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Hme0001@@ : Introductory Materials : Read Me First! : All : 2023 : Mirski-Bis

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    This is a pretty short for me textual material, intended to throw light over the question of this new ... facet of mine, so to say. It explains who am I and why was necessary this cloning, then why I will use this strange Latin transliteration and which are its basic rules, what means the special code which I will squeeze in the title of my publications, in what principally differ this way of presenting of my works, and other similar things. After what follows, I would say, /_huge_/ list of my newly encoded and split works, divided in the languages that I use, and here in English. That's it, but it must really be read /_before_/ the other materials, because otherwise all will look pretty puzzling.

===>*_READ ME FIRST! (About Hristo Mirski-Bis)_*
===>*_Hristo Mirski-Bis, 2023_*
-->[ -_Abstract_-: This is a pretty short for me textual material, intended to throw light over the question of this new ... facet of mine, so to say. It explains who am I and why was necessary this cloning, then why I will use this strange Latin transliteration and which are its basic rules, what means the special code which I will squeeze in the title of my publications, in what principally differ this way of presenting of my works, and other similar things. After what follows, I would say, /_huge_/ list of my newly encoded and split works, divided in the languages that I use, and here in English. That's it, but it must really be read /_before_/ the other materials, because otherwise all will look pretty puzzling. ]
-->[ Idea for -_illustration_-: I don't think that illustration here is at all necessary, but in case of necessity it may show two hands, where in the left one is held a pencil, and in the right one a knife, and is shown the process of sharpening of the pencil, what has to speak about the beginning of writing work. ]
-->0. Who is Mirski-Bis?
-->1. Transliteration with basic Latin characters
-->2. Other moments about this strange intention
-->3. List of the works in English
--> -- -- -- -- --
==>*_0. Who is Mirski-Bis?_*
-->This is the easiest question, because this new name is general simplification of my earlier *_Chris Myrski_* (in English, German, and other Western, or with Latin letters, alphabets), or *_Hristo Mirskij_* (in Russian, and given in Cyrillic), or *_Hristo Mirski_* (in Bulgarian, and also given in Cyrillic). Yet allow me even here to introduce one natural shortening of the names of languages with 3 letters (namely: Eng, Ger, Ita, Rus, Bul, and probably others).
-->Then the next moment is that here I will use only Latin letters, and even /_basic_/ such ones (so that, e.g., Ger umlauts will be given without the points above and using some tricks); but this is easy (also with the Ita letters), where problems begin to appear in Bul and a bit more in Rus languages. This basic Latin means that I will use practically (with a pair of exceptions) the old /_7_/-bit ASCII code used in the first teletypes before a century!
-->Also I will use /_no_/ special beautifications that are so characteristic for the .doc type of files, but will use (naturally, by this general approach) only some special signs for marking of this, what means usually by 2 chars, when necessary, and even more than this for new lines, headings of different kinds, and indentation for verses! This will surely make the text look ugly, and a little silly, but /_readable_/, and this is what matters for me! What you must have /_already_/ seen on the screens, when reading me. I will explain these things further, but now will continue.
-->So why I am doing this, ah? Well, for one thing in order to allow easy publication /_everywhere_/ (because each site differs in the methods of simplification and /_ignoring_/ of nearly all editing signs, be it in .doc format, be it as .htm), and for other thing to make my works look ugly /_on purpose_/, so that not to seduce some businessman to copy the texts from the sites where they are posted (and use them illegally)! This will also be cleared later, but, as briefly as possible, this is because I want to publish myself in /_full_/ on many sites (because to 2023-rd year I have found about /_40_/ files, i.e. books, and in some instances even pretty /_big_/ ones, which I publish on most of the free sites in abridged form, and sometimes even to mere /_10_/ %s)!
