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The Last Sf Story / Последний Нф Рассказ / Последният Нф Разказ - only for 2 monts!

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          Here I will keep for only 2 months my last SF story in Eng, then in Rus, and then in Bul, and later this file will be used for smt. else and moved from here! This story is for one new form of Afterlife, which is in conformity with the contemporary Internet. And with this the book is closed (because I alone am going soon to "live" there). Search me on the Internet, or wait until I will publish the CopyMeFree variant.
         Keywords: SF, utopian fiction, social fiction, own ideas, in English, in Russian, in Bulgarian.


     Let me tell you first my name and then the other things. So I am Jack, yet not like that guy from London, if you see what I mean. I intend to enlighten you about the so modern these days modeled souls, or spirits of deaths, or forever living, or artificial personalities, or invented human entities, and so on, or rather about Psychologically Modeled Thinking Human Substitutes, PMTHS, often pronounced as Psym substitutes. You may say that they are seen everywhere and some of you are even sick of them, but, people, the obvious things must also be explained, because there comes time when they are forgotten or misunderstood (and what if some intelligent beings from another galaxy have somehow come to our Web pages and can read them, but need explanations?), so that I am writing for the posterity, so to say, such things happen.
     And I, although young guy, have some deeper than the usual knowledge about these souls, because I am studying Philosophy modeling, what is one of the modern computer modelings, and there are persons who still have never heard about one Eliza program of one Weizenbaum guy a pair of centuries back (in 1966 at MIT). Such people either think that in computer programming everything is possible, or that everything is cheating, while these souls exist now nearly half a century and become cheaper every year; they are, unquestioningly, our future. Plus this I am working with these gadgets, while studying, so that I also understand them, help them, love them, and they are alive for me, in a way. Because: what is life, from standpoint of cybernetics, of processing of information? Ah, it is some program, to be sure, it (the living object) has memory cells, it has rules that command the reaction of the thing to different stimuli, it produces some effects, that influence its further activity, and so on. And if life is information then information can be, if not always, then in many cases also life; the biectivity is not strictly proven, but is natural to be expected, so that the modeled substitutes is quite natural to be thought and taken for alive (if we forget about the ... secretion of body organs, ha-ha, from the frontal or the posterior side).

* * *

     The traditional Psyms nowadays, as you know, have form of an electric torch, or thick pencil, and weigh about 100 gr, or even less (if you have redundant money), and the only action they need to be done is to change their battery from time to time (roughly once in a quarter year). But this is the terminal part, the device, not the program, which is also not kept in them but on a computer accessible via Internet, just like an usual cell phone, from where they were developed as separate (or stand-alone) programs. This was quite natural evolvement of the things (like, hmm, that if you have a ... slot, it is natural that someone will want to stick there some "coin", right?), and this was done before more than a century, yet without the device, just as a program that you can call and play with it, asking questions, or advices (what was more interesting than tossing a coin in difficult situations). Only that the real "torches" have 2 (as a rule) video cameras (in order to ensure stereo vision), microphone, usually not speaker, and some indicators like for the battery, for calling of attention (a blue one), for saying "yes" or "no" (or "don't know", if both eyes are switched on), and sometimes a pair of places for small digits or letters (or also more places, but this is on the stem of the gadget). Well, there are always new additions, but these are the basic elements. And they have at the bottom place for inserting of circular battery, as well also a kind of foot to be fixed to some stand, with a tick-tock button, which performs also function of connection to the power supply; and the head of the piece can be inclined to some small angle, sometimes also the foot. This is in brief.
     These gadgets were initially kept at home, then people have begun to fix them on the graves, when their prices have fallen, like now to about 20 Euro dollars (I will shorten it to Eu$, where, for comparison, 1 chicken egg costs about 15 cents), but, you see, it is hardly probable to steal them, to remove the chip with the PIN-code and resell them, for 3-4 times cheaper price, because these are highly valued items, and one will try to buy original gadget for his (or her) deceased relatives. In this way even when they were about 50 Eu$ many persons have kept them on the cemetery. But then the question arose: why should they keep them there, why not to allow the dead to watch what is around them, to be put in some interesting places, in parks and gardens, on some squares, stadiums, walls of important buildings, bus stops, et cetera? And then some Municipalities have come to the idea to provide special stands for these devices, usually in form of flowers, like seeds of them (if this is sunflower, or chrysanthemum, or the like), at a height of 1 to 2 meters. And from that point on we have begun to care about our dead relatives, be it only symbolically and in doubt whether this is real existence in the afterlife. And the batteries of these stands I have begun to check and change, if these are batteries (because there can be solar batteries, or supply from the mains, yet they also need checking). This is an easy job, but someone has to do it, and there are additional possibilities both, for earning of money, and for cares for the deads (be it even cares for the feelings of the living relatives). So that I will continue my narration.

