Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

At a Radio Station. Also - Above, Under, Around, Nearby, Far Off

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    At a Radio Station. Also - Above, Under, Around, Nearby, Far Off.

  At a Radio Station. Also - Above, Under, Around, Nearby, Far Off.
  1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio
  2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'
  3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia
  4. Radio listener's monologue
  5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio
  6. The Story about Thoughtfulness
  7. Sketch about Vacancies
  8. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel
  9. Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius
  10. The Story about the Creative Streams of Air
  11. The Tale about Not-Sent Letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin
  12. Dialogue between the Journalist and Reader
  13. Dialogue of colleagues
  14. The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island
  15. The Story about the Petersburg long-liver
  16. The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2
  17. The Express Sketch about Radio-mite, Schnauzer and Bull Terrier.
  1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio
  Gorky turned on the radio.
  - "I am Olympic championess of the two Olympic Games! Listen..!"
  - "I am listening..." - Gorky thought.
  - "Its a crash of World Olympic Movement!" - the man's bass voice was hooting.
  - "?" - reacted Gorky.
  - "Today February, 5, 2018! We dont know, how this day will be finished!" - the radio was talking.
  - "The Champions" - Gorky has understood. And turned off the radio.
  February 5, 2018 10:13
  2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'
  Gorky turned on the radio.
  "The girl with a big desire of a better life has written a book about relations with some men. She needs a marriage..."
  "In our times such a books weren't written", - Gorky was surprised. - "Development of culture".
  "There are villages, where only invalids with governmental financial support are living. Or only the PhDs..." - the correspondent informed from the South area.
  "Maybe, the villages with only writers will appear ?" - asked Gorky.
  "The journalistess stretched the flag in the Korea".
  "Heavy" - Gorky tried to summarize.
  February 10, 2018 16:15.
  3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia
  The American Journalist decided to write an article about the people of a humanism and of a good guests attitude.
  Someone of his ancestors lived a some time in Russia in old times. Seemed, it was not a badly.
  He started to write. Simultaneously he turned on a radio receiver.
  The songs by Vladimir Vysotsky were sounding.
  The pressman has felt the discomfort: 'The songs of the Russian poet! Why the Australia?'
  He went out to a fresh air to walk along a street.
  And the article?
  The situation a strange a little...
  April 24, 2018 20:16
  4. Radio listener's monologue
  The fan of history has opened the book by the baron Budberg Alexey Pavlovich "The diary of the White Guard member" (on October 7, 1917 - on April 4, 1918):
  "We rush further to the south; clean and comfortable little Japanese train rushes through bridges and tunnels; the road very much to resemble on our Amur railway and east branch of Chinese railway.
  Have passed Antung, the former Korean small village, and now the solid city with stone houses, factories and the plants. I sadly thought of that the foundation is laid for it by us; we the first have woken desert Manchuria, have brought in it culture, have invested many millions of Russian money, have lost hundreds of thousands of Russian people and eventually have made her a source of the great benefits and income, but only not for ourselves; Japan has profited, China have got a lot of things and is going to get even more, we on a historical habit have got to ourselves only a grief, losses and a position with a chipped washing-tub."
  "..." - the fan of history has thought, has slammed the book, has put the book aside. He have turned on radio.
  The famous ballerina was trying, explaining that to listen to radio - well.
  "..." - the fan of history has thought.
  Here the pleasant voice of the vigorous journalistess was heard. She explained intelligibly, using the word "we":
  - As much we have constructed in (background noise has muffled the place name): roads, bridges, buildings, power plant ....
  Journalistess continued to list. Then she have slightly changed foreshortening of information:
  - (background noise has muffled the name) have brought containers. Have collected, have mounted them. When needed, containers will be disassembled and will be transported away.
  "..." - the Radio listener has thought. Also he "have passed" to other wave.
  But radio has managed to continue a thought:
  - ... relations with leaders of tribes!
  On other wave the vigorous voice assured:
  - The relations is the most valuable capital!
  "..." - the radio listener has thought. He have switched off radio. He have reopened the book.
  January 4, 2018 15:46
  Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2018 16:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог радиослушателя'.
  5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio
  Диалог в радиостудии
  The Dialogue in the Radio Studio
  Пришел человек в радиостудию. Сел перед микрофоном. И как закричит:
  The person has come to the radio studio. He have sat down in front of the microphone. And he started to exclaim loudly:
  'Горький, Алданов, Париж!..'
  "Gorky, Aldanov, Paris!.."
  Кто-то шел по коридору. Заглянул в студию и говорит: 'Ну что Вы так кричите'. 'Алкоголизм! Многое пропили. Вы же не кричите?'
  Someone was going along the corridor. He have glanced in studio and says: "Well... Why you shout so loudly?". "Alcoholism! A lot of things were drinked up away. You, seem, don't shout?"
  Человек перед микрофоном посмотрел на заглянувшего с настороженностью. И неприязненно махнул рукой: 'Иди, иди...'.
  The person in front of the microphone has looked at the human, which has glanced in the studio, with a vigilance. Also he have waved by hand with dislike: "Go, go ...".
  В соседней комнате сидел сотрудник. Услышал он и крики, и диалог. Выписал из газеты столетней давности цитату и с важным видом произнес: 'Это наша история!'.
  In the neighboring room the employee was situated. He has heard both shouts, and dialogue. He have written out the quote from a hundred years old newspaper and have pompously said: "It is our history!".
  23 апреля 2018 г. 06:30
  April 23, 2018 06:30
  Translation from Russian into English: April 23, 2018 07:02. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог в радиостудии'.
