Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

"Questions". June 6, 2021

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  Short Preface.
  Since June 2017 till June, 2021, the author has written 13 miniatures in the literary genre "Questions". These miniatures are dedicated to different topics. They can be united on the basis of belonging to the literary genre of "Questions".
  The author has compiled a Collection of such miniatures and for a some time period places this Collection in the Interent.
  All the works of this Collection are the translations from Russian.
  Some miniatures are presented in "Russian and English" option.
  A certain quantity of miniatures, combined in this collection, were published in other collections.
  1. Questions about the Exhibition of 1896.
  2. Questions about a Big Money.
  3. Questions about the Nizhny Novgorod Craftsman.
  4. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.
  5. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.
  6. Questions about Ropsha.
  7. Questions about the crying Supreme Commander.
  8. The Questions about the Mysteriousness.
  9. Questions about the letter to Andrey Makarevich.
  10. Questions about the inform-"terem" and about the list of its inhabitants.
  11. Questions about the "Bureya" meteorite and the natural Bureya dam.
  12. Questions about profitable, effective diplomacy.
  13. Why is the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum needed? Questions.
  1. Questions about the Exhibition of 1896.
  - "Why I am remembering again and again the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod? The Exhibition of 1896? The tsar's visit with a guilty smile?" - Gorky has sighed with nostalgia. - "The exhibition pavilions, whirling as in dance, - in a semi-fantastic, silent, but mighty dance, - the pavilions, which I was observing from the train car moving?
  The obvious understanding of the hugeness of the state: from the White Sea to the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, from the Baltic coasts to Vladivostok?
  How to forget performances at an exhibition of the people's storytelleress Irina Fedosova: about the power of melancholy - a melancholy terrible, tearing heart? About a courage - which is full of vigorous forces? About a powerful love to freedom? About a search of feats? How to forget - in her execution - the "soldier's song", the song impressing by the melody, similar to the Byzantine drawing, abounding with a drearily daring shouts, the "akhs" and "ekhs", a long pullings of notes and infinite variations on the main motive?"
  Gorky and his guest - Aleksey Silych Novikov-Priboi, who has arrived to Capri, - were sitting admiring the sea.
  - "You, Alexei Maximovich, passed on foot a half of Russia? How many strokes on the teeth have you received for the time of the wanderings? Have you interceded for a woman? And you were beaten in responce? And if "on the teeth" every day? "For the order's sake"? Whether everybody could look at Russia in such style, like the visitors of an exhibitions did?" - Novikov-Priboi has made a pause. - "Wouldn't we were ready to forgive? In case, if the victory was reached? If the victory was a reality?"
  Novikov-Priboi has sighed:
  - "After the surrender of Port Arthur not followed the firmness during the Battle of Tsushima?"
  - "Whether will not break, old boy, the emergency brakes after February of the 1917th?" - the low, slightly bald, man with a big forehead, who has approached the conversating writers, has commented. - "Residents of Kronstadt will make in the spring of the 1917th an impression on counterrevolutionary public? And in the fall "Aurora" will make the cannon's shot toward the Winter Palace? In the 1918th in Novorossiysk will open the Kingston valves?"
  - "In 1921, in Kronstadt, it will no chance to solve situation without Tukhachevsky?" - Gorky has with regret conjectured.
  - "During the Siege of Leningrad in 1941-1943 the seamen will not show the big firmness?" - Novikov-Priboi has continued to express his thoughts.
  Gorky has nodded in agreement; the low man with a big forehead has departed by this moment from interlocutors, continuing walk along the coast of the island.
  - "The exhibition - enormous, immersed in the sounds of music, all filled in with electric light, fantastic, is, perhaps, the most Caprian image in our today's reminiscences?" - Gorky has thought aloud.
  Novikov-Priboi took a deep breath. Was a warm, fresh sea air.
  June 09, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: April 27, 2018 05:09, June 6, 2021 21:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о выставке 1896 года'.
  2. Questions about a Big Money.
  Вопросы о крупных деньгах
  Questions about a Big Money
  - Не случайно, Вы, Алексей Максимович, вчера Всероссийскую выставку 1896 года вспомнили? - обратился к Горькому Новиков-Прибой.
  - Not accidentally, you, Alexei Maximovich, have remembered the All-Russian Exhibition of 1896 yesterday? - Novikov-Priboi have addressed Gorky.
  Писатели - несколько человек - обедали за гостеприимным горьковским столом на каприйской вилле.
  Writers - a several people - had dinner at a hospitable Gorky's table on the one of the Capri's Villas.
  - Полагаете, Алексей Силыч? - ответил Горький. И обратился к Мамину-Сибиряку:
  - You suppose, Aleksey Silych? - Gorky has answered. And he have addressed Mamin-Sibiryak:
  - Дмитрий Наркисович, как же получается? И бедным в Вашим произведениях плохо? И тем, кто при крупных деньгах, - тоже плохо? "Царство золотого тельца" - это всеобщая разруха, "убыль жизни", неурядица? Предприятия в Ваших произведениях лопаются, а люди гибнут, морально опустошенные роковой страстью обогащения? При том, что золото "течёт рекой"? На новый "Золотой век" не очень похоже?
  - Dmitry Narkisovich, how it turns out? And to the poor men in yours works it is badly? And to those who with a big money, - too it is also badly? "The kingdom of a golden calf" is - a general ruin, "a life decrease and lack", a disorder? The enterprises in your works burst, and people perish, the people, which are morally devastated by fatal passion of an enrichment? Simultaneously a gold "flows as a river"? On the new "Golden Age " such a situation is not very similar?
  - Савву Тимофеевича Морозова и Николая Георгиевича Гарина-Михайловского - обладателей крупных денег, - можно отнести к людям со счастливой судьбой? - отреагировал Мамин-Сибиряк.
  - Savva Timofeyevich Morozov and Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky - the owners of a big money, - it is possible to carry them to the humans with happy destiny? - Mamin-Sibiryak has reacted.
  - "Ненормальное кровообращение общества"? Чудовищная трагикомедия? Богатство нищих, нищета богатых? Нищие - Алексей божий человек, святые, Иванушка-дурачок? Богатые - "Мёртвые души"? - высказался Горький.
  - "Not normal a blood circulation of society"? A terrible tragicomedy? Wealth of beggars, poverty of the rich? Beggars - Alexei the Man of God, Saints, Ivan the Fool? The rich - "Dead souls"? - Gorky has spoken.
  - Бессребреников, романтиков, идеалистов, мечтателей, рыцарей мечты и идеи - их вперед? Равенство людей? Но не равенство проектов? Вперед, то есть, вверх, в космос? - задумался Новиков-Прибой.
  - An altruistic persons, romantics, idealists, dreamers, knights of a dream and the idea - them forward? Equality of people? But not equality of projects? Forward, that is, up, into a cosmic space? - Novikov-Priboi has thought.
  - Поменять нищую и голодную жизнь сегодняшних и завтрашних талантов на жизнь обеспеченную и востребованную? Угадать и выдвинуть способную личность? Выделить средства "под проект"? Выйти в космос? - уточнил Горький.
