from all scope having squandered a giant billboard. From blow bright flash followed, and on the place of falling cracks dispersed. The part of the advertizing screen went out. Small as if centipedes, robots ran out on a surface, hasty repairing the screen, brushing away the scattered remains of an unlucky hippopotamus.
   Gengir burst out laughing. Having picked up relay, Kramar Razorvirov made a loop and from all scope crashed into similarity of a big bear with four snake heads. From a crushing blow the reasonable animal flew away on hundred meters, having brought down two more representatives of inogalaktichesky fauna. One of them consisted of radioactive elements, the blow caused chain reaction. Several seconds later small explosion, superbright flash followed, then the wave walked, having scattered several hundreds of flying motorcycles and inogalakt soaring on antigrava.
   - Yes you are just a sniper! - winked Kramara Gengir Volk.
   Razorvirov rigidly beat off the fragment flying to his party and answered:
   - It is time to be taken up, now the police will fly here. And still that worst of all, the division "Love and life" can appear suddenly.
   Though barbarous murder of inogalakt to two hyper marshals, of course, will escape punishment, but why to waste time for an explanation with Department of love, terrible intelligence agency of Purple constellation.
   Having developed, stelzana jerked in a fancy labyrinth with a set of the courses and corridors. On the way Gengir Volk could not refuse in pleasure to hit to himself on the fly couple of suckers humanoids. It was pleasant to it to look at the scattering pieces of meat and a stream of blood which, rolling down biserinka, soared in vacuum. Having passed assembly of elaborate constructions, stelzana reached quickly the building squid. Width of a construction was kind twenty miles. Each entrance had mighty security guards covered with the weapon. However, Gengir and Kramar only contemptuously grinned. "Pugalka" of inogalakt are terrible only in appearance, actually, their arms became outdated. These models are powerless against modern boyekostyum. Having exposed the weapon, massive as elephants, guards squeaked by mouse voices:
   - An entrance fee - hundred kulaman.
   Hyper marshals exchanged glances.
   - In my opinion to pay us - in vacuum dimly... - Gengir yawned.
   Kramar indulgently nodded:
   - It is a lot of honor - evil messages! Weak pays in gold, strong pays off with steel damask steel!
   nbsp; ***
  At so high-ranking stelzan near at hand strong fighting arsenal. They even should not snatch out the weapon, it is enough to give brushes fighting situation as it jumps out almost with velocity of light. A moment of an eye - and protection is paralyzed. Then by means of cyberprograms of a stelzana easily broke the door covered with a force field and illegally got into an underground institution. Jog along corridors, wide with a twisting ornament, was cheerful.
   Two bosom friends followed further and further. Soon they got in giant width to a good mile the hall. Here at the same time ate, saw, played. What here you will tell, various life forms, at others a mouth of cachalots, and ears as mainmast sails. Was also stelzan much. Representatives of rod race were the most impudent, inconsiderately trampled on any decency. Kramar Razorvirov a leer examined game little tables.
   - It was quite good to find the rich battery and to squeeze out from it all charge.
   Gengir winked:
   - I, apparently, know of whom it is possible to squeeze out kulamana...
   Flexible as a snake, the croupier silently jumped up to hyper marshals. Two of five eyes changed the color with green to red. The gimper of a casino zalebezit a fir voice:
   - Valorous soldiers of Great Stelzanat, if you want to play, then I recommend you the billionaire Vichikhini Kal. He is very hazardous, but, I warn, does not love swindlers. It holds kvazarny part of the planet...
   Gengir heatedly interrupted:
   - It is total! I love strong opponents!
   Somewhere nearby on a scene the next striptease marathon began. Males and females dumped a camouflage, executed exotic dances and span as if clockwork dolls. On a ceiling showed the next fighter where all the time fought and shot, exterminating the whole planets, races of all types tortured.
   - When we were at war. At us was ultrazvezdny! Much more abruptly. - Kramar contemptuously pointed a finger at a ceiling.
   - Still we will do some fighting. To us very encouraging data arrive. - Gengir Volk was expressed. - Megapulsarny conflict!
   The gangster billionaire Vichikhini Kala sat together with giant a ten-legged cachalot. The strapper was from among galactic mafiosi too. On a massive shoulder rocket installation (from such big silly woman during a time to shoot at the star cruiser) towered.
   - What did you become gloomy, fresh-water reptiles? Let's play for high stakes! - being fervently shown as if uvidavshiya of fat hens of foxes, Gengir Volk offered.
   Vichikhini raised a pad.
   - And you have reactants?
   - By itself!
   Kramar showed the seven-color card. In Gengir's hand the pack of the poured bank notes sparkled.
   The cachalot prosipet:
   - Then, stelzana, in fight! We can stake!
   - You can take off trousers in advance!
   The trite joke of Gengir caused a hysterical laughter in a cachalot.
   "The moron, that you will take", - Kramar thought.
   Game began holographic ultra-radioactive cards. This kind of execution of hundred cards was called "Empire", she demanded not only good luck, but also strong memory together with intelligence. Highly experienced hyper marshals successfully resisted, to worldly-wise space bandits. Gradually being junked Vichikhini Kala fell into passion and, constantly raising rates, brought the loss to several billion kulaman. Stelzana at heart laughed at defective inogalakta. These underdeveloped beings are doomed, to be milk cows. However star mafia had reasons. Vichikhini made a secret sign and the cachalot began to yell:
   - It swindled! I saw!
   The roar of such monster lifted a sound wave on all hall. Hundreds of bandits right there bared luchemeta and laser swords, from all directions having surrounded a massive game little table.
   Gengir started giggling:
   - I and knew that you will not sustain. All of you, dikelesa, such.
   Kramar bellowed:
   - Pay what lost, or die!
   Gangsters zaurchat, to them was ridiculous. Stelzanov in this hall remained only two, the others, having sated, moved to other rooms. Nevertheless hyper marshals were quiet. Their ultramodern weapon in a qualitative sense considerably surpassed all that was on hands of all this crowd.
   - Well that, Kramar, our dream came true. There will be a dismantling!
   Stelzana fired an amicable volley, at once having mown clean fifty bandits. However at this moment the perelivisty translucent cap covered hyper marshals. Gengir desperately moved and a dead bug stiffened in a force field. Kramar also could not move. Gangsters were filled in with opposite grunting. To the hall the dvadtsatidulny tank slowly flew. The frightening design hanged before stelzana. Then the tower revealed, from it ten externally sickly sinkh took off. They became a semicircle, having stared at the held-down fighters of Purple constellation.
   - Ugly stelzana are curtailed into a cocoon!
   Long hobotka of sinkh strained. Vichikhini stretched a clumsy extremity.
   - The ultramarshal Vizira, your assignment is executed! Two hyper marshals are captured. Now you can draw from them all secret plans and secrets.
   The ultramarshal it was very happy, its hobotok reddened and inflated. The mosquito voice tormented ears.
   - You well worked, Vichy! When the Purple empire is crushed, your race will receive privileges.
   The king of gangsters hissed:
   - And the right to trade in drugs?
   - If you pay a tax, then you have also such opportunity... - The arthropod nervously began to clap ears.
   The leader joyfully slapped wide paws. The cachalot with ten extremities of King Kong stabbed fountainlet from nostrils, bulknuv: "Lepota". The ultramarshal made a sign.
   - Now we will freeze them, and then we will send to a nano-chamber where we will subject to cybertortures.
   Samka-sinkh lifted long-barreled luchemt, the thin phalanx stretched to the blue button...
   At this moment there was what was expected least of all. Two small monsters with orange-violet muzzles opened fire from laser guns. The head of the ultramarshal was cut off by the fiery razor. Having flown away, it got into the wide wine glass filled with alcohol-containing swill. The massive animal overturned a wine glass in a mouth, without chewing, having swallowed "kettle" of an unlucky arthropod. Other gangsters awfully raised a howl, monsters struck with annihilation eruption and them. The confusion began. Someone threw the annihilation grenade, metal evaporated. A hail the melted tables and chairs fell down. Suddenly Kramar felt that the power cocoon blocking them disappeared.
   - We are free! Total unblocking!
   Having snatched out ten-barreled luchemeta, stelzana brought down the real hyper plasma squall on ill-matched enemies. The twenty-barreled tank of sinkh, having got under beams, began to tremble and it was scattered on molecules, probably, arthropods did not guess before to make active the protective field. Backfire was partially extinguished by power protection, but nevertheless its intensity was too high that to hyper marshals became hot. Therefore Gengir and Kramar began to move actively, jumping and breaking a trajectory, using massive ultraplastic tables as cover. Messengers of death dissected the atmosphere, killing bandits with hundreds. Thousands of trunks roared with time, many gangsters on the quiet clapped the accomplices. Well-aimed shots Gengir destroyed Vichikhini. The cachalot held on slightly longer until Kramar Razorvirov bypassed a kelvirovy column in the sparkling radioactive pebbles and thrust the charge which unstitched massive hulk. On the hall of the hall streams of the bubbling blood flew. Kramar darted a glance at the fighters who rescued them from dreadful captivity. They moved as exemplary soldiers, obviously, familiar with tactics of soldiers of Purple constellation.
   - Dashingly "monstrik" as if mini-soldiers, - Gengir said battle, thrusting a charge from a plazmomet.
   - Probably, passed special training. Perhaps it is special group of native police. What for a type of beings, you do not know? - Being perplexed, Razorvirov asked.
   - For the first time such I see. - Gengir Volk unsuccessfully, tried to pull out information from files of the brain, similar to the aggressive computer.
   At this moment the beam hooked one of monstrik. The fancy muzzle at once became swollen. The head became bare, and before the amazed hyper marshals there was a reddened physiognomy of the fair-haired boy. Kramar at once recognized the madcap and blurted out a tongue twister, continuing to send killing gifts. Here and a cachalot broke a head, so large that it is possible to place on it the whole opera orchestra.
   - This is my great-grandson in the seventh generation - Dashingly Razorvirov. To it exactly seven cycles were executed today. Sacred date of our empire! I sent it a gift - the robot with the gun which is splitting up measurements of space.
   - And who then the second? - Gengir Volk proorat.
   The hyper marshal of Purple constellation did not begin to complicate himself, and just shot the evaporator at an exotic physiognomy of a mysterious small animal. The mask was sprayed on atoms. The girl with a seven-color hairdress closed a face, but Gengir the tenacious look managed to make out it.
   - As you dared, Caress Mars! To mini-soldiers, especially little girls, it is impossible to visit similar institutions! You will be punished.
   Caress it is offended answered:
   - If we did not break a ban, then you would be eaten by sinkh!
   - We should study all the same, - Having fired so, couple of inogalakt crashed into large bottles with combustible drink from what creatures and flashed, inserted Dashingly. - Living monsters more interesting also are more practical than holograms.
   Kramar, strengthening a hyper plasma stream the fire from which their opponents terribly cried out (as it became clear, under the guise of stelzan soldiers of sinkh, and compatriots masked, there were some units increased by zero!) supported the son:
   - The mini-soldier is right!
   Gengir smiled, having applied jumping as a blot, to the pomegranate. It did not blow up, and a section of the opponents of someone else's races occurring in the path:
   - I think that our children will be done good by small military walk.
   Hyper marshals continued to sweep away numerous space gangsters. Sometimes under blow variegated prostitutes, strippers, just service personnel got.
   Kramar cut the laser of the serpentine croupier, revenging, thus, the tipper-of of sinkh. Bandits gradually consolidated the fire, their shots even more often hit into the purpose, the death of several thousand companions gave rage and anger. But if Gengir and Kramar were covered with force fields, then mini-soldiers dashingly and Caress were only in a camouflage and in easy children's boyekostyuma without individual force fields. Though these children showed not hefty sharpness and courage, their shots were exact, the movements are fast, but to any luck the end comes.
   One well-aimed shot hurt into splinters a hand Dashingly. From pain and shock the boy nearly dropped luchemt, only the inhuman effort of will helped it to gather and continue fight. From the cut-off extremity blood droplets began to fall. In Caress got too, only into a leg. The girl fell and screamed from pain. It was extremely painful to her, but by some effort of will she suppressed pain and continued desperate firing.
   - Our great-grandsons it is in danger!
   Kramar Razorvirov ran up and closed a force field of the boy Likho.
   - We will rescue the posterity!
   Gengir was developed, shooting back both of them hands. It expanded a force field, covering the crippled Caress. The girl, despite terrible pain, desperately cried out.
   - The grandfather, it is not necessary! I will cope with them!
   Dashingly, in turn, came up from under a force field, having thrust a charge to the next monster.
   - My nice ancestor, I do not need your protection! I can dispel monsters in interstellar dust.
   Kramar with pathos said:
   - Here they, our children! Are not afraid of space debris!
   Gengir swung, sending death beams.
   - We need to be relocated urgently. I have a powerful termokvarkovy charge. Let's cover all of them!
   - Logically!
   Both hyper marshals, having picked up the great-grandsons, went to the gaping pass. Alien gangsters strengthened firing, the force field vibrated, on persons of stelzan sweat flew down. Having hardly slipped out, Kramar blocked an entrance, and Gengir Volk got the translucent rocket from a satchel. Included the program samonaved6eniya and started to the hall filled with monsters.
   - Now it is time for us to leave.
   Gengir hid Caress in a power cocoon, Kramar also covered Dashingly. Children resisted and tried to be got involved in fight.
   - We are soldiers of the great empire, we want to fight.
   Dashingly managed to slip out power capture and to cut a cascade beam of six security guards, representatives of horned race Babush.
   - Well, it at you dashing!
   In a voice Gengir Volka envy was heard. In reply Caress got nervous, obviously, trying to tear a force field though force of one billion elephants is for this purpose necessary.
   - And my girl is not worse!
   The hyper marshal removed power cover, having allowed the great-granddaughter to strike on the mini-boat of native police. To kill the representative of other race, especially if it was on sale mafias, - valor and a feat for a stelzan.
   - Gengir, only strongly be not fond!
   Kramar picked up Dashingly and reliably packed in an invisible chain armor.
   - Just about will jerk, look, as if did not touch us!
   Having put a force field on the maximum power, hyper marshals with an incredible speed slid along corridors. Even small mini-kvarkovy the charge can bring huge destructions.
   Terrible explosion split a heavy-duty metal design. Hyper plasma whirl with a superlight speed rushed along twisting corridors, equaling corners and spraying on elementary particles barefaced nothing individuals. The all-devouring wave reached also stelzan, having struck a force field, I will urge forward already mad speed. Hyper marshals. As a stopper from under champagne, together with children took off from half-ruined "squid". The giant building cracked and began to break up slowly, in a crack there was a small fire. Gray-violet-yellow sparks artfully shone in vacuum, appear, that metal smolders.
   Thousands of police cars, even several tens percussions army in the form of piranhas with the gun battery of boats flew up to a half-ruined construction. Skorpionoobrazny fire trucks feverishly tried to fill in with polyfoam a cold flame.
   - We with you have not bad fun! - Gengir Volk smacked the lips from pleasure, having made languid eyes as if before it the princess was bared.
   - For such entertainment it is possible to get under tribunal. And then in a chamber of ultrapainful influence. There by means of nanotechnologies will vividly rake over the coals.
   Kramar expressively turned a finger at a temple.
   Gengir started giggling.
   - I hope, mega-universal war will begin soon and all losses will write off!
   - Until it begins, us one million times annihilate!
   Kramar carried out by a palm on a throat. Dashingly smiled.
   - And how they learn?
   - You are still a silly mini-soldier! - Gengir Volk bellowed. - There everywhere the watching devices, cyber-records, plazmo-computers!
   The girl Lask cunning winked.
   - And we started a fighting cyber-virus, it put out of action all watching devices in this building.
   - And, besides, gobbled up all memory of local computers! - inserted Dashingly.
   - Kvazarno! When you were in time? - in Kramar's voice surprise appeared.
   - And as if differently we got into this building! In such houses of mini-soldiers do not let. And here we can shoot not worse than adults, and chained us and do not allow to have a good time!
   In a voice of the boy the disappointment was felt.
   - Everything will be in due time! Your bodies did not ripen yet, to you early to look at it. Besides, kulamana or money should be protected and increased, and here it is full of cunning swindlers. In one thousand two hundred years we learned to distinguish many traps, and to you only seven cycles and one blow of heart.
   Gengir clicked Caress on a snub nose. The girl moved, then giggled, having put out the tongue.
   - The grandfather, when to us is for one thousand, we, that is, I will become a Superhyper ultramarshal!
   - To dream not harmfully! And here if you creep everywhere as a small insect, then you will die in the parallel Universe and you will serve in anti-troops! - The veteran-strapper roared.
   Caress whimsically raised a howl.
   - I do not want in anti-troops! There it is very sick, every minute torment with current and gamma beams.
   - And so, listen to seniors! Yes, and where you took a fighting virus?
   Instead of Caress answered Dashingly:
   - On the ground! We were trained in special programs of virtual wars and by penetrations into structure of fighting robots.
   The hyper marshal struck a finger on air, several nasty, pretty insects at once evaporated. The deep voice continued:
   - It is good that put put during doctrines into practice. Minus, the fact that you violate rules. I do not want to have problems with Superdepartment "Love and life". Therefore, or you pledge the word now that you will not hang around, anywhere, or you will be dumped right there on a star.
   Dashingly at first wanted to translate everything for fun, but the look of the great-grandfather drilling the laser said that he does not joke. Gengir also strictly looked at the girl.
   - And you swear an oath too that any more never you will violate army regulations.
   Caress took a look aside.
   Children it is hardly heard whispered.
   - I swear...
   Unexpectedly Kramar changed countenance. On youthfully smooth forehead, the sharp fold got the idea:
   - And if not violation of the charter, we would be desintegrated already! I remove an oath, but I lay down one condition. If you want to be soaped or tighten quarks somewhere, inform me.
   - And me! - The workmate rumbled.
   Gengir also changed the mind:
   - The initiative in the war costs much, to the opponent who is especially accustomed to cheap templates! Only warn us in advance if you want to play pranks!
   Again flashes from shots began to sparkle, several gangsters Egyptian vultures, probably, decided to profit in stray couple of stelzan with children. Backfire was ruthlessly exact. Only one bandit was paralyzed, the others were elementary dispelled on quarks. The head of the largest, with five rows of recurved teeth of "dinosaur", having flown away, it was hooked by canines for the antenna. It seemed that she and after death wants to gnaw through a graviotitanovy core.
   Dashingly exclaimed:
   - Shock it not our way! Hyper shock - that's our way!
   - And so, children monsters... - Gengir pointed to the captive: - Perhaps it is the simple robber. Or perhaps and spy. We will take it with ourselves. Then I will show you as it is necessary to interrogate such geeks.
   - We already tortured an electronic cyborg! - With a smile Caress boasted.
   - And live it is possible to intimidate! - authoritatively the hyper marshal Kramar said.
   - Practice above all!
   Gengir tenderly clapped Caress on cheeks. The pink face became crimson.
   Children cheerfully burst out laughing.
   Two bosom friends shook hands and skillfully, having executed a puzzling somersault, were behind a huge lime and apple star.
   In open spaces of dirty sector continued to postrelivat from time to time.
   Chapter 11
   How many different beings,
   It is so much also opinions!
   There is a wish to solve everything
   Secret of boundless heaven!
   It is dream and a task
   All generations...
   In search of essence the demon rushes about.
   He wants the plan to impose.
   But in search of truth of all branches
   Only God can give the answer!
   Two valiant men continued philosophical conversation. Unimpassioned speech of sedate zorg flew a silver streamlet and, appear, gently enveloped stars. The boot (executing a set of functions thanks to the cybernetic printseps-plasma chip) of Konoradson extended still a couple wafer-thin as matches of extremities and began to cook, for animals cocktail from hybrids of fish and fruit. On the course adding mix of vegetables and mollusks, with different types of honey, mushrooms and creams. From what the marvelous fragrance, on all hall was carried.
   Bernard included, the telepathic mode of switching, and thirty two measured hologram turned into the sparking haze. At the same time the multilevel brain continued to think in the different ranges. Probably it was interesting to it, to talk to the space aksakal:
   - Interestingly, and whether there are races is more ancient than us and more developed? To us only thirty billion years. And in comparison with age of the Universe this absolutely insignificant time. On the other hand, to us it is already so much billion years and it is unclear why we know the Universe so a little? As if children savages in a space sandbox! And why still there is a lot of foggy and unclear universe in the theory?
   Konoradson answered quietly, and meanwhile his second boot also helped in preparation of a dish, for smaller brothers of the nation of missionaries. Leaving footwear with a set of fingers of a ruchenka, simply crumbled and kneaded. An amusing picture, boots, without getting down from legs, prepare the real feast, it was combined with pretty serious, though a little abstract conversation:
   - Oh, it is a subject long ago concerned, and not only us. From an early dawn of a civilization. In those far times, many researchers the impossibility to record many star objects surprised, as led to division of the Universe into visible and invisible parts. As you know, the visible and dark light has the mass of rest and weight. The same is fair also in relation to other elementary particles making a basis of a makrokosm. According to widely famous theory of the universe, photons and electromagnetic waves are radiated from stars not on ideally straight line, and on slightly deviating trajectory. Gravitation influences photons, each of which has weight, and a trajectory thereof, becomes hyperbolic. A photon, having passed a huge way, having taken a giant detour of several billion light years, will return back to the same point from where it proceeded. Therefore we see only small part of the Universe, its other parts are simply not available to a look. In turn, photons and electromagnetic waves give the energy to numerous fields which pierce vacuum and a kinezprostranstvo. Thereof, energy gathers in multispatial collapses.
   Bernard distracted from switching, the robot teacher besides Sylphs and a banana lizard, brought some more various beings corresponding out of various galaxies. At the same time all of them were pretty, and tender. Younger zorg threw the phrase:
   - Yes, it is known by each school student, but the Universe functions infinitely long, and for long megaquintillions of years there had to be more perfect forms of advanced civilizations, than ours.
   Konoradson raised one of the extremities up, the flying small fish with blue, very long and magnificent fins sat down on it.
   - About! You know one of the reasons is that stars are eternal, and there is no planet! In the parallel Universe a few other laws, another dimensions, them much more three standard. On curved spirals energy is included into collapses where it also accumulates ready again to be splashed out outside. All that energy that for billions of years it was radiated in infinite space, through the parallel Universe and another dimensions comes back. Here an example, a star suddenly cooled down, turned, depending on the sizes, into a neutron star or into similarity of a black hole or maybe into the white dwarf. Neutrons of a superdense star move to the lower power level. Then energy from the parallel megauniverse changes the power level of elementary particles of which these consist, appear, forever extinct stars. And the little dense dwarf flashes a supernew star, and old planets burn down. The newly-baked worlds are formed in a new form. Cool down, the cycle goes, repeating indefinitely.
   Between three boots of Great Zorga arose litter. They fought for the right of preparation multilayered multi-biscuit cake. Wafer-thin extremities pushed the friend to the friend and were even weaved into a ball. The third zhidkometallichesky boot insisted: "now my turn to cook cake, it is so fair". Other went obstinate: "this combined production". The creeping-out extremities became more and more, and being weaved they proceeded the waves causing an air curvature. Showing the robot teacher on it to other pets peeped: "here in this case we see an example, that as it is not necessary to solve similar problems".
   Semi-reasonable animals approvingly cheeped:
   - Dispute is solved a compromise, only the savage regardless of obstacles prt!
   Bernard did not interfere with it so far (to beings of the lower order sometimes own negative experience more useful, any positive manual!), it conducted conversation:
   - But if we can know in advance when the star goes out and when shoots superbright flash, then for on it it is not deadly. And where a civilization with history in quintillions of years? They have to be, time space is eternal!
   Zorg confirmed it, very sure, but without any shade of narcissism with tone:
   - Collapses, as it is known. Move on a spiral or along a route, similar to a spiral, in hyper space and printseps-vacuum. They can enter each other and amplify or, on the contrary, be divided. Even kollapsichesky curvatures are not eternal, as well as stars. Separately any star cannot exist infinitely long in limited space. Only their infinite set is eternal. And life of civilizations is far more difficult. This more fragile education, than natural phenomena. Versions it can be infinite much, and we do not apply for absolute knowledge. You also understand a lot of things. I will note, we do not seek for wars and capture of all Universe. Civilizations are distributed very unevenly, and much of them is simply not allowed to rise above a certain level. Behind our worlds the sparsely populated territory lies, it as if frames a megagalaxy. And various attempts to get into this zone conduct to the total death exterminating all live. Someone speaks about the absolute superweapon which was created by the supercivilization which ruined itself. I do not trust in it! There are eternal laws of the Universe and reason. Each individual wants to become a GOD. And to reach the level of gods absolutely happy and brightened up, not in forces. Life and the universe are a fight for infinite perfection. Therefore any supercivilization will come across an uncertain barrier and breaks up. It grows as a snowball on a star surface again to be formed. As circulation in the nature: the crystal deposit dropped out, thawed, evaporated, again dropped out. Is, it is visible, a limit and at zorg. For some reason increase of supercivilized power is blocked. And it is great secret even for us. But I am convinced of one precisely that scientific and technical progress has to be followed by moral development, and otherwise it will lead to accident.
   As if in confirmation of his words fight between boots, for the right of preparation of food ended and extremities started moving synchronously. Trays on which there was a preparation of salads, goulashes and culinary products, changed the colors and forms meanwhile, asking pets:
   - What our appearance, most of all to be pleasant to you?
   Those in reply to an arquebuse, something not quite legible. As clever asked a sylph:
   - Give in the form of a power crown Nauf.
   The tray turned into something fantastic is made. Some kind of imposing of several kinds of jewelry, in a motley combination.
   Bernard in disappointment was expressed:
   - I am vakuumnogolovy! - Without transition continue a subject. - And still, in the gene industry we reached the actual perfection. All heavenly movements are already known, counted in advance, and accidents cannot suddenly come.
   Konoradson agreed, and the look became a little confused as the mountain aged man who did not manage to answer a simple question:
   - Yes, cannot. But the fact remains. More ancient civilizations are not familiar to us. Perhaps genetic failures, maybe, uncontrolled incomprehensible mutations, external influence. Perhaps, the main riddle of the Universe in it is also concluded. Perhaps, God Tvorets exists, and even to us is not allowed to comprehend his thought.
   Pets behaved grandly, the robot teacher, having changed a form to brighter, began to ask them:
   - Blazhena peacekeepers, because they... - The car made a pause.
   Sylph of a bryaknul of the first:
   - Inherit the Universe!
   The robot answered with a ringing voice:
   - Close it is and still inexact! Give still.
   The animal in the form of a melon with the head of a jerboa and pads petals answered:
   - Because they are always right!
   The robot replaced the prevailing yellow coloring with red and objected:
   - In fact, truly, but not absolutely that!
   Without paying attention to lessons to pets, Bernard declared:
   - It is pointless conversation, incomprehensible secret of the universe. Especially the faith in the Creator of the Universe already means existence at it of imperfection as the creation suffers. It is necessary to think of how to execute our mission on the planet and in system of Laker - IV-10001133PS-3 better, or as natives speak, on the planet Earth and in Solar system. To us will put on dark glasses, having covered with a smoke cover.
   Konoradson made gesture, the right boot, having left preparations, let out the shining setochka, winged small fishes took seat on it and the freshly cooked donuts decorated with florets ran on cells.
   - I have an extensive experience and enormous telepathic abilities so to deceive us, despite all their inventions, it will not be possible. Besides there is always a mass of independent sources. - The senior zorg made a pause in jewelry of donuts, the structure of color changed and added. - About some of our abilities of a stelzana do not even suspect.
   - What course is more probable, imitation of wellbeing or your elimination by an actual path?
   Konoradson logically answered:
   - The last is excluded! Stelzana are rather clever to understand that the death of the Senior senator will entail such investigation that the governor and his accomplices will be not just removed, and will criminally punish, having made an extreme point. So rectilinearly they will not risk...
   The unexpected alarm signal tore off the phrase of a wise zorg. Two very large starprobe vehicles of an unknown design appeared on thirty to the three-dimensional hologram. They on limit, (it is even surprising that by nbsp; Kramar picked up Dashingly and reliably packed in an invisible chain armor.
  so already learned to disperse out of stelzana hyper space) speeds approached absolutely small forwarding starprobe vehicle of zorg. The ship of diamond constellation, however, inside is incomparably more spacious, than, it seems outside, in it the whole palace where it is possible to lodge freely the population of the solid settlement. Even detained by meticulous check, he all the same would be in time, be at his owner such desire, to go to a hyper jump. In the hyper drive the starprobe vehicle pierces another dimensions, the set doing quasimaterial almost any substance because in hyper space it is impossible to conduct military operations. All space battles come after an exit from a hyper jump. Near huge, traditionally predatory form of starprobe vehicles the swarm of smaller fighters of the class "Eaglets" and "Photon" span. Suddenly all small Egyptian vultures disappeared in cases of enormous space submarines, space gross battle ships bristled up force fields. Of course, the low-tonnage starprobe vehicle of the Senior senator only by sight seemed defenseless. Zorg effortlessly could bring down the ships of the opponent or go to the forced hyper jump. Animals having felt danger, screeched, and krylata of a small fish having left a meal directed to the magnificent, playing purely decorative role chandelier, having stuck around the hieroglyphs of bulbs covered with precious kamenye.
   - You should not react! Let the first blow will be struck by the opponent! - the imer Konoradson ordered the Misinformation.
   Starprobe vehicles came to a distance of direct defeat and brought down violent falls of hyper plasma balls of fire. The gifts bearing in themselves explosive energy of billions of atomic bombs flashed and right there died away, having got in trans-time (capable to change the period course) a force field. Multimegaton charges seemed the harmless crackers looking not so much threateningly how many it is beautiful. Dozen of fighters as the devil from a snuffbox jumped out of a belly and joined senseless firing. It even slightly surprised the Senior senator.
   - Really our opponents are so silly? They have in the head a vacuum?
   Suddenly starprobe vehicles of the opponent executed a bend, and from predatory bellies two hundred-meter akulopodobny lethal cars took off. Promptly dispersing so even the vacuum behind them gleamed an orange haze, megarockets synchronously jerked, slightly without having reached an impenetrable force field. Explosion was so strong that the starprobe vehicle of zorg tested severe concussion. Numerous animals were hit from legs, some crashed into a wall which on their happiness automatically became elastic and soft as if a trampoline. But as these animals peeped for fear, and couple of pineapple jellyfishes even burst out crying in three streams. Cries of harmless beings were heard:
   - This superdestruction, infernal drakonist came!
   Cascades of elementary particles, the broken-off preonn and quarks, having reflected from the field, generated flash, similar to a supernew star. On the fighting power the rocket could spray on photons and scatter on a galaxy a star body the sizes about the planet the Neptune. The reflected stream of elementary particles reached the opponent, having struck the attacking starprobe vehicles. One of them lost control and became, a mad spinning top to rotate around an axis, flying as if from strong blow a soccerball. Be it though is a little closer, from it there would be one quarks. Fighters were protected much worse, and their pilots were lucky only that they died, without having managed even to be frightened, hyper plasma moves millions times quicker than a painful impulse, leaving from a body only soul. Other ship managed to move to the safe place, having avoided destructive blow of a cumulative wave.
   Ir an imer the Midship section, the captain of a starprobe vehicle of zorg, made request to the General inspector.
   - To take countermeasures?
   - Is not necessary, they all the same will receive the... - The senior senator said it half-heartedly as the kind parent punishing the playful child.
   - Perfectly!
   Great zorg it appeared the rights. The starprobe vehicle which lost control was not lucky. Having got to a vacuum corkscrew, he did not manage to adjust management, and was absorbed by an enormous big star. In violet glow of a giant star the emerald point flashed and right there went out, the gross battle ship dived into the flaring subsoil.
   The escaped starprobe vehicle came nearer on a fighting distance again and opened heavy fire with luchepushka, and the installations which are bringing destruction live as if checking patience of crew of the inspector. It was visible how round towers rotate, densely utykanny guns and radiators. From the largest barrel the crooked hyper plasma eight took off, it moved on the broken line. Having reached an invisible barrier a ball of fire, burst, having scattered on the smallest sparks. Having convinced that zorg do not react to its firing, the ship changed a distance and, having accelerated, went to a hyper jump, having disappeared for is dazzling bright clusters of stars.
   - Something is not similar to actions of galactic freebooters. Terribly strong weapon and large fighting submarines of a class leader battle ship. It is serious! Similar to provocation from fleet of Purple constellation. - With badly hidden nervousness the captain noticed. - And they jumped somehow quickly as if the newest developments of bisexual.
   - Truly, Ir imer Midship section. Though stelzan also have fighters with the kapersky patent for ecowars, but usually it is smaller and maneuverable starprobe vehicles. In these sectors there are no wild pirates. It is necessary still to be able to run into not under control free piracy. The most important, this weapon, applied absolutely the latest. It is a termopreonovy charge of a cumulative orientation. It is a new step in military equipment. There was a proven means which is not applied in practice of modern wars yet. The opponent wanted to check a force field of our starprobe vehicle for durability at the same time. It was possible to reward them according to the deserts, but I will not touch let unripe, but nevertheless the conceiving life forms. - Strong tone, the Senior senator finished the pathos speech.
   The captain answered quietly, but if to listen, then notes of the suppressed irritation were in a metal voice of the tempered zorg:
   - Of course, it is better to avoid the evil and causing suffering to other conceiving beings! Till what time, however, it is possible to suffer the evil, cruelty and insidiousness of bisexual beings! We have the power that the terrible answer to beat out aggressive arrogance from proteinaceous parasites. Angrily it is necessary...
   Konoradson interrupted an aggressive tirade of the captain:
   - Leave! Angrily it is impossible to destroy the evil. They will even more become hardened if against them we apply their own methods.
   - And how into the account of the new weapon? If they progress so in creation of new removers, then it sverkhopasno further. Sometime their technologies will come to hyper level, and even we will become helpless and we will not be able not only to stop them, but also even to protect the lives! I did not even think that our ships can test concussion from their crackers! - On the raised note almost cried out the Midship section.
   - It disturbs me too. I hope, wisdom will prompt us an exit. - The senior senator, softly added. - And now my pets a few entertainments will not prevent you.
   The starprobe vehicle went to a hyper jump again. The space behind a covering instantly grew dim. Dense blackness flashed inexpressible human words in the flowers and dispersed exotic shine.
   And in other parts of boundless space life flew the, as always, unique turn.
   - Yes, you, the Young lion, of course, the good fellow, beautifully laid one of the best officers of the galactic case. But you have to understand that you thereby signed to yourself the death sentence. In the Ministry of "The truth and love" or "Love and lives" such affairs are decided simply and without delays.
   Dzhover Hermes gloomily grinned. He did not want to lose such valuable slave. Lev Eraskander quietly sat, having inclined the light brown head. It had the most exhausted look, under eyes there were dark circles, cheeks fell, legs, hands, sides and a brawny breast became covered by scratches, burns and bruises. He spent the whole week in voluptuous hell, humouring the hated tribe, not having an opportunity to take rest at least for a minute. Through it there passed hundreds of brawny, temperamental women with the big sexual imagination. One cool general's wife even burning end of the laser of a prizhgl barefoot boyish heels. Similar was pleasant to other shrews, and they tried on it and cold beams, other types of fighting radiations. Now blisters on soles insufferably scratched, and the young man to appease an itch pressed them to cold metal stronger. Sex was needs of nature of a young, powerful organism, but here it became similarity of torture, and smelled as if filled in with the melted metal. To the boy at present, there was a wish, only one: it is rather to fall to any plank bed even if utykanny nails and to drown in a dream.
   Hermes was very happy also with impressive profit for the sold body of the gladiator who was promptly gaining popularity, and humiliation of the slave who became too abrupt.
   - I in your feelings am guided too. Our young women from an orange brothel scratched you as females of tigers. All right, so you annoyed us. Not only that the person beats our officers and if he and in sex surpasses us, then it specifically dements.
   Stelzan roguishly winked.
   - Well, and now about business. On this planet we cannot already remain. Especially to you, it became too known. We will depart to the center of the Galaxy, to so-called dirty star sector.
   The lion quickened here and at once raised the head:
   - Interestingly, and what we will do there?
   Hermes avoided the direct answer:
   - In this area full concentration of nestelzanoidny types, living beings. Many of them half-civilized, are also not completely assimilated by the space empire.
   - It will be unsafe! - In a voice Eraskandera sounded rather a hope, than alarm.
   - We will have a weapon. Though it, you not only the slave, but also the state criminal is also not necessary to you. You can fight and one barehanded! - Hermes gave a hand and the glass with odorous and foamy swill flew to it in a palm, having quietly peeped: dope index hundred seven.
   The lion only shook the head, darted a glance pair of fighting robots of maintenance and having given himself the most humble look, said:
   - I can say goodbye with Vener Allamara?
   Hermes having drunk a good few, the glass levitating on a gravitational pillow pushed away. That hanged in air chiknuv: "be sensible all eternity mister". Then rapaciously rubbed hands, probulkat:
   - Of course! She waits for you long ago. You have exactly an hour, it is no more. Then we will also jerk! This time, we will depart on a military starprobe vehicle if it remains happy. I to you will allow to examine the ship within legal access. If is not present, then you will carry out all flight on a chain.
   - Thanks for trust.
   Stelzan caught irony in words of the slave:
   - Do not become limp, you still will have an opportunity to show canines!
   And Hermes friendly tapped of Eraskander on the shoulder brawny peeled, bitten.
   Chapter 12
   The death beam in a gloom sparkles,
   Space monsters the crowd gathered!
   The ruthless enemy attacks you,
   But, I trust, the hero a hand will not tremble!
   Dzhover did not keep the word. The suspicious youth slave was locked in a power chamber, having chained.
   In the most ship casemate it was quite cool. Standard twelve degrees on terrestrial measurement, it is not enough for the earthling who got used to eternal summer. However, stelzana used almost similar decimal measuring system that considerably facilitated orientation in communication of two races. Still Lev was naked, in one loincloth, but he so got to like nakedness that did not even pay attention to it. And here stelzana, many from which never saw people got on it the predatory, impudent eyes.
   In a chamber it was dark, and, lying on a naked metal bed, Lev froze, sharp thorns in a ship punishment cell pricked a brawny back of the boy. It was impossible to come off as hands and legs held down close clips, force fields. The young man suffered, turned and to distract, tried to concentrate on memoirs of the childhood.
   Where he was born also who his parents, nobody knew. According to stories of adoptive parents, it was unexpectedly found in an oak children's cradle empty up to this point. Where future warrior lay rather span as vyyun, being very bright baby. On a twist of fate, it appeared in an only thing hut on all village of the guerrilla Ivan Eraskander. At the time of its birth on a breast of the baby drawing with very beautiful wild animal, like a human lion with wings and saber-toothed canines sparkled. Then the shining sketch completely disappeared, but on the village the hearing rushed that it also is the electee born by the Holy Spirit the Messiah who should rescue the planet. Some time nobody perceived it seriously. The boy named Lev quietly lived, grew, played and was secretly trained in the ancient forbidden arts of hand-to-hand fight. It is necessary to tell that stelzana seriously transformed climate of the planet. Having applied the graviavakuumny Trekotor installation - one of the newest models of iskrivitel of space, they displaced Earth orbit, having rather decently pulled together it with the Sun. It changed climate towards considerable warming. All glaciers thawed. To avoid flooding of enormous territories, scientists and engineers of Purple constellation by means of micro annihilation explosions expanded and deepened hollows and trenches in the World Ocean. It was made and counted by means of the most powerful computers so precisely and accurately that it was succeeded not only to avoid flooding of enormous territories, but even to change water circulation. The water cycle in the nature was modified so that all deserts disappeared, having turned into the jungle. Besides, the hydrosphere circulated in such a way that hot from the equator merged to poles, and cool from poles moved to the equator. On all planet the climate similar to the African equatorial belt was established, and extraction of wood became the most profitable business. Because of selection changes of a number of breeds of a plant almost all the year round yielded valuable and nutritious fruits, than forever, appear, resolved a hunger problem. In these conditions there was a lot of free time and very few entertainments, there were no computers with TVs, the Internet which became at the beginning of the twenty first century general. Only occupational, broadcasting only promotion and silly songs of radio, some musical instruments. Well and the elementary physical games. Well people were brought to native barbarous level. His early barefoot childhood was happy, without problems and a headache. Mobile, early years extremely strong and inventive Lev Eraskander who took a surname of the adoptive father was a leader and the ringleader, local children. It is easy to be happy when you do not know the best. But soon there were events which interrupted idyll...
   What it events, Lev did not manage to scroll in memory. Let in strong sleepy gas a chamber, and the boy failed in a chasm of a deep sleep.
   When the starprobe vehicle arrived to the place, he woke up. In the head was mutnovato. The world looked around is gray and ominously. It was cool, an artificial covering of a kosmoport in hoarfrost, pours a sleet. After a sleepiness in a metal box the shiver beat, and iskoloty a penal bed the back unpleasantly ached. The truth the scratches caused by females to the slave gigolo, bruises and burns managed to descend, the organism of the batyr was restored quickly, without leaving even the slightest marks. To be warmed, Lev added a step, for the first time he saw snowfall and, was is struck: how dreadful natural rainfall is. On the planet Earth, warm heavy rains running streams on suntanned skin always to pleasure especially as they never cause floods and do not happen long. Quickly splashing bare feet on the ice cold pools covered with a thin crust of ice, the boy almost ran, hopping similarity of a hopak. Strangely enough, but the feeling from breaking under the coarsened sole of the fellow of ice, was pleasant and exciting and, Lev tried to strike a crystal crust as it is possible stronger. Splashes drenched one a little pleasant subject with a svinopodobny snout, ears of an elephant and greenish crocodile skin. Rather dirty water soiled clumsily sitting uniform of the employee of the space airport. An animal, having stretched webby paws, began to whistle something. Some curse in strongly broken language of Purple constellation.
   Dzhover terribly bellowed, having shown on shoulder straps of the economic general.
   - You, a vile reptile, do not dare to offend a stelzan and his faithful servant!
   The weighty fist fell upon an opposite green muzzle. The blow was good, the being swayed, but did not manage to fall. Prompt lougkig extremely excited Eraskander moreover with a turn, crumpled a physiognomy pork slono - a crocodile. Hulk flopped in a pool, and the protection standing in the distance cheerfully laughed, showing to fingers on a prostrate ugly mug, with the flattened-out ugly face. Brown fioletavaya blood flew down in a pool, extending a pungent smell of turpentine. Without being late, Hermes and Lev sat down in in advance prepared flaneur. Then promptly flew up, having frightened away spotty insects.
   In sector somehow specially it was restless. In the atmosphere fish pangolins with peryevy fins flew. There were also beings similar to wolves with wings of a bat. Three-headed eagles soared some large, size about the star fighter. Huge dragonflies with needles of large hedgehogs flitted. Half-civilized not humanoid creations dominated generally. The sounds made by them reminded something average between wolf we howl also clatter of cicadas. Some of them too close flew up to the flaneur, threatening with collision.
   Dzhover turned a rychazhok, and the wave of ultrasound dispersed the enraged creatures. Those with hysterical squeal and who is more reasonable being extorted by juicy curses, scattered in different directions. Hermes growled in reply:
   - Defective inogalakta we you zapulsary!
   Being curious Lev, on a guerrilla slang asked:
   - And where we here prikimary?
   Dzhover pointed a finger, from a ring the hologram with the index and an inscription took off: "In a brothel".
   Eraskander without special enthusiasm, looked afar and calmed down - it is not similar to a brothel. The enormous multikilometer building with severe bazalto-marble walls stood out on an unfriendly background clearly. The construction in a form was similar to a medieval castle with thick teeths. Not far was also seen huge as the rock, the rectangular building. Barracks for slaves to not humanoids. This giant skyscraper reached a stratosphere. On a roof the launch pad of fighting starprobe vehicles settled down. Even the dirty sector was stuffed with troops of Purple constellation as a roll with raisin. The lion with surprise said:
   - Looks so archaically!
   The having exit to the mezhdugalaktichesky Printseps-Internet (Functioning in hyper space, and kinezprostranstvo vectors) which is built in in Hermes's ring, through the hologram issued information.
   This construction, is the legendary Black castle. The well-known place which inspired local cinemas on shootings of tens of movies and writing of hundreds of criminal fighters and detectives. In it there were also battles of knights-inogalaktov on racers and in armor, it was necessary to endure to these walls attacks of pirates, invasion of the poisonous insects eating the atmosphere. The present is not so romantic; in the most ancient Black lock the whole network of lush institutions and a den of the gangster Lucher, largest in a galaxy, by nickname the Kvazarny dragon was attached. The symbol of the criminal world more than on twenty five miles bit into soil and there were over six miles in height, miles twelve in width. It was built for many millennia, and maybe by millions of years, until, when stelzana "made happy" with the occupation this galaxy. Walls were under construction according to confidential recipes of the disappeared types and were strong, almost like latest alloys, fighting, space starprobe vehicles.
   Hermes shouted to the hologram:
   - Go out! We do not need it!
   The flaneur landed on the extensive platform literally filled by the flying cars of the most various, sometimes wildish and mad elaborate designs. Near the broken multi-colored configurations creatures, generally not humanoid type pottered about. Beings were multi-colored, motley, in scales, feathers, thorns, armor with needles and edges of type shaving, with suckers, plants, live minerals and is still unimaginable with what, not having analogs on Earth. The lion never before saw such variety of space fauna. It caused curiosity and subconscious alarm. There were representatives of different types, structures and forms. Transparent and in the form of the thinnest worms, tiny and enormous, there are more elephants. Even amorphous beings met. Hybrid types of all colors. Billions of original planets... Trillions of years of the evolution going waves, generated an incalculable variety of types.
   The black lock was specially adapted for many intergalactic types.
   Though the aircraft softly sat down on a dark-violet covering of a park zone, shook it a little as if from below tried to escape captivated by Zeus Titan. Dzhover and Eraskander without paying to it attention, left (more true the young man jumped out as a cheetah, and stelzan descended solidly in style of the ancient prince) and went to one of lateral entrances to this intergalactic "hotel".
   The way was suddenly barred by two slonopodobny door-keepers with dozen of horns, they literally blocked up pass with the five-ton hulks.
   - What race? Look? Persons? Invitations are? Your purpose of visit?
   Unanimously, as if the overloaded dressers creaked strappers. Carcasses of "elephants" were dressed in a camouflage of black color with white flakes. In paws they held ten-barreled luchemeta of gun type.
   - I am Urlik, on the slang nickname Ferrous metal. This is my personal slave Lev Eraskander, on a slang Lev. There is an invitation diskette.
   The policeman clumsily took a diskette. Such small diskette with half-meter fingers was difficult to be held in a mighty paw, but the policeman had skill, dexterously inserted it into the cybernetic observer. That considered all information on persons. The violet bulb of the free admission flashed. Security guards slowly, even necks cracked, nodded, having passed a stelzan with the slave forward. The door from a heavy-duty alloy silently opened. A lion having taken couple of steps inside, the covering was warm and soft as a female body inside. Unexpectedly movable by naughty thought, the boy turned and winked at guards:
   - It is unprofitable to protect the good, and others it is troublesome if you do not need guards then, you were absolutely ruined!
   Horned mastodons, only clapped big as glazishchama sinks. Hermes seized the brawny boy by a brush and pulled:
   - More bright legs!
   From corridors of a starinneyshy den, pulled hydrogen sulfide and something else more stinking. The surface of a covering became firmer and colder, on walls the painted ugly faces of ghouls of various types were visible. Feeling as if artists avant-gardists competed whose drawing fast will force to stammer. And in completion to all paint highlighted.
   Powerful explosions were suddenly distributed, chaotic firing began. The most difficult life forms watered each other with volleys of the diverse systems and types. The rolling voice of lethal megawadded shells was heard. Starprobe vehicles flashed and broke, corpses of ill-matched reasonable animals instantly charred, getting under killing beams of blasters, ecolasers and other types of the weapon. The lion saw space fight thanks to time which flashed a corridor, the lock to five holographic projections. The fighting ships of Stelzanat, despite suddenness of attack, automatically were under construction in system "flexible chain". Guns of huge calibers threw up clots of annihilation gifts which rushing on the broken trajectories stuck into the closest space submarines of a menagerie. Here, for example inomiryan began to scatter one of krupnevshy starprobe vehicles as if the burned-down cardboard. It seemed to a lion that he sees biped chickens with the monkey pads which are in panic running up along corridors of the padded space cruiser, without success of the painful "kiss" trying to avoid, a relentless flame. Saving modules as if color children's pills jumped out from damaged, the running-away, chaotically untwisted ships. The plazmorubka for all fighting models was so prompt. Looking at it, Dzhover-Urlik was stupefied with fear, he was not a fearless professional soldier. After the next shake-up which kicked up prickly dust from a floor, the economic general, at last, drapanut deep into the narrow black corridor lit with dim red light.
   On the platform several explosions thundered, pieces of meat and splinters of metal reached an entrance to a corridor. Eraskander managed to lie down, but one of splinters nevertheless rassek his bronze skin, having passed on a tangent, and another cut off a short lock of snow-white hair. At the same moment ten impressive figures appeared at an entrance. Shveytsary-slonopotamy jumped aside in the parties.
   Gorillopodobny shestiruky haligara squeezed into an entrance. The strappers armed with the most powerful luchemeta. Star monsters in armored suits with signs of municipal native police were densely splodgy with the multi-color, bubbling blood.
   Hermes did not manage to leave far. A floor was too slippery, and it crashed down polutoratsentnerovy hulk. Here, in a narrow corridor, there was no slightest chance to evade from killing beams. Dzhover turned pale and raised hands. It looked quite properly. However haligar had a look the most ruthless and disgustingly aggressive.
   Only Lev did not give in to panic. One detail interested him. In hands "gorillas" had powerful fighting gravio-laser machines of heavy army caliber. And meanwhile, soldiers of municipal police were given on arms paralyzers or gamma guns and that is extremely rare, the blaster of average caliber of the lowered power. Carrying gravio-laser luchemet of the class "Byrd" and other heavy army arms was forbidden on pain of painful death. Haligaram, as trusted the subdued race only weaker weapon though they were the most mass auxiliary force of the empire. Therefore, their form was counterfeit. And it were either space gangsters, or spies.
   Hermes moved back along a corridor, shaking with fear.
   - To stand, arthropods reptiles, otherwise you are threatened by elimination!
   The commander's voice unexpectedly was thin and squeaky. It encouraged Lev. The young man, trying to give to a voice obsequious tone.
   - My owner faints now. I have to bring it into myself!
   Having picked up Dzhover for a waist, Eraskander imperceptibly got because of a belt a plazmometatel. And, without turning the head, shot at ominous silhouettes of opponents. It seemed to Shestiruky "gorillas" that the looking boy amusing savage only supports the mister, and giggled. With an inhuman force Lev could throw the owner in the narrow crack almost imperceptible in dim light of a corridor. He managed to do it synchronously, along with a shot.
   Plazmometatel was loaded with the tiny annihilation rocket, and though they managed to take cover in a crack, the fiery plasma hurricane got also shooting. As Lev jumped a bit later and was absolutely naked, he suffered much stronger. The flame singed a face, shoulders, considerable part of skin, having partially injured hair. The brightest flash blinded also those who conducted furious dismantling on the platform of a kosmoport. Killed some, brought down someone a shock wave. At many organs of vision just failed. Firing ceased.
   From strong blow Hermes fainted. The lion, on the contrary, landed as a cat. Civilians of Purple constellation were forbidden to carry the used infernal arms. It could use only official armed forces, and that with a number of restrictions. Could arrest for carrying such weapon. Eraskander terribly got into a fuss, he understood that he overstepped all bounds the law. Here it will become insufferably close from patrols of Purple constellation soon. The despair prompted an exit, having shouldered the owner (that his one billion centuries was cooked in hyper plasma), the young man jerked along a twisting corridor which was narrowed, extended. It ran about 60-70 meters. To disappear, it needed to find the elevator. It was extremely hard to run with such hulk for burned with all-devouring substance. The lion was dripping with sweat which corroded already painful burns, legs shivered. It kept only by ultraboundary effort of will. Already almost fainting, Eraskander ran up to an open door of the elevator, the lisopodobny little man just left it. He stood aside, with an indifferent look having passed fugitives in a cabin. Probably, the similar show was habitual.
   The lion began to press the obscure inscriptions put on buttons feverishly. On a wall of a mobile cabin into which the tormented boy got the monitor screen sparkled, and it was possible to choose any direction in a boundless lift labyrinth. In memory one of ancient jokes flashed. Criminals got into the elevator and disappeared in the unknown direction.
   But in this case it is not a hokhma, but reality of technologies of the worlds with history in many millions of years any more. On this elevator it was possible to pass tens, and even hundreds of miles in depths of soil of this unusual planet. On underground labyrinths passed between the cities and even continents. The majority of them were constructed long before occupation of a stelzanama. To the most ancient courses there was not one million years. From the black lock the whole underground network proceeded. The planet since ancient times was famous as a shelter for star bandits of all colors and races. This planet was a nest for villains where all laws were conditional. In this underground world with thousands of thousands of hare tracks of the courses confused more miraculously there was one of the largest in this part of the Universe a den of space mafia. Korolor's planet is more ancient than Earth much more sizes. It cooled down much more deeply, than Earth. Many sectors and the courses are not even marked on cards of intelligence agencies of the empire.
   The elevator strongly accelerated. Lev too often switched parameters to confusions. Soon they got to unfamiliar sector. This zone seemed empty and ominous. But whether it is possible to reproach with it the wounded guy? The elevator constantly went zigzags to the parties, moving across, down, on diagonal, confusing all directions. It is necessary to stop, otherwise it is possible to stop by in an underworld. Only how to stop this box? Perhaps to press the red button? The elevator not from an old rarity, and at stelzan too of scarlet color blood, and is worse from it will definitely not be.
   Lev Eraskander having appeased a shiver in the fingers covered with blisters, quickly pressed the red button...
   Chapter 13
   As could happen that progress
   Gave to Earth other direction,
   And cave and stone regress
   Struck people of Earth during one moment?
   The answer to it is very simple!
   Silly it is not difficult to gather,
   The savage did not grow to revolt -
   It is simpler to operate fools!
   Hammered into a crown, Vladimir Tigrov reminded the monkey intimidated by lions. As lions, certainly, there were soldiers of Purple constellation. Having taken a detour, they settled down just under that tree where the frightened boy hid. Somewhere in the distance majestic music began to sound, in the same time and several caterpillar robots appeared. On the top everyone the robot the fixed flagstaff with a big flag of the great empire flaunted. It was a bright seven-color cloth красно-оранжево-желто-зелено-изумрудно-синего-фиолетового colors. On each strip there were about forty nine sparkling stars. Stelzana believed that three multiple degrees of the seven symbolize infinity. And according to religion of Purple constellation, exists seven the parallel mega-Universes from which this the small and not organized. Transition to other Universes is carried out after death, marking new even more nice life, and boundless, cruel war. And in this case seven was also not considered as final mathematical number, and it is rather a symbol of great variety.
   The anthem calmed Vladimir, he suddenly remembered that he was not frightened of the witch, space Kali, Lira Velimara and that it is a shame to person to be afraid of bad people with blasters. Especially as the president Polikanov proved that stelzana are mortal, so can be won. To hope not harmfully, but to lose hope most perniciously! When the anthem abated, dissonant sounds of a song were heard.
   In bright light the marching column was distinctly visible. Judging by growth and round smiling faces, it were children. Very suntanned, to blackness, as if the African Blacks, almost naked, only with a thin gray piece of fabric around hips. Neither to give, nor to take, savages from the tribe of a tube-yuba. However they were not backward children. Native children, as suddenly some seventh feeling Vladimir Tigrov realized, not bad knew geography, liked to study history of the ancient countries and the continents which disappeared Putin of total war. Let, even podpolno literally going on a razor edge (a denunciation local politsayev and forbidden knowledge you will be let on buttons and bags!) drawing cards a nail on barked. The majority of them had straight fair hair, partially by nature, partially burned out on the sun. Dense heads of hear, but the truth which is too started shaggy as at children peasants from medieval frescos. And physiognomies quite European, without negroid lines, pleasant and cheerful. But the most important, they sang in Russian.
   Great light of the empire,
   Gives to all people happiness!
   In the Universe which is not measured
   It is finer to you not to find!
   Brushes precious,
   From edge and to edge!
   The empire was stretched,
   Mighty sacred!
   Star radiant,
   The way to people lights!
   Owns force main,
   Protects the planet!
   Children sang and marched as pioneers on a ruler, trying to measure out accurately the barefoot, covered with small grazes and bruises legs the pace, without losing mid-flight speed. Similarity to a pioneering was added by buglers and drummers. Drums beat an army tattoo, buglers blew from time to time. There were no ties, but they were successfully replaced by red collars. In hands children had axes, ropes, saws, other devices for wood rolls. Of course, they came here not just to sing, but also to work.
   Trees cut and dragged manually, from equipment there were only vehicles and kono-caterpillars here. Too a product of genetic engineering, like shaggy, multi-legged horses, but much quicker and with natural solar batteries instead of wool. From the point of view of stelzan, mechanization of work not only is not necessary and is even harmful. People strongly bred, it is even more of them than prior to aggression, and work is not enough for all. Here the majority is also engaged in the cabin of the wood moreover at the same time and sings. However the woods already cut so many that in the immediate environment all warehouses are hammered. Therefore many woodcutters are forced to go on tens of kilometers further. Children work quietly, even with some enthusiasm. A look at children also quite healthy, the muscles developed figures athletic such at their age at modern generation a big rarity. As if it is the best shots from school of the Olympic reserve dragging in couples big logs and it is dashing, the striking striking blows axes on thick trunks. The balanced food, fresh air, physical activity yielded such tremendous results. Probably other contemporaries of Tigrov would envy such life. It is enough to be able to read, know the multiplication table and to be able to undersign. Everything that over it is under a strict ban, exceptions became only for certain most notable helpers of the occupational mode. Vladimir, however, was angry more and more. How it is possible to work here so quietly for invaders, to sing the anthems glorifying these animals? It was a shame to it and it is bitter for the, and here to go down - there was not enough courage. Was znoyno, young hard workers, sweated and their black bodies shone as if oiled. Four soldiers with an emblem of a purple eye (occupational forces), obviously, missed. Usually they did not patrol woodcutters in quiet areas, trusting it politsayam or to protection robots. Hot and the truth was not, so a special form besides protective functions of easy armor, also regulated temperature of the environment which is directly surrounding flesh of invaders. It is necessary to have a good time somehow. But how? Of course, in bracelets or in luchemeta, they have computer games, but it is not that chic at all! It is far more interesting to mock at children!
   The senior fighter from protection in Russian ordered:
   - Everything, break! Let's play soccer!
   Boys, of course, were delighted. Accurately (try, show negligence with such cruel owners!), put tools on grades, then flashing, patches, barefoot, greenish-violet from a grass, started collecting branches. Young hard workers began to construct already from branches and magnificent, large leaves numerous gate. As patsanit there was much, and teams has to be not less than dozen. The senior on a rank the strapper invader stopped children:
   - We will play other soccer, soccer of our great empire. We are four against all of you. And a ball at us only one. There are your gate, here ours. A task - to hammer a ball at any cost. We start!
   Any, means any. And stelzana began to beat children. Under the guise of game it is pleasant to otkoloshmatit the one who is weaker. Especially nicely if you beat similar to. Polutoratsentnerovy strappers crippled children, wrung hands, legs, edges, and even hurt the heads. And when children, having united pack as if savages of a mammoth filled up one of supervisors-invaders, villains started the weapon. Bodies of children cut to pieces a little bent, brighter, the beams of blasters which on the contrary are growing dull on the trajectory. In air began to smell fake meat, the smoke vikhritsya, full sufferings groans of the dying boys were carried....
   - Fascists! Barbarians! Sadists! - By a hysterical voice it was distributed from a top.
   Having forgotten about own safety, having lost an instinct of self-preservation, Tigers hastily went down from a tree. He wanted to spray also ruthless executioners, and all is superfascist Stelzanat on quarks, having dispelled on the Universe. Having been ahead of him, space animals cut the laser, having cut dense krone. Vladimir broke from the chopped trunk. Having crashed down from height in twenty meters, it strongly hurt. When Vladimir regained consciousness, he was already fastened a wire to a palm tree and with curiosity considered. The senior supervisor was already quite skilled fighter therefore he with a particular interest looked on suddenly the fallen-down captive. Quiet tone in which only easy curiosity appeared stelzan said, carrying out by a nail on an iskoloty sole of the boy.
   - Pay attention. It has a light skin which considerably darkened and even slightly singed on the native sun. On his legs there was a footwear until recently, and nails had accurately hair cut. Hair too not under a nulevka shaved off, work of the hairdresser is visible. I speak, this is not the local native. You should not kill or torture him, it will be better to hand over him in office of "Love and the truth". Riddles to solve not our this business.
   The strapper in the boyekostyum blood-stained by children's blood nevertheless risked to object:
   - Really we will not torture him and we will lose such pleasure?
   - If it the buzzwig, then to us flies for unauthorized tortures. Let's better catch and will torture someone from local...
   The leader clicked the control panel, and graviotsikla of stelzan flew up to owners, inclined wheels, as if inviting stelzan to saddle "horses". The senior supervisor already wanted to jump on a mechanical racer, but did not keep and still got a lash.
   - Let's recover consciousness of the captive and we will a little blow up.
   The blow quickly returned all completeness of feelings still obscured hardly perceiving someone else's words, to consciousness of Vladimir.
   The strapper stelzan beat strongly, the boy shivered and even cried from some blows dissecting skin. On the thirtieth blow Vladimir fainted. To it in a face splashed cold water from similarity of a siphon...
   When the young captive hardly opened eyes, opposite to him the attached black boy with a fair hair and blue eyes already hung. He was tortured quite primitively, in a savage way with fire from a self-made torch. The local boy twitched, cried out like a stuck pig, his already quite good muscles strained in violent effort that even the rope cracked. When he from painful shock fainted, monsters cheered up. Sons of the dreadful empire in the terribly vile, joyful excitement went bananas.
   - Sadists, geeks! - it is hardly heard whispered Tigers.
   At last executioners paid attention and to it.
   - Pray, a white macaque! Let's look whether you when to you roast heels will be able to keep silent!
   The fanatic stuck the burning log to a naked leg of the young man. A flame rapaciously licked a heel of the unfortunate teenager, blisters were instantly blown up.
   Pain was terrifying, only even more strong feeling of hatred allowed to constrain shout this time.
   However it already exceeded all limits of endurance of a human body, and Tigers this time for a long time lost ability to feel surrounding dreadful reality.
   Any, even not longest travel sometime comes to an end. Short, on Universe scales, and enormous, on human concepts, hyper jumps the starprobe vehicle "Freedom and justice" inevitably approached Earth. The bureaucracy of the empire lost the decency remains, creating all new and new barriers on the way of the movement of star inspection.
   On the planet Earth mass preparations were humming. An important role was played by municipal native forces. The largest cities and settlements were put in order. To the population it was free of charge distributed worthy vestments, at least in large settlements people should not remind backward savages. This, really, was a problem. It is not enough factories on production of clothes and stocks in warehouses it is insignificant are small. It is possible to refer, of course, that people ran wild, but then can accuse of it the imperial power. With food problems never also were. Thanks to climate change, installations of fokusator and mirrors, on Earth there was practically no night, and genetically improved plants yielded a harvest of 6-8 times in a year, and fruit in general all the year round fell from trees. Because of it the population of Earth too bred, but its cultural level sharply fell. Got used to do without clothes, food itself in a mouth as if in a national tale jumps, about the Internet forgot (its intergalactic, space modification is dirtied by various annihilation programs and viruses so that travel in a kinezprostranstvo is similar to jog on a minefield), and the television is watched only by helpers of the mode and native oligarchy. And the good clothes to them only since recent time were allowed to wear. The others were accustomed to thought that they only working cattle.
   The commander of elite special group of collaborationist special troops "Alpha stelz" the colonel Igor Rodionov a fast elastic pace went along Anzh-Katuna Square. Once the Red Square of Moscow was at this place. The capital of the strongest, the Russian Empire, extensive, mighty and rich on the earth, was wiped out by the first blow of annihilation rockets. On its place there was a half-ruined huge village now. In days of old the whole world shivered, looking at terrible Kremlin walls. The power the strongest of the strongest - the Great empire dominated on the planet, having pressed down the power the United States of Armetiki and Sitay, having rejected these countries from positions of world leaders. And now... Where this former power, half-forgotten history? On the place of the capital - one huts and there are no more than dozen of the multi-storey gone to pieces buildings. The mankind was not uniform yet, but a role of Russia of the world leader and a superpower appeared more and more accurately on the accruing sinusoid. The Russian Empire enduring numerous take-off and falling restored control over all territory of the USSR. The cruel energy crisis which captured the planet Earth allowed to save up money and resources for further expansion. Having used that the army of the USA up to a throat got bogged down in dragged-out war with the Islamic world, troops of the strengthened Russian Empire helped Arabs to expel at first armetikanets from the Tersidsky gulf, then under the pretext of fight against terrorism the army of Russia took all oil fields of this region under control. As a result all countries - from Ilzhir to Andiya - were fastened under rigid patronage of the new great empire. Sitay it was forced to reconcile to a role of the younger military partner of Russia. The economy of the USA fell into a condition of a collapse. On the quiet it was succeeded to return control over Alaska, to crush grown decrepit and not too the necessary Veropa. However, in recent years, before star aggression armetikanets partially restored the power, staking on new technologies. Business went to war, but the last military developments gave every chance of a victory of Russia and East block. Before world supremacy was no distance. But now it is crushed by an armor boot with a magnetic sole.
   The colonel was Russian on a nationality and perfectly knew history of the planet. Stelzan under control had trillions of the worlds, their technological superiority did senseless and self-destructive any revolt. If there was though the slightest chance of a victory, then Rodionov, without reflecting, would begin to be at war for independence and freedom of the planet. But the mosquito cannot punch armor of the tank, and it, having gritted teeth, submitted to hated invaders. So, at least, he though can make something for the people.
   Stelzana decided to restore the Kremlin. Without knowing as this citadel before space invasion looked, the governor set absolutely absurd parameters of the built construction. As Moscow was the city number 1, it is better to build up anew this legendary symbol. After space blow in Moscow there is no whole building left, and underground constructions were crumpled by a blast wave, similar to the twelve points earthquake. Proceeding from strongly exaggerated legends, the Kremlin was built almost in it is tenfold the increased option.
   Originally Fagiram Sham wanted to construct towers size about the Himalayas at all, and advisers hardly managed to dissuade him, referring to the fact that they just will not manage to cope to arrival of the dangerous guest. Took part in construction, both workers, and numerous equipment. People were driven in multimillion quantities. For all there were not enough barracks. The majority spent the night under the open sky. The benefit, climate allowed to sleep on a grass, and around fences from stable hyper plasma beams.
   On a meeting air flaneurs flew. They were jammed by recruits. Because of the shift of the Sun and changes in climate, skin of veropeyets darkened. People of Earth became much more dark than stelzan, having become black or that is more rare dark brown. The part of hastily taken recruits walked a system (they since the childhood were able), but here only many of them were in poor shape. Newly-baked fighters, for the first time in life put on boots and regimentals. And here yesterday's teenagers are shown, try to play from themselves cool guys, arrogantly covering with stupid foul language on simple toilers. Still they now a sole of race of misters, and other people only the most insignificant garbage to which in a padla to concern. They shake automatically, reproducing offensive gestures. "It is necessary to give them correct dressing down!" - the head of special troops thought.
   - Mister corporal, allow to address!
   Igor turned the head on a familiar voice.
   - And, it you, my brother! Long ago did not see you... You as a fox, covered up all tracks, escaping from us!.
   - And you, a pathetic dog police officer, after all did not track down a wolf hole! - The cheerful answer followed.
   Brothers strong embraced. Then slowly both as were in a police uniform, went on smooth as the polished mirror, the basalt road. The four of sentry animals - rhinoceroses in armor with paws of a cheetah, and instead of a mouth a network of shaggy feelers, ran on the right side from marching colons, this time women's native division. Girls were in short skirts with the magnificent busts which are hardly covered with similarity of a tunic. Barefoot nozhenk marched almost synchronously, socks were extended. Girls looked very much even attractively, mainly fluffy-haired blondes, with regular features, almost ideal proportions of figures (result of the genetic cleanings which are carried out by the occupational authorities!) . Them, not knowing footwear of a nozhenka, were graceful and no droplets are deformed by a bosokhozhdeniye, and special ointment pushed away dust, leaving patches of girls pink, fine-molded, smoothing and forcing to sparkle as corals the coarsened surface of a female sole. Only skin for several tens generations under the stars which are continuously giving beams gained color of ebonite that at natural, with Aryan or Slavic features of blondes looked unnaturally, is even a little frightening. Igor, without tearing off a look from harmonous maiden legs, it is hardly heard so that could catch only their trained ears, the product of selection of occupational native special troops said:
   - I have no time for tendernesses, my brother! To us, and this hearing reliable, goes the general inspector from council of justice. Legendary Misinformation imer Konoradson. You heard about it?
   Ivan "Destroyed", so called the brother - "Destroyed" - a sobriquet, also quietly answered;
   - Ah, here it that! Such noise and din means therefore here. And what you can tell about all this?