  6. The Story about Thoughtfulness
  Fyodor Dostoevsky has thought: "What document is necessary to me to consider myself the writer?"
  Automatically Dostoevsky entered the Internet.
  The Internet post was opening. The post was placed by one of experts on the Ukrainian policy. This specialist became the soloist at one of the Russian radio stations. On the screen of the computer the text has appeared:
  "The central streets of Kiev weren't under repair long ago.
  On January 29, 1837, O.S. Lermontov has written the first part of the well-known poem.
  He has gone outside, on fresh air, and has decided to walk on the downtown.
  Suddenly Count Karl Nesselrode comes out from some store and nearly faces Lermontov.
  The Count has looked at Lermontov and has told: "So what? Had a good rest? "
  Here the horse carriage of the count has approached. Nesselrode has jumped in his carriage and has left.
  Lermontov went back home.
  It turned out that at the moment of the meeting of the Count and the Poet near them along the central street there passed the Sergey Nechayev.
  When Count Nesselrode uttered his rhetorical question, Nechayev stumbled.
  "What does it mean?" - Nechayev has thought.
  He went to the flat where he lived, and wrote "The Catechism of a Revolutionary".'
  Dostoevsky looked at the computer screen in thoughtfulness.
  March 16, 2018 17:12
  Translation from Russian into English: March 16, 2018 22:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о задумчивости'.
  7. Sketch about Vacancies
  Скетч о вакансиях
  Sketch about Vacancies
  Александр Герцен и Николай Огарёв пошли на прогулку на Воробьёвы горы. Осматривают Москву.
  Alexander Herzen and Nikolay Ogarev have gone for walk on Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory). They are observing the Moscow.
  - Что за жест показывает эта девочка? - спрашивает Огарев.
  - What a gesture is shown by this girl? - Ogarev asks.
  - А ты принюхайся... - отвечает Герцен.
  - Sniff ... - Herzen answers.
  - Не французская парфюмерия, конечно, - высказался Огарев. - Понятно...
  - Not a French perfumery, of course, - Ogarev has spoken. - It is clear ...
  - Хочу описать всё это в рассказе 'Станция Едрово', - заметил Герцен.
  - I want to describe all this in the story "The Edrovo Station", - Herzen has noticed.
  - Думаешь, разрешат? - засомневался Огарев.
  - They will allow? - Ogarev has begun to doubt.
  - А я как Эдисон, - предположил Герцен, - он гудками паровоза передал сообщение по системе Морзе с одного берега реки на другой. Ну, я - человек не технический. Организую журнал, назову 'Колокол'.
  - I as Edison, - Herzen has assumed, - he has transferred by beeps of the steam locomotive the message on Morse's system from one river bank to another. Well, I am a person not technical. I will organize the magazine, I will title it "The Bell".
  - А в Москве не хочешь устроиться? На радиостанцию, или в газету. Я ночью радио слушал. Вроде, есть варианты.
  - And in Moscow you don't want to get a job? On radio station, or in the newspaper. I at the night of radio listened. It seems, there are options.
  - А запах?.. Поеду в Лондон. - Герцен нервно оглянулся. - То есть, в Швейцарию.
  - And what about the smell? I will go to London. - Herzen has nervously looked back. - That is, to Switzerland.
  - Поклянись, что никого не разбудишь! - потребовал Огарев.
  - Swear that you will wake nobody! - Ogarev has demanded.
  Герцен закашлялся.
  Herzen has had a fit of coughing.
  22 марта 2018 г. 16:22
  March 22, 2018 16:22
  Translation from Russian into English: March 22, 2018 16:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о вакансиях'.
  8. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel
  Рассказ о вентиляторах и о Гегеле
  The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel
  Писателю предстояли ночные чтения его произведений на радиостанции.
  The writer was to be held the nightly reading of his works on the radio station.
  Он по привычке взглянул: 'Какие новости?'
  He on a habit has looked: "What news?"
  Так... Есть и вентиляторы, и то, что на вентиляторы бросают...
  So ... There are also a ventilators, and a those a things that are to be thrown on ventilators ...
  Но! Кто именно бросает?! И на чьи именно вентиляторы?!
  But! Who exactly does throw?! And onto above whose exactly the ventilators?!
  Для любого варианта ответа есть свои 'за' и свои 'против'... С одной стороны... С другой стороны...
  For any possible answer there are the pro and the contra ... On the one hand ... On the other hand ...
  Писатель решил позвонить по телефону. Но пришлось вынуть платок и зажать нос.
  The writer has decided to call by phone. But it was necessary to take out a scarf and to close a nose.
  'Крутятся!' - подумал писатель. - 'Диалектика! Но я же не Гегель... Как об этом написать...'
  "They are rotating... They are turning!" - the writer has thought. - "Dialectics! But I am not Hegel ... As about it to write ..."
  25 марта 2018 г. 16:21
  March 25, 2018 16:21
  Translation from Russian into English: March 25, 2018 16:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о вентиляторах и о Гегеле'.
  9. Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius
  Скетч о поездке на лифте на Маврикий
  Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius
  Пришла очень значительная фигура на радиостанцию и говорит:
  Very considerable person has come to radio station and says:
  - Мы вас очень любим и уважаем, и будем делать для вас очень-очень много хорошего.
  - We very much love you and we respect, and we will do for you very much a lot of good.
  - Пришел вопрос от одного из радиослушателей, - говорит ведущая. - Собственно у меня лично аналогичная ситуация. Я каждое утро спускаюсь на лифте, когда иду на работу. И каждый вечер поднимаюсь на лифте к себе в квартиру, когда с работы возвращаюсь. Стараюсь лифтом пользоваться по-меньше. Но все равно испытываю дискомфорт. Что мне, как человеку с активной жизненной позицией, делать?