-->One can say that I, both, want to be read, and also not to be copied, what is /_true_/, because I tried a pair of years to publish some of my books against little payment and this turned to be practically impossible, a failure! And why so? Ah, because I do not write actions or thrillers or love stories or children or teen books etc., which are in good demand, but write educational and moralizing and popular (or even scientific) and critical (but in sense of the society, not literary critique) books, or dictionaries, or funny poetry (but even here the fun can be appreciate only by /_intelligent_/ enough persons, because my verses are philosophical, they require thinking; and sometimes they are sexy, but not for lovers yet rather from a cynical point of view)! So that's it, I am /_not for everybody_/, I am for chosen highly educated people (who have usually no time to look at the popular sites). Non-denying this I continue to be convinced that my creative artifacts have to be preserved for the posterity!
-->And why this, ah? Hmm, because my heritage is quite /_big_/, it consists (or will consist) of nearly /_200_/ ebooks (and this under this my pen-name, I mean Chris Myrski, but I have a pair of other ones), and only my poetry accounts to about 50 /_thousand_/ poetical lines (and this in at least /_3_/ languages), and I have pretty valuable (and /_new_/ even for the special public) dictionaries and etymological researches! Ah, after all, I work every day and without weekends in this popularizing sphere for more than 30 (expecting to make not less than 35) years! I simply can't not to work, not to occupy my brain with something. So that, well, I wanted all this years to win some fifty (filthy) dollars monthly and have not succeeded to reach this goal; now, at my nearly 73, I live enormously poor, but in spite of this I simply do /_not_/ need money! So that I will publish everything also in some a bit ciphered way, but in readable form.
-->And now, under this new cloning name, I expect to come to even whole /_1,000_/ of pieces, which must be able to reach wider audience. Because I also /_split_/ the big works in small portions, like chapters, or even smaller portions (I will try not to exceed about 10 pages, or a pair of 100-s poetical lines), for the simple reason that bigger portions are difficult to be read from an Internet site, they require quietness and reading at home, in comfort, from your own copy of the books (that you do not want to buy).
-->That's in brief who am I and why I have invented now this new variation of my basic pseudonym. I am a pretty intelligent and poor scientific worker in my heart. Because I have, as I like to put it, 2.5 University educations, received in 3 different countries, know 3.5 foreign languages (and have lived for several years on a pension in the amount of ... a bit /_less than 3 bus tickets daily_/, for all expenses)! And you better do not ask why I live so poor, because the shortest answer to this question is: because of our /_barbarian_/ country, with our still not ending (for more than 30 years) transition to democracy! What makes obvious why I spit (and with reason) at the democracy all these botched years; yet, at the same time, being clever enough person, I am also /_thankful_/ to the conditions in my country, in result of which I have become probably the biggest anti-democrat of all times! This is who am I, Hristo Mirski-Bis.
-->Ah, and coming to this my new name I have nearly forgotten to tell you why I have chosen it. So this is because: Hristo is the Bul way to pronounce the name of Christ, then Mirski is simplification of Myrski (because there are no special reasons for such writing of this pseudonym, I have simply not wanted to write it in Eng manner as Mirsky, where with "i" in the end it looks somehow more Eastern), and this added Bis is a sign for something new or more, or a morsel of something (it is so in Fre and in Ger, and in Ger /_Biss_/ is a bite). Hence this Bis can symbolize, both, some variation of the name, and some bites as small portions (because here everything is given in morsels), as well also that I am called to perform an /_encore_/, after big applauds (what is not true, I have still less than 1 mln reads, or rather looks, on /_all_/ of my sites, more like the half of this). But it is nice to think that I am fulfilling some encores.
-->And the last addition here, about the using of Lat alphabet for Slavonic (and other) letters. I will explain this very soon, bit let me mention now that the major pillar here is to forget about reading the char "y" in the Eng manner as 'aj' (like in "my"), but to denote with it that sound like in Eng "girl" (only not elongated), which is usually called "schwa" (what I suppose has to mean something ... /_schwabisch_/, i.e. common Ger), and another pillar is to use "j" to denote the old Lat "j" (like in Ger Johannes, or in Eng "boy"). I have used this method for maybe 10 years quite successfully, but usually putting this in '', as way how to /_read_/ a letter or word, while here this will be the common way to write in Cyrillic.