   - Now the Phage pretends to be kind, but this is a terrible animal, the butting plasma louse who exterminated hundreds of millions our compatriots. As soon as inspection passes, it will begin to kill with the trebled force. It should be stopped, and you have to help us!
   The head of special troops "Alpha stelz" gloomy shook the head. Igor's voice was full of pain:
   - We have a good saying. You well prolomat a wall, but what you will do in the next chamber? All of them are identical, we for them only hairless monkeys and no more than that. In this fight it is possible to count only on himself!
   - Then you dump a hated form and go with us to the woods! - Loudly, for a moment having forgotten care, Ivan whispered.
   - And why to wage with them theatrical war? Your automatic machines unless plow... Against blasters, lasers, luchemet, mazer, fighting robots? Yes same all the same that to a hyper-mastodon grain! Even hydrogen bombs which you do not have, - harmless crackers against their force fields. - The elite colonel, made a helpless gesture.
   - The main force - spirit and people! Matter can be strong, but original omnipotence only the spirit has! - Pathosly, having stuck out a broad chest, Ivan said.
   The animal with the tail reminding the fan decorated with the most beautiful precious kamenye, but with a trunk of a tiger was peacefully grazed, devouring an orange grass. Its mouth was without teeth, but very successfully devoured genetically modified flora. At the same time this animal threw out round balls from the belly. And kids slaves selected them, accurately slazhivy in transparent bags.
   Igor Rodionov with grief delivered the whole speech:
   - It is beautifully told, but it only words which strongly rend the air! And what people? There was such Kerch Kerr - the king of special troops, and Ivan Kozlowski - the head of mercenaries. They tried to wage guerrilla war, using the trained troops. Green berets... Maroon berets... Stelzana beat them as partridges, even in hand-to-hand fight. Soldiers of Purple constellation surpassed members of spetsnaz. Reaction, speed, equipment, force, dimensions... Each of them laid one hundred local "Rimbaud". The general Mokili Velr killed them barehanded, at once both leaders of guerrilla war. As he told them: "I give chance! Be protected!" and as if derisively handed them in hands steel axes! Each your step is known in advance, even camouflage dressing gowns were sold to you from its direct permission that war was interesting. It for them - simple entertainment.
   Ivan Rodionov in reply strong clenched fists, even bones became white, in a voice of the Russian guerrilla the constrained rage sounded with great difficulty:
   - There is nothing to remind of our powerlessness once again. You help to sweep away at least Fagiram Sham better. Then we will look at a situation, we will bring together supporters. You have to help us, "stelz" is Alpha the best special department of Ronald Daklinton.
   Igor felt the strongest confusion. Even it was a shame to it to look to the brother in eyes. Something Rodionov reminded himself this herbivorous tiger with a tail of a glamourous peacock. Here and he throws out flat cakes from honey milk which are selected by monsters invaders. But on the other hand it is necessary to justify itself somehow:
   - And what we will be able really to make? Ron is a drop and the swine. It will put to stelzana of any who will offer though some option of worthy resistance. All collaborationist top under a cap. We are even afraid to think of them badly. It, literally. They can read our mind by means of devices and do it secretly. When they include them, there is only a metal smack in a mouth. We so strongly risk. If I fall under suspicion, then check will ruin us, and all data will squeeze out as if juice from a lemon.
   Ivan knowingly nodded, on a face of the large young man the shadow, but it seems that being younger walked, he was not undeceived in opportunities of mankind to resist to invaders. For example gentle water is capable to grind off diamond, and the person....
   - It is necessary to use the slightest chance. Yes, and into the account of corpses. They rip skin off people, and do figurines, souvenirs, plates and other rubbish of bones... there is the whole underground business. Unless it is possible from reasonable beings to do gloves, jackets, bags and other. From human fat cook soap, process fresh meat into a protein, canned food, add to multilayered pies, sell to other races. It is terrible, even hair and nails go to processing. The person sort on elementary particles, profiting by any body. You unless did not know that these reptiles created the whole plant where make secret experiments with people. What they create - it is secret. But the third Reich, in comparison with their affairs and scales of process, just little rascal in comparison with the skilled executioner. And this business is put on a large stream. From it has profit even treasury and the central authorities of the empire. . - Vladimir made a pause, got the candy which is strongly smelling of mint from a pocket and threw it into a mouth. Then continued. - I believe that zorg to them for it will so concretely and strongly heave that they will not get off with one governor. Misinformation Konno's imer... Yes lines with its surname... It has to obtain the evidence and when speaks with natives there have to be angry revelations, and not just gallant exclamations about prosperity under an empire stranglehold. Billions of people with us. All seksota work because of fear or occupational dollars. Stelzana not such and abrupt! They became too choosy, underestimate us, consider worse than stupid animals. But we are people! And we can hit them back, they cannot provide all situations. We will be able to destroy them the sudden courses and in blows.
   Igor vigorously shook in reply to-headed:
   - Truly, they too not gods! But I under beams will not get! Everything that I will be able, I will try to make. You are formally included into group of municipal police. And we very long stir. What will you tell them how you will explain our conversation?
   Ivan, that is quite explainable, became puzzled here:
   - That is how? We just began!
   Igor quietly and an ironical smile explained:
   - By means of one know-how I chopped off tails. The matter is that in the presence of total shadowing only the head of special troops can find a way to escape. Let Ermines will contact me. I to it will help to deliver a compromising evidence on the Phage. But I warn, let does not trust the environment, there the most at least two moles who everything report on invaders. Even its location is known long ago, it is not killed because he is an ideal whipping boy. Write off all surpluses and unplanned expenses for it.
   Ivan in sharp blow of the boot casting on the sun, dumped prickly the word a cactus a snail and answered with not absolutely pertinent cheerfulness:
   - On it the account everything is not so simple! I do not know where disappears Ermines. Nobody knows, and saw its exact location, but it constantly in touch and some even think whether the spirit directs them. You will ensure local safety, protection, and also translators? - With hope the underground worker said.
   Igor in this case was not quite sure, in a face damp wind because of what it was possible to think that blue eyes of a giant member of spetsnaz water blew:
   - Translators under the round-the-clock supervision, they isolated from all, without exception, people of Earth. But in any system there will be a hole. I hope that such skilled inspector will manage to break off artificially weaved web. He agrees, Vanyusha?
   The fighter of the invisible front, a firm voice, the true revolutionary answered:
   - I trust the aunt, the brother. Therefore for the sake of our mother of Earth we will try to win through joint efforts against the opponent. If we die, our children will continue fight. Hope springs eternal, the person who does not have hope is dead initially!
   Both brothers shook hands each other and, having saluted, left.
   Towards to Ivan-destroyed one more column from fresh the called teenagers printed a step. Saluting mechanically young men that is quite explainable, without coming off, looked at strong, harmonous maiden legs, the Amazons in parallel walking. Near a column the flaneur with the officer of Purple constellation flew by. The flaneur in a form was as an eagle, with the wings twisted back, and three trunks instead of a beak. Stelzan from it is transparent cabins threatened with a ten-barreled luchemet. And from above cars, the hologram, creatures like a dragon soared, but so at the same time disgusting and awful who when turned the are terrible the heads of the girl and the boy involuntarily screamed. To the false officer of local police Ivan the respect to him the gesture strongly similar to a nazi greeting was necessary to testify together with the others. Workers saluted a little in a different way, having crossed before themselves hands and having strong clenched fists (it was the sign of readiness to work to the last quantum of energy).
   Chapter 14
   As it is lonely in darkness -
   To stars cold to flicker!
   And why on Earth
   The truths cannot be found?
   It seems, our world died,
   As if the way ended...
   But do not grieve, the brother Dzhigit!
   In the sky it is impossible to drown...
   After Lev pressed the red button, the elevator slowed down and, having driven off to the right, stopped. The opposite voice in language of stelzan strainedly began to squeak: "The system of self-destruction is included". And Lev heard as the countdown began:
   - Ten... Nine... Eight...
   Eraskander perfectly understood that it means therefore, having picked up as the potato bag, the workmate's body, the owner who more precisely grew hateful and tried to get out of the elevator. Jammed a door under the law of meanness, but the stress gave to the young man additional forces. It, with all boyish rage having put pressure, moved apart stubborn doors, having deformed strong matter, having nearly pulled out it from metal fastenings.
   The terrible effort caused spasms in muscles, the broad chest rose from tension. The young man, struggling with treacherous exhaustion, jumped forward, dragging a useless makeweight on a shoulder.
   It was not succeeded to leave from a blast wave nevertheless...
   The hot explosive shaft overtook Lev. Having flown by fifteen meters, Eraskander crashed into a column and fainted. However, did not cover it with a gloom. Externally the guy was completely disconnected, but in thoughts he plunged into a certain similarity of a dream...
   ... As always in the usual solar morning it with the friends rushed on the wood. They liked to play war. War of people and stelzan was especially popular. The weapon, generally was from a tree, sometimes from plywood. They still were considered too small for physical works, however, there was enough rabsila and without them then...
   Future gladiator Lev still quite recently was eight years cycles old, and year on Earth because of approach of an orbit to the Sun became 50 days shorter. Absolutely still in fact the child whom nobody perceives in seriousness, but It was not on age a strong and bright child. In the company of boys, Lev, undoubtedly, was the recognized leader, and in a fight could beat the fighter is much more senior, and larger fellow, than he. And to art of hand-to-hand fight Eraskander like with serious love and fanaticism. He wanted to be, it is strongest, cleverer than all, best of all. He was not afraid to say directly that when grows, Earth will expel all stelzan from the planet, and then will construct the Star ship, is more faithful even the whole flotilla and will free other enslaved worlds. All this strengthened the myth, about it as the heavenly envoy and the Messiah. Though in the village there were also servants of Purple Constellation, even they did not hurry to report on the highest administration. Still, being a small child Lev, sacredly believed in the exclusiveness. Therefore unexpected emergence in the village of several high-ranking persons not strongly impressed it. They arrived with the offsprings. Children of the employees of the mode invested by the power, drew live attention to themselves. In hands they had a plastic weapon, toy and, nevertheless, interesting. At a shot sparks which at hit beat with current skin took off, and for a long time shone on it. Dressed in shorts, bright undershirts in elegant sandals they were sharply allocated from almost naked rural poor. It gave them excessive impudence especially as on all planet Earth there were only two small factories on production of a kidswear, and toys and even many of children of the high-ranking helpers of invaders were forced to go naked and barefoot. It irritated Lev, he did not love impudent fellows, and these children behaved as little barin's sons. One of them shouted, imitating the father to the general of native police.
   - Hey, you! Pathetic rural morons, kneel goats! If you see my boots, then start up your leader them with own hand will lick language.
   Bright red boots flashed on the sun, on this planet they cost a fortune. Eraskander did not begin to suffer more though he and warned them and that if they though by a finger it is touched whom be from children's elite it not to avoid sending to factory of recycling. About this factory terrible legends, from there no who came back yet went. Said that do of people, combs, clothes, canned food, and other. On human skin and in the truth there was not a small demand, it together with products from hair and bones is enterprising realized in the intergalactic black markets. But Lev nevertheless could not restrain:
   - You are a small shakalenok. Your father licks a bum to primacies to stelzana, and you will lick to me heels. - The boy specified on green from a grass and iskoloty about prickles calloused a foot. Hands and legs, knees, elbows, shins, and fists of the child were in grazes and bruises. He every day since early morning if there is a concept morning at eternal light, trained on trees, forcing down bark and breaking branches. From it his extremities were filled, reminding steel rods. However, externally scratched Eraskander was similar to the juvenile bandit at all, blue-green eyes of the boy flare as at a hungry panther.
   The shot was in reply distributed, Lev managed to evade and, having dexterously dived, leaving from the next shots, struck in a jump of the opponent. Then having made a somersault, continued the movement as if Michael Tyson in the irresistible pressure. It is a simple, but effective poke the head in a chin. The blow disconnected much more senior, heavy and, perhaps, even the thickish boy, a mumpish paunch. The son of the general fell, and in right there other children, friends snatched on barin's sons. Those having been taken aback from this incomprehensible rage fired from the "pugalok" and almost at once got under crushings. They were beaten with all children's spontaneity and rage. When, little sirs were disconnected, from them took off clothes, took away hours, small mobile phones, and the most important weapon. Everything it was cheerful, children loudly laughed, clapped, there were also girls with wreaths from the marvelous flowers which are generally delivered from other planets, there were and absolutely still kids. There were only no adults who however, the presence would only spoil idyll of freedom and permissiveness. Children included extensive holograms of tiny phones.
   One of the boys scratched about prickles told:
   - It is simple, they can even give teams by voice.
   The black, but with white head hair and one fragmentary tunic the girl was surprised:
   - Yes as it is interesting! I want to see the blue fairy!
   In reply the hologram zaiskrit, and the image of the beautiful girl with silver wings of a dragonfly appeared.
   - I am ready to execute three of your desires.
   - Class! - The girl said, having shaken the head topped sparkling on the Sun as if semi-precious stones a wreath. - I want cake with ice cream and chocolate in the form of a knight's castle.
   - As at the ancient king Artur. - Prompted bare-bellied with drawing of a lilac wolf on the boy's breast.
   - Just a moment! - The fairy flashed, having blinked the image, and right there appeared, holding a glamourous and at the same time majestic castle in hand.
   - Transfer him to me. - The girl asked. The hologram put it a colourful construction in flags. The little girl seized him with hands, they passed by. The girl tried once again. It did not turn out. She violently started howling, pounding cams bitter tears:
   - Again deception. False stelzana! They have only the true cruelty, and all a good continuous fake!
   Gently patting on a back, Lev calmed it:
   - These are illusions! They are called holograms. They can show anything as if in the fairy tale. It is not necessary to cry because of them. Perhaps we will better watch friends the movie?
   - Yes show on cinema! - Chorus children cried.
   The hologram in the form of the fairy, became even more and more colourfully, and the voice rattled as a ringing of serebry hand bells:
   - What are necessary to you? I have one million two hundred fifty thousand colonial movies, for various races.
   - Some more abruptly and more ridiculously! - Asked, vigorously podtopyvy bosenky legs children.
   - Here and games have to be! - Told, having accepted severe, absolutely already adult look Eraskander. - I want though a little to have a good time and to show you how attractive can be progress!
   - And what game! - Other hologram which accepted shape of the frog decorated with rosettes with a gold arrow asked.
   - Such to fight and do some shooting! - Loudly Lev exclaimed, and the other children vigorously applauded as a sign of support!
   - Then I offer star patrol. - Both holograms unnaturally widely stretched faces in smiles.
   - Flashed the many-sided image. Lev Eraskander quickly from the quick born soldier asked questions how to use that or the weapon, to pass from level to level, game robots, through holograms answered it.
   Soon the boy plunged into a wave of games. Other children watched colourful fantastic action movies or joined to the to the leader. It was cheerful, especially to Lev who easily passed the first level and was dashingly cut on the second. To other children it was more difficult, they had neither an experience, nor a grasp of original terminator peculiar Eraskandera.
   One of the killed enemies holding the cut-down head in hand, sang:
   - The pleasure my hero is vain - there will be o-yo-yo-y soon!
   Eraskander the first departed from euphoria, it is possible under the influence of these ambiguous words: what will be when their hooliganism is revealed? It seems that he in general forgot about cruel reality... The answer came quicker, than he managed to reflect.
   - Human macaques, to you bothered to live! Now I with you will play an evaporation roulette!
   The voice which said it was children's, but unnaturally loud. Children stopped making a din at once. The one who pronounced these words was not a terrible monster. They were faced by the boy by sight ten, eleven years. Much lighter, and incomparably more brawny, than other native children. Even on clothes it was not strongly allocated, in one shorts, barefoot, however, in a seven-color cap and with gold bracelets in pebbles on hands too. In a hand of the boy small luchemt, very similar on toy, and not childly a severe look of the drilling poisonous-green eyes. In glazishcha hatred and prt wild desire to shoot, kill, from all cracks." This is their child! Children of our invaders" Lev guessed. He never before saw near a live stelzan, and their children moreover on the occupied planet closed for contacts a big rarity. The boy from race of misters was not terrible, even seemed comical in anger, but for the first time at the young leader of rebels young children, so unpleasantly drained in in the pit of the stomach.
   - Which of you to tear to pieces first of all! Choose the insignificant small fry! - Stelzanenok darted a glance so full of contempt that seemed as if the invisible fist sadanut to you in a face.
   One of girls it is frightened screamed:
   - It it! Invader of the mini-essay.
   The shot from the laser cut in half idyllic barefoot with white as lamb hair ringlets the baby. The face of the girl was distorted from pain and, was right there smoothed, the innocent dear left, the cut to pieces little body, having directed on the sky to Jesus. Children lifted shout, not which of them began to scorch from toy pistoletik, others rushed in attack, trying to bring down a stelzanenka from legs. The little soldier, cut children a beam, it was easy, it is easier, than to burn the heated needle a thin butter layer. Graviolazer mowed children with tens, and reciprocal shots only slightly zaiskrit skin, having increased rage of the boy chastener. The lion flatwise squabbed on the earth, avoiding deadly fiery strips of a pocket luchemet. It was rolled away and, having groped a weighty stone, having started in the opponent. More true the young fighter threw two striking subjects the first in a hand, another in the head at once, the intuition prompted that one stone can not be enough. And truly little shooter managed to bring down a laser beam the "present" flying to the head, but the second, flying on the broken trajectory, hit precisely on a hand, having beaten out luchemt. The little chastener rushed to the pocket laser, and already was almost in time, was to grab as the powerful blow of a leg rejected the weapon aside. Eraskander got up in a fighting rack, his small, but very relief muscles ran as sea ripples, being rolled under chocolate, only slightly lighter, than at the companions skin. The flexible body of Lev wanted the fights acting the child's sinews as if a wire. His opponent laughed loudly, his ringing laughter sounded floutingly.
   - You are a little man, you want to fight with me barehanded. I stelzan, the great soldier, the mightiest empire in the infinite Universe. I will break off you empty hands, I will beat off all bodies legs, I will hurt your body into trillions of splinters, razmetav on all galaxy. I, such chickens as you, will cut down one hundred, is not present one thousand! And it without any superweapon of which infernal power you primacies have no idea! - The boy, also poigryvy, larger and not conceding, in a relief to the earthling muscles roared.
   - Tell better the name to know your grave. - Bravely Eraskander said and coolly stepped a barefoot children's, but strong leg on the flaring coals which arose on the place of the stub burned from sporadic hit by a graviolazer.
   - To you there will be no grave. You see these bracelets, they only with outside shine as gold, and inside are made of your bones. Will cut out a croquet sphere from your skull, and stones will go to bits! - The offspring of the nation enslaver who was enraged by ice tranquility of some primacy Nadsazhivatsya.
   Lion, having lost patience (And can having solved - better once to strike, than hundred times to curse!) sharply thrust a leg aiming a solar plexus. The opponent blocked blow and tried to drive striking in quite wide and brawny for so tender age, the earthling's neck. Stelzan was higher growth, heavier and, perhaps, is more senior. It was felt fine school of hand-to-hand fight, combat training since the birth in a cyberwomb. The opponent was fast as a lightning, is strong as a tiger, is technical. Be before it the simple child, he would kill him as a fly, but Lev it is visible too was born not a sheep. Both fighters exchanged a series of furious blows, beat each other, put blocks, were cut with hands legs, the head. Both the elbow, and a knee, all receptions and deception was used. The lion was linked to the Tiger, generally, only two children fought, but it seemed that two elements fight. Ice and flame, angel and demon, Bramah and Cali, Lucifer and Mikhail. Both opponents moved so quickly that the escaped children could not follow their movements, fight was so rough. Then the speed of little fighters slightly fell, the fatigue began to affect. Though and stelzan had an unusual technology of fight, considering experience of thousand-year wars and with billions of civilizations, Lev perceived it at the intuitive level as if the fighting movements were put in the blood. His opponent was also amazed with so resistant resistance. Liser Varnos so called the boy from Purple constellation, was a prize-winner of a galaxy among boys till ten years. And here the new star enemy, the slave to people the lowest race, and fights as equals with heavier and experienced opponent.
   - Who you learned to fight so?! - Hardly taking breath, Liser exclaimed.
   - The person taught me. What it is struck? Thought people not the full-fledged animals not capable to hit you back. - To a lion it was very heavy too, but the boy tried not to lose speed.
   - I will kill you a macaque. This matter of principle and honor of my race!
   Liser sharply increased speed, his face which is already covered with bruises became crimson from tension. It thrust all the rage. Eraskander kept cool "Rage your enemy, start up rage will burn your opponent". Small stelzan too ten times got it on the person, broke several ribs, on a swarty body of the boy bruises spread, blood dripped.
   - That you float a primacy! - The juvenile son of an underworld laughed loudly. It strengthened an impact and now the decisive blow sought to find everything, having slightly weakened protection. Having pretended that he already completely exhausted, Lev revealed.
   Varnos thrust with an ultraboundary force, having thrown all body weight and group of muscles. Eraskander dived and an elbow precisely got to the neck basis. The blow was strong, besides passed on a meeting, having struck a carotid. "The great soldier" failed dead, from painful shock heart stopped. The children standing nearby amicably applauded. Our Russian guy filled up the hated invader. On shorts of the prostrate opponent the hated semitsvetny flag of invaders was represented. A lion, having told lies to shorts, broke off them on small pieces, having scattered in the parties. All fatigue descended, the pleasure literally raged in each section of a body:
   - Here it is mean glory of the empire! Trample down its splinters, all stelzana will become the same rotten corpses as this soon! - And he stuck with a leg into the blood-stained opponent's body, without paying attention to pain in the broken fingers (The opponent was worthy a stelzana!) . What was farther, Lev remembered vaguely, in the head suddenly darkened, muscles the spasm grabbed, twisted him, having thrown on the crumpled grass. The beam of a paralyzer covered it together with children. In further memoirs there was pain, very severe pain is much more severe than present. Professional executioners brutally tormented a children's body, they asked nothing, did not ask questions, they did not need information, it was tortured only out of revenge. It was revenged first of all for the fact that it the person dared to raise a hand, and to lift the main thing successfully on the mister. Therefore executioners tried with might and main. The feeling of pain was so real and expressive that Lev fear woke up, he was beaten by a strong shiver. Then he calmed down and he is wounded, but pain from wounds is not really severe. Having undertaken unreasonable freight, he is shipped in Feeling of sufferings, both physical, and moral. The course of life full of torments had an effect. From this reminiscence of the first baptism of fire; The lion regained consciousness, he was beaten by a strong shiver. Yes, he is wounded, but pain can be endured. The boy calmed down, took the first-aid kit, his owner always carried it on a belt. Eraskander processed wounds which already began to heal, also accepted couple of nutritious pills with the amplifier of muscles. The body was poured by force again, the young man felt cheerfulness in a body. The instinct prompted that in an underground labyrinth it is quite real to get lost. Having shouldered Hermes, Lev went on a tunnel, seeking to reach station. The grid under legs was cold and prickly. Fortunately, skin standing so coarsened that even you do not pay attention to such trifles, and here only hulk of the foe on shoulders is a serious burden. But for some reason Eraskander could not force to throw the hated owner where far away or that it was even better, to leave in the elevator doomed to self-destruction.
   The station to which there was a young man was not absolutely desert. Several multi-colored searchlights lit the gray-violet platform. Here too there was life. A fetid small group of garbage with various deformed and crumpled capacities. On it insects with a trunk in the form of a usual playing accordion and two dozens cockroach pads crept. There were bugs more oppositely, of the size of a cat, casting manure and very thick shaggy extremities in ulcers.
   Eraskander in style of the philosopher of Renaissance was expressed:
   - Vile always nearby, but perfect it is eternally unattainable! Who creates an outrage that villain who creates vile, that criminal... So after all who then God Creator?
   One of bugs suddenly peeped in reply:
   - The world is created by creation!
   The lion smiled and friendly waved in reply to a semi-reasonable creature. Then made, several steps, a grid under legs became even more caustic, very sharp needles stuck out of it, naked calloused soles of the boy began to burn. It was good incentive to quicken the pace, especially pressure upon needles was strengthened by the additional weight of Hermes. From the platform there were several corridors. From one even the muffled music sounds - some mix of hard rock and clang of tank caterpillars were heard. Also gave an echo of jackhammers and dog bark. Perhaps, there was some disco of nestelzanoidny beings. The prospect of a meeting with crowd not of absolutely reasonable youth, variegated and polytypic, besides probably pumped up by pleasure preparations, was not from among pleasant. Especially, on stelzan looked, how at a source of all troubles and sufferings. Other races were afraid and hated star parasites, ruthless aggressors. And this planet was concourse of villains from all corners of a mega-galaxy. Not that Lev was afraid, but in case of dismantling it is necessary to kill again what he did not want. Here in a vault the imperial authorities make light of everything, a foul place which I use in the purposes too. And still the young man decided to check everything and to reconnoiter... Even cursed himself for excessive sentimentality, murder, especially wild types, did not cause a remorse. Not to constrain itself, it is better to hide the formal owner. It still was unconscious therefore let will better have a sleep. In a dream of a stelzana are quicker regenerated, and wounds at it not deadly. The hollow pyramid with the chopped-off top was the ideal place, near it there was a statue of unimaginably terrible monster, can even, local god. The lion without ceremonies threw Hermes, this haughty general as if a garbage package in a ballot box.
   At once the grid under defenseless legs of the boy almost ceased to be pricked. Trying to go silently, Lev elastic gait moved on a sound...
   The plan was simple. To find transport and to be chosen from here. Perhaps it will also be possible to cover up tracks. The flaneur was hired under others name, and mini-robots already managed to wash up a cabin. Possibly, the Ministry of criminal safety already not for the first time observes such dismantling so all records can disappear in a "wonderful" way. Here another is interesting. He overheard about confidential rockets. Why it is necessary for his owner? Perhaps appearance of "Gorillas" not accident?
   The boy, of course, took with himself the weapon, the first-aid kit, synthetic food. Here only the cybernetic invisible raincoat belonging to the owner, unfortunately, failed, having turned into a useless rag. The lion moved very carefully as foxes. And the corridor continually gave branchings. Lighting was very weak, and at times at all vanished therefore in many respects it was necessary to be guided by hearing. And it at the young soldier aggravated by nature and strengthened by trainings. Hardly audible steps, and quiet breath drew attention. Eraskander stood...
   It was necessary to wait not long. The indistinct hard to distinguish figure flew a ghost. The lion strained sight, trying to consider unknown type, not only in part of a range visible to a human eye, but in other ranges. So already best of all... It was the humanoid subject. Walks as if a fox, stealthily, as if disappearing from someone. If it stelzan, then is interesting what it does here? Usually the cruel and impudent look goes directly and is afraid of nobody. It is necessary to learn: in this case it is mix of curiosity and a pragmatism... At a depth of tens kilometers when around millions of others and hostile types, even stelzan seem almost the person. The object of supervision curtailed into very narrow corridor, it even had to turn sideways. The lion followed, the intuition prompted - will be very hot...
   The power over the planet upon passed under control of the ultramarshal Eroros. Fagiram Sham, in fact, was discharged of management of the planet. Besides, the head of external sector specifically lectured it concerning reconstruction of the Kremlin.
   - Your brains it is worse monkey! - Shouted at full blast (not so much from the fact that was really angered, however, for the sake of that as much as possible live individuals observed humiliation of the nastiest governor!) Eroros. Where you took information on such sizes? Even during drawing the first blows practically all territory of the planet was scanned. We have cybernetic records of how practically all planet before war with our invincible empire looked!
   Gorillopodobny Fagiram stooped and groaned:
   - It is information of star fleet of Superdepartment "Wars and victories". It is inaccessible for us.
   Eroros roughly pointed a finger long with a sliding nail to the governor at a breast and, tutorially maintaining thunderous tone, said:
   - However it is in computer archive. Besides, you in stores have all information which is written off from a human computer network. So available all data on this construction. You are the real moron! It was difficult to guess to get into the store? Not without reason say that a flattened nose and black skin - a cretinism sign! Imbecile, chernodyrny head, as well as your grandma Velimara!
   Fagiram, was straightened here and, having started turning kulachishcha, nearly rushed to a fight. He began to squeal in reply as the pinned-up pig:
   - Perhaps you and my uncle, the head of Department of protection of a throne, in creatines will write down?
   Eroros bellowed in reply as if scorching from a gun:
   - Because of it you fans of boys were not thrown out from a position yet. As if I do not know how many you put in the pocket, trading in human skin and a bone!.
   Both stelzan were ready to break off each other to pieces. Fagiram Sham sparkled eyes, but Eroros was more senior on a rank therefore he reconciled so far.
   The power, seemingly, needs to scratch the ranks slightly. The system of collaborationist management was simply decimal. It is corrupted a zabyurokrachena excessively, so it was necessary to clean a little too it, here for example, properly to stir up local helpers....
   Ronald Daklinton was forced to salute and bow coward even to the ordinary soldier from Great Stelzanat's army. He in panic was afraid of stelzan as the rabbit is afraid of a hungry wolf. But it had an opportunity to unburden the heart on smaller helpers of Purple constellation. In the opinion of puny bipods it was like the president of Earth and the largest police rank. Though he was also afraid of invaders, but the thought that they can leave, threw him and some other collaborators into a coward shiver. Insurgents hated native politsayev even more, than inogalaktichesky newcomers. The jackal selecting the scraps left by a tiger is pathetic and deprived of charm of force and killing respect with what allocate a large predator. Politsa were loyal to the empire, though liked to steal. Several were arrested for edification and after tortures executed. And did not even begin to dump on stars, having decided that there is too much honor. Preferred roughly squared stake what the humiliation consisted in addition in.
   Through similar execution as if lowered helpers thieves. Others were given strict dressing down, supported with good blows of static electricity. Everything changed, the stupid fear of puppets was replaced by feverish excitement. As the city which became the occupational capital of the empire was not in proportion huge, it was decided to be united with a grandiose tourist complex. This complex was calculated on reception of numerous tourists practically from all empire, was much persons interested to see the only planet where there live biologically similar people of Earth. After closing of the planet the complex of magnificent buildings and dazzling palaces began to fall into decay. Now it was updated in accelerated tempo. Constructions took a brilliant very clean form. The enormous sizes hotels were decorated with numerous architectural complexes which by means of mechanics were easily set in motion.
   Part of native service personnel lodged in fancifully curved houses of a kosmoturtsentr. Began to pay regularly. Earlier at all nothing was paid, forcing to work slavishly under supervision of ruthless supervisors: robots or that it is even worse local politsayev. All native tinder funguses dressed in bright festive suits. Gardeners and robots gardeners hasty as yeast dough, flowers and trees of the exotic sizes and coloring grew up. Only one multi-colored and various complexes fountains there were more than five thousand, and any design did not repeat. Here exotic art of different planets and worlds was combined. Other fountains represented battle scenes, various types of fighting starprobe vehicles, fantastically various representatives of flora and fauna from all Universe. There was among them a place and to local gods - to Zeus, the Neptune, the Torah, to Perun, Heracles. Everything literally without exaggeration sparkled and shone. The illuminated and tinted streams created unusual effect. Fires of buildings shone as the ground jewels. It was valid so: Synthetic semi-precious stones were highlighted from within, making inexpressible impression. For strengthening of effect there were reflecting mirrors, and in the dark it was so fine (technical capabilities allowed to develop reflectors so that there came artificial night!), that even the worldly-wise ultramarshal Eroros was surprised:
   - It, maybe, is even wrong. Any vakuumnogolovy will understand that it is a facade.
   - You gave such order, a chernodyrny head! - Being maliciously shown, Fagiram parried.
   The ultramarshal answered with cold tone:
   - From the center arrived to update the order everything. To make the planet model, some kind of show-window. - Eroros suddenly sharply raised a tonality. - The reasons of the order do not concern you! And the Kremlin, time began to build a mastodon, and it is necessary to complete it. All the same zorg know that we destroyed it together with the native president long ago!
   - Unfortunately it is three-hollow "metallyug" too a lot of things know. If I only could I them! - Fagiram reflex squeezed kulachishche, having crushed a strawberry frog. Between thick, hairy fingers of the governor blood streams began to flow thin (two flowers orange and green).
   The loud, supported with violence orders were distributed on all planet. Mobile robots builders were put to use. Cyber-workers moved as ants. Living things were given strong stimulators that they did not know fatigue. Recovery work was humming in all large cities. The planet was given a safe look. Hunting for guerrillas who got into the woods more and more deeply began. Thickets, magnificent with multi-color foliage, covered almost all planet, many of trees repeatedly surpassed baobabs, reaching hundreds of meters in height. Guerrillas liked to hide in such trees where a hollow as a mountain cave. However when stelzana wanted to find for them, always found because even special suits were powerless for gamma radiators or search magoradar. Many guerrillas were forced to curtail war. They were dissolved among civilians which are strong with application of the latest police technologies filtered. Fairly become loose colonial system made toilet.
   . HEAD? 15
   The cage will remain a cage,
   Even in magnificent flowers!
   Share of a puppet -
   Only humiliation and fear!
   Vladimir Tigrov - in the past the simple Russian school student, then the rebel murderer, after the hero forgiven and the prisoner of the Superstar empire awarded with the president of Russia, and at present. The chamber was not single, together with it dozen more of boys sat. The truth it was rather spacious, from the unknown swore, but something like plastic, folding as in the bed train, with a thin soft covering above. As cellmates explained here, there is quite modern fekalioannigilyator. That is the toilet where after pressing of the button special radiation, splits up atoms, and then exhausts all waste from intestines.
   Quite modern prison, with the round-the-clock video surveillance and even with the three-dimensional projection giving various images. Evolution of television. Is from what to move down to a roof. Especially if you at first properly were beaten, then roasted a primitive spark, and before it in already seeming infinitely remote past, evaporated in annihilation plasma. Further when he regained consciousness, the boy of a pripalila on new, using the torment tool the quasiblaster, but again did not calculate intensity, small heart almost instantly stopped. Fortunately executioners had to it an interest, and they professionally returned the boy from a next world, having caused a medical capsule. After heavy painful shock it was treated (after all at stelzan fine medicine) therefore it quickly recovered, and from burns of the second degree there is no trace left. Probably (those several hours that Vladimir was in an otklyuchka), it was carefully investigated and came to a conclusion that the boy, strange, not similar to other natives, it is still premature to kill.
   For now Vladimir placed in a prison insulator of the central, planetary prison. It, of course, is better, than to go to jail somewhere in the province. Usual for the arriving beginners of procedures: the frisk, and other was not as Tigrov was already examined and scanned to literally each molecule and atom in the medical center. At the same time and having made a card file. Therefore the boy regained consciousness already in a chamber. On a neck there was legenky, soft as a scarf a collar.
   Vladimir, having risen from a bed, looked round... The chamber looked on state strictly, walls, a ceiling and a floor are white the word snow, windows were not at all. This glossy whiteness even oppresses, neither a uniform speck, nor the slightest crack, too is lifeless. Bulbs are not visible, but light-as in the afternoon, though not so that hurt the eyes. And beds too almost lileyny with a legenky lemon shade, and black bodies of local prisoners boys, on this background look very contrastly and frighteningly.
   Boys were selected probably in each chamber about one age. Having seen that Tigers regained consciousness, they carefully on tiptoe approached him. Malchishka-popadanets felt an unpleasant podsasyvaniye in the pit of the stomach. He is a beginner in chambers with criminals young children. And the round at boys frightening, brawny, black, only the closely cropped heads, is slightly lighter moreover at some on bodies burns and scars. At the same time all clothes with yellow number - as the observant boy identical both in front and behind managed to notice only violet swimming trunks and... Still same right hand on forearms.
   The largest of children suddenly smiled and gave a hand:
   - My sobriquet of Rocca. You can know so. And you have a beginner a moniker as?
   Vladimir honestly, not without pride answered:
   - School - the tiger, and criminal not yet, did not manage to steam plank beds.
   Rocca and other boys began to smile more widely, their persons were not terrible, Slavic or Teutonic, with the correct lines. Not degenerate as quite often occurs among juvenile prisoners, and on the contrary children's physiognomies would be very much even nice if not black skin, and the shaven heads.
   Vladimir right there about itself, noted that else it never met boys with any physical defects, or ugly, wrong figures, features. It, of course, is interesting... Perhaps to be stelzana cleaned a gene pool of people of Earth, made what fascists - elimination of physically defective individuals dreamed of?
   Rocca broke the silence and it is exaggerated by a tender voice asked:
   - And you person by birth?
   Tigers was surprised to a question, but answered honestly:
   - Of course, person!
   Boys exchanged glances... Rocca rubbed a leg on a snow-white covering, knocked a finger about a leg of the chair attached to a floor... Shrugged not on age big shoulders (the adolescent athlete!) and answered with a ringing voice:
   - Well-well... Whether you whistle... Painfully skin light... And for some reason did not grow bald, contrary to unshakable rules. We here for every second day are trimmed as if the SS-50 rocket is hidden in each hair.... - The boy kingpin blinked the right eye and shifted eyebrows, his large fists were reflex clenched - the Brand on the right hand is also absent...
   Here the boy standing with it, slightly to the land, but is couple sentimentality higher (the most tall in a chamber), having covered a mouth with a palm, noticed:
   - You think it stelzan? - The boy giggled. - But it is improbable, in a chamber to people to put...
   Rocca interrupted with impatient gesture the workmate. Even nearly put a cam in a nose:
   - Enough! We are perfectly seen both everyone gesture and any word write down. Can it just clarified and made a hairdress more fashionable... It does not concern us.
   The high guy nodded and trying not to look at the beginner, is hardly heard whispered:
   - Phage toy...
   The last words seemed to Tigrov very ominous, and he asked:
   - And what the Phage toy means?
   Rocca looked back, his rather big head with rather high forehead, slowly turned on nearly bull neck. Yes massive, beyond the years the thick boy, though growth and not above Tigrov who decreased after teleportation. By sight the bandit, with a shaven skull, on black skin, is a lot of scars, and burns as from tortures, and fighting, but pure blue eyes of the boy were kind and looked with sympathy. Having inclined the head to his ear, it is almost indiscernible whispered:
   - He uses boys as women...
   Vladimir shuddered and as knocked down it was slapped on a bed... How about that... Here and it is possible, terrible vile... Brr... How to find a way out? To escape from prison?
   But to develop thoughts was once, the mechanical voice judging by a separate pronunciation of syllables belonging not too modern to the robot was heard:
   - People of Earth, from a chamber on an exit march...
   In a wall broad pass was moved apart, boys moved to it, and reflex printed a step, without reminders were constructed on growth in a rank. Tigers remained to sit. The imprisoned boys did not make a din, they looked as the disciplined soldiers. Strange...
   And here Vladimir saw the obedience reason. The boy who incidentally pushed in a back of the companion suddenly was lop-sided, the collar zaiskrit, causing severe pain. The young convict fell on knees...
   - There is enough! - The cold team sounded. - Forward march!
   Unexpectedly the entrance had a tall woman with a seven-color hairdress and a short stick in hands. She shouted, having pointed fingers to Tigrov.
   - And you a macaque of what sit... Go work in mine, quite the healthy boy... And the slave hang the head from what it you are not short-haired.
   Vladimir reflex bowed. The woman seemed huge, and really for two meters, with the weight-lifter's shoulders. And look in general born murderers. To work so, to work... He and was never an idler, muscles strong, went in the antecedents on competitions so will sustain...
   Though it was also difficult to be expected, the robot unexpectedly objected:
   - He was not interrogated yet, a fate questionable... Let will wait in a chamber.
   Stelzanka bellowed:
   - We do not have slave to force... Otherwise and these captured young children extremely painfully utilized for complicity to guerrillas. And so still we hold them live. - The supervisor lashed a hyper plasma lash, a set of the broken lightnings took off from a tube, having slashed with time of all young captives on backs. - Run march!
   Having sighed, boys at once darted off, started gleaming light, against black bodies patches, they ran quickly, but all the same tried to hold on ceremonial in a leg, and in air there was a light smell of the fake and tickling nostrils ozone. The supervisor rapaciously smiled:
   - Good boys... All of them from guerrilla gangs, coherent, intelligence agents, saboteurs, fighters seem harmless, but... They were lucky, to get into our paws right now...
   Stelzanka struck with a lash once again though prisoners young children already managed to turn in a lateral corridor, the shining feelers all the same overtook all of them at once, having forced group to scream from pain again. Amazed Tigers blurted out:
   - There is an equipment...
   The supervisor smiled and, having taken to it couple of steps, grabbed by hair. The truth not too rigidly, on-voronyi a provorkoval:
   - And you are a handsome man... Svetlenky such, and brows on the contrary black... Not a simple primacy boy...
   Tigers tried to push away still her a hand, but only made to himself more sick. Stelzanka carried out on the child's cheek by the end of the switch. And it is unpleasant to Shchekotno. Vladimir felt fear, aggressively beautiful woman looked at it as the hungry cannibal, it is awful... Especially if you defenseless, in the world where people only pack animals. That not to exchange the boy suddenly bryaknut:
   - And for what Rocca sits?
   Stelzanka who, enjoyed fear and already mentally represented different types of tortures to which she wanted to subject the nice boy, having been taken aback from an unexpected question mechanically bryaknut:
   - It killed a stelzan!
   Eyes at Vladimir joyfully lit up:
   - Means, you can be killed! And I...
   Strong slap in the face interrupted his words. The supervisor recovered:
   - No, of course, personally did not kill, otherwise to it not to live. But he headed office of young guerrillas who could commit an assault and kill one ours. Wounded it is not counted, they were quickly restored. For one stelzan we kill, not less than one million people... Rocca it is still live, but there will leave Zorg and he will be tortured so that he will forget from pain even the name...
   Robot voice (and from what the car, here in prison such authority) interrupted a stelzanka:
   - It is time to feed a primacy...
   The supervisor roughly pushed Tigrov on a bed and was developed. Shook a fist up:
   - I will reach you a can... - Darted a fleer at the boy. - Feed him electronic blockheads as well as other convicts.
   The scratch was heard. From a floor as if a viper, similarity of a hose got out, already other thin voice said:
   - Sit down directly and accept calories.
   Tigers obediently villages, also gave hands to this corrugated trunk. That it is unexpected as will jump, the end extended as if the hood of a cobra also entirely covered to the little boy the person. Squeezed nostrils, there was nothing to breathe. Vladimir convulsively coughed, the rigid tube drove in a mouth, rested against the sky. In vain the fellow tried to tear off it, material of a man-made snake was stronger than the titan. In a mouth poured down, something like kissel, but awfully tasteless, almost opposite... Not to choke it was necessary to swallow. The throat unpleasantly tickled, but in an empty stomach the feeling of filling appeared. Feeding however, was short, the mask was gone, and the hose quickly cleaned up under a floor.
   Tigers it is exhausted fell to a bed, it was filled as the car, having filled in a tank stomach, but having finally devastated soul. He is a prisoner now... The planet is occupied... Also it is possible to lie only so powerlessly, having kicked the bucket. Can fall asleep to be forgotten from a nightmare in a dream?
   But also it to it was not given. There were already two ladies, the old acquaintance and one more, less massive, and external, more young with a chubby maiden face. The young woman winked at Tigrov:
   - You were lucky... Maybe will do without tortures.
   Nearly became Vladimir after these words badly. The boy turned pale, but after all found forces to rise and go on shivering, for fear legs for wardresses. But where it would get to, the senior supervisor threw to it a neck with the real lasso. But stelzanka quite correctly behaved, told simply:
   - Follow us, and will be kvazarno!
   Led, a step at more than two-meter wardresses wide. Vladimir had to run literally to keep up with them. But nothing, the body obeys, there is no weakness. A floor legs smooth, a little warm, barefoot on it it is absolutely easy. But all the same when it was necessary to climb abrupt steps, Tigers hurt to itself fingers of legs twice. It even surprised the boy why such technically advanced civilization in this construction does not use elevators. And that here you run so hundreds steep with the pointed corners of steps, even his lung and a strong body begins to overcome fatigue. Especially painfully calves ache. And rise long, stelzanka run quicker and quicker and the boy lags behind, the loop on a neck drags on... Again you cling a leg thumb, scarlet dewdrops of blood, being scattered, remain cowberry of the dark and steel field.... More young wardress for a moment having stopped picks up Vladimir and showers to itself on a shoulder. Its form soft as a velvet, but all the same here it is inconvenient to rest a stomach. Tigers are felt on a back by a palm and long sharp nails. Fortunately the girl probably not the sadist, holds softly, even strokes...
   Vladimir before movement was already a teenager, of course, thought of girls, even tried to twist easy romanchik. Beautiful, sports, the excellent student and the activist, it was not ignored a weak half of mankind. But now internal clocks were wound off back, and the organism did not feel physical need yet, and had purely emotionally no time for it. The prospect of interrogation at stelzan of the nation of supersadists frightened, probably and Malchisha-Kibalchisha. Especially in the well-known movie that after tortures at it and a titmouse on a face was not painted.... But why, they really rise it archaic in the way... Train, perhaps? And diversion of guerrillas can damaged all elevators? At this thought it became easier for Tigrov. Stelzanka too probably having been tired of run began to tickle a marigold to Vladimir still rather gentle, not coarsened from a bosokhozhdeniye to the patch.
   At first it caused laughter, and further turned into similarity of torture, even eyes at the boy began to water. But at last, they appeared in the top compartment where usual white walls of prison sector were replaced by bonishchensky luxury. Beautifully everything as in the Hermitage, and too there are a lot of mirrors. The young stelzanka threw off from itself Tigrov and began to correct itself a hairdress and to build in a mug mirror. Vladimir when falling hurt a knee a little and the left foot combed by a sharp nail wildly itched. Nevertheless, he suddenly felt in himself sincere forces to stand up straight and to raise above the head. - It is necessary and he will show firmness of the member of the Young Guard on fascist interrogation. Will prove and that the boy of the twenty first century do not concede to the peers from the twentieth! The senior supervisor angrily pushed, in a back and right there held it that the young captive did not depart forward, a marigold stuck skin, blood acted. Vladimir, unsteadily standing on feet, tried to laugh the matter off:
   - A rope on a neck too reliable support, and without any conventions!
   The supervisor seized Tigrov by a chin, and raised on an outstretched arm, having easily torn off from a floor. Squeezed a jaw pincers, and twisted a neck, the head was ready to come off, and legs helplessly dangled. Vladimir convulsively grabbed a stelzanka brush, tried to unclench fingers. That burst out laughing:
   - Human cub... Silly young frog...
   The young workmate whispered:
   - Will be enough, the investigator already was tired of waiting.
   The senior wardress carefully put the boy on legs and ordered:
   - For me and not a sound! Nothing so shortens life as a long tongue!
   Soon it was entered into an office. Den doors thick of gilded metal, decorated with the running escapes, only instead of flower buds stuck out flowed round with rapaciously sticking out barrels of a tower of tanks. Vladimir mechanically crossed: "what at them tastes".
   The office did not remind itself a medieval torment casemate at all. Several richly ornamented vases with the flowers, couple of pictures executed by rich colors, in style of Renaissance, rather calming with viands of an imperial feast and hardly covered girls servants. Obviously handwork though dabs are almost not visible - masters. And still the huge chair decorated as a throne of the Persian shah. On it very polite intelligent man in a dressing gown, snow-white with gold asterisks, sat. It was cute, tall and broad-shouldered as however, and all stelzana. He spoke, perhaps, even too correct Russian, precisely as in the dictionary putting accents, and grinding the terminations that best of all gave in it the foreigner or more precisely than an inomiryanin.
   After standard questions more detailed inquiries followed. To the head, hands and to legs connected sensors. The latest events so shook Tigrov that he hid nothing. Especially, when the uncle in a dressing gown politely warned that for each lie the cyborg will give the electrocategory, safe for life, but very painful.
   The investigator after several honest answers, seemingly, seriously was surprised. His eyes were rounded:
   - Well, you also drive a kozyavochka vacuum. To move on one thousand years ahead moreover to escape, from waves of annihilation radiation, nobody can!
   Vladimir lowered a leg and rubbed the sole which is still itching from a tickling soft as the carpet swelled. It is lost answered:
   - Probably yes... But here it turned out, can in space there are some special, earlier not open measurements which allow to slip under certain conditions through temporary barriers.
   The investigator did not begin to argue or that for a stelzan it would be far more natural to swear or will start beating the defenseless boy. Instead, he made graceful gesture and the vase standing at the left hands and legs suddenly grew, and the beautiful bush bristled up curve needles and sparks. Peep was heard:
   - You will order to torture the prisoner the grand executioner?
   The investigator instead of the answer, got up, went to Tigrov, having raised the boy for a chin:
   - Tell the truth from where you or learn earlier unprecedented pain...
   Vladimir, strongly sweating and faltering for fear, murmured:
   - I swear to you, already told everything...
   The investigator here silently burst out laughing, released to the boy. Shortly ordered:
   - In its loner luxury! It is polite to address!
   Interrogation unexpectedly quickly and without corporal tortures ended, and the boy was taken away, two former supervisors. They were this time not so rough and put the young prisoner in a special capsule mudflows on the parties. Also drove along corridors as if machines in an attraction... Only far quicker that you will make out nothing, flashes, and the body rigidly presses into an easy chair...
   Vladimir was not in time, properly to be frightened, they stopped near a door with shining as the electronic dial to number which at once was replaced when to it the supervisor turned the cute and furious person, and the wide entrance was instantly dug out. Tigers however, experienced surprise not therefore to an occasion and because, did not feel a shake-up because of so sharp stop.
   Females supervisors extended the boy and, holding the prisoner under a lokotka, entered into a chamber...
   Loner luxury and really was as decent gostiny number; couple of big rooms and a bathroom, with a reservoir like a splash pool pool. Carpets, pictures and even an aquarium with such fantastic small fishes behind transparent armor hang... beauty. And really hotel, only beds without linen, probably at stelzan it was considered as superfluous. The senior supervisor strictly said:
   - Spoil nothing the juvenile convict... Here to you not the resort, and so encouragement behind loyalty. Graviovizor we to you will not allow to include. In that chamber where you on it, only educational lessons and our propaganda materials go. Therefore have just a rest here, there will be for you an occupation soon.
   Stelzanki were removed, and Tigers on edge wide, similar on hanging on anything inflatable, with the image of sailing ships, the bed mattress carefully sat down. Reflected...
   In fantastic works of in its situation usually or runs or it is come to the rescue by strong allies. As speak, the grand piano jumps out of bushes... The mind, of course, to escape would be more abruptly, but it is necessary to be couple orders cleverer and stronger than jailers. And here the space empire, against which "Star wars" as children's scenery...
   However, get Tigers and to medieval prison, and then not the fact that it would be succeeded to be chosen, despite all knowledge of the electronic twentieth century. The boy leaned back on a back, the bed was soft, warm, and it is possible to take a nap for hour or so...
   Arrival of the servant with a tray of "prison" food woke the boy. The slave was a fluffy-haired blonde, dark and chocolate skin color in decorated with the sparkling bikini pieces of glass. Very figuristy, polite, as if before it not the prisoner, but the sultan. And the servant was accompanied by two robots. They were small the size as cranes, but krylata and with the whole dozen of trunks of everyone.
   Vladimir was expressed:
   - The equipment compensates absence of intelligence, only at presence of reason which directs a funeral of the ignoramus!
   The slave it is surprised threw up eyebrows, dense, violet from henna, Tigers happy with the had effect paid tribute to food. Fed him here quite not badly. Except for pineapples and bananas, other fruit, bizzare shapes, were absolutely not familiar to it, but, nevertheless, very tasty. And very original to taste, even meat was not familiar that for the person during an occupation era luxury.
   The slave, having kneeled meanwhile, greased the little boy's legs with fragrant cream and kissed them on three times everyone. Vladimir strongly was confused and reddened. Other girl entered a chamber and began to wash pink water to leg knees to the young prisoner. Then already the robot gave the order:
   - Conduct it to the pool. Wash it to gloss, let will be beautiful. The governor will have with him conversation.
   Face at slaves shuddered, they hardly kept from smiling.
   And here news so news, the governor wants personally with him, the prisoner Tigrov to have a talk.
   Washing several multi-colored liquids was short, the boy's girls did not even concern, and used boxes, similar to a school case. Vladimir felt fear, before the future conversation with the monster which is autocratically ruling the whole planet.
   Then processing by the radiation clearing interiors, and the boy felt emptiness and stupid hunger in a stomach again. Then it was given ceremonial clothes, and moved to "kinglet" of planetary scale.
   Vladimir never for all the life, even in fantastic blockbusters, saw such magnificent and huge palaces. The tourist complex shook by the luxury and the sizes. Everything was very beautiful, various and effective. Stelzana loved luxury. They liked to build, create (especially hands of the won people!), as however and to destroy. They wanted to surpass all races in the Universe not only in military force, but also in culture.
   Though it sometimes at them it was expressed very wildly, and it is extremely vile!
   "When the subdued people of the Universe will contemplate our cities, they have to be shocked by greatness and beauty of these monuments. Against our power the pettiness of others will be visible stronger". Approximately one of the first emperors of Stelzanat so spoke.
   The central palace was reconstructed and sparkled a marvelous multi-color aura. Enormous flowers were moved with petals and leaves, exhaling the strongest aroma. Some of petals of representatives of genetically modified flora were strict geometrical forms or the broken lines, on others shone drawings which as in transfers changed depending on a corner under which you look at them. Giant manual butterflies soared, they moved in a certain order, creating unique as if the ornament flowing the dazzling motley river. In a throne-room the marshal-governor sat. Externally - a typical gorilla, a black face, as at the Black. It is ordinary a cannibal mug with a flattened nose. To tell directly, the freak, especially against classically correct figures and physiognomies of other stelzan. Fire in eyes did not promise anything good.
   - Be not afraid, tsyplenochek! I do not bite. Bring it closer!
   Fagiram spoke expressly gently, but eyes burned with unhealthy interest.
   Vladimir brought. Fagiram moved down from a throne, it was even above the usual standard and weighed not less than two hundred kilograms:
   - The newcomer from the past. It is necessary what interesting copy! To the boy, probably, hot why you so wrapped up him?
   Security guards wanted to break the official suit which is specially put on for a meeting with the governor. Vladimir evaded:
   - It is not necessary! I am!
   Marshall governor languished and even slobbered six shivering, as at a flabby bulldog of chins:
   - What pretty monkey, everything does voluntarily. Pour to it a vilikura. Let's drink for pure man's love.
   The security guard politely brought a decanter with blue liquid and two graceful shot glasses turned from natural natural diamond. Four bare-legged servants from among natives began to execute difficult dance under music. Under their strong, coffee color legs as in a ring flame uvulas flashed, hardly touching rozovenky maiden pyatochek. Well, directly zolotovolosy Indians from Kam-Cutra's temple. And from blue liquid bore acetone and something else more disgusting.
   In Tigrov's head fighting pipes suddenly began to sound, and on veins the hot lava of hatred and how many it is possible to suffer began to flow! Hardly the tray was near, Vladimir grabbed a decanter and started to the pervert in the head. Fagiram managed to strike away sudden blow, but, having distracted, passed the strongest poke a leg in a groin. The blow was exact, besides, before visit to the governor Tigrov could not find suitable children's boots therefore put on it a soldier's metal camouflage for Stelzanat's mini-soldiers that added to blow of hardness and power. The sock of fighting footwear of mini-soldiers (children of stelzan, from conception in the incubators which are registered in a system, but still as the school students and kindergartners having comprehensive training before inclusion in regular military units) is arranged in such a way that fast contact, the destroying effect repeatedly increases. The shock surface is as if shot what to punch also reinforced concrete. The governor fell, having fainted from painful shock. Protection opened fire with blasters. As Tigrov managed to avoid a deadly beam of light, he also does not remember. Somehow as if a trance, evaded, having swept on a mirror floor. And here cut the servant who brought a vilikura on part. Of course, the boy who encroached on life, undoubtedly would be killed (can Vladimir rescued, from immediate annihilation, only desire peculiar to stelzana not to do death of the opponent too easy), but there was not probable...
   Several guerrillas could filter into extremely protected palace. At first they wormed way among numerous workers, then passed in the main den of invaders as their helpers. Fagiram himself facilitated a task of saboteurs, having turned off internal supervision over the palace. Why to excess witnesses to observe the governor's perversions. Guerrillas well-aimed shots laid bodyguards, then tried to kill the main torturer of the planet Earth. However this time good luck from them turned away. Even in an unconsciousness Fagiram managed to press the button of the emergency evacuation, and the robot rescuer, having picked up power capture the become soft body, left to the flourish through an underground corridor. Guerrillas were doomed. Therefore when gas hissing was heard, the Trinity of avengers at the same time, without arranging, lifted a thermodetonator.
   Vladimir jumped up to them.
   - You want to die?
   - It is better to die with a sword adequately, than to live as the cattle driven by a lash to a stall - was distributed the amicable answer of fighters.
   - Yes, it was told by our President.
   - And we not Russians, and sitayets with the Zulu. Though in this case with Russians are uniform. Let's meet in the new best world!.
   Hyper plasma flash tore off words of patriots. From within the palace was defenseless. Force fields protected it only from external influences, and the thief Fagiram tired out part of the security equipment and cybernetics in the black market. A half of a grandiose construction collapsed down, having killed many stelzan and even more those who worked for them. It were the most significant losses of stelzan for all history of occupation of the planet. Big losses were, probably, only from the similar act made by the acting president marshal Polikanov.
   Chapter 16
   The mighty fleet star -
   Mira Vselennoy terribly you win!
   And everything that was free in space,
   You only a brute force trample!
   The corridor was narrowed, extended, air gave heavy ozone more and stronger. The humanoid type suddenly disappeared, having dissolved in air. Ahead there was a deadlock, to it and the translucent subject in a camouflage suit jumped. Eraskander whispered:
   - There are two things on "With" from which it is impossible to disappear: conscience and death! However, the last unlike the first can be fooled long!
   The young man hesitated not for long. The riddle probably was that the deadlock closed an entrance to some confidential hiding place or a shelter. Perhaps, the key opening doors was aimed at biocurrents of a brain or at least at physical parameters of the individual then the sense was not to try to get into an underground citadel. To creep there, so to be lit that it is very dangerous and fraught to risk the life excessively. The lion understood it, but could not and did not want to stop halfway. Especially, unless his life not eternal dancing over an abyss?
   Be not afraid of force - it is possible to become stronger than strong, be not afraid of mind - it is possible to outwit also the cleverest, but be afraid of cowardice - as it does not allow to use the biggest force and mind!
   The surface was slippery, without cracks and buttons, the heavy-duty metal closed by a force field. Eraskander wanted to recede, but you never can tell, his chief had a small powerful supersensitive device. And Lev took it with himself too. It was the latest espionage device which could listen even via filters. The young man made attempt to be connected, pressed more densely, tried to grope more thinly a wall, but all unsuccessfully. Protection against listening was the most powerful, and the hall which it covered was located somewhere in hundred meters from this place. The fact of installation in itself of the most powerful protection indicated extreme importance of in what were engaged in the underground room. When you are still so young, it excites insuperable curiosity. In the head quite logical thought flashed. It is improbable that only one individual will enter this entrance. It is necessary to wait for the others. The lion measurement sideways rested naked, brawny as at a slope a back in smooth, a little glossy wall and carefully listened...
   Soon, really, hardly audible soft steps were heard. Someone protiskatsya accurately along a narrow corridor. Eraskander realized that he can just face this subject. It was possible just to thrust, of course, the charge from the blaster, but now is better to pass the opponent. Let it at first will open pass. It is not excluded that from a beam shot the alarm system will work. Having jumped up, dexterous as the pro acrobat the boy hanged, resting hands and legs against a wall of a narrow corridor. The black figure externally was human, in a fancy mask with four horns. Probably, it is stelzanovets. So Lev thought. The black subject began to do the difficult movements by the right hand, then added passes of left. The wall was moved apart like an elevator door. Even a moment - and the opponent would nyrgnut in an aperture, but Lev managed to be ahead of him. A jump from above and a direct shot an elbow on the opponent's helmet. From a shock a helmet flew, having bared the head of the enemy. The boy expected to see something opposite, but nevertheless a human face of the soldier of Purple constellation. But instead fosforichesky eyes of a reptile sparkled. Three eyes ominously shone in the twilight of a corridor. The predatory mouth revealed, having bared large canines. The long neck was suddenly extended, and the animal jumped like a carnivorous gorilla. Eraskander evaded and struck a counter kick in a jaw. The tempered shin punched well - several teeth took off from a huge mouth of conditionally reasonable reptile. Nevertheless, the hybrid of a snake and primacy continued attack. The lion easily reflected attempts of a creature to thrust widely from hands and legs, but passed the burning slap the tail covered with metal needles. On brawny as the put boards of a breast acted blood drops. In reply Eraskander sharply thrust several times fists on a muzzle having carried out a prompt boxing series. Though the mobile neck also managed to soften blows, nevertheless, the animal reeled. The young man remembered council of the Sensei:" Battling against a cobra, do so: with one hand the deceptive movement distracting a snake, and strike the second lightning blow in eyes". So he also made, feeling as air to become more dense around, and the ring in ears accrues. Fingers as if buried in the burning pieces of coal. Eyes disgusting as if escaped from the Tartar of a reptile were heated. Then they literally burst a fiery cracker, and the ruthless tail stebanut on edges again. The reptile began to squeal as herd of pigs. Fountains of ink-blue blood flew from the punched eye-sockets. One more exact prick a hand finished the last eye of the exotic monster. The burned fingers hurt, but did not lose mobility. In due time the young man learned to pull out from a fire the shining pieces of coal, here the truth substance more hotly, but experience is. A furious kick from a turn, then the cutting movement in a jump - and the head of the opponent became soft. Eraskander, having just seized a neck, began to turn the head of an inogalaktichesky reptile. Vertebras crackled. By inhuman effort, straining all muscles of hands, backs, the press the guy tore off the terrifying head from a body. Veins were blown up from tension, on a body sweat flew down, hands shivered. This fight with an unprecedented monster strongly exhausted the boy. It was worth taking not small work breath and to search the monster. As the tail could be poisonous, it was necessary to stick to itself an anti-pillbox. From the broken-off artery of a monster continued to whip a blood streamlet, extending a kerosene smell. Hands and partially a face were soiled with sticky substance. In spite of the fact that it was very opposite, followed to examine a prostrate reptile. Behind a belt at the enemy the weapon (it was luchemt with the strengthened cascade and something modified on the principle of a volsheblaster) and the whole arsenal of little-known devices froze up. From all this the bright seven-color card was especially allocated. Its colors constantly changed, and on a cybernetic surface stars moved. It is possible that the card served as a peculiar admission. The lion was a clever guy and understood that in such look nobody will let him there where this stinker went. It was necessary though it was improbable pakostno, to pull out a scaly body from an armored suit, and to put on a disgusting black mask the head. The armored suit was too big, and the mask dangled on the head as if an empty pan. Eraskander understood that he has the most foolish look, but after all counted that here all got used to different types of intelligent life and to strangenesses in their dresses and behavior.
   When Lev entered a corridor, that was automatically closed. Despite problems with harmony of an armored suit and former wounds, the young man tried to stand up straight and to go surely. The entrance had a strong protection. It were huge fighters in black camouflage cybernetic overalls. They leashed similar to dragons with poisonous thorns and unscrewed as if the ramrod long needles of eight-legged creatures. One of security guards in a mask made a sign, in reply Lev stretched the poured card. The security guard put it in the scanner. The pause unexpectedly dragged on, roofing felts the combination of light signals was too difficult that time for interpretation was required, roofing felts, thus, tried to create visibility of psychological pressure. The young man about himself noted: "Protection that is loyal only to a golden calf, the same wastefulness as a goat in a kitchen garden full greens!" . The admission was returned back by a negligent throw, and a silent sign it was offered to follow further.
   - Here here, please! - squeaked some blenbsp; styashchy type, the changing form uncertain continually. Judging by a speech tonality, it was the serving robot.
   - Safety is observed, can sit down, - the multi-droid (a cybernetic organism with constantly changing structure) specified on big cherry color a chair.
   There was the whole concourse of various types of space fauna. The room at the same time did not differ in special grandiosity though in advance prepared beds to be unlike at each other by the sizes, and had "Perhaps, it is plot or some thieves' intergalactic meeting", - Lev thought. The feeling of some nervousness was, but not so that the young gladiator behaved unnaturally. On the contrary Lev Eraskander bellowed to the serving robot:
   - A glass of honey and caterpillar beer with gadyushny syrup!
   The winged squid with almost instantly turned out a glass with emerald and foaming liquid. Generally to the young man did not want to pour in himself in this swill, bryaknut counting that so absurd order the car taking orders literally will not be able to execute. But chertos two! Here the excellent service calculated on different types inomiryan including syrup from a viper was visible... The lion cautiously was lop-sided on a glass, but fortunately for the young man the next performance began and, it is possible having pretended that attentively you listen, to put poisonous swill on the rack attached to a chair. However, why having exactly made visibility, here and really was what attentively to listen to. The boy even rounded from surprise of an eye: "there now there can be it, dug out a door and got to such place that Buratino with a gold key with envy to hang!".
   The speaker in a mask, most likely, was the chairman of secret intergalactic veche. Its deep voice rattled as the Trumpet of Jericho.
   - It is given the floor to the representative of the great republican empire of sinkh, Great Gold Constellation!
   On a tribune, having suddenly jumped out as the devil of their battery, there was an insect in the uniform which is plentifully covered with trinkets, and seeming too spacious and baggy for so sickly body.
   The young man noted in memory: arthropods of a sinkha created the huge space, colonial empire by means of gains and bribery. In this part of a galactic supercongestion, they are the main competitors of stelzan in fight for universal domination.
   - Brothers! My gentle winged and wingless brothers! I wanted to tell you long ago... - began to cheep by a wafer-thin voice and to swing pads reminding a hybrid of a mosquito and ant (and still it is more from the annoying bloodsucker) sinkh. - we were in hostile relationship with our brothers on reason long ago and long. It is a mistake. Long ago it is time to realize our integrity as uniform community of reasonable races and nations. It is time to rally and to together solve our common problems. All of us are disturbed by our general enemies - artful zorg. Empire of sinkh almost same mighty and big, as empire of stelzan. Therefore we have to, having united, to break the general enemies - these three-hollow metalworkers who shrouded all Universe with a sticky web of total supervision. We need to solve in due time arisen problems. . - Honorable sinkh interrupted the vigorous gesticulation, sustained a pause, breaking an applause, clatter, svist, smacking by lips and even a vypuskaniye of a flame and fountainlets (at each race the ways to express approval). - The problems which are negatively influencing the conclusion of the union between us in totalitarian and authoritative management of the neighboring empire. There is no parliament, there is no senate. Absolute, hereditary monarchy with applied consultative and supervisory authority the hyper computer which is loudly called Council of wisdom. And other great and important people of the empire are stripped actually of power also adoptions of global decisions. Some kind of screw, from the driving mechanism in the person of Nadimperator. We have no despotism, since the most ancient times, in any case, from the moment of the invention of gunpowder, there was always a republic, and elections of the best of the best sinkh. And unless this business that all issues are resolved by one stelzan and an enormous heap of metal - a set of superchips and photon radiators.
   This time, stelzana especially zealously applauded. Their temperamental females even jumped up from delight:
   - Long live republic! The republic is and there is an effective form of government!
   - It is time to dump fetters of slavery and to begin to operate methods of the civilized state! - the most violent representatives of Purple constellation shouted. And one of women as a sign of full freedom dumped from herself clothes, join it also other space feminists. It was abruptly, Lev felt in himself strong excitement at the sight of naked, athletic, and very much at the same time sexual bodies of females of Purple Constellation.
   - Today we are on the threshold of a new era of friendship, hope and prosperity. We will reach the most distant star of space!
   Peep terminated, and externally sickly figure flew away.
   The following massive black person, apparently, belonged to a stelzan. Though maybe not to it, so the person is not visible. By the way women in ecstasy of freedom had open breasts except the nipples drawn by a thin precious thread, in the same way and hips with one beads from small illuminated kamenyev. And golenky nozhenk with glossy nogotochka, even danced on prickly as if the applicator to a floor. Almost everything on frank demonstration; except faces the covered mobile, each thirty seconds changing expressions, liquid crystal masks. The voice of the following speaker, was basisty as at the main singing ancient church choir:
   - Yes, it is time to change structure of the power. At us it is full of allies in the empire and beyond its limits. Despite all repressions and provocations, total shadowing and informing, we managed to collect powerful opposition to ruling regime. The emperor has to carry out our will, will of the richest members and most worthy oligarchs of the great empire. Otherwise he is not an emperor, and the usurper! In the Ministry of love and the truth, as well as the intelligence agencies competing with them there are our supporters therefore we can destroy the emperor. This time plot will work well because on our party control of the central repressive and investigative office. There is a support and in other military security agencies. The opponent will be laid over like wild Vimur. - Rough expressions of delight of living beings of all versions, one blazed fire so strongly, threatening to burn others that the robot monitoring protection right there included the plamegasyashchy radiation because of which blew softly cold, and even instantly settled hoarfrost in the diameter of a tennis court. The speaker hurried to calm excessive optimists, his tone became more silent also much more insinuating. - But the Department of protection of a throne and personal guard of the emperor is too well completed. The head of protection of a throne is the enemy Averition. We do not know its position, but it is very cunning (not for nothing it is called Seth Velimara) and from an imperial family. If we want to destroy the enemy, we need the help of unsurpassed fighters of sinkh and other empires and races.