* * *

     Changing of battery of a stand is an easy task, and if there is some more serious problem I just mark where this has happened (each stand has its number, of course) and inform higher authorities, so that if it was only this, there would have been needed 10 times less checking. But there are the Psyms on them and they can be sometimes up to 50 or so, but usually about a dozen, so that I check each of them. Well, this is not so tedious as you may begin to think, I ask a series of questions, and compare the answers also with the indicators of the stand, so that everything must match correctly (the total number with all various answers); on the newest stands is shown info about the indicators of all gadgets (they check periodically the devices there by the air, or there is another small data input like for all of the indicators, which is in the middle of the foot for connecting to the power of the stand). And I must change their batteries only if they indicate red light, but there can be also yellow one (on older models they may show green and red lights simultaneously) and it is not required from me to do whatever in this case, I can treat this like green one. If I change battery on red light I just send an email to my bosses with the PIN code of the gadget and they require from the nearest relatives (who, naturally, can be obtained from the central program by authorized persons like me, and every soul knows them, too), in which case the tax in the current moment for my city is 1.2 Eu$, and I receive later 1/4 of the amount from my bosses as additional payment. Even if some souls have no live relatives the batteries are changed on account of the municipality, these are not big sums.
     Yes, but I have decided to perform similar services also when on yellow light (what many of my colleagues also do, I have learned this from them), in which case I ask the Psyms on yellow whether they have living relatives and whether they think that their relatives will agree to pay for an earlier change (with what they practically always agree in order to be safer), and do the change, sending later alone the necessary emails to those relatives requiring the same tax, only that in this case I keep the bigger part for myself (as well also for the cost of the battery) and sent to my bosses 1/4 of the sum; in this way all parties are glad because I provide additional services. And the asking is easily done by my usual device, like every other Iphone, only using one specialized menu for the purpose; on the newest stands I can talk with the very stand and it sends the messages to the proper gadgets and the latter only blink in green (for "yes") to me if they agree. (The yes /no indicators usually are small vertical bars, in order not to be confused with other indicators.)

* * *

     Yet these are natural things, which many of my colleagues do, while I have begun to do something more for the souls, because I have quite deep insight into their programs. I know for sure that they want to travel! And what means "want", when they are only programs? Ah, want or not is a matter of some ... counter, of reading of specific memory cell, where periodically are added or subtracted ones! (And if this is cell for integer numbers it is used for storing of positive and negative numbers up to some upper limit, where it has the disadvantage that it works modulo this number and one more than this limit means minus the limit! Only that this drawback can be an advantage here, because in this way can be modeled the dialectical changing of the poles! In other words: what is too good may turn to be bad.) And will this counter cell work good depends on the algorithm of periodical adding or subtracting, where if it goes about habits this must be done not oftener than once daily, or even once in a pair of days. At least this seems quite natural for us, hence it is preferable to maintain this property also by the Psyms.
     OK, so when the deads may like to change the sceneries, then let give this opportunity to them, said I to myself. And I began to ask at the stands: who wants some change? And then, to where, to the North, East, South, or West? And for how long (for pair of days or months), to some sea, or river, or mountain, such questions (they can be reduced to about a dozen). Or also for a given event (football match, or pop concert, or some fair). And I have begun to collect the wishing gadgets and divide them in categories, fixing them on stands of my own (it was firstly 1 stand only with 36 sockets, but later I bought 4-5 more), yet telling them that if I will not succeed to do this (for various reasons) I will not be able to return them on the old places, but will put them where I can. And many souls have shown desire to move (even no matter where), yet I have begun to keep many of them at my home for some time. Although my general habit become to stop on some square or garden or the like, to load down my personal stands and to propose to the people to choose some souls for some time, what I have done usually after 5 o'clock, somewhere till 6 or 7 in the evening (in the working for me days, because I worked about half-time). The people could have alone asked them questions, or tell them where they will go, and make their choices, and I wanted for my services only 0.5 Eu$, but they gave me always 1 whole one (sometimes more). So that my initiative turn to be met with enthusiasm, and I could have prospered in this business, but it was not for a single person, who also has to visit lectures and study his Philosophy modeling.