-->May, 2023, Hristo Mirski-Bis
--> -- -- -- -- --
==>*_1. Transliteration with basic Latin characters_*
-->Ah, here I will also not indulge in details, because I am doing this in a pair of papers in the folder "Scientific Feast -- PIR", and especially in the "Myrski's English transliteration", but in two words: it is based on the ideas of ... Bul alphabet! Well, because it deserves this, it is both ancient and modern, has sounds from many Western and Eastern langs (this will be shortening for languages), and can also be coded with Lat chars (what, as it turns, the Serbs are doing for a long time). But mark that I say (and mean) exactly Bul Cyr (for Cyrillic) because it is simpler and better than any of the other Slavs. The major things here are to forget about the Eng reading of "j" (what has to be given as 'dzh') and read it as Lat "j", like in Eng "boy"; and then to use the letter "y" for this sound as in Eng "girl"; and then let me to tell you that in single quotes I put how the words are read, where in double ones I put how they are written (say, Eng "tire" is read as 'taiy').
-->What concerns the consonants (shorten to C. here; and V. will mean vowels), I use the standard for the Eng lang usage of "zh, ch, sh"; as well also "gh, bh, rh" etc. (if needed) must be clear that are /_hardened_/ variant of the first letter, where "nj, mj, tj" etc. are resp. softened sounds. With the Cs this is more or less all (with exception of some really difficult phonetically langs, like Pol or Swe, and others), but I will write texts only in: Eng (where everything is unchanged, if this is the lang of narration), Ger (where the problems are not with the letters but with the grammar, what is of no concern here), then in Ita (where the special orthographical thing is only the stressing), and then, naturally (because I am Bul and know perfectly well Rus), in some Cyr alphabets, where with the Bul will be no problems at all, and the Rus one is also easily managed. Some of these Cs are basic, some are modified (M-d, here), and some are combined (comb.), but this will be cleared in the next paragraph, about the Vs.
-->So now we have come to the Vs, where the things are more complicated. More specifically I discern /_3_/ types of Vs (as well of Cs), namely: basic, M-d, and comb-d! The /_basic_/ ones are /_6_/, or exactly 'a, e, i, o, u, /_y_/', and the latter V. is for me basic, but it is /_not_/ present in the other Sla (for Slavonic) langs, yet it exist all around the world. Then /_M-d_/ are such Vs where one begins to say one thing, but ends saying smt (for something) else! Some typical examples are: Eng 'ya' like in "but", Eng 'ae' like in "man", Rus /_eri_/ what is 'yi' (like in their 'myi'-we, 'tyi'-you, etc.), or then Ger 'oe' like in Ger "bo:se", and similarly in many other langs. And /_comb-d_/ Vs are usually the diphthongs, like 'ej, aj, jo, ey, iy, ou' and really many others; but also the thriphthongs like 'aiy' etc., yet I prefer to divide the latter in 2 syllables (shortened to syl., like 'ai-y'). There can be also semi-Vs (like Eng "w" = 'vh'), and just consequent Vs like, say, N/_ea_/nderthal, or Ger /_b_/ea/_rbeiten_/, and others, which I simply write consequently.