   The colubrine movement followed, the yashcheropodobny subject with a snout of a pork rat and five seven-dead ticks crept out behind the back. It was the representative Sekira - the most closed and original of the people of a megagalactic congestion. When he pronounced words, in air from his nose the small electrocategory proceeded, and the tiny lightning depending on emotional coloring of the subject changed colors:
   - We attentively studied the plan of your planet mother country and imperial control center. The system can be neutralized and destroyed, eaten such opportunity. The new weapon created by space league is capable to strike enemy starprobe vehicles from within. I need the full total scheme of enemy defense to win against fleet and to crush the planetary purposes. - The color which is thrown up to pole-axes of lightnings began to be displaced with orange on yellow, and then to green. And the voice of mix of a reptile, mammal and mollusk became, much more hoarse. - Do you have exact coordinates for attack of the imperial center? Whether there are soldiers capable to attack system Printseps-peron? New rockets of total destruction are also necessary! We need technological parameters of all your fighting starprobe vehicles. Then we will be able to overthrow dictatorship, hated for all Universe!
   Not humanoids expressed rough signs of approval. In air despite surgery of security robots, smelled fake of matter more and stronger, and decaying from various radiations air. Reaction of stelzan was more than reserved. Here still what was wanted by this defective pig. Give it all military secrets that then it and other creatures occupied the empire, having made stelzan pathetic slaves. Oh no! Not for this purpose stelzana started this meeting that here and at once to lay out all secrets, having set up thereby themselves under gamma beams. Others mind can be better than the, others lands are more attractive own, someone else's money it is more desirable than the income, but never foreign power looks zamanchivy own! Though foreign power in that case is better than the if the absolutely and not the but only for the brothers-in-law!
   The floor was taken stately in a gold mask, by the soldier of Purple constellation, he spoke, gesticulating expressively, but smoothly as if the Ancient Greek speaker:
   - Today our main task is overthrow of total dictatorship three-hollow, entangled a hyper gravitational web all Universe. And for this purpose we have to be uniform, but not spend forces and resources for collisions with each other. We are united... - its loud voice suddenly was interrupted.
   Wild howl sirens muffled words. From an armor ceiling fell down a plastic and bright upholstery. Something rumbled, and greenish-orange light went out, having shipped meeting in a bottomless gloom...
   After the terrorist attack, unprecedented on scales, conducted in the heart of the occupational capital of Earth, Fagiram gave the order to destroy all guerrillas, including also the leader Ivan Gornostayev. Only the proximity of intergalactic check held stelzan from usual mass punishment in such cases over civilians of the planet. Usually, for each killed stelzan killed hundred thousand people and more, reaching millions. And trying to cause more tortures to executed. Some ways of mass tortures were simple and cheap (for example, the biological weapon when people died of similarity of leprosy, the covering strictly certain areas, devstvuyushchy the term which is in advance planned by technically equipped executioner). Partly therefore insurgents preferred to destroy local traitors, fighting robots and warehouses with raw materials. Now the mechanism of guerrilla war was started to the full extent. As a result of explosion 97 stelzan and more than two thousand of native service personnel died.
   - As soon as inspection comes to the end, I will order to destroy one billion hairless primacies. God will receive the generous victim! - Cried out an animal as the marshal-governor
   However, seemingly, Igor Rodionov was only partly right when he said that each step of Gornostayev is known to intelligence agencies. At present any of numerous informants knew nothing about location of an insurgent? 1. Did not know about it also his colleagues. While troops by means of the most modern gamma neutrinoes of scanners illuminated the woods and mountains, the local population, the head of insurgents quietly filtrirovat and even with comfort had a rest in such place of the empire where it was expected least of all to find. Without disappearing, he lived in the magnificent most up-to-date tourist center of the occupational capital. In this grandiose complex it was possible to hide like an ant in a haystack, and on a scanning case it prepared counterfeit documents on the veteran of intergalactic war of Gerua of Ulster. A godsend for rebels was the fact that the glorified veteran, having got under the category of streams of girrodo-particles, descended mind. Out of respect for former merits it was not sent ahead of schedule to the parallel Universe. The madman for some reason did not want to find reason in the best, next world again. Instead it as the general of six stars, chose this provincial planet. And as it was cranky, avoided contacts with the fellows, but very much liked human females therefore did not make big work to make replacement. Especially as Gerua even in a mad state, is skillful to switch-off tracking cameras, and strong poison or a beam of the blaster, will dump also very hardy stelzan. The head of guerrillas changed a face by means of elementary operation, and a giant stature and a mighty constitution allowed it to look like a stelzan. So imperceptible Ermines found a reliable roof. There was a risk, as it can just in case is total to scan, or to make a prosvetka of flesh, but other choice was not any more. Stelzana even at the dead are capable for some time, to read out information from a brain, using a cyber-encephalogram. However it is bad that now it is completely blocked in the city in which the state of siege therefore it had no opportunity to contact the companions is declared. It became boring and disturbing especially as the three-dimensional projector and a kibornakopitel disconnected. Now over the city the powerful force field hanged.
   Emergence of a familiar silhouette in a gray raincoat forced to shudder. Average height in a simple tunic with the shaven head of people resembled the modest Buddhist monk superficially. But his expressive eyes with a penetrating glance and brawny sinewy hands spoke about uncommon mind and strength of externally very modest subject. Tall Ermines was more a cut above the entered guru therefore he also hurried to get up that though in it not to feel defective before almost fantastic Sensei. The head of insurgents, nervously looking back, almost in a whisper asked the guru:
   - I am glad you to see, the companion, but you do not cease to surprise me... As you could get through total barriers of police of a Purple eye, the stuffed force fields and a gamma neutrino scanning.
   The sensei with a smile, and without lowering a voice quietly answered:
   - There is what the person living criteria of purely physical world cannot comprehend. There is the fact that to not dependently simple material laws, the fact that is stronger than termopreonovy or even termokreonovy bombs.
   Ermines wearily nodded:
   - You mean magic force?
   The guru let out egg which instantly turned into a chicken from a forefinger. The Zheltenky, fluffy lump started wings, and here to high, in colourful frescos to a ceiling the proud gyrfalcon soared up. The powerful bird as if the fighter an interceptor reproduced a circle and suddenly sharply fell in a bottom, having addressed in the former small egg which found in air.
   The sensei blew at him and here also the magnificent bouquet from a rich flower set ran, and remained to be groundless. Watched ermines at this miracle not in forces to utter also words. The guru without increasing tone, but answered slightly quicker:
   - Not magic, but spiritual. Because the spiritual reasonable basis is basis, a universe core. Matter is only secondary manifestation of this world. The spirit is rather immortal and zhivitelen, matter is mortal and killing!
   The head of insurgents approached a bouquet and carefully touched a gentle petal, a white rose. Inhaling pleasant aroma, asked:
   - Why then spiritual does not dominate over material?
   From a palm of the guru the dagger took off, having fallen the weapon, was scattered on small, almost at once the scattered balls:
   - Because the sinful physical cover pulls down. Flesh is silly, it wants a gluttony, fornication, pleasures and pleasures, is frequent at the expense of others, and it generates wars and rivalry. There is a substitution of concepts, the person becomes the parasite living at the expense of others.
   Ermines contemptuously sniffed, reflex squeezed a bud:
   - Well, we still yet not parasites. Stelzana parasitize, and our purpose to dump alien dictatorship. Where your force? Use it against the enemy!
   The bouquet unexpectedly disappeared, and from a fist of the head of rebels fell several transparent droplets. The sensei pathosly answered:
   - To become free, it is necessary to clear the soul. It is necessary to tower spirit to be worthy to use the received freedom. Give you the chance - and you will become on the way of the empire which subdued you. - Having intercepted a frank yawn of Gornostayev, the speaker in a tunic replaced tone with more business. - But enough! You are still too young that up to the end to understand all this. You, probably, are interested in news about Konoradson's starprobe vehicle. So he is detained in the most unscrupulous way. As for our little friend, Lev is on the threshold of essential changes in the destiny.
   The head of insurgents took several fast paces on the room, the army footwear was transferred to the silent mode and, appear, that it wanders an incorporeal sign:
   - I for some reason cannot get off thought that this guy our enemy. And you though believe in a legend that this star boy will rescue Earth?
   The guru looked at a floor, on an ultraplastic carpet black and white mice ran. The voice of the wizard was sure:
   - I feel and I see people. In this child great force is concluded, he has a potential, but at it there is also some unknown danger. In its karma there is a fight of two beginnings - the good and evil. Besides, in it something unknown is felt. That is why I did not begin to teach it to the higher school of spiritual art and influence. It is a lot of in it rage, but there is no patience. Besides in it thirst of revenge is felt. Only reached a high spiritual level of development have to receive keys to power.
   Ermines snapped, his look became more evil:
   - As I understood, this guy is strong. Perhaps, if you opened for him a way to force, then it would make us free? What limit of your force?
   The sensei is a little more silent, than usually answered:
   - None of the beings living on this planet know it. Our great teacher Buddha said that in each person there is God's particle, and each person is capable to develop to Omnipotence in himself this particle. But if at the same time it is moral poverty, this force creates the demon. The demonic beginning leads to destruction and incalculable disasters.
   Ermines were raised on the contrary by tone of the speech:
   - Nevertheless I do not understand you. You are able to teleport. So teach our soldiers, then Earth will light up under legs at aggressors.
   The guru waved a palm and, mice disappeared, on their place as if derisively there was a big piece of cheese full of holes:
   - I do not want that our planet burned down. Yes, I have reasons for hatred, as well as at any of you. More than one thousand years ago I was only a teenager and saw this terrible invasion. When flash millions times brighter than the sun blazed, to me singed a face, and eyes, appear, burst. I was, grew blind, but over time sight returned to me. And I regretted that I did not remain a blind person. A picture of the risen hell... The show which appeared before my eyes was incomprehensibly awful. People with the singed skin. Half-dead skeletons. I saw ashes handfuls from children, men and women who are crying out so that stuffed up ears. Contemplated the burning houses. Everything was sent by chitinous dust around. Over the earth the storm rose. Clouds of a suffocating haze closed the sun. I observed what did not see even in a bad dream earlier. The nuclear winter began. Weather was a madwoman when I nearly kicked the bucket from cold. It was impossible to celebrate need, the stream stiffened an icicle. But here dust dissipated. It became hotter, than on the equator. Corpses decayed and awfully stank. It is good that I still managed to find a respirator. Then again there was a snow snow-storm. Instinctively I sought to get over closer to the South. Fortunately for mankind, rockets of the opponent do not give long radioactive infection, and the nuclear winter did not last long too. I managed, having passed killing painful and bitter tests, to survive and reach Tibet. For more than one thousand years I had many opportunities to kill this or that stelzan and it was very difficult for me to cope with it. I wanted to break, evaporate, cut, and only the school of love and humility helped me to constrain emotions. It is impossible to kill only from revenge, even fair. Murder only then can be justified if it rescues from death of others.
   Jumped up ermines to a table and in anger cut on it a fist. The wine glass with fruit ice cream jumped up and tonenko peeped: "excuse your domination" (technological excesses, and in tableware there was electronics). The head of insurgents, having forgotten about care, roared:
   - This grandiloquent justification of cowardice! Too long you live to leave life, habitual for you! You indulge the Satan!
   The guru gave it the hand, moved a piece of cheese to it:
   - No, I am not afraid of death! The death will make me even stronger. And force if it is too frequent to use it on destruction, will become contrast to good. You ripened by the standards of people, but is too young to understand when it is possible to use force and when - it is impossible. - The sensei enclosed a small donut in which magotvorny curd cake turned back a strange image in a hand of the head of insurgents. - For the safety do not worry! I see that in the next few days and weeks, shadows of angry demons not to concern you. This donut will help you a critical minute. Yes there will arrive with us reasonable, kind force!
   And the one who was called the great Sensei disappeared, having instantly dissolved in air.
   - Be at me such abilities, I abruptly would pay off with Fagiram and Eroros. Would kidnap them, and then slowly roasted on small fire, cutting off meat pieces from even live stelzan. Perhaps, at this moment Fagiram Sham guzzles food from the plates made of bones of his parents, and whores from Purple constellation brush away themselves with the fans weaved out of human hair. To me put as if scoffing, a sugar donut from spells...
   Freaks, as he hates them! And stelzan and grandiloquent pacifists moralists...
   Ivan Gornostayev from everything to scope thrust a fist in a wall from a sandalwood. The thick elastic wall sustained a furious swing. In rage the head of insurgents continued to strike weighty blows. It seemed to it that the fist threshes a black ugly physiognomy of Fagiram - the hated monster governor of the planet Earth...
   Then asked Ermines under legs tried to crush the snow-white donut presented to the guru. But usually culinary product seemed, escaped an impenetrable army boot. It strangely enough calmed the head of insurgents, and, he stretched a palm, trying to give to a voice softness, said:
   - Be not afraid, but... To see at once the whole settlements dying of the superleprosy sent by hyper fascists it... No! To me It still this Guru gave Jesus Christ's example, the Creator of the Universe suffering a cross and a beating. I answered it it: the person who pulled out their chair the sharp pricking nail deserves respect much more, than showing stupid patience of a case!
   Chapter 17
   In space as if burn
   Wild monster of an eye,
   As if speak to all of us,
   That over the world the thunder-storm storms!
   From various ends of the great empire strange and disturbing messages arrived. On suburbs large congestions of star armadas of fighting starprobe vehicles from among the states aggressively hostile to purple constellation began to be observed. Inside the situation was not too smoothly too. There were vague messages on rebellious plots, grew more and more and, gaining scales corruption more. Speeded up cases of withdrawal of the capitals in the offshore, evasion of taxes from economic generals and marshals-oligarchs. Prolonged peaceful existence, led to gradual decomposition of the hyper totalitarian state, to eternal antagonism of the bourgeoisie of the eager freedom and parliamentarism, liberalization and the market and the absolute autocratic monarchy with repressive police force. Theoretically only military communism, could be harmonious at a totalitarian despotism, a pure command management system. However the era of ecowars, could not but generate the market relations and a new class of capitalists money-bags, the person interested to influence a state policy of the empire. Here already the despot emperor capable to spray any of them on photons and, is not necessary. Without saying that oligarchs were not owners, and were considered only as tenants, without the right to descend something. And there is no family per se in stelzan. All nation a uniform family, led by the father the emperor. Strict army pyramid... Karl Mars and Trotsky's dream was realized in megagalactic scales. And Marxism in the most radical option mixed with Nazism. Economic and fighting armies, equality of women and men, the general husbands and wives, germs are born in incubators to whom Evgenetiki's department decides to be born. About infancy training to be at war or more precisely to kill! The nation purpose - the power on all mirozdaniye which it is only possible to reach. All other nations - no more, than fuel and a rabsil of a military vehicle. The relation - normal animal to cattle is far more tender.
   But Zorgi the intervention generated some liberalization that has already an adverse effect on stability of political system in general. And enemies do not doze!
   The head of Department of protection of a throne considered the latest data from suburbs of the empire. Strange movements and even impudent attacks from the opponent.
   The minister of Department of love and justice also received disturbing data, but on lips of the amazon deviless the mysterious smile played. So strange movements disturbed her, but the space tigress with hair of color of the hyper plasma fire felt rather a delight, than alarm. Starprobe vehicles of the largest hostile empires behaved aggressively, trying to approach as it is possible closer to the center of the megagalactic power. Not clear impudence, especially if to consider that militarily Stelzanat became even stronger in recent years. Persistently rumors went that the emperor prepares new war. Who does not want to become history the greatest of the greatest!
   The multiarmed servant the robot interrupted reflections.
   - Oh, great superminister Gelara Biter! You are called on special communication.
   The minister of love and justice easy pressing of long sharp-clawed fingers started the six-measured image where from chaotically located preon and sprayed graviavoln the cybernetic mechanism put the message. Similar cryptographed messages could not almost be read without the most difficult code key. Before beginning to listen to a gravioshifrogramma, Gelara hardly noticeable pressing of a key created a silent zone, especially impenetrable for any listening. Now even the competing intelligence agencies because almost any modern equipment was powerless against absolutely silent zone could not record the deviless. The wafer-thin voice transferred the message.
   - Our zvezdoletny fleet cannot break through in empire heart. Speed of movement is insufficient that in in advance determined terms to come to key positions. Business can reach premature collisions with fighting fleet of the empire. We ask to clear the main highways of troops of the opponent!
   Gelara Biter cast away large shaggy burning as one hundred torches the head, having taken a gloomy form, and large teeth sparkled. And the arthropod continued to peep.
   - We ask to give us all codes and codes of your starprobe vehicles and fighting stations. All system of cybernetic management, notification and control.
   The manager of general Department the superminister clenched fists so that those crackled, and from nails sparkles flew. The maiden demon murmured:
   - These are sinkh and League want that we completely disarmed. Well, all right! We all the same will forward them also splusny. But really they do not understand that it cannot be made without head of Department of war and peace. Such tradition. Security officers fight with each other, and all threads in hands at the emperor. There is a Department of honor and the right, the ministry of tranquility and safety, Department of protection of a throne. Still Love and tenderness, too the kind bitch heads it. And nobody trusts anybody. All watch one after another. To destroy the emperor, having overthrown a dynasty, - good business, but the empire can be scattered and get under occupation Not to ask for help of zorg! The difficult decision is necessary! However, the main thing is to destroy the emperor, and then it is possible to deal also with the external enemy. What will she undertake? Only the most limited measures. But after elimination very much it would even be quite good to push off sinkh and Space league with zorga. How to reach it? It the ognezarny knave has also on it the plan. For now it is necessary to persuade the emperor to invite huge star fleet of zorg in empire heart, allegedly for joint reflection of attack of the Intergalactic coalition. Hyper galactic war - a thing very serious. And the integrated boundary empires, the republics, the huge empire of sinkh and many thousands of civilizations have quantitative superiority. If to add internal enemies and the conquered worlds, then the final result of war becomes even more doubtful. The department of honor and the right also has to be involved.
   Gelara Biter low-frequency, but hysterical tone began to dictate the answer... Having finished, removed a zone and pressed the pink button. It was very opposite to it and it is scared, to betray the emperor capable to read mind at distance and in general the personality so mysterious that even she never saw his faces... Having bared the superminister reclined on a bed, her large scarlet nipples sparkled as the strawberry crowning balls of golden and chocolate ice cream of breasts. If very rare man's copies are races and were able to afford to look ugly, then all women differed in faultless addition and cast muscles. Women in Stelzanat are twenty five percent more, than men (the artificial proportion formed by electronics in an incubator) that forces females to be more active in search of partners. Gelara suddenly felt shame, to betray a dynasty, to set up the autocrat, to make regicide. . And the four of cute youth aide-de-camps, already massaged it legs, having begun with seductive casting as a cockleshell nacre of heels and fingers rising above to calm the shrew because behind external, devilish beauty of the maiden one of the most important executioners of the hyper totalitarian empire broke. Already one of these boys of stelzan having buried the angelic face, selflessly caressed a bosom of Venus, the charming torturer, being surprised unexpected coldness usually of such temperamental and insatiable maiden. The smell of fragrant honey, tropical herbs and aromas truly of imperial perfumery proceeding from divinely fine flesh of Gelara turned to young men of the head, the passion overflowed, threatening to break off them as if thousands of hot stallions jumped on veins and the trembling veins...
   As a result of the most powerful explosion the room filled in with thick darkness. The fact that the room was deeply under planet soil strengthened fear even more. It seemed that the darkness presses hundred-thousandth freight. Numerous voices of various shades from a dense elephant, basisty bull roar before shrill thin peep of a mosquito filled the room, having created cacophony of sounds. It was possible to distinguish only separate remarks.
   - Our shelter is revealed!
   - The collapse threatens!
   - Total kildyk!
   - Escape who can!
   From above new cottons and explosions followed. One of webby beings pushed Eraskander under an elbow, then strongly cut a wing on the case. The lion swayed, but resisted standing. The opponent tried to develop attack, from a toothy beak the curse dodged:
   - Brainless, chernodyrny pulsar!
   Angered, having grabbed by the webby wing covered slippery as at a frog, skin, the young man, having developed, threw through himself this reptile. The extremity of an inomiryanin from a shake-up crackled, having released the fountain of muddy-yellow blood. The creature was cut down from painful shock. Someone from workmates of this hybrid of a bat and the pterodactyl opened fire, standing up for the workmate. The young man took up the captured arms too and, having made a fan turn, having passed a spittle of destructive hyper plasma up to the right shoulder, answered with a well-aimed shot, thereby, having cut off the crocodile of the flyer who went crazy with a head.
   It was in the dark difficult to take an exact sight, and the multi-laser beam killed some more diverse beings, having strengthened panic. Remains inomiryan scattered in different directions, some at collisions were torn as if grenades, splinters of chitinous covers, various armors, and that a fighting armor various, escalating damages and mutilations. Reciprocal volleys from luchemet of all designs fell down, mainly violet and green beams pierced the extensive gloomy room. It is a little more - and the "friends" and "brothers" who were just present at meeting would shoot down each other.
   The lion also thrust the category behind the category. It was captured by excitement, desire to kill these reptiles, mollusks, spongy, arthropods and other types unknown terrestrial zoology. Including also beings from radioactive elements. All of them were enemies of the human race. They needed to be killed as the annoying bugs stinging insects, mad dogs. All tension disappears, and the ecstasy by fight, desire to cut, burn down, evaporate is felt. With rest, looking as in the twilight lit by beams of blasters and other similar destructive agencies remains of ugly monsters potter about. But in such turmoil Lev could also run into a crazy light stream of deadly intensity. Though the boy thought of it least of all, he felt immortal, capable most to hurt, to this cruel, truly ruthless, constructed on the principle the most mean survives stronger, and the worst... to the world created by the Almighty Sadist!
   The thunderous voice threatening to break off ear membranes returned the flown into a rage fighters to reality.
   - Cease fire! It is our general death! Immediately to pass with everything to a starprobe vehicle Kuverotez!
   Strangely enough worked, so much in this voice was tone of the being who is given rise to rule. Various beings rushed in all directions. They were about three hundred. Still there is approximately so much, or it is even a little more, it was necessary to lie in the cut and melted off look.
   The lion followed them. Slightly burned it with a laser beam. This pain not God knows how many, but nevertheless cooled a boyish heat. The young gladiator instinctively stuck to group of humanoids. It managed to squeeze together with them into big modification of the elevator. With an enormous speed as it was the highway, vacuum with a geomagnetic path, the group humanoid rushed along infinite corridors of an underground labyrinth. The concourse was not too big - twenty individuals, but tiresomely noisy. The lion even dybyas, noted:
   - Though bark of the Pug can only make laugh elephants, you should not start up army preparation on laughter!
   Speed of the underground carriage repeatedly exceeded sound. In the ordinary elevator it would be deadly, and here fighters were helped out by a gravitransformator. In this labyrinth there was the whole web of such vacuum corridors that along them it was possible to pass all planet to the opposite side. Eraskander's companions were in a black camouflage and fancy horned masks. They about something were whispered, language was barking as at jackals and hissing as if a brood of cobras. Then underground transport rushed obviously up the hyper skyscraper located in other point of the planet, but Lev of it did not know. At the young man hands itched to thrust from luchemet on this concourse of some creatures, to the inomirena it is good if it is even better than a stelzana - these monsters invaders are hated to all human race. And they already rushed up on a giant construction, times when on the earth also the grandfather of the first governor of Egypt was not born yet.
   Such huge skyscraper could leave in a stratosphere, and from there starprobe vehicles went practically at once to a fast hyper jump. It is favorable if you want to escape from prosecution and from the practical point of view also. In the similar building there were both shops, and the medical centers and the whole industry entertainment. A cabin as if mad, slipped out on a surface huge, in thirty square kilometers, the roof serving at the same time and kosmoporty. At lightning speed horned little men jumped in the starprobe vehicle, ready to a departure, which remotely is looking like symbiosis of carrots and a lamp.
   At the time of jog pakhnut cold of vacuum, and sharply squeezed breath. Fortunately, to Lev not to get used to an extreme and the mountain environment. Though without respirator it and torture, nevertheless was succeeded to jump in a belly of a kosmolayner, besides not to fall in such bulky suit. The biped gadyushnik became silent. Without any arguments all took seat in aerodynamic chairs. On a kosmoling and in stelzanovsky translation words were heard:
   - Before flying away dress special space suits and pass identification of the personality. You are waited by your owners!
   The being pronouncing these words brushed away to a stelzan very little. Most likely, it was the bubble or a tonkonogy sharopodobny spider. On a being there was a transparent slightly darkened space suit. The voice is gnusnovaty, similar to a scratch of a rusty door. Figures of other beings, at all not the handsome, also were not human. It were creations of humanoid type who could be mixed with people only in the conditions of turmoil. The only thing the general is horned helmets and ink coloring raincoats.
   The lion overheard that these clothes of so-called hunters-bandits, a kind of space mafia. One odd person who quickly touched pads and turned a spinning top was distinguished from them. Slightly shook a starprobe vehicle, the howling jet roar was heard.
   - All to lay down on a covering! We go to the emergency hyper jump! - the small animal screeched.
   Acceleration quickly grew and though antigrav almost neutralized everything, feelings were not from among pleasant. Overcoming resistance of the increased gravity, Lev rushed to the hatch. Its movement reminded flutter of a fly in glue. In an external wall the screened image flashed meanwhile.
   Tens of starprobe vehicles of various designs conducted desultory fire each other. Numerous garlands of stars flashed multi-colored fireworks, the cascade of laser beams made unique impression. There was the real space fight. The most powerful rockets flashed. Several starprobe vehicles already scattered on pieces, having got under killing charges. Apparently, those fighting ships that attack a uniform system and work in coordination, and there are starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation.
   At this time the case of the ship shuddered from the explosion which happened a row. The starprobe vehicle obviously tried to leave firing sector, to escape from a ring of warring groups. Sharply overloads grew. The ship maneuvered, accelerating to that maximum what could only be reached.
   Both groups conducting battle represented the whole army. Fights went practically on all perimeter of this star system. The randomness in actions of the coalition forces resisting to stelzana paid attention to itself. Opponents were not built, at them, obviously, there was no uniform command. Apparently, here obviously without understanding gravity of battle with Stelzanat's army, squadrons, different in types, were flown. Ill-matched civilizations were concentrated for purely tactical targets. They struck rather with a quantity, than fighting skill.
   Here, for example two outdated cruisers and the transport remade under a battleship faced foreheads, having twirled in a plasma tornado. Similar on a barracuda, only far more terribly starprobe vehicles battle ships of stelzan carried out cutting. They very skillfully cast, milling inogalaktichesky forcemeat. The ratio of losses was just catastrophic for not humanoids (thirty to one in favor of stelzan). However, in number to the inomirena had significant superiority. Numerous variegated squadrons just blew the mind. It was possible to think that universal war began. Emerald necklaces of constellations lit up with ruby flashes of annihilation and termokvarkovy rockets. Having divided into three groups, starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation skillfully pressed the mixed armada of enemy submarines. The young gladiator unexpectedly an apportionment fight entirely and colourfully though for the others the jumping holograms from survey scanners gave extremely vague picture. It seemed to the boy that he opens for himself new measurements, and the brain turned also into the giant receiver of information.
   The ship by which Eraskander departed had no the slightest desire to enter fight. It was necessary only to watch fantastically fine show. Some of not humanoid starprobe vehicles were unusual designs and used the non-standard weapon. Separate volleys from luchemet curled triangles, sinusoids, spirals, the eights, etc., touching the starprobe vehicles. Acrobatic pirouettes of the ships seemed inconceivable. At collision splinters scattered on millions of kilometers.
   - Line to technology of destruction. For the first time I see it! - The lion watched a cannonade and through three-dimensional holograms, and still the panoramic review of the opened window of perception of space. It was visible how the mines showing tiny are scattered, fight was entered by the anti-destroyers using networks from stable hyper plasma capable to burn as armor so a force field. New equipment of stelzan, when hyper plasma (the sixth, seventh condition of matter, including more than three dimensions, from a particle moving repeatedly higher than the velocity of light.), it is added with still tiny (more significant amount did not learn to generate yet) printseps-plasmas.
   This supermatter (printseps - the first is translated, taking priority) has limited reason and capable to distinguish the personal and others' ships.
   Nevertheless, the result of battle is still not clear, having so overcome a strip of gravitational ravines, and plasma holes all new starprobe vehicles of sinkh jumped out. The piracy ship, despite desperate attempts of pilots, could not gain speed in any way and to leave in safe sector of space. There was an essential risk to get under the blow of enormous force spraying matter on quarks.
   Mercenaries were scattered on a surface of the lower floor, clinging to a rough surface. Pulled them here and there, antigrav only partly extinguished inertia.
   - We perish! Ultrapulsarny annihilation! - Having forgotten about advantage, they which until recently were such free tramps of space cried out.
   Sinkhov gathered the whole armada, appear, that the bowl of scales just about will shake in their party. The lion even with irony whispered:
   - I was never bitten by insects, but people with hearts of crocodiles, an instinct of a piranha painfully wounded! It is possible to shed without effort crocodile tears, to howl a wolf, to crack soroky, but courage of a lion can be cultivated only laborious work!
   From the right flank two blue-violet acute-angled pyramids of starprobe vehicles of fleet of Purple heart appeared, so called perfect household troops of Purple constellation. They literally broke off the shapeless mass of spaceships of not humanoid opponent. One of Guards leaders let out the charge which struck in the hyper nuclear range. The blow and flash burned and scattered many tens of thousands of starprobe vehicles of other worlds, having sprayed in different points of space. Even giant leaders of sinkh close the size to the Moon with billions of soldiers, mainly fighting robots, were swept away as garbage by the hyper plasma broom, having instantly incinerated. As instantly everything changed, the death danced a hopak between stars. It is visible the latest termopreonnovy charge detonated either especially powerful termokvarkovy or even. Light waves and the ultramovements of superlight particles rubanut on the starprobe vehicle case. The weak protective field rescued only from immediate evaporation. Lighting instantly went out, and twirled a starprobe vehicle in a furious singular tuft. The space contracted a hard spring and hit Lev on brains. Then the failure as if in a terrible collapse with hyper gravitation followed...
   For a moment in the head which is breaking up from a terrible overload vision flashed... The cold piercing to bones, snow, reddish from a soot, metal smack in a mouth and the blood which is flowing down from an ear. Hands are behind strong tied, and the wire is thrown a thin neck.
   It and some more the twisted pioneers walk escorted by on hill top. On each side tall Hitlerites in greenish-gray overcoats, in the distance the gallows, and which as if the torch flutters blood-red with a white circle and a web in the middle a nazi banner. Among two girls conducted on execution of teenagers. Not less boys are beaten, gentle faces poraspukhat from a beating, dresses on backs are unstitched and became impregnated blood from rigid floggings with lashes. The lion himself also feels as painfully scraping his hackneyed back and strong burning of naked soles from frosty snowdrifts aches. All pioneers despite strong cold, (even Hitlerites muffle up in woolen scarfs and legs in blankets tied), it is made are barefoot, reserve beautiful traces, on the silvery porosha which covered the crystal and ice, frozen together crust. Also conduct them already several kilometers, fingers of legs turned blue from cold, and teeth beat off a drumbeat. Gallows are closer and closer, dogs cannibals are hysterically got. The people some driven to gallows wrinkled, ugly and pathetic hysterical scream and are christened.
   Here they already climb scaffold steps, going barefoot zadubevshy from that ice legs, Lev unexpectedly felt as the coarsened soles blissful heat. Here the neck which became lean because of the last hungry days fastened a tie from a barbed wire on it. The sharp ends stuck into skin, the executioner growth for two meters pulled a loop up, sharp pain and suffocation...
   Vision up to the end is not interrupted, it is visible as slowly Hitlerites smother hardly covered with a tatter, but with bright red ties of companions... And in too times of part you perceive also the reality surrounding you.
   The cutting peep was heard. Enormous force tore off bodies from a floor and from everything to scope cut in a ceiling. Despite the dimmed consciousness, Eraskander managed to be grouped and amortize blow instinctively. Other of group fell down on a floor as peas on iron. Squeal filled space. Then again breakthroughs here and there, from a ceiling to a floor and followed back. Bodies of polytypic individuals as pebbles in the rattle shaken by the angry peanut jumped to and fro. Threw a starprobe vehicle here and there, in a submarine the partition broke. The suffocating smell of sulphurous gas and chlorine brought Lev round. Vision of execution of times of the Great Patriotic War finally disappeared. It was so terrible! Never to forget how the girls squeezed in a loop pulled small, the fine-molded legs which turned blue and swelled from a frost, but also the show in emergency red-orange light also reminded a dreadful dream. All room was splashed with multi-colored blood of the numerous mercenaries taken from all intergalactic congestion.
   - All to put on boyekostyuma of open fight! - slightly weakened computer autopilot voice rang out.
   Perhaps, the emergency scheme worked. Interesting idea, but as they plan to get into boyekostyuma in such leapfrog. When the ceiling and a floor are constantly interchanged the position... Dim light, the darkness interrupted by sparks from collisions... And a floor slippery and smelly from sticky blood...
   Dodging, Eraskander managed to be pushed in the hatch of an emergency exit, having lost at the same time a mask. Air was unexpectedly condensed, and then at all became dense as water. The lion could not sigh, each movement demands titanic efforts, already on an automatic pilot, it was succeeded "to saddle" buttons. He yet never dressed a heavy army boyekostyum, but his fingers worked in the autonomous mode, feeling space consciousness. During the next moment his body clothed in a fighting space suit with a full arsenal of the ultramodern weapon. The young man stood in motionless situation. Unprecedented feelings new hitherto filled each particle of a body. It was feeling of force, not similar to anything, great and incomprehensible.
   Meanwhile, one more blow followed...
   The black space broke up the bright crown category of dazzling lightnings. The most powerful explosion flooded all background of feelings and emotions, having extinguished consciousness...
   Chapter 18
   War villains threaten again,
   Apparently, to teases is itching to!
   The enemy wants you to test for durability,
   But will not achieve the objective!
   Starprobe vehicle with the informal name "Life Star" (such simple name to it was given by oppressed beings of the Universe) detained again, and then under the pretext of privacy turned in some other collateral star sector at all.
   The senior senator, meanwhile, attentively considered the map of the globe shown in the three-dimensional range with an opportunity to automatically increase sites of the planet. Drawing of continents significantly changed because of "okulturivaniye" the officials of Purple Constellation planning assimilation, having got turbinal facilitating circulation of the oceanic currents having especially practical use.
   - When these beings were independent and free, they created a cultural unique landscape. Long enough they developed independently, out of other planets and civilizations, having generated the original culture unusual and unique.
   The deep voice of a great zorg was quiet as a sea wave in clear day. Winged small fishes with gold fins were very slowly turned over it, at the same time seeking to reproduce similarity of a six-sided water-lily in flight.
   Yuliny imer Cyd, the assistant to the General inspector, having thrown a nutritious plitochka to the house zverka taken in flight, spoke in a bass:
   - And what in it unusual? I know many other original and stranger civilizations. Hundred thousand more cycles back, I remember, there was a noise because of kovalin, ftorodyshashchy beings, a pier broke records on rates of scientific and technical development, all will be enslaved soon and overtaken. - Enormous zhidkometallichesky creation made three top extremities "sun" And what? They exterminated themselves, destroyed life on the planet.
   The plitochka thrown down unexpectedly was divided into many tens of parts in the form of hybrids of steering-wheels and hares, a chimpanzee and lemons, little squirrels and bananas, such here colourful edible toys. A sylph tonenko peeped and started singing, other small animals picked up:
   - As good to lie down on a grass and to knead something tasty. To arrange in a bath to repark and to call females of young people! To eat zdobnenky cheese cakes, and to play a bayan! Ah chocolate and honey of toys! You handed over the answer to five five!
   From boots of the Senior zorg wafer-thin handles were stretched, in by miracle there was a balalaika, nine-string in the form of a heptahedral asterisk, and senator said:
   - You are not absolutely exact. They, maybe, and not the most aggressive in the Universe, and the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere quite ordinary, though oxygen-helium more widespread. Their variety of cultures and religions is simply unique. For one planet and one look this quite extraordinary phenomenon. Though concrete information on the planet is also secret, what we know, is already enough. Extremely seldom there is such unique variety of races and cultures within one look limited by a small ball floating on an ellipse in vacuum. It is a lot of various countries, nations and people with strong national and religious feeling. And history of wars with the most various occasions! Religious conflicts! The trans-species, racial competition strikes! Where on other planet you will meet so many nations and religions moreover so fanatically convinced of the correctness?
   Yuliny winked at the headdress. A cap having divided into parts on number of pets began them to show according to the hologram the colourful, drawn animated films, and each animal different cinema. Thus representatives of inogalaktichesky fauna could eat and have a good time. But the Yuliny imer Cyd despite smiles in at once dozen on a stomach, answered with quite strict tone:
   - Gerifory-plutoniki too bisexual beings, only breathing gaseous plutonium. They almost exterminated themselves in wars. They believed in the exclusiveness too until they were sprayed on atoms by even more exclusive stelzana.
   Konoradson shook the continually though without spekh of the changing form-headed:
   - It not absolutely that. They had two-three states. And at people of Earth even during a space era the dissociation characteristic of only preindustrial planets reigned. They had no uniform religion and now it is absent too. A variety of cults strikes, and some of beliefs is unique are unique.
   Yuliny slightly came off in air, and his glove began to start up multidimensional projections, trying to entertain not only winged small fishes, but flying tomatoes with heads of an animation Mouse. Those giggled and squealed a little from delight, and it was talked by itself:
   - At stelzan the uniform and central religion was entered by their first emperor - the Roaring fire Great, the founder of a modern dynasty. It, of course, the uncommon personality which is very advancing the time the effective commander, a universal ingenuity in communication with the colleagues. Top of demagogy and seduction. They "pack of star dragons" seized total power and simulated new monotheism, having enslaved not only flesh, but also I smother.
   The senior senator, it seems, agreed, but far not completely, the Sylph as the cleverest peeped: "the corporal slavery conducts to loss of life, spiritual immortality", zorg long answered:
   - It is right, but they had very similar and, a religion generally dominating before. Their former views did not change an essence, having only slightly evolved and modelirovavshis according to the requirement of time. And all the rest was proclaimed devilish heresy. In particular, evolution is a destiny for defective races, and stelzana are made just like God Boga therefore they were given all infinite seven heaven including an incalculable set of the hyper Universes. At people of Earth not so. At them the same revelation is interpreted differently. Many people of Earth trusted, and still believe that receiving rescue and eternal life depends on one comma. One syllable decides where to you the eternity in infinite torments or pleasure in paradise is prepared. Three main religions broken into currents a set of beliefs combated on this tiny sphere more small. At people "three" is a magic number, as well as at us three-hollow though it, it seems, and not absolutely logically.
   Yuliny without special enthusiasm objected:
   - In many worlds this number is cult too. Three dimensions, three persons, three main states in usual vital conditions of primitive planets. Allocate also three main segments of the Universe - time, matter and space. The two-cavity is an unnatural mutation and ugliness. What did you find more attractive in religion of people of Earth?
   The senior senator rose in air on the chair height, winged animation tomatoes too, began to flow as as if caterpillars of garden and garden tractors, sparkling multi-colored as at fantastic butterflies wings. The voice of the metal aksakal, became even lower tone:
   - I know something about this planet. They have, in my opinion, the best early branch - the Buddhism in spite of the fact that this belief arose in dark centuries and she is full of a reasonable basis. From them the most progressive branch of Confucius. He correctly spoke: "If we did not learn to distinguish life as we can learn to understand death". Here Buddha's wisdom is hidden: "Do not do of me God, and be improved! Live in good and the world, cultivate in yourself will, save wisdom and knowledge because the knowledge is capable to give you immortality and happiness. Do not hope for gods. Each person has to cultivate in himself qualities of God". It was progressive, and all persons of no character and the underdeveloped worlds believed in supernatural forces that they protect them and can solve all problems. That is why many worlds so easily surrender to aggressors, taking them for angels. In ancient times people had wise individuals - Buda, Platon, Confucius.
   Konoradson made a pause, winged zolotopery small fishes and tomatoes butterflies began to catch the musical instruments extorted by gloves and headdresses of zorg. Then the flying menagerie began to strum several melodies at once. And music laid down in such a way that did not mix up at all, and was even harmonious. The senior senator noticed:
   - What they amusing in the eternal children's understanding of the world, but we will return to our conversation. Other concession - the youngest of the main religions, but also the most dynamic for the end of the twentieth the beginning of the twenty first century. To the moment of invasion of infernal army of Stelzanat. It is Islam that designates humility. Monotheism. The one God - Allah. One prophet - Mahomed. Devout affairs win paradise with fine guriya, and impious, that is, the others, go forever to hell, to eternal torment. In general the fear of death also created all these illusions. Individuals have fathers and do the father in the sky, they are afraid of death and invent immortal souls, hell and paradise.
   This time Yuliny did not begin to hide contempt in the tone:
   - Typically for other civilizations. Anything unusual. Stelzan have God Gospod and close idea about seven high-energy megauniverses where great soldiers and those who serve the emperor get. They seriously claim that they were given the power over all parallel worlds and the Universes. That only they, stelzana, are created just like the Almighty Creator of the Universe, and other types and races gemmated from slime or streams of hyper plasma. They at best have to be slaves or get under total destruction. Yes, any who has brains can doubt their religion.
   The senior senator admiring game of the orchestras flying in air, nodded:
   - Obviously the principal and uniform reason which created the hyper Universe cannot be neither is cruel, nor is unfair. All gods are created just like individuals. They are beings of the different worlds and attribute to the gods own traits of character. Anger, cruelty, willfulness, inconstancy, and also illogicality of acts. Many of them, in essence, pagans, and look at everything from force position. Awarding the gods with mighty muscles, but giving them the stupid brains.
   Yuliny replaced a bayan looking like a precious beads Sylphs, and the started-up harp, and the tonality of sounding became more melodious. In skilled Zorga there was an interesting thought and he hurried to share it with the colleague:
   - This right remark, the Misinformation, but here of what I thought. I heard your conversation with our younger colleague Bernard Patton. I have one thought. Perhaps, legends of Gods, it is supersupercivilizations with history in many kvintillion of years? And they still exists though externally almost do not prove. Though if to think prove hyper reason, we would notice it?
   - That is you do not think that the finish of any civilization a non-existence. - Asked slightly having flattened flexible as plasticine a body the Senior senator.
   From Yuliniya's boot several tiny power clots took off, to a raid they suddenly grew up, having turned elegant machines, such which usually like to play small, brisk kids. Well, and restrictedly reasonable animals right there snatched on presents and began to have a good time with passion of younger generation. Zveryata-inomiryane pressed on the simplest wheels of management of pads and turned on delightful extravagant machines. They reminded chaotic movement blowing the mind beauty of a coloring of balls in a lottery drum. The assistant to the Senior senator with great feeling said:
   - Of course, is not present - not existence in principle is impossible! Just successors of hyper civilizations, and I agree with the theory of stelzan, live in other megauniverses with higher power level and a large number of measurements. Perhaps even they so developed that are capable to create other worlds, the Universes, measurements. And our Universe is a shadow, a weak cloudlet in an infinite construction of a boundless makrokosm. It is possible that our Universe, in comparison with an incalculable set of other mirozdaniye, less romokol is infinite (fundamental nature of a particle, the tenth on degree, after a quark, and too not a limit according to the theory of "an infinite nested doll").
   Konoradson with affection looked at games of such darlings and amusing beings... Frolic carefree, naive, living in the whole universe with the kindest owners. The rights of the Sylph the cleverest of them, watched various movies and cycles its already eight hundred much (at zorg a cycle by one and a half times longer than terrestrial year!). So this beauty already knows a lot of things, is capable to play in a virtualka, quite difficult executions up to strategy. The subject touched only twice by younger, undoubtedly too the seen everyone and erudite colleague not too originally, but is of special interest as in it yet secret which is not solved even by wise zorga is hidden.
   - The thought that, reaching superlevel, supercivilizations moved to other hyper Universes was not the new theory and even created the new worlds and spheres, the most unusual and designs, inconceivable for us. Because here, in this unfledged Universe, it is necessary to give certain freedom to the worlds and individuals. There is a theory, as zorg can ripen and move in the hyper megauniverse where their opportunities will immeasurably grow, but to the former Universe there will be no business any more. - The senior for couple of seconds put six hands crosswise (A regret symbol about force majeure!) - She will continue to give rise to other civilizations, blood will flow and to dominate pain. Alas, gods are, as a rule, angry or indifferent. But Giperevolyution at all the ruthlessness the excellent mentor. But it is already so abstract conversation full of a pure fantasy that I suggest to postpone it. For now we better think of our younger brothers from the planet Earth.
   Yuliny judiciously answered:
   - I read out by method of telepathic scanning information on Hinduism and a rekarnation, on similar philosophies. Anything unusual. All this many times repeated on billions of other planets. To me already half a million cycles, and I saw too much. To people of Earth hardly to surprise us, it is difficult to find something new.
   Konoradson having sent the telepathic impulse which replaced design of machines with whom animals rode and had a good time continued:
   - Here not. There is one more strange and extraordinary concession. It is the main planetary religion of Earth. Christianity - the most mysterious and extraordinary religion in the Universe. It is mass religion which even before brutal aggression of fleet under Lira Velimara's command was practised by the most advanced and civilized state formations of this planet. This religion taught love even to enemies.
   The senior senator made a significant pause. A sylph flew up to it, she at the same time both rode and played, showed figures of a result of just passable mission. "A new record" the magnificent animal peeped. Konoradson threw it goodness knows where from the arisen dratsenny wine glass the ice cream decorated with flowers and berries. The Yuliny imer Cyd squoze the word.
   - Well, but also it is not new... In my opinion you too in many supporter of such doctrine.
   The senior senator this time more emotionally, than usually exclaimed:
   - And for it died! Without fear and a regret, went for the most cruel tortures.
   - Yuliny interrupted.
   - what is also not unique. There were enough fanatics everywhere and at all times.
   Misinformation pretended that did not notice tactlessness:
   - But there is one unique. Their creed - a cross!
   The first assistant to the Senior senator, parried in style of the professional tennis player:
   - The cross as the subject of worship, is strongly widespread among warm-blooded because from friction of two crossed sticks fire turns out!
   Konoradson replaced a speech tonality with quieter, perhaps, even insinuating:
   - No, they have this another... The cross is...
   The alarm signal cut through space, having broken off philosophical debate. Danger of type H-hundred! The starprobe vehicle is surrounded from all directions by thousands of the fighting ships of unknown opponents!
   - How system of the prevention? - Passionlessly the Senior senator asked.
   The captain a telepathic tongue twister blurted out:
   - We were already aware! We not just like that here were wrapped, undoubtedly primitively cooked up trap, but is not fleet of stelzan. These are fighting starprobe vehicles of sinkh and hundreds of other civilizations. This configuration of space submarines does not raise doubts. They are thousands, tens of thousands... They synchronously move from all directions. Such armada is in borders of the empire, but is far from external borders. For certain that stelzana at the same time with them. Then everything is explained by it.
   The senior senator quite reasonably doubted:
   - The fact that they managed to gather specially for the sake of us moreover for such short term is excluded. Here smells of change. To these guys, apparently, not to us.
   The captain of an inspection starprobe vehicle of Diamond Constellation, getting ready fighting systems, not without irony assumed:
   - But whether not to give them chance? Perhaps, they want to get our technologies or for the first time in the history to bring down at least one our starprobe vehicle. Count on number.
   - It is vain! Though the insignificant virus can overcome a gipermastodond, having bred to kvintillion. - Konoradson sent a teleimpulse to pets (do not panic we will not allow repetition of a shake-up!), those began to be turned as if rings of the boa trying to enter into a hypnotic trance.
   The captain Midel without the slightest shadow of nervousness said:
   - They fired a volley, rockets many thousands. We is still too far out of a zone of defeat of their luchemet.
   Winged small fishes and butterflies tomatoes began to show nervousness. All of them faced more often and jumped aside from each other as if gas molecules. But harm was not done, so the automatic system covered them with a protective cocoon. Besides, it was even pleasant to the flying small animals from collisions and they with enthusiasm plunged into this entertainment. A sylph as the cleverest provereshchala in a rhyme:
   Before you legion of enemies,
   Various creatures darkness big sets!
   But more troubles go from fools,
   Stupid councils, all pettiness!
   Konoradson landed on a floor and simply ordered:
   - Our force field will sustain all their most modern types of arms. Keep cool and scan, just in case, charges.
   In Yuliniya's hands there were three volsheblaster at once (the sacred weapon of zorg, other civilizations still unsuccessfully tried to create similar, but so far tried to obtain only particular successes. However, there were systems and with such name, but it is only the pathetic parody on a volsheblaster), the skilled inspector offered:
   - Everything as always will be made accurately, but can go to a hyper jump better.
   The senior senator in this case answered with the aksakal's reason:
   - No, let will understand all senselessness of the attack. Why to run away, give them a reason to burst with pride. Transtemporary protective fields maintain any attack.
   Bernard who took off from the next hall exclaimed:
   - And without excess pacifism!
   Thousands, tens of thousands of rockets and shells flew from all points of space. It seemed, the African bees were enraged and rushed all rack on the lonely traveler who disturbed their rest. The part of rockets had a system of homing, but a significant amount flew rectilinearly and is uncontrollable. Some rushed on a spiral or more difficult trajectories, being divided during flight, complicating use of counterrockets. The starprobe vehicle Zorgov as if was shrouded in a silvery and transparent cocoon, and bravely rushed towards to the opponent. The force protective field accepted and easily reflected blows. The most part of rockets could not even explode, the part was rejected, and the part blew up on outer side, having scattered by beautiful fireworks. Flashes of trillions of photoblitz and the reflected particles filled space. Several hundreds of rockets, having reflected or having flown by by, directed to the attacking star fleet. Luchemeta met them by plasma routes, but the part of rockets broke, taraniv and having overthrown fiery Gehenna spaceships inomiryan. There were so many starprobe vehicles that they hardly avoided collision, seeking to enter sector, achievable for effective laser fire. Part of the ships from among the largest, a class the battle ship and gross battleship, nevertheless fired a repeated volley. This time the loss and losses in view of rapprochement kosmoarmad were much more essential. Explosions and serious destructions even on large submarines followed. In one of space dreadnoughts of League of the worlds detonated a unit of fire... The hyper plasma sphere instantly inflated, razmetav on photons several boats of maintenance... At such density of defeat even strong fields did not give absolute protection. In rage starprobe vehicles opened mad fire with luchemet and plazmomet, but did not reach a zone of effective annihilation. Multi-colored beams, being crossed and being knocked down, threw up streams of particles, creating unique scale of a marvelous play of light. When splinters of starprobe vehicles got to plasma and even more pernicious hyper plasma streams, streams of giant fireworks flashed, being scattered by sparks on vacuum.
   - They ionize each other. These types lost control over reason, and now will not stop, d not razmenut themselves on photons yet. It is better to go to a hyper jump, - With a notable regret in juicy the bass player a voice the Senior senator said.
   Bernard it is quiet, with affected indifference answered:
   - No, let they will receive a strict lesson for edification of descendants, but if your high-grace wants, then we during any moment are ready to go to hyper space.
   The captain of a starprobe vehicle Gur an imer the Midship section was still too young, and at heart itself would wish to use the mighty weapon of a starprobe vehicle.
   On the person Dez of an imer there passed the wave similar to liquid steel.
   - How many lessons do not give them, to sense will not be! But to allow to ruin itself to these microorganisms, I will not become.
   The starprobe vehicle went to other hyper space, having suddenly been gone from screens. But several large-caliber megalasers managed to strike on its protective a trance-vremenomu I weed and, having reflected, to strike the closest starprobe vehicles of the coalition. When hundreds of various and half-civilized, morally, civilizations accumulate in one place, ready to break off the opponent who suddenly disappears, their most natural reaction to vent unrealized rage the friend on the friend. As pack of wolves, having missed a buffalo, they seized the drinks. One of the shooting starprobe vehicles leaders belonged to antikapersky service of sinkh, and the superbeam reflected by the laser cut a starprobe vehicle of the piracy emperor Hera Farizkhezharamala who strongly shot ahead. It was the ultramodern experimental weapon therefore the starprobe vehicle of the pirate burned down instantly in hyper plasma flash. Furious colleagues returned fire. Space vessels of star freebooters and mercenaries began to shoot at police and army starprobe vehicles. The impetuous bacchanalia and the terrible intergalactic meat grinder began.
   Races and types began to sort out the relations with each other, remembering all imaginable and inconceivable offenses. Starprobe vehicles blew up in hundreds and in thousands. First battle was conducted by separate groups, then two main were created - sinkh and two of their satellites, and hundreds of other civilizations joined together with mercenaries and corsairs.
   Many civilizations were dissatisfied with expansion of sinkh, their greed and insuperable thirst for a profit. Boundless bribability and love to money were included into the numerous proverbs and jokes clear without the translation to any life form. Remembered also that during active war of a sinkha on the quiet got and occupied many worlds.
   Both groups fought so furiously that the stop of fight could be only one - final destruction of one of the parties. Starprobe vehicles were literally knocked down with each other, ramming at a sublight speed. Sinkh were better armed and organized, as opposed to their opponents was more. Quantitative overweight compensated qualitative minus. To a zone of fight all new and new forces were tightened. Tens, hundreds of thousands of cars cut and melted each other. In fight rockets, torpedoes, vibrorockets, spherical fires, lasers, mazer, vacuum bombs, destabilizers of space, vortex bombs, slepogaza, crown plasma categories and luchemeta of various types were used. Here and there networks, metal spheres and clouds of objects, neutron radiation and other most exotic types of alien arms were used.
   Both parties as if were enraged. Pirates went on a ram, trying to board, despite sublight speed. In near fight qualitative superiority of "mosquito boxes" sharply decreased. Just as the karateka loses shock power in viscous fight. Here to a staz five giant gross battle ships having flared, it was scattered, and three more despite deadly risk, were boarded.
   Star corsairs, broke into compartments, filling in the opponent with heavy fire. Sinkh answered, trying to make ambushes and to break the opponent in parts. Robots took part in fights, many of them exploded, encumbering corridors.
   The leader of pirates Zherra Sinzha, broke to commander point and arranged ruthless dismantling.
   - That insects! Did not smell the burning vacuum, and the singing plasma, be so sated with it!
   The starprobe vehicle which lost control opened fire at the ships of Gold constellation.
   Couple the next cruisers it was scattered as glass under blow of a lomik. It seemed, to sinkha the end, they were restricted more and more, seeking to tire out with a stern to burning stars, without allowing to break off a distance.
   Other ataman of space pirates the eternal rival of Zherr Sinzha - Kass Fang a semi-fluid jellyfish crept in boyekostyum, the reminding rocket mini-cruiser.
   - Listen to me, reptiles! Maneuverability of arthropods fell! On a boarding!
   The space galleon cut a power flypaper, the self-made attracting field into full power. Several seconds the vessel of privateers flared an impenetrable aura. At a huge speed the corsair ship crashed into the flagman battle ship of Gold constellation, having moved apart a force field. Powerful lasers burned fat armor. Thousands of freebooters one throw rushed into the punched tears. Kass awfully hurried, in half-minute the overloaded reactors will jerk, and pirates have only one chance - to capture the battle ship or to die. Corsairs were cut and shot with rage of fateful. Not ready to near fight of a sinkha receded, covering with poisonous and grassy blood narrow corridors. One of auxiliary reactors of an enormous starprobe vehicle jerked... The Ftorodyshashchy pirate threw the minikvarkovy grenade into plasma. The galleon of freebooters also detonated, having strengthened destructive effect. The battle ship of Gold constellation began to be scattered on pieces as the house of cards which hanged in zero gravity.
   Zherra Sinzha an enormous ten-legged pangolin, creaked:
   - It was necessary to buy a starprobe vehicle is newer, at the same sinkh, but not to lower all production! Now the future will be for me!
   The corsair ships strengthened an impact, desperately pressing the outgrown camarilla. Suddenly the fight picture sharply changed. In the back there were starprobe vehicles of other huge squadron entirely consisting of sinkh. Ruthless beating of the diverse coalition began. In this union there were even worlds with the internal device strongly similar to feudalism, even on slaveholding and a primitive-communal formation. Other forms of government could not even pick up terrestrial analogs. Better the sinkh armed and being under uniform command intercepted an initiative and methodically began to evaporate the opponents. Tens of thousands of starprobe vehicles continued to blow up, in many splinters fighters of recently formed league continued to potter about. Zherra Sinzha quailed: its enormous boyekostyum already smoked from an overstrain.
   - We take up plasma friends! - The confused leader shouted. He tried to take away the captured battle ship of sinkh. Other space freebooters, having understood what waits for them, went for desperate break and, having lost the most part of the ships, dissipated in a boundless star chasm. Even the huge gross-likor of Zherr Sinzha however, was brought down (on it dozen of vessels of a similar class brought down blow), and hardly managed to jump out on the saving boat. At the same time he lost almost all the companions.
   - There is a lot of mobsters, and life one! - The pirate muttered. The part of fleet of sinkh made an unsuccessful attempt of prosecution. Other diverse armada was gradually destroyed, breaking up to separate splinters, thawing as thawed snow under the bright summer sun. Grandiose fight with a set of fires of color of emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds gradually died away, contracting to the focal resistance and focal prosecutions.
   The fleet of stelzan which is nearby not movably watched battle as if it was others territory.
   The captain of zorg attentively observed from the hyper scanner. It gave the chance to see well from hyper space.
   - Sometimes these creatures surpass itself in a shizoistika, but this battle - a marasmus masterpiece. Who and for what collected tribes of pseudo-reasonable? - Bernard made an inhaling of a tube with the category of hyper current (hyper current - much higher level of electricity at which streams of superelectrons move millions times quicker than light speed, and repeatedly stronger impulse, and move in a set of another dimensions), the powerful category gave a zorga of forces, it was overflowed by energy, and the surface of flesh began to shine as the boots polished by shoe-polish.
   The senior senator, having thrown out picturesque beads from two forefingers, animals of all colors began to catch strange gifts. It was heard peep and ringing shouts. Only the Sylph zastyv on the place, its flying machine froze up as if UFO, and an animal being polymorphic, changed a form having become by sight as a platform sole of times of VMV. Moreover peeped: "Big war is about to happen! I see over the Universe whirlwinds of furious attacks again!". Konoradson having made by her a sign supposedly all will be excellent, serious and judicious spoke:
   - Obviously, it plot consequences against the Purple crown! Or, maybe, they prepare joint universal war? It is quite possible that even against our race! There is a lot of options, and we are obliged to inform the Supreme Supreme political council. And still, though the transtemporary field is not vulnerable for their types of arms, it is necessary to consider, as if these bisexual did not construct some essentially new weapon. We should be vigilant and, it is desirable, to have couple of fighting starprobe vehicles for secure. Send inquiry to the Commonwealth of free galaxies. For now we continue a way to Earth. Here, generally x-ray and scale the radiating stars therefore it is better to enter densely populated regions of a megagalaxy quicker. And it is even better, in that galaxy where there is our destination. It is necessary to hurry, intergalactic war did not burst yet!
   - Is, your high-grace! - Chorus other zorg barked.
   Invisible to an eye, but with enormous emission of energy flash - and the starprobe vehicle instantly moved in space.
   Chapter 19
   Others planet... Others earth...
   And what, the person, you forgot in this world?
   From this hell so just it is impossible
   Sweep out litter as if in the apartment!
   But if the reason is given you also a pressure,
   You will not be afraid of monsters,
   Take the striking axe in plasma hand,
   That safely with the enemy to be counted!
   In the head something flashed as if flashes of sparks blew up. On a breast big weight, appear, pressed that the body is deeply. The lion moved, then, having sharply collected all forces, jumped and opened eyes. Also it was not necessary to do it...
   He was buried under a thick layer of mix of sand and the remains of a starprobe vehicle. In eyes the flame blazed, and Eraskander was again disconnected...
   The young man recovered through a couple of hours. He with great difficulty managed to get out from under fragments.
   - Nothing to itself zapulsarit!
   The boy did not refrain from the human surprise expressed in shape taken at stelzan. The landscape indeed reminded nonsense of the patient with schizophrenia.
   The jungle with a surface from rectangular figures of moving sand, vegetation red-violet, the sun huge green, and the sky, on the contrary, yellow. Atmosphere, obviously, oxygen-helium. Was very hot. The star despite the enormous sizes, is not brighter than the terrestrial moon (her Eraskander saw in underground a cinema hall and few times during preventive repair of light reflectors).
   Their starprobe vehicle crashed into quite high mountain. From it quite there could be a quite good review though trees are so huge that on their background even baobabs seemed dwarfish plants. Strange, the planet is quite suitable for life and where then humanoids or their cities? Everywhere desert wild landscape and trees more than a kilometer high, moving barkhans of sand, plants of kristalloobrazny forms. Krone at trees dense, with lianas, with the huge flowers and specularly brilliant leaves suitable for start of fighters. One of enormous plants vividly sparkled, having moved with a multilayered octagonal flower on which leaves all multi-iridescent palette rushed. And it is very strange! Absolute silence, silence heavy, ominous. Neither birds, nor animals, nor insects.
   Eraskander was stirred up:
   - That is most subject to influence of the environment, at whom seven Fridays during a week!
   There will be enough philosophy it is time to work! The main thing now to find the weapon, boyekostyum literally collapsed from blow though probably it and saved to it life. The starprobe vehicle partially escaped, there has to be a weapon and, perhaps, living workmates. Flying in a starprobe vehicle could not move away strongly far from planetary system of the capital of a galaxy therefore to send a signal or a graviagramma it is possible. If the course of a starprobe vehicle was zapelengovan, then military experts easily will understand that it was the hostile kapersky ship, and then life of the fugitive boy will be ended in terrible torments. However, on it there was a slave collar, but it is possible to invent a story with violent stealing.... But whether here will believe in it whether or will even want to spend time for analysis of a fate of the insignificant slave person. And still he knows about plot, it is essential, but what's the use - will squeeze out accurate information of it, and then liquidate. Who needs the excess witness moreover the person. The situation was very difficult as it is accepted to speak at people: without bottle not to understand. The impressive part of a starprobe vehicle still smokes, streams for some reason cause association with Aladdin's lamp.
   - Here to find to me magic gin! - Eraskander told. - Otherwise the friend should remember the fairy tale: about Robinson Crusoe. Only the island too big as the emperor's ambitions is also hot as if lips Vener.
   The lion resolutely entered into the damaged part of the ship. Everything is destroyed melted off. Melted threw, plastic, a terrible stench, it is full of the corpses charred as stubs. A metal floor is still very hot and burns barefoot, hairless, with clean skin and equal as at the child fingers, but strong, a beautiful cut of provolok-sinews of a leg of the boy slave. It is necessary to jump up to pick up the scattered weapon. Yes, it is necessary to find ammunition. Transmitters in a type of their importance were supplied with special stabilizers and had the strengthened sheeting therefore there was a chance that especially important equipment in fighting conditions managed to escape.
   Eraskander, in due time, well studied instructions therefore easily developed a box with buttons and began to gather a code.
   Here the voice on mix of a kosmolinga and language of stelzan provereshchat threat:
   - Raise extremities, a reptile!
   Type with a round body, in a space suit, that leader of nayemnichy pack directed to Lev four hands from luchemeta, and held one more a partition, the sixth hand was killed, hanging a weak-willed lash. The space suit, apparently, accurately froze it.
   - Lay down arms, you, the stelzanovsky bastard, a nedorostok! And now turn and depart from the transmitter.
   The young man departed, carefully going on hot sand, askance glancing at this spider whose eyes, surprisingly big and wide, settled down on each side. Possibly, he, as well as an insect, sees multilevel pictures. It not sinkh, but too foul creature, most likely "ftorik". Sinkh much more harmonous and breathe the oxygen-helium atmosphere, and in the nitrogenous environment they without devices die of lacunar defeat. And these types live and enter a metabolism on fluorine. They are lonely and hostile. Fluorine - an element extremely rare and aggressive therefore to similar subjects it is necessary to go on the vast majority of planets in strong space suits.
   The spider gathered something, then stridently and at the same time creakingly provereshchat in the language.
   Eraskander decided that it will be better to disconnect him. Having hooked a leg a splinter, not paying attention to strong burning of the heated metal, the boy started it in the head, and hands threw two flat daggers charkas which stuck to brushes, wet from sweat (ftorik did not notice them). The enemy reacted as the cine cowboy, but to the young man having promptly jumped aside, it was succeeded to avoid defeat by beams. The opponent partially beat off attack, but the sharpest chakra got to soldering of a space suit, having damaged a surface. Beams of the strengthened blasters evaporated a partition, having punched huge holes in a covering. Having made a somersault, Lev started a heavy piece of metal from a floor, having picked up one of luchemet at the same time. Shooting on the run, young terminator managed to destroy all five healthy extremities and even, just in case, the broken sixth paw. The opponent nevertheless managed to burn slightly on a tangent skin. Has to be, a space suit at damage itself, povinuyas to the saving program cut the injured extremities, providing tightness. Fluorine, following from holes, literally smoked in the atmosphere, entering exothermic reaction with oxygen. There is a lot of it, and pressure twice bigger than terrestrial.
   The lion terribly cried out, trying to imitate hails of officers of Purple constellation.
   - Also do not think, chlenistonogiya to move, but not that the head will scatter!
   The spider in a space suit goggled.
   - I only called the friends on a dirfokoda. Do not dare to touch me, otherwise they desintegrate you.
   The lion slightly became puzzled. Thought, it seems, sensible, it is only doubtful that he managed to transfer exact coordinates of sector and the planet in such short message and even if kept up with a tail of a prompt comet time, then after such fight hardly his accomplices will want to look for this planet.
   - You though itself know where we are? - The lion terribly shifted eyebrows, and played the pointed biceps of the right hand.
   - They know, zapelengut and will find. And on you will try experimental tools of tortures - the fluoric creature Spoke maliciously.
   - Yes, like hell, you are necessary to them! - The young man twisted fingers at a temple. - Ballast on a bottom, to the captain all the same!
   Arthropod a being distorted an attractive face in a grimace:
   - In vain, on this starprobe vehicle there is something interesting to all of us, and sinkh know it.
   - What at you? - Asking a question the Lion at the same time examined the room, reasonably believing what at wild Egyptian vultures of space will be what profit.
   - Silly stelzan, you are still so small! - Condescension in tone of "ftorik" looked obviously false.
   The young man mechanically rose on toes and straightened to himself already rather big, athletic shoulders. Prognusavil artificial bass:
   - I am rather big to kill you! You will lose life! And extremities is a trifle, it is possible to regenerate or implant them the cloned parts of a body.
   Inomiryanin began to use cunning:
   - If you kill me, at all you learn nothing. And if you well behave, guarantee the boy corporal existence.
   - Not to you, an insect to dictate to me the terms!
   Having already outright become angry, Lev in anger jumped up to the opponent, being going to punch the muzzle which is looking like an aspen. It should not have done it. The surprise - the electrothread with the category paralyzing the opponent shooting without extremities was hidden in a belly of arachnoid. Having taken off with a speed close to light, the cybernetic cobra punched the young man through.
   - You are prostrate, a pathetic primacy! Now you mine!
   Cramped muscles a wild spasm, but the boy tempered by life did not faint. Action of the category was similar to defeat the most ancient poison of a curare.
   The spider the head managed to transfer the transmitter to sound management, having an opportunity to give teams by voice.
   - Now you will be taken to pieces, brutally tortured, and you will ask about fast death!
   The spider stood and nestled on a partition. To it it was very heavy too, and it fell into a light slumber.
   Time went... Before a mind's eye of Eraskander memoirs rushed. Here he is still a beginner by miracle escaped from underground mines, carries out the first sparring. The sensei, whose real name secret, but among themselves it still is called Yoda, on one of favourite guerrilla underground the movie. The guru smiles, teeth healthy, large, white, and an eye it is never visible. In any case never Eraskander saw the top part of the face, this wizard. And the Sensei is not so kind at all as some consider before accepting in an intimate circle of adherents, tests the runaway boy slave for durability. The lion endures strong nervousness, the first opponent is much more senior and is twice larger, and this adherent passed the excellent, not knowing indulgences school of martial arts. Here it shaven-headed, narrow-eyed with enviable muscles under black skin, and a belt, red with the white ornament, making all clothes of the novice monk. Eraskander always easily won also against peers, did not give in to children is more senior. Fighters of younger group in one white belts, without coming off look at them and conclude a bet. Among them the hearing went that Lev filled up a stelzan, and therefore despite growth and age the Star boy the favourite is small.
   But an ogolets did not expect last hell from the person of such speed, at once passed prompt and strong blow in a chin, teeth clanked, but the consciousness was not disconnected, on the contrary Lev reflex punched a leg on a meeting, having hooked on a knee.