* * *

     And with the finding of companion began my problems in this respect. Because, like I have heard it from an older friend, the common groups work well if they are governed with an iron fist, with punishments and by compulsion, or else if they are cheated with something (i.e. if they are ready to be cheated and even like this)! And especially when it goes about little groups, of a pair of persons, they have to be cheated with some ... amorous feelings! Yes, so it is, and these feelings are reduced to, ha-ha, hard sex, right? There exist possibilities to find persons with similar inclinations and beliefs, but this is not so strong tying and because of this rarely works good. So that I had a pair of girl friends and tried firstly in this direction. I spoke about this possible earning with my usual, hmm, "live mattress", who is a nice girl, no denying, and she agreed for a pair of times to stand instead of me with a hundred dead souls, and everything went good according to me, but I worked for the deads, not for the money, and to win hardly even 5 Eu$ per hour was not to her liking, she has thought about real winning. So that this attempt failed. Then I asked one of my colleague student girls, who as if had some feelings to me and also liked the dead souls, but she, well, thought this for impractical behaviour (like all men are usually inclined to show such, because they are dreamers etc. -- according to her), and, chiefly, that she had not enough time to waste, because was engaged in studying, like myself.
     Yes, but if you ask me, I think that the chief reason for her rejecting of my proposition was that she wanted alone to do something, to show herself, and I was not one of her professors, to be sure. I do not state that this was bad attitude on part of her, but after some time has passed and I have read one funny assertion about the women I wholly agreed with it. And what assertion? Ah, that a woman errs only once, when she does what she alone has decided! Do you get it? Well, this means that the usual woman, if she has good adviser, is the best worker, she is scrupulous in details, does not tire from monotonous work, and so on, but when she alone begins to judge she makes a heap of errors. And this was known and applied for millenniums, but from about 3 centuries, with the coming of emancipation, the cart was put before the horse, as is said. The best advisor for a woman is, quite naturally, her husband, but when there are practically no families more, she is lacking her "band", she could have listened at least to some older women (say, to her mother), but she does not even this, she decides everything alone. And why is it so bad when she decides alone, ah? Well, because she is prejudiced, she defends always her part, and it can be wrong!
     This is so by the wish of God, I would say, i.e. this is justified when it goes about her children and family matters, because the man is in most cases the fair one, he fights in order to prove his rightness (what is not really right in many cases, but on the whole it is justified, because in our world wins the stronger), so that his decisions can be, and are, objective. The decisions of the woman, though, are not just for the general set, yet they are justified for her breed, surely. OK, but now we are moving out of the proper area, because the society is not her breed! Id est, the women are not good for taking of decisions outside of their own families, but nowadays there are no families, hence with the emancipation they have signed their inaptitude to take decisions in the society! They are good when something does not concern them (say, in the sciences, sports, or their professions generally), but in the majority of cases in ordinary life they simply do not interfere (if not forced to), they don't bother about such things, and when they bother, then they are prejudiced and take wrong decisions!
     So that, in my case, having not been able to rely on good sexual relations, I have moved to plan B, so to say, and found a pair of acquainted children, teenagers, who agreed to rotate themselves before the stands with my Psyms for a pair of hours in the evenings for half of the price, what was possible because they are, in many aspects, more idealistic than the majority of grown-up people, they are, as it is said, not yet spoiled by the education, and here by the (egoistic) society. This worked for some months, but later it became to be more and more difficult to find place where to pose the stands with the gadgets, being driven out from everywhere. Then I got fed by this and closed the business alone, proposing to the very Municipality to erect some stands, and to provide this service for the same symbolical price, where for the souls that I myself will bring to them (within the limit of 100 souls daily), to give me half of the price -- because of me being the author of the scheme --, but otherwise to use the idea as their own (for this was just a commercial guess, not some scientific invention, and I was not a businessman). Yes, but after some more months I agreed to receive only 5 % for the idea, yet from all "sold" in this way souls, which percent I reduced later to mere 3 percents. Because I had to continue my study.