-->Now let me go to each of the langs which I will use. In Eng there are no problems; this lang is, for one thing, utterly ... uneducated, with unqualified grammatical categories, etc., but, for another thing, it manages to use only basic Lat chars, with no chicks above or below, what is very good (because each such chick is, in fact, another char). The only addition that I make to it is to add the sign "®" for adding of additional syl. (like, say, "people" must be nearly always read as "peop®le", especially in my poetry, where here an 'y' sound is added; but this may be used also for splitting of a diph- or thriph- -thong -- like in "ti®re" = 'tai®y', or "be®ar" = 'be®y'). Then comes the Ger lang, where everything is obvious, their 3 Vs with 2 points above become "a:, o:, u:", and their /_scharfes ess_/ is "ss". Then for Ita I will add for each stressing from left to right the sign '`', and if it is in back direction, from right to left, then to double this sign, yet in this case /_before_/ the V. (say '`a, `e', etc, or '``e', like in "perch``e"). For other more complicated chicks I will add either "h" or smt else, but I will not publish Fr or Pol or Swe etc. texts. In Bul there is only this mentioned 'y', that is often used, but in the Cyr we have 2 /_different_/ chars that I will give in the /_same_/ manner, namely 'j' as softening sign /_after_/ the Cs, or also as 'j' before 'o', what gives 'jo'. This confusion in Bul can happen probably once on several /_thousand_/ words, so that this does not really matter, but in Rus it is often used; we have in Bul also the diphthongs 'ja' and 'ju', for which we use only one letter, but we will never write this with 2 separate chars, so that here are also no problems; and we have, too, 1 letter for the sound comb-n 'sht', which I will give exactly in this way. So that it remains the Rus lang, where I will add smt more.
-->Yes, the Rus lang, but let me before this turn your attention to the fact that I will /_not_/ follow strictly the biectivity (what means that from A to B, is the same as from B to A), but will use the simplest possible way in each case (or lang). Because of this I have said that the Ger "sharp s" will be everywhere 'ss', but they use quite often now this combination, so that without full dictionary one can not guess how it has to be written correctly (but what of it?, it can be read and understood well). But I will also /_not_/ follow the exact way of reading of some combinations of letters (like Rus "-ogo" which is always read as '-ovo' yet I will leave it as it is written), and, what is more important (from the point of view of reading), I will never write their usual "e" as M-d 'ie' (what it, in fact, is), because this will look pretty silly. They have also one char ("e") written with 2 points above it, which they practically /_always_/ drop and leave to the readers to guess how is right to be read, but not me, for I have always considered necessary to write these points above (like in the primary books for children), because for the foreigners (like myself) they are important (they make quite different sound). So that let me give now the exact writing of those Rus letters, that are different from the (ideal) Bul Cyr, namely: their /_eri_/ (which is properly pronounced 'er`yi') will be always 'yi', their "e:" will be 'jo', their reversed "e" will be 'ae' as diphthong, their equivalent of Bul 'sht' will be 'shch' (because this is how they read this letter), and the massively used soft sign will be always 'j' (no matter of some possible confusions).
-->To this let me add also a sentence about used here and there Gre letters. They are almost always given with some usual Lat chars (like 'ph, th, ks, ps' and maybe smt else), with the exception that omega is 'oo' (no matter of some possible confusion), and /_eta_/ will be '`e' (what I have seen to be used somewhere); this, that they don't have now letter 'b' at all (and use the silly way to write 'mp' instead), I am leaving as it is. Ah, and if there happens some Tur or Pol etc. letter, then I will give it as it is read (with 'sh' or 'dzh' or 'ju', or then 'ts' what may occur in Rum, for R/_o_/manian, in order to differ from Rom for Roman langs, or some other similar decision). This is utterly necessary for standardization, because there are sites where not only the Cyr letters are changed to "?" (or ";" or smt else), but as well also Gre ones and of many other langs (and I want to simplify my work of decoding for each different site). As if only this "®" sign is not of basic Lat, but in case of problems I will substitute it with usual "0".