   Though the opponent professionally did not hold gravity on a forward extremity, the biting answer felt having reeled. The boy slave was overflowed by rage and he rushed on the vis-a-vis. That tried to catch the layman, but Lev without paying attention to pain in a cheekbone, loaded to the youth novice with a shin in a liver. That sighs, because of a mouth blood clots take off, the finishing blow, in the head falls and follows. The jaw bursts as if millet from the torn bag the beaten-out teeth pour. Other novices gasp, is prostrate the boy of which also the teenager to call early one of the strongest fighters from among pupils. The horn - the end of fight sounds. But Eraskander on a platoon, it and struck further a series of blows while skeleton of the opponent was not scattered in bloody flour. The invisible hand rejects it and the voice of the Sensei sounds; the exceptional case of "Iodine" is emotional:
   - The Young lion is enough. You are able to fight, operate a body, but learn to rule also over emotions! Do not do by the ally anger, do not derive strength from hatred. Because God is love! The evil is more aggressive, but is incomparable more weakly than good!
   The lion did not believe:
   - It still why! Unless dictatorship of stelzan does not testify to the return?
   The sensei logically answered:
   - No! Confirms force of creation, the fact that the Universe literally teems with intelligent life. The life-giving beginning means dominates in all mirozdaniye!
   There was a scorching all body pain, of course flour, but spoke about gradual easing of paralysis. What now to do?. The boy tried to remember words of the great guru. Yes, the guru and the Sensei owned magic force, were able to move mentally objects, influencing matter. This ability would be useful also to it, but nobody learned its receptions of the highest spiritual power, referring to early age. And can from the very beginning Lev seemed to it too aggressive, perfectly mastering the most difficult methods of single combat, but not too diligent at all the abilities in knowledge of philosophy - enlightenments!
   The spider recovered meanwhile. It over and over again gathered a code, sending graviovolna to air.
   Unexpected howl, and knock was interrupted by actions of a spider. Sounds were loud and strange. Knock, some howl, a gnash enormous bones on metal. Temperature began to increase, and the gnash amplified. The spider desperately screeched. At this moment one of the blood-stained pirates managed to recover and rise. It is visible, it was breed with the increased survivability and phenomenal regeneration. The spider ordered.
   - Hold on a sight of a primacy!
   Then he rushed to an exit and again jumped back.
   - It seems that to us end! Relieve it of torments! No, wait...
   Hairy as a grizzly bear, with the head of a crocodile, the star corsair got a huge hatchet and, having accepted a rack, brought a knife over Eraskander.
   - Compartments at first hands, and then that body which is valued most of all by silly stelzana!
   What mechanism worked here, it is unknown, only the young man felt unknown feeling. It seemed to it that it is capable to hold a lethal weapon not hands, and all over. The pirate became puzzled as the enormous hatchet shaped from an arkhikalestka (material is eighteen times firmer than diamond) stood in air as if zastyv in liquid metal. In despair the mercenary grabbed a knife with two hands and very much pressed on a handle. The lion felt all rage of the pirate and, at the same time, the force. Having sharply changed a tilt angle, he passed the opponent's blade forward, having taken a deceptive detour, and the edge chopped the enemy. Having divided into two halves, the ugly monster failed on a floor. Eraskander felt the greatest rise.
   "It turned out!"
   The lion understood that he can own phenomenal spiritual power.
   Paralysis disappeared, and it easily cut the opponent, and luchemt under the influence of only one his thought itself it appeared in his hands.
   The Ftorodyshashchy insect screeched:
   - Do not shoot! To you the primacy is no place to disappear! My friends will arrive here soon! Damned stelzan!.
   The beam of the blaster interrupted its shouts, having cut a spider a cranium. Air indoors smoked, turning into a suffocating oxide of fluorine. The lion hurried to jump out of the compartment which turned into a gas chamber.
   Outside strange howls reached.
   On the street the wild chaos, similar to invasion of demons from an underworld reigned. Around creatures, huge, similar to dragons tyrannosaurs, teemed. But a terrestrial reptile, to them still, oh how far, these were growth in several hundreds of meters. Except them also insects with snouts, kaknbsp violently rushed; buckets of excavators, spotty multi-color snakes of half a kilometer with fiery breath. In air huge butterflies, obviously, not chitinous structure flitted. Fortunately, to these monsters it is obvious not to the crumpled metal fragment. Wings of butterflies were poured and is dazzling sparkled on the sun. The star became much brighter, and its beams cauterized naked swarty bronze skin of the young man. The lion, despite gripes in eyes, nevertheless managed to pay attention that stars there were two. Perhaps, dramatic changes in environment were also explained by it. The new star of a ball is three times more than diameter, than the terrestrial sun, was also thrown up dreadfully by intensive emerald light. Air temperature passed far for one hundred degrees, when falling on sweat droplet soil threateningly hissed. Possibly, these creatures with the advent of the second star creep out of vaults.
   Eraskander observed a show, unprecedented for the person. Giant creatures got out directly of soil, coming up, lifting a wave of green-violet sand, breaking off the soil. Perhaps, the sun on Mercury so shines. It is possible that this star will become just about even brighter. It is good that green light softens attack to organs of vision. The lion became puzzled: in such situation it, as if in a trap. One hope for "deliverers" who can easily become executioners.
   Temperature continued to rise, inflicting suffering...
   The strong boy, being dripping with sweat, ran back to the room. There the suffocating smoke of fluorine oxide continued to curl. The made a hole corpse rolled on a floor. It is better to get rid of it, having written off, if something happens, on external creatures.
   Eraskander quickly buried a corpse in sand, and at this moment it was noticed by one of exotic monsters. From its huge mouth reminding a cave the flame fountain blazed. Having made a jump, decent for such gravitation, Lev left a zone of a fiery shaft. Then a turn and a threefold somersault with leaving from under a stream of fire which is started up by a monster after. Fire burned down very strongly, melting sand. Having developed, the young man fired on the enemy from a luchemet directly on an oskalenny muzzle. The laser beam partially cut a predatory mouth of the opponent. The animal jumped up, having dashed away up. Though luchemt and cut protivn6ika on a maximum, the cut flesh of an animal right there grew together as if it was made of the magnetized liquid metal.
   Air temperature already came to two hundred degrees, and monsters became more active. The lion dropped in in a starprobe vehicle in search of more powerful and effective weapon. Bare feet of the boy danced on the frying pan which was so heated as if under it the volcano was thrown up. In calloused, sweaty hands got to a gravioruzhya with a plasma charge. The bulky weapon, but destructive power it is enormous, plasma charges blow up as a bomb. Through a sight the red self-directed spot is visible. A shot - plasma precisely struck in an oskalenny muzzle, the most powerful explosion, dazzling flash, as from a small hydrogen bomb followed. Sprayed an animal on quarks. In passion the young man began to scorch on other giant monsters. What for? it is simple, was too hot, and the brain could not suppress aggression. Huge monsters flashed and exploded, their remains fell on a planet surface, spreading mercury balls. The Gravioplazmenny weapon shot as a machine gun. The most part of monsters fell under categories.
   But then something unreasonable began to be created...
   Small balls directly in the eyes began to roll down in pieces from which giant monsters, like two peas in the pod similar to the former appearances, only even more frightening look were created again. Huge butterflies flew up in the atmosphere, a scolding wings a hot wave again. What would not be stupid or strange these beings, but all of them understood from where there is a firing therefore directed on storm of the crumpled case. Charges from the gravioplazmenny gun constrained monsters for some time, but everything has a limit. And categories came to an end.
   The raging creatures laid over the fighter from all directions
   Around furious grins, wild Squeals, the madman howl, including in the ultra-range tormenting ears. The most awful, is streams of the throwing-up fire which flooded all space. It was necessary to hide in the ship case again. It is simply amazing that did not burn the guy alive. But it is visible this day its forces found inhuman firmness. Creatures had phenomenal force too. They tore the heavy-duty case of a starprobe vehicle, its armor covering as a cardboard box.
   Air temperature already read off scale for three hundred degrees. Flesh began to char, and everything began to perceive consciousness in a faltering and screen look. Oskalenny mouths... The atmosphere oversaturated by oxygen... The ordinary person would already die long ago of all this. The lion was just lucky that suddenly open abilities supported life and consciousness in the exhausted body. The young man felt ill at ease. Seeing the heated mouths which are throwing up a flame, at the boy thoughts of death - mysteriously and extraordinary bright flashed.
   - I do not want to die! Only surviving, I will be able to help mankind! - Eraskander shouted and choked with the burning air wave. In language the blisters easy were blown up the spasm squeezed.
   Death... What behind it? He for the first time thought of it when he was tormented in the cellar of the Ministry of love and the truth, but then it was too small. The religion of stelzan learns that after death the individual born by the soldier of Purple constellation moves and revives in other Universe. There it continues to be at war and serve the empire, his personality and are held in remembrance, and other types after death become slaves to the empire. Precisely the young man did not remember and was not so strongly familiar with their culture. And where to be to it, he is a person? Probably, the slave, so always under a yoke.
   However it is children's nonsense, in everything to rely on stelzan! Perhaps people, especially Christians are right...
   The last partitions fall, heat, like a wild animal, devours flesh. Here it is hell where each particle of a body flares and suffers. And nevertheless the wise doctrine, and the word of belief at people of Earth, though is deprived also an insignificant share of appeal.
   Already out of the corner of the eye Lev saw how the sky darkens, and from air white and blue balls which, falling down, blow up and burst pour. In the head the sound of bells began to sound... Then the heated iron pierced in a body, having shipped space in a pitch gloom of radiantly dazzling flame...
   Chapter 20
   Mean, cruel chastener
   Zealously serves the empire!
   And in practice the traitor -
   Low and pathetic servant!
   In other point of a boundless space, on far Earth, the last preparations for visit of the inspector came to the end. By hearsay, before arrival of a starprobe vehicle there were few days. Shook labor and the colonial device as if fatally sick in fever.
   Arrived to the planet (and it became sensation) samolichno: state councilor of the nineteenth class, curator of sector, deputy hyper governor and galactic hyper governor of the twentieth class. These advisers were higher on Fagiram Sham's rank. Therefore they were met as distinguished guests as rehearsing visit of the Senior senator from incomprehensibly ancient though perhaps the civilization begetting stagnation.
   It seemed that all planet was washed a supercleaner. Everything literally sparkled and sparkled on eternally shining sun. At night Earth was lit by mirrors from a thin mirror giberfan. It seemed that the sun does not set at all. Many of people forgot how the star sky looks. The covering of roads was replaced, having filled in a surface with a heavy-duty varnish, and the landscape was even tinted luminescent paint, leveled and oiled trees. Even along country roads broke beds, and near them - fountains. Everything was huge by the sizes, marvelous forms and coloring. Stelzana, as butterflies, loved all bright and big. Enormous flowers beautifully looked together with assemblies of sculptures. They sparkled emeralds, reddened rubies, blue sapphires, were gilded more brightly than the most pure gold.
   Podkhalimny attendants of a superimperiya overdid, having smoothed and having decorated the planet to improbability.
   Airfield where the distinguished guest had to land, sent carpets, magnificent so - long legs drown knee-deep, and fabric and drawings that not in the fairy tale to tell, a feather to describe, too was too. Such privilege on etiquette only the hyper governor and officials a class is worthy is higher. Fagiram tried not for nothing. In addition it allowed to write off the multi-billion stolen sums.
   The ultramarshal Eroros supervising recovery work first objected. But hints on a lack of eagerness and on financial frauds brought down from it speed. It had the enormous income from underground trade in human skin, bones and other parts of a body too. Especially large sums paid sinkh, it is possible because human skin is so similar to a similar cover of stelzan. It was possible to invent before a female that removed her from the most furious look in the Universe.
   At once from two departments "Wars and victories" and "Love and justice" arrived the directives strengthening the power of the governor and broadening him powers, having finally confused a situation.
   Formally the ultramarshal Eroros submitted to Department of protection of a throne in spite of the fact that Earth was dreadfully far from the mother country. Because of what there were legal collisions and duplication of functions.
   But that it was necessary to carry out festive parade on the occasion of arrival of distinguished guests consensus will reach quickly enough, though did not do without squabbles. Fagiram it is boastful declared:
   - At us, than to make impression on distinguished guests! Parade will be worthy...
   Trinity and really appeared on an enormous starprobe vehicle, terrifying in a form as if a double killer whale with the heads of sharp daggers. The truth it became clear at the last minute that the hyper governor and his charming assistant, postponed visit because of urgent matters in other part of a galaxy. For that with the adviser there arrived two of his secretaries. Tall females in the purple leather suits ornated by silvery and ruby thorns with frightening drawing...
   Together the adviser they with a roar went in air, moving on an invisible eye to a ladder. The adviser was athletically difficult, but in difference from other stelzan, very much massiven. His muscles were hypertrophied as if a caricature from the magazine of the body builder. The space suit at the grandee is transparent to a waist, probably the large rank wanted to make demonstration of muscles impression on natives.
   And on a special air path there took place parade. The first single fighters of shock fleet flew. The most mass model in the form of predatory translucent with the proceeding thin barrels of radiators of a slope, further a design as if a hawk with arrow-shaped wings. Behind them two and triple cars, too similar design, but are larger.
   But more exotically the tanks soaring over a surface looked. They were similar to similar terrestrial cars of the beginning of the twenty first century, but only even more flattened with spark fins on boards. Naturally flying as all fighting designs of Stelzanat were adapted there are military operations in various planes.
   Tanks nevertheless differed a little both by the size and on design. Broke a set also of arms, including also the latest assault hyper laser guns.
   The equipment flew by air as if some of very long boas. Large cars soared a separate column trying to approach on types, smaller around them, flying around so even it seemed that man-made, mechanical plants bindweeds braid thicker, but also moving trunks.
   Peculiar also graviotsikla looked, on them stelzana executed aerobatic maneuvres, moving, back to front, showing to a trajectory raid in the form of polygons, or even more difficult figures. Soon and other cars also joined this "round dance". In particular the assault boats which are looking like curved as a wing of a seagull a bucket of the excavator, only instead of teeths the trunks of various tools bearing annihilation. Killing devices bedash under a terrestrial camouflage and changing a coloring in the automatic mode that even more strengthened impression at natives. Despite external awkwardness, these powerful cars in flight carried out maneuvers "accordion", "fan", and then their movements became unpredictable also at all prompt as if balls in thrown by jugglers virtuosos.
   There were also enormous walking robots here... In a type of low fighting efficiency, it consisted on arms of army of Great Stelzanat, but showed them in qualities of the captured weapon captured at others, the civilizations broken by Purple Constellation.
   Cybernetic monsters up to one and a half kilometers high impress, it seems even cling legenky cumulus clouds. By sight the walking robot - a typical tick with launchers, from his paws shudders the earth. Jump up stones... Trees are shaken as if fibers in a brush, and flowers on branches tinkle heavy, bronze hand bells...
   Here diskoleta, are rich on classification too, and move differently rushing sideways, turning in air a spinning top. In air also launchers of tiny rockets soar... By sight they as trays in the form of fish, and from a back, continually jump out, and then needles of rockets hide.
   On this background the marching native infantrymen look almost miserable. The truth to them sewed an elegant form, the varnished boots and sparkle on the sun. Soldiers are strong, harmonous, young. Ahead already absolutely still boys drummers and trumpeters. They in shorts, in the animals embroidered in the form of pictures golfs and the sandalika only made at factories, too with brilliant, glossy skin. Shirts white as tow, but across seven-color strip of a flag of Purple Constellation.
   Boys are very proud of the dress, and especially caps with the peaks, headdresses which covered the hair which burned out on the sun. They now in clothes as misters, and others native a patsanyata - the bare-bellied bosota strong envies them. Though it is for want of habit not so comfortable in a ceremonial dress as it was stark naked and barefoot, jumping the tempered soles on hot prickly pebbles or genetically modified grass tickling patches soft.
   Women's police even more elegant as if native little girls gathered for a ball. The majority of them preferred to clarify skin, to light bronze, and that they are styles even more nice. Especially as black skin, is not harmonious for Slavic or Aryan features, with blue, emerald eyes, mainly snow-white or golden hair.
   Girls from native troops, gave strange shoes on high heels, but mid-flight the step turned into elementary flour. Therefore the footwear was slightly modified, and the heel changed the sizes, facilitating a step, and fabric that touched skin was soft, supporting comfortable temperature balance.
   The infantry Stelzanov of course flew, their form, to a certain intensity allowed to hold various striking influences. Even the direct hit of the cruise "Tomahawk" missile could stir up the similar easy occupational fighter at best only slightly.
   Cavalrymen appeared the most interesting participants of parade. Not on horses of course: myriapods-lifikaki, something ford of a hybrid of a caterpillar and camel. Very fast, the racing car will be overtaken. Equestrians and equestrians with flags, the weapon including cold.
   But here and on horses there are troops... These racers very beautiful, too genetically improved, and on them the horsewomen decorated with ribbons and flowers. Suits as ancient Russian princesses on hunting, some girls and in shubeyka from magnificent bellows. Even faces sweated from sweat, but amazons do not complain though temperature as on the equator at midday, and they in such vestments, as for Siberia the distant twentieth century in the depth of winter warmly.
   The large trained bears painted under all colors of a rainbow walk on two paws a system and almost precisely in a leg. At the same time play various musical instruments: balalaikas, contrabasses, drums, a violoncello, and even on violins. And it is very harmonious... Boys and girls from among servants rush flashing jumping sneakers, throw to them delicacies and serve drinks. Especially greedy bears smokat the vodka prepared according to Old Russian recipes. Children have no sneaker simple, they neutralize the most part of gravity allowing to jump up highly, and even for several seconds to hang in air.
   Various numbers and other animals, as from among traditional for the planet Earth of forms of fauna, and from other exotic worlds show. Here for example what is costed by an animal with tiled armor and flying by means of the operated gravitation and richly painted wings only correcting flight...
   Parade was worthy and the State councilor Plut Kidala with an obvious reluctance nevertheless was forced to approve:
   - Is what to look at! It is not the most vacuum hole in the Universe...
   The hall of a meeting was crowded. There numerous officials from the different ends of a galaxy gathered. On them richly decorated uniforms, in hands shiver luchemeta of various designs. Healthy, massive, with ready to tear a form muscles, males and females with furious views of scorpions in a human appearance, approvingly screamed, and quite properly clapped.
   The state councilor made the speech. He spoke with pathos, inflating, on the contrary slightly blowing off a breast:
   - On us responsibility to the power lies. To us, frankly speaking, to spit on this monster Konoradson's Misinformation. The main thing, any secret should not leave this planet. It is clear to you what I mean? There are claims to local government. On all, I emphasize, on all planets leaders of insurgentov-insurgents are known and destroyed or long ago work under a cap of intelligence agencies. And here the main leader of terrorists of Ermines and the Prince star (whose personality is not even identified!) still are not found. It is a shame on all galaxy! The leader is known by all planet, but about him the Security service does not know. And it at the strengthened local garrison whose arms we just contemplated, at a mighty espionage network, enormous army of cover. Our one satellites from a distant orbit are capable to fix all area of the planet at once, seeing the slightest details, up to a microbe.
   Stelzana listened silently, at some eyes nervously ran, being afraid to be hooked by a look for the high, decorated with statues graceful, but at the same time and terrible unearthly a type of animals tribune. The adviser spoke despite all pathos quiet tone, but suddenly exploded bear roar:
   - Shame! I will not suffer it! I give three days on search and capture of the villain, leader of microbes! I hand to Samolichno an award for his head! In case of a failure of all I will destroy, I annihilate, I will spray on preona!
   From all scope the strapper thrust a pood paw on a tribune. The glass turned from an integral emerald from vigorody jumped up and, having fallen sideways, spilled on a uniform of the dignitary of the nineteenth class.
   - Well, and trick! - discontentedly muttered Eroros. - Ranks of such caliber do not act usually this way! The endurance strong, best of all constrains passion of powerless rage of the enemy!
   The adviser Kidala, continued to nadsazhivatsya:
   - Primacies with excrements in a head, you think that it is not a shame when blow up the central palace in the center of the colonial capital. Any of these monkeys should not approach and is close to the residence. Where the security scanners fixing presence of minikvarkovy charges, a prosvetka by protective fields of all natives sticking in especially protected or just important objects. In a metallmeduza there will be a hyper plasma annihilation to you, for such negligence, and death of individuals of the highest race in the Universe!
   And most it was a shame to Eroros. Yes technical capabilities of such enormous empire, allowed more abruptly than any X-ray, to highlight time of a body of workers on the enormous square having excluded an opportunity to incur to the palace, even a poppy kernel in tooth, but... Fagiram tired out in the black market, the most part of scarce details of hyper scanners, as a result those almost saw nothing. The governor haughty declared that the elementary prosvetka suffices, all the same these savages are too primitive, for high-tech blasting gifts. And it appeared there are no all is trivial; saboteurs carried by a thermodetonator in a stomach... Too the latest development for terrorists when the polymorphic subject easily creeps to the saboteur is inside and also quickly taken... A modern thing, hardly it could in the handicraft way to make guerrillas, as well as mini-termokvarkovykh a charge. Means or the black market - mafia is immortal, or even sinkh and others tried, having supplied people of Earth to weaken the main competitor.
   Was heard shrill as squeal of the mother-in-law scalded in boiled water the trill is ringing...
   - What else?! - Wildly the adviser bellowed.
   - The important message from the hyper ultramarshal. - Declared a deep voice the robot, security with fifteen guns.
   The secretary having aggressively shaken to the hall a fist loudly exclaimed:
   - Be not under a delusion, to you not to avoid conclusions!
   - I will give the answer now! - Threw, crumbed an emerald cup in the wide paw. - But you are waited by pulsarny washout!
   High, but a little thickish type turned and began hysterically to shout something in the translucent device given the robot. Stelzanovets-sanovnik growled and howled. It was similar to squeal of a pig. Then he victoriously looked on people around - its look expressed wild pleasure.
   - This mercury slug Dez to us does not go, he is more faithful it is detained. He will long sit until there are trials. Ha-ha-ha!
   It lifted up fat as two logs, hands, having crossed a cross on a cross. It was the sign designating a victory or "Victoria" in Purple constellation.
   - Now the planet can be evaporated, destroyed and burned. The limiter is broken and all is allowed!
   Eroros did not sustain:
   - It is our planet, and it is protected by the personal order of the emperor. And here in questions of extraordinary measures I am an owner. And only the emperor can give the order on destruction of Earth!
   - Arrest the ultramarshal Eroros! Arrest this ordinary penalized person, without hesitating! - Threw without restraint began to patter heels on a floor.
   The ultramarshal grabbed the ultrablaster. The governor Fagiram carelessly nodded to protection, the pier is quieter and itself said insinuating tone:
   - It is possible and arrest, but the ultramarshal has the right to degrade only the head of Department of protection of a throne. And the planet really cannot be destroyed without sanction of the emperor. All of us know well that the emperor does not love when violate his instructions.
   It was possible to think that the governor of the local planet is more authoritative than the galactic hyper governor, but furious squeal stopped.
   - It is visible, I too got excited. So far we will not destroy the planet. And this Eros under arrest!
   - Your high-eminence, all this trifle! We are waited by other guests if you deign to accept them. - Floutingly grinning Fagiram prokudakhtat.
   It seemed that this animal had to blow up, but he also mechanically as if by others voice, answered:
   - I will accept them! The meeting appears closed!
   The adviser was developed and, exaggeratedly loudly stamping boots on marble coral covering, is proud having stuck out a breast, went to an exit.
   - Its boots are grounded by hyper gold (metal on value in twenty five thousand times surpassing pure gold!), I can bet!
   The ultramarshal Urlik Eroros mentally spat in a back to the dignitary.
   - I will report in the center that such unbalanced types dishonor the power. For certain, this high-ranking mudak addict.
   This is the soldier of Purple constellation told about himself.
   When the adviser left, the anthem of the Empire of great Stelzanat played.
   At the exit of the vice-hyper governor the soldiers who were built in columns and fighting robots met. Laser automatic machines and plasma luchemeta sparkled on the sun. The adviser with extraordinary dexterity for the two hundred fifty kilogram ink dropped in in armor the closed flaneur and flew up to the starprobe vehicle. Both secretaries preferred to use graviotsikla. The enormous spaceship without excess farewell tears, left in the unknown direction. Eroros it was expressed:
   - It is possible to defile everything in life, it is only impossible to live a toadstool!
   It seemed, it is possible to relax, but, several hours later, the ultramarshal received the message. It was the alarm signal of the highest level of danger.
   - Emergence from external sector from intergalactic space of a huge flotilla of unknown fighting starprobe vehicles is recorded. Among them even flagman hyper battle ships. On all sector the automatic alarm is entered. The opponent moves to our planet. On its party overwhelming superiority. If the enemy does not slow down the movement, then collision will happen in two and a half hours.
   - And where forces of external sector of protection of a galaxy? - gloomy, feeling forgery, Orlik Eroros asked.
   In several seconds the squeaky answer followed:
   - They constantly declare that their forces see nothing. In general all military starprobe vehicles are removed from this spiral site of a galaxy.
   - And how neighboring planets? Their garrisons are notified? - It seemed to the ultramarshal that his interiors fail in a gravitational collapse.
   Here already the familiar female voice of the general Sima answered, the maiden blurted out as from automatic turn a tongue twister:
   - They have no rather strong cover. And we have new information, even more disturbing information. The quantity of starprobe vehicles already reaches many hundreds of thousands, and the polytypic tonnage and designs unambiguously speak about their inogalaktichesky origin. There are even battle ships a dimeter almost equal so well to us to the familiar Moon, with as if wadded boards. And some models are terribly elaborate, even gravioradara transfer, the bunches of the shining lines only broken.
   Eroros violently gave a whistle:
   - Similar to starprobe vehicles of sinkh and thousands of other star civilizations. It is very serious! Really it is new intergalactic war?
   Other little girl general spoke:
   - It is absolutely impossible without the whole brood of rodents in a military top, our galaxy still not boundary.
   The ultramarshal desperately bellowed:
   - There is an obvious change! You meant Fay the Ambulance? These wood lice could not pass so large forces without treachery and bribes!
   Females generals confirmed with chorus:
   - Stelzanatu's change! It is necessary to send the emergency cryptographed message to Department of protection of a throne urgently. We were impudently betrayed by traitors in the heart of the empire.
   Orlik hasty gathered the keyboard, on the kiborgekrena the code and - stop flashed! The wide monitor unexpectedly went out...
   - The external satellite of hyper communication is destroyed by volleys from the planet trans-Pluto.
   Passionlessly the computer reported.
   - To enter the duplicating system!
   - The system is brought out of submission of external sector. She is directly subordinated to the governor Fagiram Sham. You are called, meanwhile, by Fagiram Sham. - From the automatic machine clattered.
   The three-dimensional projection of the ublyudochny fat coal-black person flashed.
   - Hi, my friend! You, I see, shocked! Wipe eyes and be stirred up. The power belongs to strong now. And you are weak as the jellyfish is thrown on the flaring desert sand. Full to you an okhlopka, but I am kind and, is easily appeased. Fagiram is ready to keep your pathetic life if you and your starprobe vehicles lay down arms and will peacefully welcome guests. You will swear on fidelity of the new power and, perhaps, will keep a position. Choose! Life or death...
   The ultramarshal's head tensely earned. The service in special troops accustomed to composure and a pragmatism.
   What to do in such situation? To die silly just like that, without advantage of business? Cunning mother of a victory, if at it also the gentleman of a happy occurence!
   - I am ready to obey and execute orders of the higher management. Start up the order, the higher authority will issue! - Eroros roared, understanding that at once it is impossible to jerk pads to top.
   - Do not state alogisms. Give the order on surrender of weapons better and welcome winners! - Hardly constraining snickers, the marshal-governor declared.
   - It is impossible to welcome. Officers will not understand. At most, honourable capitulation. In view of... - The ultramarshal darted a glance at the monitor and gave a whistle. - Yes them here the whole millions, are even a lot of million fighting starprobe vehicles of all colors!
   - All right, let capitulate and will allow our guests to land on planets. It will suit us! - Fagiram it is lazy yawned.
   - Is! I will give the order! - Eroros on a sekundochka began to hesitate.
   - "Foton" molecule! - As if the governor-pithecanthropus shouted at the sleepy boy slave.
   Having ground a greeting, Orlik was developed and began to output the order. In principle, it was possible to give team and gesture via the scanner, but the system of passwords and blocking so often changed that was recognized as economically more expedient to use an ancient way of information transfer. Besides, the option of a severe wound when the order has to be given different parts of a body or a sound is possible, and it is even better a telepathic impulse.
   - I knew that you are a clever guy!
   The idiotic smile warped an ink face of the uncle Faga. By the standards of stelzan the governor was the real freak and human too - a gorilla and that fotogenichny. And golosochek it is worse hissing of a gadyushnik in the bog.
   - I knew that we will understand each other. Now squadrons will enter your sector.
   - Better in a dragon mouth! - Murmured Eroros.
   After a while in space of Solar system there were numerous groups of alien starprobe vehicles. The squadron of the ships of Purple constellation respectfully parted before incalculable inogalaktichesky armadas.
   And here "guests of honor" of various colourings go down on the earth. As there is too much starprobe vehicles, the vast majority of them just hang in space, and that who knows will bring down the planet from an orbit. And to Earth the small part of universal fauna by the lightest ships and landing capsules is landed. Some monsters jump directly from an orbit. Hyper monsters in the individual boyekostyuma which are specially adapted for battles in an outer space land. Here it is full of various beings: arthropods, meduzoobrazny, kowtowing, worm-shaped, metal, silicon, calcic, fluorine. Even radioactive types on the basis of uranium, Pluto, radium and many other elements. The variety of forms struck. However, beings from radioactive elements were, so to speak, conditionally reasonable. However all these live organisms were capable to battle.
   nbsp; Here diskoleta, are rich on classification too, and move differently rushing sideways, turning in air a spinning top. In air also launchers of tiny rockets soar... By sight they as trays in the form of fish, and from a back, continually jump out, and then needles of rockets hide.
   They were met by numerous native police and the natives-trudoviki driven in groups. All the same, there were not enough clothes on all many hundreds one million therefore the vast majority of natives were still starkers, is frequent also without loincloths, than people of Earth resembled the real savages.
   Alien creations landed in the different, in advance planned Earth points. Therefore billions of people could see them. The show indeed was tremendous. Especially, if to consider that many people of Earth even of stelzan alive did not see. Those people, that received honor to contemplate dnbsp; the rugy worlds, it is possible to count on fingers. The multi-colored creations covered with feathers, scales, thorns, needles, hooks, edges, slime, armors, naked skin, armor, fiery plasma and other exotic nasty thing. The part of aliens was in hermetic space suits, others were covered by the weapon so densely that their it was not visible behind these heaps of shooter games of imaginable and inconceivable designs. Most of people, especially children, expressed rough delight, having fun, laughing and dancing. It is necessary to notice what children and teenagers on Earth was even more, than adult individuals. A consequence of high birth rate and the genetic viruses which are mowing clean the senior generation. Old men it is cleverer than youth, but work worse. It is not rational to have such slaves. By means of the operated biological weapon the genotype practically of all mankind is changed thus, the dependent population ceased to grow old, and even beards on faces became the unusual occurrence an abnormal deviation (such as before occupation six fingers or Siamese twins were them!). But people did not receive long life, the more to you years, the of course knowledge with experience increases... And the clever slave it is bad. Still Romans spoke - dullness closer to humility, quick-wittedness to villainy!
   So adult individuals died in an interval sixty-seventy years, without pain in a dream. And it of course luck. To some people from among local servants could as encouragement and prolong insignificant terrestrial existence. But there were technologies which did death of natives extremely painful, punishing thus for excessive obstinacy and the help to guerrillas!
   Alien creations about something were muttered among themselves. Others did reciprocal gestures of a greeting. The huge number of natives people was driven to the Central kosmoport where they had to welcome "guests of honor" amicably.
   Several newcomers were allocated in separate group. Judging by regalia, it were leaders of intergalactic crowd. They had something in common among themselves, about something pakostno chirping.
   The ultramarshal Eroros, without having kept, spitted out as all this is disgusting.
   The state councilor with the girlfriends arose as if the devil from a snuffbox. As if flying away on a starprobe vehicle was some intricate performance, and actually they also did not leave Earth.
   However, Orlik quite reasonably judged that doubles could leave it especially as maidens for some reason were late and caught up with the dignitary on graviotsikla though were grazed together with the chief. There could be also other option, using disorder of planetary protection to return on the invisible prospecting module. And still a set of various ways to cheat him.
   Anyway the notable grandee and the marshal-governor left to welcome dear visitors.
   On a covering of a kosmoport in advance prepared magnificent carpets and their quantity in jewels even were outspread it was added. Hundreds of thousands of barefoot smuglenky children with multi-colored tags in hands were built in squares. Lifting serially these or those flags, they showed greeting inscriptions. This action, certainly, was rehearsed in advance.
   In language of stelzan it was possible to read the following inscriptions: "Welcome to us!", "We belong to you!", "Own us, oh, the greatest!", "Glory to the emperor - the master of all Universe!"
   One of galactic commanders was so huge that with nine phalanxes in suckers an extremity easily grabbed with the by a belt and lifted the adviser, welcoming it in such peculiar way. The squeezed adviser, having shouted by an inhuman voice, it began to otbrykivatsya.
   Among bodyguards, from among stelzan, there was a movement, luchemeta flashed. Fagiram gesture stopped protection.
   - Quietly, a situation under control!
   The giant twice exceeding the size of a large elephant accurately put to the place of the dignitary. That began to cackle and, stammering for fear, provereshchat:
   - I welcome you, my valorous allies and magnificent friends. Let's pass in our throne-room.
   Approving grunting and croak was heard. Then the procession of variegated types moved forward after the traitor governor.
   The ultramarshal Eroros looked at the stamping show with hardly hidden anger. The herd of pseudo-reasonable beings so became enraged printed a step that managed to tear strong semi-wire cloth of a carpet. And these parasites had to salute?
   The reserve throne-room (old did not restore yet) was huge.
   However all new and new commanders of starprobe vehicles entered it. Their considerable quantity brushed away dimensions and ugly faces to dinosaurs. Though were also such that resembled the sizes a small cat, and also a set of hybrid forms which and the remote analogy among terrestrial beings you will not find.
   The hall was filled to a limit. Star fighters faced with each other, squealing and being scratched. Somehow, with great difficulty, it was succeeded to restore some similarity of an order.
   The first the floor was taken by Fagiram. From outside could seem that he suddenly became leader Galaktiki.
   The speech in general was obfuscatory and banal. The essence was reduced to need to wage sacred war up to destruction and overthrow of the hated mode of stelzan. This nation of space parasites, star ghouls, death grip seized arteries of intelligent galactic life. Demagogical statements caused rough shouts, squeal, a roar of numerous public. The majority of them did not even understand what it there is a speech about, but cried out and stamped just for the company.
   Then to a tribune there was a nasekomovidny representative of sinkh. Pulling undeveloped wings, sinkh tried to peep in the microphone, blocking the hubbub lifted by reason fellows. Several monsters were furiously torn to a tribune, seeking to take the floor the first. Soldiers from sinkh tried to hold them, but were trampled by multiton hulks. Attempt to pull together "mosquito" from a tribune was unsuccessful. Protection included a force field, having rejected mastodons. Hulks flew away with big acceleration, having scattered and posbivav other conditionally reasonable subjects. The crush began, light blades of near fight flashed, luchemeta bristled up. It seemed that the slaughter just about will begin.
   The thunderous voice strengthened by loud-speakers blocked cacophonous hubbub. In several galactic languages with different sound waves the voice began to call for tranquility.
   - Not time to arrange turmoil when we gathered in the general universal campaign between brothers. Keep forces for decisive war. Let's pledge the word to the commander of sinkh, the representative of Gold constellation. It has the biggest squadron of the fighting ships. Then others will act.
   Hubbub slightly calmed down. There came relative silence. Monsters about something were whispered. Their whisper was similar to a glass scratch when it is torn up by a dog paw.
   Sinkh began something to itch in the microphone, he worried from what the thin voice of an insect seemed even more oppositely. Later other strekozoidny subjects began to act. In general polemic was developed apropos - whether to attack the center of the Galaxy or at once, without wasting time, to go to empire heart. Someone began to insist on a robbery and destructions of planets that they will meet on the way. Especially space pirates were zealous. They annoyingly shouted in thousands of throats, demanding the share. The situation began to get out of hand again. Especially as millions of variegated vital forms gathered in one hall. From them nobody differed in mildness. Someone from commanders surely would begin to shoot, there were enough frenzied. Then already slaughter could sweep like a mountain collapse. One of trouble-makers pressed was the blaster button, but the laser beam sent by the computer it instantly evaporated. Several luchemet struck in reply. Then from above rubanut a paralyzer, having filled up couple of hundreds of monsters. Strangely enough, this application of violence slightly calmed crowd.
   - As all of us implement in advance coordinated plan, so far to plunder, and we will not kill, - the ataman of sinkh who again came to a tribune declared.
   - This territory voluntarily accepted us. We have to follow rules.
   In reply wild howls and a roar of incalculable number of throats were again distributed.
   - Rules are rules! Many of you signed similar declarations. Be civilized beings, but not concourse of microorganisms.
   - Enough! - Fagiram bellowed and krutanut over the head, the poured background reflecting beams an umbrella. - To give all we will not speak. Otherwise it is necessary to scratch languages for months. One hundred the largest commanders for three standard minutes will act. Then all on rest!
   Noise of a protest amplified, having reached a hurricane. From above again rubanut paralyzers. The part of a menagerie was filled up dead, but the others lifted a bigger bedlam...
   Chapter 21
   It is difficult for us to decide on the choice...
   But it is necessary to solve all the same!
   It is possible to be let on meanness,
   And to these the honor to sell!
   Troops and intelligence agencies of Purple constellation managed to destroy almost all guerrilla groups. Former times when with guerrillas played "tag", passed. Now they were squeezed out everywhere.
   The famous commander Sergey Susanin (him still called a black panther) from the remains of fighting group managed to disappear from persecutors nevertheless. The place where he with companions went in hiding, was chosen very cunning. It was the central warehouse of wood. Here accumulated the woods on many billions of cubic meters. Too much on Earth it was cut down these valuable and constantly reproduced raw materials to busy the escalating population. In woodcutters billions of people were written down. The woods grew very quickly. The new genetically improved breeds and climate allowed to extract wood in accelerated tempo. Though the warehouse was well protected from blows from outer side and diversions, guerrillas managed to filter together with numerous production and woodcutters. As in this huge cache already many years there were no acts of terrorism, to nobody and to mind came it to scan. Therefore guerrillas also sat in wood holes as bugs bark beetles, without daring to put out also a nose. However, the room was so huge that in it really it was possible to get lost and wander most to a doomsday. Some trees had edible bark that, at least, guaranteed rescue from starvation. But fighters were threatened by death with boredom and inaction. Fortunately, watch was taken up coherent, closely connected with a resistance movement again, by Marat Rodionov. It was one of brothers of the head of Alfa-stelz group. And that is pleasant, it brought a joyful message. They should turn new operation.
   - We had a unique opportunity to introduce the person in ranks of army of Purple constellation. - Svetlenky with easy a ryzhenky shade unevenly of hair, the sinewy teenager Marat mechanically so strongly lowered a voice that the chief of guerrillas had to bring closer an ear to his thin lips almost closely. - One of young representatives of occupational army will come for the purpose of studying of breeds of the trees growing on our planet here. Scientific interest if it is possible to be expressed so. And so, it should be changed accurately. The girl who instead of her will take up is very similar. It already came to you on the fulfilled channel. Only replace to the divchena clothes.
   The commander did not sustain, constraining effort of will the torn anger, muttered:
   - Here everything is not so simple. And how identification crystals? They will scan substitution at once.
   The boy made the cunning person and giggled:
   - And here everything is far more elementary, than it seems! Military have crystals of an identification and persons of economic army that made them much more available to acquisition in the black market. Here everything is already in advance prepared. And language will not give out, the girl perfectly owns a syllable of aggressors. There is, however, a risk of full individual scanning, but it is risk justified, conduct to us a lot of time and it is not necessary. Execute Gornostayev's order!
   - With pleasure! - The bearded commander it is bad grinned.
   - Then today in two hours. For now meet her double. She very strong and well fights. Well, you keep here. See you soon! - The holographic image, the black little boy in shorts having turned pale disappeared. In air there was only a slight smell of ozone.
   Suddenly bark of a thick log burst and with ease of caress the half-naked olive and bronze little girl fluttered out from there. It was very harmonous, beyond the years brawny and tall. Her hair sparkled the seven-color poured scale, fashionable for females of Purple constellation. Having made a threefold somersault, the girl stretched hands, then crossed them.
   - Bravo! Cool! Kvazarno! - Youths guerrillas shouted.
   The leader frowned.
   - Dexterously, but know, the baby, is deadly game.
   - I will make it faultlessly! - The girl smiled and jumped up even above, her body was several times scrolled by the propeller in air, and the acrobat very much dexterously grabbed barefoot legs a log, thus, having hanged in horizontal position. Her muscles strained also because of, it the sharp relief appeared even more distinctly.
   - All to take fighting positions.
   "What beautiful brawny legs and ideally correct breast at it..." - the leader inhibited suddenly arisen desire though customs on the earth became simpler, the remains of former culture had still an effect. But they did not see women any more so long ago... Among people still there was a conservative opinion that girls should not risk battling in guerrilla groups, and war especially man's business.
   The commander also noted:
   - Well, to what it sharply traced muscles, even at the strongest guys such relief seldom when will be seen.
   Really though people also became genetically best of all, so the slave has to be rather strong, hardy and hardy to perform a hard work, but because of reasons of safety and pride of the person did not make equal on force a stelzana. The race of Purple constellation in the vast majority, differed as if the cast steel of a relief of muscles which does not have skin.
   All took in advance allocated places...
   In two hours other girl appeared...
   Yes, they are very similar, even clothes, is more true its almost total absence. For Labido Karamada, recently arrived here, this unkempt planet was too wild and hot. Therefore it also came almost naked, barefoot, decorated with bracelets from precious and an unearthly origin of stones here. However, as pleasantly when naked skin is caressed by the sun, and naked maiden a foot slightly pricking, blades, branches, shishechka tickle. Only on a belt at it the easy ladies' blaster, and hung on a hand - mix of hours, the computer, scanner and phone.
   - Brr! How many trees! It is possible to build the palace kvazarny governor's! - Said, having widely stretched hands and having rounded a coral mouth the aggressive predatory beauty.
   The girl guerrilla, smiling, smoothly came her to a meeting. Having thrown up a hand up, she welcomed it the salute characteristic of the movement of imperial yulingov-pioneers, subjugators of a megagalaxy.
   - I am glad to see you, my sister. To you, I see, these native plants are interesting?
   - Apparently and you, time you got here. - As well as you, time you got here! - Labido threw a leg a fragment of bark and dexterously caught it sponges, having begun to chew vigorously.
   - I came not because of cones, I just like to walk one, representing from myself the savage. These silly natives bothered. - The girl guerrilla as a trunk an elephant moved with a nose.
   - They, though silly, but very amusing and did not manage to bother me yet. Strange... I cannot understand, it seems to me that I somewhere already saw you. - Stelzanka began to blink, trying to find the necessary file in the brain, similar to the computer.
   The young guerrilla almost without running start made a quadruple somersault in air and landed almost closely to Labido.
   - Yes, you saw me on our central planet Stelz.
   That contemptuously sniffed:
   - No! And our central planet is called in a different way. You that native?
   - And unless natives have here such fine hair to such wonderful smell. Smell!
   Karamada mechanically shipped the person in seven-color waves of indumentum of a dugout and right there received blow a knee in a solar plexus. During the next moment the guerrilla broke a belt with the weapon and rejected aside, having got up in a fighting rack. Probably, she wanted to fight as equals. The commander, however, did not approve theatrical effects and an accurate shot from the blaster killed the bracelet holding kiberchasa.
   - Hands up! One movement - and I shoot!
   Further it was simple. Only the bracelet of hours had to be changed. One of soldiers offered a trophy. When the double of a libido of Karamada disappeared, it was possible to be engaged in the original.
   The female from army of hated invaders was strong connected by a trophy wire...
   Interestingly, how many to it cycles? Thirteen or twelve? But as stelzana grow quicker and more people, growth it was much higher than the average adult woman. And the figure which is quite developed and athletic, with muscles, dry and still not excessive.
   It is a pity that it is necessary to liquidate such beautiful girl, but there's nothing to be done. There is no other way out! War is the most fascinating game, the number of participants is unlimited, but is constantly reduced!
   One of tall youth guerrillas did not keep, touched a graceful light brown leg of the girl. The calloused hand of the woodcutter walked on an anklebone, went down to pink slightly dusty foot, felt fingers. The girl winked at it:
   - Well why it is so shy, you such beautiful, black with a fair hair.
   The boy sincerely smiled in reply:
   - And you too a miracle, nogotochka of fingers cast as pearls.
   Other young man gave a hand to a breast, from a touch that instantly bulked up. The magnificent bust of the beauty reminded the ice cream which is laid out by a hill honey plombirnoye with juicy cherries nipples. The girl prourchat:
   - More courageous boys, I want to feel your caress.
   Young men, almost teenagers darted hungry looks at it, healthy organisms demanded sex. Even the commander Pantera felt heat in loins. It because of rather rare in the modern world dense and already with beard streaks of gray, seems against these youths (though boys some only externally) almost the old man. And the girl so attracts, especially lighter, than natives, glossy as if gilded skin, pearl large teeth invitingly the opened mouth. Labido's voice became languid, with aspiration.
   - Give have fun with me, then release, I about you will tell nothing.
   The girl gave a miaow from delight when hands clasped her brawny hips, and the largest two-meter guerrilla with even redenky small beard, began to pull down a down more true hardly covering fabric attracting flesh.
   - I will present you a chasm of pleasure and itself I will derive fantastic pleasure. - The stelzanka was not in good voice also pretense drops. Raped by zvermi-guerrillas to be so romantically, and aroma of the coal-black brawny, long ago not washed male bodies strongly excites. Her former partners so strongly did not strike, thanks to bioengineering of a stelzana are almost completely deprived of smells, in the war this superfluous.
   - You can even on two quicker at once. - Labido invitingly winking, licked catlike sponges.
   Panther blew up, contempt won against an animal rush:
   - Back! Let's not lose the human dignity with this whore. Unless you do not see to what it is the corrupted race deprived of the remains of honor and conscience. Animal instincts and lust in so young head and what it will be when grows?
   The girl was not a coward. Bellowed by voice of strongly angered sovereign:
   - I am already adult destructor and the full-fledged soldier - the slug understood! Having escaped, I will pull out your beard on hairs, then I will start up rotten meat on dog canned food! - Stelzanka cried even more loudly, muscles under skin were rolled by spheres, endeavoring to break through strong as an anchor chain a wire. - And you that boys you cost, twist it, give out to us and we with girlfriends will deliver you the ocean of pleasure, spending money right and left, lands and slaves with slaves in an award!
   The commander said hardly having given to a severe voice coldness:
   - You see gram of repentance. Only the death can wait for it. And it will not be easy. I otstrelyu to it at first hands, and then legs.
   Children moved back. In their eyes the regret was read, to lose such pleasure. But to contradict hot and fast on punishment to the Panther, nobody dared. Stelzanka was torn so desperately that under the wire made of a superstrong alloy skin was torn apart and very bright, scarlet blood acted. And fat diameter meter the log to which she was tied already cracked, becoming covered by small cracks. Guerrillas strained, getting the weapon, being afraid that much stronger, than the person the alien witch will break loose, having rushed a cheetah on them.
   The leader, having transferred to the minimum power, pritselit the blaster...
   Suddenly someone's hand laid down to it on a shoulder.
   - Calm down, Victor Vediamidovich!
   The terrible commander became puzzled. His original name was secret which he hid even from Gornostayev. And its weapon though nobody to it seemed, instantly slammed a safety lock. Even the furious tigress of Labido, calmed down, having stood, bugryas intense muscles.
   - You who? - Hatched the Panther.
   The figure in a gray tunic was strange familiar.
   - You can call me the Guru or the Sensei... - The voice was as an ocean surf in windless weather, in it force and softness was combined.
   - Yes I recognized him - he is a great Sensei. - With a shiver in a voice the second person in group Antonov whispered.
   - Well, the Sensei, you can go on the affairs... - A panther unwillingly gave easy bow and tried to remove the blaster from a safety lock.
   - No, you will not kill her! - The guru's voice with an invisible look and a strong-willed, clean-shaven chin became more rigid.
   The commander continuing to battle with suddenly the become disobedient blaster, it was discharged by the whole turn of words:
   - You what became stupid, the old man? Stelzana - born murderers. My brother was brutally tortured, ripped with live skin and, having strewed with radioactive salt, hung up under the scorching sun beams, having forced to look at all this village. He writhed and died in terrible torments. And soldiers laughed at it and another hung up, and they were more than one hundred. When they calmed down, even forbade to bury them. Those who dared to disobey were hung up nearby, and hooking an edge hook. And my mother and five children were dissolved alive in acid, what from them remained after tortures is more right. And mine...
   The sensei sadly smiled, his teeth were surprisingly white and fresh a uniform speck, despite more, than thousand-year age of their owner. And the guru's voice unexpectedly looked younger:
   - Will be enough, all the same not to convince you, but in own way you are right. But our planet is threatened not only by troops of Purple constellation. From many thousands of galaxies aggressors of all colors were flown. The volcano of the evil broke loose and threatens to flood and devour all Universe. All of us should unite, even with stelzana to battle together against the general universal evil. And this little girl only a small, but important stone in a star mosaic. Each person is similar to a grain of sand in the desert, but unlike the most extensive desert of the having side, this grain of sand has no self-improvement limits! - The guru carelessly rocked the head. - Excuse Victor, we will talk later!
   Graceful gesture by a hand, and the heavy-duty wire burst, and in a second the Sensei and the girl disappeared.
   Risking to give itself, the commander thrust a charge to that place where the stelzanka just lay. Having crossed, tastefully swore:
   - Better I will connect the neck to a loop, than I will unite together with stelzana even if against the Satan!
   At the moment when it seemed that all interior boils down, and lungs literally burn out, involving in themselves a live flame when the heated streams of superheated air blow, burning each particle of the exhausted body, paralyzing the konvulsionny movements of the overstrained muscles. The feeling reminding finding of mix of a lava and boiled water deeply around a volcanic eruption. Then it became unexpected easier. Pain began to disappear, surprising ease appeared. Yes, it was also felt by Lev Eraskander when his spirit began to leave the charred body...
   ... Here he comes off a surface and begins to contemplate events, as if from outside. The remains of the broken melted-off starprobe vehicle are visible. Huge variegated types of monsters teem with incalculable packs. In the light of an enormous violet and emerald star they such special bright with a radiant modulation. Not so terrible, on the contrary, fantastically beautiful in the coloring. Povinuyas to incomprehensibly force majeure, the soul continued to rise upward. Colourful monsters quickly decreased by surfaces. The spirit is included into a stratosphere. Here all planet, pink-yellow, first huge, then promptly decreasing in volume is visible. Here it size about a round table, here about a wheel of a pendofon, here about a soccerball, then about a tennis ball and after - is less than poppy kernel. All new and new galaxies, inconceivable congestions of star splinters and scatterings flash. Soaks up soul in a tunnel, and it flies, along a corridor bright seven-color strips on a black background flash.
   "Where I rush? - Perplexed the boy thought. - Riddle... probably, in other megauniverse, to the hyper world".
   Ahead of a tunnel there was all brightest light increasing on intensity. On state and imperial uniform and firm religion of Purple constellation after death stelzan goes on court where it, according to affairs or military valor, gets on the first sky, is more true in the following hyper Universe. There it is embodied in the flesh, receiving a rank how it jealously and truly served Stelzanat, the emperor and the people. The religion said that Great and God Bog gave to stelzana all Universe to eternal possession, and other races on enslavement. Everything that promotes the Universe gain is justified. Feats on fronts and in the back. Heroism promote obtaining higher status in the new megauniverse, and this most important. Big valor was considered to be killed in battle, having especially shown self-sacrifice, having carried away thousands of lives of enemies for the life. There are also other, even more high-organized Universes with a large number of measurements and the infinite sizes therefore ambitious stelzan can count on eternal advance on a career ladder. And here where there are emperors? Really for each of them the Megauniverse is prepared? But Lev of people therefore it is not obliged to believe in similar nonsense.
   "And where I will get?" - Smyatenno thought Eraskander.
   As the person and the slave, he has to and to remain in the following life a slave, and it at best. If not to want to have it the speaking instrument of labor then it is threatened by a fiery hole and the place of eternal tortures for defective beings.
   The fever takes on skin though there is no skin any more and. And the Sensei said that stelzana and people occurred from the general ancestor of the fact that generated also loud, shaggy monkeys. There was also a great Guru whom only the elite could see. It, speak, opened a secret of immortality and great power. Then why if he is so almighty, to him not to expel from the planet of these bloodsuckers?
   At the end of a tunnel Lev came up on the suburb which is filled in with the brightest light. Nearby the brilliant palace, probably, the temple of heavenly justice was located the enormous sizes. Two strappers with it is dazzling the sparkling wings, probably, angels, broke to it hands for a back and entered into the courtroom.
   The hall was huge, the ceiling was lost in clouds. A terrible voice of the judge, huge, as Mount Everest, and sparkling as a set of the sun, thundered in one thousand thunders.
   - You are not a soldier! You are not a fighter! You not stelzan! You are a person, vile creation, the mean parody to great race. You are a mean rebel who hates the lawful owners and wants to destroy all of them. You will not be a slave, you are not wanted to be had even the slave. Go to a scorching heat and burn there eternally in terrible torments together with all enemies of Purple constellation. Soldiers of the greatest nation in all infinite hyper Universes, fighters of the ideal race elected by God will subdue the boundless universe!
   Under legs tongues of flame appeared. They awfully painfully burned barefoot the boy's foot.
   - Really, again fire! I cannot any more!
   The lion began to shake. It was ready to fall on knees and to start howling as if the child.
   At this moment the image of the judge disappeared...
   ... Someone furiously shook the young man for a shoulder. Having opened eyes, the former gladiator saw the foul person of a sinkh with a mosquito hobotok. After fiery Gehenna its mug, flattened with rare volosika, seemed a face of the fairy godmother. The dreadful nonsense was so real that legs still hurt and hands shivered.
   - Rise! Process of your regeneration is finished!
   To look was still bolnovato, even not really bright light hurt the eyes. The image, such as blurs when you bitterly cry. The lion several times blinked, it became more accurate. The room, judging by a situation, - a regeneration chamber. The devices of unclear appointment, feelers casting blueness of a wall. Several boxes with archaically looking antennas. Near sinkhy in a yellow dressing gown there were some more nasekomovidny types from luchemeta at the ready and couple of huge gruid of one of the most foul civilizations. It is visible, they were in difficulty too. Large and heavy gruida held multibarrelled luchemeta in the flattened-out paws, having taken aim at the suspicious boy. The fear was not why then to regenerate that then at once to kill. The being with a hobotok began to squeak.
   - How you got to that starprobe vehicle, Lev? What you did on the planet Fiery tryasinnbsp; Ahead of a tunnel there was all brightest light increasing on intensity. On state and imperial uniform and firm religion of Purple constellation after death stelzan goes on court where it, according to affairs or military valor, gets on the first sky, is more true in the following hyper Universe. There it is embodied in the flesh, receiving a rank how it jealously and truly served Stelzanat, the emperor and the people. The religion said that Great and God Bog gave to stelzana all Universe to eternal possession, and other races on enslavement. Everything that promotes the Universe gain is justified. Feats on fronts and in the back. Heroism promote obtaining higher status in the new megauniverse, and this most important. Big valor was considered to be killed in battle, having especially shown self-sacrifice, having carried away thousands of lives of enemies for the life. There are also other, even more high-organized Universes with a large number of measurements and the infinite sizes therefore ambitious stelzan can count on eternal advance on a career ladder. And here where there are emperors? Really for each of them the Megauniverse is prepared? But Lev of people therefore it is not obliged to believe in similar nonsense.
   The type of a sinkh in a yellow dressing gown was slightly comical. Interestingly, from where he knows his name?
   - I appeared incidentally there, carrying out a responsible mission. So itself quite unexpectedly also got to this chertova confusion. - Eraskander almost did not lie.
   - If you mean that microfilm, then it is such trifle that because of it it was not necessary to rush for thousands of parsecs. If not accident, two-three more units of time, then you would become unusable for regeneration.
   Pause... The young man thought: "what for still microfilm, his owner Hermes can wanted, something to merge from empire secrets?".
   - And where "ftorik? - unexpectedly the representative of arthropods asked.
   - Died death of brave. It was swallowed by monsters, having shipped in hell belly. - The lion purely properly shook as if the shoulders drawn by wire bunches.
   Sinkh nervously pulled the remains of the webby wings which atrophied in the course of evolution.
   - You are only a slave, and the primacy is not necessary to us now. We can liquidate you. However we can give you chance of a survival and even for remuneration, an award, very solid for the poor slave deprived of civil rights.
   The lion suddenly understood that chlenistonogiya do not joke. The excess witness is not necessary to them, and to make advances before annihilation of sense is not present - sinkh with rare exception not sadists, though are ruthless in achievement. But the offer can be interesting. The ant mosquito approached the little table standing near a wall, utykanny the keyboard and rychazhka. He sent some shifrosoobshcheniye, and then received answers.
   The door was moved apart, entered one more chlenistonogiya. Its uniform sparkled gold and violet stones, and on a breast the scarlet hexagon shone. It is visible, it was the high rank similar to the ultramarshal.
   "How many passed time? At them, it is visible, everywhere spies and them there is a lot of. Probably, and they without effort discovered my personality?"
   Eraskander shrank, after burns the easy fever beat.
   "Traces of stay in the hall can not be, and here logically it is possible to calculate, anything".
   Sinkh dressed video points and leaned back on a chair, excessively huge for so sickly body. Has to be, looked through news. Then removed them and expressly politely addressed the captured slave.
   - And so we to you, our little friend, give an assignment. At first return to the owner Hermes. It will have to give something, and we will tell where to obtain additional information. It, however, is not so important. - The voice of an insect changed a tonality, having given undisguised contempt. - For kulamana at us and it is so full of informants, here only for all there is not enough currency. It is necessary to feed except money with promises that not always works, but it is more favorable. Our main task is in communicating and contacting with your friend and our mutual friend Dez an imer Konoradson, this great zorg.
   "Now that's something like it! From where he knows it?" - rushed in Lev's head.
   It is visible, sinkh noticed surprise.
   - Yes, we know a cub. - Peep became louder and more opposite. - Really you thought that you so just took and tempted a stelzanka, and then sent a graviagramma? Your security service completely blocks all signals going to this sector of the Universe, even our experts can do not everything that they can. The message was blocked and zapelengovat. Then Fagiram Sham himself sent the message from your name. It has a strong paw in Department of protection of a throne. All of us calculated in advance, it was his idea, but not yours.
   - Means, you me used it from beginning to end? - Having rounded eyes, Lev quietly whistled.
   - No, not full shadowing, differently we would not walk smack, in unnecessary fight with fleet of Purple constellation. - Sinkh softened tone, and started talking more frankly. The race of arthropods considered as funky business empty lies. Yes it is possible to hide data, to arrange extensive and cunning misinformation. But it is unworthy to lie the resident of the huge empire of Gold Constellation without extreme need. The emotional speech proceeded:
   - Fagiram - only an empty doll. You are a person the enemy of stelzan! And the person of capital letter with the data which are issued for your race. You remember how you, being absolutely a boy, filled up the monster in the Colosseum. We remembered also other your feats. The boy killed "ftorik", do not argue we it was calculated. One freak it is less, he not sinkh. The lion sent the report to great Zorgu, and he will trust you.
   - I doubt that there will be enough one small message for trust. - Eraskander stood up, blue walls already it seemed, poddavlivat the young man.
   - If is not present, then that it is worse for you! Then we liquidate a primacy. - Sinkh said with the increasing pressing. - You have to report on each step of the senior senator, to be his servant and a shadow. We will watch you.
   - That, the plan is good, but is too hasty. - The lion angrily shook the head.
   - Not too, and it is optimum. You are a slave, and your owner will present you the Misinformation as good translator, you are a capable fellow. Hermes and Fagiram so highly spoke of you. - Sinkh stuck with a pad top. - They are vacuum fools, do not see a tiger in a kitten! Pretend to be loyal for them, and itself work for us. In your marrow the microchip, but already reprogrammed still sits. They cannot kill you, and we can kill and trace each your step. And when Stelzanat will disappear, absorbed by our empire, we will switch-off the chip. You will become the wrestler! It is transparent!?
   - Where is more transparent! - The lion represented similarity of a smile.
   - Then carry out. We will transfer you to your owner. Further you will be through it and through our coherent to receive instructions. - To a sinkh the robot flew up and transferred to an insect a glass with jelly. The creature lowered a hobotok there.
   Lion curiosity sorted:
   - Coherent? And who is she?
   - One beautiful girl. - Having caught an amazed look of the young man, sinkh at once added. As the hobotok was will dip into jelly, the voice sounded gurgling. - No, it is not Vener. Of course, she this rich stelzanka can deliver us for money useful information, but its movement to Earth will cause excess idle talks. The little girl will be from among yuling (the young soldier and officers not higher than one star!). I feel that you want to ask about an award. I answer that money is not necessary to the slave now, and you will receive freedom after defeat of the empire. Gold constellation, so we are called, appreciates useful agents. That's when there will be money! And even the estate with slaves over whom it is possible can as you want to scoff! Everything, take away it! He already knows enough.
   To a mudflow the silent ultramarshal of sinkh chilly peeped:
   - Put on it a collar of the slave again!
   Chetyrekhruky gruida broke hands, having cramped together elbows, then inconsiderately pushed out for a door.
   When the young man was taken away, sinkh rang out with thin peep.
   - It such interesting I just would eat it! It is a pity that their so dangerous blood, all stelzana are disgusting, and this most poisonous. His thoughts are not scanned, well he has no place to run, he at us on a stranglehold.
   Chapter 22
   The person wants purity,
   There is a wish for wise and light ideas!
   The world (ideally) - beauty wreath,
   Only, of course, for kind people!
   It did not turn out... Cruel, ill fate...
   Some rubbish runs the show!
   Be merciful, God Bog,
   Do not give to the person in a chasm an abyss!
   Squeals, roar, clatter filled the room. The part of a menagerie, obviously, got out of hand. The marshal of sinkh was confused. Fagiram, the base person who is usually falling into anger because of any trifle, on the contrary, continued to remain is quiet. At the worst, gun paralyzers will cover entirely the room and will disconnect everything, even radioactive subjects, not without reason the best engineers built this hall.
   Noise began to calm down again, probably, nevertheless the common sense got the best or pirates understood that they can be liquidated, if something happens. But the speech did not turn out any more, and many were glad to get out quickly of the room trap to relax in a hellbender before heavy decisive fights. When "mammoths" tumbled down from the hall, laying chickie dinozavropodobny by a deep-voices voice, fanatically distorting language of stelzan, managed to ask.
   - And what it for "The great emperor" who is so glorified by little slaves?
   The standing security guard, though was by sight stelzany, actually a clone, still quite recently left an incubator, being grown up on artificial hormones. He - the mountain of muscles, and reason of the five-months baby - a sepulchral voice answered:
   - This is our Great emperor, he possesses all Universe.
   - Then, microorganisms, receive plasma! - From a mouth of the strapper-inomiryanina several poisonous-green puffs leaving a strong stench took off.
   Multibarrelled luchemeta and plazmometa inomiryan at once monsters streams of killing energy. They pierced in a multi-color square where children, elegant with the flowers and ribbons braided in hair, still continued to wave tags. Explosions - and on the place where the children acted, remained one funnels with heaps of the smoking corpses. Having abandoned tags, boys and girls, rushed in all directions, many of them were wounded and burned. Nobody managed to notice from where the reciprocal shot was distributed. The charge was let out very precisely, having got to the control stabilizer regulating category coefficient in the plasma generator - the device feeding an arsenal of the terrible monster. The generator passed into the forced mode, turning into an annihilation bomb. Ten-meter tiranodroid managed to break from itself the infernal machine and to throw in crowd, but it did not rescue it any more. The generator exploded, having destroyed the monster, and at the same time having burned and razmetav on elementary particles thousands variegated, conditionally reasonable, beings. Intergalactic fighters so had nerves on a limit, and this explosion broke the last brakes.
   The mutual forced beating began.
   Alien creations cut each other, melting and burning, from all types of arms. If to consider that fight happened in the open air, then it is clear that any shot found to itself a set of the victims. For several seconds the most part of dear "guests" was killed and the considerable part of a complex is destroyed. From blows of the most powerful charges enormous and small bodies scattered on the smoking splinters. The flame which captured marvelous flowers and trees flashed. The part of the crippled monsters pottered about, the separate cut-off extremities continued to flutter and fight in convulsions. Multi-color fountains of blood blurred on a carpet and a grass. At some beings blood easily lit up in the oxygen environment therefore many flashed multi-colored fire. Other beings directed to run, extending around itself a violent flame. The monsters consisting of radioactive elements burned carpets and even crumbled a granite stone, and mentoplazmenny fire devoured heavy-duty metal. The flame from beams and plasma, for certain, would proceed before full destruction of all opponents, and then in business starprobe vehicles would be got involved, having cut to pieces bad energy of total destruction all space in solar system and around it.
   Fortunately, stelzana managed to include the paralyzing field. Eroros gave the first the order at the same time to close also space a power board. It was the pragmatic step if the big slaughter near the planet Earth begins, then from all Solar system there will be no stable nuclear kernel left. And even if he will also run away, the emperor can execute for it, and so fanatic way that it is better for to knock out brains at once.
   The earth has to exist! Let the ultramarshal and infinately was grown hateful by these holes!
   To plunder, but not to kill! Nevertheless, a large number incinerated and cut quite enough to blow up a situation! In the territory the area of several square kilometers continuous destructions of the island fire, the uncountable great number of dead individuals, from the majority did not even remain corpses, at best fetid dust and the smoking pieces. The ultramarshal was externally quiet, and at heart slono-hedgehogs rubbed. It appeared between the beam cascade and a reflector. On the one hand, accomplices in change of the empire, and with another - Fagiram and his numerous accomplices. It is clear, that change infected the highest measurements of the power, and just one prevention not to solve a situation. Still it can turn out that the main enemy resident collects all information from the tops. Distracted a heavy sigh of the young officer-aide-de-camp standing behind from reflections.
   Urlik Eroros sharply turned back and unexpectedly soft tone addressed the young man.
   - You, I see, sigh. Perhaps you are frightened by a type of corpses and blood?
   Having negatively waved a hand, the aide-de-camp answered:
   - No, on the contrary, I regret that I cannot thrust without your order a charge of the maximum power in this a gadyushnik. It is not enough, there are fotonno not enough corpses... - Stelzan frenziedly exclaimed. - As if I wanted to chop up all this menagerie!
   - Yes, but your person was grieved by something. Other our soldiers rejoice, looking at a slaughter. - Eroros automatically felt suspicion, and strained. Of the ultramarshal even extended with Giperplazmomet a dulishch, showed the hologram in the form of a stream from multi-colored exclamation marks.
   - I am terribly grieved by another. We are traitors of our Great empire now? It is awful! Those who betray Purple constellation and the emperor after punishment and execution are waited in the ultrauniverse by the conclusion in the hyper plasma reactor. There traitors are subjected to continuous bombing in painful quanta. There we will test such level of pain which is inaccessible in this Universe. Pain will pierce all cells of a body, without having left a free molecule. And the most terrible that there will be neither dream, nor rest, nor places to take breath.
   Eroros having squeezed out a contemptuous smile (though itself terribly was nervous, even turned out for fear of a gut!), with deliberate negligence threw:
   - You are frightened by sufferings? It is a shame, shameful to a collapse to the soldier of Purple constellation to be afraid of pain. And if you are tortured by enemies, you unless will break?
   Young stelzan having stuck out a breast with pathos said:
   - No, I am not afraid of pain. But one business to suffer torments from enemies day, month, knowing that they will end sooner or later. Another matter to suffer for change, to receive a penalty of God, Almighty God and to suffer billions of billions of years. In this Universe hyper plasma burns at once, and there, in painful very option, scorches indefinitely. Only one hope for favor of the Great emperor.
   The ultramarshal in blow of a leg rejected covered with pimples to a lizard, and its giperplazmoizluchatel even threw out a destructive ray, having annihilated a foul being. Then Eroros hiding irony, said:
   - Yes, the emperor is kind. I am sure that it will consider circumstances of our delivery. Be not afraid, we still will find a way to strike a mortal blow to the enemy.
   - It is better to die, than to betray inaction. Perhaps we attack them, turmoil so far. - Offered having sparkled eyes the young officer.
   - It is unreal, at us all communication is blocked. There will be enough explanations, elementary execute orders of commanders! - Strictly Eroros shouted.
   - Absolutely! - The officer having saluted, it was developed and vzdetet.
   - If you want to survive and rescue persons, then trust me! I will be always faithful to the imperial Homeland.