  - The question from one of radio listeners has come, - the radio hostess says. - Actually I have personally similar situation. I go down every morning on the elevator when I go to work. And every evening I rise on the elevator to myself to the apartment when from work I come back. I try to use the elevator less. But all the same I feel discomfort. What to me as to the person with active living position to do?
  - Во-первых, поздравляю Вас! Одна из сотрудниц вашей радиостанции понаслушалась новостей и у нее остановилась сердце.
  - First, I congratulate you! One of women - employees of your radio station - has listened to the large volume of news and at her has stopped heart.
  Другая после увольнения уехала на Таити. Там она нырнула по-глубже, и не поднялась.
  Another - young woman - after dismissal has gone to Tahiti. There she has dived on - more deeply, and hasn't risen.
  А Вы каждый день и спускаетесь, и поднимаетесь...
  And you every day go down, and you rise ...
  Во-вторых, Вы, как человек с активной жизненной позицией, можете написать обращение офицеру, например, гвардейскому корнету Михаилу Лермонтову. Помните его строки 'Что же мне так больно и так трудно...'? Или обращение Сергею Есенину. Не забыли его стихи: 'Кого жалеть? Ведь каждый в мире странник...'? Впрочем, Есенин был дезертиром, так что ответа от него не ждите.
  Secondly, you as the person with active living position, you can write the address to the officer, for example, to a Guards cornet Mikhail Lermontov. Do you remember his lines "Why so painfully and so harshly for me..."? Or address to Sergey Yesenin. Haven't forgotten his verses: "Whom to pity? Everyone in the world the wanderer ..."? However, Yesenin was a deserter so from him don't wait for the answer.
  - Благодарю Вас за Вашу рекомендацию, - говорит ведущая. - Завтра же сяду на лифт и уеду на Маврикий!
  - I thank you for your recommendation, - the radio hostess says. - Tomorrow I will get on the elevator and I will go to Mauritius!
  - Счастливого пути!
  - Have a good trip!
  April 7, 2018 09:20
  7 апреля 2018 г. 09:20
  Translation from Russian into English: April 7, 2018 10:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о поездке на лифте на Маврикий'.
  10. The Story about the Creative Streams of Air
  Рассказ о творческих потоках воздуха
  The Story about the Creative Streams of Air
  Пришла ставшая известной дама на радиостанцию.
  The lady who has become widely known has come to a radio station.
  А там сидят двое. Один - молодой-сомнительный. Другой - умудренный годами, старой закалки.
  And there the two are sitting. One - the young-doubtful. Another - the grown wise for years, of the old school.
  Молодой-сомнительный говорит умудренному:
  The young-doubtful speaks to the grown wise man:
  - Что-то у вас...
  - Something at you ...
  - Крутятся... - отвечает тот.
  "They are rotating... They are turning!" - the grown wise man answers.
  Молодой-сомнительный поднял брови и направил внимание на подошедшую даму:
  The young-doubtful man has raised eyebrows and has directed attention to the approaching lady:
  - У Вас отличный радиоблог!
  - You have the excellent radioblog!
  - Благодарю Вас, маэстро! То есть, мэтр. В общем, - творческий Гулливер.
  - I thank you, the maestro! That is, the master. Generally, - the creative Gulliver.
  Молодой-сомнительный подумал, оценил. И говорит умудренному годами и ставшей известной даме:
  The young-doubtful man has thought, has estimated. And he speaks out to the grown wise for years and to the become widely known lady:
  - А вы бы сказали радиослушателям, чтобы они не позволяли себя использовать!
  - And you would tell radio listeners that they should not allow themselves to be used!
  Дама, ставшая известной, вышла из помещения.
  The lady who has become the widely known left the room.
  Умудренный годами пошел лично, без обращения на литературную фабрику, писать рассказ о произошедшем разговоре.
  The grown wise for years have gone personally, without the address to a literary factory, to write the story about the taken place conversation.
  Но без упоминания самой встречи, диалога, вообще без упоминания каких-то реалистических обстоятельств, но с акцентом на появившиеся широкие возможности для юного поколения.
  But without mention of the meeting, the dialogue, in general without mention of some realistic circumstances, but with emphasis on the appeared ample opportunities for the young generation.
  А молодой-сомнительный набрал телефонный номер:
  And the young-doubtful have dialed the phone number:
  - Культурная панель? Срочно на совещание! Будем распределять финансовую поддержку...
  - The Cultural Panel? Urgently on the meeting! We will distribute the financial support ...
  'Это меня успокаивает', - добавил он после завершения телефонного разговора. И с наслаждением вздохнул.
  "It calms me", - he has added after completion of telephone conversation. And with pleasure have sighed.
  18 апреля 2018 г. 16:40
  April 18, 2018 16:40
  Translation from Russian into English: April 18, 2018 17:24. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о творческих потоках воздуха'.
  11. The Tale about Not-Sent Letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin
  M. Gorky decided to re-read the text of the letter. Here what in it was written:
  "Dear Ivan Alekseyevich!
  Often I think of You. About us.
  Yesterday, I had a conversation with Jack London at my Cafй-Library.
  Today I write You the letter. About what?
  Yes not so it and is important.
  Smiling and joking, I will tell: "About everything!"
  There was a desire to talk with You, albeit in absentia. Do You remember our acquaintance in 1899, cooperation in publishing company "Znanie"?