  - To change a poor and hungry life of today's and tomorrow's talents for a life provided and demanded? To guess and nominate a capable personality? To allocate funds "under the project"? To go out into a cosmic space? - Gorky has specified.
  - Почему нет? - согласился Новиков-Прибой.
  - Why not? - Novikov-Priboi has agreed.
  - Не слишком ли эксклюзивный алгоритм? И не выглядит он наивно? Даже слегка сомнительно? - засомневался Горький. И продолжил:
  - Whether not too exclusive an algorithm? And doesn't such an algorithm look naive? Even as like a slightly a dubious idea? - Gorky has begun to doubt. Also he have continued:
  - Но где брать таланты послезавтра? Через несколько десятков лет? Если культурные корни сегодняшних и завтрашних талантов остаются во все более далеком прошлом? Свободная жизнь когда закончилась? Говорят, и на "нашей улице" был "Золотой век"? Если и был, то сколько времени прошло с той поры?
  - But where to take talents the day after tomorrow? In several decades? If cultural roots of today's and tomorrow's talents are remaining in more and more remote past? A free life when has ended? They say, that and on "our street" there was the "Golden Age"? If the "Golden Age" was, then has what is the time passed since then?
  - Как создать благоприятную среду? Чтобы окружала с детства? Как Томаса Эдисона? Если нет предпринимателей? Как вырастить предпринимателей, если нет среды? - поддержал тему Каменский, автор биографического очерка об Эдисоне.
  - How to create a favorable environment? How to make, that a favorable environment surrounded since a childhood? As in biography of Thomas Edison? If there are no businessmen? How to grow up businessmen if there is no a favorable environment? - Kamensky, the author of a biographical essay about Edison, has supported the discussion of the theme.
  - Сформировать "привычку крупных денег"? Учесть опыт последователей Конфуция? Обратиться за консультациями к китайским мудрецам? - предположил Карягин.
  - To create "a habit of a big money"? To consider the experience of followers of Confucius? To address for consultations the Chinese wise men? - Karyagin did the assumption.
  - Человеколюбие, правосудие, повиновение действующим законам и соблюдение установленных обрядов, правдолюбие, верность и честность?..- начал вспоминать вслух Горький фрагменты биографического очерка о Конфуции.
  - A philanthrophy, a justice, an obedience to current laws and observance of the established ceremonies, a love of a truth, a fidelity and honesty?.-Gorky has begun to remember aloud fragments of a biographic essay about Confucius.
  Несколько минут обед продолжался в молчании.
  Several minutes the lunch proceeded in silence.
  10 июня 2017 года
  June 10, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: April 28, 2018 05:20. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Questions about a Big Money'.
  3. Questions about the Nizhny Novgorod Craftsman.
  Вопросы о нижегородском цеховом
  Questions about the Nizhny Novgorod Craftsman
  Писатели обсуждали стоящие перед ними, литературными работниками, и перед страной задачи.
  Writers were discussing the tasks facing them, and the challenges facing the country.
  - Ваше, Алексей Максимович, близкое знакомство с инициированной Сергеем Юльевичем Витте Всероссийской выставкой 1896 года, наверное, позволило Вам понять возможности российской экономики, российского предпринимательства? - спросил один из молодых писателей-прозаиков.
  - Yours, Alexei Maksimovich, the close acquaintance with the All-Russian exhibition of 1896, the exhibition, initiated by Sergey Yulyevich Witte, probably, has allowed you to understand possibilities of the Russian economy, of the Russian business? - the one of young a prose writers has asked.
  - Со Всероссийской промышленной и художественной выставкой в Нижнем Новгороде?.. - "подключился к теме" Горький.
  - With the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod?.. - Gorky started "be involved into the theme".
  - У Вас появилось желание пойти по пути предпринимателя? - продолжил тему молодой писатель-прозаик. - С учетом того, что это занятие могло дать деньги, положение, возможности?..
  - Had you a desire to go on the way of the businessman? - the young a writer has continued a theme. - Taking into account that this kind of activity could give a money, a social status, an opportunities?..
  - Вы полагаете, что у меня не было положения? - уточнил Горький. - Думаете, что в большой сословной Империи у меня не было своего маленького, но вполне достойного, места? Пётр I в 1722 году учредил цеховую организацию ремесленников? Не благодаря ли моему дедушке Василию Васильевичу Каширину - цеховому старшине красильного цеха - я стал "цеховым"?
  - Do you think that I had no a social status? - Gorky has specified. - Do you think what in the huge Empire (with different social estates) I didn't have a small, but quite worthy, my own place? Piter I in 1722 has founded the shop organizations of handicraftsmen (the Unions of artisans)? Is it not owing of my grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin - the Shop foreman (the Head) of the Dye Shop - I became a "craftsman" (a member of the Union of artisans)?
  Писатели в удивлении посмотрели на Горького.
  Writers in surprise have looked at Gorky.
  - Наверное, Вы читали в моей автобиографии 1899 года, что я с честью и незапятнанно нёс звание цехового малярного цеха? Не близко ли понятие "цеховой" понятию "предприниматель"? - заметил Горький. - Как вам само звучание слов "цех", "цеховой"? Не ощущается ли в них романтичное средневековье?.. Представляя средневековую Европу, мы различаем в историческом тумане фигуры титанов Возрождения?
  - Probably, you read in my autobiography of 1899 that I with honor and spotlessly bore a rank of a craftsman - the member of the Dye Shop? Is the concept of "craftsman" not close the notion "businessman"? - Gorky has noticed. - How to you sounding of the words "Dye Shop", "craftsman", "artisan"? Do you not feel the romantic Middle Ages in these words?.. Imagining the Medieval Europe, we distinguish in the historical fog the figures of the Titans of the Renaissance?
  - Следовательно, Вас можно назвать успешным предпринимателем? - допытывался молодой писатель-прозаик.
  - Therefore, it is possible to call you the successful businessman? - the young a prose writer tried to understand.
  - О чём "сигналят" литературные образы моего творчества: моего деда Василия Васильевича Каширина, хозяина хлебопекарни Семенова, организатора деревенской лавки Ромася, миллионера- филантропа-старообрядца Бугрова, романтика-предпринимателя Гарина-Михайловского, крупного промышленника Саввы Морозова?
  - About what the literary images of my creativity are sending "signals": images of my grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, of the owner of a little bakery Semyonov, of the organizer of a small rural shop Romas, of the millionaire - the Old Believer philanthropist Bugrov, of the romantic businessman Garin-Mikhailovsky, of the large industrialist Savva Morozov?
  Кого из них можно считать одновременно и успешным предпринимателем, и довольным жизнью человеком?
  Who of them can be considered at the same time both a successful businessman, and a person with a happy life?
  Одного Бугрова? Из шести перечисленных?
  Only Bugrov? Only of the one? From six listed?