* * *

     And now let me tell you something about my scientific field, this modeling of philosophical, or whatever, social or just material (if there is hidden sufficiently big amount of intellect) objects. I have to think sometime about my diploma thesis, and I have one simple little idea, which can show itself as interesting, if I will find nothing more interesting than it. I want to say that this depends on my future scientific advisor, but if my idea will look interesting to him then maybe he will accept it. And it is not trivial, and looks piquant, I would say. I can call it "Clever bubbles", which will be bubbles, yet endowed with ... intellect -- this is possible, guys and girls, do not laugh! I mean that the usual soap bubbles rise in the air if they become big enough, and they soar until come to rarefied enough air, where they will be heavier than it and stop there, or rise higher and burst. But they can collide with other material things or with other bubbles, and then, according to me, happens so, that the smaller give their air and part of the soapy membrane to the bigger, because they have heavier membranes and they are tighter than those of the bigger ones, so that as a result of this the bigger become more bigger and rise faster up, and the shrunken membranes of the smaller fall down to the earth. (I have not yet looked deep in the things, and it might happen that I am wrong, but this is a matter of assumptions, so that it can be said that this is the real case.)
     Yes, but this was about the usual bubbles, and my must be intelligent. So that I must first simplify the situation, choosing 2-D surface, which, though, can be closed horizontally, what means to become cylindrical, and at the bottom will be the soap "basin", while at the top part the air will become sufficiently rare, so that to cause that all bubbles will burst out at some height, and this will be pictured on a screen. So now about the intellect. It will be present in the membrane (surely not in the air, right?), and when the heavier shrunken membranes fall down they must simply change some counter of the intellect in the basin to bigger values, which must change the reaction of the membrane to counteract the usual laws of flowing of the air from smaller to bigger bubbles! This must be the self-teaching part of the process, that must ensure reaching of a state of equilibrium when the bubbles collide, i.e. that all bubbles will become equally big, and build some figures in the midair (yet also prevent the reverse process making the smaller bubbles to become bigger than the former bigger), something like this. In this way the new bubbles will become as if endowed with wisdom.
     ( For those of you who may take such situations for free invented let me inform them that back there about 3 centuries was invented the game called "Life", which was the most interesting of the so called Cellular automata, which are simple cells that can show pretty unexpected and intelligent behaviour. The idea is simple, each cell has 8 neighbouring cells, and the important thing is what happens in the next generation. And it happens the following: survive those cells with 2 or 3 neighbours, while those with less than this die of isolation, and those with more than this die of over-population, but also each empty or dead cell with exactly 3 neighbours becomes newly born. And in spite of this simplicity it was found that sometimes there can be built one special "gun", which fires out so called "gliders", which were able to move further and be taken for new seeds! So that this is really some kind of life in the dead computer memory, the system can reproduce itself anew. )
     Ah, and if my Bubbles will not be looked at as sufficiently difficult task, then I would have preferred to model what will happen if our Christ was not crucified! Because, see, this silly but representative exactly democratic decision of ancient Hebrews in Jerusalem only denounces the democracy, to be sure, showing that people, when asked, take quite often (I would say, nearly always) some wrong decision. (This must be so, because those below are not able to take reasonable decisions, the entire democracy is obvious cheating, but let me not jump aside from the theme. I may add only that if those below have known how to govern themselves they would have tried to govern themselves alone, what was the idea of ... anarchy.) Yes, but it might have happened -- if you want at least if our God has wished this --, that the population in that time and place was really thinking, and humane or merciful, and has said that crucified must be the killer and villain Barabbas, but not the silly yet good by heart Christ.
     So my guess is that if so, our Christ would have been remained unknown and died in oblivion, and this must have been convincingly shown in some way (I don't know how exactly, have not thought about this). Why I think so? Ah, because his godlike features, and wonders, and resurrection, and on and on, are obvious invention of the posterity, no one God, Who has created the whole Universe, will begin to think and care for the human beings only, having created millions of living objects, not of course, He is bound to think about the whole complex of the things, about the harmony in the Creation, et cetera; more so to care only about one tiny human tribe, the Hebrews, just because they use to circumcise the men (after all, the Muslim also do this, hence why not to care about the latter, ah?). So that our Christ must have fallen in oblivion, because he was unable to do whatever miracle (else he would have done by a pair of miracles in a century, I suppose). Anyway, there are many possibilities to make diploma work in the sphere of social modeling.