   The ultramarshal began to give orders again if there is a star fight, it is necessary to save the capital at least. And people of Earth all the same will breed. At invasion 90% of mankind were destroyed, and now it is more of them, than during attack. If one thousand drives out of 40 billion, then again 40 billion will be in 300-400 years. At this age, rather small for stelzan, it, of course, will have uncountable intimacies. On condition of a survival, so in posthumous existence in other universe it is not especially believed. And everything destroyed is under construction even quicker. He and most wanted war, already there passed one thousand years of lack of large-scale military operations, remained veterans of those nice years of fast expansion of the space empire a little. Even without growing old many of them why stopped the course of life, were maliciously whispered to the inomirena - the karma spoiled by murders. But not to confuse Eroros with similar. It is so interesting and romantic - to annihilate one pressing of the button thousands, millions, billions of reasonable parasites filling the Universe. It is necessary to contact at any cost the emperor, then, maybe, will entrust him retaliatory expedition against sinkh though it will already be large-scale war.
   Here Fagiram. His black sweaty physiognomy slightly shakes.
   - You something painfully cheerful. It is, maybe, provocation of your people?
   - A quasar, you will not swallow! None of my people will not begin to intercede for natives. - Confident tone with the shining eyes said Eroros.
   - Yes, well! And I remember how you relieved of the death penalty of the one who was called the star boy who forever crippled the son of the state councilor. Not at me it was, and that I would violate your order. What for strange softness? - Fagiram gave to the very unpleasant physiognomy suspicious expression.
   - On that there were reasons. - Just tore off, letting the know that he will not express on this subject of Eroros. - And in general, why you teased these villains who are brought together from all universal dumps!
   - The stupid local government went too far. They rehearsed a meeting with the emperor. You what vakuumnogolovy these people of Earth would know. - The governor, krutanuv with a finger at a temple inflated to himself cheeks.
   The ultramarshal logically answered:
   - Dullness of the slave, is plus, and mind minus! - Having looked back, added. - Gerlok where? He took measures of the emergency defense?
   - I gave too necessary orders as far as resources allow. We are ready to defense. I charge to you, the marshal to enter negotiations. - Unexpectedly Fagiram became kinder.
   - First, the ultramarshal, and secondly, is better to do it to you. You invited them here, they know you better, especially sinkh. Long ago you program them? - Eroros suspiciously blinked the eyes.
   - Well! Time you are such coward, I will deal with them.
   Having left a question without answer, the marshal-governor took off as the rat from the burning house, and rushed off to a starprobe vehicle. However if sinkh still kept similarity of discipline, other star Egyptian vultures entered a condition of a hysterical trance. Fagiram's starprobe vehicle was attacked, hardly he left the atmosphere of the planet Earth. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately (better the bastard would die!) it were only small fighters. Having received injuries, the ship left under protection of fleet of sinkh. Violent space freebooters, having lost a number of the main atamans, were full of determination to attack the planet. However starprobe vehicles of Gold constellation blocked a way on the lawful territory. Sinkh were much stronger than concourse of pirates and mercenaries of all colors. Their fleet was much better armed, as for squadrons of other worlds, they fluctuated. Privateers and bandits shouted, threatened in all languages, watering each other with evil words in all ranges. But did not decide to go into battle. It was clear that any dump will destroy the vast majority of spaceships together with passengers.
   Both parties stood in intense expectation, millions of starprobe vehicles were ready to let out quintillions of watts of killing energy at any time.
   Dashing animals stiffened in space sky,
   Though some reason, it seems, also is!
   But technicians the power goes on the evil purposes,
   Insidiousness, but not honor will get advantage!
   The space is filled in with the perelivisty, every second changing colors flame...
   The hellfire flashing and devouring all interiors, destroying flesh. A volcano which is burning out everything that is live inside. As all this is familiar! But this time, maybe, hell real?! The patience - and here pain abates. Vladimir opened eyelids. It seemed to it that he sees the star sky. From surprise blinked, and then again with effort opened them. Yes, it is valid, he sees an exotic star carpet. The unearthly origin which is extremely densely covered with precious garlands of stars of a sky. Tens of thousands of the brightest stars will stick together and shake imagination. The body, appear, soared in vacuum, without feeling a support. The unprecedented show so shook the boy that he fainted, having disconnected from reality.
   When ability to think again returned to it, it could already control emotions. Under it there was a firm soil again, he hardly got on feet.
   The show which appeared before it was not for the faint-hearted people. First the boy thought that he goes crazy. The majestic city, the capital of a galaxy Dinazakura appeared in all the wildest beauty. Magnificent multikilometer skyscrapers, giant temples, unimaginably huge statues, cascades of gardens and fountains, the shining devices, enormous billboards on which could be located fifty Olympic stadiums and many other things. If to add millions of polytypic colourful and extravagant aircraft, then for the fourteen-year-old boy of the beginning of the XXI century it was already over any limit.
   And still the fear was not. There was an extraordinary excitement, and even indescribable delight at the sight of such unimaginably colourful magnificence created by hands of reasonable beings. Everything in this megalopolis was grandiose and is bewitching. In the sky several stars shone. The brightest pink-yellow star, two green, one blue and two almost invisible cherry and sapphire that is natural at so intensive lighting. Nevertheless, despite strong light, did not hurt the eyes and was not hot. Temperature is very pleasant, the legenky cool breeze blows.
   The boy walked on the seven-color sidewalk, the sidewalk framed in the flowers, statues, multi-color flashers is crystal the polished tile. Barefoot, children's soles felt very smooth, even perhaps slippery as ice, the giving luminescence, but fortunately not too hot surface.
   In total in it the futuristic megalopolis, was mirror sparkling and it is dazzling magnificent, even utilizers of garbage were executed in the form of exotic animals and birds. They opened mouths and politely thanked when to them threw garbage. When Vladimir threw off the melted-off and jarred on mini-soldier's boot from a leg, from the sidewalk as if it is a water smooth surface jumped out a musorshchitsa-bird. It was from a-headed eagle-hen, but proportional a big beak, a trunk of the striped eggplant framed with three orders of magnificent petals. Each row differed on color and a form of escapes, and wings had mobile as the video a coloring at all. Feathery and at the same time flower musorshchitsa swallowed the footwear which became unusable for socks, is melodious prochirikav:
   - In doubts to torment itself we have no reason! In all Universe there are no guys more desperately! Real men throw garbage - stelzan kill the stranger! Stelzan kill the stranger!
   Vladimir it is lost waved to "musorshchitse-primadena" with a hand and gave out:
   - The most surprising in the person that does not surprise him enchanting, but strikes banal!
   It is however strange that the heavy-duty military footwear melted, and he did not get, even pretty burns. However, the clothes, it seems, too did not suffer though the magnificent overalls were lost. But something remained, and not so it is a shame to it to go on the city in an elegant undershirt and shorts, normal clothes for the boy to hot weather.
   Though Vladimir was also confused the bare feet, extremely inappropriate in the capital where each statue, the machine, the fountain, composition, this or that construction shone deafening by the shouting luxury. As the beggar oborvysh in government quarter of St. Petersburg, involuntarily you redden when someone approaches you.
   The moment is a little pedestrians on streets in data, generally it were children. As it is one of the central sectors of the megalopolis, eminent stelzana lodged here. Just there was a period when to mini-soldiers provide short vacation what to learn though slightly lives without wearisome mushtra, to let know pleasures of the childhood. Besides this small in comparison the barracks period the holiday interval, was some kind of encouragement, for progress in study and combat training.
   Though there is a little opportunity to dispose of time at discretion is happiness! That's it therefore a type of the harmless laughing children, many of which, joyfully playing, even flew up in air, did a somersault, turned a spinning top issuing kaleidoscopical holograms, gave to the magic city a wonderful idyllic look.
   Tigrov wanted to approach them and to ask couple of questions, but he was afraid. Was afraid that peace, fine as elves, boys and girls in the sparkling suits can be not such peaceful as it seems at first sight. Especially as for people it is usually not peculiar; even girls played obviously war games. However, it seems that not technogenic battles were developed fantastic and like an anime-fentazi, but. Separate holographic projections were the big and so bright, plausibly reproducing details. That it seemed and really suddenly from where in air there are fantastic locks, fortresses and houses, and then and vanish.
   The boy dumbfounded by what was seen all went and went, continuing to consider the city. What tremendous trees and flowers, giant in tens and hundreds of meters, with fountains and the flying animals hang on crystal balconies, being poured on the sun by multifantastic scale. On petals of flowers arise constantly changing various, moving pictures, most often single combats various inomiryan, or fights in retrostyle.
   "Perhaps, it is force fields! - The boy thought, rubbing whisky, the brain was ready to boil from abundance of impressions. - Here several stars, such play of light and paints it is non-reproducible on our planet! What strange forms are taken at them by creations of reason!"
   Here one of spherical buildings hung on seven legs edged by leaflets, framed with jewels, painted everyone under color of a flag of stelzan. Other construction was executed in the form of a seven-final star and slowly rotated round its pivot-center. Other structures reminded New Year trees, cakes with the fiery torches and rough multi-color falls, huge streams going to a stratosphere. Some giant fountains in the form of various inogalaktichesky monsters in jewels threw up the melted metal and exotic gases illuminated by laser beams.
   In first floors of magnificent buildings it was full of colourful entrances and exits with the names highlighted on screens. And that is strange, all names absolutely clear, restaurants, shops, entertainment centers of all levels and types, various services. It reminded repeatedly increased and is incomparable more magnificent Central presidential prospectus of Moscow. Tigers was then still absolutely small, remembered vaguely and now, literally, devoured with eyes dazzling imperial magnificence. Of course, a lot of things had no analogs on the earth here. Well, what human designer will arrange the head spikes, domes and pools with colourful beings and indescribably terrible monsters down. Even it is terrible to watch, apparently, that everything just about will fail on the head.
   One of girls elves flew by over it, having slightly touched with a brilliant shoe. Vladimir slightly swayed, it already got a bit tired, passed several miles on foot.
   - You, probably, did not eat long ago, the star soldier, - a silver hand bell rang out the little girl angel.
   Moving paths if here also were, then them, obviously, disconnected. Probably, in an ultramegapolisa of the far future excessively cared for physical shape. The surface became rougher and naked a foot began to burn and scratch. Vladimir, really, was very hungry, on feelings it as if not the first day hungry, except for that...
   But who can know, what is the time he carried out in an otklyuchka...
   On the street it is full of the colourful calling automatic machines: "It is time to be supported!".
   Vladimir solves:
   - A man can die but once, and with an empty belly not life!
   Once you approached the automatic machine, at once there was a three-dimensional projection of the beautiful seven-color girl with wings. In language which seemed to Russians the marvelous nymph said:
   - What is wanted by the little, but courageous subjugator of the Universe?
   - To eat! - Honestly said Tigers in blue eyes of the boy hungry gloss was read.
   - Set of hundred fifteen million products at your service. - Prochirikal the fantastic fairy, having added the size to wings.
   - Then Kremlin ice cream, lemonade, juice, cake and chocolate. - The pleased madcap began to babble.
   - And what types? Concretize the order! - Girls became two and they were unnaturally largely shown.
   - All the same, if only it was tasty. - It is lost murmured Tigers, having helplessly made a helpless gesture.
   - Most tasty? According to the most mass standard? - Probably the cybernetic servants more than once had to push together with the clients who are not understanding what they want.
   - Yes! - With relief blurt out Vladimir.
   - Raise hands, you look directly. Or get your personal indenfikatsionny card, mini-soldiers. - Chorus holographic nymphets said.
   The boy raised both hands. Soft yellow light blinked, probably, it was scanned.
   - In a card file your personality does not appear, you have no personal military card therefore you cannot be served. - Girls peeped and were right there painted in the crimson color, crossed hands in prohibitive gesture of stelzan.
   Vladimir hasty departed from the automatic machine, baked heels in a literal sense. Here, seemingly, technetronic identification communism. Tigers sat down on an elaborate boudoir, zastyv having strongly stooped and having propped up a chin palms. Reflected... The future was drawn in the most gloomy tones. It absolutely alone in other galaxy, in an environment inomiryan, creatures that it is worse than the most predatory, wild fly into a rage. And some saving idea cannot come to mind in any way. Also that was better for Oliver Twist in London, though the same people as well as the homeless fugitive there. And here where it will go? Can most expecting to be given on favor in prison? There though will feed, let and it here humiliating, through a hose.
   - Why you became gloomy, a photon? What I see, lick lips. You seem you want to drive printseps-plasmas in a stomach?
   The unfamiliar boy in the sparkling clothes stretched, smiling, a hand. As it properly! The person a stelzanenka round children's, not so angry, to it in advertizing on healthy nutrition to be removed, only presses a palm too strongly. The forehead is high, a fair hair, widely placed blue eyes. However, a suntanned sinewy hand, as if from steel, capable to break a bone. Vladimir hardly constrained itself, without having given a sign that to him it is very painful, the hand is squeezed as if in a torment vice.
   - Yes, I want to eat!
   - You, it is visible, from the remote colonies, you strongly singed and a look at you peeled, strange. - Said from sympathy shares in a voice young stelzan.
   Vladimir threw rasteryannnbsp; Fortunately, stelzana managed to include the paralyzing field. Eroros gave the first the order at the same time to close also space a power board. It was the pragmatic step if the big slaughter near the planet Earth begins, then from all Solar system there will be no stable nuclear kernel left. And even if he will also run away, the emperor can execute for it, and so fanatic way that it is better for to knock out brains at once.
  y a look on. The clothes and in places already began to smolder, and skin having reddened oblazit. Roofing felts from local the radiation, or overdue reaction to explosion. Tigers were felt by an ice chill in a stomach and by the trembled voice said.
   - Guessed, I was in thermocharge epicenter.
   - I with speed limit will take food, then will tell. - The boy ran as if in high-speed cinematography, without concerning boots of skillfully dressed covering of the prospectus.
   Why Vladimir felt trust to this cub of stelzan, it is difficult to explain. Perhaps young years and a stress affected. Having returned the new friend threw to him several pink, to torments of appetizingly smelling buds. Volod'ka began to tell nothing without concealing, boiled, there was a wish to unburden the heart.
   Malchik-stelzan listened attentively. It was growth as Tigers, and years to it, probably, there was even less. During conversation on his beautiful face the pure smile played all the time. The truth teeth at the child of race warriors at the same time already very large, is more white than snow, from them beams of several stars were reflected by spots of sunlight. The food taken in the automatic machine was excessively tasty, it overexcited receptors and instead of saturation kindled appetite.
   When having uttered Vladimir, became silent, young stelzan judiciously said:
   - Yes, it is similar to a miracle, but here to you not to survive. You will be quickly found especially as every day there takes place computer check of all persons. Couple of days ago, absolutely nearby, there was such "plazmorubka", starprobe vehicles were torn, as at superfireworks. Even from a surface it was visible how the torn to pieces ships decked the sky. It is good that main "chadilnik" came for the line.
   Rebenok-stelzan pointed Vimura to the central star.
   - Now at us everything became much more strict, the total test mode. And earlier control was serious. For certain, even this automatic machine, as well as others, is connected with Department of love and justice.
   - So at you the secret police is called? - Vladimir was twisted in a smile, the concept love at the nation against which fascists kindergarten little rascals how ridiculously sounded.
   - Yes so, their several departments, and everything speak about love. - The boy cramped together eyebrows and the look became more strict. - As if mockery at common sense. Even my father, the economic general of the fourth rank, is rather afraid of these departments. Give, leave quicker. I will spend you.
   - Late! Here you also got, smart guys! - Prorokotali as roar of pack of hyenas of a voice.
   Several armor figures as if ghosts materialized in air.
   - On knees and hands up!
   Tigers, was, moved, and right there received a charge a paralyzer. The consciousness was disconnected.
   He regained consciousness only in the investigator's office. Questions appeared standard, not too detailed though without excess threats the detective spoke permanently tender tone, but on a body of interrogated there were sensors, similar to scorpions. If the boy tried to tell lies, the painful charge, and much more painful, than ordinary current joined. Stinging in the nervous terminations "scorpions", at the same time gave truthfulness percent by means of the hologram.
   Despite terrible impression of the cells of a body tearing to parts (loud shouts the power, extinguishing sound waves field suppressed) to Vladimir nevertheless it became curious how truthfulness is drawn interest and unless there can be in general different shares of lie and the truth. Though why is also not present? There is a human concept; the sacred lie and a half-truth are worse than any lie.
   After interrogation it was locked in a hermetic chamber with cybernetic control. At the head of a special department of Department of love and the truth Twisted Bokra there was no ardent desire to penetrate or investigate an entertaining phenomenon of movement. Promotion for it does not shine moreover look will send to business trip to such hole as mother Earth. There were serious reasons to believe that it is better to get rid of the undesirable witness. How? To kill, and to sort a corpse on the spare part. To sell skin and bones in the "black" market as human, and here into the account of internals - a problem. They are identical, but at stelzan all parts of a body are improved by means of bioengineering. No, these bodies will fully not work unless to find idiots, but in this case metal does not cost processing. Besides at stelzan and so all grows, because of a hyperactivity of stem cells. The assistant suggested idea:
   - Why to us to miss profit, excess kulamana will not prevent. There is one type that long ago wanted to buy from us a stelzanenka.
   - Who? - Bureaucrat squinted a chin aside, the voice decreased to snake whisper. - Perhaps Giles?
   - Yes, it! - The maiden let out a sparkle from under the nails which are made up by radioactive isotopes.
   Stelzan contemptuously spitted out, having turned the scanner bracelet aside:
   - Disgusting mix of a bug and primacy.
   - But it is so rich that bought honourable nationality of Purple constellation. - The assistant thinly giggled. - Even our hot females, to it in a bed jump.
   - Well, but taking into account risk, we will jack up the price in a repeated size. - Bureaucrat having made many considerable pause, added. - If agrees, it will be only the beginning.
   - Blackmail? Of course, we will make quantum records. - Stelzanka let out from a ring tiny, it is less than poppy kernel a front sight, that made the silent eight in air, having peeped: "all systems of scanning, record and wiretap, are ready to functioning.
   - I guess why it is necessary to it. It is possible fairly "to inflate muscles" on this business. - The official threw into a mouth candy with nonsense impurity.
   Here so quickly the destiny of the human child was also decided.
   Really, despite amorous progress at a stelzanok the hairy bimanous bug with a monkey ugly face Giles made repellent impression. Even the magnificent uniform seemed ridiculously tense on a disgusting shaggy effigy. When Vladimir in a packing envelope brought in the remote country house, the boy, literally, was shaken for fear. The Giles looked with quiet interest. He felt that the child is afraid and afraid of it violence. The sticky opposite voice buzzed over an ear.
   - You, I see, shiver, small stelzan. Don't be afraid! I will reserve your largest fear in the end. Damned bastard of ublyudochny race of aggressors! You have to be responsible for all the sins and for sins of your relatives exhaling plasma of death.
   Tigers shuddered.
   - But I not stelzan, and forehead...
   The roar which is stuffing up ears tore off the phrase.
   - You, stelzan, false rat bastard! I was warned that you a macaque like to get owners and with mentality of a problem at you. Everything, you mine, and I on you will recoup for the destroyed relatives. For a start you will feel what to be a slave, then we will increase your sufferings. Bring him and put on a collar.
   Tigrov was taken away, and then sent to imitation of a slave barrack. There, under the scorching sun beams, forced to break and move on a stretcher or carts stones, at the same time polosuya painful categories. It is visible, the Giles did not differ in big imagination or was too keen on business, but on bigger, than to force to carry out heavy almost senseless, for such high technogenic level work, there was not enough imagination. Though it was rather painful, to wave 12 hours a pick or to thrash on stones a sledge hammer at such heat.
   Then to go to an empty barrack on the sharp heated stones tormenting barefoot children's legs. In the first hour broke naked soles in blood, and pain was as if from the coal brazier which is moved up closely. To skin not an oblezla only because one of workmates slaves mercifully allowed to be greased with protective cream. He even whispered to him:
   - You are too weak, for a stelzan, probably your race such subdued as well as our. And external similarity with mean the aggressor a jeer of whimsical mother evolution.
   Vladimir sadly nodded:
   - Yes the nature, or God joked of us if of course Gods did not commit suicide because of pangs of conscience, for so badly the operated universe yet.
   It was necessary to sleep on naked plank beds when all body hoots after the electroshock categories put with the heartless robot, and a row beings similar cubs well-known on computer a yoke of orks doze. Only instead of wool at young inomiryan of slaves it is slippery fish scales to which from a touch the boys covered with blisters of a sole are pleasantly cooled. Despite moaning in an empty stomach: all food allowance one amino-acid tablet, in a kingdom of dreams you fail almost instantly. But the dream after difficult day is short that you do not manage to restore forces, wakening from the bent five different flowers of lightnings proceeding from a switch of a cyborg.
   All this is awful! There is a wish to kill, throw a chlenistonogy monkey in a belly of the most burning quasar!
   After the act of sale the police general of the fourth "X" class was in fine mood. And still he in vain relaxed.
   Literally, several hours later, the group of capture rushed into an office, having twisted the two-boring attendant of the law. After recent battle the valuable trophies which are not ambiguously indicating connection of the general Vili Bokr with investigation of sinkh were taken. And the former executioner turned into the victim, having fully been influenced by what throughout centuries this torturer with such relish tried on other live entities.
   Chapter 23
   Really honor
   not to find in the sky?
   Heart is eager to sweep,
   that to save the world!
   After it was necessary to agree to work for Gold constellation, Lev Eraskander had a nasty mood. Though on the other hand the idea to play spies is very tempting. He had to watch movies are removed on Earth before invasion. Among them the series about Stierlitz were also quite fascinating, without watching absence, fights, battles, or animation special effects. Something is entertaining in similar intellectual games when you are masked, pretend to be at all not that whom it is actually.
   Badly another, now it is attached to an annihilation detonator from all directions. Any careless movement and...
   Better not to think of it. And correctly told it to the Guru: who does not risk not the fact at all that will avoid to revel to vomiting in blood, but with a guarantee will not taste some champagne!
   Though the planet gangster is also laid over by starprobe vehicles from all directions, there will always be a way to get even into time of a state of siege. For similar transfer coherent sinkh ordered to use a heavy-load trailer. Usually it is the huge submarines operated by robots. They fly in hyper space on the truncated polutoravektorny collapse, it allows to save energy, but kills organic life forms. Here, however, the hyper jump will take small time. At a small distance there is a chance to survive, the truth risking it is cruel to become a cripple.
   The Nasekomovidny officer continued to buzz busily over an ear:
   - You will be in a camouflage special space suit, it will help at superficial scanning and will not allow to freeze in the vacuum temperature of a cargo compartment. Then, after unloading, you will pass into the place, known as the big pink lock. There you will secretly hide, waiting for Hermes. Then you will return in the legal way to Earth.
   - And if kosmoport under strong protection? - Eraskander, thoughtfully looked at the hologram showing space races.
   - You have to resolve these questions. - Grinned, tightening up a hobotok sinkh. - And in the pink lock there will be the reflecting wall. And gentle, passionate ladies on a stirrup.
   The lion slightly strained, not too sincerely said:
   - I farther do not intend to play a role of the gigolo. Will be enough, you look, maybe, and Hermes will come, having felt thirst for boys?
   The insect buzzed with a shade of a chill and obvious boredom:
   - You know, you primacies have customs. Here we have a stronger sex of a female, and you - often purely formally have males. And zorg at all genetic freaks.
   It was senseless to argue further. Loading took place without incident. The transported freight in this case not especially valuable. Means, it is possible to bury and relax in them. The boy and made, in a special space suit comfortably to kimarit also on metal boxes with the loaded raw materials. The Almighty God of a dream Morpheus - threw a cover, having tightly switched off feelings.
   Meanwhile hardly cargo transport left base, so in air began to smell hyper plasma. From different points fighting starprobe vehicles of Imperial fleet began to appear. Sinkh overestimated a role of bribes. They seriously believed that bribery of a number of generals guarantees the safe parking, almost in the center of a galaxy. However the system of repeated duplication of security systems, existence of parallel structures, and also meanness and unscrupulousness of already bribed officials nullified all system of masking.
   Many of number participated in attack on system of the bribed generals. Unless the word pledged to reasonable insects costs something? Receive a deposit and throw, and you will tell the secret police that there was a trap which is thinly arranged to the eternal rival.
   Here they are the fighting ships of Purple Constellation which one predatory round forces to tremble trillions of manned systems of the universe.
   The ultramarshal Digger Violeto ordered shock attack. This cruel, cunning dignitary, having got a large bribe, at once transferred information to the superminister "Wars and victories", and also to Department of protection of a throne. It is a good way to be washed and to be enriched at the same time at the expense of arthropods of "suckers". The fleet of sinkh is huge, and the central base even since big war. It is necessary to work much to pull out this zadubevshy tumor. Dulling vigilance of insects, Digger sent a welcome graviagramma.
   - Brothers, rejoice! Our starprobe vehicles arrived in order that together with you to fight for sacred business, for light ideals of democracy!
   This trick gave the chance to bring closely forces and to open heavy all-destroying fire. Tens of thousands of the fighting ships were swept away in the very first seconds of fight. Stelzana strongly took an initiative. And still the result of fight was resolved not at once though the central leader superbattle ship and was destroyed, shot almost at point blank range by synchronous volleys, ordering on it it did not appear.
   Using the numerical superiority, sinkh tried to adjust defense, at the same time, without neglecting counterattacks. Losses on both sides were mutually huge. The result of battle could raise serious doubts. But the cunning ultramarshal always held jokers. As cargo starprobe vehicles besides robots cope and the correcting impulses, radio engineers of Purple constellation developed the overloaded liner. Minerals which tried to send sinkh were not so simple. From these raw materials at merge to other ingredient there was a similarity of the strengthened anti-matter modification. Considering the enormous sizes of two transport submarines, at accident of similar scale there had to be an explosion equivalent on power to a termoproyenovy bomb. Preonnovy rockets still only just began to arrive on arms of army of Purple constellation. And only based on the principle of merge of preonn (that releases incomprehensibly powerful mezhpreonnovy impulse which is compactly concluded in hyper strings) the charge to a bigger regret of strategists of Purple Constellation is already used in the previous battle. Therefore in this case it was necessary to use their substitute. Sliding force fields worked in such a way that passed transport in the automatic mode. And in turmoil of fight nobody found time to reprogram the boards covering enormous kosmoport. And here the consequence, two giants faced, having released energy of hundreds of billions Hirosim. Literally swept base, having almost split the planet. Failure of powerful fortress, death of the commander, destruction of cybernetic control made the business. In a number of the escaped starprobe vehicles of Gold constellation panic began. Sinkham seemed that again terrible Preonnovy charges were applied, so, it is necessary to run from inevitable destruction. Besides, the splinter, solid in a quarter of weight, fell off the planet. It became already excessive, to see the world which is breaking up into parts huge diameter to one and a half Saturn. On a fragment surface as if the mercury spreading from the broken thermometer, ran up frightened to the inomirena. Overturned many of them a blast wave, or turned in the flaring tuft.
   Memory of how such warheads work, was too fresh. Therefore rushed about on space and starprobe vehicles of sinkh got away. Panic deprived of them an opportunity to battle adequately.
   Here on the battle ship three frightened insects instead of a saving capsule with shout:
   - Yes there will arrive with us printseps-plasma! - Flew in a utilization chamber where to them instantly spread out to separate elementary, having sent a stream to processing of a hyper nuclear reactor.
   Among perishing there were individuals more nicely. For example the officer from race Affeka reminding the head in an ermine tail, and a trunk as three Astra's buds made together. Here it running away from heat came across the sharp probe of the broken-off covering. Punched it through and the beauty as if the butterfly on a needle died hard, not in forces to leave from the special fire generated by hyper plasma. This flame in the course of exothermic reaction partially uses energy of intra nuclear and vnutrikvarkovy communications because of what, even what in principle cannot burn flares, especially in the conditions of vacuum.
   The female of three-hollow remembers the family - a male and the neutral, and so in common reproduced offsprings. What is with them - the triad failed, a grief, sufferings, death! The flower ermine with a great effort whispers:
   - Forgive God Triumvirat... Did not observe all set of rituals. But it is said yes fallen to fight we love Gods Gods...
   Flesh burns, and any more there are no forces to shout, whisper, the consciousness slowly leaves, soul leaving the ashes which remained from a body something like the head invisible to an eye nods at parting:
   - I trust in other Universe everything will be far more fair and better!
   Captured by animal horror to the inomirena perished under relentless blows of the ships of the ruthless opponent. Starprobe vehicles blew up as the burst metal bubbles, drenching space with fiery splashes. The separate melted balls of metal being attracted to each other put in a peculiar, brilliant beads and flitted then in space.
   Female general from Purple Constellation it is poisonous summarized:
   - We adore beauty, sinkh we turn into a beads! Jewelry at us - zapulsary the highest class!
   On starprobe vehicles creatures of all colors, for example similar to webby mammoths of a mukivika rushed, trampled not enough bright sinkh in the hyper titan. Those answered them with volleys of graviolazer. Metal flared more and stronger, on it passed streams fiery waves, forcing the victims to squeal and jump up.
   The little, very much it was succeeded to escape. Some managed, having gone to a hyper jump, to fly in the centers of densely scattered heavenly bodies. Having appeared in storming plasma, the ships evaporated before their owners managed to think that made a fatal flaw.
   During these rough events Eraskander slept tight, without knowing the fact that his transport inevitably rushes to a killing collapse. The exhausting experiences of the last days left the mark on a dream. It dreamed a nightmare...
   Here he is imprisoned in a gloomy vault of the underground bunker for especially dangerous criminals again. At first native executioners got down to business. They torture and torment clumsily. A traditional, ancient rack where with the heavy freight attached to legs hitch up upward, unscrewing hands and shoulders, pull breaking joints. Then kindle fire, roasting the boy the coarsened heels, scorching to a foot bone, cauterize the heated whip painful points on a body. It is very sick, the smell of fake meat fills the room, and on this background blows of the pointed wire dissecting skin are hardly notable. Then executioners try to stretch on a rack, twisting sheaves. Yes to him of course it is painful, but besides pain hatred and rage overflows. When torturers changed a tilt angle on a rack, Lev having dodged managed, without sparing crippled, in crimson blisters of a leg to cut to one of torturers in a jaw. The blow was good and from a stupid square mouth ten teeth took off. In rage executioners from all scope thrashed him the heated rods, broke and unscrewed all ribs. Other boy would die long ago, and he survived. Executioners continued to torment him, poured salt and pepper on wounds and burns, passed electric discharges through a body, from strong current the smoke was smoked, exhausted the heated needles under nails. Dipped into the melted oil and ice water, pricked the psychotropic drugs which are not allowing to faint, and painful serum, applied also other types of tortures well-known on Earth. Yes they hurt, but could not break, could not pull out proper words from the boy. When through continuous painful scintillating fog, words reached.
   - The person tell you less microbe. Tell you the slave to stelzan, they are your gods. Tell that the body of the owners bearing annihilation is ready to kiss, and then all these torments will immediately stop.
   In response to it seven-year-old Lev Eraskander spat in a face to executioners, and received counter blows. It, of course, could not suit the colonial authorities of Great Stelzanat. The son vysokopostavlenno of the official of the general of a class-4h, was so hard crippled that could lead only vegetable existence, and it is a little simple to kill the person, it is necessary also to break. The village where Lev lived, was already destroyed, all residents of the village in independence of age and a floor were subjected torture and painful execution. People were liked to be crucified on seven-final stars where they died slowly and painfully. Some thought up also more sophisticated execution dropping, in a transparent package on the Sun. Then the person slowly within several days was burned with overheating. Also different ways of punishment as slowly moving to space vacuum us special elevators were used... Terror tactics, typical for Stelzanat, to intimidate and govern having brought the subdued races to animal horror. This slave should be broken off at any cost. Here and the father of the mutilated boy with the head of department of native department of Love and the Truth. The slender large general with the spiteful and eagle person, accompanied by too healthy and even more fat head of chasteners. Looking at the torn to pieces child's body, stelzan indulgently burst out laughing.
   - All of you used types of human tortures?
   The chief of native executioners - the pimply grown fat Indian, corrected moved down from the head of the Neanderthal man the head device, with several reddish rumpled feathers, wearily spoke in a bass:
   - I think all the master.
   - And teeth to a gum drilled? - Contemptuously the general sniffed.
   - No, forgot, but beat out and broke a jaw. We can dosverlit what remained. - Executioners got stuck the nippers which smoked from a flame, mechanical drills began to roar.
   - Shut up, a lobotomirovanny primacy. You made the business. - Having pulled the bulldog's nose air and having felt a strong smell fake the torturer executioner with surprise bryaknut. - And how he at you did not die?
   - The reptile is hardy. And it a rubber body, and wounds are restored in the eyes.
   - Any primitive savage can tear to pieces a body, to ruin the main thing to burn out soul. And it is not given you. Here admire the general the murderer of your son, only, please, any more do not beat him. All the same you to it will not be able to add pain any more, and your hard blow can stop it at all. - The head of torturers looked with such complacent look as if it was talked of baking of cake.
   - And I am also not going to be soiled about this jellyfish, but when we throw it in a cybernetic underworld, I would like to strike the first blow to it. - The look of the general Stelzanat literally ground up poison.
   - Perfectly I to you trust, it to zapulsarit! - The torturer floutingly as if the criminal ready to thrust in the victim to peak, winked. - So the kid rejoice, you learn the most intimate depths of a nightmare and pain.
   Having picked up the mutilated boy, executioners drag him along a corridor. On the road they several times stepped on the burned spoiled leg broken fingers, trying to inflict additional suffering. Having gone down on the elevator, they entered especially protected room. So place it in a space suit, having attached special sensors to the head.
   The professional torturer of Purple Constellation winked at the general.
   - Now your course the colleague, cut to it.
   - I to you not the colleague, my task to be at war with the armed enemy, risking to die most, but not to torment the helpless victims. This slug exception to the rules.
   I will cause it special pain.
   First Eraskander could make out nothing, there was a pitch, pressing darkness, and then... Something roared as mix of the symphony of Wagner and a dead march. The boy saw armadas of starprobe vehicles of Purple Constellation. The looking like generations of hallucinations of the people's commissar in the period of withdrawal pains terrifying the ships brought down a crushing blow on the planet. He contemplated the underworld embodiment, and at once in a set of projections as multi-storey buildings fell as children alive burned. As the gone blind burned mothers cried out and raged, the remains of hardly living people turned into skeletik pottered about half. Then its own native village, those children and girls with whom he played the childish games until recently. The soldiers breaking boots children's heads, and from those who are more senior clothes break and begin to force is perverted and it is cruel. Pregnant women were thrashed legs hurting a stomach, or pressed kverlilovy to the estate of a piranha and tanks with barrels in the form of the heads of a cobra. And Lev not only saw and heard, the smell of fake meat, bloody sweat literally clogged nostrils. In a mouth bloody and metal smack and when one of chasteners cut a boot on the person was felt, threw the head from shrill pain. Not in forces more to sustain such Lev cried, and rushed towards to incredibly fanatic enemies. He wanted to kill, kill one all of them, to find and kill all trillions and quintillions of these biped parasites who defiled the Universe. To kill, strike, attack, a swing, all to burn, to burn!
   - I hate them! I hate you! I want your death! Die! Die! Be annihilated!!!
   In a dream Lev so convulsively pulled extremities that managed to dart off and, twitching, to take off for doors of the emergency dumping of dangerous objects. His suit automatically joined in the mode of extravehicular activity. How it in general could happen why the security cybernetic program did not work? In a light slumber the young man mechanically gathered a simple combination of opening of a door. Being in such state, he, without reflecting, jumped out in pass. It, it is natural even with acceleration as if threw out a champagne cork in others and cold space. A small grain of sand, the boy who is carried away by space currents in an infinite chasm of the star ocean.
   Zero gravity - a strange incomprehensible state. You test something similar only in a dream when you soar under the imagined clouds. And around you vacuum and huge necklaces of the fiery flaring stars. Bright light of tens of thousands of stars which are not weakened by the atmosphere. Though the space suit is also supplied with light filters, densely covered radiant spheres blind eyes, causing strong patches of light. A space suit, however, from among the automatic machines operated during flight in open space.
   Having turned, the boy saw a picture of grandiose fight. Though without optical amplifier even large starprobe vehicles seem the tiny shining midges, all the same the picture of grandiose space battle bewitches. The starprobe vehicles seeming small because of a big distance water each other with the killing charges capable to incinerate the whole cities, and even planets. They flash in millions of multi-colored fires of different brightness and size which are constantly jumping and rushing on space. Then explosion follows, two transports faced. The explosion is not visible yet. Light waves did not manage to reach, and the blow of a gravitational wave is already notable. It scatters the fighting ships. It is felt even as in a space suit the body as if it was struck with a tail by the real cachalot is flattened.
   The lion felt how as if a weighty cudgel rejected him aside as on the head something sadanut. He felt the strong shock similar to a condition of sheer "otklyuchka", but, nevertheless, his consciousness completely did not go out. With big all the accruing acceleration the boy rushed in a kollapstichesky throw. Flattened flesh, Eraskander almost did not breathe, Dzhi who is nearly crushed by acceleration in many hundreds. The consciousness was stirred up, but stubborn was not disconnected as if the rope-walker keeping one hand, and not allowing itself to break in a non-existence gloom.
   Gradually light waves of the happened planetary accident began to reach it. Destructive light for several seconds eclipsed stars, having filled in with megaplasma categories vacuum. The weak sheeting of a space suit only partially weakened blow. On skin right there were blisters and burns, causing notable pain at each movement. In vacuum it is possible to fly almost infinitely long in one direction, risking to roll in a gravitational field of one of numerous stars dashingly over time.
   Eraskander desperately tried to leave by means of gvivio-photon tiny engines of a space suit in dive and to be developed to some inhabited planet, their benefit here as mushrooms after a rain. However, seemingly, that the equipment of a space suit was damaged during flash, and he not in forces to escape from strong embraces of vacuum. It is possible to pull helplessly hands and legs, to spin here and there, but here, in vacuum, even the strongest person seems the helpless baby.
   There passed hour, then some more hours.
   Having not felt hungry and drink.
   It is clear, that if nobody picks up it, then it so can soar in space for centuries, having turned into an ice block. Still the option to get to a star orbit, and it is flight of millions of years. The transmitter does not work too. Well, it is necessary to die! No, it cannot so just take and die, dullly freeze here in ice vacuum. Council of the Sensei was remembered: "When you down and out, have to come to the rescue of you force. Remember, not strong emotions or anger, not hatred, but tranquility, the world and meditation have to open charkas, fill a body with magic energy. Power of reason will give the power capable to make many good deeds, and the anger, hatred, lust wrap energy on destruction and death".
   The guru as always is right. Yes, it is good to relax and meditate. But as to make it if it is overflowed by hatred and rage. Perhaps rage will help to waken to superspace force.
   When he in the very first time tested terrible anger and inflow of earlier not conducted mad energy, there was a miracle: the cybernetic three-dimensional reality failed, having scattered on splinters. Terrible virtual monsters literally in the eyes shrank and went out. Covered it with the gloom wave from time to time dissected by fiery sparkles. Then he regained consciousness. Faces of executioners were lost, repeatedly duplicated computer completely failed as if inside the small thermocharge blew up or probushevat a superpowerful virus. But Eraskander already then understood that this his rage burned all chips and photonew cascade reflectors of virtual hell, so, it is possible to kill not only a body. It seems that the Sensei knew it and not really wanted to train him in magic mental art.
   Now it will concentrate the anger, hatred will begin to flow on veins - and all charkas will open. Time the Sensei could move, teleporting in space, means and at it it will turn out!
   Lev Eraskander concentrated rage. He imagined all this space, executioners, stelzan, traitors of collaborators, ugly predatory inogalaktichesky monsters. Tried to feel superthin matter of space, to probe vacuum, to feel other measurements. Concentrating, it is necessary to forget about a body, to present that there is no body. Some of pupils of the Sensei and the Guru already tried to move objects. He heard that he has mighty force and that will not be able purposefully to operate it. Lie! The stream of wild rage drenched it, the body sharply moved. It's a go! It is capable to operate flight mentally. And now to gather speed - quicker to the next planet. The boy, however, forgot that it is after all space that distances are huge here, not comparable with terrestrial scales. It not on Earth to fly by hundred meters, having blown the mind of gawks! Even the most skilled of the Guru understand, than unprepared acceleration and furthermore, not controlled use of paranormal force is fraught. Acceleration was poorly compensated minigravy. This space suit is created not for interstellar flights. Dispersing and dispersing, Lev exceeded strength of the organism and nearly depressurized a space suit. Acceleration exceeded three thousand of Dzhi and paralyzed breath, having interrupted inflow of blood to a brain. This time thoughts and feelings interrupted the prompt run. It seemed, the multiton tank failed on the head, having crumpled intellectual perception.
   If to you force opened,
   Manage to hold it in hand!
   That did not subdue you
   That darkness that sows death and fear!
   Chapter 24
   At strong always powerless is guilty,
   And therefore, if you want to live freely,
   Fix the muscles, the brother,
   At the same time arriving nobly!
   Within solar system and in its vicinities tens of millions of fighting starprobe vehicles up in arm stiffened. Having hanged in space, they waited only for a pretext to be linked and rush to destructive fight.
   But the occasion everything was not.
   Nobody was so mad just like that to risk on self-destructive skirmish. All stood. It seemed that the tension is gradually relieved. Pirates, however, having lost a great number of the atamans, did not want to go ungifted away. The part of privateers, was in due time, on service of the empire of Purple constellation, actively participating in ecowars. These pirates knew, the center of a galaxy with its dense planetary educations is so rich, many of which were wild until recently, and now became active suppliers of resources. Though it and a tidbit, but as here watches for mighty star fleet of Stelzanat, and is no arrangement who will pass pirates to galaxy heart, and to be put is deadly. In a disparate pirates demanded from Fagiram of the admission of the ships as if the governor of Earth ruled over all galaxy. Yes, even the hyper governor had no right for independent removal of troops of the whole galaxy - similar decisions were coordinated with department "Wars and Victories". Squabble became more and more aggressive, the part of kapersky commanders entered negotiations with military submarines of other worlds. There too was the most variegated structure of fighting teams and commanders. Many of them were local absolute kinglets, and lower than the advantage in negotiations with ignoble persons was it even. Others burned with thirst of revenge, especially those at whom someone from relatives died, and all had a desire to be enriched and to plunder practically. Well the most aggressive representatives of civilizations in this part of the Universe, of course, went hiking. Sane creations were not pecked on similar adventure. Sinkh, obviously, fluctuated. Without support of other worlds war with Stelzanat is fraught with inevitable defeat, even change and bribery of tops does not give a victory guarantee. And it is not possible to keep a tight rein these mixed tribes almost.
   Gradually increasing part of leaders of inogalaktichesky armadas, inclined to blow to the center of a galaxy. Yes, it ruined the initial plan of synchronous blow to the capital of Purple constellation, but nevertheless the next interstine meat grinder was the best option, than. The central commander-in-chief of sinkh supergross-admiral Libarador Vir gave the order.
   - Due to the unanimous opinion of our brothers and us personally, the first blow will be struck to the local center of accommodation of these vile primacies.
   Millions exulting graviogramm showed that the similar decision was to the taste to all:
   - We will depart forward, and the center of a galaxy will be given you on full plunder.
   Again unanimous approval.
   - We take off immediately!
   It suited everything, even Fagiram who, already fairly strukhnuv, accepted a portion of a dope.
   Supergrossadmiral was happy. Of course, there can be unplanned skirmishes with army of stelzan, but it is much more of them, and, certainly, they will erase in powder of these parasites. Was considered earlier that stelzana are able to be at war, without being able to trade. Means, they can be crushed economically. Really it turned out that even in ecowars they are stronger, devilishly cunning primacies. And the only real way - to finish off them by force of arms. Therefore armadas of the fighting ships after short reorganization went to a hyper jump.
   Several piracy starprobe vehicles were late, freebooters were angry and wanted to break though on someone rage. Best of all for this role defenseless and weak inhabitants of the planet Earth approached. When the shepherd is not available, the anger is vented on sheep. Several tens small missiles were launched on the settlements of the globe, most remote from Tibet. The part of rockets was brought down from a surface by lasers, and the part nevertheless reached densely populated areas, having blazed giant fiery spheres. Not one ten millions there is nothing guilty people, it was again destroyed or crippled. It seemed that in vacuum of space the souls which are cast out by the infernal cascade groan. Shadows of people cannot find to themselves rest.
   But nevertheless in vain corsairs considered that to them everything will easily escape punishment.
   The tracing equipment recorded group of shooting, having written down data and having sent to the store. Despite the strict order, fighting land installations fired a reciprocal volley. Two ships were destroyed on the place, and one of starprobe vehicles, though left from a direct hit, went off-course. Having gone to a hyper jump, it flew in the center of the Sun where, having got to the multimillion temperature of a kernel, scattered on separate photons. Other space robbers managed to go to hyper space, safe for usual charges.
   Flight of variegated armada to the center of a galaxy has to take only several days.
   While hordes of aggressors go to galaxy heart, the young intelligence agent, without wasting gift of time, carefully studies military equipment of Purple constellation. It is still rather young that her curiosity seemed excessively suspicious, but nevertheless it is necessary to be careful. Starprobe vehicles are arranged modestly on barracks from within, but here is full of bright images. Especially stelzana like to draw pictures of star or mythical fights. It is their style. Types of arms are very various. Basic principle of action beam and hyper plasma. Of course, it is impossible to arrange production of the similar weapon in the handicraft way. Different types of guns, launchers, screen radiators, force fields, iskrivitel of vacuum...
   The little girl very much wanted to learn also more about the invaders, without exciting excess suspicions ignorance of elementary things. Here she also wandered about long narrow corridors of the fighting cruiser leader. Remembered the series shot in the beginnings of the twenty first century, seen at guerrillas, the similar ships. Here it looks somehow more richly and futuristichny. Uncountable pictures us a wall of corridors move as if the video image, fighting robots have a good time games of holograms. Beautifully, interestingly, and it is frightening, it is visible, their civilization how far progressed in the technical plan. The leader was huge, crew as the population of the town. A mighty starprobe vehicle of the size of a sphere with a diameter more than three kilometers. There are practically all conveniences and entertainments. Here the risk of dullly is only very big to fail, creeping a small insect on the ship.
   - Hey, you! As there you! What you hang about? - the sharp and hoarse voice interrupted disturbing thoughts.
   The girl turned. No, judging by shoulder straps, it was the economic expert still absolutely the young man. It is not necessary to be afraid, but it is possible to untwist conversation.
   - I am Labido Karamada.
   - I see, at you it on the hologram a computer bracelet is written. But from what at you such lost look? - The guy looked rather with sympathy, than with suspicion.
   - I had problems, during the last fight on this devil's planet I got under the unknown field, having lost too a lot of things from memory. - The suffering tone Elena said, for persuasiveness having crossed on a hand breast.
   - So let you our biore-enactors rehabilitate. - Offered, smiling to the young man.
   - It is very difficult to make it. Radiation is created by far others worlds. It is necessary to time much to recover from such injury. - Labido heaved a deep sigh, having hung the head.
   Stelzan grinned. His look was kind and intelligent.
   - Let's come to me, we will talk. You speak, unknown radiations, waves of other races? I work on it now.
   The room where they came, reminded mix of a three-dimensional cinema hall and ultramodern laboratory. Seats and a floor are covered with mirror plastic, and the three-dimensional projection of the star empire in a traditional seven-color frame from above shines.
   - Yes, it is interesting. You at this moment were closed by a force field? - The put guy fair-haired athletically asked.
   - No, was not. And it unless matters? - Labido involuntarily strained.
   - Of course, what is called a force field changed strategy of wars for all Universe. Once in the ancient time there were two ways of protection, armor and counter interception of blow. I do not remember sequence, but the created thermonuclear rockets rumpled everything. They also led to creation of the uniform planet-wide empire. Force fields were created in parallel with the first annihilation charges. However we inherited part of knowledge from other races, including a termokvarkovy bomb. For protection against shells of the quarks based on process of merge, that is millions times stronger nuclear it was necessary to create essentially new types of protection. - Stelzan blurted out a tongue twister and threw to himself into a mouth a piece of the chewing gum executed in the form of the racing car.
   - And how they work? - To the intelligence agent it became rather curious.
   - If it is simpler to speak, then in vacuum there is a set of fields, one in a passive state, others are active, depending on a condition of vacuum. Naturally, fields pierce matter, and reaction influences properties of this field. When bombing by certain types of radiations a number of passive fields becomes active, changing property of matter. After a series of researches it was succeeded to pick up rather optimum proportions of power influence. But, of course, power protection is not ideal. In particular the energy stream is more active, the it is more difficult to neutralize it. The graviolazer became especially complex problem. Its principle a combination of destructiveness and an inclusiveness of gravitation with where with a bigger force of ten from the fortieth degree of times of extent of electromagnetic interactions made the similar weapon... - The fellow choked on a chewing gum and became silent.
   - Yes, of course, starprobe vehicles force down. - Labido to the shame not really understood that the electronic worm explained to her.
   - Of course, shells are improved too, we, in particular, worked on rockets which send the counter radiation punching protection. We stelzana to space measures are still too young, because not everything turns out - the Young man became already quieter, probably he more than once had to stir about it.
   - Yes, I understood. But all of us won against other races and empires with their multimillion history. - Elena innocently smiled as if the main merit in Stelzanat's victories belonged it.
   - Yes. Won. But zorg own a secret of an impenetrable force field, it even call transtemporary. Its principles are a riddle for our scientists, but I have the assumption. Instead of standard to six or even to twelve in our newest developments, zorg use all thirty six measurements. I heard, they even managed to get into the parallel Universes. - The technician made a helpless gesture.
   - All of them are equally silly creations not capable it is correct to make use of experience of billions of years of evolution. But we, stelzan, have a great emperor, and he will destroy them! - Labido gave herself a furious look and shook fists.
   - Yes, emperor, will and soon wonderful equipment. Our cybernetic devices calculated that in an interval from 100 to 1000 years we will technologically overtake these three-hollow metalworkers, we will spray them on preona and we will feed all Universe. - The young man shook a fist too. Pair of robots cut in star strategy was interrupted and having repaid holograms stood at attention.
   - To wait long! - The intelligence agent even defiantly yawned.
   - Why long? Even in this Universe we will be young and strong and if we die, then in the following sphere it will be far more interesting. I, personally, hardly can present everyday life in 12 or 36 measurements, and there they will go on the increasing complexity. - Green eyes of the technician-stelzana heatedly shone.
   - But we can get confused, lost in so multidimensional world. - Labido-Elena sighed.
   - Be not afraid, once and we had vakuumnogolovy fools that did not trust in our opportunities to fly and conquer other worlds. There was primitive time, terrible, dense time when we lived on one planet. Being at war with each other bludgeons and arrows. This nightmare any more will never repeat, all infinite Universes will be ours! - The young man exclaimed with enthusiasm having crossed over the hand head to the developed palms.
   - And what in the present? - Cold asked Labido.
   Talking interesting couple approached to not absolutely usual statue, the guy made strange gesture and in air twisted two remotely similar on motorcycle a helmet.
   - And in the present I will show you a small novelty, what is allowed to see not to everyone biped. Let's dress ourselves in "plazmo-computer", let's put on virtual helmets and we will plunge into the new world.
   With great feeling expressively looking at the little girl, the young man said.
   - Helmets? They will cover only the face! - The intelligence agent exclaimed, with lateness having understood that nonsense bryaknut.
   - No, you, I see, was fairly irradiated, the brain, and a body will not feel a difference. Give on a signal. Time, two, three!
   Having fastened a helmet, Labido felt that she fails in lilac fog of a bottomless well. The body became weightless and floated in mirror space, dense bouquets of multi-colored stars began to sparkle around. It seemed that each section of an organism is dissolved in boundless virtual space. She, as if from outside, watched the corporal cover, and her body collapsed. Each part inflated as a giant bubble and blew up in thousands of multi-color rockets. Mad glow mixed up with dense garlands of stars, closing visibility. It seemed that all body was transformed, subatomic communications failed, having broken off reality borders. Kaleidoscopical shift of a range merged in continuous glow, and instead of stars and ardent flashes mountains of the burning and blowing up bank notes, kulaman, dirinar, grok, etc. fell down. Bank notes struck, scraps fell on the head and continued to blow up, ominous sparks walked on long iridescent hair. Then notes turned into vile disgusting snakes. The whole ocean of slizky and suffocating fetid reptiles filled interstellar space. Having blocked up all parties of the review, having pressed down viscous weight, suffocating breath. To the girl on the present it became terrible what creatures, ugly with disgusting curve teeth, squealed and hissed from all directions. The dripping poison burned gentle skin, and the stench literally broke off interiors. The sudden ray of light cut space, the fiery ball arose near her face. The melodious female voice said:
   - You should make a choice of the weapon!
   Emergence of a ball helped Lzhekaramada to recover, and she cried in anger.
   - I do not play these foolish games. Perhaps from a day nursery you will find clients, let will come crawling here to be indulged with worms!
   - Well, you give! Some strange terms at you! You use an original slang? It is only the first stage of game, option of self-training of fighters of shock guard. At each level there is a fight and change of opponents. Pain is not real, be not afraid. - Vigorously as if a voice of morning radio sounded from a ball.
   - At you all games on death are constructed? To shoot? To blow up? To dissolve? To Vakkumirovat? To Zafotonit! - The intelligence agent was so excited that forgot about care.
   - And you want not a military subject? Then choose: economy, logic, science. - The voice of the passionless robot became even more tender.
   - I want the promised multidimensional peace. Where your twelve measurements? - Roared, shaking by cams Elena.
   - It is, but only in the most top levels. - This time a ball, having changed a form to a triangle, spoke the young man's by voice. - You do not know how to move in three-dimensional virtual space, and the multidimensional universe is similar to thousands of the most difficult labyrinths connected in one point.
   - If you are a gentleman, then take me by hand and carry out on the multidimensional world. - The little girl confused, and at the same time movable by curiosity insisted.
   - I will try, but will break off you at the slightest deviation. Here besides not the real multidimensional space, and only reflection of our theoretical representations as all this has to look in the twelve-measured Universe. - The triangle was extended and having begun to look as if the jet fighter of the end of the twentieth century.
   - I am quite ready. - Elena even threw up a hand in pioneer salute.
   - Well! We begin!
   Dragons were scattered on the smallest silvery balls which suddenly evaporated as snowflakes on the heated frying pan. And it appeared on the transparent platform with the small squares similar to chessboard cages. The ridiculous fluffy small animal similar to mix of a squirrel and the yellow Cheburashka arose literally from nothing. Leaned out of its nice muzzle, the hobotok cleaned up. The Cheburashka having a tail softly touched with the hobotok a tender face of the girl. This touch was innocent and pleasant. Labido ran a hand over soft hair of a young of wild animal.
   - What you amusing, pretty girl! You are much more pleasant than these cannibals and reptiles who captivated space.
   - Yes, I agree! Really, I am more nice, than the derivative garbage of the universe filling all Universe.
   The voice was a little thinner, but, undoubtedly, it was the same researcher-stelzan. Labido even it did not know a name.
   Having hardly restrained, the little girl pushed away a small animal.
   - I guessed that you are a pervert, but already even...
   Words got stuck in language.
   - What perversion can be here? We are persons of opposite sexes. And that is natural, is not criminal! - The small animal roared and added. - Sex a life torch, a coma love not to a lamp!
   - Stop! Calm the virtual interest! - Whined Labido and tried to push away an animal a palm.
   - All right, what you see, is only the illusion created by your brain. The image is very typical, it reminds the ancient children's hero. Only why it at you entirely yellow with a white tip on a tail? Usually this small animal semitsvetny. - The young man in shape of the Cheburashka was surprised.
   - This color the brightest can? - Uncertainly Labido-Elena assumed.
   - Perhaps, but I have no right to show you multidimensional space. You have no admission. - The attractive face of a small animal became serious.
   - I think, nobody learns. - The little girl helplessly made a helpless gesture. In virtual air something flew like an orange plantain, began to smell the wood.
   - Learn if I do not erase it from memory of the store. But at more meticulous check traces will be opened. I risk much. - The small animal applied to thick cream color to sponges a shaggy finger.
   - Yes, I understood, you want payment. - Elena shrugged shoulders. It is quite natural what in this universe of nothing for nothing is given.
   - Regardless of emotions you will take pleasure. - The Cheburashka giggled. As if in confirmation of his word on a floor began to sprout roses. - This by itself, but is still something. You have to open the reason, give me it on scanning of information.
   - Never there will be it. - Elena shook the magnificent head of hear.
   - Then you will not see other measurements! - The young man spoke such tone as if he persuaded the little girl to eat a porridge spoon.
   - You do not leave me the choice. - The little girl intelligence agent hung the head.
   - The choice is always!
   The girl slightly became thoughtful. It is visible, this stelzan suspected something, time shows similar interest in her thoughts and memory. And if informs command, then it it is total will check. The pass more than is suspicious, maybe, it is worth trying?
   - You said to me that you are a scientific intellectual? Or it seemed to me? - Maliciously the little girl intelligence agent inquired.
   - Yes, but not only spoke. I am the officer of the scientific and technical front. My parameters of a tekhnointellekt are big. - Before the young guerrilla there was a virtual image which is looking like a mythical monster of the Minotaur. At the same time the monster obviously sought to perebychit the Ancient Greek prototype.
   - So let's be thrown in some game. I, for example, very much liked human chess. Let's play, and the winner will receive everything and will execute any desire of the partner. - Elena said, at the same time having jumped the flower leaf which instantly arose directly in air.
   - You want to play pathetic games of small natives? This primitive? 64 cages and 32 figures? - The Minotaur changed a form again, having fastened on himself big points and having grown ears in the form of halberds. - I offer you our game, ancient and intellectual. It agrees, the little girl to play or will leave imaginary reality?
   - I agree, only explain rules! - Elena felt more and more inconveniently.
   - Let's start!
   The virtual space began to whirl in a mad raznopery tuft.
   Exit to the center of a galaxy took much less time, than it was supposed according to predesigns. Under some still not clear laws of physics the movement of the same starprobe vehicles on the same distance sometimes is occupied by different time, sometimes a difference between settlement and real, more than essential. This still unsolved effect of convergence of space can affect in a decisive way the result of space war.
   The commander of a shock squadron of sinkh Giler Zabanna was even delighted that plunder of the central planets will take less time, and they, in this case, will manage to strike in advance planned blow to the mother country. These proteinaceous primacies - mockery at a reasonable life form. It will be interesting to devastate, exterminate the planets occupied by the hairless monkeys who got a false idea themselves gods. The official religion of sinkh - atheism with mysticism impurity - considers that the faith in gods is a destiny of mentally retarded individuals.
   Recently received graviagramma reported that artful stelzana, though received money, all the same attacked, having exterminated more than two million starprobe vehicles and over five billion fighters of Gold constellation.
   Directly before them the next inhabited planet lies. It is time to test on it shock power of fighting submarines. The center of a galaxy is quite rich with planets, suitable for life, but in it there were almost no reasonable life forms. Therefore the central planets are almost entirely populated with immigrants, stelzana and the enslaved races, most convenient for operation.
   The enormous star, greenish with big red spots, framed with dozen of planets of different size thanks to magnificent gravioskaniruyushchy model of the review, is visible very distinctly. The system reproduced in the volume cybernetic image seems fragile and defenseless. It is the first purpose, it is necessary to be warmed properly. The most quick pirates jerked, trying first to break to production to plunder and kill.
   Zabanna with everything as far as it was capable rage, squeaked:
   - Rockets of the increased range action! Beat the largest planet! Start up stelzana will choke in hyper plasma vomit! - And nadsazhivayas is even stronger, added. - Will scatter photons on a galaxy.
   The shy voice nevertheless tried to object.
   - Perhaps it is better to strike selective blow, to confiscate rich production?
   - No, freak! You, males, love only money. I want to get drunk blood of these mentally retarded macaques. - Peep of the ultramarshal became so shrill that the crystal wine glass that the insect hero statue held in hand, became covered by cracks, and burst as the piece of a forehead broken by a hammer. One and aide-de-camps even fell on a back for fear. Marshall Kukh nevertheless answered the hysteric woman:
   - Same the planet Limakser, there live natives, Lima here. Stelzana are dispersed on satellites.
   - A quasar to them under a tail. Found for whom to feel sorry. Next mokhnach! - Peeped as the plate scratched by a rusty needle the ultramarshal. Still wings and trembled. - Long ago it is time to sequester the Universe from defective types. Beat from a big distance. Perhaps, there is a cover!
   From starprobe vehicles several thousands of pilotless self-directed warheads with the cybernetic program of tracking of the purpose took off. Warheads of the most remote planet as the dense network of laser beams fell upon them did not manage to orbit. On the fly rockets got nervous, breaking flight trajectories, seeking to bring down a pritselnost and concentration of light streams. In turn, stelzana started minirockets, and dense clouds of metal balls, seeking to damage mechanisms of the flying piranhas. Almost all charges were destroyed, without having reached the planet. Some from two thousand rockets could reach a surface.
   Many inhabitants of this densely populated world did not even manage to be frightened. The plasma whirlwind heated by billions of degrees swept bodies on elementary particles. Those who were far away from explosion epicenter perished much more painfully. Externally harmless beings similar to chickens with hands and a trunk of six-fingered monkeys of Lima, having got under killing radiation, flashed like candles on cake. The greenish flame devoured gentle as poplar down, plumelets, forcing natives to writhe and like balls of Ping-Pong to jump up in a painful agony. At invasion of armada of Purple constellation natives did not resist therefore avoided serious destructions.
   Many high many-tier with a peculiar general architecture and remained to stand. Natives hung up seven-color flags of invaders and tried to behave most obediently. However even such behavior did not rescue from murders and mockeries from aggressors. And, nevertheless, only now on the planet the Doomsday came really. Colourful polygonal skyscrapers at first flashed as the straw sheaves impregnated with gasoline then developed a shock wave, scattering huge fiery spheres on hundreds of kilometers. The military bases of stelzan closed by powerful force fields practically did not suffer, and here hundreds of millions fluffy reasonable small animals never will see marvelous dawn with unique scale of greenish-red "Sun" any more. And still the first blow did not manage to destroy all settlements therefore the become stupid commander of foul arthropods demands to repeat blow.
   However here the graviogramma was transmitted through the computer. The supergovernor of a galaxy demands to clean up immediately from under control Stelzanam of sector, otherwise all striking power of star fleet will be applied.
   Giler Zabanna grinned, its hobotok rose up, and the voice became stridently high.
   - The bare primacy ventures to us to threaten! They have less mind, than at larvae. Vakkuumiruy their central planet with this artiodactyl gibbon. The forced throw directly in the center! Attack to the administrative planet Tsukarim! We will finish these "pussies", we desintegrate a bit later, we have tens of millions of ships, we will erase in preona all galaxy from a cloud to a kernel!
   The many-sided armada directed by the incalculable forces forward. There were so many starprobe vehicles that they stretched the front volume several parsecs in height and width. Part of submarines under the leadership of pirates, having broken a system, rushed to the nearest systems. Giler and her deputy Komalos passionlessly looked at the monitor. The male was slightly lower and more dense with a short hobotok, he watched closely the enlarged three-dimensional image. Yes, females were able to fight slightly better, than males, but intelligence all the same at a male are higher. And the financial power belongs to them, and women only to shoot and are able. Here and now, in a fight Giler is torn, and it has a plan of battle? In case of serious fight it is possible to count only on fleet of Gold constellation and two-three faithful allies, the others will chaotically fight.
   On the screen greenish points of alarm flash. From space come up the opponent's ships. Stelzana come to fighting positions synchronously as if in game space strategy. There is a lot of them, it is too much! Terrible armadas of the terrifying forms. How many the shining points! The computer gives figures. Oho, the account went to millions. They did not expect it, nobody expected! Nervously pulling Zabann the right wing, looked at the volume image of space:
   - Vertebrata creep out of black holes. Now our fly swatters will clear away space.
   - You should not hurry. The opponent, apparently, is stronger, than we thought. It is necessary to be reconstructed urgently if it strikes on weak polytypic the kornost failed, having scattered on splinters. Terrible virtual monsters literally in the eyes shrank and went out. Covered it with the gloom wave from time to time dissected by fiery sparkles. Then he regained consciousness. Faces of executioners were lost, repeatedly duplicated computer completely failed as if inside the small thermocharge blew up or probushevat a superpowerful virus. But Eraskander already then understood that this his rage burned all chips and photonew cascade reflectors of virtual hell, so, it is possible to kill not only a body. It seems that the Sensei knew it and not really wanted to train him in magic mental art.
  ablyam other civilizations, we can get to a trap bubble. - With deliberate laziness in a voice the supermarshal Komalos said.
   - All the same it is more of us! And we have to attack immediately! - Did not wish to listen Giler.
   - No, if to consider only our starprobe vehicles, then it is already no more, and the arms at primacies are more perfect than ours. - In Komalos's tone alarm notes already began to appear.
   - If we strike the first, then and other creeping satellites will join attack. - The whimsical female-sinkh objected.
   - It not absolute action. On the contrary, will hang and look. As we exterminate each other. Start up stelzana the first will strike blow. They will fall upon the flanks consisting of inogalaktichesky divisions, other empires thereby will force to battle. - The supermarshal is as usual logical, and the timbre of a voice is serene. Small the sizes from a parrot the spotty moth sat down on Komalos's shoulder having chirped: "Seven chernodyrny fight, pulsarnorazumny rejoices!".
   - Then, maybe, it is better to recede, let themselves will be interrupted by intellectual protoplazmnik. - The ultramarshal twisted a hobotok to steering-wheels.
   - Better slightly we will lag behind, and that they will take to the heels at the first blow of hairless gorillas. Somehow there is a lot of them, our experts miscalculated with an assessment of fighting potential. - The supermarshal stroked a moth with the head of a burro. That gave out again: "Who considers much and hits into a muzzle a little, the income which is eternally not counted at it"
   - Do not frighten! - Otrygnula Giler.
   Really, even in this minor office of the empire works on preparation for total interstellar war did not stop. On all immense multigalactic power the fighting ships were under construction and constructed, technologies were improved, divisions and cases were formed. Practically on each planet there were productions, plants working for war.
   Starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation were reconstructed on the fly, strengthening flanks, gathering, having overturned the opponent, to clamp fleet of sinkh in a vice. The part of submarines, especially piracy, obviously, reduced speed. It was visible that the aggressive spirit of space freebooters exhausted at the sight of so terrible armada. Tens of millions of starprobe vehicles inevitably approach billions of fighters. Guns and charges are ready to cut to pieces and exterminate all live. Stelzana the first open fire on defeat, several thousands of the light ships with dazzling flashes and a divergence beating ears gravivovoln are sprayed on quarks. Each volley of an incalculable star swarm throws up the energy capable to blow up the Sun. As always starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation are prompt and resolute, the movements are exact, carefully fulfilled in numerous options. That against them the numerous, but badly organized crowd collected from all parts of a galactic supercongestion.
   Fight was not started yet, and they already mixed up, having destroyed coordination, interfering with each other to conduct effective fire. And now classics of space fights! A simultaneous exit practically of all ships on a distance of defeat and the greatest possible eruption of particles of unrestrained energy, it is total evaporating matter. A second more - and billions of reasonable beings will interrupt existence in this Universe.
   Hobotok of the ultramarshal Giler Zabanny was blown up from excitement, poisonous-pink saliva dug. Blood... As it is sweet as it excites! Indescribable feeling when emptiness is filled in by streams of blood and a dazzling flame of mnogokvintilliony hyper plasma. Once long ago their ancestors were easier and less. They flew without the aid of anti-gravitational belts. Ate meat and loved blood, without it children could not be born. Live, eternally winged sinkh! All other animal parasites let will die, let all defective live will die.
   - That you hesitate, burn down everything without the rest! - To be carried millions of spaceships.
   But is not present! Flashes are not visible, and whirlwinds of photons on vacuum do not fly. All starprobe vehicles stood, stiffened in space. It seemed that time stopped.
   Giler published (golosochek considerably weakened) hysterical peep:
   - What for braking? The vacuum was filled in with a flypaper!
   More cool Komalos did not cease to trace indications of all navigation devices.
   - It is improbable, but we stiffened in vacuum too! Our starprobe vehicle and all other starprobe vehicles as if are pressed down by the most powerful force field. We not in forces to move even on width a hobotka.
   - To cut the absolute hyper level of dispersal! To break the field! - Did not shout any more, and rather Giler rattled.
   - Yes, it is useless. I already studied a similar phenomenon, it is only so possible to flatten out a starprobe vehicle. - Komalos desperately waved a hobotok.
   - And you that? You know all novelties of stelzan? - Mistrustfully fell a cropper the ultramarshal.
   The spotty moth sang: "all impossible, perhaps I know precisely and sinkh urgently" will become the Almighty God. Also was hit painful click in a nose, began to cry very quietly. Without paying attention to this imaginary hysteria the Supermarshal said:
   - No! This capture was applied not by primacies. These malpa rough and cruel, they would crumple all of us long ago. Here, look, already transferred us the message. You want, I will guess who!
   Giler annoyancely waved away:
   - Itself already guessed! Damned zorg! It is better to be vacuumized or evaporate in plasma, than to deal with them. To be won, it is worse than the dead!
   The thunderous voice interrupted antimoniya:
   - The imer Konoradson speaks the Misinformation. Your war ended. Stop behaving as annihilation cannibals. More in this galaxy any life violently will not be interrupted. Cover luchemeta, observe intergalactic agreements.
   - Never!
   Sinkh began to squeal chorus. Giler it is hardly heard buzzed.
   - Early you rejoice, a can! As soon as you depart, we will return!