  - Того самого Бугрова - миллионера, крупного торговца хлебом, владельца паровых мельниц, десятка пароходов, флотилии барж, огромных лесов? Который не имел бухгалтерии? У которого вся его бухгалтерия была в его голове? - заинтересовался поэт-песенник.
  - Bugrov - a millionaire, a wholesale merchant bread, the owner of steam mills, a dozen steamships, a flotilla of barges, huge forests? Which had no any formal bookkeeping? Who in his own head had the accounts department ? - the poet-songwriter became interested.
  - Почему мой дед, Василий Васильевич Каширин, обо всех крупных купцах Нижнего Новгорода говорил как о фальшивомонетчиках, грабителях и убийцах? Почему дед мой сказывал мне, что отец Бугрова "разжился" фабрикацией фальшивых денег? - вспомнил Горький. - Почему к этим мнениям деда я чувствовал бессознательное недоверие? Дед недоверчиво относился к перспективам честного бизнеса и поэтому "нагонял жути"? Или судьбой "цеховых" был тяжелый честный труд - без особого материального успеха, но - с социальным скептицизмом?
  - Why my grandfather, Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, about all large merchants of Nizhny Novgorod spoke as about counterfeiters, robbers and murderers? Why my grandfather told me that Bugrov's father "has acquired capital" by a fabrication of counterfeit money? - Gorky has remembered. - Why to these opinions of the grandfather I felt unconscious mistrust? The grandfather mistrustfully treated the prospects of a honest business and therefore "made up a horror worlds"? Or destinies of "craftsmen", members of the Unions of artisans, were - a hard honest labor, - without a special material success, but - with a social scepticism?
  Однако Алексей Максимович вернулся к своим размышлениям:
  However Alexei Maksimovich has returned to his reflections:
  - Чем кончили Василий Васильевич Каширин? "Хозяин"-булочник Семенов? "Лавочник"-оппозиционер Ромась? Как завершились деревенский культурно-предпринимательский проект и - в общем - жизнь Гарина-Михайловского? Как "подвел итог" Савва Морозов?
  - How they finished their lives? Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin? "Owner" - the baker Semyonov? "Shopkeeper" - the oppositionist Romas? How have come to the end the rural cultural and enterprise project of Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky? Also - generally - the Garin-Mikhailovsky's life? How has Savva Morozov "summed up the result"?
  - К предпринимательству - как к роду занятий - жизнь заставляла отнестись скептически? - продолжил вопросы молодой писатель-прозаик. - Но разве Вы не возглавляли газеты, издательства? Еще до 1917 года? И разве они не были экономически успешными?
  - In relation to a business - as a kind of an occupation - the life forced you to be a skeptical? - the young a prose writer has continued questions. - But whether you weren't the leader, the chief of the newspaper, of the publishing house? Before 1917? And weren't your enterprises economically successful?
  - Кто-то слышал об обманутых мною кредиторах? - "принял подачу" Горький. - Кто-то знаком с их публичными заявлениями-обвинениями в мой адрес? Имею я моральное право вспоминать о моих предпринимательских проектах без стыда? Я сумел завершить их достойно и своевременно?
  - Someone heard about the creditors deceived by me? - Gorky has accepted "the pitch of the ball". - Someone is familiar with any creditors' public applications and charges in my address? I have the moral right to remember my enterprise projects without a shame? I have managed to finish them adequately and in due time?
  Сколько писателей вошло в литературу через книгоиздательское товарищество "Знание"? Сколько литераторов, получив необычно большие гонорары в "Знании", смогли решить свои материальные проблемы? "Стать на ноги"? Побывать за границей, расширить кругозор?
  How many writers have entered literature through publishing association (publishing company) "Znaniye" ("Knowledge")? How many writers, having received unusually big royalties in "Znaniye", could solve the material problems? "To become independents"? To visit abroad, to broaden horizons?
  И не моя ли популярность - как писателя - в годы, предшествующие первой русской революции (1905- 1907 годов), была двигателем, вытягивающем тиражи "Знания" до необычно высоких для того времени значений?
  And it not my popularity - as a writer - in the years, preceding the first Russian Revolution (1905-1907 years), was an engine, which was pulling out the circulations of the "Znaniye" to unusually high values for that time?
  - То есть Вы - одни из немногих успешных предпринимателей дореволюционной России? И Вы довольны прожитыми годами? - никак не мог достичь ясности молодой писатель-прозаик.
  - That is you - one of the few successful businessmen of pre-revolutionary Russia? Are you happy with your life? - the young prose writer could not reach a clarity.
  - Стоит ли делать из меня гиперболизированный образ? - подсказал Горький. - Может быть, положительно оценить хорошее? Например, мою способность вовремя "войти" в проект и вовремя "выйти" из него? Отрицательно - плохое?
  - Whether it is worth doing of me an exaggerated, a hyperbolized image? - Gorky has prompted. - Perhaps, to assess a good positively? For example, the my ability "to enter" into the project in a right moment and in time "to leave" him? Negatively - the bad acts?
  Когда я возвратился из-за границы в Россию в 1913 году: как сообщали жандармы? О приезде всемирно известного писателя или о появлении в Петербурге "нижегородского цехового"?
  When I have come back from abroad to Russia in 1913: how did gendarmes wrote in the report? About the arrival of the world famous writer or about the emergence in St. Petersburg "Nizhny Novgorod craftsman (member of the Union of artisans)"?
  "Правила игры"?
  "Rules of a game"?
  Не парадокс ли? При царе в 1913 году приехал, а при "друге" Ленине в 1921 году уехал?
  Isn't it a paradox? At time of Tsar in 1913 I have arrived. And in conditions of the power of my "friend" Lenin in 1921 I have left Russia?
  Можно ли воспринимать "хорошим" предпринимателем того (то есть, меня), кто осенью 1917 года в газете "Новая жизнь" - в 1918 году закрытой советской властью, - опубликовал выступление против готовящегося Октябрьского переворота? Кто назвал Октябрьский переворот "авантюрой"? Кто удостоился резкой критики и угроз со стороны сверхвлиятельных, агрессивных, фактически захвативших власть политиков?
  Whether it is possible to perceive as the "good" businessman of that (that is, me) who in the fall of 1917 in the 'Novaya Zhizn' newspaper, - in 1918 the closed by the Soviet power, - has published an article against the preparing October revolution? Who called the October revolution "adventure"? Who has received the sharp criticism and threats from the super influential, aggressive politicians, which already actually seized the power?
  Не повторил ли я в какой-то форме судьбу своего деда Каширина? Других "цеховых"? Других предпринимателей?
  Have I not repeated in some form the fate of my grandfather Kashirin? The fates of other "craftsmen"? Other entrepreneurs?
  Горький процитировал по памяти:
  Gorky has quoted on memory:
  - Статья в "Правде" заключается нижеследующим лирическим вопросом:
  - The article in the "Pravda" was finished by the following lyrical question:
  "Когда на светлом празднике народов в одном братском порыве сольются прежние невольные враги, на этом пиршестве мира будет ли желанным гостем Горький, так поспешно ушедший из рядов подлинной революционной демократии?"