-->OK, and it is time now to come to some (i.e. to /_all_/ important) formatting chars, like for italic or for titles, indentations et cetera, because they are also cut on practically all sites (there are no new lines, no compulsive spaces, no nothing, people!). Here I will use also smt similar, like this "®" or "-, =, _, >", where I will still leave practically unused (just in case) chars like "|, ~, ^", so that my approach is pretty good, I find. More concretely I am using under this pen-name the following formatting chars (where the "for" is enclosed in the new special parentheses): /_italic_/, *_bold_*, -_underlined_-, /upper-index|, \down-index| (where the last "|" may be missing if it is just 1 letter or word, say, A\1/2 or b\min , or /* for footnote, which follows directly after the paragraph), then "--" is long hyphen, and as if these are the major formatting chars. Then new line is introduced with "-->", next indentation for the poetry is "®®®", respectively a delimiter line is usually "--> - - - - -" (or smt like page-break is "--> -- -- -- -- --"), and the titles are, beginning with the biggest (of a whole book, usually Heading 1): ====>, ===>, ==>, and => for the smallest subsection (Heading 4). How you see, it is not really difficult to have made some similar understandings on the sites, but they are just neglecting the correct look.
--> -- -- -- -- --
==>*_2. Other moments about this strange intention_*
-->Here I will extend a bit what I have already said in the point 0., namely that I have pretty recently (yet gradually) come to this decision in order to be able to publish myself on practically all sites, and in /_full_/, without big fears that my works will be copied by some enterprising (i.e. impudent) person, who will copy my works and use them directly to earn money forgetting about me. Because I wanted for many (10 or more) years to win by some little sum (of the amount of my poor pension) monthly but this has never happened. And I have always written for the people, to educate them a little more (because they need this), hence I want to bring my works to the masses, to increase my popularity, and to /_leave_/ them also to these masses (having practically no heirs, and no brothers and sisters), and being, so to say, in the dying age. Because according with my Creative testament (published in my Personal things folder in 3 langs) my works are to become exactly /_public_/ property, to be able to be read freely from everybody, even in a chosen lang, chiefly in Eng, Rus, and Bul, but up to some extent also in Ger (and probably smt in Ita). Yes, I am a good guy, I want to give to the others what I have written (more so when I can not make money out of them while being alive).
-->But I don't like to give my works to silly and impolite (to me) readers who just click on the work, scroll a bit forth and back and exit it without reading at all. So that I hoped that when requiring some moderate sum (what means rarely more than 5 US$, sometimes even by a single dollar), then people will read the things. Yes but /_no_/, because people are used to think that when they are given smt necessary then this must be free; they are ready to pay for smt., hmm, indecent, or forbidden, or shameful, and so on (say, well advertised). I can't say that this is a wrong habit (because even I do not like to pay for whatever), but I just needed some help. Yet now (having learned to ... circle around garbage bins, ha-ha, right?), after I jumped over my 70, I just do /_not_/ need whatever money! So that I am ready to show everything (even about 40 "hidden" from the free audience ebooks), yet I wanted to be sure that I will not be copied. But no more! Now I tell to everybody: feel /_free to copy_/ my works and give them to your friends to read, etc., just /_read_/ them really, show that you /_want_/ to read them (because there are some really serious between them)! And cutting them in small morsels, and ciphering them, in a way, I make some obstacles for you, what must /_increase_/ your desire to read me (I suppose)! Like I have said, in this way my works do /_not_/ look pretty, but they are perfectly readable, with all accents which I have put in them. Some of you can even try to do the reverse process of my coding and decode the works (yet in a bunch of about 1 MB, otherwise it doesn't pay the efforts) to .doc or .htm format; providing that you do many /_manual_/ changings (when you don't know how many chars are included in the new parentheses even if you apply some tricks there will remain probably hundreds of places where you will be forced to stop and do manual changes), and in all cases read everything carefully at the end, this is entirely possible (because the inectivity with the alphabets is not so big and can be performed char by char changes), yet the manual work may be really big.