   Then loudly added:
   - To connect all reserves, engines at full capacity. All squadron, and us millions, we have to tear a vacuum web!
   Quintillions of watts of energy entered in invisible, but from it even more fierce fight in the space covered with stars. On vacuum hardly noticeable light waves dispersed.
   Chapter 25
   If it became close or not enough place,
   Let plasma fire storm a whirlwind.
   Arrive cruelly as perhaps sharply,
   Only unarmed never touch!
   Tigers awfully suffered. The first days were especially heavy...
   Without differing in the big imagination, the chlenistonogy gorilla Giles acted with methods of the most primitive civilizations. Blows lashes and hours-long work on a starvation, before loss of consciousness. Then a bucket of ice water with impurity of the overcooled uranium. Then by order of a strekozoidny monkey decided to try a rack with a spark. Torture is primitive, but capable to finish tortured before mad squeal. Directly held apart it from pleasure that the disgusting belly was inflated as if a sphere when the little hairless rat bastard cries out as he obsessed, and then calms down in the sheer otklyuchka.
   Everything is good, but after such torture ability to go and work is for a long time lost.
   The boy put on a stretcher, those having flown in air brought the victim of the maniac. Singed so that the usual regenerating ointment appeared insufficiently, it was even necessary to call the doctor.
   The pinkish doctor with ten hands suckers dressed in red overalls suffered from a heat. Hot air with excess oxygen burned moist gentle leather of a reasonable mollusk. That not so burned down, the doctor put on himself protective overalls.
   - Look, something this young of wild animal cannot long recover.
   The Giles even began to creak from rage.
   The representative of a civilization Vosmirodov paid attention to the terrifying burns covering everything the torn to pieces little boy's body at once. It smacking the lips lips, told the moral and physical ugly creature to Giles:
   - And that you wanted! Fire - the most terrible thing in all Universe. It has burns of the seventh level, near-critical to defeat. Plus, still severe exhaustion for hunger and excessive physical activities.
   - Well, this degenerate has to pass, at my desire, all types of tortures and tortures. Here you to me also helped to diversify an arsenal. I just forgot how it is the most painful to torture primacies. - The Chlenistonogy monkey began to scratch paws the varnished table surface.
   - I am a doctor, but not the executioner. Come into police department better - there you will be taught. - Having seen enough for long life of different odd fellows, the doctor understood that the most useless here to moralize. And not only useless, but also dangerous business.
   - There is information, but it concerns only tortures of other races and the people. - Zadrygal eyelashes Giles.
   - And you think that they have no enemies in the race? All right, you should address gangsters. I, personally, can only cure. - The doctor mollusk very clearly let know that he does not approve such methods to sweep.
   - Here also cure, restore it, make full regeneration. It is desirable, as fast as possible. - The Giles began to tap with a tail. Already arose representations in the head as it tortures this near do-good a doktorishka.
   - It will be necessary to pay for regeneration speeding up much. - The mollusk did not want to miss benefits.
   - Yes I will pay. You still give a preparation to me that it so quickly was not cut down, and longer fluttered in a flame. - Giles the bug monkey put the tail between the legs.
   - Make fire less, not a dragon you fry. - The doctor began to scan numerous damages of the boy on a plazmo-computer. Stuck a stimulator of stem cells, and an anti-shock preparation. The robot jumped out of a case of the doctor, it began to spray blue and emerald foam.
   - Not one clever council! - The Giles, began to dial number, calling the girlfriends - ladies of easy behavior. By the way strangely enough, but stelzanka are least of all unprofitable for a purse. Probably having been tired of the faultlessly handsome men, all as on selection of cast musclemen, they want cool sex with the sadist freak.
   When Tigers regained consciousness, the head was clear, pain disappeared. By the time of when it was hitched up on a rack, the body was exhausted so that pain was everywhere. There were krovinka, veins not touched become total flour. Skin is ruthlessly burned by the sun even protective cream helped only partially, legs - are injured in blood. Wounds were corroded by luminescent salt which many dense clouds was lifted by winds. Everything already so became impregnated with pain and suffering that when it was captured by a rough flame, he was only glad, expecting the end of torture. Not the first time caressed it fire, piercing to bones, and every time it involved some changes...
   But what is it? there is no Pain, there are no burns. It lies in a pure white bed under a soft blanket. Perhaps it is already paradise? Or perhaps it at home? And everything that occurred, just dreadful dream? As it is good when nothing hurts!. It is possible to jump easily on legs and to run out from this spacious light room. Too it is elegant: all in bright flowers. And it for some reason disturbs...
   Volod'ka with speed of caress slipped out for a door. Streams of fiery light blinded eyes. Having blinked, the boy took to the heels. Heated, sparkling as the broken glass, greenish-violet sand singed barefoot heels, having forced to jump up. Without paying to it attention, Tigers gallop rushed on the desert. He understood what disturbed him. Again that persuasive seven-color scale when flowers repeat drawing of an imperial flag. Never before Volod'ka rushed at such mad speed. "What here burning sand, even in a stone quarry it was not so sick..."
   The blow covered with a paralyzer the boy. It failed a stomach on the burning surface. Skin right there became covered by blisters, however, flour because of action of the paralyzing beams was hardly notable. The hilly block with a spark mouth was inclined over it.
   - What, the young of wild animal, wanted to slip away? - hissed a monster, terribly distorting words.
   Then the monster, having picked up the semi-insensible boy, dragged him to former figurative chamber chamber. Its long, thick as a log, the tail reserved a twisting trace. It is visible, particles of salt reacted to contact with fat skin of the terrible wanderer, and on greenish-violet sand pink specks appeared. The freak weighed not less than a ton. It inconsiderately threw the boy as if kitten then locked a door.
   Tigers it could not even poshevelnutsya, it lay directly facing a wall. Besides flowers the subject, strange for hospital, was represented here.
   Fine, as heruvimchik, in the brightest clothes children, boys and girls who ruthlessly thrashed from luchemet on alien beings. And a half of beings either was kneeling, or stretched face downwards. Stelzanyata smiled such kind, cheerful smiles that their persons shone with happiness as if they felt the greatest pleasure. The multi-color blood following their killed of alien beings merged in the iridescent streamlet flowing in the direction of purple-orange "Sun".
   The boy felt how on a stomach painful spasms spread. Be not his stomach empty as heart of the usurer or author it a devilish picture, all floor would be zablevan. As it is necessary to become like cattle to draw such indecency. Despite paralysis, Vladimir continued to coil, pulling the mutilated singed extremities.
   Elephant footfall was heard. The strapper with noise crept to the room, sharp thorns crests scratched a mirror ceiling.
   - You did not calm down yet, a barytic mollusk? Receive a present!
   Such blow could shatter granite. Fortunately, the animal slightly missed, and touched the little boy casually. A metal floor slightly caved in, and the guy was disconnected, having gone out in a delightful gloom.
   Awakening was like a nightmare. The disgusting chlenistonogy monkey showed a snout again, and his new assistant-giant having a tail unscrewed joints, hitching up on a rack. Bones crackled, hands escaped from shoulders.
   - What, the macaque, flippers burns down? You will know how to play a game of tag.
   Multi-color fire singed skin, began to smell fake meat. Distressful childish a foot, again they are licked by a cruel flame. The Giles even licked lips, his doubled snake uvula touched the boy's skin covered with biserinka.
   - It is good! From you the fine chop will turn out. You sometime ate alive? I will eat you a piece behind a piece, without allowing consciousness to be disconnected...
   Wild shout itself escaped from a breast. By some miracle, maybe, thanks to hatred, the guy managed to stop it. Jaws clenched so that tooth enamel nearly burst. "Why all torturers so love fire?."
   Lack of shouts infuriated a nasekomoobrazny monkey. Having published wild squeal, he grabbed the heated rod, stuck to Vladimir between lean, sharp as hatchets shovels. Tigers felt a large sting, and with despair of fateful spat in reply. The rod lit up stronger, flaring is even hotter. And here as if in a kind, cowboy's western, the lightning blazed. The accurate shot from a luchemet scattered orange-green brains hairy hitinskogo an animal. Other shot knocked down a hilly dinosaur. Already falling, by inertia, the Giles managed to walk the rod heated by an eletrichestvo on edges, having left a furrow on skin.
   In the opinion of Volodya grew dull from pain. Everything was as if in yellow fog, but Tigers managed to make out the deliverer. The fair-haired boy with angelic features, in sparkling as gold, a suit reminded the angry Cupid. Its small luchemt seemed toy and harmless. Having let out several short streams of light from the beam weapon, it burned a thick wire. Vladimir fell a back to a big flame, however, having somersaulted through the head, right there took off from it.
   The boy who arrived to help helped to be exempted from the clips which held down extremities. Despite flour, the slave Tigrov covered with blisters recognized the savior. Yes, strangely enough, it was that boy-stelzan whom they met in the capital of the Galaxy.
   - A devil's angel, I am simply struck, you - as if "A white raincoat". - Vladimir was expressed.
   Heruvimchik with luchemety rang out with silvery laughter.
   - You mean Gudri, the hero savior, the winner of evil spirits of anti-matter? So it in horseshoes does not suit me. It is time to go to a camouflage, otherwise here the whole abyss of hairy ants will run together!
   Tigers jumped on legs, inhuman pain pierced all body. Only pride and unwillingness to show weakness in the face of the representative of occupational race forced to keep standing. Sometimes the stress suppresses the strongest torture. Having taken couple of steps and by miracle having kept balance, the rescued boy gave a hand to the elfopodobny savior. That reaped it, and made it naturally as the simple terrestrial person.
   - Strange... You shake hands as a token of friendship and trust too? - Vladimir asked, with the greatest work keeping balance
   Young stelzan answered:
   - Yes, person. If the hand is open - it without weapon. And two hands are a sign of big trust. You are covered with blisters, but do not complain from pain, so you are the real soldier!
   The boy from race warriors sang:
   The star soldier from pain does not groan,
   Even torture does not frighten him!
   It also will not roll in a black hole,
   In plasma of stars its spirit will not burn down!
   The boy gave both hands, having crossed a cross. They connected palms as a sign of eternal friendship and fidelity.
   At this moment the hilly rock lying not movably suddenly recovered. The monster shot by the laser dodged in a wild jump. Already on the fly its mouth revealed, having bared not only several rows of the sharpest teeth, but also four canines (suddenly grown sabers of bloody color). Enormous hulk brought down friends from legs, having scattered in the parties just as the pig-iron sphere scatters size. Conditionally reasonable monster started finishing the child-stelzana, including him the most dangerous.
   The little soldier of Purple constellation managed to jump aside aside. Canines of the monster punched a covering from heavy-duty plastic, and the sharp-clawed paw slightly walked on edges. Though it were only scratches, but the belt with the weapon burst and was quickly enough lifted by the strapper. Having developed, the animal with dexterity, incomprehensible for such ink, rubanut canines again (they already grew to the sizes of tusks of an imperial mastodon). Stelzan was dexterous as he a monkey, and left from blows, but good luck turned away from him, and the sharpest semi-diamond tusks punched the child's leg, having tightly nailed to a floor. The monster sadanut a sharp-clawed paw, having nearly unstitched the boy a stomach, only sharp breakthrough allowed to avoid death aside. Still the blow breaking bones! Here the mouth already revealed... It is huge... This hippopotamus can zaglotnut the boy entirely. The enormous mouth exudes with fetid saliva...
   Suddenly it is torn as a blotter, and the shot from the blaster cuts it in half. The monster so was fond of fight with stelzany, having considered the person not costing the attention for what expensively and paid. Tigers picked up the dropped weapon and, having pulled a pocket luchemet the trigger, accurately cut an inogalaktichesky monster. Blood gushed forth, and then flashed sparkling fire and right there again went out.
   The blood-stained child jumped on legs and reeled, despite a wound, he nevertheless kept balance. Now, when from the little soldier red blood dripped, and on a face bruise flaunted, his snow-white smile seemed lighter and sincere. Couple not on age of strong and large teeth was beaten out. And therefore this terrible boy seemed only the nakhuliganivshy first grader. It again, though looking around, gave a hand.
   - You saved me from death as I you. From now on we are considered as brothers on the weapon. My production is your production. My trophy - your trophy.
   - It is good. Then my production is your production, my trophy - your trophy. - Mowgli Vladimir answered in style.
   - Now we will give to ourselves injections from the universal first-aid kit, we are regenerated and will clean up their this hole.
   The pricks executed by a beam of a graviolazer from a tiny pistoletik with a folding barrel killed pain and gave forces. Going burned stupnyam on the heated sand, felt nothing Tigers as if it had artificial limbs. And here forces and speeds increased very much even considerably. Having approached the tiny fighter, it did not keep from a question.
   - And why rescue of life is so appreciated at you? Unless in the parallel Universe it is not better?
   - It is my personal choice. The main thing, is honor, but not life. Besides, in fights we have to care for the life value then in the new sphere we will have a full existence. When you keep the life, you keep an opportunity to destroy more enemies of your race. - Quite logically the new friend from hopelessly hostile race explained to Vladimir.
   - Look! New opponents! But we have luchemeta! - The boy shining with happiness, released from captivity showed.
   - Correctly, the person, but do not spend strongly many charges. This children's weapon, in it is not enough energy for real fights. - Without special enthusiasm said stelzan
   - You what with them were played? - Vladimir was surprised.
   - Yes, it from the training games. Everyone stelzan has to own the weapon since childhood. However be not afraid, them it it is impossible to kill a stelzan. Five mini-cycles - and we will jump into the fighter "Photon". - The little boy however, the first shot which carried attacking showed that its weapon beats not worse than the most modern aerogun of the twenty first century.
   Tigers it was so excited and evil that shot at disgusting reptiles with sadistic exasperation. Justifying a surname, in it the spirit of the Bengalese man-eating tiger wakened. However, variegated natives returned fire. However, only five monsters, the rest scorched, it is visible, it was not allowed to have the weapon. Vladimir nailed very well and neatly, the vastest experience of computer games with electronic guns affected. Stelzan shot even better, and here natives did not pull even on the level of the fighter of a construction battalion. Having left the killed, other pack ran up. Howling and roaring as if the jackals singed by a flame thrower.
   The shabby friends dropped in in a mini-starprobe vehicle of tactical action. The fighter "Neutrino photon" was invisible on a desert background (the camouflage covering merged with greenish-violet sand). Only onboard after take-off Vladimir guessed to ask:
   - We already so much time together, rescued each other, battled against the enemy, together got wounds, and I still do not know your name.
   - Yes, you are right, the brother. - Stelzan gave once again a hand. - My name is dashingly Razorvirov. And you?
   - Vladimir Tigrov, and on the father Alexandrov.
   - Vladimir - owning the world, and the Tiger - a war symbol. That's the spirit. - Dashingly strong tapped of the new friend on the shoulder.
   Tigers fell down in chairs, but it was right there returned back by an anti-gravitational field. Scratching hurt thin plechiko the boy the answer.
   - And at you too. It is dashing to break off... Dashing razryvatel...
   - Well, to break off is in a savage way. It is better to cut, evaporate. The highest valor also aim lives - to ruthlessly kill enemies of the race, to serve truly and honestly to the empire. - With pathos of the poster Soviet pioneer Razorvirov said.
   - Yes, I agree. But your empire - our enemy? - Blinked the eyes trying to look without fear asked Tigers.
   - No, we are your elder brothers on reason. Seniors, but brothers... And if I only could, I would equal you in the rights. You are capable of a feat. And however, there is an idea! Let the word will tell the weapon!
   The boy terminator exclaimed. Vladimir darted a cautious glance at a radiator that in it was from the children's, air gun, a charge judging by deep funnels, left in the desert, could proshibit as if a blotter and the latest Russian T-100 tank.
   - How? Unless it did not tell? - He asked it is lost.
   - No. It obeyed you, but there is one nuance. This weapon it is impossible to do serious harm to our race. If you are a soldier, then to you it is not terrible, check on a hand. - Dashingly sparkled in fighting enthusiasm teeth.
   - No, on the head! - In the former young captive the demon was installed.
   Put tigers luchemt to a temple and shot. Dashingly moved, but did not manage to intercept a hand of Vladimir. The spark slightly singed skin of the head short-haired almost bare, the reddish burn developed. Razorvirov pulled out luchemt, then carefully returned him. The weapon having let out a malenka the hologram with the black knight armed with a pole-axe very quietly peeped: "Hit corner 87...". It well surprised the young earthling. Fighters where guns he talked already saw and not only fighters.
   - You that started with mind of a slanting parabola in a hyper jump. To you could demolish the head. I joked.
   - And I did not joke. Now we as equals. - The boy exclaimed and added. - If you want to be on equal good luck in force, then surpass God in courage!
   - Yes, as equals, here to you two of my hands. However God by the nature in principle cannot die and disappear so your analogy is not pertinent. - Dashingly operating the vehicle by means of the joystick, small on the antenna, said. - Now we will make landing in the cruiser. And you unless thought that you flew on "Photon" to the children's car to other galaxy? - The boy cheerfully giggled. Well not so. - Here recently there were fights so we will disguise you under our brother.
   - Good thought and if again check a retina? - It was frightened Tigers. Again to be given to some inomiryanin to the maniac to it as did not smile.
   - And you can be from very distant sector, we have trillions of planets under control. I would talk to the father go even with the great-grandfather Gipermarshal, and he would make to you the necessary documents for absolute safety. - The voice was dashingly sure, and the look is pure.
   - As I want to trust you... - Vladimir Sighed.
   - Why to me to risk life? Then to betray? I do not see in it logic. I swear to you, we are brothers forever! - Dashingly for persuasiveness knocked a fist on transparent armor.
   Then transferred by a negligent throw Tigrova big in the form of a nested doll, but in clothes of the punk candy. That asked for a mouth. The hungry boy about pleasure gnawed it. Taste was more sweet than honey, and it is more pleasant than some aerated chocolate. A marvelous thing which he had not to eat on the earth yet. However Vladimir swallowed a culinary product too quickly, without having managed to enjoy taste properly. It was visible candy very high-calorie as the dried-out muscles, became larger at once, and the person did not remind the prisoner of a fascist concentration camp any more.
   The tiny fighter an easy butterfly flitted into a belly of the giant cruiser leader.
   When Lev Eraskander regained consciousness, it seemed to him that he went crazy. Painfully ridiculous being was inclined over it. A nose carrot, three ears a fan, hands flippers, green skin in the red and yellow specks forming intricate patterns. It was as if the hero of the children's comic book. Of course, you will not surprise him with anything, but there was something special foolish in expression of a muzzle of an exotic animal. And when the being started talking, his speech was strange at all.
   - So, the hairless reptile woke up. As representatives of your race - neither brains, nor force of muscles are silly. Disabled people of the crippled universe, a virus form of the spoiled matter. What it is possible to tell about a protoplasm dung - the breaking-up intelligence.
   The lion literally barked:
   - Yes, you who such, masked clown what you disgrace our race?
   The being jumped up and showed curve violet teeth:
   - I am the greatest genius in the Universe knowing all secrets of the universe and strength of mind, the managing director of matter.
   - The loony you washed-up with hypertrophied doubt of an exaggerated frog. - The young man roared.
   The lion tried to jump, but the heavy-duty wire strong pulled together anklebones and hands.
   The small animal started giggling the very unpleasant as croaking of a desert frog, a snicker.
   - Dze, dza, dza! Here you see, you have no muscular force also brains too, time was caught so dullly in our net.
   The boy strained all the muscles, the thin wire prebolno crashed into skin. Multi-colored fan ears of an unclear being trembled as if wings of a butterfly.
   - Well that, the little man, a primacy underdeveloped, you cannot tear even such thin spider line? Unless your addle-head will prompt nothing to you?
   Rage a wave rolled on Eraskander, muscles sharply clenched, and then as a spring, were unclenched in breakthrough - it tore a wire tightly pulled together extremities. Though the wire also was thin, but on it it was possible to hang up an elephant quietly. From under skin blood scattered, and the strong the muscles which are not conceding in hardness to a wire nearly burst. In rage Lev jumped to a young of wild animal, that was so struck that did not manage to react. Having struck with a knee, young terminator brought down it on a floor and grabbed with hands by a muricated throat. Prickles could not protect a being because the trained movement the young fighter crumpled protection and closed fingers in the dead lock. The only thing that saved veeroushasty from immediate death, so is the fearful asking glance. This being looked so ridiculously, is so ridiculous and harmless that the desire to kill was gone. Choking, the small animal squeaked:
   - Oh, great soldier of brilliant human race! I, was, gave not the correct assessment to you. You are such clever, strong... And in general, you the most beautiful and sexual!
   The lion continued to hold it by a throat. Experience taught him not to trust flattering phrases. If to release it, then it is not clear, than all this will end.
   - Speak, a reptile where I am now?
   - At positive friends. - Peeped a creature.
   - You for the idiot hold me? Positive friends a wire do not bind.
   Eraskander squeezed a throat fingers, the small animal was slaughtered, hands flippers tried to unclench fingers. It is visible, the space "Veera-Cheburashki" did not have enough puny strength, the muzzle got a lilac shade. The lion slightly weakened a grasp.
   - I swear, we are positive. Here on a starprobe vehicle there is your acquaintance Venus.
   - What? Venus here? - Eraskander was not surprised at all, already got used to miracles.
   - Yes, here, and, I think, she sees us.
   - Why then I was fastened a wire?
   The animal began to babble as if the frightened toon:
   - Because it is not one. Here still there is her chief. She is the four-star general of commercial investigation too. This is Dina Rozalenda.
   - One more lewd female? Or she is afraid of me? - Lev smiled, feeling the growing desire, young, physically perfect organism.
   - Hold a uvula the greenhorn!
   The thunderous voice strengthened by cybernetics and acoustics flooded the hall, having hit with a wave on ears. The lion hardly managed to open a mouth, avoiding, thus, a rupture of ear membranes. And here "Veeru-Cheburashke" was not lucky, it was visible hearing at it is excessively thin and is not calculated on similar sound blows. The small animal was disconnected, having cut down tightly, only colourful ears reflex fluttered just as wings at the butterfly got on a needle twitch.
   Walls turned into mirrors, dazzling flash broke out and at once three beings jumped out from under a floor. The anthem of Purple Constellation played, polichromatic a searchlight reproduced traditional seven-color light scale. Colors mixed up, then pirouettes, battle scenes reproduced difficult figures.
   - Well that little man? You see these fighters, it is your death. Everything could manage, would lie quietly, and now you will be crippled at first. - Roared golosishche.
   Three strappers began to spin in wild dance. One of them bore to the brawny stelzana-jockstrap overfed with anabolic steroids karikaturno a strong resemblance. Another was similar to an enormous vosmikleshny crab, a red armor with thorns, a disgusting muzzle of a wolf. The third mix of a centipede and scorpion, the head crocodile of a mouth drips fetid acid. Even an armor floor began to smoke from it. The lion about himself noted that, perhaps, skorpiono-crocodile-sorokonoshka it is the most dangerous than other reptiles. When to you only eighteen cycles, (The cycle is much less than years on an old Matushke-Zemle), and before you large pseudo-reasonable monsters to be frightened not the sin. But for the conditionally short life the young man already visited it that he did not see the reasons for fear. Having jumped up, he got up in a fighting rack, relief muscles napryagnbsp; - No, we are your elder brothers on reason. Seniors, but brothers... And if I only could, I would equal you in the rights. You are capable of a feat. And however, there is an idea! Let the word will tell the weapon!
  foxes. Under the fat-free skin, each vein was visible, muscles were rolled as the melted steel which is filling in the necessary form. The lion felt rage. Force anger and fear to work for itself, burn in an infernal bowl of hatred of the enemies. Eraskander was ready to fight and when all three opponents synchronously rushed on it, he easy jump jumped for their backs. The lion already in flight by a heel cut on the gladiator-stelzana nape. That it is visible just did not expect such speed and impudence, the direct shot plunged hulk on a floor. Two other fighters were strong and fast, but nevertheless, slightly were late with attack. From a turn Lev gave a leg strong "soldering" to a vosmiruky crab. The blow was good, the chitinous cover burst, but thorns of an armor pierced in a barefoot heel of the young man. From continuous circulation barefoot legs at the boy got stronger and coarsened like titanic rods, but it was even painful to him. Therefore Lev decided to change tactics, and just to break off claws. If the opponent was one, then it would take no more than a minute. The centipede, was quicker. A sharp jump, and it touched Eraskander, several pink acid drops burned skin. The lion evaded and carried out crown reception by a leg to a jaw. Ten teeth took off, having scattered on a covering. The Skorpionisty centipede, became soft, and Eraskander fell upon a crab. Though this monster also managed to scratch several times to him on skin, three claws were broken, the tempered fists beat not more weakly than extremities. Then Lev managed to dive under dexterously a belly of the fighter and just to throw a mollusk through himself. As a result of a throw, both monsters faced. Having jumped up Lev, hit a crab in soldering of an armor, having intuitively chosen the most weak spot and prolomat frame. At this moment it was covered by a kinezparalizator beam. The fighter of Purple constellation, whose nape swelled up from blow recovered and shot from the tiny skillfully hidden radiator throwing out a graviotok, a special kind of electricity from disconnecting all electromagnetic impulses in any body. Even the cybernetic organisms covered with protection. The young fighter ceased to feel the body, having crashed down on slippery, in multi-colored fetid blood a floor. The Skorpionovy centipede seized death grip, having begun to tear a breast to Eraskander, pieces of the blood-stained skin departed. Stelzan in turn hit with legs into a groin and on edges. It was very painful to a lion, and to hit back or even to poshevelnutsya there was no opportunity. Having pushed away the multi-legged workmate, the sadist-stelzan slowly got the knife which flashed a bright beam when pressing the button because of a plastic belt.
   - Now I will show you! - Tannic grin full of contempt. - You will sing a soprano in church choir!
   The lion shuddered, on a body there passed the spasm, the dagger was light and could cut any metal. And suddenly it was lit up by thought. When there is no a body, use reason. You can do it, once again repeat - you can! Let out as a dog from a chain, emission hatred, shift space, present a light edge in his stomach. The dagger changed the direction and so promptly pierced in the fighter's stomach that that did not even manage to react. Then the edge walked along a body, having cut the opponent on two smoking halves. In air began to smell fake meat. Other attacking ugly multi-legged creation at first stood, and then rushed, trying to escape. The laser blade pierced also a krokodilo-centipede. From arteries of a monster beat several streams of blood, because of more difficult metabolism at once, blood had several flowers depending on an artery. The Vosmiruky crab was already half-dead, and the blow finishing him became already the act of mercy rather.
   - Came true!
   It is hardly heard Eraskander whispered. On a body there passed the painful spasm which is breaking off veins again, and nevertheless it became more slight, he could even move hands slightly. Paralysis passed surprisingly quickly and in a minute, splashed to a multi-color exotic coloring, the boy athlete, sharply jumped on legs.
   - You are just fine, my great soldier. You are worthy my love!
   Right there from under a floor covering as on a magic spell, the bed appeared richly under style of the grotesque parody to Baroque style. The terrible general's wife Dina Rozalenda ran out to the hall. It was absolutely naked. By sight the young smooth woman, with beautiful regular features and a faultless figure. However, all females of Purple constellation had no physical defects and seemed young, by sight it is no more than twenty five years. And to Dina was already for four hundred, the madman for the woman age. It was even larger and higher than the average standard of Stelzanat. To human measures its muscles seemed excessively developed, and convex, not quite suitable for female, the elastic breast with scarlet nipples surprised with a perfect form. And hands with bitka blown up the mountain, thickness about a human hip, muscles as if gun kernels are rolled under dark and bronze skin. The majority of stelzan of males got used to see in females or workmates on the weapon or working horses, their big athletic shoulders with Heracles's muscles were confused nobody. From her body exciting heat proceeded, magnificent were bent by width about a beer barrel of a hip in the attracting movement. She took a step, jumped on it and right there received a knee in a solar plexus, Eraskander strong thrust her, having enclosed all the rage. But muscles not completely departed from action of a paralyzer, and the blow therefore was not deadly. However disconnected a cow weighing couple centners capitally, the consciousness glimmers, and the body cannot move.
   - That, the connected boys are pleasant, you like to scoff, try it.
   Having thrown heavy Rozalenda on a bed, it very roughly fastened it a wire.
   - Find to yourself a scorpion centipede, it just for you.
   It is unlikely on Lev's place someone would arrive differently, painfully exotic and mean partner solicited it. Though played teenage painfully unruly hormones. Leaving the combative hall, Eraskander waved a hand and shouted "Tsirtsey" at parting:
   - Thousand bezdnotonn to you in a lewd well!
   In spite of the fact that sliding doors were closed by means of a digital code, and difficult combinations Eraskander cracked it, acting, on subconscious level, and went along a long corridor forward. Its look was more than strange, but it is visible fighters of this starprobe vehicle perfectly knew customs of the ataman who loved sadomasochist sex. It had it, perhaps, even on the verge of madness therefore only occasionally cracked caustic jokes. Judging by the sizes it, there was a flagman starprobe vehicle, somewhere on ten kilometers in a dimeter. It can it, and would pass to the edge, but someone's tender voice called to the young man.
   - The lion you already managed to forget me!
   Eraskander sharply turned back. The look of the little boy was cold, and in a voice the reproach sounded.
   - No, did not forget. And you consider that you arrived decently and honestly?
   Ten-star ofitsersha of commercial investigation, having bashfully looked down, quietly said. In a voice there is so much grief that you will involuntarily trust:
   - I had no other choice. Everything too got confused, but believe, I sincerely loved you, and I love still.
   - Therefore so set up us? - Angrily muttered, having shifted eyebrows Lev.
   Vener answered without superfluous a hitrinok, with bribing idle time in tone of a clear, perelivisty voice:
   - Not I, so would find other performer. But now you had a real opportunity to help the planet. The Senior senator Zorg will facilitate a fate of your race.
   Emerald and violaceous eyes Vener were humidified, the pearl teardrop flew down on eyelashes.
   - My precious boy, I so missed you. Listen I found a way to relieve you from...
   She kept back and strong embraced Lev, softly stroking, their bays met in a kiss. As she is beautiful, her so multi-color hair soft as silk the person and space around pleasantly tickled disappeared, having failed to the abyss of the lyubostrastny hyper Universe!
   Chapter 26
   Time and beam of freedom will come
   By the light force will light up Earth!
   It is sighed, having freely dumped a chain the people,
   Know the person the scope of the Universe will subdue!
   Also there will be grandsons, to remember without trusting...
   Really there were we under an infernal heel!
   People carried in fear signs of an evil animal,
   Go better in belief pure and sacred!
   Ivan Gornostayev tested a certain confusion and confusion. Unexpected invasion of different races space troglotitar and strange unclear maneuvers of star fleet could puzzle anyone. On the one hand it is seemingly good. Even it is fine; in the Purple Empire crisis and civil strife, and with another not to be trapped. Though, apparently, that cannot worse be, but once you look at these muzzles, terrible claws, canines and fins, and already invaders of a stelzana seem native. From the intelligence agent of still any new data. It seems the quite good little girl extremely strong even for the man, courageous, is resolute, is even cruel, however there are into her account not small doubts. The last blow already from inogalaktichesky pack cost not one ten millions of victims. Human life depreciated, to feel awfully helpless and weak. At such moment the forthcoming meeting with the Sensei a saving outlet, from disturbing loneliness. Especially as the Guru will come not one.
   As always arrival by a teleport of the Sensei or Guru was sudden. About a half a second of a weak luminescence and right there in air there were familiar silhouettes. One in a gray raincoat, another with the gray-haired head and a long, curly beard that a big rarity on present Earth. And in clothes of snow-white color. Ermines it was respectfully inclined before the head of the forbidden joint Orthodox and Catholic church. Already only for carrying ancient silver in pebbles, a cross the painful death penalty in the place with all relatives to the seventh knee relied. From all religions of the planet Earth of a stelzana most of all were afraid of Christianity. On other planets the cross as a runic or cult symbol is very widespread and who forbade it. Earth exception to the rules. Though disliked Ermines of these pacifists, but if stelzana so hate them, means something space fascists are afraid?
   - I am glad to welcome you the Holy Father Pyotr Andrey the Second. What brought you, here having induced to put the head in a mouth to a tiger. - Politely the head of insurgents said.
   - In a mouth, not the right remark. The space dragon swallowed all planet and a third of stars in addition, means all of us in his belly long ago. I came to tell you that hour of our atonement and disposal of sufferings is close. - Said a juicy fir bass the Holy Father.
   - And how to get rid? If we even at once rise us will destroy as a look if not stelzana so other degenerates! - With great feeling and at the same time with despair said Ermines.
   Pyotr Andrey politely said:
   - Tell me the brother what the most forbidden of all books ever written on our planet?
   - Under number to the first there is a Bible. - Shortly the head of resistance answered.
   - And why it is forbidden!?
   - I think because it had the biggest circulation before occupation. Stelzana thought rectilinearly as cyborgs first of all to forbid the most mass of literary works. It is logical and correct. - With confident tone of the know-it-all said Ermines.
   - It is logical, but it is not correct. They forbade the Bible because this Word and revelation of the Almighty God, destroys false heretical fabrications of religion of Stelzanat. It is their most shameful column. - The priest even crossed before himself air. The sensei nodded in confirmation, but so far was silent.
   Ermines naturally could not so just agree:
   - You know the guru. I read this book. Perhaps I am silly, but it brushes away to fentaz more, than to a scientific picture of the universe. People as it is told from clay mold and the Sun the word is stopped.
   The Holy Father spoke quietly and without unnecessary pathos in such audience:
   - No, the brother you in a root not of the rights. It is impossible to take, first, everything literally, and secondly, it is the book the most scientific especially for the time. The bible teaches much, beginning from the fact that Earth round and spins around an axis, finishing that how to find immortality, having become equal to tsars. It is long possible to list the divine truth opened by the sacred book.
   To Gornostayev it became curious now:
   - To me it is quite lonely now. I can listen, I did not read it entirely, only a few pages for which in dust these purple little devils quite could erase the whole settlement. What is told by this Book about the future?
   Andrey Pyotr having stared already in a whisper as if reporting extremely important military secret, uttered:
   - That the person of a sin will be destroyed.
   Ermines it is disappointed blurted out:
   - The person was almost destroyed as it is. What you told it is not necessary to read in the most ancient manuscript, it is rather simple to take two steps to the highway!
   The most Saint Father began to explain patiently:
   - Not just the person, is meant mine you the rebellious child here. - The patriarch tried to stroke Gornostayev on the head, but that started back and looked with hatred. Then the priest continued by already quite serious tone. - Thousands years ago even the balloon was considered as miracle, and in the Bible is told. Even if you like an eagle will fly up above mountains and between stars will build your nest, then and from there I will overthrow you.
   It interested Gornostayev:
   - Precisely so? Where about it it is told the brother?
   - Here look!
   Pyotr Andrey stretched the ancient Bible, developed on a bookmark. The verse was emphasized with a red pencil and even put an exclamation mark.
   Ermines gave a whistle:
   - Yes, I see. Amazingly of course, but it not about stelzana.
   The patriarch crafty grinned, instructively said:
   - And you know, in one of our languages, namely German: Stelz means a star. It not just coincidence.
   Ermines did not begin to argue. He attentively looked at the big Book on a cover decorated with pearls and gilding. Pages slightly became dusty and already podtlet. The font was large, not absolutely, it as the modern language, and from a yatyama, hard signs on the end. Probably it is one of the very first books with the Synodal Translation. Antiquity of work makes impression, apparently, that it is possible to find answers to all questions in the Scripture.
   - I did not understand yet what waits for us? - Said, stroking gold, almost not grown dull over time the books of a plate of Ermines fixing cover.
   The most Saint father with an indulgent look, said the wise aged man talking to the boy:
   - Here read the brother Otkroveniye of Ioann and the book of prophecies of Daniil. Read thoughtfully, slowly and itself you will understand that to what, then read a prayer. - Here the patriarch recovered. - Is not present better to consider a prayer and before reading the Scripture, four times to impose on itself a sign of the cross.
   Said ermines with sudden rigidity:
   - I am not able to pray and I do not believe in God. As Plekhanov Bog spoke it is an invention, the harmful illusion which is holding down reason. And Lenin - religion for the people drug, only withdrawal pains clarifies consciousness!
   The most Saint father with great feeling began to deliver a speech, having started as if the priest addressing fighters before fight:
   - Plekhanov, Lenin and to him similar nekhrist, created the most bloody mode on Earth. Because God held down not reason, but their animal instincts, passion to lust and destructions to sadistic tortures. What pathetic attempt of the small fry to do without God Gospod, only to multiplication of sufferings led to. Illusion is an absence of God, and life according to the devil scenario. There are stelzana, think, it is accident what they are so similar to us? They reached a limit of the evil and heresy. Any real religion, did not build murder to the level of the highest virtue. Even on Earth almost all religions strove for good. And here in their Stelzanat the main thing to kill, torment, torture more and to zealously serve the empire. All Universes under them, other beings are created for destruction or in the best cases of humiliating slavery. - Andrey Pyotr was more and stronger brought, already shook fists as if the professional boxer who came for fight. - It is their arrogance, such not knowing when to stop Devilish arrogance which ruined the Devil! Here it is their coat of arms a seven-domed dragon of the Apocalypse. Seven flowers of a rainbow, seven-final star, semizhda seven. They love this symbol, remember their coat of arms, seven blasphemous heads and ten paws and wings. We can dwell upon interpretation of revelation of Ioann, or Daniil's book and even you will gain spirit of an unruliness, will be convinced that all events now, were predicted a millennium ago!
   The priest choked here and began to cough... It really looked old and decrepit, making unpleasant impression on Gornostayev, the soldier who got used to see people young, healthy, full of strength. Even slightly hunched camp of the most Saint father, and a dense network of wrinkles jarred on the head of insurgents a little. Interestingly as the head of Christian church managed to avoid influence of the fighting viruses and radiations granting rejuvenation. Here he Ermines, knows that it had as early as years ten-fifteen that then suddenly to die in the blossoming of forces. If of course somehow not to change influence of the biological weapon - that in principle is possible.... Certain traitors sometimes lived centuries, but it is necessary to have the corresponding knowledge.
   Here to it to Gornostayev bothered to stay in the palace surpassing the Petersburg Hermitage by luxury and magnificence for a long time. One jewels, let and synthesized, but sparkle more brightly than the real and light shades give more natural. And what entertaining drawings kamenye are recovered, mix of an anime, space battles, the most beautiful plants, medieval fights and is a lot of still. Stelzana godlessly stirred all styles from various fights, a sensuality, and it is frequent and the sadistic pornography with a set inomiryan was an invariable companion of the battle scenes which are laid out by jewelry. However tires and yes sometimes feels sick from such magnificence. There was a wish for action which real fight with race it is possible to call rather hyper animal, than sverkhchelovekam... Though of course as required there is an opportunity to do some fighting in a virtualka, or even native slaves can arrange fight.
   The guru before sitting not movably, got up even slightly having hanged over a floor, having politely bowed.:
   - I respect the Scripture too. Unfortunately, I have not enough time the Senior senator Zorgov and our friend Dez already on the way to us. It will be better if I meet it personally. To a conscience ugryzeniye, my companion will not be able to carry out without me teleportation.
   Having cleared the throat with a voice of the Most Saint father again found force:
   - Really, so it burns? I did not state the opinion long ago. Few people read the Writing, and knew and understood even less.
   The guru sadly inclined the head and agreed:
   - Badly, it is even very bad when there is no belief. Christianity the lightest doctrine on Earth. In it the main thing, is the principle love the enemy. Everything that is constructed on love is unique. Buddha has similar and, but at him human, and in Christianity divine.
   Ermines raised the voice, having interrupted speakers.
   - I did not understand a lot of things, it is the truth, but heard that your God spoke: hit on the right cheek substitute left.
   The head of insurgents seeing who the patriarch was confused, began to perorate:
   - We are already more than one thousand years, we hold up backs and cheeks, and what's the use? Continuous Tolstovshchina. Here goes or flies stelzan, it is ordinary history. Hit the person on a face, that did not answer. The chastener struck still, thrust under dy, got a lash and began to thrash neutrons. It tortures him, and the person does not answer. Is kneeling and asks for mercy. And what's the use, he will be beaten, not be hammered to death yet, and unless it made than whom be better! Without having received repulse the evil becomes impudent! What's the use in nonresistance of the evil to violence if any concession and connivance to, rigid the person interprets as weakness!
   Andrey Pyotr hotly objected:
   - By the way, the person does not hit back to a stelzan not because of Tolstoy or Jesus Christ's doctrine but because is afraid. So can just will beat and will release and if you answer, painful death in the place with relatives. And there will be opportunity, it on them would dump the preonovy rocket, without having spared also Stelzanat's children. It is the deadlock, a murder for a murder, angrily for the evil. Because the negative just grows, the evil does not destroy itself, and only generates new. Who knows, if all people behaved Christianly, then and stelzana perhaps looking at us would find spiritual purity. And that all difference, all behave as savages, only people have a tomahawk, and stelzana use the most up-to-date bomb.
   The guru ran a hand by air, there was a colourful rhombus giving heat. The sensei declared with a type of a quiet regret, its voice became lower:
   - Let's finish speaking a bit later brothers. When the starprobe vehicle of Zorga and its ships of fighting maintenance are included into solar system. Because transtemporary fields will change congruence of space. There can be serious problems with teleportation, we have minutes.
   Impatiently muttered ermines:
   - All right, I would like to read up to the end, this book, leave it to me.
   The most Saint Father negatively shook the head:
   - This copy is too valuable. It is one of the most ancient Bibles, having supernatural force. - The patriarch took because of a belt that like the tiny calculator. Take modern option. This pocket electronic book - in it not only Bibles, but also the church legend, and also apocryphal stories of Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and even Protestants. Prayer books of various faiths, works of a long line of theologians of all times, including those who applied for a role of prophets: Russell, Elena Whyte. - The priest applied a finger to lips here and began to nod. - It is better not to read these - heresy though too it is interesting to the general development. Then I will acquaint you with great and pure Christian belief in more detail as the church which kept From Pyotr, Pavel, Andriy, Jacob pervoapostolsky continuity correctly understands it. Yes there will arrive with us a God who created all.
   The head of insurgents mechanically said. - Amen! - And out of place roughly added. - Your mother!
   The most Saint Father probably did not understand and unctuous tone added:
   - And in glory to the Prechisty Virgin in Eyelids and Eyelids of centuries!
   Before messengers disappeared, too sublime tone said Ermines:
   - If Purple imperets forbade this book at number 1, then not a sprosta. Means, she perhaps also preaches truth. But as I can love the enemy, it is impossible!
   - However can be in it and there is real force? - Chorus the Guru and the Most Saint Father said.
   Starprobe vehicles Zorgov left a hyper jump meanwhile. It is difficult to believe, but contrary to all laws of physics, they managed to drag with themselves several hundreds of millions of star ships of different civilizations and separate the flying monsters contained at themselves onboard soldiers and fighting the robot more, than all armies of the world on the Planet Earth combined! The small squadron Zorgov this time, consisted of fighting ultramodern starprobe vehicles, their fighting total power gave incomparable technical and military superiority. Attempt by force to break off force fields led to the fact that several tens of thousands of space submarines filled with ill-matched fighters were crumpled in shapeless masses. The rest had to reconcile to invisible and terribly rigid team. In this part of space there came the temporary stability maintained by a superior force. Long-awaited appointment to Earth at last took place. Even externally unperturbable zorg were slightly excited. The senior senator with interest considered the planet.
   - Apparently, stelzana tried to clean a show-window. But as they are silly, it is even clear to the baby that the majority of structures are only recently constructed. I think, we are waited by serious dismantling.
   - We too so believe.
   Almost synchronously assistants answered and the Life Star spaceship landed.
   Vladimir Tigrov surprisingly quickly found a common language with the numerous children who are scurrying about in elegant children's sector of a starprobe vehicle. Perhaps everything was because it were children. More true not everything is so simple. Externally despite genetically put aggression, mini-stelzany behaved politely and correctly. On a legend Tigrov lost memory after he was covered by the vibrofield of sinkh. It was the acceptable explanation especially as Vladimir very quickly mastered military and fantastic in a genre fighting fentaz of game stelzanit. Each boy or the girl from the moment of the birth were enrolled, only spheres of military operations, zones of application of talents differed: military front, economic, and most prestigious scientific. Physical superiority of mini-soldiers of Purple constellation became a problem of the terrestrial fellow. Because of miracles of bioengineering and ultramodern pharmacology the most ordinary children showed such results that quite could participate in the adult human Olympic Games, having taken away medals of all shapes and on all sports. Of course, here not to avoid mockeries any more.
   Tigers excitedly scorched from a toy luchemet on virtual starprobe vehicles, those rushed on space actually having extinguished inertia as suddenly felt strong blow in a shoulder. When he turned back, faced him two children from him growth, but is younger. They resembled evil Love affairs, with friendly persons ideally correct superficially, in the sparkling white clothes with seven lightnings on a breast. The blow in a solar plexus and Vladimir followed fell, catching air a mouth.
   - Yes you look at it unless this is the soldier. It is a mollusk, without armor, defective degenerate type. - Rang out a stelzanyata.
   The little "soldier" standing on the right without ceremony set to him a leg to a stomach. The fighter standing at the left added a butt of a luchemet.
   - This shame, even thirty times it could not be tightened with one small weight. My one-year-old brother and that is stronger than him. It is subject to elimination.
   They wanted to continue beating, Tigers managed to dodge and kick in a groin, to excessively fond mini-chastener. That fell, the blow was exact and put towards to the opponent. The second was frightened and opened fire with a luchemet. However, from it children's modification only slightly burning light took off. In it someone strongly cut the moment to it on a hand. The purple little boy was taken aback and dropped the weapon, is lost said, having seen the informal leader of group:
   - Dashingly, please, leave, ourselves will understand.
   Razorvirov seized the rowdy-dowdy boy by an ear and pulled to the right, forcing to squeal from pain. If it is correct to press on nervous the termination, then you become helpless as the newborn child:
   - No, I will deal with you. Why you beat the brother when we were imposed from all directions by hostile inogalaktichesky monsters.
   - This is not our brother. It is too weak. - Peeped young stelzan, unsuccessfully trying the weakened muscles it will be exempted from a grasp Dashingly. That quite logically, quiet tone explained:
   - It got under radiation and is still sick. You have to support the companion.
   However boy fighter too not a bast board:
   - And you are sure that he is our companion. Pay attention, you see slight scratch, he got it two days ago.
   - And what? - Dashingly at once understood that his friend means, but pretended to be "case", for the purpose of more total investigation of the personality.
   - It did not disappear yet. We, already through a couple of hours, would not have also trace from such trifle or even deeper section. - Declared having calmed down the friend. Dashingly released it, and the hologram of a children's luchemet showed gesture in Buratino's nose style.
   - I speak to you, it is sick and injured.
   - So let it, the doctor will examine, and will cure of dystrophy. - The boy having straightened took a serious form and became an accurate voice, imitating intonation of instructors robots to explain. - you Think, I do not know elementary rules. If - inform of suspicious to commanders if criminal stop itself or uvedom the administration. Here the ultrapulsarny nonsense is available. If at it function of stem cells is oppressed, it needs the real hospitalization.
   - Let's solve this problem the clever man. - Gloomy answered Dashingly.
   - Already solved.
   Having risen Tigers, made the deceptive movement and, having caught on it the opponent, having changed cut put peep fingers to the stelzanu-boy bared on a belt in a solar plexus. The blow had end-to-end the tiles causing association with active armor of the tank of a press. The mini-fighter fell, convulsively gasping for air.
   - And where your force. Strong not to be bad, of course, but have to cook balls also. - It is proud said Vladimir spitting out blood from the injured lips, several teeth were beaten out from it, on a sex of the person bruises, but a look all the same happy blurred.
   - What balls? It that new weapon or muscular amplifier? - With surprise asked Dashingly and it is lost added. - It is strange that you cut down, should not be so. It much quicker you with incomparably best reaction.
   - The head should be worked! - Muttered Tigers. The boy person was also surprised with the progress. In a sparring of a stelzana moved quicker than terrestrial cheetahs, and their children could cut down Tyson even in better years of this of the legendary, become a symbol world single combats of the fighter. Really from where his hands became such prompt, here even fingers of hands swelled up from blows.
   - And you its not the head knocked? Do not take literally, I elementary pronounce words. - Too maintained playful tone Dashingly.
   - You joke, means. - Vladimir cheerfully winked.
   The boy took couple of steps and reeled, young offsprings of race of cruel, space aggressors managed to break not less than eight ribs. And a knee hurt, strongly swelled. And in a mouth soleno from blood, language imperceptibly feels splinters of the injured teeth, the jaw burst. And from a nose the yushka flows - want to sneeze, and it is terrible. Mm da finished it capitally, in its not so advanced time at least a few months of hospital would be provided. Also it seems also the kidney was beaten off, the liver as if a vacuum bomb tears. And in general such is terrible pain everywhere that it is difficult to breathe, legs give away.
   Dashingly the fighter who is well trained by cybernetic programs to estimate a condition both the enemy, and fellow soldiers visually at once everything understood:
   - By the way, you it does not prevent to be pumped up, having increased parameters. Let's go to laboratory, our brother soldier should not concede to others in physical force. - And seeing as it is heavy to stand to brutally hackneyed Tigrov, added. - And at the same time to cure damages.
   Access to laboratory especially on a military starprobe vehicle was not so simple, but here old communications were put to use. Among mini-soldiers purely formal, especially they have an equality the juvenile commanders, let and not so authorized as at more adult companions.
   Vladimir the doctor in a blue dressing gown in an environment of mini-hospital attendants and mini-nurses from among trainees accepted. Thanks to selection and hormonal preparations even children had practically no infections and other diseases, usual for people. The main task of hospitals was the forced return of soldiers to a fighting system. Naturally there was the extensive pharmacology on artificial stimulation of physical and mental capacities. The offer to treat the exhausted brother was not surprising, only pay, this fighting healing which is not caused by defeat in battles.
   Tigrov was seated to the special chamber sphere and connected droppers, wires and scanners. Restoration process began. Included electrostimulation of fibers and dumping into blood of ultra-anabolic steroids. The latest preparations and achievements of genetic engineering were put to use. All this had to lift Tigrov's possibilities to the level of its estimated age, characteristic of stelzan. (It is necessary to tell that after all movements the boy decreased and looked is not more senior than eleven-twelve years - why a riddle, Vladimir even thought that time can stole from it two-three years of physical development as compensation of so fantastic transfer?) . Of course, it would be necessary to take an interest from where Likho has money and why he brought the ward into laboratory, on a rank seniors on a rank have to make it. But the father Likho not only was a general, he was also an oligarch, fantastically rich person and therefore to the little boy a lot of things said goodbye. Especially as they did nothing bad, only pumped up the mini-soldier of the empire. Vladimir plunged into a condition of a trance, process of strengthening demanded time.
   Of course, it is tempting to rise by their level of physical potential, activization of action of stem cells at the genetic level, is already a possibility of fast and full independent regeneration. In such delightful semi-sleepiness there were hours. The consciousness sank into a deep sleep. And in the conditions of total cellular and supercellular updating, it were very pleasant dreams. The native planet, such colourful, snow-white mountains, emerald fields dreamed. And it flies over its marvelous open spaces. Around little fantastic elves, with multi-color wings, under it his hometown the capital of Moscow. The stately Kremlin with towers and the sparkling stars. What happy there was time, there its native class where he studied before transfer of the father to the Urals. Friends, girlfriends, it landed, and they friendly wave hands. There is Olympic Mishka and nearby there is already familiar marshal Polikanov who is strongly looking like a wolf from the newest hundred hours of series "Well Wait a Moment!" about action of heroes in space. Full of flowers and all are happy. Near it his friend Likho Razorvirov lands, he shakes all hands and speaks:
   - We love you - our brothers on reason, we always were and we will be and we will be our friends. Let's eat candies and to drink kvass. Look at the sky.
   All threw off a look. The huge colourful candy laid in a complex combination of flowers and ornaments floated on the sky. Near it on a heavenly smooth surface entertainments slid more small, they merged in seven-color scale.
   Vladimir hears unpleasantly for the acquaintance, despite all melody a voice: "Forgive me people!".
   The boy darts a glance down and nearly to choke with amazement. In one swimming trunks painfully familiar infernal Lira Velimara is kneeling. It inclined the head, seven-color hair are tidied up to the spit, expression of a beautiful woman's face found marvelous mildness. The furious conqueror over and over again bends a brawny back in deep bow and to pray:
   - My God, help and forgive me guilty.
   Marshall Polikanov whips the profligate a lash, keeping saying:
   - You tell truth the daughter of an underworld, but late you repent!
   To Vladimir bothers to look at it, and it turns a view of the sky again. There and really it is more and more interesting.
   For example enormous mountains it is more than Everesta ice cream, utykanny berries, chocolates, butonchik of edible flowers. Or directly about a cloud striped paste, condensed milk, chocolate cocktails with sparkling as if precious stones candied fruits flows down. And cakes what - in the form of fantastic sailing vessels on which float princesses and sultans. Here the cakes decorated with animals, the curls, tags which are brightly sparkling and appetizing small fishes. Some culinary products even throw out from themselves streams of the fountains which are poured on several sun or throw out fireworks of polichromatic sparks. And still heroes various the animated film, - girls with ribbons of various American and Japanese animes fly by air. Other luscious and glamourous toons. Here for example Ponka from "Duck stories", in the place with the friend of the ninjia-mamontenokom from the Russian multi-series. They break off pieces from cakes and are thrown by them as if jugglers.
   So everything at the same time is magnificent as if you got to Heaven - to what it is presented by the little children living in the full country. Where all are happy and dreams come true, to nobody even in the head can come that in principle existence of problems and a grief is possible.
   He also did not notice how light suddenly grew dim, and the terrible roar shook a starprobe vehicle. The dream instantly changed, candies turned into rockets, cakes in the fighting ships, cakes in medieval fortresses prisons, and kind elves in spiteful vampirenyshy. The friend Likho seized canines a throat, his eyes burned with an underworld flame. The Olympic bear turned into the enormous goblin with a spark mouth and a tail of a tyrannosaur. The mouth of the wild monster revealed, directly canines more similar to nuclear warheads in the eyes grew. Lira Velimara jumped from knees, in hands of the harpy legendary volsheblaster, she opens fire and the terrible marshal Polikanov addresses in... an amoeba from the smoking slime which is silly sticking out on a peak-cap.
   Hyper nuclear explosions rumbled, having heated space, light stuck a burning lava into brains again. Tigers rushed and dropped out from a chamber. Vozrashcheniye in reality was dreadful.
   Deafening gaps continued to sound and in reality, there was not a comic space fight, and mighty rockets got to the case of a leader. The blast wave rolled on a starprobe vehicle, and in its strongest way shook. It is visible charges detonated, the ultraplasma cloud rushed into the room. The burning particles burned skin. Tigers jumped and crashed into something soft, fiery Gehenna blazed again. Recently fire did not frighten Tigrov any more and he did not make attempt to evade or escape. Time I got to a whirlwind violent, so again I move, polymya will not kill me. The hyper plasma stream walked once again and abated. Neither pain, nor even the burning skin, in a face blew something warm, strongly smelled of tropical plants.
   Tigers before narrowed eyes safely opened them. Before it there was dense yellow-golden jungle. It is not probable, it moved again, so works, incomprehensible with reason effect. Someone groaned under legs, Vladimir obviously stood on a live body. Groan seemed familiar, seemingly, to it it was lucky and now will not be lonely in this unfamiliar world.
   HEAD? 27
   The petal is gentle a flower
   We only at the beginning of a way...
   Let this world be also cruel
   It is necessary to go stubborn.
   The jungle was not too dense, through golden and orange petals illuminated a double star. One star red as poppy, the second blue cornflower-blue color. Stars were large, but burned down not especially strongly, light radiated by them was soft and pleasant. The prostrate fairly burned friend not without effort rose, legs gave away, and he was forced to grab a liana. Hair slightly burned, on a face blisters and bruises flaunted. Dashingly often blinked, it is visible a graviavolna strongly shook the mini-soldier. At last the boy managed to appease a shiver, and he said.
   - You, too here. - Razorvirov three times quickly scrolled as if it was on screws seyuya a neck around. - Rejoice, we died and were had to the parallel mega-Universe! Broke off our starprobe vehicle also we at the new level of existence. The signal of collecting will sound soon, mini-fighters will be created in groups.
   - To you I see, it cannot wait to receive again, a good charge of hyper plasma? - Tigers despite their not too clear present prospects did not keep from smiling.
   - You that, here in the Universe all our, other races will be destroyed. - Resolutely said mini-soldiers. - Time you with us our brother, take the weapon and prepare for fight.
   Razorvirov stretched toy luchemt. Tigers took it, having felt as the handle conveniently laid down. The weapon is an important thing though sometimes and excessively talkative. But strangely enough children's blasters of all types are most often silent, except special cases. Well it is clear, there is nothing to indulge future soldiers. The climate is quite good here, in a body is it seems full of energy. Here only a problem - where to go? The boy being puzzled said:
   - I so think. Most likely, abandoned us in the desert area, it is not excluded the wild world, means better to climb up top and to examine the district.
   - Good thought. - Razorvirov supported and set a leg to similarity of a terrestrial fly agaric. The fungus appeared elastic and instead of scattering jumped aside as if a ball.
   To climb up top it was not such lung as at first it seemed business. Dashingly did not depart from a shock, muscles were weakened by influence of radiations, and Tigers for the present did not feel real consequences of the muscular rating made in a biochamber., It seems, in itself as if there is a lot of force, and in practice... It as spirit of the drunk person, trees is ready to be pulled up and on a hillock you stumble. Somehow it was succeeded to overcome about eighty meters to tree top. Breed is unknown, but that like a hybrid of a pine, a palm tree, and trunk bark with rare branches as the roof tiled.
   From height the interesting look opened. Behind the tree mountain, enormous, and branchy as the elder brother of a baobab rustled. Somewhere in the distance the glade settled down, and on it chubby beings with a trunk of elephants and the head of dinosaurs were grazed. With it however, you will not surprise mini-soldiers, but here surprise, at the line of the horizon hardly noticeable domes of towers were seen.
   Vladimir nearly fell down from krone:
   - You see, this world is inhabited, there is intelligent life. - It is pleased the boy exclaimed.
   Young stelzan without hiding triumph now, answered!
   - I see - Ultrakvazarno! And Giperzvezdno! Most likely, it is one of native colonies under our control in the parallel Giga-Universe.
   - It is unlikely. It is rather however another, we did not die and it is our former Universe. - Not quite surely assumed Vladimir.
   - As did not die. It is impossible to escape at such explosion, it contrary to physical laws. Time we means here, are already dead. Death in fight honor and glory, I love you Stelz - the Superpower! - Sang excited with the imminent adventures Dashingly.
   - Between other you forgot something. In the new Universe there have to be six or twelve measurements, and them here only when only three. - Vladimir even stuck fingers into the sky as if it was so more convincing.
   - It only at our level of perception, we simply do not feel a difference. The brain and a body, thinks that three though them already six. Watch what opportunities it will give us. - Dashingly pomorshchit a forehead, tried to strain muscles. Discontentedly as the tiger cub who missed production roared. - The very demon from tear apart, something to move bolnovato.
   - Still so would popalit! - Vladimir itself also felt gradually weakening itch in a body. Similar on what arises when you intensively train after a long break. The boy suddenly will loudly shout, vigorously specifying by a hand and sticking with a forefinger - Here look the shepherd there!
   - Where? - Dashingly blinked the eyes, its acute eyesight after it the giperpryshka from Gehenna was not restored yet.
   Really on an animal remotely similar to a unicorn the herdboy, the young man of years of fifteen sat. The most interesting that he surprisingly reminded a stelzan and it is dressed for the shepherd quite decently. Something in its shape was familiar. Tried to remember tigers.
   - Yes it is the cowboy - the Yankee. Look we as if in a temporary hole failed. - The human boy-podanets gave out.
   - Do not talk rubbish. This is our guy it is visible other fashion here. - Objected it stelzan.
   - And where luchemt it? - Vladimir grinned.
   - Sinkh were devoured. - The mini-soldier was sharply stirred up, played press muscles, touched the naked blisters covered with pieces of chalk and a soot by heels of the nape. - All right, I went to it.
   Having felt far more vigorously Razorvirov, dexterously jumped off, swinging hands so that falling was slightly more slowly. Landed lovchy the paratrooper and run rushed off to herd. Tigers repeated after it, almost without having felt at a shake-up landing. Its force promptly increased, the boy-popadanets did not lag behind, to him it was curious too. When they ran out on a glade, the herdboy first did not pay on them special attention. And when Dashingly seized a unicorn by reins, even haughty shouted.
   - Leave, ragamuffins, behind alms go to the city, there the holiday can be that be, will give.
   The mini-soldier of Purple constellation did not differ in mild temper, the phrase offended it. However, both boys indeed had a type of bosyatsskiya and from not washed away soot dirty as if draw. Rage gave force, and Dashingly literally dumped the young man on the earth. That crashed down, but probably having combative experience did not become puzzled and having jumped, tried to get a dagger. Dashingly at first sight slightly struck with a finger it in a nose bridge, and Tigers broke a hand. The guy became soft, dug blood and began to babble something.
   - Speak more distinctly. What weakling, rotten muscles. No, you are not our soldier! - Razorvirov bellowed and made the terrible person.
   - Do not kill me. I will give you, steam of pennies. - Choking the captivated shepherd said.
   - We do not need your money moreover such small. Speak you who! - Razorvirov made fingers a fork, and nearly stuck with it into eyes.
   - I am an elite shepherd, and my tanko-tigress runs here. Release me or it will break off you.
   The semi-legendary tanko-tigress jumped out on a glade. It was the animal the sizes from a tyrannosaur. An enormous Tiger in striped scaly armor, with two-meter canines with six paws ladles. And to fall with seven rows of teeth just overland cachalot.
   And it is dashing and Tigers shot at the same time, purely instinctively. Already shooting, both boys transferred luchemeta almost to the maximum power. The striped dinosaur failed, having published an agonal roar. The roar was such that from trees cones and fruit fell down. The young shepherd jumped, and storm gallop having incurred, away.
   Mini-stelzan stopped having grabbed by a hand of rushed, was in after Tigrov.
   - It is not necessary. This primitive tribe. Now will be as in a video cyber they will take us for gods and will come a solemn procession. - Dashingly spoke it is sure. Especially as to it it was already necessary let and to look through the squeezed look a virtualka, behavior among primitive races. Become god and then you will win.
   - Or perhaps will consider for demons, and will drag on a fire. Here tell better as far as we will have enough charges? - Vladimir was seriously disturbed.
   - I do not know, we did not recharge them long ago. Approximately I suspect average fight on twenty kilikul, on a power maximum fight is twice less. - Said Dashingly, nervously turning the radiator.
   - Though it is more than an hour if to transfer to terrestrial time, we specifically were stuck! - It was expressed Tigers. - To seem weak cunning, the weakling to be real - idiocy!
   Dashingly automatically lifted at first one, then to the friend a leg and without having understood allegory objected:
   - While not, you are mistaken, soil perfectly holds us on a surface.
   - It figuratively. - Vladimir sometimes marveled to what these beings for a fraction of a second taking a root from twenty-place number happen stupid.
   - It is clear your human slang. At us happens similar, a peculiar slang especially on the periphery too. - Malchishka-stelzan did not refrain from boasting, however without having exaggerated also on a photon. - You represent what huge power at us, from one edge to another light goes one million cycles.
   - Yes! It if to raze To the ground, he for a second of 8 times runs all over it. - Without shadow of envy Vladimir answered.
   - We have almost identical seconds, too calculation for blow of quiet heart, here only other cycles decimal similar to your hours, minutes. People of Earth, why all of you so complicate? Passed to number of fingers of hands and legs, it is so natural! - Dashingly threw to Vladimir the nutritious ampoule taken because of a belt, a form as a cube, of the size of the Greek nutlet. - Take, it very much is necessary to you!
   - Because we had many countries and the people. I think better to go to them to a meeting if we run away, it will only inspire persecutors. - The ampoule itself with an easy tickling was soaked up in a palm. On a hand began to spread warm and pleasant, gradually passing to a body. Dashingly having caught an eye of Vladimir explained:
   - Mix of amino acids and bio-annabolikov, after recent modernization is necessary for you. It seems you managed to remake completely before attack of the unknown enemy. So in any case - transformation hundred percent was declared by the medical hyper plasma computer.
   The boy once again looked back, the neck at him rotated and bent at any angle as if at a gutta-percha doll. Probably it all was solved:
   - Of course, we will go to a meeting. Let's cut to reptiles that parody our race.
   They got out to a footpath and vigorously walked in that party where domes were seen. Soon, as expected, both came to the wide road. Knock of hoofs and sounds of a fighting horn was heard. On a meeting the whole cavalcade of terrible riders took off. Here they were the whole army, many on horses, others on deer, and here unicorns was only two, and sat on them, judging by rich furniture it, there were notable grandees. Deer were very large with three branches of horns, and six hoofs, on them tyazhelobronirovanny knights were piled up. The part had a brilliant armor, part black, other armor coal-black ominous against horned helmets and predatory emblems at all. And here horses were quite terrestrial beautiful harmonous, on them soldiers with light weapons, at the majority arbalests and onions jumped in gallop. Of course, easy soldiers made the four fifth group. And all there were more than five hundred riders here. Besides them in the tail three fatties in magnificent red cloaks, on immoderately the fattened gray goats trudged. Riders did not pay to children attention, well for them barefoot ragamuffins. At Dashingly magnetic space sandalik evaporated in hyper plasma, and Tigers was almost naked, after a pressure chamber. Riders just could wear out them, even without having warned. Mini-Stelzan accustomed to shoot at first, and only then to think cut on knights a light beam. Cut deer on part, animals were slaughtered in convulsions. Some knights fell, to someone cut or broke legs. Vladimir opened fire movable by rather nervous excitement too, than to cold calculations. The group was scattered, easy soldiers came off horses, many, having even laid down arms, ran away.
   - It turned out to be afraid these savages of us. Everyone stelzan is god for other world.
   Dashingly jumped and, having jumped on a croup of a prostrate horse, shouted at full blast.
   - On knees. We gods came here to rule this world! Who not with us that against us!
   The tall and large person in a red cloak stately got down in a trekhrogy goat. Besides a velvet red cloak on his breast the swastika, a symbol the highest wisdom and the power was embroidered with gold in a pearl frame.
   - You are not a god, You are just little demon pathetic vampirenysh, Solo, powerless against a cult.
   - And you with a spider on a breast receive a divine lightning.
   Dashingly thrust a charge from a luchemet, expecting that the gray-haired little man will scatter on the smoking pieces. However a beam, having struck in a breast, only generated the sparkling cloud characteristic of childish sports. Dashingly frenziedly continued to shoot.
   - That little devil. Your lightnings are powerless against the divine strength of the Supreme priest of Solo.
   Several archers fired a volley, long arrows nearly got to the mini-soldier, and one slightly scratched skin. The first having understood tigers that business accepts not favorable, a turn seized the workmate by a hand and sharp breakthrough entrained. That tried to beat off.
   - What for a shame to run away?
   - It not flight, it is tactical maneuver. Change of a landscape of fight. - Seriously joked Tigers.
   - On the open district it is easier to evaporate them. - Roared young stelzan.
   - You that did not understand yet. Why your beam did not cut it. - Explained on the run Vladimir.
   - The magic or defect with the weapon can? - Assumed Dashingly.
   - I for the first time see that the magic would protect from a laser beam. And it is possible to check for the account of defect on mine.
   On the run, having developed, the boy-popadanets, sent a charge to the closest archer. The light stream got directly into a face, probably having blinded the fighter, having forced to drop an arbalest, but all also was limited to it. The skull did not burst, fried brains were not spilled.
   - You see, now you understood. They it you or we therefore the minicomputer, in our fighting toys distinguishing them, gives welcome salute. - Explained Tigers.
   - Demons of an antiworld. Obviously it is your, our not such primitive savages. - Parried Dashingly.
   - And can on the contrary yours. Language at them yours of the Purple empire. - Vladimir noticed.
   - And where you the person learned so well our language? You speak on it so, it is natural apart from a sleg as if was born in mother countries. - Suspiciously the mini-soldier jumping through hummocks blinked the eyes.
   - I do not know, can do it it is connected with a movement phenomenon. - Not everything was clear to Tigrov and most.
   Children ran quickly (though in an absolute form could be even more bright) and they had decent chances to come off from even dobrokonny persecutors, but the unfamiliar alien wood is rich in surprises. The soft yellow-red grass fluffy as a moss seemed under legs, and on you the sharpest as a vikudra sting the prickle sticks into a naked heel. Dashingly knocked down, the predatory plant is visible developed the strongest paralyzer. Legs were completely disconnected, only hands slightly twitched in the convulsive movements. Tigrov had to shoulder the companion. Speed fell at once, persecutors partially - the majority on good horses, is partially pedestrian, the last however lagged behind, began to overtake fugitives. Vladimir neatly shot back, beams quite coped horses and could even cut off the rider if that had enough mind to hide for a horse. In principle the system of recognition-others saw in the different ranges, but thermo-kvarkovy explosion with movement reduced its sensitivity. If the shooter sent an arrow to the purpose, hiding behind a tree, then the reciprocal shot quite could demolish both a tree, and the shooter. The guy thrust charges, they chopped trunks, large trees with a roar fell, sometimes pressing down fighters. Those whom the beam cut represented a terrible show, the burned body fragments slightly smoked. Tigrov was filled up with arrows while he was lucky, managed scratches, skin became stronger and often ricocheted an edge, besides, rescued thick trunks of trees which disturbed a sight.
