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The Monologue about the rights to Naval Dirk

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    The Monologue about the rights to Naval Dirk

  The Monologue about the rights to Naval Dirk
  New publications have been published on the issue of rights to the Naval Dirks. The reason was the judicial act of the Supreme court (see, for example, Mikhail Falaleev "The Supreme Court specified rules of possession of cold weapon").[].
  As far as it can be seen from the publications, the Supreme court did not resolve the case on the merits, sending the case for a new trial to a lower court (for a new trial to the North Sea garrison military court, but - in a different composition of the court.).
  At the same time, the publications that appeared prompted me to read a number of publications on the Internet.
  The idea about removal of all restrictions from a circulation of standard blade weapons (with one blade) finds the increasing support. In these conditions ( a cancellation of restrictions, can be, gradual - according to blade length? To add on centimeter of allowed length a year,) - the population will gradually get used to new rules.
  (Maxim Gorky, as a young man, bought a revolver in the market and almost shot himself (he wounded himself-struck a bullet lung). (a) No one has brought any cases of arms trafficking, according to the memoirs, in connection with this event. (b) the Population (at the time) each other with revolvers are not shot - despite the opportunity to purchase weapons on the market for small money).
  So, the tendency of gradual removal of all restrictions breaks the way.
  Secondly, it is clear that the naval dirks are in a special situation. The naval dirk is a symbol.
  The officer is in a position to dispose of other people's lives and (military) property of a significant value. The officer faces the most difficult tasks that require courage, honor and bravery.
  "Normal tasks "may not require"special qualities".
  As an illustration, I will give the story of Georgy Alexandrovich Solomon (Isetsky) from his book "Among the red leaders" (the Internet link to the book(in Russian) in Wikipedia, the article about G. A. Isetsky). The story of Isetsky concerns the organization in 1920, the first large Soviet marine expedition in the northern seas.
  "... Экспедиция, по заданию, должна была прибыть в устья Оби и Енисея и там сдать свой груз обской и енисейской речным экспедициям, шедшим навстречу ей с грузом сибирских продуктов, которые должны были быть погружены на наши пароходы...
  "...The expedition, according to the task, was to arrive at the mouth of the Ob and Yenisei rivers and deliver its cargo to the Ob and Yenisei river expeditions, which were going to meet it with the cargo of Siberian products, which were to be loaded on our steamships...
  И вот, началась сумасшедшая, почти горячечная работа, в которую я ушел весь... Я обшарил при помощи моих телеграмм все рынки Англии, Бельгии, Франции, Германии, Швеции, Дании, Норвегии, Австрии и Америки с Канадой включительно... Все, что можно было извлечь готового, было закуплено. Шла приемка товаров...
  And here, mind-blowing, almost feverous the over heavy work began... I rummaged around by means of my telegrams all markets of England, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria and America with Canada inclusive... Everything that it was possible to take ready, was purchased. There was an acceptance of goods
  Заведующий транспортным отделом был капитан первого ранга Саговский, тоже "персона грата" Половцовой и Крысина, являющийся в настоящее время директором одного из смешанных (советский и иностранный капиталы) обществ Англии. Он хорошо, даже, пожалуй, слишком хорошо знал свое дело. ...В виду назначения меня организатором экспедиции, я имел право давать поручения всем отделам, независимо от того, в чьем ведении они находились. Но Саговский, надо полагать, по инициативе Крысина, не торопился с исполнением моих распоряжений...
  ... The manager of transport department was the captain of the first rank Sagovsky, too the "persona grata" of Polovtsova and Krysin who is now the director of one of mixed (the Soviet and foreign) enterprises in England. He is good, even, perhaps, too well knew the business.......In mind I was appointed organizer of the expedition, I had the right to give orders to all divisions, regardless of whose jurisdiction they were in. But Sagovsky, presumably, on the initiative of Krysin, did not hurry with the execution of my orders...
  И на одном заседании правления, на котором участвовали также те из заведующих отделами, которые помогали мне в организации экспедиции, я, выслушав доклад Саговского, ясно говоривший о том, что все стоит на мертвой точке, возмущенный его явно нарочитыми замедлениями, пахнувшими настоящим саботажем, взяв слово, сказал:
  And at one board meeting at which also those from managers of departments which helped me with the organization of an expedition participated, I, having listened to Sagovsky's report (which was clearly showing that everything costs on a dead point), revolted with his obviously deliberate delays smelling of the real sabotage, having taken the floor, told:
  - Я совершенно недоволен деятельностью капитана Саговского и считаю ее настоящим саботажем. И потому ставлю на вид капитану Саговскому, в порядке службы, его непозволительную медлительность, на первый раз с занесением этого только в протокол заседания правления...