  I hope, I did not do any harm to You.
  I hope, that You can not reproach in anything "Znanie" - headed by me. It was a good time!
  But by adhering to epistolary discipline, I'll clarify.
  This my letter - about literary creativity, about creative cooperation, about literary success, about a theme: "to write and work or refrain from action and from writing".
  Remember, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, one of episodes of training of Nikolai Gogol in the Nizhyn Lyceum. Nikolai Vasilievich at one of lessons submitted to the teacher Nikolsky the poem by Pushkin "Prophet". Nikolsky was from the clergy. Was writer. He knew works by many poets, writers, but he treated Pushkin's creativity mistrustfully, did not read the works by Pushkin. Nikolsky read...Then he frowned and began to make the change in the text.
  Having returned verses to the imaginary author, Gogol, Nikolsky reproached him for insufficient diligence. Here Nikolai Vasilievich confessed that the author of this work - Pushkin and that he, Nikolai, decided to play a trick on Partheni Ivanovich, to whom you will not please in any way.
  Professor was the teacher of the highest pedagogical qualification. He kindly exclaimed: "Well what you understand! Yes unless Pushkin with gross mistakes cannot write? Here to you explicit proof... Recognize, by whom better is written...".
  Young Nikolai Gogol gets a lesson of problem-based learning. Perhaps one of the most important literary creative lessons in the Nizhyn gymnasium.
  But you will agree, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, that the situation, favorably resolved due to the pedagogical genius of the teacher Nikolsky and the luck of Nikolai Gogol, was very ambiguous. There were words about dishonesty, disrespect, plagiarism could be mentioned. Of course, if these words sounded, they would be pronounced without special aggressiveness, with exhortation. But still it would be unpleasant if they were uttered.
  Both the teacher and the pupil came out of the situation easily, gallantly, at ease.
  Some optimism felt Nikolai from Nikolsky, and from his kindly look.
  I write this letter, dear dear Ivan Alekseyevich, and in process of its writing I reflect over its subject. Here's another option: "Tireless creative energy. To act or not to act? To work or not to work?".
  I mentioned about yesterday's my conversation with Jack London above.
  London got acquainted in January, 1906 with the correspondent of one of local American newspapers Sinclair Lewis. Lewis came to take from him, London, an interview. At that time London actively agitated for "socialism". Not to me to you, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to tell about 1905! The world raged.
  Acquaintance between London and Lewis took place, but several years did not develop.
  Judging by subsequent events, Lewis was full of ebullient creative energy. The energy, that is actively seeking a way out.
  1913 comes. It's a year of finishing the construction of Jack London's extraordinary house. Year when the amount of monthly debts of London fluctuated approximately in borders from 25000 to 50000 dollars.
  Jack London was widely known figure. And certainly the correspondent Sinclair Lewis was to some extent aware of the affairs of London.
  The unusual charming mirage vision appeared before readers of the American newspapers.
  Great writer. Builder of the great house. The person, burdened with great debts.
  The person who is paying out the salary of numerous workers from the small leather pouches, intended for transporting gold, from the leather pouches, brought from the Klondike.
  By some estimates his(Jack London) annual earnings from literary activity made seventy five thousand dollars, and annual amount of expenses was hundred thousand dollars. Everything, than he owned, was mortgaged and remortgaged. For Russian literature familiar economic model?
  This great writer was forced to write as much as possible. Literary royalties were directing to payments on current expenses, to pay debts.
  Sinclair Lewis also knew about Jack London's adherence to "socialism", and London's desire to do good, to be a patron, a philanthropist.
  It is even clear logically, that prolonged overloads are reflected on creativity in the form of fatigue, overwork, reduced activity.
  In 1913, before the completion of the construction of the famous house, Lewis sends a letter to Jack London. In the letter - a few story sketches (projects) and an offer to buy them. The cost of one plot outline ranged around seven and a half dollars. At this time, Jack London's publishers were paying him for one story 500-750 dollars.
  Having learned about acquisition, Lewis at once informs London on use of these 15 dollars for purchase of the detail of a coat intended for Lewis's protection against cold wind.
  After a short period of time Lewis Sinclair sends Jack London additionally more than ten sketches, and a price list.
  In the cover letter reports that he, Lewis, hopes that London will widely use projects and it eventually will give to Lewis the chance to throw servitude and to return to free creativity.
  Jack London chooses some sketches and sends Lewis a check for fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Lewis immediately tells London that his (Lewis) the party-membership card of the member of socialist party - in a complete order.
  Approaching the completion of the construction of the famous house, conceived by London. Anyway, but no further correspondence between Lewis and London - seems like - is revealed.
  From biographic data it is possible to draw a conclusion that at least one of Lewis's sketches was used by London: London wrote the work and published it. The publication took place in 1913, even before completion of construction of the famous house.
  You may Agree, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, what with the aforementioned literature projects, the situation is ambiguous. On the one hand, Jack London - writer, who gained international fame. On the other hand, one of the thousands (tens of thousands) of journalists.
  Risky situation.
  Positive reaction of Jack London to Lewis Sinclair's proposals became part of history of the American literature.
  But London's reaction and negative was could to be.
  Hypothetical negative reaction would also become the part of the history of American literature.
  Even if we take into account the special conditions of 1913 for Jack London, the risk of a negative reaction was still quite real.
  Why were Lewis Sinclair's proposals accepted?.. Moment? Has everything "coincided"?
  The matter is not in 15 and is not in 52 dollars.
  Sharing creative concepts, ideas, thoughts - is a normal thing.
