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Oleg Sokolov, the creator of the micro-world, who was spirited, was alcoholized in a Russial sub-criminal jar. A culturological sketch

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    Oleg Sokolov, the creator of the micro-world, who was spirited, was alcoholized in a Russial sub-criminal jar. A culturological sketch.

  Oleg Sokolov, the creator of the micro-world, who was spirited (alcoholized) in a Russial sub-criminal jar. A culturological sketch.
  On September 30, 2020, the ex-girlfriend of Oleg Sokolov (Ekaterina [Catherine] Przhigodzkaya, with whom Sokolov met from 2008 to 2010, and who submitted an application on December 1, 2008 against him to law enforcement agencies), spoke at the hearing in court on September 30, 2020.
  12 years have passed since the breakup. A former girlfriend arrives from abroad and in detail, without hiding her identity, talks about her relationship with Sokolov.
  Sokolov actively opposes her statements.
  Earlier, on November 22, 2019, Фонтанка.Ру [Fontanka.Ru] published a large interview with Ekaterina (her surname was not named then) about her relationship with Sokolov.
  The press is actively investigating the details of Oleg Sokolov's relationship with his wives and girlfriends.
  As a result of all these information efforts, the image of a person who is completely unusual for Russia is being formed.
  Let's start with what lies on the surface and then dig deeper.
  Oleg Sokolov was in constant contact with the embassy of one of the Western countries (of France). For Soviet and Russial citizens, such relations are completely unusual.
  A certain loosening the rules of the regime appeared after Gorbachev's departure. But, in general, the relationship (not even political) of a Russial citizen with the Western embassy can cause deep, hidden irritation ...
  In order to communicate with the Western embassy on a personal level, you need to be Mikhail Bulgakov (he communicated with the staff of the US Embassy). Some biographers of Mikhail Bulgakov suggest that his third wife in her youth was in close relations with Stalin, and during marriage she was in the service ...
  Stable relations with the Western embassy are rare for a huge mass of Russial citizens. And in this biographical circumstance, the obvious unusualness of Oleg Sokolov is manifested - an unusualness that lies on the surface.
  However, behind external circumstances, somebody was not able to see more interesting processes.
  Oleg Sokolov created his own micro-world - with historical reconstructions, with unusual hobbies and unusual leisure activities.
  Very conventionally, this pastime can be compared with golf or tennis. Sokolov's micro-world was much more complex. There were elements of sport, elements of cultural development, and elements of intellectual movement ...
  The average Russial citizen is closed in his own world, consisting of work, housing (inherited, as a rule, from Soviet times), TV and a set of more or less standard interests.
  The standard Russial citizen does not have any special prospects. His thoughts revolve around prices, around salaries, around promises made by high-ranking figures, around friends and acquaintances with approximately the same interests ... The weaker human falls into depression and into an interest in alcoholic beverages ...
  People from the entourage of Oleg Sokolov found themselves in a completely different world. Here one could march in the fresh air in military uniforms, dance at a ball in beautiful clothes, talk about military history, and possibly communicate with people from other countries - from among those who are interested in historical reconstruction.
  Sokolov's wives and girlfriends were in an even more advantageous position.
  All of them, except for Anastasia, are well arranged, settled. Some live abroad.
  Emotional Sokolov was making a complex impression on his girlfriends. On September 30, 2020, in the court, the interrogation of Catherine, who came from abroad, ended emotionally unexpectedly.
  'Here the emotions of Catherine ran high, she suddenly turned to Sokolov on 'you' [на "ты" - in that situation it's a more friendly form].
  'I have no antipathy for you,' Ekaterina looked at the historian. - I forgave you back then. And when we met in the 13th year [2013], you gave me your book, which we translated together. You were very gallant. I listened to the lecture with pleasure, you apologized for not writing my name in the book. I decided that we can start to communicate in a friendly manner. I didn't mind. But I was paying for all the trips myself!
  At this point, the court decided to end the interrogation of Catherine. " (Roman Lyalin. "I will kill you and bury you at a construction site": The ex-mistress of the historian Sokolov spoke about torture and blackmail with a video for adults). (
  Back in an interview published on November 22, 2019, Ekaterina said:
  'He can be very gallant, caring, it was interesting with him. He read a lot to me, brought up me, in every possible way involved me in his activities. He really developed very strongly those people who lived with him. He has a phenomenal memory, he knows French like a god [on highest level]. " (Nadezhda Mazakina. She loved. She hated. She alive. Confession by the surviving chosen woman [by the girlfriend] of the historian Sokolov). (
  In terms of a civilized Western society, Oleg Sokolov was a unique person - the owner of a cultural, historical and sports project.
  The rights of any owner in modern Russia can become the subject of an attack, an attempt at a raider takeover. It's not so difficult to organize...
  The owner of the project is defenseless in more scale.
  Where are the owners of the bike parades project (in Moscow)? Where are the owners of the Immortal Regiment project?