  "When at a light holiday of the people in a one brotherly rush the former involuntary enemies will merge, whether on this feast of the peace Gorky will be a welcome guest? Gorky who has so hasty left ranks of the genuine revolutionary democracy?"
  Горький улыбнулся - почему-то довольной улыбкой.
  Gorky has smiled - for some reason by a pleased smile.
  Потом зачем-то добавил еще одну цитату "из Горького":
  Then he have for some reason added one more quote "from Gorky":
  - Грабят? ...- изумительно?... Артистически?...
  - "They" plunder?...- amazingly?... With an high art of actors?
  - Можно ли ограбить Вас, человека, способного играть одновременно на нескольких досках? - констатировал поэт-песенник.
  - Whether it is possible to rob you, the person capable to play at the same time on several boards? - the poet-song writer stated.
  - А все-таки не случайно образы босяков были популярны в российском обществе? Чего ради работать? Чтобы артистически ограбили? Что если заведомо не питать иллюзий? И жить с ориентацией на "свободную" жизнь? - подсказал Горький. - Снова об уже сказанном: много ли было примеров успешных предпринимателей?
  - Nevertheless not accidentally images of hobo were popular in the Russian society? What for the sake you will to working? For to be a victim of an artistic robbery? What if consciously not to create illusions? And to live with the orientation to a "free" life? - Gorky has prompted. - Again about the topic, which was already discussed: whether were examples of successful businessmen much?
  Вот только в какой мере можно ли ставить "замысловатость" судеб предпринимателей в упрек Империи?
  Only in what volume the Empire it is possible to be reproached in an "intricacy" of the fates of businessmen?
  - "Бессознательный социализм" народных масс? Крестьянин мечтает о даровом наделении его чужою землею, рабочий - о передаче ему всего капитала и прибылей фабриканта? И дальше этого их вожделения не идут? Знаменитая "Записка" Петра Николаевича Дурново? - подключился к обсуждению поэт-песенник. И тяжело вздохнул. - Невесело себя чувствовали предприниматели между молотом "артистичного грабежа" и наковальней "бессознательного социализма"? Проблемы не столько (не только) царского режима, сколько социальной среды?
  - "Unconscious socialism" of a people masses? The peasants were dreaming about a receipt of land plots - without any payments (free of charge), the workers - of transfer to them of all the capitals and profits of the manufacturers? And further their desires didn't going? Well-known "Note" ('letter', "Memorandum") of Pyotr Nikolayevich Durnovo? - the poet-song writer began to participate in the discussion. He have heaved a deep sigh. - Businessmen felt themselves not very happy between a hammer of "an artistic robbery" and an anvil of "an unconscious socialism"? It were the problems not so much (not only) of the imperial mode, how many of the social environment?
  - "В случае удачи меня уничтожат, окончательно испугавшись моих успехов, а в случае неудачи будут рады на меня обрушиться"? - вздохнул Горький, вспоминая одно из высказываний С.Ю. Витте. - Чего мог ожидать талантливый человек? Того, что будут "подтягиваться" до его уровня? Или попыток "привести" его к общему уровню? Уважительной позитивности? Или злобной затаенной сдавленной ревнивости?
  - "In case of success they will destroy me, having finally been frightened of my progress, and in case of failure they will be glad to attack to me"? - Gorky has sighed, remembering the one of the statements by S.Yu. Witte. - What could the talented person expect? The fact that "they" will "be tightened" to his level? Or attempts "to reduce' him down to the ordinary level? A positivity of a respect attitude? Or a jealousy - a spiteful, a concealed, a pressed in?
  - Вовремя "войти" (на подъеме или перед его началом), вовремя "выйти" (на максимуме)? - уточнил молодой писатель-прозаик. - Но не всегда получается "выйти" своевременно?
  - In time "to enter" (during a rise or before its beginning), in time "to leave" (in a moment of a maximum)? - the young a prose writer has specified. - But not always it turns out "to leave" in a nessesary moment?
  Горький не спешил с ответом.
  Gorky didn't hurry with the answer.
  - Все-таки не ясно, Алексей Максимович, можно Вас считать успешным предпринимателем? Или нет? - включилась в разговор писательница.
  - After all it isn't clear, Alexei Maximovich, it is possible to consider you the successful businessman? Or not? - the writeress has joined in a conversation.
  - 1917 год, закрытую советской властью мою газету, настойчивые советы Ленина уехать мне за границу "для лечения", мой отъезд в 1921 году - эти события можно считать символической итоговой чертой, подведенной под периодами моего вхождения в цеховую организацию и моей предпринимательской деятельности? - задумался Горький. - Может быть, знание истории моей семьи - и дедов, и родителей - давало мне правильные ориентиры?
  - 1917, my newspaper closed by the Soviet power, persistent councils of Lenin to me to go abroad "for a treatment", the my departure in 1921 - these events can be considered the symbolical finishing line drawn under and after the periods of the my entry into the Union of artisans and of my business activity? - Gorky has thought. - Perhaps, the my knowledge of the history of my family - both grandfathers, and parents - gave me the correct reference points?
  - Не подойти ли к теме "шире"? Поменять тему "удачливого предпринимателя" на тему "успешного человека"? - предложил поэт-песенник. - Может быть, в достижении успеха играли роль интуитивное уклонение - еще со времен детства - от (мелко)уголовных делишек и соблазнов, неподдаваемость "зависимостям", наличие эстетического чувства, стремление к прекрасному, к культурному времяпровождению, к добру? Когда другие шли "сообразить", куда устремлялся юный Алексей? Послушать красивое пение, пусть и в трактире, посмотреть талантливые танцы во дворе соседней воинской части, почитать книгу? Разве он не сокращал время своего сна, что бы полюбоваться рассветом, восходом Солнца?
  - Whether not to approach a subject "more widely"? To change a subject of "a successful businessman" for a theme of "a successful person"? - the poet-song writer has offered. - Perhaps, played a role in achievement of success an intuitive evasion, - since the childhood, - from (small) criminal affairs and temptations, a infallibility to "dependences", an existence of esthetic emotions, an aspiration to a fine, to a cultural a pastime, to a good? When did others going "to think" (to drink an alcoholic products), where young Alexei was going? To listen to beautiful singing, let and in a tavern, to look at talented dances in the yard of the nearest military unit, to read a book? Whether didn't he reduce the time of the sleeping to admire a dawn, a sunrise?
  - Почему не вспомнить Ваше религиозное воспитание, Ваше знание Библии? Ваше трудолюбие? - напомнил поэт-песенник. - Да и епископ Хрисанф, наверное, не просто так записал Ваше имя в свою записную книжку? Молился за Вас епископ? Благословил Вас - и весь школьный класс - епископ "на добрые труды"! Дедушкино воспитание в босяки не пустило? Дрались - не дрались, сомневались - не сомневались, а - честно работали? Жили с достоинством трудового человека? Достоинство цехового (с благословением и молитвами епископа) в жизненной мути Вам создавало правильную ориентацию?