  History of literature knows, for example, about the perception Nikolai Gogol of certain creative ideas from Alexander Pushkin. Remember the Arzamas ("Арзамас") literary society: communication for an exchange of creative ideas, plans.
  I note that at one time the subject of discussion was the role of A. Dumas's creative assistants.
  Your humble servant, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, was one of the initiators of the Central House of Writers, Moscow club of writers. I also endeavoured about the establishment of the Literature Institute.
  Any form of communication, the interaction of creative people, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, presupposes creative exchange.
  But sometimes not only the environment is needed, but also a personal volitional effort, tactical action, perseverance, initiative. Intrigue. Breakthrough. Jump. Rapid maneuver. Knight's move to "made"-Fate.
  And so, I will continue a thought. The matter is not in 15 and is not in 52 dollars.
  Permit, I will distract further from the specific relations of Jack London with Sinclair Lewis.
  I will talk about abstract "the great writer", "journalist", "coauthor", "sub-coauthor".
  If the great writer purchases sketches, were been created the journalist (one the journalist among the thousands, tens of thousands journalists), uses sketches or a sketch at least in one published work, then someone may feel appearance of concepts such as "coauthor" or "sub-coauthor".
  For the great writer who wrote tens of volumes of world famous works, the significance of use of one or several (stranger, were made by other author) sketches is equal to zero.
  For an (ordinary) journalist, the importance of using one or more of his (journalist's) sketches in creativity of a great writer is infinitely great.
  Yet, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, how powerful is the creative flow, the flow of creative energy! How diverse this mastery!
  How diverse are the ways of coming, entering the literature!
  For example, someone enters the literature through wanderings, pilgrimages, travels, various kinds of trials, through the formation of a person's reputation with a "bitter" fate.
  Someone passes through participation in military operations and through their description.
  Someone gradually increases creative potential, aims to develop capabilities.
  Probably, cooperation with publishing company "Znanie" also was for someone the road to literature...
  But if - hypothetically imagine - a person who firmly decided to become a writer, without any organizational or governmental support, without the support of patrons or relatives, became a co-author or a sub-coauthor of a great writer, - then this resolute and persistent person - becoming a co-author - entered the literature.
  He does not become "friend", "drinking companion", "bootlicker", "footman"... He, I will add, does not try to become permanent "speechwriter" ("writer of literary sketches"). What for? He resolved to become a writer. He uses the force the mind. He makes subject sketches and writes letters.
  He waits! Waits, waits and waits.
  He uses organizational opportunities of the post service. And he - is a coauthor (sub-coauthor) of the great writer. He confidently entered the literature.
  I am surprised to variety of this world and those ways which creative energy is opening for itself.
  I switch, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to other reflections on the of Jack London's literary career.
  Let's move on, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to a higher level of generalizations. Kindness. Kind person. His defenselessness. His fate. Bitterness. Anger.
  One of heads of construction of the extraordinary house so remembered about Jack London: "Jack was the best of people. I have not met anyone more humane. He was kind with all, you will never see him without smile. He was a real democrat, noble person, gentleman; he loved family, he respected the workers". The same approximately estimates in memoirs of other people.
  The kind person approximately in 1913, apparently, in a minute of psychological depression, at the moment of exasperation writes in one of letters to one of addressees: "Will burst a thunder, and then you'll have to beg not one day a forgiveness and to bow before the whole world; and when you will become ashes, echoes of this thunderstorm will reach those who are not now born, and you will make the coup - into your coffins".
  Is it possible for me , dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to ask you what you think of kindness, of defenselessness, and of the fate of an abstract kind man, what you think of bitterness, anger ... These questions may be sound as naпve: eternal themes. Nevertheless, if there is a mood, write me about them...
  I returning, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to one of formulations of subjects of my letter: "to write and work and to act or refrain from writing and working and action?".
  There will be time, write Your answer, expound Your reflections.
  Your Maxim Gorky (Alexei Peshkov)."
  After reading the text of the letter, Gorky meditated some moments.
  - Eternal themes! - he said.
  Having sighed, he wrote on a top margin of the first page of the letter: "The drafts!".
  Gorky returned to giving out the books to readers of the Cafй-Library.
  - What author, what book are interesting for you ? Again Jack London? We have in the catalog a section "American Literature". You can choose to yourself more authors.
  He clarified the words, been heard from the reader:
  - A little later? Do you plan then - Dreiser? And now you want to - Jack London? But yet after reading, look the catalog ...
  May 13, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 28 October 2017 - 29 October 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о не отправленном письме М. Горького И.А. Бунину'.
  12. Dialogue between the Journalist and Reader
  - Our radio program about corruption and about struggle against her is complete today. We shall meet soon in the next radio program.
  - Pushkin and Lermontov traveled much.
  - The twentieth day of our travel by electric trains across over all Russia. We with the press photographer have reached the small far city of N.
  - Yes!
  - The travel, our with the press photographer, across China continues. We in the center of the Gobi Desert.
  - Perfectly! Heroes of Jules Verne have reached almost the center of Earth!
  - Today the reportage for the objective reasons is conducted by the press photographer!
  - Heroic profession! Magnificent talents!
  January 30, 2018 07:27
  Translation from Russian into English: January 30, 2018 07:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог журналиста и читателя'.
  13. Dialogue of colleagues
  Диалог коллег
  Dialogue of colleagues
  После неприятной истории с Радищевым Екатерина II выделила деньги из государственного бюджета на поддержку литературного творчества.
  After a unpleasant story with Alexander Radishchev Catherine II has allocated money from the state budget for support of literary creativity.
  Составили смету. Устроили очередную книжную выставку.