  Where is the owner of the military-historical reconstruction project Oleg Sokolov?
  As it has now become clear, Sokolov's salary at St. Petersburg State University was 17,566 rubles [in month]. 'At the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University, Oleg Sokolov worked part-time, as follows from official documents' (Roman Lyalin. The brilliance and poverty of the historian Sokolov: Before the murder of a graduate studentess, the assistant professor was on the verge of bankruptcy). (
  A man rich (by Western standards), the owner of a successful project, was forced to play by the rules of Russial reality. According to these rules, the owner of the project could not use a huge black car and not pay attention to the high level persons.
  For safety and survival, he had to demonstrate his loyalty, to show own insignificance (work as an assistant professor at the university half-time, be a member of the scientific council of the Military Historical Society). In this capacity, he was temporarily tolerated and refrained from direct aggression towards him ...
  Why should a rich successful person, for whose intellectual product there is a steady demand, work as a teacher for little money at a university, cooperate with the Military Historical Society?
  I admit that in a normal society he could establish some kind of partnership with this Military Historical Society, sign some kind of cooperation agreement.
  A rich, famous person could periodically read lectures at St. Petersburg State University (ardent, filled with energetic feelings, studentesses are, nevertheless, a separate argument). Him, possible, they could reward with Honorary Doctor, Honorary Professor ...
  It is a different matter in Russia. Sokolov, it seems to us, irritated this all-powerful bureaucratic environment, he was alien to this environment. We assume that the attitude towards him was contemptuous, hubris, mocking, ironic (if he is so smart, then why is he not very rich?), well diluted with jealousy (he is successful!) and with suspicion (what is he talking about at the embassy?).
  Sokolov could not (or did not want) to part with either St. Petersburg State University or the Military Historical Society - although objectively he needed them, like a hare needed a pump organ (harmonium). He could not ... Could not ... How could he live and survive without them, without these respected organizations? Does he by himself, without these signs, plaques, represent something?
  The criminal sub-culture, into which Sokolov plunged and in into which he lived, transformed of his personality ...
  He has abilities, interests, achievements ... He is active and achieves success ...
  But at the same time, he periodically shows a penchant for alcoholic beverages, he periodically demonstrates aggressiveness ...
  He's surrounded from all sides, as if he is a wild animal during a hunting ...
  The law does not protect his rights as the owner of the project ... Yes, he has a reputation, connections, a success story ... But all this can be destroyed by Russial specialists - by hunters for people and their property ...
  In the Military Historical Society, he is pushed aside to a secondary position ...
  At St. Petersburg State University, he cannot defend his doctoral dissertation and become a professor - despite all publications, all scientific achievements, recognition abroad, and popularity among students.
  But Sokolov does not give up. He has energy, connections, experience, reputation.
  Finally, a scientific pranker is released against Sokolov, and the real persecution begins.
  'Dmitry Puchkov recalled that some attacks worried Anastasia Yeshchenko.
  'They were throwing rats under the door to him, it hurt Anastasia,' the blogger shared. - Then they began to send SMS about treason [adultery]. Against Oleg Valerievich [Sokolov], videos were recorded deliberately offensive in order to lead him into an extremely irritated state and provoke him to harsh actions and statements. This is trolling, which in a decent society is considered mean. " (Roman Lyalin. "They looked at each other with adoration": Dmitry "Goblin" Puchkov told the court about the relationship between the historian Sokolov and graduate studentess Yeshchenko). (
  Sokolov was not a specialist in participating in such events ... He was the owner of a successful project ...
  If Sokolov had shot one of the characters, who participated in the throwing rats under the door to him (and Anastasia, on the contrary, would have remained alive), then how would the situation have changed? The disaster would not have been so terrible. But the process (exceeded or not exceeded the limits of necessary defense and so on) would have stretched (approximately) for five years. And Sokolov would have come out of this process without a reputation, without connections, without a success story. Anastasia, if she had stayed with Sokolov for the period of the proceedings, would have turned into a very tired, seriously oldered (aged), woman, who has lost serious professional prospects ...
  In general, Sokolov is another example of an unusual, talented, relatively wealthy person who could not fit into the mores and realities of modern Russial reality, whose personality was deformed by the criminal sub-culture. Not being psychologically ready for "modern technologies", he suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, found himself in a trap ... It turned out that reputation, connections, success story are not so difficult to destroy ... This is how the situation appears to us - from our subjective point of view.
  [CDLIV. The Monologue about Jamal Khashoggi. - December 11, 2018.
  MDCCLXX. Heavy trials and a new historical version by Oleg Sokolov. A moral essay based on the materials of the judicial consideration. - October 14, 2020.]
  October 16, 2020 03:31
  Translation from Russian into English: October 16, 2020 16:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Создатель микро-мира Олег Соколов, заспиртованный в российском суб-криминальном растворе. Культурологический очерк'.
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