  - Why not to remember your religious education, your knowledge of the Bible? Your diligence? - the poet-song writer has reminded. - And the bishop Chrysanthus, probably, has written down your name in the notebook not accidentally? The bishop prayed for you? Bishop blessed you - and the entire school class - "on a good achievements"! The grandfather's upbringing hasn't let to go in vagabonds' burrows? Were fighting - not were fighting, doubted - didn't doubt, and - they honestly worked? They lived with the dignity of the labor person? The dignity of craftsman (also the bishop's blessings and prayers) in vital events created the correct orientation for you?
  - Аксиома Витте? "Нужно было быть дураком, чтобы не понять, что машина без топлива не пойдет"? - попыталась обобщить писательница. И добавила:
  - The Witte's axiom? "It was necessary to be the fool not to understand that the car without fuel won't go"? - the writer has tried to generalize. Also he have added:
  - А ведь пытались въехать в будущее? И что считать топливом? Не считать же топливом примитивность и невежество?
  - Did they try to fulfill the attempt of moving into the future time? And what to consider a fuel? Not to consider as a fuel a primitiveness and an ignorance?
  - Последовало начало новых жизненных проектов? - догадался молодой писатель-прозаик.
  - The beginning of new vital projects has followed? - the young a prosewriter has guessed.
  - Нижегородский цеховой имел моральное право полюбоваться творениями титанов Возрождения? - усмехнулся Горький. - А затем подключиться к титаническим преобразованиям?
  - The Nizhny Novgorod craftsman had the moral right to admire creations of Titans of the Renaissance? - Gorky has smiled. - And then to be connected to titanic transformations?
  - Предстояло идти по исторически "проторенному" пути Петра Великого? - догадался поэт-песенник.
  - It was necessary to go along the historical way "created" by the Peter the Great? - the poet-songwriter has guessed.
  Молодой писатель-прозаик прошептал как бы для уточнения: "Витте выступал сторонником государственного капитализма?"
  The young a prose writer has whispered kind of a specification: "Witte acted as the supporter of the state capitalism?"
  Горький слегка вздохнул. Кивнул головой, выражая согласие.
  Gorky has slightly sighed. He have nodded, expressing consent.
  Затем пошутил:
  And he have joked:
  - С честью и незапятнанно нести звание цехового малярного цеха - таков путь успеха?
  - With a honor and spotlessly to bear a rank of the craftsman, - the member of the Dye Shop, - such is a way of success?
  Оглядываясь в прошлое: не вижу ли я Алексея, прожившего жизнь с епископским благословением, но без недвижимости в собственности, затрачивавшего значительную часть своих сил и своих материальных средств для помощи другим людям?
  Looking back in the past: whether I don't see Alexei who has lived the life with the episcopal blessing, but without the real estate in property, spending a considerable part of the forces and the abilities for the help to other people?
  21 июня 2017 года - 29 июня 2017 года.
  June 21, 2017 - June 29, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: April 28, 2018 16:09. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о нижегородском цеховом'.
  4. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.
  - May I remove my account?
  - And why you want to delete your account?
  - Have I a right to remove my account?
  - And what books in your account?
  - I have to come into the account, to make by a mouse of "copy-paste", to engage in useless activities of removal a unneeded text elements and to send you the list of books by e-mail?
  - And what books from the list sent by you are in the publication process? Probably, not the all? Some are in the process of a preparation?
  - I had to guess what you will express new questions? And then again the "pleasure" of a useless activities?
  - Why don't you want to?
  - Isn't it announced that readers can purchase books, written by authors, using your platform?
  - Isn't that right?
  - If you, the employee of the platform, can't independently obtain information about the list of my books at your platform, if, still besides, you are asking me to specify what books from this list are published and what books - aren't, then how the ordinary reader will understand your platform? And if he doesn't understand - how he will buy books using your platform?
  - Whether can we stop now? And to stop asking questions?
  - Why should I place books at the platform which a mass reader cannot understand? What is the meaning of the existence of my account in this situation? Don't I have the right to delete my account?
  (Allow to return to the beginning of the text? To start the reading the text once again?).
  May 3, 2018 19:39
  Translation from Russian into English: May 4, 2018 05:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательской платформе и об удалении аккаунта'.
  5. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.
  - Why the "Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account" are creating a slightly strange impression about the such internet-platforms?
  - Did you get acquainted with opinions of the "beginning" writers about "traditional" publishing houses?
  - "Traditional" publishers, "traditional" publishing houses - who are they?
  - Is this notion - the royalties, advance payments, "paper" books, author copies, a delivery of books to readers through traditional distribution systems? Is it - the people who can work with the market? Publish and sell on the market circulation - three, five, ten, twenty-five thousand "paper" copies? The people capable to recoup the costs? Achieve a profit? Includes this notion - an author's honorariums dependent on a volumes of purchases of a circulation? - Legends about a fairy-tale good old times?
  - Legends are alive still? The beginners writers are forming for themselves a slightly strange impression about the existing modern "traditional" publishing houses? - judging by Internet chats?
  - Will modern "traditional" publishing houses essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?
  - Whether modern "traditional" publishing houses will essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?
  - Can any citizen create the account on the website of the internet-platform for publications and with enthusiasm to direct own forces for the publishing of own book?
  - Probably, it is a some life experience?
  - Will receive any money the citizen who has focused his energy for an achievement of the literary victories ? In exchange for results of the creative activity? At a cooperation with the publishing platform or with modern "traditional" publishing house?
  - Will he receive? Or he will spend?!
  - Can be spent except money, probably, both forces, and time??
  - If you will go for training in gym, or you will go to play on the tennis court, - you, probably, will spend both money, and time, and forces, too?
  - In what is the advantage of an internet-platform for publications?
  - Perhaps, you may to save your own time? Do you reduce the period of negotiations and correspondence? Do you get in the accelerated mode a new life experience?
  - Do you need this experience and in this volume? And what will be with results of your literary creativity?
  - Who should answer these questions?
  - Why I am convinced - intuitively? - that the total annual revenues from sale of all paper and electronic books is a quite noticeable and is giving a considerable amounts of money?
  - What can tell about the distilled, obvious figures ?
  - Knows a statistics about everything?
  - Will we ask questions about a statistics now?
  - Have you ever compared the cultural levels of employees of the internet-platform for publications and employees of the" traditional " publishing house?
  - Are you hinting at the possibility of communicating on the Internet with cultural and trained people?
  - The internet and remote communication with users now is a new format of reality? For a new reality a new people are needed ?
  - And what? No income, and some costs? - As in a process of the interaction with the online platform, so in a communication with the modern "traditional" publishers? And in both cases, you gain an experience? Can you to form the opinion, perhaps, the correct, that on the Internet you are communicating with a very prepared, cultural and educated people? But when you create an account, do you start acting instead of waiting for answers to letters??
  - It seems that the Internet-Platform for Publications - the idea not bad?
  - Are the excessive sketchiness and pessimism useful?