  Have calculated the estimate. Have organized the once more book exhibition.
  Люди все уважаемые. Рядом оказались за соседними столами бывший пресс-секретарь одной из организационных структур в звании генерала со своей книгой о резонансных, всем известных, громких преступлениях и новационный журналист со своей книгой 'Все тайны петербургской бани'.
  People - all the respected. At the nearby tables are sit the former press secretary of one of the organisation structures in the general's rank with the book about resonant, all the known, loud crimes and the innovative journalist with the book "All Mysteries of the St. Petersburg Bathhouse".
  Экс-пресс-секретарь смотрел вокруг, иногда бросая взгляды на соседа.
  The ex-press secretary looked around, sometimes darting glances at the neighbor.
  А тот сосредоточился на своей книге, на экс-пресс-секретаря как-то совсем не смотрел.
  The neighbor has focused on the book, somehow didn't watch absolutely at the ex-press secretary.
  Мероприятие было недолгим. Стали все подниматься. Волей-неволей журналист бросил взгляд на экс-пресс-секретаря, кивнул ему и что-то буркнул.
  The action was short. All began to stand up. Willy-nilly the journalist has darted a glance at the ex-press secretary, has nodded to him and has muttered something.
  'Так было нужно, коллега' - послышалось экс-пресс-секретарю.
  "It was so necessary, the colleague", - the ex-press secretary seemed, that he heard.
  Журналист направился к выходу.
  The journalist has gone to an exit.
  'Нужны новые подходы, новые пыжи в писательской обойме, новые литературные величины.' - мудро подумал генерал.
  "The new approaches, the new corks in the writers community's clip, the new literary organisms are necessary." - the general has wisely thought.
  1 февраля 2018 г. 15:05
  February 1, 2018 15:05
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2018 15:10. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог коллег'.
  14. The Fairy Tale about Pushkin on Easter Island
  Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи
  The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island
  Александр Пушкин решил стать журналистом. Как только он ощутил это желание, он оказался на острове Пасхи.
  Alexander Pushkin has decided to become a journalist. As soon as he has felt this desire, he has found himself of Easter Island.
  Пушкин не падал духом. Он направился в прогулку по острову, декламируя вслух произведения Лермонтова.
  Pushkin didn't lose courage. He has gone to walk on the island, reciting aloud works by Lermontov.
  - Не вы ль сперва так злобно гнали
  Его свободный, смелый дар
  И для потехи раздували
  Чуть затаившийся пожар?
  - Did not you, at first so viciously pushed aside
  His free, daring gift
  And for fun were fanning
  A little hidden fire?
  Пушкин посмотрел вокруг, прислушался. Ответа не было. Он решил переключиться на Лермонтовскую прозу.
  Pushkin has looked around, has listened. The answer wasn't. He has decided to switch to Lermontovsky prose.
  - Здесь нечисто! Я встретил сегодня черноморского урядника, он мне знаком - был прошлого года в отряде, как я ему сказал, где мы остановились, а он мне: 'Здесь, брат, нечисто, люди недобрые!..'
  -Here the place is uncleanly! I have met the officer of the the Black Sea Cossacks' Host today, he is familiar to me - was last year in the squad, as I have told him where we have stopped, and he to me: "Here, brother, is dirty place, the people bad!."
  Пушкину показалось, что на него откуда-то сверху смотрят с иронией и превосходством.
  It seemed to Pushkin that on him from where from above look with irony and superiority.
  Может, быть, его надежды скрыты в море? Но, увы, парус одинокой не белел в тумане моря голубом!..
  Perhaps to be, his hopes are hidden in the sea? But, alas, the lonely white sail didn't grow in sea fog blue!.
  Нет паруса! 'Пришел невод с одною рыбкой,
  С непростою рыбкой, - золотою.' 'Это - из Пушкина' - подумал Пушкин. - 'Откуплюсь чем только пожелаешь.' 'Не садися не в свои сани!'
  There is no sail! "Came seine with one fish,
  With the uneasy small fish, - the gold. " "It - from Pushkin" - Pushkin has thought. - "I will pay off using the such kind of payment, what only you will wish." "Don't sit in other people's sleds!"
  Появились сомнения:
  There were doubts:
  - Быть может, за стеной Кавказа
  Укроюсь от твоих пашей...
  - Perhaps, behind a wall of the Caucasus
  I will can to hiding from your bashaws...
  Как по волшебству опустилась южная ночь.
  The southern night has as if by magic fallen up the earth.
  Пушкину на память пришли строки из 'Макара Чудры' М. Горького:
  To Pushkin's memory was come the lines from "Makar Chudra" of M. Gorky:
  - С моря дул влажный, холодный ветер, разнося по степи задумчивую мелодию плеска набегавшей на берег волны и шелеста прибрежных кустов. Изредка его порывы приносили с собой сморщенные, желтые листья и бросали их в костер, раздувая пламя; окружавшая нас мгла осенней ночи вздрагивала и, пугливо отодвигаясь...
  - From the sea damp, cold wind blew, carrying on the steppe a thoughtful melody of splash of the wave running on the coast and a rustle of coastal bushes. Occasionally his rushes brought with the themselves wrinkled, yellow leaves and threw them into a fire, inflating a flame; the haze of autumn night surrounding us was shuddering, timidly being going off away ...
  В наступившей темноте Пушкин внезапно осознал, что он снова находится в России. Пушкин почувствовал интерес к личности Петра I и решил сосредоточиться на написании поэмы 'Полтава'.