   Dashingly moaned, the son of the aggressive empire had a noble heart and feeling of solidarity:
   - Throw me, Vladimir. I am only a burden, without me you can leave!
   - No, we are with you brothers on the weapon. Swore to live and battle the place, means together, we will accept death. - With pathos the human boy said.
   - It is not logical. If we die both, there will be nobody to take vengeance on enemies. - Said genuinely suffering Dashingly, the face of the mini-soldier became lilac from effect of vegetable poison.
   - I trust, we have a chance.
   Archers soon understood that the safest to shoot from the open place, without disappearing. Soon one of long the improved training of arrows punched a hand biceps. Besides the charge of the hyper plasma battery ran low far quicker, than low intensity of the throwing-up annihilation streams allowed to hope. Even the children's weapon of Stelzanat could be is used in fights, on the maximum power capable to sink the biggest and modern battle ship of the twenty first century. Now arrows flew clouds. To evade there was no sense and Tigers, just started running. It is heavy to run with the companion on shoulders. Horse archers came nearer the Two-three of arrows nevertheless got, having struck semi-insensible is dashing. Then one more arrow pleased Vladimir between edges (beat from the arbalests, special with four bowstrings, calculated on punching of a heavy knightly armor, of course rate of fire of such weapon is weaker, because of hardly tension of a faucet, but lethal power). It is already the end, the fellow reeled from pain, having stopped. Several big sharp arrows right there got to it, and to the helpless companion. To be motionless the certain death means, Tigers overcoming pain, jerked in the direction of an enormous tree, the grief ennobling over the others is similar. Maybe in this tree there is a hollow, and it will be able to disappear from persecutors so. Before this monster of flora the pure lawn with fine not seen coloring and forms stretched in the flowers. And what exotic stupefying smell was exuded by these unearthly plants.
   Here only cover from them not important it is necessary to run on almost open district. Archers having adjusted fire, are sure of the aim. Both boys are wounded, be they people, for a long time died, rescues durability and survivability of superhuman bodies. But the limit is to everything, feels Tigers that it faints, and around the fine nature, there is a wish to live in such beauty, but not to die.
   Through the bloody fog clouding eyes through booming noise as if sea surf when heavy waves beat directly the head, mosquito peep the voice of the Supreme priest was heard opposite and thin as.
   - Stop shooting. Demonyata should not die so easily, cruel ritual execution expects them.
   Vladimir reaches a trunk and falls forward, it seems to it that falling lasts eternally.
   Plunging into a voluptuousness wave Lev, it was disconnected from reality. As to both of them it was good and pleasantly soft silk of hair tickles the person, and the man's desire overflows flesh. Having been removed to the closed mirror room, they were engaged in what they dreamed long ago of. In the voluptuous ocean of intoxicated honey, volcanoes were thrown up, lifting up emerald and sapphire waves. They jumped out the coast with golden sand where scarlet, nacreous cockleshells tips of female breasts sparkled. And the tornado is lifted by volcanoes, raged stormed at the increasing speed. And suddenly as if flew a tornado from the North, volcanoes fell asleep, and waves were held down by the cold, giving an artful reflection ice. After the first emotions passed, Eraskander suddenly felt terrible hostility and roughly Vener pushed away.
   - That Allamara that Velimara. Two wings of one branch! Why you betrayed me, I use as a toy? You thought up, weaved a mousetrap web for Great Zorga.
   From a push Vener fell, but did not become angry, and on the contrary rushed on knees and began to stroke, the young man brawny, with bronze, pure as at a marble statue skin a leg:
   - No, not I. I was only a photon in a multicascade reflector. It is even not idea of the governor. You are a Young lion not for mind of the chernorozhy degenerate.
   - And it does not acquit you. - Eraskander looked with a chill, but did not draw aside a leg. Vener as if the insignificant slave began to kiss to the angelic boy of a foot. And did it passionately, having forgotten about any pride, not the representative of the grain in the nation Universe, and the captive under a heel of the usurper.
   - I do not justify myself my love and fidelity. I will tell even more if you were not wanted to be used, then for a long time would liquidate.
   - Who main customer, center of brain quanta? - Lev blinked the eyes.
   - Head of department of protection of a throne Velimara's brother. - Vener crookedly grinned. - What is terrible? At you on the planet by it children are frightened.
   - It is already search. More we cannot meet. We leave also the end to the relations. - Contemptuously the young man sniffed.
   - No, it is not necessary Lev, I sincerely love you. - Kisses became hotter.
   - You love not me, and pleasures. - The young soldier however and loved them, without wishing to push away the beauty.
   - No, not the truth, Lev. It is not it, it is much higher. - Vener it was drunk in him by a bloodsucker
   - Whether the spear can become higher! Go away you already proved the love. - The lion found forces, to throw off the loveful bore.
   The proud stelzanka without any pretense began to cry.
   - A lion I love you and I have the most powerful proof of your love.
   - Yes at us to Earth usually it is a pot-belly. - Eraskander pinned up.
   Vener purely in a feminine way caught sense.
   - My darling if you mean reproduction of posterity, then you are right. - With theatrical aspiration added. - I conceived from you the boy and the girl who have to be born soon.
   - Where they at you under heart? - The lion looked on chocolate, relief as a steel grid at the little girl warrior's press.
   - In an incubator, as well as all our children. - Vener began a tongue twister to explain. - The child it is forbidden and it is too dangerous to carry in itself, injuries stresses, wars. And to give birth on primitive it is sick. There in the biocomputer, a special cybernetic womb it is optimum and safe. Optimum development of a germ, and more in high gear, than it the nature would make. - In a voice of the officer of commercial investigation there was even more heat. - you Remember our last meeting, you then told that you feel as the suicide bomber and that would like to have successors of the business already in this Universe.
   - How you managed to leave a fruit in an incubator to our races it is impossible to have the general children? - Eraskander generally not too dumbfounded similar news. He intuitively felt that there will be something similar. Even suspected that from it got posterity far not only fine Vener.
   - At first I just wanted to bribe, but then it is unexpected it was not required. - Allamara widely and smiled enough. - During the analysis and scanning of germs it became clear that we have with you a fine genetics and outstanding abilities... Especially you have a supergreat man! These children will be geniuses in military art and strategy. We have a magnificent compatibility, even the hyper doctor was surprised, he very vividly took an interest in the identity of the father. At us you understand the main thing genetic compatibility and quality of children, and marriages convention only for distribution of property and then everything is relative. The woman who conceived from the hero herself is a heroine! I told lies that it is too famous soldier, and in order to avoid excessive questions offered in their fund, without documentation to be understood.
   - They in an incubator it is visible develop much quicker? - The lion knew for a long time that stelzana are even born not in a human way, but of course details for the earthling secret behind seven seals and star systems.
   - Yes, much quicker and soon will be born. - Vener shining with erudition added. - On the earth to ours of an arrival it would occupy the whole cycle, and now after improvement of your sort - a third of a cycle.
   - And what's next? - Eraskander said it cold tone. He did not consider at all that invaders improved people. Though of course the period of pregnancy and incubation of a fruit was reduced - slaves work with a stomach worse, purely pragmatical approach, as well as a victory on an old age.
   Vener began to explain with great feeling.
   - A young lion, you know as soon as the child leaves an incubator soon becomes the mini-soldier. They will be brought up, grown up, trained according to genetic tendencies. Parents in the course of education as a rule do not participate and the majority of us even never sometimes, at all are interested in posterity and without having looked on the child. About two percent of time from all barracks cycle to fall on holiday though here differently. At descendants of oligarchs, heroes and more happens, can at desire of parents receive privileges. Well, and those which of a plebess, and such the majority - at all except barracks see nothing. - Having caught an angry eye of Lev Vener added. - But there too there are entertainment programs and fine all-round education with physical development. - Voitelnitsa-stelzanka with great feeling primolvit. - I believe, they will become great stelzana, - your children will submit and to govern the Universe.
   - I meant not it, speaking about business continuation... - Gradually thawing Eraskander said. - In general in humane the twenty first centuries of our planet, philosophers told, stelzana the monsters depriving of children of the childhood, having driven from the cradle into barracks...
   Vener wanted, was to object how the armor door scattered, being sawn by a graviolazer. The harpy Dina and dozen of strappers fighters uveshenny the weapon appeared in a doorway. And behind the two-three of besekipazhny boarding, ship tanks still smartly crept. The lion ironically laughed.
   - I also did not expect other. What you want caress?
   The angry face of Rozalenda instantly became kinder, blurred in the widest smile. Boyekostyuma instantly flew, having bared frightening delights.
   - Yes my little soldier. You are cool the real Tanko tiger.
   - A tiger or a lion it is better not to pull moustaches or...
   The lion felt how air gets denser, and purely instinctively pushed away a barrier, having mentally presented that, pushed a force field. It worked, and gorillas-stelzany be filled up as if trees under a tornado, two large covered with a powerful force field of the tank turned over, and the third tightly stuck to a ceiling...
   . Eraskander jumped up to the general's wife. Despite two centners of weight, her waist is rather harmonous, the press stuck out batteries, and a relief professional high people body builders at peak to a form. A heavy, but sports constitution, in own way very much even the beautiful woman who exchanged the fifth century. Of course, he did not love it, it is even terrible to touch such monster, but there was a wish to revenge Allamare in own way. To force a two-stuffy ofitsersha to be jealous and suffer here, having fallen in love with Dina on her eyes. That naturally not only did not resist, but itself greedy seized it. When bludodeystvo ended, Vener was strongly excited, and joyfully giggled:
   - Kvazarno! You are magnificent superhyper exchanges our kid. Now be engaged in strange love with me.
   The young man spat, and, having developed, walked away.
   With these stelzana it is possible to go mad as people did not coarsen, nevertheless hardly they would consider such behavior as norm. Especially Puritan times pre-war times.
   - It is necessary to remove a collar of the slave from it. Such beautiful young man is worthy, to be entered in our invincible army. - The four-star general shouted.
   Dina, magnificent with muscles of a buffalo cow, sparkling under bronze skin, was nasty to it. The lion wanted, was to send it far away, but unless it is possible to survive, being guided only by naked emotions. It is impossible to miss such chance.
   - I proved the readiness and ability to war for a long time! - With pathos Eraskander exclaimed.
   - Wonderfully, ultrazvezdno, perfectly, kvazarno! - The dyne beckoned the servant's finger. - Flomanter will release you.
   Already familiar treukhy being shy approached Eraskander. It was felt that the universal genius in panic is afraid of it.
   The shivering flippers Flomanter gathered a code, turned something, and removed a collar.
   - That's all. - And maliciously added. - Probably you did not think, it will be so simple!
   - And the watching device? - The lion pretended that he passed a hairpin.
   Ears of a small animal began to clap. Peep the frightened, working wonders Eraskander arouses fear, even in the presence of the general.
   - Then can be. It is very difficult...
   The dyne a thunderous voice tears off it:
   - Now you are a soldier of Purple constellation with a trial period, before full assimilation!
   As Lev was still very young, he was defined in basic preparatory group of shock special troops. The preparatory school of fighters strenuously trained, using the most modern methods, and obstacle courses, difficult for passing, sparrings, cyber-training in various environments. Though Eraskander was presented as the aboriginal of the empire of stelzan, hearing that it only the former slave extended with the shocking speed. However, the training with it, young stelzana were afraid to touch Lev. Too menacing mighty Terrestrial terminator had a reputation. Besides in all sparrings, in fact, it showed fighting skill of the highest class. Along with mind and charm it created around it such light aura of trust and the authority that soon Lev became the informal leader of preparatory crew. It, of course, was pleasant not to all. Especially irritated that he won on any cruel fighting courses against, in any environment and it is so easy as, the Tiger of kittens. The former leader of youth Girim Phish, with the accomplices and some soldiers of more mature age decided to put the beginner into place. To arrange "dark" on a stelzanovsky harmony: to beat and humiliate. Everything was made extremely simply, thirty five fighters with the cold and beam weapon gathered in a sparring hall. There they with impatience waited for the young excellent student of combat training. When Lev entered, on him snatched at once, seeking to cripple. Despite a superiority in strength of opponents, Eraskander successfully beat off, and even carried out counter blows. On the course it constantly moved, using, bars, disks, dumbbells, throwing daggers, spring brass knuckles. At the same time he tried to avoid murder though he very much wanted to punish these silly persons. Attempt to strike Lev from a paralyzer originally was not crowned with success, on the contrary shots disconnected those who attacked it. And still cannot infinitely carry, certainly quite good soldiers who won billions inhabited the world of a stelzana. After the young man was covered by the category, they pull hard, and began to beat him. Beat, than got including heavy metal objects. The lion tortured to use cogitative force, but he has this time nothing, it did not turn out. The telekinetic spark died away, and blows grew in force. At some point Eraskander fainted. It seemed to it that his soul leaves a body, and he sees this fight, as if from outside. Here it lies blood-stained and not mobile, he is beaten by legs, beaten with signature stamps of bars. Familiar even on Earth a show when the crowd beats one not movably lying guy. The lion wants to strike or kill someone from them, but his new essence is incorporeal and fists pass through stelzan like the hologram in air. The lion strains the remains of consciousness and to it the familiar voice of Dina is heard.
   - Yes mister Ultramarshal. All hyper squadron has to be constructed in a fighting order and to be ready to a hyper jump to the region of a galaxy of Diligarido, however it is such big distance.
   - Your business not to argue, and to execute the order, I order this hyper-squadron. - The dry answer follows. Secunda a pause and continuation of a machine-gun tongue twister - And as for a distance, came effect of nine serial vacuum whirlwinds. It changes congruence of space, giving the chance to move one hyper jump. I should not explain advantage of such odds!
   - I will give the order about reduction of my under control mighty squadron to combat readiness. - The mighty general's wife barked:
   The ultramarshal dry tone porodolzhat:
   - I notified all other generals. Listen, it is right that you cover the runaway slave Eraskander.
   - Yes, we included it in fighting landing group it the excellent fighter... Hyper! - On the last word the Dyne increased tone and added already more quietly. - Hermes shakes the bill of sale wants to take away him.
   - It too small fry. Tell that late, went to a hyper jump and are already inaccessible, and in general the way itself watches the property. - The voice of the ultramarshal became surovy.
   - He too impudently stands up for the rights. The legalist is vacuum! - The general's wife clanked with teeth.
   - Declare combat total readiness with mobilization even of mini-soldiers. Also try that, this slave was not killed. And Hermes if becomes impudent, then remind him: in the conditions of the martial law accidents are possible.
   - I understood the order, this remarkable young man will not be killed. Hermes as required under arrest or...
   The ultramarshal the barking tone interrupted:
   - Carry out movement, it is time to strike punishment blow. Not to touch Hermes yet, he has influential relatives.
   - Correctly the emperor told: related feelings as a rusty chain, hold down courage, poison honor, defile a debt! - Gave an aphorism a female hippopotamus.
   When communication was interrupted, Lev hanged in amazement. Why became interested in the small slave in it even ultragrossmarshat. And that if to listen also to his thoughts. As it is pleasant to fly, he knew that only the highest of the guru (which on Earth practically did not remain) are capable here so easily and to move freely in a spiritual cover. When passing a covering of a leader, the boy felt only easy sparking as if slightly struck with static electricity. What majestic look opened after an exit in the dug-out space. Millions of the star ships of the most various designs and terrible forms majestically floated in space. Around the multi-colored mosaic of stars shone, it seemed to all, was, the sky in diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz and agate. But there is no time to admire and it flew in the biggest leader-grosslinkor. Starprobe vehicle titan. The Kelelvirovy hedgehog not less than 300 kilometers in the diameter. Military starprobe vehicle snashchenny in thousands of terrible tools capable in fractions of a second to burn the whole planets. In the central cabin of the ship ultragrossmarshat conducted negotiations in the gipergraviagramma mode.
   - Yes about great. Everything will be made.
   - Look, you are strongly tied in this case, will try to shirk also to you the end. - As if a cobra the unfamiliar, absolutely deprived of humanity voice hissed.
   - I am ready for everything. - Nervous tone the dignitary declared.
   - And now listen to the additional instruction...
   What for the instruction Lev did not hear. The room suddenly grew dim, and it is almost instant as if the soul was soaked up by the most powerful vacuum cleaner, it appeared in fairly crippled body again. The head broke up, some ribs were broken.
   When Dina pressed the button, about transition to the limit marching mode, in rooms pink sparks lit up. Fighters mechanically stopped beating. Then the biggest of them recovered to the five-star officer senior in team of torturers.
   - To continue educational process, or...
   - Everything will be enough, he received the. - The commander tore off.
   Girim Fasch decided to squeeze the word too.
   - We taught a good lesson him, capitally otpulsariv already enough. And in general he is an excellent guy, only too impudent, this is the excellent soldier. He will be a magnificent fighter. If of course does not twist a neck in a gravitational collapse.
   - Yes!
   The officer slightly winked.
   - In it there is a potential of the great fighter. Only for the slave it too highly lifted up a chin. Also remember stelzana among themselves when do not move. At us either a training sparring, or educational process. Stick to it a stimulator, such guys very quickly come back to a system.
   Having recovered Lev, suddenly felt that material objects begin it to obey again, huge metal pancake came off a floor, and Eraskander nearly smeared them the head to Girim. However the beefy stelzan-teenage friendly smiled and gave a hand.
   - We will forget the past in one team.
   As Lev wanted to send all their team to a quasar subsoil and to cover with pancake, but suddenly understood that cannot change the rule and so. To strike stealthily the given hand, means to humiliate the planet, having shown mean essence. Eraskander it is proud kept silent and did not stretch the. Pancake with a roar fell to a covering.
   Fasch smiled.
   - As you do it. Well, then we will talk when all cool down, five fighters it was necessary in regeneration chamber of a message. You are just a dragon of the anti-Universe.
   Giry run left the hall, he felt Lev's rage each cell of swarty bronze skin.
   HEAD? 28
   Pierced space open spaces
   The love will not bother you!
   Because of it you will pull up trees
   You will find beautiful many places.
   After the emergency alarm signal, interrupted game at the time of the culmination, Labido already did not meet the casual scientist any more. Command is visible decided that at it time is free too much, and it was transferred to courses of the strengthened fighting training. Preparation for war at all never stopped because military work most important can be the only purpose of existence of each Stelzan. War produces heroes, and the world only of bribe takers and traitors. On courses on increase of fighting capacity all possible fighting situations forced to pass. Fights in vacuum, in zero gravity, in the jellylike environment, in liquids of different density. It was necessary to battle in the conditions of constantly changing, fluctuations of gravitation, light and radio-streams, the space planes and so on. A variety too tiresome for detailed transfer. There were options of military operations in multidimensional space, in the heated lava and a black hole. The limiter was only in expenses on training therefore the preference was given to the cheapest forms of fighting training. Naturally virtual shooter games and rigid sparrings are the most cheaper. Sparrings passed peculiar, them forced to undress (though from the practical point of view - nonsense, nobody will go to real fight without military special suit!) and absolutely naked maidens to fight with each other. Fights had or thematic character, or to win on the contrary without rules. Only one condition, do not kill up to the end. When to one girl Elena in exasperation knocked out an eye, her victim only joyfully smiled. And then after fast restoration even bragged of it. After any sparring with the weapon or just hands there were scratch bruises, sometimes and changes. Somehow to Elena even cut down a brush. A stump as if in boiled water, but when put back, the medical robot cut the field gluing cages and bones special as if, fingers begin to move almost again at once, and in half an hour already the slightest trace of wound. Even skin was left smooth, moderate and bronze color, without white strips or scars as people had it. Small damages were not even examined, they took place. It is good still that at stelzan such phenomenal abilities to regeneration.
   Now arranged them a sparring again, will fight one with another on the heated frying pan. Temperature on a course of action will increase more and more. They came to a ring, it something like an aquarium, through transparent walls other guys and girls who were brought to pro-frying are visible. Her partner of approximately identical growth close both on weight and on force, couples skillfully pobrana, and part of couples mixed guys against girls. The siren a signal to fight howls. A surface heating, but it is still tolerant. Both girls enter practically at once full contact. They too well know each other and therefore do not climb on silly exchange in blows, and jump, maneuver, trying at a distance, to get each other. The covering of a ring is quickly heated, burns graceful barefoot maiden heels. Wild jumps become higher, and blows more and more sharply and more fiercely. Sweat drops ominously hiss, falling on promptly reddening surface. Both young females battle as goddesses of death. As if the lava and ice, plasma met with liquid nitrogen. Having despaired, to punch each other they were linked by direct strokes in convulsively twitching ball, used nails and teeth.
   Elena for the first time felt on taste skin of hated invaders, in language blood of a furious stelzanka. It seems sweetishly and with sourness as if juice of ripe plum. The skin strong,-word a cheshuychata a chain armor, but Elena of a jaw and teeth is stronger than spark. The workmate cruelly answers her. Girls fall sideways. The covering heated in many thousands of degrees literally burns flesh. As poor little girls hysterically squeal, the floor which already began to be softened from the unknown Elena of metal singed to both warriors and hips and sides and a breast. Even air began to highlight promptly being ionized from terrible heat. At Labido-Elena the crazy thought flashed: "And what is created in other aquariums?" It is good still that they soundproof differently the rumble would stand such as if in a volcano muzzle, at once pushed millions of menageries. The ultramarshal Eroros monitoring doctrines indifferent tone gives team.
   - Stop everything, for today will be enough. Last check!
   In an aquarium liquid helium, supershock the transition of brutal heat which is cutting down consciousness, to terrible cold poured down. Couples from evaporations as a stopper from champagne throw out the fried bodies mutilated half. Even it became clear to it that he went too far. Here to what it brings rage, there is a wish to break it, staging fanatic drills. In other it is present everywhere, all stelzan train on barbarous cruel, on the verge of deaths. Where now this of the Misinformation imer? That his name was damned eternally by enslaved descendants, zorg will groan under stelzanam. This "metallyuga" already on Earth, and ruthlessly brings order. Probably, not to pass to it the death penalty as it was stuck though to blame him there is nothing, he warned the Great emperor. Yes the greatest is wise, correctly told.
   - The empire perishes, the world decomposes it to rescue the nation it is necessary to begin new universal war.
   Or as the very first Emperor spoke.
   - The world which lasts more than a year is harmful to army, the world which lasts more generation is harmful to the nation. The world which lasts longer than a century is deadly to a civilization!
   Graviopole hesitates, having slightly bent light. Maloluchemet Erorosa similar to terribly fancy gun with eight barrels, got out of a hyper plastic holster. "Was got" from invisible inflow and similarity of a song peeps:
   - It is pleasant to live among fire and plasma when from explosion the vacuum shakes! We test terrible orgasms, a throw deadly attack forward!
   The ultramarshal stroked the weapon:
   - And you an umor, it is correct that you were supplied with the hyper plasma processor. Expensively but economy on clowns.
   - If you want, I can lose you any of two hundred twenty five million melodies of seven thousand powers. - Said the scraping tone magoluchemt. - Or games at me hundred ten million six hundred thousand "shooter games", "strategy", erotic quests.
   The ultramarshal interrupted:
   - Everything will be enough so far, time we on a power trick, we will better relax. Tomorrow we declare a season of XXX, children deserved pleasure and rest. And my dear machine we will play with you.
   Luchemet by means of a tiny antigrav rose in air, and issued the enormous hologram. Eroros plunged into virtual fight, it helped to distract from disturbing thoughts. Besides, in it it is possible to strain not only brains, but also a mighty body. In particular the part of holograms and a novelty lets out a gravitational wave, imitating strong blow. Also they can fight, press and caress. The truth at the same time raises power consumption, but it is always possible to recharge.
   After regeneration and extraordinary long dream of Lzhelabido Karamad it was very fresh and full of strength. Here just abnormal was in her feelings. Something burned inside, already almost forgotten voice of flesh was felt. And when they were constructed in a traditional column, the internal itch became almost intolerable. Many girls felt the same feeling, and only the discipline did not allow them to let loose hands. They were brought as always naked in order that each muscle, and each damage causal was visible during fighting doctrines. There were, however, fights and in the most different in modification boyekostyuma, but it is already far more rare, despite great practical value it is kinds of military exercises.
   Two commanders in the rank of ten-star officers a huge male and massive as if a buffalo cow a female left to read instructions:
   - You are already adult little girls and to you I think it is not necessary to explain what is sex. Now you have to battle on the sexual front. That you got wet, and your military units already scratch!? Relax service in army continuous pleasure, at first you derive pleasure, beating each other, and now corporal commitment. Now we will break you into couples. You will copulate for the sake of Superimperiya's greatness.
   Practically all girls were delighted, of course, to love guys much more pleasantly, than to knead moreover on the heated pressure cookers. Especially as the preparations suppressing sexuality ceased to come to blood, and the radiation of special range to inhibit desire. Sexual coldness for stelzan not conceivable concept, is more right an illness. The first couples had to pass in any order as the commander will specify, then also combinations were possible. The sex instructor chose couples for the first act primitively just on growth...
   It was so opposite to Elena and it is a shame that she even densely closed eyes, tried to present that all this only a bad dream. No, to happen to it never. It is impossible here so directly in the face of all the whole regiment and under bright lighting to be engaged in It... What is business intimate romantic about what poets compose verses, sing beautiful songs. To so vulgarize love, to turn it into the fact that... Even wild animals do not behave so shamelessly, roughly, and it is the race which is keeping more than three and a half thousand galaxies under complete control, finished all diseases (can except mental!), in a literal sense supercivilization.
   The loud hail interrupts thoughts, burning touches of rough hands to a body, shame and flour, awakenings of sudden desire. Elena already thought nothing, lost sense of reality. Her genetically perfect body, reacted itself having plunged meanly pleasure, and reason... The reason could not resist because other meant to give itself and to doom not only the soul and a body to incomprehensibly terrible sufferings in hands of executioners, but also to bury the failure, it is possible to exempt the only ghost of a chance the planet from aggressors.
   So let the tornado from the passions and emotions which are torn hyper nuclear Baume, raising giant tsunami in the ocean storms. And it will jump on waves, flying up on the highest wave of voluptuousness, fighting and, I am blissfully happy also every time, mental anguish is given by pleasure of treacherous flesh. As if millions of pulsars rush and carry by on veins, flutter in a step of a set of hearts, streams of the asteroids which are chaotically facing, torn flashes by supernew stars in arteries and veins. Team:
   - And now change of partners! Well you as termopreonnovy bombs! - Already it is also not heard, behind hubbub of "zoo", it is guessed by itself. And in the head the song sounds;
   The person in the Universe only the wanderer -
   Protect us from troubles about sacred the cherub!
   The spirit suffers I the exile now....
   Jesus in a fit of temper I trust, we will keep!
   If hell on Earth, is not present pleasure,
   Because know people - flesh is uniform.
   You want to find perfection?
   The way is uniform it is necessary suffering to help neighbors!
   Starprobe vehicles cut space -
   Seven-domed came down to Earth a dragon!
   Here the anthem terrible rattles on the planet,
   The house Russian is burned by a hyper nuclear tornado!
   Ashes, corpses - live are not present the place,
   Who did not die of pain awful, roars!
   The bride went with darling to the altar,
   But not honey invasions year!
   Those who survived slaves - a worm insignificant,
   Human the end is not visible to humiliation!
   But know, the knife dashingly from a sheath is torn -
   The revenge flares, conducts in abuse of the fighter!
   Enemies have hyper blasters, bombs,
   Termokvarkovy flashed napalm...
   Mother Maria who Gave birth to God
   Help to hold this blow!
   Let's win, we trust in it sacredly,
   We will lift Russia from ashes, from knees!
   There is no Fatherland of the soldier stronger -
   There will be time of abrupt changes!
   Here then the evil will disappear forever,
   And the Lord will give grace to kind -
   There will be easy expensive Milky Way,
   Happiness, world and love each hour!
   When the voluptuous nightmare ended as a moment there passed the whole days, a frenzied orgy. The indifferent voice of the car sent all to sleep. The girl was sad and angry, feeling as the washed-up whore. Can take away luchemt and to thrust an ultraplasma charge on chiefs, but so it will open itself, having failed a task of the guerrilla center. Though however why to be executed by it, the body is defiled, but the soul is not enslaved.
   It is impossible to call a sin of bringing of flesh in the victim, for the sake of the purpose - rescue of all mankind. Before a task the Most Saint Patriarch of Vsey Zemli Andrey Pyotr professing declared, after a participle, dawning a cross: The Lord, God and Christ Redeemer Nash releases to you all manumissions or involuntary a sin made for the sake of the Homeland and a victory over hordes of the Devil!
   The end justifies the means, as spoke - the leader of the world proletariat Vladimir Ilyich Lenin!
   On the planets floating in eternity
   Prejudices of people are poor,
   There's nothing to be done, mankind,
   Nonsenses, but not gods govern!
   Though it seemed to Tigrov that he infinitely long falls in an abyss, actually several seconds lasted. The boy quickly recovered, having felt a prick. Not so similar from the sticking-out arbaletny bolt in a clavicle. He managed, having filled up for edge of a hollow, to drop out of a field of vision of enemy shooters and pain from a prick was other, heat, but not painful, and this time pleasant spread. The crimson haze before eyes dissipated quickly as if wiped sweaty glass. Before them the small, broad-shouldered girl with the syringe in a hand and a small suitcase of a health service sat. Here whom he least of all expected to see. Behind shoulders of the mini-amazon was small multibarrelled luchemt, hair seven-color. He already somewhere saw it?
   - It you is dashing! - The girl stuck the beam syringe lilac substance, and a strong hand enough dexterously pulled out arrows and arbaletny bolts.
   - More careful sister. He can die, of such pressure. - Vladimir warned.
   The pretty girl turned back, cunning as if the little hooligan who was already in time to play a dirty trick, smiled, disproportionately large teeth:
   - And, you are a Tiger from an unknown galaxy. Pull out from yourself arrows, be not afraid, I stuck to you "Ridegeyner" giving lightning regeneration, you already as new.
   Tigers did not begin to argue, and unexpectedly very easily pulled out arrows, bolts, with triangular and square tips. Dashingly too very quickly rose, surprisingly there is no trace left.
   It seems that even little Stelzan was surprised to so fast restoration:
   - What for a miracle, Caress you, the little magician?
   - No, dashing it is just "Ridegeyner" an experimental preparation of instant regeneration. - The young warrior grinned, shook a voluminous hair, with the smell of expensive spirits proceeding from them.
   - Why it is widely not used. - Razorvirov was surprised. To it even was annoyingly that his old girlfriend knows, about what curious Dashingly did not hear yet.
   The little girl without superfluous, the necessary antimoniya answered nobody:
   - It has side effects, only in such emergency as this situation it is possible to run risks.
   Great! Mini-nurse. And still you have a weapon? - Malchishka-stelzan it was scrolled in a hollow, having taken an arrow in a hand, began to gnaw a tip childly.
   - There is something. - The warrior said it such tone as if actually she has nothing essential and is not present.
   - Give us! - Exclaimed angered Dashingly, having had a bite teeth an arrow staff.
   - No! I will apply it in our common interests. - Already far more surely the seven-color little girl said.
   - And if we take away by force. - Dashingly clenched fists and shouted to the friend. - It grabs legs a tiger!
   The girl right there snatched out small with small buttons pistoletik.
   - Do not twitch it a gamma radiator. It is universal not that nurseries on blasters! Specifically all live kills.
   Dashingly calmed down especially as it became, it is visible and the arrow fired by the archer nearly got into the head. The mini-soldier movable by passion jumped out of a hollow, having shouted by a terrible voice:
   - Pathetic mortal creations you dared to raise a hand against god's children!
   Too having jumped over tigers, a big jump through the head of the companion, attached the too voice which became after bioengineering modification very loud:
   - Impious you are waited by painful death in the reactor, you dared to attack gods!
   Almost all soldiers fell on knees. A look absolutely safe almost barefaced clothes to horror of brawny boys who being utykanny arrows and arbaletny bolts tearing a raft. Only the Supreme priest of a cult of Solo remained to stand. In a red loose overall with a swastika, it was more similar to the nazi executioner, than to the priest.
   - Demons, you want to intimidate us by the illusions. You have no force, to kill, so you not children of god!
   - And you want to die? - Rumbled, having strong clenched fists Dashingly.
   - Yes, if you are children of the Supreme god Ravarr, let your father will kill me. - Having shaken a threefold chin the pontiff shrillly exclaimed.
   Tigers raised a hand, having spread wide fingers, said.
   - Great Father punish the villain.
   Dashingly added, trying to shout more loudly and having vertically thrown up the right leg with four between fingers arrows:
  - Let his soul will depart in an antiworld together with vomit. nbsp;
   The ironical smile of the pagan priest was right there replaced by bewilderment, and a second later it began to tear uncontrollably. The priest reddened, his eyes dropped out of eye-sockets, skin became flabby settling as bark of the decayed stub literally in the face of the shabby, but increased group. Some more hundreds of soldiers managed to approach them. Having spat out with cyanotic blood and brown bile of an interior, the head of a cult died. All soldiers and notable grandees of peahens on knees amicably began to yell, asking mercy.
   Until recently proud and haughty low crept on a belly, trying to kiss legs. Dashingly just cut a leg on muzzles, Tigers did not begin to play the liberal too.
   - Do not dare to concern us contemptible mortal.
   Contemptible receded, the floor was taken by richly dressed grandee. Its voice was melodious, badly hidden fear was felt:
   - About! Great children of the Supreme god Ravarr and to be consecrated his name. Whether you will do the honor to stay for a while in the palace of the Grand Duke Dizon de Padie. You will be accepted as kings, is more true as gods.
   Dashingly with born arrogance roared:
   - Whether not too you ask the worm ignored by stars much. Let the duke will come to us with bow for now we just sight-see the city. - The voice of the young warrior became angry. - And what you do not bow?
   The grandee began to beat off bows, with great feeling Ivan the Terrible during repentance:
   - Well, about great. The greatest of the greatest! Now you will be given a stretcher.
   - We will go. - Unexpectedly declared Tigers. However the boy bryaknut it not because of modesty, and because of the energy overflowing a body when sitting on revenge flour.
   - Yes - Quietly inserted Dashingly. And right there deafeningly loudly added.
   - Only an imperial stretcher will suit us. Caress, get out, slightly we will walk. Hey, mortal welcome our most Saint sister.
   Devchonka-stelzanka Caress left.
   By sight to the beautiful warrior was years eleven-twelve, in practice only seven. When moving its form practically did not suffer, and provocatively sparkled on "Sun". Its seven-color hairdress with the magnificent falling-down waves hair (Marsov unplaited the hair, more practical for fight, with twisted one-nuclear needles) looked all effectively, the little fairy with as if a toy luchemet and the gamma gun. The seven-domed, desyatikryly dragon, gleamed on a surface of the medical diplomat, depending on a review point the dragon changed paints, from red till violet color, and also opened and closed mouths. It is visible elegantly on ceremonial the dressed Caress more approached for a role of the daughter of god, than its still dirty as devil brothers on the weapon. Here therefore hastily come running servants, under her legs threw large and small svezhesorvanny petals of flowers. So in this world it was accepted to meet gods and tsars.
   - You not correctly execute ritual!
   Ringing and too very strong voice of "goddess" forced all to fail on knees again. And the little girl feeling the exciting taste of the power, over similar to you individuals it was got:
   - Petals have to be seven different flowers and they should be poured under legs not only me, but also my brothers. Otherwise the dome of heaven will break up, and the all-devouring lava will swallow you! Fire of meteors, hurricanes of seven mega-galaxies, eruption of quintillion superantiworlds will turn everything into an ultrapeculiar hyper collapse!
   Dashingly unexpectedly showed the ethics absolutely by the way not peculiar to Stelzanat's soldiers:
   - Caress it is not necessary to frighten so them, they were as it is befouled. Goddesses are decorated by modesty.
   - It does not seem to you that it is blasphemous to represent from itself gods. - Assumed Vladimir, carefully stepping on petals, flower with strong aroma.
   Razorvirov from the cradle (It is a metaphor, actually biologically and physiologically advanced babies of stelzan do not need diapers, pampers, pots!) the learned pathos said:
   - It quite our way because on other planets stelzan, - there is god of this world. Where the leg of our soldier stepped, there is a place for eternal worship. So what the Tiger us still will be raised in a rank and will give officer stars, for acquisition of a new colony. Look, already brought an imperial stretcher.
   Really enormous during a time the stretcher chariots harnessed by already familiar toothy mastodons seemed to an elephant from impressive gate. The city was surrounded dolno by a high wall, the central entrance was framed by four towers. Certainly the three-fingered pincers decorated with something like griffins only instead of forepaws, and on the heads also horns. With them as the second person of couples, Little Mermaids with gilded wings of butterflies quite integrally looked.
   The city is very not bad protected. The wall was rather wide, couple of "KAMAZ" as marked out Tigers, could pass easily on it. However, the medieval settlement is visible too expanded, and a half of structures was deprived of protection. Houses were built rather in style of the Curtsey or late baroque, only the small part of tasks reminded classical medieval constructions. The city was big, and probably is rich. Thousands of easy soldiers and knights in the shining armor and magnificently decorated helmets, already managed to be constructed, solemnly meeting new gods. Even musicians were managed to be driven, music reminded the British anthem. Also the commonalty was at the same time tightened.
   - To you that is better to sit down on a stretcher, near me, and a look at you not so divine. - In a whisper the young warrior offered.
   Dashingly, without having kept, pulled the girl hair. Caress quickly snatched out a radiator, sparkled emerald and sapphire eyes. Having smiled, having coped with an anger attack, quickly hid.
   - You are boys absolutely intolerable and not logical. I am concerned about our general safety.
   - Let's sit down better the friend, for today were already run, we will better pass with comfort. - Volodya offered, and too it was not pleasant to him that dart at it deprived of any share of respect glances, for certain taking for the slave. Really in one turned black swimming trunks, and a soot, barefoot, with dry muscles of the boy were as if slaves or at best the lowest demonic servants of the esteemed gods. However, once you intercepted a terrible look any of boys, bows and blessings followed. It is clear slaves so cannot look...
   When "divine" children took seat, under sounds of welcome march mastodons moved on all to the extending road again. The pavement was smoothly swept, houses are beautiful in colourful patterns. People are more or less dressed decently, for a preindustrial era quite safe situation. If for haughty it is dashing, this hail also seemed a savage hole. That for Vladimir it was the interesting and peculiar world. Most of all this city reminded old part of St. Petersburg. The marvelous city museum which presented to Russia there are so much outstanding talents: imperial and liberal at the same time. At Tigers from eyes teardrops acted, he remembered the ruined planet. By former times there is no return, and the future fog: empty stomach, torn pocket. The ancient song was remembered: to be God grant god though slightly, but it is impossible to be slightly crucified! Or it is even better: so many times crucified the person that to him it is not guilty, to be though a few God! And what it is possible to tell about the workmates? His new friends are children of the enemy of mankind number one, naive and cruel at the same time.
   In each child the angel and a demon sits. They quite and quite peacefully get on in one head. Here he who: the soul rushes about, and there is no rest in it. Vladimir felt quite adult, abundance of experiences morally aged. Nevertheless, to distract he told:
   - Excellent city of Renaissance.
   - Primitive, any aircraft. Do we have a weapon beam, hyper nuclear, magoyaderny or jotas of the nuclear principle? - Venomously said Dashingly.
   - I hope that is not present. - Sincerely said Tigers. To explain why he hopes for it this superfluous.
   - Then we them will teach to do the new weapon and to fly to stars. - Razorvirov quietly picked an arbaletny bolt, in very strong capable to bite through the titan teeth.
   - It is necessary to teach to be able it. - With undisguised scepticism said Tigers. - Here let better Caress will tell that for a side effect this superregenerator has "Ridegeyner".
   The young warrior having made a clever face began to chatter:
   - Well, as you know at each type of arms, there are pluses and minuses. For example, the gamma radiator allows to destroy physically the enemy, having kept material values. There is also a problem the penetration of beams, the less destructions is higher they make in living tissues. In this weapon, radiation is considerable more neutrally to not organic chemistry, and is at the same time more aggressive to live organic chemistry. - Here the girl as will be brought and give pulyat a tongue twister. - Preona of which quarks consist have a certain structure of communication among themselves which as structures their enormous impulses. In turn the similar hyper string does not give will collapse to a kernel, and is a core of electromagnetic communications in atom. The impulse of a preon and communications between them is extremely big, as well as the speed of the movement of this particle. Only it is hidden in special ten-measured space, such here mini-hyper string. In it this fantastic repeatedly exceeding the light speed of a supertiny particle with an enormous impulse on it is so noticeable. One if to translate a string from a ten-measured state in three-dimensional, a tiny particle preon will find the hyper speed which was so exceeding light that it will lead to instant disintegration of a superfast ball. There will be a set of other particles, with a smaller speed, but bigger weight. Some kind of there will be a birth of the hyper plasma capable to show the diverse properties. Both on distribution speed, and on the mass of a special sixth condition of matter.
   - I understand, you want to seem the clever girl, but be simpler. - Vladimir interrupted. The boy, only externally seemed the age-mate to stelzana, and actually is twice more senior and he was irritated by a manner actually of "first graders" to pose as great geniuses.
   - I will well tell shortly, the preparation of regeneration influences genetics and sharply slows down and even stops process of a physical growing, puberty and growth. That is if it is constant to apply it, you never grow up. - Already without obidnyak finished I voitelntsat
   - And if to give this preparation to adults? - To Volodya it became curious.
   - Then adults to decrease in sizes, having become externally similar to children. Will grow in minus.
   - It is clear that is why it is also not applied in troops. - Tigers already having experience of reduction was not delighted with it at all
   - And I here also do not agree with such policy, than mini-soldiers it is worse than adult individuals. In hand-to-hand fight they win at the expense of weight, and in firing we win at the expense of the size.
   - Having made as it seemed to it discoveries of universal scale very happy with himself Dashingly laughed.
   - It is truly noticed so we forever will remain children? - Vladimir strevozhitsya.
   - There is no that only for a year or two, and if... - Caress was confused
   - What if? - Boys pricked up ears.
   - Achievements of our science are big... - The warrior faltered and darted around herself an uncertain glance. It is too much strangers, thousands of soldiers capable at any moment of their obedient slaves bent in bow to address in the ruthless opponent.
   - Yes, and what we know? - Vladimir interrupted reflections of the little girl
   - I know twenty one thousand three hundred twenty five ways of destruction of a live individual, it is a record for my age. - The warrior boasted, all impudent confidence returned to her at once.
   - Better you would know at least one way to recover, after all the candidate for gods. - Reasonably Volodya noted.
   - You remember the legend, our God Bog at first killed, and only then revived guilty soul. - Fruit drinks knocked a boot on a hand one of too zealous rich citizens trying to touch the goddess. The hand from blow at once turned blue having swelled up and the citizen failed on knees crying out: Gods forgive me guilty.
   Tigers sighed:
   - Always so! You want some bread in a mouth, and you are hit a dagger in heart!
   - Philosopher! - Caress answered and added. - Who does not want to cut production to himself, does not pass to be killed by another!
   Stretcher approached the duke's castle meanwhile. It was the enormous building, striking with the sizes, with the very tall hundred-meter towers covering approaches to a construction. Besides ordinary riders and knights, the lock was protected by several familiar species of tanko-tigers, and yashcherny elephants with archers. There were also fighting chariots, catapults, even launchers like katyushas with needles on springs. Here what was not so it firearms. On towers of the lock the swastika flaunted, on domes of temples it was much too. Tigers felt not comfortably especially as on a velvet carpet which was laid to dear visitors too three-colored swastikas flaunted. Dashingly maliciously made witticisms:
   - Probably they pray to arthropods, look as their symbol, it is similar to a tetradactyl spider.
   - In my opinion this symbol would be much more relevant to your empire. - Logically Vladimir answered.
   - Sew, it is more correct to tell... You already stelzan mini-soldier. Remember once and for all - a spider not our symbol. The seven-domed dragon who is throwing up multimillion plasma is the main option of our coat of arms. And all there are seven options of the coat of arms, and the secret coat of arms of the Purple crown, the Great emperor. - Added having rolled up eyes Dashingly
   - What coat of arms? - To Tigrov it became curious.
   - I told secret, even my nice great-grandfather does not know it! - Razorvirov waved away.
   - And mine too! - Added squinting Caress.
   The very cardinal and the duke attentively watched meanwhile a procession. Probably children of the main god did not impress them.
   - If silly lyud can also take the girl in the sparkling clothes for the goddess, then these are just barefoot ragamuffins. - The duke bellowed.
   - Nevertheless, they overthrew lightnings, and were impregnable for arrows, even punching the most massive armor. - The prince of church objected and quietly added. - And that to clothes, gods usually go half-naked, for example Vitra, or Adstrat. Inhabitants of heaven could not care less of our prejudices.
   After a pause the very cardinal it is hardly heard added.
   - Demons have force too. Not simple they are people. Let's pretend to be friends so far. And I will personally notify the Very father - the chief priest of our world. Then on a feast podsyply to them to poison. Then we will write off for conspirators if it is gods to them all the same will not damage, and impostors should be killed.
   - Is not present, it is my lock. Do not hurry to kill them even if it is enemies, then they are only children. Perhaps will be useful to us. Youth is naive, the old age is artful! - Logically the dignitary noticed.
   - The strong fool, can bring more benefit than the weak clever man, but the end anyway one. - The very cardinal became silent. One more truth absolutely plain trap was prepared for them.
   Children surely walked on a fluffy carpet when they on them rushed Tanko Tigers.
   One of luchemet was already discharged, and two others worked, having on the fly cut saber-toothed predators. Only one managed to jump to children, having scratched a paw a hand to a small stelzan. On skin the blood droplet, a tiny kickshaw which nobody noticed acted. Only one Very cardinal who is attentively considering candidates of gods for a confidential telescope paid attention to it. Means all of them not gods. However, he never also believed in Gods. Time will come and it not to avoid a fire!
   HEAD? 29
   You want to bear something light to the world...
   But it is difficult to punch gloomy cold weather ice!
   Universal air is filled with a nightmare
   And only the love will rescue our souls!
   On the occasion of the phenomenon of three gods arranged a solemn feast. About two thousand guests gathered in the huge hall. Though there passed not much time, the message extended so quickly that many notable noblemen and knights managed to arrive. For new guests of honor took away special imperial boxes on the top of the long table which went down with top in a bottom. Most closer to children of the Supreme god the Very cardinal, slightly below it barbarous magnificently dressed huge as a rhinoceros the duke sat in a three-colored attire. The table dispersed in such a way that directly in the middle there was a scene, and it was possible to feast, enjoying an exotic show. Music sounded, and from above flowers with the stupefying smell fell from time to time.
   Offered guests the most refined gold cups in precious pebbles filled with exotic smelling ale of violet color.
   - The feast is good, but we can be poisoned. - Dashingly spoke in half-voices, at the same time watching closely the servants and servants carrying dishes.
   Caress negatively rocked a multi-colored head.
   - No, will not poison, I have an analyzer. Now they serve us the vitaminized drink from 37% in concentration of ethyl alcohol.
   - Same reagent! - Pricked up the ears Dashingly.
   - It is a little toxic, causes easy euphoria, low alcohol narcotic drink. - Unnaturally erudite little girl answered. Dashingly joyfully noted:
   - I want slightly times to be coordinated, fly from a kernel, without essential loss to health.
   - What damage! Here from their food, maybe, damage, it is not balanced, a large amount of heavy fats, without combination of vitamins. And as into the account of bacilli inevitable in preparation, it is not sterile here. - The small analyzer in the little girl's computer bracelet, downloaded information by method of contactless scanning, and gave it in the telepathic way.
   Vladimir grinned and said:
   - For their level of development rather purely, hands the washed-up soap are gold tableware. In medieval novels knights did not wash at all and ate with dirty paws, here where there were insanitary conditions. And at the same time they bent horseshoes and lived till hundred years, keeping all teeth till an old age.
   - All look at us, we will drain cups to the bottom! - Whispered Dashingly.
   Tigers tried to object.
   - We are still too small to drink alcohol in such big concentration.
   - Again stupidity. Never stelzan will tell that it is small. For the great emperor!
   Dashingly devastated a cup as the first-class drunk, with a semicentennial experience.
   Vladimir with amazement saw, as Caress drained the. It was necessary to drink also to it pleasant and sweet liquid, strange, but alcohol is not felt at all. The following cup was executed in the form of a muzzle of a tanko-tiger with rubies instead of eyes. Golden-yellow liquid in it slightly foamed.
   - This cup yes will be drunk in honor of yellow god Kirichuli.
   Yellow ale easily began to flow in a throat. Other cup had the form of the dragon framed with rubies. Liquid was obzhigayushche red.
   The toast was already in honor of red god of Solo. The Very cardinal proclaimed ritual, and red pieces of glass moved on a chandelier, having lit up the room in the exotic red color.
   Liquid almost equal on fortress to vodka has fooling effect. The Very cardinal with surprise observed really divine thirst of mini-alien. Dashingly the first flew up on a pulsar, jumped on a table and, swinging luchemety, shouted.
   - Why we have to drink for Solo, this impostor.
   The feasting noblemen have eyes, got from orbits. Many were already drunk, and saw everyone, but what one god would call the impostor of another. Characteristic drunk you make a din a verse. The very cardinal tried, will relieve the tension.
   - Solo god of red was shone by the right hand of your father. You drink for them as equal for equal.
   - I am equal Solo? Yes who will assimilate to me!?! - Incurred a young stelzan.
   - But you suggested to drink for the emperor, and he is slightly lower than Solo. - The very cardinal felt uneasy.
   - For what emperor? - Goggled not quite already thinking drugged Dashingly.
   - For our Filigir 4.
   - And I for our emperor of great Purple constellation. Whose empire surrounds and tramples on all Universe! - At the fellow-termintora the consciousness was stirred up and brakes refused.
   - About what the speech. The Universe is the sphere surrounded with its sky rotating around. - In full according to dogmas the very cardinal blurted out.
   For it was already dashing too, and the enraged boy guided luchemt on mentally defective heretic in a three-colored cloak. So okoset tigers that having stared in a ceiling, looked at the chandelier making revolutions. Such big lamps moreover in the form of a swastika he never saw. It seemed to it that not candles burn, and strides colon of fakelshchikov-attack planes. Enemies! Fingers it is reflex pressed the button. The shot from a luchemet brought down a chandelier, having collapsed down, it punched a table, and oil, having spilled, flashed more brightly than gasoline. The dump, and panic began: many superstitious misters took it for anger of gods. The mini-soldier of Purple constellation seized the Very cardinal by a neck meanwhile, and having sharply stirred up, dragged out on the middle of a table.
   - Speak the swine who the main god, and that I will kill.
   Force in fingers of the little boy was terrible.
   - You, of course, about great and wise.
   - Yes I and still my friends of Tigers and Caress! - Dashingly one hand lifted over itself hulk weight for a tseytner.
   Tigers sharply jumped on a table and managed to thrust a kick in the head of one of personal bodyguards of the vicar apostolic, the Very cardinal. It is visible pharmacology was not in vain force terribly grew, and the vertebra of a neck broke. The duke Dizon de Pardie even smacked the lips from delight.
   - Divinely, this fighter.
   Why he so told, something telepathic is visible jammed brains. Caress at which rivets were fairly softened too provereshchat.
   - I am a sovereign of all Universes and the highest worlds rule, all to thrash each other. Directly at us.
   The similar statement caused shock. Though will of gods law. Having laughed, the duke ordered, invite heteras. Relax great gods. From threefold ale of rattling explosive mix of drugs with Tigrov's alcohol felt sick also it, having left the feasting hall, vomited in a gold tray. When returned, there the devilry was already created. Dashingly it is visible did not reach a level of development when lewdly rush on women, and just beat with legs of those who turned up in the heat of the moment. Women were tormented, on naked legs poured pieces of coal, broke nippers fingers. To it it was very cheerful.
   - Watch the Tiger as torture animals. Ha-HA-Ha superbaldezh or as speak are adult Gipertrakh!
   The large busty chippy flopped before the live embodiment of a deity. Sodragayas from a laughter Dashingly jumped on cake, crushed it bare feet, having smeared with cream, ran up to the woman.
   - You want entertainment. You know what is magic bioplasma of the master of the Universe. - It widely placed hands. - I am the strongest! I am the cleverest! I am the highest god!
   - It agrees the greatest! - Her hands stretched to star-spangled from drinks and culinary products to legs. Dashingly knocked a lash on the head. Its seductively moving language reminded a sting of a cobra. It concerned densely greased with a fruit candy and cream of heels of living god. Dashingly continued to beat her, unstitching a lash a tunic, that kissed legs, each finger of the boy and spoke:
   - Yes there will arrive on me the God's grace! Magic flesh will make me younger.
   Caress, seemingly, too is ready to play a role of the little executioner. She thrashed also women and men, sending them by means of a torch. All were soiled in cream, fat, gravy, sauces. Dashingly began to throw, forks seeking to cause as much as possible pain.
   - The soldier Stelzanata blows terrible march, brutal payment human forcemeat! - Sang young stelzan, having banged the girl the person in a dish with brown caviar. To the sobered-up Vladimir suddenly it became opposite and terrible. Well there should not be it, it is worse than cattle, even animals so do not behave. To speak it is useless, only one exit.
   - Everything will be enough people, you passed all limits. Piety feeling intimate and sacred stop beating each other not slowly!
   The shot from a luchemet punched a ceiling, marble cobble-stones fell down. Tigers scorched in all power of the category, the terrible laser beam cut out enormous holes, bringing down ton plates on the become like cattle people. The orgy was interrupted, buried many directly at a convivial table. Fine death, just you at pleasure top, catching whirlwinds of collective madness, and suddenly heavy granite crumbles a skull. The gilded statues of gods, nymphs, soldiers, naked maidens standing on a roof, fail, down having collapsed, destroying iron and flesh. The part of knights ran up, the part was tumbled down on knees and asked for mercy. Many hurt, but there were not many killed. Dashingly and Caress managed to jump aside, stones porazbivat vessels from wine, the poured oil flashed, tables from an ebony lit up. Mini-soldiers of Purple constellation were dumbfounded, stood, having looked down, obviously without thinking how to react, on a similar turn of events. Dashingly all shone from the spilled oil, he probably managed to face a barrel where the transparent liquid symbolizing the Supreme god Ravvara was stored. The duke kept Spartan calm.
   - I understand morals culture your right...
   - You already got me, the morals are thought up by enemies of the nation, with the purpose to weaken and hold down us. Contemptible mortal, primitive worm primacy!
   Dashingly jumped towards to the duke and, without having calculated force, got to a fiery streamlet. Fire captured the boy, having turned into a live torch. The little god seized the duke by a throat, and probably despite a bear neck, would strangle the dignitary, but Tigers the lulling charge managed to thrust from a spitz-dog gun. The benefit the medical-diplomat can be opened also without code if you are similar to a stelzan. Dashingly dropped the duke and it was filled up in a dense dream. Caress did not resist, it is visible a children's organism and was so overloaded. To the place of extreme excitement there came somnambulistic dullness.
   - Gods were tired where our bedchamber?
   Couple of the scared servants grew up as from under the earth.
   - We will specify to you the most magnificent bed from all possible about the greatest!
   Already on an automatic pilot Tigers dragging the companion, and the unsteady mini-sister dragged to rooms. Then they fell as if from blow a cudgel, the truth Vladimir managed to push a bolt on a heavy door. But unless a door a barrier, them it was possible to take barehanded.
   The very cardinal offered the duke it and to make:
   - Your bright shine was convinced what gods and God's children are. Unless it is not visible that cranky demons, it is time to twist them while they are helpless as wood lice.
   - I incline to such thought. A small devil how the throat, but which of mortal will risk to arrest them brutally hurts? - The duke began to cough, spitting out blood.
   - It is necessary pin up secretly these monsters, we have necessary criminals, will climb through a secret manhole and the end. - For persuasiveness the Very cardinal carried out by a palm edge to himself on a throat.
   - Here you also solve their problem and if all of them are immortal gods? - The duke indeed doubted that such small fingers, can reap so at mere mortals.
   - They were drunk, and I saw blisters on skin, fire unless can burn Ravarr's children. Excuse the duke. - The prince of church turned to the opposite side. - What happened what for signs you give?
   The person in a black loose overall showed a difficult symbol, a signal of an urgent call.
   - Speak rather, I should be through with demons of Hell.
   - You are called extra urgently by the Very father. Concerning gods to undertake nothing, it is the order. - The sentry monk blurted out.
   - What it is necessary not to touch, children of an underworld? - Having received confirmation the Very cardinal agreed. - Well I will obey the father. When at infinite Yarkosiyaniya to be?
   - Tomorrow. For you the great pontiff sent a rat flyer. On it you will quickly reach quickly the purpose.
   The envoy in black specified.
   - Da Archipapa as always is kind to me and all of us! - The prince of church with some regret added. Everything operation is cancelled. So far I at the great pontiff, these impostors will live. Continue to do them divine honors!
   The very cardinal having taken easy baggage, hasty came to a palace court yard. There already the kryso-flyer clapped wings. The animal who is looking like a bat with an eagle beak and with thirty-meter wingspan.
   The cardinal about himself rugnutsya.
   - It is known that the father is very cunning. Why it needs demons, wants a bigger power or it has more good reasons. Persistent rumors go that the Supreme pontiff in seriousness looks for that he will help to become it a god, the real God from capital letter!
   Though the cripple as a result of injuries it was impossible to become awfully angry Lev Eraskander. Each cell, each muscle of his body bubbled by strength of a printseps-plasma dragon and was eager for a revenge. Meanwhile millions of fighting starprobe vehicles were built a shock order and reserved energy for unprecedentedly huge hyper jump. On intergalactic submarines joyful revival the proximity of battles reigned, inspired fighters. For the first time for nearly one thousand years of a stelzana have to perform large-scale military operation in the territory of the opponent, so not without reason them since the early childhood, loaded with ultraboundary trainings. Eraskander decided not to postpone revenge in the store who knows after star campaign either you, or your opponent can stop corporal existence. Girim Phish just finished preparation, in principle as it is everything is ready as on a threshold there was an angered Lev.
   - Hey, you a shakalny mollusk turn, quicker, to beat not to a gozha to me you ridge.
   Phish smiled and gave a hand.
   - Everything is over, rumpled Lev. War is necessary, and in fight all of us are brothers and should not remember the old conflicts.
   Eraskander with a ring slapped on the stretched extremity.
   - I at first harm you, and then we will forget and we will become brothers on the weapon.
   The hand grew dumb with sharp blow and Girim with rage rushed to hand-to-hand. It was more senior and Eraskandera, the great fighter, fast as the Tiger furious as if the Wild boar is heavier. But the young soldier tempered in fights from the planet Earth was obviously higher a class. It moved as a lightning, striking with efficiency of a luchemet. Couple of direct shots and Phish lay on a metal covering. The young man - stelzan moved in painful convulsions, catching a mouth the heliooxygen atmosphere of the room of a starprobe vehicle. All ribs are broken, so at least at several o'clock fighting unit is put out of action. Friends Guerima of course are not in debt, but this time, Lev was already so captured by a storm of wild anger that these elements could not already be bridled. Thrust a leg in a chin, the opponent does not even manage to react, such is the speed of the storm movement. Other leg hits into a patella. Then a hand in a neck, an elbow in a temple, a knee in a groin. And all this in the ultraboundary high-speed mode. It is already not just equipment, words of the Guru and stories of pupils of fighting Tibetan school are remembered here. You enter a condition of a hyper trance, magic force, and you already out of this physical world which is able maradaka-hung well only to great masters. When the speed of movement of your body is beyond human opportunities. And not only for imperfect human reflexes, even genetically perfect stelzana do not manage to react, and all twenty beefy young men are prostrate superterminator. Large boys not movably are paralyzed in semi-deadly coma. The lion stopped what feeling of force unknown earlier overflows a body.
   He becomes the great master more and more, martial arts opening power of unknown energy. The shot from a gravio-paralyzer interrupted all feelings, having lowered "Guru" on a covering. Twisted muscles in the intolerable spasms which are breaking off sheaves, having squeezed a steel hoop breath. Several officers ran up to the prostrate young man, and having hastily set on edges, dragged in a punishment cell. Doctors hastily were engaged in the others. Fighters were with severe injuries, but there were no killed fortunately for Lev. In that case under war laws not to pass painful execution. Having stuck a stimulator what pain would be felt repeatedly more sharply, disciplinary employees started torture. On a surface of a chamber there passed sparkles, struck with an electrostatics, the charge was strong, began to smell fake. When the electricity passes on the nervous terminations it of course painfully. Nevertheless, the commander of torturers nine-star officer Loga was not satisfied.
   - It is necessary to diversify tortures. Give alternation the hot mix then cold.
   The assistant to the executioner tries to object.
   - What it will give, they on doctrines already got used to extreme difference of temperatures and will not surprise them with current. All of them tried, even radioactive painful radiation with the alternating phase.
   - When you train thrill-seekers, especially their group, it is necessary to select an arsenal of tortures more carefully. Can try cinema, contactless impact on mentality. - Ravines itself also it was puzzled.
   - This guy is not really skilled, something can, we will beat out in respect of shock influence. But there is still a brown beam. It immerses everyone in the individual hell. - The assistant began to chatter.
   In four days in a brain there are irreversible processes, and even the most firm soldier turns into the coward idiot.
   - Better so far we will execute alternation, and you and should not become the idiot! - The torturer made witticisms.
   The fire-throwing stream singed skin, having fried thoroughly microwave beams all body. Usual fire is not able to cause so strong and bright feelings. It seemed, even bones were heated, and the brain melts, skin oblazit, sticks blood, and from a mouth brings down a smoke. Each cage on fire was bombarded by quanta, and pain accrued, flame temperature all increased. When intensity of the heated impact on fabrics exceeded the level of conscious perception, having settled the potential of sufferings, right there all particles of a body were pierced by chilling cold. The frost held down all interiors, blood promptly stiffened, being turned in ice. Heart froze, the liquefied air filled in lungs interrupting breath, the devilish cold was more terrible than a death hurricane. Then again repetition fire, ice, plasma, liquid helium. In total at the level of wave radiations. You get used to it and it is it seems already not so terrible. Here a heavy childhood was remembered when he broke the computer chastener, executioners were shocked. They caused the whole company of fighters, connected and threw into a chamber. Some time he was not tortured therefore he just deeply to the level of hibernation fell asleep. When woke up wounds, dragged on and were not ill, the broken bones grew together. Damages were closed, and then just completely disappeared, having only painfully felt hungry. Executioners were so struck with healing that satisfied its request, having fed the little prisoner. What occurred further was not clear at all, more did not torture any more, and for so serious crime only banished to work in stone quarries. And it is a trifle, many worked without any fault there. To work banished not on uranium mines where prisoners to the most painful death do not see the sun, and in an open granite pit. Of course, there it was worse, than in the wood, a work at full stretch till 18 o'clock in days, food if only did not starve to death, and beating a usual order of things. Even if you are obedient, then all the same will surely receive the portion of lashes. Stupid cybernetic supervisors, it is even worse local native sadists. It is a lot of people, especially children, died on such hard work, of course, he survived and even managed to run away. Not a donkey to suffer a yoke.
   Memoirs were interrupted, in a chamber pink light was switched on. The gentle music was heard. The pleasant female voice said:
   - As it perfectly keeps this little soldier from the alloyed kverlil. Stop training in endurance of the lovely boy, to bring him.
   The lion was brought, he learned a voice at once, Dina Rozalenda tenderly smiled:
   - My Young lion and you are a real hero. One coped with twenty best guys. And you that idiots? Why so to irradiate the Super-soldier's boy!
   The officer-torturer tried to object.
   - We are skilled professionals. Wave torture is absolutely safe for a potentiality. More likely, can render, the stimulating effect.
   - Dominiruyushche! Can test for you, lift your opportunities. - The General giggled.
   - As you will consider expedient! - Executioners having barked, were extended.
   - Hour of stay in a contrast beam bathtub! Do not challenge, and that I will add term. - The dyne became severe, the smile turned into a grin.
   - And it can even be pleasant.
   Rather large torturer did not keep from flat sharpness.
   - Let's treble pleasure time. Can treat you with a brown beam still.
   The executioner so wanted to bryaknut and ask seven-color radiation that he even pushed two weighty fists in the mouth.
   - Who does not want to pobaldet from a superhigh! - Muffled low was heard.
   - Here and perfectly be silent! And you too!
   And it having left regular executioners, friendly winked at Eraskander:
   - You the hero at us are able to appreciate strong and courageous soldiers. In you there is so much energy, forces of paranormal abilities that we decided them to use correctly.
   - In a rat tigers to play with you. - Rigidly the young man joked.
   - Faugh, what you are a rough barbarian. I decided to appoint you the commander of prospecting group. You are the born leader, and your abilities, will serve for the empire benefit! - With pathos the general exclaimed.
   - Seriously? It is a great honor to me!
   In words of the Lion the irony sliped, but Dina pretended that she accepted everything literally.
   - But you have to justify this honor and the status of the interim officer. At such age not many received it, especially considering that you not stelzan.
   - That's it, all your laws... - The lion did not find a bright metaphor and became silent. Dina on the contrary delivered the whole speech.
   - Now we already fly in the direction of the empire of sinkh. There will be serious fights, and you with your energy will make nice feats which will give new opportunities. Besides, I have a plan, we can issue you as my native son. You will become a full-blooded stelzan and in the future will be able to apply for any positions. Think, was a slave, and you will become Ultra - hyper - gross - the super marshal. The one who cut down alone twenty not sickly fighters is quite capable of it. In general I for the first time see the fighter of such highest class. Who knows, can me will remember as mother of the most great soldier Stelzanat.
   The prospect is tempting, Lev was not a fool to reject such offer straight off. It is necessary to seize it death grip. Eventually, it can and not the person, all know that he is a star boy, a comet come on a silver platter.
   Clever has to provide everything.
   - I am a slave, I have in a backbone a watching device. If that the owner will just kill me.
   Dina grinned, but already kindly with irony:
   - What device, can system Gili-vastor? You remember the one whom you called a butterfly Cheburashka. This of inogalakticheskiya behaved in a queer way, the master of technetronic business. The genius with the shifted mentality and weak will. While you were unconscious, it accurately removed everything. If something happens your owner and that biting potaskukha from manure constellation Sinkhov will receive only couple of seven-level mats. Can send the Felt-tip pen to your group? No, you are dangerous as a termopreonnovy bomb, still will kill the valuable worker.
   - Not such I am a sadist, the terrorist. I think, we will work well together. - Indifferently Lev said. To which and really was already all the same.
   - And the love in you is? You kverlit such beautiful and cold real under helium. - Dina's look became very languid and she pulled to the boy of a hand. Eraskander roughly pushed away fleshy extremities.
   - Be ashamed you my mother now that fighters will think of us.
   - From the point of view of genetics it is not desirable, but we are protected from unnecessary gene combinations. All right, Vener will become mother. - The dyne involuntarily began to redden, having lost commander enthusiasm.
   - She loves me too. And I personally prefer girls more young. Goode-Bai is the Middle-aged lady! - The young man blurted out, to him the phrase seeming beautiful, but not quite clear.
   - Again human slang. The mad boy, and insanity it is infectious, at most the roof goes. - Dina even moved back back.
   Meanwhile the multimillion armada gathered speed and was already ready to punch a hole in the three-dimensional world, having gone to habitual hyper space when to it on a meeting the large fighting squadron of the opponent took off. Badly organized cavalcade of polytypic starprobe vehicles was more right it. They were over nine million, but at the same time frame was made by the ships there was obviously outdated types, and, apparently emergence of such enormous quantity of starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation, became for them the complete surprise. As if the pack of wolves instead of sheep came across a tank division. Starprobe vehicles of stelzan were easily reconstructed in the attacking mode. Meanwhile the opponent's ships obviously tried to be developed and leave, without having accepted battle. At the time of the beginning of fight Eraskander still was near Rozalenda. Familiar, slyshanny during the short period out of corporal existence the voice of an ultragrossmarshal, gave the strange order.
   - Stop their prosecution, do not waste gift time, execute the initial order.
   The lion did not sustain, bellowed in the cybertransmitter:
   - You that sduret. If we leave these bugs, they will plunder a galaxy. Not slowly to strike blow a form double pincers. It will occupy minutes twenty, without serious losses and if to jerk the termopreonovy rocket, then there will be enough also half-minute. The category, the truth do not cost the purpose.
   Ultragrossmarshal was "sverkhpulsarno" stunned:
   - Who is such?
   - I am Lev and you know me. As the officer of the Great empire I has to execute the debt and attack the opponent. Agree! - Eraskander spoke loudly and is sure, without hysterical notes.
   Ultragrossmarshal mechanically answered.
   - He agrees.
   The ultramarshal Goursat stared.
   - You that was sduret where subordination.
   - Attack, according to the plan double pincers. This madness, but it is right, it is impossible to leave sector on worry of robbers, we are just executed. - The chief dignitary ordered.
