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Pico de la Mirandola and the 21st century

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    A short reminder about a Renaissance genius.

  Why is it so important to remember him?
  Because Pico della Mirandola was one of the most progressive thinkers of his epoch, having written more than 900 short theses aboyt human rights, religion, aesthetics and morality.
  His input was so significant that he bacame an illustrated scholar in Italy by the age of 23, his true career having begun at the aged of 14.
  He was a human rights theorist who was a gracious orator, having touched upon topics such as knowledge, the essence of life, life missions of social stratas and people in terms of both science and religion.
  Pico de la Mirandola had a bright, productive critical mind and he also was a keen supporter of all arts.
  Pico della Mirandola was clearly one of the most illustrious aristocrats of the Renaissance era, a thinker who manged to unite and describe universal truths, as well as illusions of a human mind.
  His ambitious works were accurate and precise in terms of philosophical analysis, and still they were creative enough to be noticed both by the Catholic church and a long succession of aristocrats.
  Having a distinct inclination towards scientific clarity, he, however, misinterpreted astrology, seeing it is a totally directive realm of knowledge. His input into philosophy, aestetics and 'les belles lettres' has made him a predecessor to numerous philosophers of the Western Classical Tradition, including the German Christian Kabbalah experts such as Paracelsius and Paulua Ricius.
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