  - Do you hint at the information on the large royalties received by writers, at the information, which is periodically appearing in media? About books - the champions of circulation and of sales? About writers - millionaires? "Traditional" publishing houses are still useful?
  - Are there more things in information business, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy?
  - Shakespeare?
  - Homer?
  - Myths?
  - Tales, dialogues?
  - Questions?
  - Maybe with them was necessary to begin?
  May 4, 2018 - May 5, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018 15:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательских интернет-платформах и о 'традиционных' издательствах'.
  6. Questions about Ropsha.
  Вопросы о Ропше
  Questions about Ropsha
  - Разве не бывает населенных пунктов без истории? - внезапно спросила Читательница шагающего рядом Читателя.
  - Unless there are no settlements without history? - suddenly asked the Readeress, walking beside the Reader.
  - Например? - миролюбиво и рассеяно отозвался Читатель.
  - For example? - a peace - loving and scattered the Reader has responded.
  - Разве неподалеку от Копорья не расположен населенный пункт Ропша?
  - Isn't the settlement of Ropsha located near the historic village of Koporye?
  - Читатель недоуменно посмотрел на Читательницу.
  - The Reader has puzzly looked at the Readeress.
  - Разве Ропша не населенный пункт без истории? - настаивала Читательница.
  - Isn't Ropsha the settlement without history? - the Readeress insisted.
  - Ропша - населенный пункт без истории? - начал "включаться в тему" Читатель. Затем добавил:
  - Ropsha is the settlement without history? - the Reader has begun "to hook by the topic". Then he add:
  - А стоит ли трогать эту тему?
  - And whether it is worth touching this topic?
  - И все-таки? - требовала ясности Читательница.
  - And nevertheless? - the Readeress demanded clarity.
  - А разве имена Петра III, Екатерины II, Алексея Орлова не связаны с Ропшей? - удивился Читатель.
  - Are the names of Peter III, Catherine II, Alexei Orlov not associated with the Ropsha? - the Reader surprised.
  - С Ропшей или с Россией? - в голосе Читательницы появилась ирония.
  - With Ropsha or with Russia? - in the voice of the Readeress the irony has appeared.
  - А что сказать о революционере и противнике большевизма Борисе Савинкове? - выдвинул версию Читатель.
  - And what to tell about the revolutionary and the opponent of the Bolshevism Boris Savinkov? - the Reader has put forward the version.
  - Как связаны Савинков и Ропша? - изумилась Читательница.
  - How are Savinkov and Ropsha related? - the Readeress was surprised.
  - Почему политик, боевик, писатель Савинков взял литературный псевдоним "Ропшин"? - направил мысль Читатель. - Хорошо знал историю?
  - Why the politician, the fighter, the writer Savinkov has taken the literary pseudonym "Ropshin"? - the Reader has directed a thought. - He knew a history well?
  - Как вышло, что "поймали"? ...Что "не поймали"? - начала запутываться Читательница.
  - How it was appeared, that captured? That is, not captured? - the Readeress began to get confused.
  После секундной паузы она попыталась поправиться:
  After a little pause she has tried to correct herself:
  - Уловили? Или все же не уловили?
  - Caught? Or nevertheless, couldn't caught?
  - Емельян Пугачёв? - задумался Читатель. И непроизвольно вымолвил:
  - Yemelyan Pugachev? - Reader thought. And involuntarily said:
  - Отчего ощущение не уютности?
  - Why isn't it cozy?
  Читательница пожала плечами.
  The Readeress has shrugged shoulders.
  - Есть другие темы? Допустим, победы у Наварина и в Чесменском бою? - высказался Читатель.
  - There are other subjects? Let's say victories in the Battle of Navarino and in the Battle of Chesme? - the Reader has spoken.
  - Разве мало исторических мест? - согласилась Читательница.
  - Aren't sufficiently of historical locations? - the Readeress agreed.
  - Помолчим минуту? - предложил Читатель.
  - Lets we will keep silent for a minute? - the Reader has offered.
  Читательница не ответила, углубившись в размышления об истории.
  The Readeress hasn't answered, having gone deep into reflections about history.
  7 июня 2017 года
  June 7, 2017
  7. Questions about the crying Supreme Commander.
  Вопросы о плачущем Верховном Главнокомандующем
  Questions about the crying Supreme Commander
  - Плакал ли он когда-нибудь?
  - Whether he cried sometime?
  - Он никогда не плакал?
  - He never cried?
  - А смерти близких родственников? Жены?
  - And the deaths of his closest relatives? The death Of his wife?
  - ?..
  - ?..
  - Может быть, вспомнить книгу Милована Джиласа? 'Знает ли Джилас, писатель, что такое человеческие страдания и человеческое сердце?'
  - Perhaps, to remember the book by Milovan Djilas? " Djilas, who is a writer himself, whether he knows what human suffering and the human heart are?"
  - Он плакал, когда затрагивалась тема насилий на войне?
  - Did he cry when the issue of violence in the war was touched upon?
  - Он был сентиментален?
  - Was he a sentimental?
  - Он был сентиментален??!!!
  - He was sentimental??!!!
  - В чем были вопросы?
  - In what there were questions?
  - Война меняет людей? Жизнь вдали от дома? Иногда в мокрых окопах, иногда - в открытом снежном поле? Постоянный риск для собственной жизни? Необходимость убивать - и снова убивать?
  - Does war change of people? A life far from the native house? Sometimes - in wet entrenchments, sometimes - in the open snow field? Constant risk for own life? The need to kill - and again to kill?
  - И что, согласиться с насилиями, на которые жаловались мирные жители?
  - And what? To agree with the violence of which civilians complained?
  - Какова длительность судебного процесса? Даже если дело рассматривает военный трибунал? Нужно составить материалы, вызвать, заслушать свидетелей?
  - What is the duration of a trial? Even if the case is tried by a military Tribunal? It is necessary to make materials, to cause, to hear witnesses?
  - А война 'уходит' дальше? Но с насилиями всё равно нельзя согласиться?
  - And a war "goes" further? But all the same it is impossible to agree with a violence?
  - Он плакал, когда затрагивалась тема ещё не достигнутой Победы?
  - He cried when the theme of the yet not achieved Victory was debating?
  - Он плакал? Лил слёзы?
  - Was he crying? He was shedding his tears?
  - Ещё раз прочтем Джиласа?
  - Lets once again read the book by Djilas?
  8 января 2018 г. 20:16
  January 8, 2018 20:16
  8. The Questions about the Mysteriousness
  Вопросы о загадках
  The Questions about the Mysteriousness
  - Ты встретил, читая о Юрии Трифонове, упоминания о его знакомстве с Василием Аксеновым?
  - Did you meet during the reading about Yuri Trifonov, with references to his acquaintance with Vasily Aksyonov?
  - А я не говорил о своем намерении прочитать книгу Аксенова о Леониде Красине?
  - And I didn't speak about my intention to read the book by Aksyonov about Leonid Krasin?
  - Трифонов и Аксенов издали - каждый по книге - в Политиздате, в серии 'Пламенные революционеры'?