* * *

     Hmm, like you know, there are now modifications of the Psyms, called Flying Psyms (or deads or souls), which resemble the usual flies, yet are artificial. Well, nanotechnologies, surely, but there are some insurmountable (at least for the moment) difficulties, related with the ... length of the waves and the weight of these things, respectively with the storing of energy. So these are really very tiny devices, like twice the usual "city" fly, only that heavier and green! Hence allow me to give you some explanations. Now, they are like flies because it would have been too expensive to model ... pterodactyls, am I right? Yet they still weigh more than a biological fly because of the ingredients, which are silicones, semiconductors, et cetera. The processor with the memory is smaller than a drop of water, but the problems are not there, they are with the peripheral parts. These things have, like the natural specimens, 4 microscopic legs with fingers, 2 eyes that are more or less facetic, with very poor pictures of about dozen by dozen pixels, data input and output slots (in form of, resp., tiny hole on the left of the head, and short proboscis on the right of it), some mike somewhere on the head, power input in form of a stinger (which is to be stuck in one of the tiny holes on the stands), a pair of indicators on the frontal part of the back, possibly tiny solar battery on the hind part of the back, a tiny PIN-bar stuck into exactly the bottom, and as if this is everything that can be seen.
     But why are they green? Ah, for ... educative purposes, in order to teach the birds, chiefly the city pigeons, not to ... eat them (and green also mask them better within the greenery, naturally)! Because this is what these birdies are doing for some time, since these gadgets have appeared. The stands with them are usually in form of a snowdrop high about 2.5 m (unreachable for normal human being because these gadgets are very delicate, I don't dare to touch one of them), yet in the moment there are not so much dead souls but ... decoys, which look alike, but are organic and filled with some nasty liquid that must make the birds vomit! The hope is to develop in the city pigeons some conditional reflex; for a pair of decades this can happen, or at least the authors of this idea have thought so. And we have to wait some more time, anyway, because for the moment these things have very limited abilities, like that they can fly at most about 2 km, what means 1 km and return, what is not at all much, then they are pretty vulnerable to winds, even not to strong ones but to normal breezes, then they are not really autonomous! They can not emit signals to the space, to be sure, they need each of them another transmitter, that must be in a pair of meters distance in the air; and their pictures are just ugly, and their memories are very limited (hardly 1 MB), so that they can make no videos, only blur photos, and other drawbacks. The only plus is that they can fly a little.
     But people, this is so in the moment, and nobody can tell for sure how the matters will look after only a pair of decades; I mean that if we succeed to increase their flight span about 10 times then this will be something useful. At present they are good when put in some small and single badge-like stands, usually semi-spherical, with the necessary battery supply there and transmitter, and be carried to where one wants (say, in an excursion, to football match, etc.), and they are carried usually attached with a clip in front of the clothes, at the breast-pocket. However, I have no business with them for the moment, I do not change even the batteries on these stands.

