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 Ваша оценка:

Rusty pipes,
Iron gnash,
Wrong hopes,
Fading backflash.

This is land of sorrow.
Logs wallowed in swill.
Here won't be tomorrow,
We didn't manage to fulfill.

This is land of perish.
Our mission complete.
For what this punish?
You ask from cracked concrete.

This is land of hope,
That never will be. 
Cause humans are gone.
But who is wandering Me? 

So madness ended.
The nature can sleep,
To death was enslaved,
And pitted so deep.

 Ваша оценка:

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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