  - Trifonov and Aksyonov have published - each of them the one book - in the Politizdat [the Publishing house of political literature of the Central Committee of the CPSU], in the "Fiery revolutionaries" book series?
  - Пожалуй, есть определенный интерес в том, чтобы прочитать о 'Народной Воле' или о Красине? А разве нет некоторого интереса в том, чтобы сопоставить книги Трифонова и Аксенова?
  - Perhaps there is a certain interest in the reading about the "Narodnaya Volya" ["People's Will"] or about Krasin? And is it not of some interest to compare the books by Aksyonov and by Trifonov?
  - Уж прочел? Аксёнова?
  - You read? The book by Aksyonov?
  - Какой был смысл тянуть с этим делом?
  - What was the point of pulling this case?
  - Не разочаровался?
  - Not disappointed?
  - Можно ли разочароваться, встретив последовательность загадок?
  - Whether it is possible to be disappointed, having met the sequence of riddles?
  Как проходило детство Красина? Как жили, о чем думали, чем интересовались его родители? Вообще, его окружение в детстве?
  How did there pass the Krasin's childhood? How he lived, what thought of, than his parents were interested? In general, his environment in the childhood?
  Как сложилась жизнь отца Красина? Как жила мать Красина, внезапно пару раз 'появляющаяся' и 'исчезающая' в ходе повествования Аксёнова? Брат Красина?
  How lived Krasin's father? How lived Krasin's mother, suddenly a couple of times "appearing" and "disappearing" in the course of the story by Aksyonov? The brothers of Krasin?
  Каково мнение автора, Василия Аксенова, об истории с отказом-согласием Красина принести присягу на верноподданность Его Величеству Государю Императору (1894-1895 годы)?
  What is the opinion of the author, Vasily Aksyonov, about the information of the Krasin's the refusal-agreement to take the oath of allegiance to his Majesty the Emperor (1894-1895)?
  Кто были деловые партнеры Красина? Как они относились к его, Красина, революционной деятельности?
  Who were Krasin's business partners? How they treated to his, Krasin's, revolutionary activities?
  - Наивным людям читать эту книгу не запрещено? У наивных людей могут появиться вопросы? Например: почему книга Аксёнова описывает, в основном, годы, близкие к революции 1905 года?
  - Naive people aren't forbidden to read this book? Naive people can have questions? For example: why the book by Aksyonov describes, generally the years close to revolution of 1905?
  Почему почти все соратники Красина этого периода, сколько-нибудь активно упомянутые в книге, уходят в небытие - политическое или физическое?
  Why almost all colleagues of Krasin of this period, actively mentioned in the book, go into oblivion - political or physical?
  Почему Красин или опаздывает на подпольную коллективную встречу, когда ее участники уже задержаны полицией, или относительно легко выходит из разного рода сложных обстоятельств? В том числе, выходит из заключения?
  Why is Krasin or late for an underground collective meeting when its participants are already detained by the police, or relatively easily out of all sorts of difficult circumstances? Including coming out of a prison?
  А миллионер Савва Морозов? А богатые братья-сестры Берги? Те известные дела с получением от богатых людей денег 'для партии'? Об этих фигурах написано в книге Аксёнова относительно много, - но нет ясности в простых вопросах: когда, сколько и при каких обстоятельствах было получено?
  And millionaire Savva Morozov? And the rich brothers-sisters Bergs? Those known affairs with receiving from rich people of money "for needs of the revolutionary party"? About these persons is written in the book by Aksyonov relatively much, - but there is no clarity in simple questions: when how many and under what circumstances the sums of money has been received?
  Сколько было организовано 'экспроприаций' Красиным? Каких именно? И какие суммы были 'получены'? Куда пошли деньги?
  How many does it have been organized "expropriations" by Krasin? Which ones? And what sums have been "received"? Where has money gone?
  - Не все же персонажи уходили в небытие? А Ленин? Или актриса Мария Андреева?
  - Not all characters were gone? Disappeared? And Lenin? Or actress Maria Andreyeva?
  - Почему, читая книгу Аксенова, испытываешь ощущение, что в какой-то момент Ленин и Красин были равнозначными политическими фигурами?
  - Why, reading the book Aksyonov, you feel that at some point Lenin and Krasin were equivalent political figures?
  - Наверняка Аксенов в эту тему глубоко не 'входил'? Только обозначил?
  - For certain Aksyonov deeply didn't "enter" this subject? Only has marked?
  - Андреева была знакома с генерал-майором Владимиром Джунковским? С Лениным?
  - Andreyeva was familiar with the major general Vladimir Dzhunkovsky? With Lenin?
  - В общем, своевременно Леонид Красин 'выкрутился' из сложных ситуаций и дистанцировался от активной политики после революции 1905 года? Чего было ему ждать: длительного тюремного заключения? Ссылки?
  - Generally, in very time Leonid Krasin "has got out" of difficult situations and separated from active policy after the revolution of 1905? What was to him to wait: a long imprisonment? Exile?
  - Много загадок?
  - Many puzzles?
  - А разве сам Аксенов - не загадка?
  - And unless Aksyonov himself - not a riddle?
  - Если прочитать не книгу Аксёнова 'Любовь к электричеству' о Красине, а его, Аксенова, более или менее подробную биографию?
  - If to read not the book by Aksyonov "Love to electricity" about Krasin, but more or less detailed a biography book about his, Aksyonov, life?
  - Жил-то в условиях социалистического Советского Союза с момента рождения в 1932 году и до 1937 года, а потом - после прихода к власти Хрущева не так уж плохо?
  - He lived in the conditions of the socialist Soviet Union from the moment of the birth in 1932 and till 1937, and then - after coming to power of Khrushchev not so badly?
  - В 1952 году первое стихотворение опубликовал?
  - In 1952 has published the first poem?
  - 'Скрывалась из глаз Казань.
  Уже промелькнул и остался
  Кусочек знакомой земли?'
  - "Kazan disappeared from the sight. Have already flown away and remained in the distance Piece of the familiar earth?"
  - 'Мы вынули карту:
   - Давай поглядим.
  Как много еще городов
  - "We have taken out the map: - Let's have a look. As there is a lot of the cities ahead ..."?
  - В министерстве помогли перевестись в 1957 году из Казани в Ленинград для продолжения учебы в мединституте? Отъезд из относительно неплохих социалистических условий в 1980 году в еще более комфортные, - западные, - не загадка?
  - The ministry has helped to be transferred in 1957 from Kazan to Leningrad for the continuation of study at the medical institute? Departure from rather quite good socialist conditions in 1980 toward even more comfortable, - the western, - not a riddle?
  - А некоторое 'попадание' с 'Островом Крым' - не загадка?
  - And some "hit" with "The Island of Crimea" ["Остров Крым" - "Ostrov Krym", 1979] - not a riddle?
  - Ветры дули разные?
  - Different winds were appearing?
  - И какой-то, - определённый, - ветер Аксёнов чувствовал? И подставлял паруса?
  - And Aksyonov felt some the wind? Also he captured this wind into his sails?