* * *

     And now let me return again to the feelings of the dead souls, because many of you may think that they do not exist, that they are faked. I, for my part, do not say that this is wrong conclusion, I can only say that it ... depends. Surely, it depends on the assumption or the definition; the feelings in organic bodies are, naturally, not counter cells, but they can increase or decrease, so that the effect of them (if one thinks that the body is a black box and only receives some input signals and produces some output ones) is as if they are some counters. And I would add also the following thought (which I have heard from one of my lecturers), that the major characteristic of an organic feeling is the expectancy of ... physical ache! Yes, that's it, and the ache was "introduced" by our God (or has become necessary at some stage of evolution of the species) exactly in order to make us pay attention to some situations and force us to avoid them, under the penalty of ache! So that some kind of ache could have been introduced also in the artificial systems, but this is not necessary, an ordinary counter, with proper dosing of the increase or decrease, has the same effect. So that I will continue to use the word feeling for the dead models, like also for the living creatures; also what they like or do not like is reduced to similar accumulation of values.
     OK, and how is it possible to imitate human reactions and likings and desires? Well, as I hinted, we can be deceived with something, to take some behaviour for something else, not in its face value, as it is said. This is done every day for about more than 2 centuries, via various computer programs (called sometimes robots), that guess our questions and give us supposedly proper answers; they are as silly as donkeys, but they do their work and cheat us quite successfully. So that the very imitation, or modeling, is not so difficult, more difficult is to choose the right representation of human psyche, to build this, what in our circles is called psynom, a word built like the word genom! This may be dubious in many cases, but the important thing is whether it does its work, and it can do it, if composed by competent psychiatrists, and the existence of these Psyms proves its functioning. At the moment the human psynom has about 100 characteristics or slots, and this is enough for sufficiently good modeling in many aspects. And you know well that every person must -- this is not exactly obligatory, yet practically nobody boycotts this -- go periodically, especially after 50, to pass one psychical test for his future model after the death. This model can be checked every time, if one shows desire for this (against some payment) but the people reject doing this in order not to be disappointed (yet one can speak with him- or her- self nowadays, this is possible).
     Let me add also that there exist some theoretically simple, yet requiring processing of big amounts of data, procedures, which are applied for centuries. Like the playing of chess, where pretty good programs for playing of it were known a pair of decades before the end of 20-th century (where the simple idea is called mini-max, meaning analyzing of the position on the board from the part of both players, in several, say 4-5, moves ahead, but one time seeking and choosing the best move, if this was for us, while in the next iteration choosing of the best for the opponent, what means the worst for us, move). Or take also the first programs for analytical (not numerical) integration (back to about 1965). Or take then the long ago known computer translators in a heap of languages (where are built big frames for every word, is analyzed how it is related with the other words, is guessed its function in the sentence, etc, and in the end the internal representation of the phrase is translated in the output language, and written properly according to its grammar). So that programs is relatively easy to write, because they are immaterial, the difficult thing is to move or change material objects.
     What I will say more, in order to finish this subsection of my narration, is one funny sounding, but quite justified rule, about the building of complicated systems (on theoretical level, as programs). This is a flying phrase between the students in our faculty and it sounds: The complicated systems must be ruled by simple rules! Why is this? Ah, because in complicated systems is easy to come to the ... curse of dimensions, and the complexity begins to grow exponentially, so that the first thing is to ensure simple rules (like, for example, recursive rules, but this requires more profound explanations, which I will skip).

* * *

     Well, I am going to finish my narration, yet I must turn your attention to the fact that these gadgets must teach us something, surely! No matter whether we believe really in the existence and feelings of the dead ones, we are taught to be good to the others, even to the dead, and especially to them, because we will, positively, become, some time or other, like them. You see, we may think that the models are faked and so on, but we see them around us and this is really convincing! And now let me come to the question with the afterlife: it must not really exist, in all appearances! I mean that this can be neither proved nor disproved, because we have no real idea about the immaterial world -- people like me, being used to work with programs, say that the ideas are programs, they are stored in material objects yet they alone are immaterial, but this is not to the likings of whatever religion --, while now, look at the souls of the dead, we see them, they are material, they live (somehow), hence the afterlife exists (at least in this form)!
     So that I am going to the religions. For me they are fictions -- for logical reasons, but let me not indulge in this --, yet they are necessary delusions, because they teach us something! I can't tell you for sure whether some Churches have met with open arms the works in the field of soul modeling and have supported them, probably not, and they are also disunited (each one of them fights with the others), and some of them have shown themselves firstly against these works as a kind of blasphemy, but with the time they have changed their attitude to positive. (Like, say, with the question with the circling of Earth and not Sun around the other object, where later the Churches have changed their opinion, I suppose, because this question is insubstantial, our God could have deliberately not explained us everything, when we would have been not able to understand Him.) However it was, nowadays the Psyms only confirm our wishes for existence of life after the death.
     More than this, they are much more convincing than the religions could have ever supposed, because our souls remember the good and the bad attitude to them and can manifest it openly practically forever! Yes, you know that with the psynom of everybody is saved a list of important things in his (or her) life, as also positive and negative list of persons in their attitude to him, so that, really, nobody and nothing (important) is forgotten; the total amount of information for the moment is limited to 1 MB, but there is not necessary much memory for storing of a pair of dozen PIN-codes, surely. And this info is imperishable, because the gadgets are nothing, they are material and can always be renewed, while the immaterial info is at least tripled in central databanks, and every person can keep by himself the psynoms with all additional data of all of his relatives or acquaintances or whoever, and use them alone, to converse with him (her) or to print the data in decoded form like a book (the Book of Life of XYZ No 1234567890987654321). Lost can be only the last info in the afterlife, but the real life remains surely saved. What, naturally, shows quite good influence on us all. We are becoming better to the others with each year, methinks. And because of this I am glad that will make my own contribution in this business.
     And with this, my dear guys and girls, I am saying Farewell to all of you till the now sure afterlife.


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