  - I am absolutely dissatisfied with activity of the captain Sagovsky and I consider it the real sabotage. And therefore I put by sight to the captain Sagovsky, in order of service, his inadmissible sluggishness, on the first time with entering of it only in the minutes of the Board of Directors...
  Он густо покраснел и встав, начал было что то говорить, но я оборвал его на полуслове:
  He densely reddened and having risen, the beginnings was that that to speak, but I cut him short:
  - Капитан Саговский, я вам поставил на вид не в порядке дискуссии, а в порядке службы. Следовательно, вам остается только сказать по морскому "есть". А если вы недовольны, прошу официально обжаловать мое замечание.
  - The captain Sagovsky, I delivered to you by sight not as a question for discussion, and as question of state service. Therefore, you need only to be told as on sea "I am ready". And if you are dissatisfied, I ask to appeal against my remark officially.
  - Слушаю, Георгий Александрович, - невольно, должно быть, вытянувшись по военному, сказал Саговский- "есть"...
  - I listen, Georgy Aleksandrovich - involuntarily, has to be, having raised as a military man, Sagovsky told. - "I am ready" ... ...
  - ... Мое служебное распоряжение будет внесено в протокол в порядке моего единоличного приказа! Точка!..
   - ... My official order will be entered in minutes as my personal order! The point!.
  Между тем, английское правительство по своей инициативе предложило делегации возвратить России построенные во время войны два ледокола "Александр Невский" и "Святогор"... Но я энергично настоял на принятии этого предложения, и оба ледокола были переданы нам. Один из них, "Александр Невский", я отвоевал для Карской экспедиции, и этот ледокол, на котором находился капитан Свердруп, не раз спасал затертые льдами в суровом Карском море наши суда...
  Meanwhile, the British government on its own initiative invited the delegation to return to Russia two icebreakers "Alexander Nevsky" and "Svyatogor"built during the war... But I vigorously insisted on the adoption of this proposal, and both the icebreaker was transferred to us. One of them, "Alexander Nevsky", I won for the Kara expedition, and this icebreaker, on which there was a captain Sverdrup, saved our vessels when they were jammed by ices in the severe Kara Sea more than once...
  Увы, я никогда не организовывал полярных экспедиций и имел о них понятие исключительно только по литературе. А на мне, я знал, лежала вся ответственность за успех ее. И меня удивляло, что люди, казалось бы, более опытные, как, например, моряк Саговский, не подумали о снабжении ее всем необходимым для дальнего и опасного плавания: так, о водолазе, враче, медикаментах, измерительных приборах вспомнил лично я... Это был сознательный саботаж!..
  Alas, I never organized polar expeditions and knew about them only only on literature. And on me, I knew, all responsibility for its success lay. And surprised me that people, apparently, more skilled as, for example, the seaman Sagovsky, did not think of supply its all necessary for a long and dangerous voyage: so, about the diver, the doctor, medicines, measuring devices I remembered personally... It was deliberate sabotage!..
  Мне приходилось держать весь этот сложный аппарат в своих руках, отдавать, конечно, по телеграфу распоряжения во все концы мира... Но, наконец, все было готово...
  I had to hold all this complicated apparatus in my hands, to give orders by Telegraph to all parts of the world... But finally, everything was ready...
  И на ледоколе взвился роскошный красный шелковый флаг с серпом и молотом. Я должен был снова произнести приветствие в честь нашего флага...
  And a luxurious red silk flag with a hammer and sickle hoisted on the icebreaker. I had to say a greeting in honor of our flag again ...
  В минуту отчаливания я был на "Ленине". Раздалась команда Рекстина:
  At the moment of departure I was on "Lenin". The Rekstin's order sounded:
  - The ice breaker 'Lenin", to navigation be ready!. I hasty and warmly began to say goodbye to driving off... The icebreaker breathed heavily and powerfully. "Lenin" began to move slowly. My nerves, exhausted by the overwork on the organization of the expedition, could not stand it. I as that suddenly felt how both this ice breaker, and all expedition, and its all participants became infinitely expensive to me... And, hardly holding back tears and feeling that spasms squeeze to me a throat, I hurried to go down on a storm ladder onto a small steamer...