  In the come darkness Pushkin suddenly has realized that he is in Russia again. Pushkin has felt interest in Peter I's identity and has decided to focus on writing of the poem "Poltava".
  02 марта 2018 г. 18:48
  March 02, 2018 18:48
  Translation from Russian into English: March 02, 2018 20:19. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи'.
  15. The Story about the Petersburg long-liver
  Journalists have decided to interview the most senior resident of St. Petersburg.
  Have come to him on a visit and ask: "Do you have civil sympathies and for whom?"
  He has heard this question, and has fallen into confusion.
  He have remembered how before opening of the Constituent Assembly a demonstrations were shot from machine guns. How Lenin looked with an irony at the gathered deputies, and sailors and soldiers were aiming from rifles in deputies as for fun. How the sailor Zheleznyakov has closed the All-Russian forum.
  The respectable Petersburger sits and is silent.
  Journalists insist: "Readers very much are interested in your opinion".
  What to do? The members of the media already on a visit, have tea. When came, have given some present.
  It is necessary to answer something.
  Whom names to voice out?
  Kadets? So those - before opening of the Assembly - many were arrested, and then many were shot.
  SRs? What to tell about them?
  Bolsheviks? And what about the surplus-appropriation system? About the dispossession of kulaks? And other miracles?
  The respectable Petersburger was thinking and thinking. At last, he have found what to answer. "I", - says, - "sympathize with Gorky, Alexei Maximovich".
  Journalists for some reason were delighted. We, they speak, graduated from the institute of his name. The Literature Institute.
  On this interview has come to the end.
  Journalists have gone to the media edition office to prepare an interview for the publication and a reports on the current events.
  March 18, 2018 16:31
  Translation from Russian into English: March 18, 2018 17:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о петербургском долгожителе'.
  16. The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2
  Рассказ о Меркадере. Серия 2
  The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2
  Рамон Меркадер сидел в парке и играл в шахматы с каким-то случайным партнером.
  Ramon Mercader sat in the park and played chess with some random partner.
  Положение партнера было сложным, и он надолго задумался.
  The chess position of a partner was difficult, and he has for a long time thought.
  Рамон Меркадер вынул из кармана и открыл купленную по пути газету.
  Ramon Merkader has taken out from a pocket and has opened the newspaper bought on the way.
  Так... Две записки... Журналиста и школьника... Выводы 'Репортеров без границ'... Россия заняла 148 место в рейтинге свободы прессы... Мексика?!.. 147 место!?..
  So ... Two notes ... The journalist and the school student ... Conclusions of "Reporters Without Borders" ... Russia has taken the 148th place in the rating of freedom of the press ... Mexico?!. The 147th place!?.
  Настроение испортилось. Рамон Меркадер быстро доиграл партию, выиграв у партнера, и пошел в книжный магазин.
  The mood has deteriorated. Ramon Merkader has quickly finished party, having won against the partner, and has gone to bookstore.
  Он купил книгу Михаила Лапирова-Скобло о Томасе Альва Эдисоне. Открыл. Начал читать.
  He has bought the book by Mikhail Lapirov-Skoblo about Thomas Alva Edison. He have opened the book and have begun to read.
  'Он добился разрешения устроить свою лабораторию в багажном вагоне того поезда, в котором продавал газеты и товары...
  "He has achieved a permission to arrange the laboratory in a baggage car of that train in which he sold newspapers and goods...
  В свободные моменты и в ночные часы (он возвращался домой вечером не раньше половины десятого) Аль углублялся в чтение книг и в производство опытов, главным образом химических...
  At the free moments and at night (he usually came back home in the evening not earlier than a half of the tenth) Al (Alva) went deep into a reading books and into production of experiences, mainly chemical ...
  Вскоре Тома постигло несчастье. Однажды поезд, в багажном вагоне которого он помещался со своей лабораторией и типографией, быстро шел по участку пути, где рельсы была плохо проложены.
  Soon Thomas was comprehended by misfortune. Once the train in which baggage car he was located with the laboratory and printing house was quickly moving along the site of a way where rails were in a bad condition.
  Багажный вагон сильно накренился. В отделении, которое занимала лаборатория, упал с полки на пол кусок фосфора и воспламенился. В вагоне начался пожар.
  The baggage car was strongly tilted for a moment. The piece of phosphorus has fallen from the shelf on a floor in the part of railway car which was occupied by laboratory, and have ignited. In the railway car the fire has begun.
  Эдисон пытался его потушить. В это время вошел кондуктор, который залил огонь водой и предотвратил несчастье. Кондуктор ... тут же на ближайшей станции ... выбросил Тома на платформу вместе с его лабораторией, типографией, всеми газетами и товарами. Огорченный, потрясенный, но не обескураженный, Том остался стоять на платформе. Он собрал остатки своей типографии и лаборатории и снова вернулся с ними в подвал родного дома.
  Edison tried to extinguish it. At this time the conductor has entered. The conductor has filled the fire with water and has prevented misfortune. The conductor ... right there at the nearest station ... has thrown out Thomas on the platform together with his laboratory, printing house, all newspapers and goods. Upset, shaken, but not discouraged, Thomas remained to stand on the platform. He has collected the remains of the printing house and laboratory and has again returned with them to the cellar of the native home.
  Спустя более полувека Эдисон не мог еще забыть катастрофы с багажным вагоном. 'Уж каких-каких злоключений не пережил я, начиная от ранней юности и до глубокой старости, - говорит он, - а никогда не был в таком отчаянии, как тогда, когда лишился своей первой лаборатории'.