-->And there is also the point that on the Internet one is not inclined to reed long materials, only a pair of pages, what I am trying to do for you, on the price of many additional work for me (making, as I said, about a whole thousand of morsels). But when this is necessary then I may try it! After all, after my 75 years I do not intend to begin any big initiatives for writing, just by a piece here and there, and some poetry for fun (and recreation). But what means short morsels? I will hardly have smt less than about 10 pages (by about 5 KB in each), and only if I will exceed 100 KB text I will make forced splitting in several pieces (and don't forget that I have several books of more than 1 MB, these are huge things for 1 file, surely). And in this or another format my works are possible to be found even in /_Cyr_/, but coded with Lat chars, because this is often done by default in some browsers (what says that I am not doing smt unheard of, I am simply doing it in the right way, having been computer programmer for many years). Also do non miss this consideration: that my "hidden" full variants of the books are /_not_/ really visible in the Internet, no, visible are only their titles, probably Contents, and some Abstracts for them, and when I have used many catching phrases in my texts they are not seen by the public (before this my new cloning name), what is not to my liking, and because of this I searched for some different approach to the matters, not the paid books but smt else.
-->Probably this is enough about the reasons for this my new way of presenting of my works; let us see how this will work, and will the people on the sites endure me publishing many hundred works (but this is not increasing of the volume of the texts, it is rather on the contrary). So that let me come to the new special "code" included in the titles, smt like "HMB170312", what will play the role of a special /_ISBN_/ only for me. Ah, I have simply thought about one /_enhanced_/ title, that will include: the author, the lang, the title of the book, then the chapter, subchapter, year of writing, and some "identification number", so that to be able to search in the whole Internet exactly some of my works. And I think that now this is possible, you can check it (because the titles are always published full, unless they are cut for some reasons, but as if usually are allowed till 200 chars). To give an example I will cite below first the pattern for the titles, then the title precisely for this chapter, and then the first chapter of my first book (which is rather booklet, but this is not important, it is how I decide it to be). The fields of it are separated with ":" (what means that I must avoid using of this sign in the titles, and I change it usually to "--"). Here they follow:
-->Lang : Folder : CodeNo : Book/Folder : Chapter/Booklet : Subchapter/Chapter : Year : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : zero : HME000102 : : Read Me First! : 2. Other Moments : 2023 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010001 : The Communism As Religion : Title & Contents, 0. Introduction : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Additional explanations are that leading is the lang with 3 letters, then (after ":") is the number of the folder on the site (which may exist, but the site may also not maintain folders, and in such case this is important in order to orient yourself and helps in the search, having hundreds of files), then comes this code number, where the first 2 letters are always "HM" and the third one is the lang (this time with 1 char only), and the code continues with the number of the book (big or small, but, still, book, the first 2 digits), after what comes the number of the chapter and subchapter (which one can, naturally not know, but this allows some search in the Internet), then comes the name of the book (or nothing, if it is very small, like with this introductory material), then comes the name of the next division, which is usually chapter, then is the name of the subchapter (if not empty), after what is the year of finishing of the book, and at the end is always the text "Mirski-Bis" (for fast search in the Internet). This shows that the code has many places, for up to 100 books in one lang, and to 10,000 subchapters in a book (but who knows?), and in addition to this I use also some folders on the sites, because some books have many chapters, and it is always preferable to have not pretty big number of files in the folders (when they exist).
-->Ah, more than this I alone do not know for sure until have coded and published the books. But I will try to do this, at least to begin it this year. For this reason (of unfinishness) the list of the works in the next chapter will be continued for some years, but this is unavoidable. So that at this place I can wish you only quiet reading (and /_copying_/, if you want) of my books. And have always in mind that the sites go ... bankrupt permanently, I am alone witness of 5-10 such bankrupts, and there are about 5 more sites where I have given up publishing (for various reasons). At least you copy smt after you have looked at it and read a bit of it. Or else try to get in touch with me to sent you some copy for personal use against some moderate payment (if you succeed to convince me that it is for you alone; if it goes about non-abridged books on free for reading sites and under my initial name Myrski, this will most probably be possible). And I beg you also to tell me names of all possible literary sites where I can publish free (and in more exotic countries -- say, in Saudi Arabia, or Chile, China, India, Pakistani, and so on -- the better).