   It's cool! War is the most interesting game in which it is not necessary to pass the courses and to allow the partner to think! - Lev shot the phrase.
   - It is better to brush away figures from a board! - Whined far because of a back.
   Repeatedly surpassing both in number (to a lesser extent) and technologically (already in bigger) forces of Purple constellation attacked a dense swarm of starprobe vehicles of the opponent. Beating a terrible space slaughter began. The ships blew up, scattered on splinters, being sprayed on quarks. It was visible that the variegated rack is not able to show organized resistance. Attempt of pack to rush in loose this time was unsuccessful enormous fleet of Stelzanat, blocked all ways of withdrawal. Here the giant battle ship became covered by a set of holes, having burst collapsed on part. Under synchronous blow of stelzan, the cruiser, battle ships, destroyers, torpedo boats, were mown clean by thousands. It was necessary to go for break or to die in unequal fight. And here an opportunity to be given was not, because of limited time, fight went for elimination. Grandiose show, radiantly fine the brightest and awful at the same time. Human language is too poor and has no terrestrial analogs adequately and in detail to describe marvelous game of fires, star paints, gravitational spirals bending space in light streams.
   - Here so reptiles! Understood what is a robbery! - Lev Eraskander cried out. - Now you will wash hyper plasma. - The young man flew by, by fighting tortoise robots, personally jumped up to the heavy tool. It sent a charge to rage, and got into the battleship reactor, having forced it to break up. Then the superman Lev who sat down on a termokvarkovy horse brought down not less than two dozens more ships. When they were covered with the striking wave, the fields nicknaming vacuum of various physical nature were shaken, and it seemed to the excited young man that his nape blows in draft.
   At each hit the boy exclaimed:
   - Shock it our way, in a coffin it in your opinion!
   Did not stick together an eye of the superperson from flashes, but all the same, because of excessive abundance of billions of large, small and average patches of light when every second it was discharged energy equivalent to trillions of atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima a little yes is buggy. However in a condition of the hyper trance which is not preventing to realize reality at all, Lev aims not eyes, the eighth feeling some else unknown to human science at all.
   And over a gun crew the ship orange butterfly flies (a live creature like a good parrot), size crows are slightly larger and not without prettiness sings along:
   Mighty stelzan in an ambush waits,
   Having sent a radar to the sky!
   And if the opponent goes on us,
   It is swept away by blow!
   Dina who is carried away by battle, found time to run up to the young warrior. Having put it the heavy ruchishch on shoulders, enthusiastically said:
   - You beat better than the computer. Such feeling that you see the opponent through. How you manage to burn force fields?
   - I see cracks in matrix protection and I stitch them. And I even should not aim. - Answered, continuing with accuracy Robin of Goode to send annihilation clots Eraskander.
   - Kvazarno you are my boyfriend! - Dina kissed Lev on a hickey, nestled a mighty body. That removed it:
   - It is not necessary to be kissed, you to me prevent to shoot!
   The young man thrust pieces of hyper plasma, and special kinds of rockets, and it is so successful that the padded starprobe vehicle this time remade from transport gross destroyer turned, having faced the cruiser. From blow the cruiser lost the course, and was destroyed rather, and the destroyer finally collapsed.
   - To hold so! - The boy terminator raised a finger up.
   In twenty minutes quite it was succeeded to keep within, it ponabitsya a little time for destruction of these individuals. And in general space fights by the nature are transient. Only one, most perfect starprobe vehicle of the opponent was boarded after capture, is invisible a net of a force field.
   The young warrior did not manage to take part personally in capture the battle ship. But checking television holograms admired, clearness and faultless coordination of actions of assault groups of Purple Constellation. However, rationality did not prevent manifestation of an initiative and military sharpness at all.
   The taken trophy is carefully investigated, great Stelzanat's scientists will squeeze out a maximum of the taken prize.
   Lev Eraskander was not tired to be surprised to how promptly stelzana restore the damaged vessels. Some looked absolutely badly, reminding the spoiled spheres and triangles, their forms were deformed and called once terrible cabs only pity. The others kept the menacing configurations, but were speckled by hundreds of holes with the torn melted-off edges. Tens of thousands of robots repairmen in the form of winged octopuses stuck around several hundreds of crumpled ships. Three-colored ultra-plasma welding splashed, flexible feelers threw out the melted metal which is instantly stiffening under ice cold radiation. Literally in the eyes the crippled starprobe vehicles, found a former look: shining with aggressive novelty. In total taking into account fighting reorganization and cleaning of space the delay with a hyper jump made slightly more than an hour. The trifle seemed, but trifles in space do not happen. Everything that does not happen, exerts impact on the course of universal history. When intergalactic slaughter ended, Dina called Eraskander to the command post again. She with the begging tone said:
   - You are of course a dragon of an antiworld, but it is impossible to talk to the Supreme commander so defiantly. As it did not evaporate you, a whimsical monster. Now you are an officer, try to observe discipline, I ask you whom do not kill, without the reasons stipulated by the charter. The division is small, fighters beginners, absolutely young, but with very good data. We will be in others unfamiliar sector, any careless course is deadly.
   - I understood everything, but here I personally do not think that such big army could get almost into the center of the empire incidentally. Besides, you paid attention that among these starprobe vehicles there were no ships of sinkh. - The lion especially emphasized the last words with the anxious intonation of a voice.
   - What from this? - At Dina begin to move in alarm the big, but not deprived of elegance ears.
   - We will leave, and their fleet will strike the bared sector. - Lev stated the logical assumption.
   - But also we will strike their constellation. - The large warrior, blew up bitka football swords, and rolled under skin.
   - And you are sure that did not prepare for us a trap. Why ultragrossmarshat did not want to strike the opponent's starprobe vehicles at once. Can because already wait for us, and the ambush is calculated on hours and seconds. Think. - Eraskander assumed.
   - He is our commander and this charge radiates change. - Having caught an evil spark in Lev's look, added. - Though I, perhaps, will report where it is necessary.
   - Only not in Department of Protection of the Throne, his head is also the main traitor. More reliably in the ministry Soldiers and Victories, though there of traitors it is full. - With inspiration Eraskander uttered.
   - You tell awful things. - Dina shrank, but did not begin to argue.
   - How differently to explain such not controlled movement of the opponent, almost in the center of the empire. - It and so enormous masses cannot be carried out without change! - The young warrior, I will shift eyebrows and looked from under a forehead.
   - It is total truly! Here if it was succeeded to reach the Great Emperor. It - Over - Stelzan.
   The lion winked what is Super stelzan if does not see that his empire falls in an underworld. The truth from what he suddenly began to endure it as if it is about own Homeland. Strangely it...
   The armada started moving meanwhile, dispersing in an intergalactic hyper jump.
   HEAD? 30
   You want to get over all advantage?
   That the firm hand is necessary for the power,
   To show, to galaxies power
   And to remain to govern for ages!
   It is good when woke up after a rough wine party and at you no what hurts. Even better, when there is no a hangover if you are vigorous and fresh, then it is already excellent. The modified organism neutralized all poisons of damned alcohol. The person would not get off so light: vodka the most dangerous killer, but kills unfortunately not only the customer. Nevertheless, morally Vladimir Tigrov felt not very well, a strong remorse tormented to a shower. Again it broke, and people through his fault died. When you kill any monsters, even reasonable, you do not experience either thoughts, or torments, and here though dense, but similar to you creations. It is necessary to move quicker when you in the movement of thought not so press. Dashingly too it was externally vigorous and fresh, at heart at it it was joyful, pleasant to feel as god. Already servants obligingly strew ahead of you the multi-color petals which are softly rustling under legs, even proud knights low bow. As it is nice when others before you are humiliated and servility similar is especially pleasant.
   - Hey you! Can!
   The knight in expensive clothes and the scrubbed armor shuddered and fell on knees. Probably was frightened that the little god and in indeed will turn his can. The boy having assumed above airs prognusavit:
   - Who here at you most important.
   - The very cardinal, and behind it the duke. - Coward the knight began to babble.
   Dashingly without effort lifted the knight for an iron collar and shouted
   - Cause to me Arkhi!
   - It is impossible departed to the Very father. - At the knight for fear legs gave away, but the boy terminator easily held, is armor the healthy fellow on extended a hand.
   - It who! - Contemptuously carelessly as if it was talked of a mongrel the young soldier asked.
   - Supreme pontiff of the whole world! - The ratnik squeezed out from himself.
   - Then let the pontiff will arrive here! - Dashingly pritopnut a bare, suntanned foot.
   - I think, it with pleasure will accept your invitation, great and radiant! - The face of the knight blurred in a smile.
   Razorvirov got a dagger because of a belt of a ratnik and with relish bit off to an edge. That nearly fainted, observing then as self-appointed god the word sausage chews the tempered blade. And here the armourbearer is younger at all fell down in a faint.
   Also really the Very father had a very cardinal. From flight altitude of the flyer the biggest city of the planet represented a majestic show. Huge buildings, palaces, temples, and above all on the hill the Vsevysshy planetary temple, nearby the personal palace of the Supreme pontiff. The building of the temple towered on kilometer that is enormous for such era. In a clear weather, and weather here almost always solar therefore fiery spikes with a swastika are visible on two hundred miles. Four main domes, everyone in honor of certain god, framed ten statues of winged titans. Everything is fantastically magnificent, rich, and with taste. The Very father was the high elderly robust fellow, in the magnificent three-colored cloak covered with precious swastikas. The papal crown is trimmed by continuous diamonds. Diamond - a stone of the Supreme god Ravarra. The pontiff pointed by majestic gesture to a chair. The very cardinal sat down previously having kissed a hand his Yarkosvyateyshestva.
   - You saw children of the Supreme god my son?
   The very father did not love ceremonies and the dragon for thorns preferred to be enough at once.
   - Exact information Yarkosvyateyshy, I saw them in all details. - The very cardinal bowed below.
   - And what they from god's children? - It was very interesting to the Supreme pontiff.
   - Externally eleven look as children of years, twelve. Boys are half-naked olive and bronze, incredibly muskulist, are aggressive, savages savages are shorter. The girl is dressed unusually, similar to the fantastic fairy in the sparkling clothes. In hands at it a box with depiction of a seven-domed dragon, and hair of semisvet like a rainbow. - Business tone the prince of church listed.
   - A dragon you speak seven-domed, and wings how many? - The very father took from a table in a gold frame, the points decorated with emeralds and began to thumb through the thick book.
   - Ten about great. - Shortly the Very cardinal answered.
   - It is very interesting. What abilities were shown?
   - Let out from tubes in hands the striking fire and lightnings. Destroyed part of the palace, killed more than one hundred people including the Supreme priest of a cult of Solo. Real demons. - Tone of the very cardinal was such that you will not understand whether he admires, or is on the contrary full of indignation.
   - Whether Verna information on their immortality? - The very father was obviously concerned.
   - When they were struck by arrows, they did not die, skin became covered by porcupine thorns, but they recovered without having left defeat marks. However probably, are mortal. Blood flows from them, and fire burns skin.
   Not quite surely and slightly faltering, the prince of church said.
   - You know, on legends even gods cry and shed blood. Main thing it that not scars. - The very father delayed points on a tip of a long nose. - You speak or think it demons?
   - Definitely not people of our world! - This time tone was sure.
   The very father curtailed pancake and dexterously dipped in honey. Carelessly waved a hand, having thrown a tanko-tiger cub a tip. That opened a mouth, having caught on the fly a sweet ball.
   - Even demons and monsters it is possible to tempt, deceive, tempt. - The pontiff added already more quietly. - What the gold legend speaks about?
   - That our ancestors lived in heaven and were expelled by angry demons to this world. - Mechanically the Very cardinal said.
   - Correctly, and any legend has real events in a basis. - Categorical tone, slowly thumbing through the book, the Very father said.
   - He agrees yasnosvyateyshiya not whole, but in what degree of a legend, certainly, are capable to reflect reality. - The very cardinal already wanted to interrupt conversation and to be supported with a glass of sweet of Ale. Yesterday it also touched, the head cracks, a state nasty, despite the mug of date tincture drunk before a departure. Usually the prince of church knew when to stop to himself, but arrival of children gods spoiled him all game and capitally excited nerves. Nobody knew it and could expect.
   - Our family tree of stay on this planet is limited, a little more than 1450 cycles. This city of Gidiyemm was very first. So, was, time when our ancestors lived in other world. Everything is logical. Here they are gods of a star, seem capricious and whimsical, but in reality have difficult cycles of the movement too. - Unctuous tone the Very father said, pulled a rychazhok. To the hall the serving slave in a short skirt and bare-legged ran in. Quickly put a tray with food, drinks, spice and nizenko bowed. Then the fair-haired little girl, povinuyas to a terrible look of the pontiff, left. Harmonous with an ideal figure, it seemed the angel when the conventual ran away, seductively, flashing absolutely washed stupnyam, become rough from frequent punishments a whip. The innocent face was fast and sad.
   Conventuals of this world, conducted hard labor life too, but difference from former terrestrial put on like antique slaves - hardly covering breasts and hips. Besides very often attendants of a cult forced to be engaged in prostitution at temples filling up thus church treasury and pleasing these or those gods.
   - Yes great, stars are subordinated. - The very cardinal said it to fill its emptiness surrounding to him. In a gold cup wine and the church grandee carefully was poured already in advance and began to absorb the drink giving meda and spices.
   And the voice of the Very father became surovy:
   - And people. This rebellious and haughty tribe. There is so popular in the last vremy an emperor Chirizkhan. The impudent type, does not want to pay the ninth share of the income to the Supreme god. And if to excommunicate it, can send troops on storm. He looks for a reason for war, even your duke uses cunning, and makes advances to this rebel. And present what will be if to kill these children, Chirizkhan and others will oppose us. An excellent opportunity to become the master not only according to the name!
   - And if these self-appointed gods lift mutiny, impudent they, very whimsical? - The very cardinal introduced own concealed idea, satisfaction noting that weight and head pain recede, and the mood is lightened.
   - Children, that from them you will take, accompany them, do not anger without the reasons. Use their inexperience and peculiar to tender age sensitivity and self-conceit. Flatter them more, praise more often. It it to be pleasant to them. The governor loving sweet flattery has intelligence of a fly, and so smorkachy, the reason is not much higher. Well, indulging self-appointed gods and, it will be to you, to be exact our cult only for the good! - The very father suddenly changed the subject. Itself took a cup in hand, but drank small drinks that did not prevent it to talk at all. - All this strangely enough trifles, another concerns me. As searches of a key of Vsevysshy Gods progress.
   - About great, it is very difficult to look for what we have even no idea of. Many even doubt... - The very cardinal without special enthusiasm undertook discussion of this problem.
   - In what who challenges authority of sacred church? - The pontiff shifted the turning gray eyebrows.
   - In hearing are afraid, but in thoughts, I believe, there is a dissonance. - The prince of church of feeling opokhmet later relaxedness bryaknut, the short speech. - And I think, it is worth spending time for what is the fairy tale. Especially now, when the opposition of church is very strong, and Chirizkhan, it is necessary to pay him tribute from among great governors. It has real chances for the first time in the history, our world to overthrow clericals!
   - You want the servant, I will show you a miracle, and you will understand that scepticism is not pertinent here at all. - The quiet voice of the pontiff sounded.
   The very father approached an altar and the imperceptible movement pressed several points.
   The bright three measured projection flashed. From lips of the Very cardinal amazement exclamation was distributed. The holographic image was so real that it seemed to it it is possible to touch. At first floated dense clusters of stars, then the image of the shining sphere appeared. Here and this sphere is visible and from within, the truth it is very difficult to make out details. And there is a strange being, a silhouette similar to the person, but sparkling so bright seven-color scale that his faces cannot be made out. The newcomer, having turned and sparkling more and more brightly, and is brighter light streams, literally burning out eyes, by an orotund voice said.
   - By force boundlessly huge...
   That that it is hidden in a chasm bottomless,
   Only that will be able to seize!
   Who through space and time
   Will become, without blinking to look!
   Then it sparkled as one thousand lightnings and disappeared! As it impresses, all legends grow dim before reality. To what the silhouette in seven-color scale is dazzling, sparkling is brighter than heavenly bodies. The very cardinal it is struck looked, often blinking from patches of light in eyes (he almost saw nothing) nervously fingering the swastika edged by diamond leaves.
   - What is it? - Squeezed out from itself rattle.
   - It, came on a silver platter as a race car or a star. My distant ancestors found, a box and that symbol that at me on a neck. There was a barrel from metal unprecedented and a plate with signs secret there. - Melodious tone the Very father said.
   - And where it is a plate? - The very cardinal shook involuntarily flowing from the tear eyes which reddened from light.
   - Disappeared together with a barrel who saw it any more. - The pontiff said it the tone full of grief and a sincere regret. Took couple of careful sips from a cup.
   - Whether about it, rumors went that as if at the emperor Detsibel saw the sparkling tables with signs unprecedented? - With not too big hope the very cardinal said.
   - Can! Everything can be in this world, but Great Decibel the subjugator of northern and southern pagans, wanted to receive force and immortality. What left - died, without having found power, not to everyone is allowed to read written by gods and furthermore to be compared to them. - The very father even threatened with a forefinger to the colleague. That, having pretended that it takes it for a joke. And curiosity of nbsp; caused in it absolutely another:
   - Strangely all this even if it has force why it just like that to give someone. Gods give nothing, gratuitously.
   - I do not think that he is a god in our understanding though the legends composed by my predecessors say as if this husband said that he is capable even to create other worlds. Perhaps also invent only, we have no more certain data. My opinion is as if having quasidivine power. - The very father put a cup into place and took the wafer covered with similarity of chocolate in hand.
   - At these two boys, short trousers, too iridescent where did not cover these yellow-beaked slovens a soot, and...
   - Yes you see, on a box the dragon is represented, only the heads of it ten. - The Very father interrupted.
   - Means these children and this sparkling from one people! - It is unclear to what the Very cardinal was delighted.
   - No, hardly, you that did not notice that this god has six extremities, and much longer head. No, it is another inhuman vinbsp; - What it will give, they on doctrines already got used to extreme difference of temperatures and will not surprise them with current. All of them tried, even radioactive painful radiation with the alternating phase.
  d, but these children were from other world too, and can help us to find a key to mastering boundless force. There are documents available only to us, I know that people can move between the worlds and one movement of a hand to incinerate the cities and mountains. - The very father even stood up from enthusiasm.
   - I guessed it, about the Great most Saint father too! - The very cardinal stood up, having bowed to the master. Expression of eyes of the pontiff suddenly began to become cold, it is a strong indication that the audience is ended and you should not abuse time, the most influential and honourable master of the planet.
   - I will personally accept them, do them honors of gods. Believe, providence exists!
   Having bowed with an obligatory contact with a floor fist once again, the Very cardinal left specularly magnificent hall, before eyes seven-color patches of light still painfully sparkled.
   The commander of native group Alpha Stelz, Igor Rodionov, accepted meanwhile and reported the next encryption received from the intelligence agent by nickname "Protein".
   Igor considered this nickname unsuccessful.
   - It is better to call her a cat, I suspected long ago that she is the finished whore. - Roughly said, having fluently examined the cryptographed message the member of spetsnaz who just received epaulets of the colonial general.
   The officer Ivan standing nearby looked at the brother with reproach.
   - It is easy for you to speak. And you know that if the girl at these cat's primacies refuses sex, it is considered an aberration. Means either pink, or the patient, it is impossible to fail because of cave prejudices of so valuable agent.
   - And what's the use, in this spy. Transfers nothing concrete, did not get the weapon, and even sent the cryptographed message after arrival to an orbit. - Igor frowned
   - The intelligence agent is necessary always. We, for example, thanks to secret spies, could blow up Fagiram's palace and survive. Sooner or later she, will get access to the latest technologies and then... - Ivan made the gesture meaning - to you curtains!
   - What then, all of us equally realize nothing. - Hopelessly the commander of elite special troops waved a hand. This Konoradson three-hollow, will depart, and everything will return into place, at most will issue hundred million, final Zorgovsky warning. There will be no Phage, there will arrive the Gaiter. As in prison to a chamber how many do not rearrange a bed, the chamber will become wider not.
   - But I think, you will not fail to arrange a bed far away from a parasha! - I will flash wit externally rural fellow Ivan.
   - There are no you you my brother, I... - Enormous Igor also really looked frightening, especially if was not near stelzan.
   - That me. - Ivan widely began to smile. At present, when on the planet with inspection Great Zorg moreover small, but technologically overwhelming squadron of maintenance any shadowing them became absolutely impossible and brothers is sure talked at the top of the voice. - Between other, we are very close to independence. Uncountable millions of the inogalaktichesky ships just like that suspect picnic, here to have a good time arrived. The empire is close to disintegration, it just about will fail. Then to be necessary for nobody our suburban planet. Until tigers bite off each other tails, the hare will make legs. Thousands of years we developed independently, without elder brothers on madness. Again we will become, are independent and free, let everything will return into place.
   - To dream a useless waste of time. And still, even if we will find independence who will operate the planet - the insignificant president Daklinton? - Igor was twisted.
   - No! Insurgents led by Ermine. - It is sure Ivan said.
   - Devil's Parsec! Daklinton has a colonial army and mountains of the weapon, and Gornostayev has only a handful of supporters, it will be crushed as manure flat cake. - Look of the commander of steel rather furious.
   - If you come over to the side of insurgents, then and other parts will follow you! - Ivan from reliable looked at the brother.
   - Truly, I have the strongest part of Native army, and to me to be a new leader of the planet! - Firmly the head of special troops said. Having caught in the brother's look the reproach added. - No, I will not be a usurper, or to create the monarchy. We will create the Central Committee under my control and the best people, including Ermines will enter there - will collectively govern. All of us together will pull up trees and we will roll the sky in a tubule.
   - Ridiculously. I here remembered an ancient chastushka. - Ivan beautifully in demotic style started singing.
   Everything on light occurs,
   On TseK's command.
   The sun ascends and sets,
   On TseK's command.
   Everything grows around,
   On TseK's command.
   The ships fly to space,
   On TseK's command.
   The field is taken by soldiers,
   On TseK's command.
   Pay out to us all wages,
   On TseK's command.
   Bombs pour, rockets,
   On TseK's command.
   Lift up a comet tail,
   On TseK's command.
   The thunder rattles, the earth shivers,
   On TseK's command
   Even woman... laughs,
   On TseK's command!
   For the first time for long time the severe commander Alpha Stelz heartily burst out laughing.
   - Yes it is ridiculous and if it is serious. At us too somehow there passed doctrines on pairing of fighting units. They parted our soldiers and women too, and forced them to copulate, all in one place at once. Who does not agree, the laser cut in half. Also looked for anomalies, measured orgasm coefficients, then declared the absolute genetic superiority over mankind.
   Ivan twisted a finger at a temple:
   - Each to their own, and you, sometime, had sex with their females?
   Igor with great feeling in a voice answered:
   - Few times, of course was. They are of course devilishly attractive women and very hot, but... Very much like to mock at people, can roast, break, bite, cut off. Izgalyatsya over the small fry as soon as the imagination allows. It is good still that on a rank of service I am forbidden to copulate with them, otherwise not to avoid a mutilation or death... And in dreams it is pleasant, and, above all it is fair, especially if a stelzanka in fact cute "malpa" to connect and take a neutron switch in hand...-Here the commander of special troops paid attention: quietly the beautiful melody plays. Darted a glance at the computer bracelet which carried as in old times a wrist watch. - Possibly, we are called, the signal blinks, say quicker what this girl transferred to us?
   - The fact that its starprobe vehicle is thrown in other galaxy and this its last message is visible, it will be out of reach of reception. And still she believes that her star boy Messiah is living and hopes to find for him. - Ivan warned, throwing out paste which in air turned into figures of amusing small animals from a tube.
   - And you trust in it? - Igor frowned.
   - I think that you are careful of the competitor in fight for a terrestrial throne. You hope that it will be lost in space. Hearts of lovers the best compass. - The brother spoke and, joking and is serious. Generally if that good will occur, the Messiah could rally mankind... Though most of people does not know about it at all. Especially, in ability of one person considerably to change everything, it is not trusted at all.
   Ivan crossed two fingers.
   - You know in how many time their empire major planets Earth.
   - No! - Honestly Igor answered.
   Ivan fingers showed a zero. Two brothers deafeningly as the elephants blowing in trunks burst out laughing.
   "Lzhelabido" too cheerfully mocked, at the message that they should battle. To the modest, received religious education girl, both sadomasochist doctrines, and sexual experiments already fairly bothered. More true on the contrary physically (what shameless traitress in the bioengineering way the modified flesh) it was even pleasant more and more. When partners different or them at once a little, it is unusual and creates a unique palette of an orgasm. Here only conscience torments, it is impossible to scoff so on an animal at sacred feelings. The feeling of a sin, terrible and painful, haunts it. During short dreams the underworld where Elena, receiving cruel punishment, repents to God Bogu is dreamed. Fortunately at stelzan, it is necessary to pay tribute, perfectly organized and trained soldiers any actions reducing fighting capacity of army are forbidden so, during military operations will be much quieter. At least in respect of damned conscience!
   The very father did not know yet that enormous army of Chirizkhan already in a campaign. Long ago the terrible Emperor saved forces, and a reason for performance, there was an artful capture of the great-grandson and lineal heir other great Emperor Detsibel. Detsibel was the real legend, and by the right of his successors could apply for considerable part of extensive church lands. The very duke Dulupula de Grant terribly rich descendant of priests, obviously wanted to please the Very father. He believed that threat of renunciation will stop invasion, but Chirizkhan was not afraid any more, he was ready to throw down a challenge to the grown fat Gideemsky throne. Its numerous troops had to be divided into twenty parts, otherwise roads would be completely filled. Besides, on special "Middle Ages tanks" Tirano-mamonty, weighing up to eighty tons, with four rotating fighting towers on scaly backs broke roads. Dreadful beings the having five rounded-off horns, capable to break gate it is similar to a ram. The army was variegated with numerous divisions. Literally flickered before eyes from uncountable flags and the coats of arms. Locals either ran up, or welcomed the marching colons. The gray lock of the baron Tukhkar became the first serious obstacle on their way. It was the real fortress, almost unapproachable with high towers and fat walls, located on the hill that complicated storm of a citadel even more. Possibly, it was more rational to avoid a construction, but the commander count Druvam de Cyrus judged that treasures of the baron cost the victims. Fortress was begun to be fired from figurative catapults. Heavier clockwork ballistas, engaged a bit later. Fiery charges, flew in the lock, alive burning inhabitants. Heavy stones broke against basalt walls, only slightly scratching a surface. It was succeeded to bring down several wall teeths, however. Some of defenders of the lock were already killed, others are hard mutilated. By means of Tirano-mamontov and Allozavrov, it was succeeded to drag up so powerful cars of destruction that their effect not much conceded to the most perfect artillery. Separate boulders weighed to a half of ton, the roar from their falling shook walls of the gray lock. Backfire of defenders including arbalests, had generally on easy groups of infantry. The sharp, turning in flight bolts broke off bodies of unlucky soldiers on part. Even metal a board were not rather reliable protection. However, need to hardly tighten four at once, and even eight a bowstring of arbalests, negatively influenced rate of fire, but increased range with a penetrative force of a charge. Having left a heap of corpses, infantrymen departed under cover from continuous all of thick boards. Meanwhile ruthless firing continued. Probably the count, Duvan fed hope to extremely exhaust the opponent, before decisive storm. Possibly, this calculation could come true, but defenders threw an unexpected joker. Kryso-letun with a solid reserve of combustible substances highly rose over the lock. Then sharply dived, and sitting, on a monster undersized, but strong, undoubtedly, very skilled fighter in a blue mask, dumped pots with fiery mix. The blow that, certainly is logical, is put on congestions of combustible materials. Wagon trains lit up, powerfully jerked, having detonated a mnogokraterny volcano. Fiery mixes were singed by both the soldier, and Tirano-mamontov with Allozavrami. Terrible animals rushed as if a fiery tornado, trampling down all who occurred in the path. Many of soldiers burned down alive, charring in the heated armor. The horse tyazhelobronirovanny army suffered most. Clumsy knights fell down from the raging animals, filled in them with violent fire, and bulky armors did not allow to rise. The dreadful painful death in a steel pan waited for the glorified fighting elite. Responsible for accident did not avoid punishment too. The flyer was as a hedgehog utykan arrows, and some of them were poisoned. Falling of a webby bird, the monster the sizes about a good bomber was colourful. Having left a smoke tail, a monster with a roar crashed into a stone ridge. The hydrogen which is in a thorax and a stomach of the flyer - the pterodactyl exploded. It seemed, the airship, the remains of the smoking meat burst got into ranks of archers, increasing the victims. However, the equestrian, managed to come off and even, using turmoil to dive into a thick of tents. Meanwhile gate of the lock opened, the perfect cavalry flew on the paniced soldiers. Ahead on an enormous unicorn there was a baron Tukhkara. Enormous in the sparkling gilded armor it was majestic and terrible. Its tempered sword, cut iron as if a cardboard. It was visible that this soldier, hurries to settle accounts with the Count Duvan. The baron was in wild rage, the splinter of a boulder killed his daughter, splits to the seven-year-old girl the head. The corpse of the child covered with blood and was always on the mind Tukhkara, increasing force of already hard blows. Cutting the steel wood, the count was surrounded by perfect knights, he nevertheless managed to break to the main opponent.
   - You are the black count, you will be responsible for everything!
   - You are a white corpse, you will sit down on a stake!
   They were worthy each other. Their swords were crossed. The baron was heavier and stronger, Graf more skillful and quicker. However already the baron split with the first blow skillfully shaped board with a tanko-tiger emblem. Duvan nevertheless managed to go a unicorn to the head. The horn slightly softened blow, and still the marvelous animal reeled and began to be filled up. In rage, revenging the baron seized with one hand the count by the pain caused to his favourite and threw him down to the ground. Fight in a pedestrian system did not leave chances, and a ruthless sword, split a helmet and the opponent's head. The scattered brains zalyapat a sweaty face of Tukhkar. Seeing that their leader is prostrate, other soldiers lost already reeled spirit and were let in flight. The small, but bristled-up steel terrible group followed close fugitives. However the pleasure of men of courage was premature mighty Tirano-mamont rushed towards. The first hit the baron, one of six legs of a monster crumpled him together with armor. The part of other soldiers, was crushed, or put to flight. Archers conducted terrible fire, and part of the running-away soldiers with towers seeing that the bowl of scales shook back, turned horses and deer. Fresh forces engaged, and everything solved not valor of soldiers, but their number. The army of the count was incomparably more numerous, soon all knights who took part in a sortie were killed. After death of the count, command was undertaken by his son viscount Bohr de Cyrus. This young man, without wasting gift of time, gave a signal to immediate storm. Tirano-mamonty went to a ram. Armor gate shivered from superhard blows, and soldiers of all colors got on storm. Storming were so excited that did not pay attention, to the melted pitch, stones and arrows. Losses were huge, and all of them climbed and climbed. Crushing number, fighters took a tower behind a tower. Walls became slippery from pitch and blood. At last failed fettered by the alloyed collar steel, in the lock marauders directed. Battle developed into slaughter, the escaped defenders tried to snap. Especially furious resistance was shown at an entrance to the temple of the Supreme god Ravarr. The large, in a sports way put priests, were desperately cut, covering an entrance to a construction. Because of narrowness of a corridor forwards could not use the numerical advantage, and a heap of the chopped-up bodies increased. Seeing desperate persistence of defenders, Bohr a crack ordered.
   - Incendiary charges! Fire!
   The skilled voivode Azur tried to object.
   - There in the temple of treasure big, fire to them will damage.
   - Then beat precisely pass, and will light up stronger, we will extinguish. - The young warrior already had experience of storms, and his face shone with happiness, green eyes flared passion. Here it is romantic ecstasy fight.
   Shots found effect, having abandoned the pole-axes burned and the blinded priests and monks, ran up. The part of them hoped to get lost in extensive labyrinths of a temple vault. In the most enormous lock general marauding and coercion began. Soldiers snatched on women, brutally forced, having sated, ripped up stomachs, cut off breasts and ears. Was considered as valor, to have a collection of the dried ears. To many people ran together under protection of this citadel. Babies were taken away from mothers and thrown into fire, not spared and who is more senior than those.
   The viscount Bohr de Cyrus, flew into a passion; shouted and shook fists.
   - Kill all of them, you spare nobody, let the soul of my father will get drunk blood before departs to heaven. Destroy all neighboring settlements, without sparing vassals of the ublyudochny baron. All district will be covered with fire and blood, even animals will not receive mercy.
   Meanwhile soldiers brought the oldest daughter of the baron Elvira deafened in fight. Bohr with interest watched how soldiers broke from it the expensive, embroidered with gold clothes, shoes with pebbles, ear rings, jewelry putting everything in the general heap.
   - What faultless figure at it, and a breast as ice cream with amethyst.
   The young viscount jumped off from a horse, the type of the fine victim excited more abruptly, than the shed blood.
   - Give pour out a water bucket to it on the head. The victim is especially fine when it trembles and resists. What gentle and smooth skin at it, the atlas in gold!
   The lewd hand walked on a stomach, further having stroked above sensitive scarlet nipples of a velvet, golden and bronze breast then roughly seized the most intimate place!
   After the ice falls, fell upon the head, the girl regained consciousness, and having sharply jumped, took to the heels. The skillful soldier made cutting, it fell. It seemed on the earth the fallow deer on whom the titled wolf satires from above jumped lies. The daughter of the baron and the son of count, were linked as a cat to a dog, furiously fighting, the baroness even used teeth, but the viscount was more feasible. In the face of several thousand fighters there was a disgusting action, soldiers laughed and encouraged councils. When the viscount rose, his sweated person was scratched, but at the same time with affection happy. After heavy fight language hardly turned.
   - It is good, a little tigress. And you what stared! Hands off!
   The last exclamation was shrill and loud.
   Several officers-chiliarches hasty drew aside hands from the seductive trembling production.
   - You will not get my girlfriend, at least, now. To send to my personal tent! And for you there is a work, build a paling around the lock, and on each stake to set up beheaded. Let the whole world learn with whom it deals.
   - And what the master with our fallen soldiers to do? - Hardly taking breath, the assistant who is plentifully soiled blood with soot spots on an armor asked.
   - As usual to burn down corpses, having done worthy honors. Families will receive compensation. What else, where son of this degenerate of the baron? - The look of the young man became even more evil.
   - We look for! - The assistant shook the pole-axe shining from blood.
   - You will find, do not kill at once! - The warrior angrily stuck the dying fighter, foreign army with the shod boot tempered by silver. Having forced the poor creature to calm down. - My father bought very rare Mari executioner recently, we will test his skills.
   Soldiers started executing the order of the new syuzeren. On the highest stake, pumpkin the head of the prostrate baron was hitched up big as.
   The viscount spat aside and ominously cried out an unstable crack:
   - This lock too small therefore we also killed a little. The following city on half a million, there we will disperse, properly. The father you will be, is happy, your sort will become history as the most bloody and proud. I swear never I will say such pathetic word: I pardon!
   HEAD? 31
   In this mysterious world dangerous,
   Keys are hidden in a gloom, happiness.
   If you do not want to live so in vain
   You find a sword from power!
   Starprobe vehicles entered in giperdrayf. Here it is a jump in legendary hyper space, incomprehensible for ancient human physics. You will imagine a mouse, for hours going on the hose twisted in a spiral, once you gnaw through a cover, and the way is cut off in hundreds of times. Similar process comes at the time of an exit from standard three dimensions in other measurements with other physical laws. And why properties of hyper space sometimes change, movement speed repeatedly increases or falls, so far, at least, for stelzan it is unsolved secret of the universe. When billions of trained and tempered fighters, from mini-soldiers who learned to press on luchemt earlier, than to go, to veterans still of the first superwar, for fractions of a second overcome distances in light years. During a giperdrayf, especially during kollapsichesky dispersal and braking life in the ships fades, stiffening ice weight. Before lying in shock-absorbing beds Lev Eraskander read standard instructing. Fighters absolutely were called not long ago from mini-soldiers, on age is even more junior than Lev, but two of them indeed had the expressed paranormal abilities. At others only very weak inclinations. Strangely enough, even at such highest level of science and equipment, the nature of superhuman abilities was very little studied. Can during a technogenic era, their role in ultramodern wars was underestimated, or this that what could not be weighed on scales and to measure by devices.
   In any case, stelzana with such opportunities a big rarity and Lev not without the bases thought that in future operation not the rear part is assigned to them. Never before the fleet of Purple Constellation, went deep so far in the biggest hyper jump. The gold constellation of sinkh will be sprayed on quarks. No, it will not become a photon, and especially to a neutrino in Quasar radiation, ahead fights, new over any imagination, and fresh taking the breath away - Superpriklyucheniya!
   After the return the Very cardinal did not find "gods". Managed to persuade tigers Dashingly and Caress to leave the palace to examine vicinities. As a vehicle offered them sacred trekhrogy goats. Though goats were large like good horses and it is much more nice than terrestrial fellows, this option was, will reject, and as a type of movement, unanimously chose beautiful and fast unicorns.
   The planet was not absolutely usual - palm trees and ferns, deciduous and coniferous trees were painted in yellow-red light scale and only occasionally dark blue-light blue. The city was big and rich even to modern measures, approximately in more than half a million inhabitants. It seemed that in city walls, there are no poor at all, even children were smoothed and accurate, in boots and sandals without watching warm weather.
   After city walls were behind the horizon, the landscape changed. Instead of flat paved roads, cobble-stones and dust, a set of wooden houses and poorly dressed people. Specific, rather slight smell of manure, mixed up with a pleasant smell from newly-baked flat cakes and fried meat. The typical big village, rain expected to fall recently, and barefoot half-dressed children splash on pools, raising muddy splashes. In the distance on a magnificent meadow dozen of large spherical blue-red animals gradually float. Each animal on ten shaggy legs, five meters high: probably local analog of a cow. And apparently, it is very easy creatures, the fresh breeze slightly kolysht their hulks. In the middle of the village there is a temple with a gold dome and the swastika sparkling on two "sun". Vladimir and his friends who left without attendants managed to otmakhat fair distance therefore the priest who was naturally not knowing "gods" by sight bewildered stared at them. Nevertheless wanted to look at Tigers on the temple from within. There were easy twilight, a set of large multi-color candles and four main statues, on number of gods.
   It was dashingly indifferent, this world is primitive and he could not be surprised, Vladimir and Caress on the contrary examined church with genuine interest. Especially the fact that he cried was unexpected.
   - Look, same we!
   And it is right, on one of pagan icons chetyrekhruky Supreme god Ravarra and three his children was represented. Two boys and the girl very similar to human cubs only hair at all three shone iridescent scale.
   - Yes boys. I see myself, and you are, seemingly, impostors! - Caress exclaimed. Devochki-stelzanki to majority had at all no right to carry any other hairdress except the rainbow painted towards the color and Stelzanat's flag, and to boys it was forbidden, except cases when it is necessary for masking is painted. After dedication in yuling, rules become more free, depending on the status of a stelzan. The truth during vacation there could be some temporary indulgences, but with obligatory return after their termination to the standard.
   Behind something zagromykhat. Children looked back, the fat priest fainted, having crashed down from department, broke at the same time three vessels with the stupefying substance. It was still half-troubles, several candles fell to the spilled very fragrant mix. Probably this dope on structure looked like cologne, everything flared a bright flame. Children hasty ran out from the temple, the fire began. Unicorns galloped much quicker than race horses, this time even Dashingly did not want to return to the city. Stopped, having flown by miles twenty, and matter not only in fear. The trip astride a horse, and especially on a unicorn rare happiness, and it carried away children. Plus still Dashingly wanted to compete in this exotic sport. Competition dragged on, only, when unicorns were extremely exhausted, jumps ended, and the first filled up Caress, it was heavier in the not only beautiful, but almost impenetrable clothes, and also a medical small suitcase. Decided to leave the tired-out animals, and to walk further. The road was direct, stony. Young popadanets splashed, and sharp stones pleasantly tickled elastic soles. Vladimir even purposely chose as much as possible caustic surface that massed a foot, with impenetrable skin. Children chattered, and then on the run were even thrown military-economic strategy sitting the multi-chip of radiators. Approximately through a couple of hours or can slightly longer, the large settlement appeared again. Something like the huge village, on a meadow, yellow with a mowed magnificent grass, the considerable, bare-legged band almost black from suntan, but white-headed children drove a ball, playing something similar to soccer. Was still very light-and it became it seems even hotter.
   - Here, probably, other climate when we left, there was degrees, twenty five, and here all thirty. - Noticed, Stelzanata Vladimir who was already in time to get used to a little more cool temperature of starprobe vehicles.
   - Truly, it became indeed hotter. - Dashingly stuck fingers up. - Look at the sky, it seems the new light point appeared.
   - UFO in this world? - Was surprised though especially to be surprised Vladimir nothing.
   Anything can happen. Let's go, we will drink waters and we will play with their primitive children. Let's show supernew giperdrayf. - Offered grinning Dashingly.
   Game differed from usual soccer, pushes, captures and the arising dumps. Like rugby, the American soccer, on the medieval planet shoot only at the self-made goal legs. It is interesting how the planet is called by natives?
   Caress lagged behind a little, collected local magnificent flowers in a difficult wreath and when they approached the field, nobody paid attention to them. A little in what they differed from local, suntanned swarty bronze too. Here not so black natives as on Earth, air temperature are usually lower, the truth bright yellow as jeweler gold conducts a background of the field to the fact that published them perceive much more dark, than they are actually.
   - Hey, you are players, we want to reserve turn. - Shouted Dashingly
   Boys interrupted game. Strangers were not pleasant to them.
   - What it is necessary to you! We have already full set! Clean up!
   - We want to slaughter a goat!
   Inserted Tigers, and waved a fist.
   Were heard bad squeal. A goat a sacred animal what of course popadanets did not know about.
   - They blaspheme!
   Dashingly got into an ambition.
   - I am god and you are blasphemers, on knees contemptible!
   On whom it is dashing with the friend and it was similar, can on a scarecrow, but definitely not on god. Dirty almost naked boys, even seven-color shorts became covered with dust. Not surprisingly and against rural children, they seem small bomzhika. And here any more not absolutely dense Middle Ages, rather retrograde round of development of the nation which was once plowing space open spaces. So, even rural poor people on custom and the law have to observe purity.
   Boys there were about fifty, forces more than are not equal. Nevertheless, already striking the first blow of Tigers, felt animal force. Stay in a biochamber was not in vain, gene preparations and biological modifiers added force and speed. Of course, the children attacking them knew nothing, about bioengineering, mini-soldiers, about intergalactic art of hand-to-hand fight. Battle developed into beating. Moving, maneuvering, boys terminators won. It reminded the cine fighter - "Karate, against makivar". Even bones became stronger, and blows are more effective. The hand, a leg, an elbow, the head, everything to what taught, it was useful. Vladimir for the sake of mischief jumped up, two boys faced foreheads and so fell down dead.
   - To you still to play rattles. - Scoffed the Tiger.
   Dashingly approved:
   - Cool course!
   When a half of children already received the, the others scattered in all directions. There was only one ten-year-old or the boy is slightly more senior. Tigers hardly held Razorvirov, it is visible Dashingly still it did not dodratsya to full satisfaction.
   - He already gave up. Be not a savage!
   - Let to me kisses legs and licks fists. I am a god! - Shouted young stelzan.
   - You already started, the madhouse, on you cries. The kid get up from knees nobody will offend you!
   The child got up, under an eye impressive bruise flaunted.
   - It you great, children of the Supreme god Ravarr. - With a shiver in a voice the boy said.
   - Guessed mortal, we are envoys of heaven! - It was dashingly inflated and stuck out a breast.
   - Forgive us. Just you, are so similar to runaway slaves. - The lad uttered indistinctly.
   Vladimir laughed, having shown become far more largely and strong teeth.
   - I also understand that a look at us not divine, but fists of demons.
   - No, fists of gods, and type of demons. My name is dashing, it is better not to awake me! Death to that who dared to anger! - Young stelzan without running start by a standing jump reproduced a sevenfold somersault. It impressed especially synchronously the boy threw several cobble-stones up and having landed, stones on the fly striking split with legs.
   - I agree with you. - Being kneeling the boy bowed.
   - Maybe you have valuable information.
   Razorvirov vyzveritsya, imitating painful interrogation. The boy scaredly squeaked:
   - You, probably, came to read the sacred table. So the ancient legend says!
   Though Dashingly for the first time heard about the table, showed no sign:
   - Correctly, we exactly look for it where it.
   - I do not know! - The child was ready to start howling for fear.
   - And who knows!? - Blinked the eyes, having even changed mental the order color of an iris of the eye of an eye Razorvirov.
   - It is rumored that it is known by prince Alimar, the great-grandson of great Decibel. - Readily the boy answered.
   - Conduct us to it! - Barked Dashingly.
   - I am afraid, it in captivity at our very duke, order to rip skin for change off me to the dignitary.
   Caress crept not considerably, its face shone slyness.
   - Your "Arkhi" wants to tease gods, time Alimar at it in captivity?
   - But, say that war already began. - Not quite to the place the young captive blurted out.
   - Correctly, and letters can read or the main gods or Ravarr's children. To mere mortals it is not given. - It is sure declared Caress.
   - You read mind the great goddess? - The boy calmed down.
   - Devilishly, just devilishly I am a clever girl! - Nice and at the same time terrible Caress roared. - Now it was necessary to read Alimar's thoughts.
   - Let's read. Conduct us to the lock, be not afraid, we will protect you. - Razorvirov ordered so confident tone that the captured boy already without disputes moved forward. He had to run as new owners it is strengthened pushed the young conductor. Despite tender age barefoot soles of the rural, for certain tempered by severe life boy already became horny and it fearlessly flew on recently piled prickly a grafiya, not in time to be ground yet, wheels of carts and extremities of local reptiles.
   The lock, and the city of the Very duke Dulupul de Granta were huge possession. And the highest tower in the city "the Nest of the Flyer", went more than on kilometer to heaven and its enormous gold fifteen-meter swastika, reminded ominous, arachnoid "Sun". Ant revival reigned and it is natural, of course the message about the beginning of war already managed to set a people at large in motion. Gate were closed, all driving and entering, carefully checked. However the part of a wall was incomplete, decided to make the way this way to the city.
   The boy whose name was Semik, considered it necessary to warn new - companions. After length and jog, intensive for usually person, his voice sounded muffledly, because of heavy breath.
   - There is a lot of guards, it surrounded unfinished walls, but there is a chance to make the way almost imperceptibly to the city.
   - How to lull to the guard? - Asked Dashingly.
   - Look more attentively at a wall!
   Really, on it almost naked people pottered about. They were adjusted by supervisors in chain armors, ruthless blows of long scourges. Probably slaves hastily completed a high and thick wall, the young city.
   - Over there, where children work, there is my elder brother. - Specified the Semik.
   Dashingly roughly interrupted.
   - What he forgot there. You think, we will release it?
   - No, I do not ask it, four more years and it will lower. For debts, it was handed over in slavery by parents, so many do. War was not for a long time, at all the special tax here is a lot of children from everyone and rent to pay off. - The boy explained.
   - That to us before! - Razorvirov contemptuously twisted lips.
   - We are still children, but strong, and they have an urgent work, there are not enough people, war began. I and one of you we will work one change, and the others will be let the policeman in the city. If during this time the others return, then will allow to go home temporary sloggers. - The Semik beggarly looked at Razorvirov whom, he considered as the main thing, despite all elegance and presentability of Caress.
   Dashingly grinned.
   - It seems that we are held for imbeciles. Let's better break with fight, unless there is no other way to be thrown through a wall.
   - Stop killing. I will work a vsmest with it, and you get into the city so far. We as it is in this world narazrushat very much, something useful to make is necessary though. - Vladimir butted in.
   - Here is how, go, work, the altruist, the hypocrite mokronosy. It is clear, why you are people our slaves. - Dashingly even waved a fist nearly having touched a face of the friend.
   Tigers wanted to hit it, but restrained:
   - Weakness of people it and my weakness!
   - Perhaps you will battle against me, strong now! - Dashingly again krutanut a fist near a nose Vladimir.
   - No! - The boy from Earth was firm. - I gave up violence!
   Really, where they will not pass a problem everywhere, it is necessary to calm somehow conscience. It was resolved it is extremely trivial. The head of guards did not deceive, having left two, passed Dashingly and Caress to the city though the last looked very brightly. Having roughly felt relief muscles of Tigrov, richly dressed healthy fellow it is satisfied slipped:
   - As a stone, probably the strong, tempered guy. If you well work, we will not beat you.
   Though Semik was a robust fellow, in comparison with sculptural and relief Vladimir too, seemed almost the clodhopper. Tigers worked with enthusiasm, perhaps, even with excessive eagerness. Because of it lashes came the way also of other slaves because they seemed sluggards. When led for lunch, forced to be washed carefully in a streamlet, hygiene above all. Fed rather not bad, climate almost ekvatorialno soft, the earth as down. The harvest can be reaped all the year round, perhaps, even overproduction of agricultural production.
   - It and my brother. - Whispered the Semik.
   The brawny fourteen-year-old guy with tired not on age the person, sad with a big black eye, raised the close-cut head. Was surprised:
   - You what here you do?
   - Were employed on a side job the brother. - The Semik smiled.
   - You are idiots, you will be branded and held to majority and that if the need in slaves is not impatient. In the south there was a new kingdom where willingly buy us. - The boy lowered a voice and almost in a whisper said. - Extremely seldom temporary slaves after the expiration come back. Usually blame of them that worked insufficiently, or were insolent to owners, or even non-performance of labor norm which is determined by desire of owners. And term is charged on new, and even forever in a yoke.
   Other little boy confirmed, having shown flogging traces on a wide back:
   - This also waits for you.
   - Do not worry, we if that, we will run away and release all of you. - Said Vladimir in half-voices.
   - Baby talk, you see a triangle on a shoulder, this brand of the temporary slave. To draw one more line, and you are a slave on eyelids. - The fellow quietly added. - Here yet not the hell, fresh air, normal food, and work though it is heavy, but we are accustomed to it almost since the birth. We maintain and can long live. - In a voice of the boy fear notes - appeared And if never transfer to mines where the terrible stench from torches and excrements, and places is deeper poisonous evaporations, then the strongest and hardy slave more than two years, will not hold on, the majority dies in the very first weeks and months so for replenishment of left send to mines of disobedient slaves. And useful at children there the chance to be above, than at adults, vel small is easier to move or push the cart on narrow mines and adits.
   Though also understood Tigers that this boy is right, but it was absolutely quiet. At a chlenistonogy monkey sadist, the slavery was heavier, than on a surface, and in mines and mines with their labyrinths of various courses and holes, he a name superhuman abilities will always manage to be exempted from fetters and to leave. From where confidence? The hyper plasma computer as recorded with the hard drive to it in a brain the program of orientation in various vaults and the most cunning labyrinths.
   When to them burned out brands, pain was felt, is weakened as if in a freezing, Vladimir did not even frown, and here the newly-baked slave Semik screamed, it is unpleasant when skin is ironed the heated iron. For it change obviously dragged on, it was forced to work also in the following turn, and at the heaviest site. An award for labor enthusiasm, right for overtime work and mix of the gratuitous, begun to rot vegetable and fruit wish-wash, which at so generous climate and so not where to put. And only when for a short time all stars were behind the horizon, allowed to have a sleep a little. Other children slaves gloated over where to find still such fool, itself got into a heavy yoke. However, on the contrary felt tigers happy, even blows a lash were for it a joy. Hard sticking, he made an atonement ceremony for numerous murders, is not present just kind by nature heart to the boy, to bear all this in soul. And if muscles slightly shivered for fatigue, council felt much more quietly.
   Dashingly and Caress considered storm of the striped black-red palace of the very duke meanwhile. The frontal attack was too risky, one guards several thousands of fighters here. And in the city of troops more than hundred thousand, apart from fighting monsters.
   - One fighter, and all in an antiworld. - Giggled Fruit drinks.
   Dashingly squeezed, unclenched fists.
   - The divine authority can use.
   - And how we will prove to them? Again we will allow to utykat ourselves arrows. There is no teleimage here, and the savage they will not believe you! - Caress out of place put out the tongue.
   - And you are already such abrupt. Be at us a force field, and heavy luchemeta, we would cut off all twelve towers beams. However we still have a charge, with a roar lupany and they will run up. - Dashingly it was ready very in a fighting way.
   - You were ionized. It is the big city if the effect of savage fear and panic does not work, we will be badgered as rats. - Logically the little girl noticed.
   - What do you advise, to recede and be given? - Dashingly very clearly showed extreme extent of contempt.
   - No. To reconnoiter and find vulnerable points.
   On streets of the big city it was full to the people. Here it is visible, it is more than poor and dirt than in the first city. You look, you see beggars, cripples, patients, however it is in any settlement, only here is much stronger, is evident. Though in this world nevertheless grow old not so considerably and throwing into eyes, as in the terrestrial Middle Ages. Tells influence of ancient genetic modifications human. But it from generation to generation weakens, and unfortunately deplorable results of degradations are visible. Having pointed to the wrinkled, hunched old women Dashingly, did not keep and loudly said:
   - What ugliness. The crumpled effigies the pathetic parody to great race. Well, you look, unless our women will dare to look so ugly.
   - Dashing it is atavism, primitive level of a degeneration. - And most it was very opposite to caress to look at this muck.
   Do tell? - It was twisted, without having understood Dashingly.
   - It have no our improved genetics, with superregeneration. Therefore hairless primacies are crippled and rumpled. Sympathize with old savages. - Indulgently declared a stelznak.
   - Such freaks, have no right to be similar to our greatest nation. When we break to the brothers, this backward planet will be smoothed out! - Dashingly again began to sit down on a game, speaking inexcusably loudly.
   Their obscure exclamations drew attention of people. Indignation voices were heard. Someone proorat.
   - Mad foolishes!
   - Why you drew attention! We are better annihilated. Come to camouflage level. - Caress shouted, having forgotten that to mask, only it can one.
   Dashingly however did not find anything the best how to cut a leg from a turn to the closest policeman. The blow had in a breast and slightly deafened a detinushka. And here the mini-soldier was not lucky, his naked heel got into the sharp thorn which is sticking out of a bib. Bol was slightly made sober by Razorvirova, and he managed to whisk a pike in crowd. As the policeman lifted shout not at once, children managed to leave on safe distance. Caress slightly stopped by in an ear to the friend.
   - Constantly you ask for trouble, you should be handed over in slavery. You want that we disgracefully died.
   - These primitive creatures, we still have to be afraid! - The boy was very angry.
   - Think better how to get into the lock and an underground jail. Nam Likho, it is necessary to go down in a vault, will not begin to support prisoners in imperial rooms. - Caress pointed a finger down. And quietly not absolutely to the place tender tone, added:
   - Let's get clothes and documents. Let's pass as servants or guests. Then we will get lost in corridors and down, for our skills it is real. I have a minicomputer, I in the first-aid kit carry it, itself know a standard set, we will count on it rules of war and cunning...
   However the tiny cybernetic device did not give life signs. Luchemeta also on zero, a look sat down, spending ultracurrent for unnecessary games. Eh thoughtless childhood!
   - Plazmodrakon to me in a jaw, it is necessary to work at own risk.
   The first attempt was extremely primitive on execution, couple of blows in the poorly populated place to the head and the children suitable by the sizes were neutralized. However, seemingly, it were servants of the lowest rank, and fastidious Caress demanded to disinfect clothes. Dashingly, eventually spat and declared that this the plan to be no good better, to get into the lock illegally. The task was complicated that besides numerous protection approaches to the palace protected Tanko Tigers and smaller Buld-lemury.
   - Let's cut off several reptiles the laser, panic will begin and on the quiet we will get through in the lock.
   - At us only one loaded luchemt, and stay can drag on, spend the last trump on creatures here. - Caress objected.
   - No, you have still a gamma gun. And as far as shots at it a charge? - Blinked the eyes Dashingly.
   - This can scribble very long. I do not know precisely, several hours of the most forced fire and in tens times more quiet are possible. From the point of view of energy consumption, the gamma weapon repeatedly surpasses in profitability laser and a little gravio-laser. - Caress declared.
   - Give it to me! Let's cut down sentry animals, and people to deceive not a task! - Offered Razorvirovyu
   Caress did not begin to object. It is decided what an optimal variant will fire from roofs. It was necessary to choose the position invisible from very tall almost hundred-meter walls of the lock and higher towers. Razorvirov stated idea.
   - Well, to get ropes. Vladimir told that thus in ancient times of an arkanila of enemies.
   - I know, the instructing loaded into a brain - conducting combat operations with use of make-shifts in the conditions of lack of the modern regular weapon. - Mechanically Caress said.
   - And to throw a loop, you are able? - It was twisted Dashingly.
   - I was not taught! - Honestly the girl answered.
   - Me too, what mistake! - The boy frowned.
   - To us on only seven cycles. We should also not, all to be able in primitive military operations. - Caress was stirred up.
   - All right, he agrees, not all at once. On rings I am able to throw, not an essential difference. - Dashingly in one jump, broke roofs a rope.
   - I am able too, maybe, we will throw on wall tooth? - The warrior offered, without cunning inventions getting herself a lasso.
   - At first we will eliminate monsters.
   Having taken a position, Dashingly opened fire on defeat. Scale radiation infuriated Tanko tigers. Usually obedient animals ran up on the city. From mouths bloody saliva flew, beautiful five-color striped skin became covered by bubbles, and pieces fell from enormous well-muscled bodies. In the city terrible panic began, large and small animals tore people in hundreds. On suppression of the enraged creatures thousands of knights chained in heavy armor were thrown. Enormous animals with sabers canines rushed on knights, unstitching and tormenting as people, so elks and deer. The soldiers who are usually chained in heavy armor preferred more powerful elks. In fight of a horn not bad help. Two knights in gilded armor were less than the others, but on unicorns. Apparently it, were very notable noblemen.
   - Look Dashingly. What they small, probably princes. And armor just to us by the size. Give a lasso, we will lasso them. - The Caress pleased with unexpected luck offered.
   - Radiantly! Let's choose a moment when they are lost from a look. - It is dashing crept as if the Indian.
   Long it was not necessary to wait. One of wounded Buldo-lemurov, managed, having broken off a spear and to have a bite forward legs to a unicorn. The little gilded soldier fell down, and his companion dismounted and tried to extend the companion. The others were too keen on fight. Enormous Tanko tiger in spite of the fact that several copies pierced its hulk, jumped up, and having broken off a spear, tumbled down the closest knights. The others amicably snatched on a furious monster. At this time even not struck with Tanko Tigers' radiation rushed in fight attracted with the stupefying blood smell so the moment was suitable. Self-confident it is dashing it was succeeded to throw with a lasso only from the third attempt, and Caress coped with the second. Knights were quite heavy and ropes cracked, cut skin, but fortunately it was succeeded to drag nevertheless prisoners on a roof. Razorvirov sharply hit the dense knight on a face, a magnificent elaborate helmet flew, having opened the growing bald head.
   - Watch it not princes, but adult pudges moreover with ugly brooms on a face! - It is disappointed the mini-soldier roared.
   - Typical dwarfs, we it studied clinical anomalies in the section. - Fastidiously the girl spat captives.
   The second the pudge knight rushed in attack. Caress with not a maiden force kicked in a groin. Though there was also a metal plate, the forward stopped and was double up too sensitive place and strong blow. The opponent Razorvirova was only slightly deafened and on an automatic pilot tried to pin up the impudent boy a dagger. The blow fingers in eyes, paralyzed the attacking knight. Then exact hit in a neck finally put it out of action. Caress loudly shouted.
   - Do not help me, this my exercise machine.
   The pudge squeaky as not adjusted violin howled.
   - The small rubbish, my sword will finish off you!
   The girl a butterfly of a zaporkhal on a roof, dexterously evading from a sword of the low knight. Then the mini-fighter in a skirt turned into counterattack. Its blows were similar to panther jumps. At the dwarf a helmet flew and the crunch of the broken cervical vertebras was distributed.
   - Agree beautifully!
   The young warrior sang;
   The purple constellation of the Universe gives happiness,
   it is finer to you not to find in the boundless universe!
   Dashingly interrupted the girlfriend;
   - We dress armor and on unicorns. They have a coat of arms, so these undersized goats, are titled!
   Half an hour later children, disguised as smart armor, mini-soldiers already were in the most magnificent palace. Here extraordinary revival reigned, knights, soldiers, the armed servants scurried about everywhere. In the main throne-room also was loads and loads people - generally notable grandees. Here the Very duke de Grant, the pompous big fellow with the long fiery red beard covered with jewelry as a royal jeweler bench.
   - Count left Kami and Right Tsami. I am glad you to see! I hope, you gave the troops? Chirizkhan threatens all of us.
   Imitating a squeaky voice of the former owner of an armor, Caress answered:
   - Of course. We declared a total appeal. What latest news from the fighting front?
   - The count, where you picked up such scientific words. Not really good, there are already first essential losses, many feudal lords hesitate. - Frankly the Very duke declared.
   - And we too in doubt. - Declared imitating a dwarfish opposite timbre of a voice Dashingly. - Why war began?
   - Well, Alimar de Detsibel's capture only occasion. You know it, Chirizkhan wants the power over the whole world. - It is sure the Very duke declared.
   - I believe, the difference between you is not big. Show us that because of whom war began. - Dashingly as well as it is peculiar to cool boys at once took occasion by the forelock.
   - Why to you it is necessary? - The Very duke pricked up the ears.
   Caress interfered conversation, childly having artlessly blurted out:
   - Elementary curiously. Who this individual who became a contention anti-positron?
   The duke suspiciously looked at guests. It did not like similar curiosity, and very scientific words. Maybe they want to find tables too? Fool by fine words, mow under fools, or the gone mad wise men. And if so, without Very father to them to read nothing.
   - If you want, I will spend you to the guest. It is necessary to be careful with inquiries, but misters pledge the knightly word and an oath on a swastika - that your host to join my army. - De Grand did not give a sign that suspected guests of something.
   - Then, the word of the knight costs too expensive to be scattered. I can only give a guarantee, Kami and Tsami's mobile bioplasma connections will not attack you! - Remembering the cybernetic video blurted out Dashingly.
   As are miraculously expressed. Can at them, helmets jammed. It is better for those mentally ill people are not so dangerous.
   In a vault of the lilac Lock, the very ducal executioner showed frank discontent. His thick hands shivered, and fists were clenched and unclenched:
   - On what basis you mister cardinal took away it?
   - There is an order of the Most great and most Saint Gideemmsky Very father. You see the sacred bull. - The cardinal already the third time thrust a parchment roll with the press under nose to the torturer rather stupid by sight.
   - It is my victim, our right... - The face of the jockstrap executioner, fleshy with a receding forehead of a gorilla, discontentedly shivered. Small eyes expressed disappointment.
   - What you grind, you are only the instrument of inquiry, know, the place if you do not want to fall a victim. - The cardinal, hudyushchy is also high like furious Don Quixote, is poisonous hissed, and made terrible faces.
   - You at least notified de Grant. - The massive strapper retired to the background.
   - There is no need, time is the bull and the right of an award of a fiery swastika. What for a mortar at you in hands smokes? - To the cardinal it was fastidiously wrinkled, by contradiction a smell of burning.
   - I a gift prepared it for Ali, pieces of coal hot. - Bryaknul Ambal, with serious tone.
   - The freak, a mentally retarded primacy, Alimar the prince of blood, and from coals remain blisters. - The cardinal outright became angry. - You it is visible you want that all saw traces of your interrogations, to create to us new problems?
   - I in the business the expert, though am not able to read write. - A giant with a stomach to which it would be possible to push entirely a ram proudly said. Here besides traditional methods and traceless tortures, I invented such car. Beauty!
   Rough knock at a fat door interrupted verbalizations of the professional torturer. The very duke, two pseudo-count and dozen of security guards entered the stuffy marble room. The cardinal who is looking like the mantis in a three-colored cloak of the highest deity and a swastika on a chain, seemed Dashingly very comical. Still adults would have to be large and brawny, and a goat beard the savage's atavism. The fat, immense executioner with five shivering, shchetinisty chins reminded the fighter Summo. The paunch of the torturer was covered by a red, leather apron, and hands are thicker than a thigh of a buffalo and not from one fat at all.
   - Where prisoner? - Without excess prefaces shouted become impudent Dashingly.
   The stupid ugly face of the torturer was twisted though in the principle to bend so degenerate physiognomy has no place further.
   - Ate! - The foolish answer followed.
   Having caught the menacing gesture, the executioner hastily recovered:
   - Holy Fathers took away! Brought to the Very father to Gideemm.
   - To catch up and stop, return! - Dashingly ordered so as if they also also are the real governor of the planet.
   The cardinal contemptuously sniffed:
   - Late. He was brought through the underpass, and put on the kryso-flyer. Quicker it nobody can fly.
   - Nonsenses any imperial fighter a million times quicker than your pterodactyl. - Caress bellowed and took a step forward.
   Having shaken a stomach, the executioner wrinkled the most sweet physiognomy:
   - You I see scientific people, and will be able to appreciate my invention the inquiry car.
   - It is unlikely will surprise us, but it is curious. Yes the duke we will go to your Very father, he will get the poor unfortunate city of Gideemm. - Grinned a leopard that however under a visor is absolutely imperceptible, so and it is deprived of sense Dashingly.
   In the neighboring room smelled of blood, pepper, fake meat. Thick assistants in red loose overalls were ominously whispered. Something average between the weaving loom and a spindle - occupied the center of the room.
   - Here it is simple, wool rubs, and parchment is accustomed to drinking on these balls. And then, connecting needles, and sparks pour. If to thrust two needles in language, and two more in ears and to twist the handle, then eyes will get out and will light up as bulbs. Especially beautifully glow in the dark, slezk drip, spark, tremendous feelings and any traces. Ha-HA-Ha! - The executioner guffawed as if he and really can be more ridiculous than nothing.
   - The primitive stun gun, on the electrostatic principle. The friction accumulates a charge on the elementary condenser in the form of balls. - scientific Caress Inserted.
   The torturer tenderly with poison in a voice said:
   - Perhaps remove helmets milords bows. Here znoyno, a rack warmed quite recently
   - No, to us not hot. - Roared Dashingly though actually indeed, in an armor soared as in a sauna.
   The very duke approached the executioner, the stupid shaven physiognomy was suspiciously cunning and kind.
   - What do you hide the executioner?
   That quietly and very smoothly turned a rychazhok on a spindle.
   Dashingly and Caress, suddenly felt that under them there is no floor. Force of gravitation incurred them down. It is purely reflex mini-stelzan managed to throw a short sword in a thick stomach of the executioner. The sword punched a huge paunch in that place where under an apron (it at once burst) the headdress a desyatiruky crab the patrimonial coat of arms of the very duke flaunted. The fountain of thick blood zalyapat a suit and a face of the grandee. The torturer rattled, hardly squeezing out words and crimson bubbles. The voice could be sorted with big work:
   - I recognized them, guessed an instinct of the skilled investigator. These are children demons about whom you heard. It is a pity, it is not necessary to me, to look in the eyes shining and shining from pain and current, torturing such sweet chickabiddies.
   Dulupula de Grad old to shout as it is possible ordered more loudly:
   - You sound the alarm, a guards in the underground tunnel. Gods and demons on granite do not die of falling!
   Over the lock big copper horns began to sound and the footfall of a set running knights and ratnik was heard it is simpler. The executioner quickly weakened. The cardinal, something a tongue twister muttered, the dropped torch singed a brocade toga of the Very duke, having forced to squeal heart-rendingly from wild pain the grandee. Under sounds of a dissonant song of a rank of fighters went down in a vault. It was visible that they sing rather for fear, still being afraid of unknown demons, than from surplus of fighting enthusiasm;
   Wind will dispel gray fog,
   The angel will split the fortress of evil clouds!
   The barrow is in the field covered with military blood,
   The abuse lights a pink beam.
   The darling cries in grief a forehead,
   Fingers spin mechanically a wreath.
   There will be we, together will become light-,
   To our sufferings soon end!
   Light lit up our homeland,
   Amicably battled fallen - live,
   My God betray to us rage, forces.
   We will win, we will protect the native land!
   We trust to return brothers from war,
   Though cost us the price expensive.
   Before gods all of us are equal,
   To execute a debt - before the great country!
   To be continued....
   Comments which it is possible to pass or laugh, at a peculiar humour;
   - In the Superfilm with each series, than further, than more abruptly!
   - And when I will be killed?
   - You are immortal! You will live until collecting falls!
   "The last hero" Arnold Schwarzenegger.
   - Why the USSR broke up?
   - There was no sex!
   - Means, the Purple constellation has a future!
   - What difference between a literary star and that that in the sky?
   - That that the literary star can be extinguished a simple cobble-stone!
   - What difference between the beginning writer and famous?
   - The beginner wants to create the creation, best in the world, and having popularity for which pay money!
   From the website of comments on Roman "Lucifer's Armageddon!"
   Still only work begins, only gathers dispersal, dynamics the steepness, ahead new improbable adventures fantastic even for a fantasy. Sudden unpredictable turns of a plot. Grandiose fight will happen on all Universe and in others infinite hyper - the mega-Universes. In scales unprecedented for a human fantasy! Hurry to get continuation of series - the new novel "Underworld Master Key!" you is waited further by unique feelings!!!
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