  After more then a half a century Edison couldn't forget still the accident with a railway wagon. "I met a rather different misadventures during my life, beginning from an early youth and till an extreme old age, - he said, - and I never was in such despair as when has lost the first my laboratory".
  Обычно рассказывают, что кондуктор оттаскал мальчика за уши так жестоко, что повредил барабанную перепонку, и что с этого времени начинается глухота Эдисона...'
  Usually tell that the conductor has pulled the boy's ear so cruelly that he has injured an eardrum. And after that incident the Edison's deafness began..."
  'Талантливым людям везде трудно', - вздохнул Рамон Меркадер. - 'А где им легко?'
  "Everywhere it is difficult for talented people", - Ramon Merkader has sighed. - "And where it's easy - for them?"
  И он пошел в парк играть в шахматы.
  And he has gone in the park to play chess.
  25 апреля 2018 г. 14:29
  April 25, 2018 14:29
  Translation from Russian into English: April 26, 2018 02:16. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о Меркадере. Серия 2'.
  17. The Express Sketch about Radio-mite, Schnauzer and Bull Terrier
  - Invite the radio mite!
  - M-m-m...
  - First, he's the smart radio mite. I was told. Second, angry. May be... Third, he speaks in a quiet voice, trying to seem sinister. Seems, this character will be useful for radio listeners.
  - Will be fulfilled.
  - All are fools and silly persons!
  Radio hosts have imperceptibly looked at each other.
  - When I worked in administrative structures, have brought me the document which I have prepared two years earlier. Also haven't changed at it even date! The document was simply pulled out from the computer and dispatched!
  One of the radio presenters looked at the other: "If he is the ex-employee of the administration, so it is difficult for the Internet volunteers to reach such intellectual level ..." The other radio host tried to keep calm.
  - They've been in power four years! And they showed themselves so stupid persons: that they did not catch three local homeless people, did not beat them and did not make them admit that they were recruited in the days of the Soviet Union.
  Radio presenters tensed.
  - And now imagine that I will take and I will eat the sausage brought for a breakfast the one of radio hosts!?
  The radio host has begun to worry: "It is time to complete".
  - We thank our guest for the interesting discussion! Our radio programm comes to the end!
  - What with the radio mite?
  - He have gone ... on affairs ...
  - Well, well. He he could cling to the Schnauzer... In our radio station it will be not comme il faut ...
  - To let out the Schnauzer?
  - He was explained not to be shallow with the topic. What are tricycles? The projects of swings - for ruble, and performances - it's a kopeck. He promised to think ... What will he think up?...
  - We will see...
  - Dear radio listeners! There has come the 'Time of the Schnauzer'! To someone will be funny!
  Letters have come me with requests to discuss a more value themes. I have thought on the way to radio station. ... "There" it is quite stuffy... So you consider the working version. The version for discussion.
  So. Who in our society is not stupid, quite enterprising and very wealthy? Of course, I do not compare myself and my comrades with the oligarchs. Oligarchs are people of another reality. And we are - from the thickness of the common people. Just we showed more understanding of the situation.
  In some sense, we (I and my comrades) - are happy! It is clear, not all are happy equally. But nevertheless. Social position. The influence. So far, - though intimidate, - but so far and with money everything is all right. Of course, there are certain nuances. But - what to do? That's a life.
  I present my upgraded intelligent algorithm.
  Step one: I'm worried. I fear. If earlier I was afraid for road users, for cyclists, now I'm afraid for everyone! The stratification of society is abnormal, there are many poor people. Pessimistic, nefarious assessments of reality and the future appear.
  Step two. I protect. I become on protection. I sound the alarm. I - not the thimblerigger, but I am - the concerned defender! Agree that it is absolutely other foreshortening. If earlier I protected participants of traffic and cyclists, then now, - in the modernized option, - I protect all! Yes-yes! All - all - all!
  Third step. How to be? How to transform the aspiration to care for all into the system of consecutive actions? We already have the consept of it. Key to a situation: training and examination on obtaining the rights.
  The door in studio was slightly opened. The Bull Terrier gradually came into radio studio with the interested look. Diplomatic radio hosts began to move far away from the Schnauzer.
  The Schnauzer continued meanwhile:
  - If I and my comrades, - prosperous, in general, people, - the, therefore, we can rid all (except oligarchs, - they are in the other reality) from problems. Let's make everyone to study and to pass exams for status. Status such a persons, as I and my comrades.
  One of the radio presenters, despite the approach of the Bull Terrier, could not resist the skeptical remark:
  - You say: stratification, poverty... A headache!.. And you still "throw up" for all population training with the exams ... and what percentage will be successful?.. "Examor" you want to arrange?
  - They will pass the exams, together with candidates for the right of driving of motor vehicles, - schematically formulated Schnauzer.
  Other radio host has sounded out the conclusion with surprise:
   - Will pass the exams on these "rights" and will be same as you and your comrades? That is our entire population will become prosperous people? All will have a solid appearance, will demonstrate the correct behavour? And all receive decent money?
  The Bull Terrier approached closer and closer the Schnauzer.
  Suddenly radio hosts have rushed away from the radio studio.
  Radio listeners have heard the growling of the Bull Terrier and the panic screeching of the Schnauzer from loudspeakers of radio receivers.
  "Remember a mite, but don't forget also about a bull terrier!" - one of radio hosts has quietly whispered, standing in a corridor.
  "It will be the uncomfortable reality! And not only for network hamsters!" - other radio host has agreed.
  June 1, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: June 2, 2018 07:08. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Экспресс-Скетч о радиоклеще, шнауцере и бультерьере'.
  The Collection was composed: April 26, 2018, June 2, 2018.
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