-->I, for my part, will most probably use this method of coding of the books even in my usual sites and do it for whole big books, yet in some special folder called, e.g. "Copy Me Free", because it is one thing to be able to click over the work and copy some chunk (or everything) but without any formatting chars, and it is quite another thing to have all necessary formatting chars, but in pretty ugly way, because in an usual plain text form. The code then can be filled at the end with "@@" in order to indicate the whole book or booklet, like, say, for this whole booklet I may use HME0001@@, and for the whole "Communism" the code will be HME0100@@. In this way you will be able to make your own libraries of plain .txt files yet somehow formatted. And I can also advice my colleagues to follow my example, even if not with going totally to basic Lat chars, but using only the formatting chars for titles, new lines, italic, and so on. This may turn after some time to be called /_Mirski's_/ format, who knows?
-->May, 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria
--> -- -- -- -- --
==>*_3. List of the works in English_*
-->Eng : zero : HME000100 : : Read Me First! : 0. Who is Mirski-Bis? : 2023 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : zero : HME000101 : : Read Me First! : 1. Transliteration with basic Latin characters: 2023 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : zero : HME000102 : : Read Me First! : 2. Other Moments : 2023 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : zero : HME000103 : : Read Me First! : 3. List of the works in English : 2023 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010001 : The Communism As Religion : Title & Contents, 0. Introduction : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010101 : The Communism As Religion : I. Similarities of the communism with other religions : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010201 : The Communism As Religion : II. Differences between the communism and other religions : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010301 : The Communism As Religion : III. Past and future of the communist religion : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010401 : The Communism As Religion : IV. The Pentaism -- religion of the future : : 1998 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : one : HME010501 : The Communism As Religion : Appendix -- Etymological research (multilingua) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis

-->Eng : two : HME020001 : Curious Manifestos (Politistics) : Title & Contents, Foreword : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020101 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the DDD (Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship) Movement : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020102 : Curious Manifestos : Addendum to DDD : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020201 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the EEE (Enigma of the Exploitative Elite) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020301 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the ZSG (Zodiacal Significance Group) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020302 : Curious Manifestos : Addendum to ZSG : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020401 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the IIE (Initiative for Iterative Elections) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020501 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the CCW (Corrupted Cadres Wing) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020601 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the NNO (New Nomenclature's Offensive) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020701 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the FCP (Forever Changing Party) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020702 : Curious Manifestos : Addendum to FCP : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020801 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the BRD (Believers in the Reasonable Difference) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020802 : Curious Manifestos : Addendum to BRD : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME020901 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the USC (Union for Strength and Competition) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021001 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the TTT (Tandem for Total Totalization) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021101 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the FFF (Feminism Forcing Formation) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021201 : Curious Manifestos : Manifesto of the CCC (Civilized Centralization and Circuses) : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021202 : Curious Manifestos : Addendum to CCC : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021301 : Curious Manifestos : Afterword : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : two : HME021302 : Curious Manifestos : Supplement -- Hurray, Is It Possible (Government of the Reasonable Alternative)? : : 2007 : Mirski-Bis

-->Eng : three : HME030001 : Ten Cynical Essays (Popular Worldview) : Title & Contents, Foreword : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030101 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the Creation and the created : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030201 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the woman and the man : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030301 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the mankind : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030401 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the intellect : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030501 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the religion : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030601 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the democracy : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030701 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the violence : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030801 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the justice : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME030901 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the population : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME031001 : Ten Cynical Essays : About the future : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->Eng : three : HME031101 : Ten Cynical Essays : Addendum -- Constitution of Cynicland : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
-->... etc. (this is about 20 %)
-->Eng : four : HME040001 : Tit... : Title & Contents, Foreword : : ?2000 : Mirski-Bis
--> -- -- -- -- --

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