  - Ледоколу "Ленину", к навигации товьсь!.. Я торопливо и сердечно стал прощаться с отъезжающими... Звонки в машину... Она тяжело и могуче задышала. "Ленин" стал медленно двигаться. Мои нервы, издерганные положительно непосильным трудом по организации экспедиции, не выдержали. Я как то вдруг почувствовал, как мне стали бесконечно дороги и этот ледокол, и вся экспедиция, и все участники ее... И, едва сдерживая слезы и чувствуя, что спазмы сжимают мне горло, я поторопился спуститься по штормовой лестнице на маленький пароходик...
  И "Ленин", громадный и мощный, легко и красиво шел вперед навстречу всем случайностям. А маленький пароходик - пигмей, развив наибольшую скорость, кружил вокруг него... Я же, стоя на капитанском мостике, горько, как ребенок, плакал, даже не стесняясь присутствия
  And "Lenin", huge and powerful, easily and beautifully went forward towards all accidents. A small steamer - pygmy, developing the highest speed, circling around him... I, standing on the captain's bridge, bitterly, like a child, cried, not even embarrassed by the presence of my purposely turned away employees... And "Lenin" went and went..."
  (Мне показалось, что в книге "Жуков Ю. Н. Сталин: Арктический щит. - М.: Вагриус, 2008. - 544 с." упоминание об этой экспедиции - Карской экспедиции 1920 года - отсутствует. Может быть, в тексте где-то есть упоминание, но я пропустил?..).
  (It seemed to me that in the book "Zhukov. Stalin: Arctic shield. - Moscow: Vagrius, 2008. - 544 p. " there is no mention of this expedition - the Kara expedition of 1920. Maybe there is a mention somewhere in the text, but I missed it?..).
  So, the officer is faced by difficult tasks. But if the officer acts in the sea, as a part of the Navy, then tasks become complicated. The sea - elements ... Even more special situation - at the captain ...
  So: a duty, honor, courage, consciousness of the fulfilled duty ...
  Thirdly, such concepts as "duty", "honor", "courage" - they are "civilization" concepts.
  Let's address Naval dirk history. Most the dirk was widely adopted in Russia at Alexander I (the first round-the-world expedition under the Russian flag, numerous victories) and at Stalin (creation of the powerful ocean fleet (Navy), the Northern Sea Route, numerous victories). These historical figures symbolize the periods of successful actions of the state. But for achievement of success both understanding of a duty, and honor, and courage were required ...
  A "commitment" to Naval Dirk is not determined by the provisions of regulations, administrators!
  This commitment goes through, through history. It exists independently of the political regime and regulations. Regardless of the cultural characteristics of certain countries. In historical works, we can find information about Naval Dirk in the Navies, for example, and of Japan, and of the United States, and of many other countries [].
  Fourthly, the legal rules concerning both bladed weapons (in General) and - separately - Naval Dirks are changing. It seemed to me that the legal provisions on Naval Dirks are compactly set out in court decisions, for example:
  Decision No. 2A-160/2017 2A-160/2017~M-170/2017 M-170/2017 of may 17, 2017 in case No. 2A-160/2017. []
  Decision No. 2A-75/2017 2A-75/2017~M-57/2017 M-57/2017 of may 4, 2017 in case No. 2A-75/2017 []
  В-пятых, знакомство с вновь появившимися публикациями дало возможность узнать о еще одной версии происхождения слова "кортик". Кортик (от итал. cortello - "нож")...
  Fifthly, acquaintance to again appeared publications gave the chance to learn about one more version of origin of the word "dirk". A dirk (from ital. cortello - "knife") ...
  [Words are correlated in the Russian language.]
  This version is not the only one. But - (like would) a new.
  I will use an occasion and I will put forward the version (which corresponds to history of emergence of a Naval Dirk. - To a naval dirk - 500 years. - On April 2, 1520 the alguazil Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa made a resolute act. It was one of those moments that guided the expedition of Magellan - del Cano - de Espinosa to the victory.)
  Моя версия. Court (англ) - суд. Некоторые функции капитана корабля близки к функциям судьи. Таковы условия морских плаваний...
  My version. Court (English) - court. Some functions of the captain of the ship are close to those of a judge. These are the conditions of sea voyages...
  It can be assumed that the legal regulation of ownership of a naval dirk will be (to simplify the situation) allocated to a separate task.
  That any (unreasonable) restriction on the receipt of naval dirks officers, retired, in storage, naval dirks, their gift, transfer by inheritance will be undo.
  January 23, 2019 14:29
  Translation from Russian into English: January 23, 2019 19:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о правах на кортик".
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