  - Пожалуй, не очень-то был сильным этот ветер? Но он дул?
  - Perhaps, not really strong there was this wind? But this wind was?
  - Пространство загадок?
  - Space of riddles?
  - Вопросы?
   - Questions?
  22 июня 2018 г. 09:02
  June 22, 2018 09:02
  Translation from Russian into English: June 22, 2018 23:29. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о загадках'.
  9. Questions about the letter to Andrey Makarevich.
  Whether there are a lot of songs, - like songs by Makarevich, - which all listened with pleasure several decades ago and which with pleasure all listen now?
  Whether the truth that Andrey Makarevich received the letter? And the letter came to him from someone from the State Duma?
  What will he do in the State Duma? To participate in work of public council?
  And what does it mean?
  He will deal with issues of installation of monuments? And only?
  Or - is wider - he will bring benefit, if he can to bring benefit (at least in some separate questions)?
  For example?
  Many are alarmed? In the program of the IC3PEAK group there is the clip "There Is No Death Any More"? And in the clip, allegedly, - the vampires, are sucking something?
  What with it to do? Not to forbid? And what to do?
  Is it true that Makarevich some of his songs, previously performed in the style of Blues, now performs in the style of jazz? Is that true?
  Not to stop creative process?
  May we see (imagine) vampires in a new format?
  What will the new initiative prepare?
  Not to stop creative process?
  Let's put a monument to Andrey Makarevich during time of (his) life?
  We listened, we listen, and we will listen with pleasure of a songs of Andrey Makarevich?..
  December 17, 2018 03:26
  Translation from Russian into English: December 17, 2018 03:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о письме в адрес Андрея Макаревича'.
  10. Questions about the inform-"terem" and about the list of its inhabitants.
  It seems that one of the newspapers published a list of some journalists from some TV channel?
  Or is it not a TV channel, but some other "organizational combination"?
  This channel - is he from the Russian Federation?
  These "honored" journalists? - What is this?
  A publishing of a list - isn't a free professional advertising?
  Interestingly, at the Mongolian Empire journalists consisted?
  The Mongol Empire was, it seems, very active?
  She and in Asia, and in Eastern Europe, and can be, and in Western Europe affairs've done?
  Whether a journalists consisted at this Empire? And if they consisted, what they would wrote about the population of Ancient Russia? About the population of Britain of ancient time? Would they did researches? The recommendations were given?
  People today can clear up these questions?
  Is it not better to turn to modern days?
  From what (main) sources it is financed this most TV channel?
  What topics does he focus on?
  At this point, probably everyone understands that some questions can not be asked?
  This channel, incidentally, did not discuss the mechanisms of the appearance of "undesirable" topics?
  Maybe this channel turned toward a relatively "allowed" topics?
  For example, did he discuss the destruction of the national book market? The theme of issuing video-Luboks [decorative primitive prints] ("pseudo-historical "and" modern"), - with using of big public money? A good "business"?
  Perhaps, this TV channel discussed subjects of sudden resignations of the high-ranking elected officials having, strangely enough, unfulfilled obligations to the population, who elected earlier these persons? And some subsequent events?
  Who "sits" in this nice inform-"terem"?..
  December 24, 2018 15:01
  Translation from Russian into English: December 24, 2018 15:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об информационном 'теремке' и о списке его обитателей'.
  11. Questions about the "Bureya" meteorite and the natural Bureya dam.
  Maybe you should not, burned by milk, to blow on the water?
  And influential people against a fakes warning? And will they prepare an Olivier salad and a herring "under a fur coat"?
  Why unforgettable Mikhail Sergeyevich, 1986, festive demonstration are remembered up?
  These are accidental associations? Or "something" is?
  Whether it is correct to draw a conclusion that the course of one of the inflows of Amur River - the Bureya River - is blocked? That the natural dam appeared?
  Falling of a meteorite and blocking of the bed of the Bureya River - are interconnected?
  Events on the Bureya River - are they dangerous? And in what degree?
  How appropriate is the involvement of the international community and the UN in assessing and overcoming the problem?
  Perhaps, it is not necessary, burned by milk, to blow on the water?
  Perhaps there are those who know the exact answers to these questions?
  There are those who are against an Olivier salad and a herring "under a fur coat"?..
  December 24, 2018 23:09
  Translation from Russian into English: December 24, 2018 23:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о 'Бурейском' метеорите и Бурейской природной плотине'.
  12. Questions about profitable, effective diplomacy
  If you read Julia Kozak's article "Security in the Arctic is our priority" [interview with Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, commander of the Northern Fleet Joint Strategic Command], won't you be convinced that everything is being done correctly?
  Maybe you will feel a sense of pride?
  Perhaps, someone will wonder: how much does it cost?
  The very practice of protection of sea routes, sea communications-how it is presented, how it looks?
  It seems, there is such sea route (routes) - through Bosphorus and Dardanelles (Sea of Marmara) - to the Mediterranean Sea (from the Black Sea), and further - from the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal or through the Strait of Gibraltar?
  It seems, and the Sea of Marmara, and the Suez Canal, and the Strait of Gibraltar are in whole or in part controlled by foreign powers? But the Russian ships (both military, and not military) go along these routes without any problem?
  Did several countries sign the Montreux Convention (on the status of the black sea Straits) in year of 1936?
  Has the Montreux Convention been in force for more than 80 years?
  There were times when" prices were reducing", and in public canteens [public dining rooms] even bread with sauerkraut were declared free [off payments]?..
  March 14, 2019 07:45
  Translation from Russian into English: March 14, 2019 08:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о выгодной, эффективной дипломатии'.
  13. Why is the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum needed? Questions.
  What is the cost of holding the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum?
  One billion rubles? Several billion? Tens of billions? Hundreds of billions?
  What is the budget plan for the Forum, and who reviewed and approved it? Who monitors its implementation?
  What is the purpose of the Forum?
  Establishment, development of economic ties?
  Who among the carriers of a high modern economic, organizational, technical culture will come to the Forum - under the background of the stream of news generated by modern Russia? Under the background of the support by the modern Russia to modern Belarus with the leadership of Lukashenko?
  Representatives of a raw material business?
  Is it possible to sign documents on the development of a raw material deposit or on the construction of a bypass highway (in the province) outside the Forum? Are such documents signed mainly in a working order?
  Is it possible to report great achievements and tremendous prospects of the modern Russial economy outside the Forum? It seems that both the citizens of Russia and everyone who wants to hear all this, regularly receive such information without the Forum?
  So: Why the Forum and the huge costs of holding it are needed?
  In general, why a splendid event (at the expense of the state) is needed under the background of the collapsing reputation of the state, a reputation that has been created with a huge difficulty and with a great efforts over the centuries?
  June 3, 2021 22:05
  Translation from Russian into English: June 3, 2021 22:23.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Зачем нужен Петербургский международный экономический форум? Вопросы'.
  The Collection was composed: May 7, 2018, December 25, 2018, March 17, 2019, June 6, 2021.
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